By Ameer Ali –

Dr. Ameer Ali
In the late 19th and early 20th centuries a group of Indian nationalists led by Dadabhai Nairoji and joined by R. C. Dutt, G. S. Iyer, G. K. Gokhale and P. C. Ray developed what came to be known as the “Drain Theory”, which systematically exposed how the British bled India of its wealth and enriched British treasury, which exposition later provided the theoretical backdrop to the rise of Indian nationalism and independence movement.
In a totally different context and in independent Sri Lanka, the latest revelation by the Minister of Justice, Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe, that around $53 billion stashed away in foreign countries over a long period, not by an imperial power or foreigners, but by locals, could be an interesting subject of research for a different theory of systemic drain. While the country is left bankrupt, buried in a sea of foreign debt, and currently waiting for the release of a pittance $2.9 billion assistance from the IMF, the minister’s revelation tells a sorry tale of state sponsored financial robbery.
There is a popular saying in Tamil, “uryil nei irukka oorellaam alainthaanaam”, meaning, when there is ghee in the pot hanging at the back of the house, the owner was looking for the same all over the village. There must be a Sinhala equivalent also. It is an apt description of the situation facing the country today. The difference is that billions of dollars are hidden outside the country and not in the backyard. The question is how did this situation arise?
Many experts have analyzed the causes for the current economic and financial crises, but in a few words, and with full credit to the aragalaya youth, it all happened because of a rotten system that allowed the country’s wealth to be drained away. The system’s managers and guardians made all necessary rules and regulations in paper to stop the drain, but when it came to implementation, there was planned incompetence. Even financial donations from foreign aid agencies and friendly countries appear to have vanished into tax havens and foreign bank accounts of politicians and administrators before those finds reached ashore. Is this just corruption or calculated system-oriented and systematically pursued financial drain?
The system no doubt also provided all necessary incentives to local business moguls, entrepreneurs, financiers and investors, all in the name of economic growth and in the expectation that profits so earned would be ploughed back into the economy to further local development instead of being stacked away. Incidentally, this development strategy for labour surplus economies was recommended by development experts in the 1970s and 1908s under the now defunct Lewis-Fei-Ranis model. Justice Minister’s revelation tells at least part of what actually happened under this strategy. But the corruption inherent in the local system made the situation worse.
The financial plight of this country was already deteriorating towards bankruptcy by the turn of 2020. That was the reason why the newly appointed CBSL Chief at that time, Professor Lakshman, sent an SOS to all patriotic Sri Lankans holding dollars abroad to bring their stock back without any question being asked. In desperation, the Professor was actually promoting money laundering. In doing so, he lost his academic objectivity and turned out to be another guardian of the system that was draining the national coffers and the economy along with it. His successor continued the same strategy.
Once again, credit must be given to the aragalaya youth for exposing the ideological bankruptcy of the system itself and called for systemic change. But President Ranil Wickremesinghe, the beneficiary of aragalaya mission, would have none of it except to kill the mission itself.
Having been pushed to the wall and without any pretense to cleanse the system, RW in his role as Finance Minister, heroically presented his 2023 budget with a fairy tale message of economic transformation towards an export-oriented Eldorado. While achieving his budget targets would depend very much on the availability of funds in general and IMF assistance in particular, his SLBC chief Dr. Weerasinghe had been honest in stressing that with or without IMF assistance, short- medium- and long- term reforms are an absolute imperative for economic stability and growth.
Without mincing words, it must be pointed out that such stock of reforms should cover not only the economy but the entirety of Sri Lanka’s polity. It therefore calls for SYSTEMIC CHANGE and nothing less, an ideal that seems to scare away not only RW, his coterie of ministers and politicians, but also, and regrettably, certain sections of the intelligentsia and opinion makers. Is it because that call, in their view, came from a bunch of irresponsible and politically romantic middle and upper class aragalaya youth, who had now been made to disappear from the scene, or, because it threatens the very fabric of power structure in this country with its allied economic and social stratification?
Whatever the reason be, further delay in IMF assistance would make RW’s budget targets difficult to achieve and economic revival slow and painful. As the proposed tax increases start biting and make life difficult to ordinary people, RW would be forced to rethink about his strategy. Already, the State Minister of Finance, Ranjit Siyambalapitiya has been reported to have said that those tax increases were not like “unchangeable inscriptions”, and had invited workable alternatives. In addition, forecast about global economic outlook for 2013 looks even gloomier now than when it was predicted a few months ago by the IMF. Given this pessimism and difficulties, CBSL Chief’s call for wholesale reforms requires added urgency. As part of those reforms is the need for measures to bring back the dollars hidden abroad. Would RW and his state machinery have the courage to initiate that recovery?
The forces that suppressed the youth must remember that they had only driven the movement underground and it is bound to reappear in some unpredictable form if the ruling system continues to remain unchanged, unjust and oppressive. In fact, on a broader canvass, the entire history of systemic change in Asia appears to have been the product of underground movements led by the young and educated, as brilliantly presented by Tim Harper in his thrilling account of Underground Asia (Penguin, 2021).
The ruling system has passed its use by date and lost its vitality after seven decades of existence. The new generation does not want to live with it. To fine tune that system as RW hopes to do with his budget and road map for international trade is futile and tantamount to driving a vehicle with an irreparable engine. His initiative for resolving the so-called national question is also an attempt to sidestep the real issue and prepare the ground for his reelection. At least according to one source of information, top level discussion had taken place to explore the possibilities for a presidential election in mid-2023.
In the meantime, the opposition’s call for an election alone is not going to solve the problem. Even though the youth demanded, “No 225”, that demand went beyond just the quantity and involved quality of our leaders and representatives.In passing, let the readers be reminded of a recent incident when the South Korean Disaster Relief Foundation’s Chairperson Cho Sung Lee castigated one of our ministers for his nonchalance towards punctuality, which speaks volumes about the leaders the system produces. True, punctuality has no equivalent single word in any Asian language. Yet, the three Asian tigers, Japan, South Korea and Singapore, which created an economic miracle in 1970s, acquired that cultural tenet from industrial West, indigenized it, and beat the West in its own game. This is why the aragalaya demand for systemic change is anall-inclusive project and involves a radical overhaul of Sri Lankan polity, its ideological foundation and culture. It should not be dismissed as yet another political slogan. An election without that overhaul would therefore be meaningless, and the systemic drain would only continue but under a new horde of politicians. A new constitution should the starting point for this long awaited change.
*Dr. Ameer Ali, Murdoch Business School, Murdoch University, W. Australia
Nathan / December 27, 2022
I pick, ‘President Ranil Wickremesinghe, the beneficiary of aragalaya mission, would have none of it except to kill the mission itself’, for elaboration.
Ranil Wickremesinghe was smart. Smart enough to know that he stood no chance ever of being an elected President. But he wanted to be President, come what may. He had an unseemly relationship of mutual benefit with Mahinda Rajapaksa. (I would trace this to how CBK treated Ranil.)
With Aragalaya there was an opportunity and a need for Mahinda to reward Ranil. He master minded Ranil becoming the Prime Minister, when the Rajapaksas were at their weakest. It worked as planned for Mahinda and the dream of Ranil became a reality.
(Anybody looking for a more in-depth reasoning, please ask for it.)
leelagemalli / December 28, 2022
Dear sensitive readers,
PLESAE think of the danger before us. MEDIA mafia fraudsters .. they are our common enemy, as well as DA Rajakakashe’s sons and relatives. This is a deadly cancer in this country as of today. More elec media than printed media.
Also, this writer, Dr Ali (though I respect him for his articles, him being one from AUSTRALIA) is caught in the failure of the journalists regarding the statement of the Korean representative. In fact the minister continued to attend the meeting but due to technical reasons it was delayed by a few minutes. ´, Please listen to him below
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8iYjWqnjbY (minister confirms that meeting started at 9.30 as annonced – please check it exactly the first minute of the 3.30 min video.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1f84u6JzDDg – SIRASA TV confirmed it was delayed by 30 min…. ? who is right ?
leelagemalli / December 28, 2022
As already added in and other forum, he came with a general statement about the need to be punctual and efficient, not because the meeting on that day was delayed because the minister (Pascual) came late.
If someone falsely puts it on the air, it will go like wildfire in the country, where Sri Lankan media should be very careful.
This is how the water snake carrying fake relics in Kelaniya River misled 6 crore stupid people with the support of that fake professor Mahinda Sangharakkhita Thero of Kollupitiya in November 2019.
Today’s Sri Lanka is a brothel-style place where BLANT lies go like wild fire.
This does not mean that I am at all defining or promoting the culprits, I fully agree with the Korean representative to address this “bold statement” at the meeting. And I don’t agree with the media’s misinterpretation of his political antics.
Annually, every time I go to my home country I face it and I get really angry. My relatives in Sri Lanka give me various excuses.
I also saw this in Australia, but it might be a single meeting there. Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands work like robots on their time. That is often not the case in the UK. That is why the English are nervous today when they go to official meetings in Germany and Switzerland.
Sinhala_Man / December 28, 2022
Thank you. It sounds over-reaction to me. I have listened carefully both the short videos that leelagemalli has linked us to. The Minister, Pasqual, seems to listen carefully and speak rationally.
To me the Korean’s language sounds hyperbolic. Being late is hardly a lie. It is asked as a rhetorical question.
There are quite a few typos, by everybody, including LM. “BLANT” I take to mean “BLATANT”.
Why say “brothel-style,”? Rouses unnecessary negative connotations. However, at least here, not too much shouting by the Lanakns.
I hope that this improvement by LM will extend to his discussion of developments involving the NPP. There are far too many bits of information. Please substantiate what you say. It would be quite all right leaving things unsaid. The problem is starting something, and then abandoning it before completing the discussion.
Panini Edirisinhe
leelagemalli / December 28, 2022
Panni Edirisinhe/NIC hunter/Bestiality video sender@
A man who emails me videos of bestiality to attack me may want to correct us by calling me an utter scumbag.
That email was absolutely no-go, but he sent to me in midnight. “I request you to watch and enjoy those “zoophilia videos” selected by me”.
Old codger@ Did you expect such a response from this man?
For what reasons?
Because I don’t support his new friend JVP murderers? I had my good friends killed in question 89. He doesn’t say a word about it.Even if they were like that 30 years ago, we are ready to welcome them, if they are matured enough to do the job. Is that the case ?
This man should be sent back to kindergarten. Only then we can see good reactions from him.
I am speechless reading his long emails with the many links he likes.
Human Touch / December 29, 2022
Dear LM
Why do you waste your energy trying to reason with people who use their emotions to interpret everything?
Let them learn to ask (why?) and deduce why certain things are the way they are.
For example, if one compares the development indices of countries like Japan, Germany, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, Denmark, etc with the likes of Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Congo, Nigeria, etc it will be very easy to understand the common factor amongst developed countries mentioned and the rest.
It is work ethics, honesty, proficiency, dedication, Patriotism, etc. just to mention the obvious.
Some people are here busy trying to justify or launder the images of the very same people whom we have representing us and failing woefully.
In short, we are defending mediocrity.
Do you see the pattern? Mediocres’ are in high places and are being backed up by even a worst set of imbeciles.
Instead of admonishing the antisocial ways of the leaders, we are defending them.
This is the root of our problem: there is no consequence for wrongdoing. It is a result of the sad level of mental development of the followers.
There is no escape from this vicious cycle of negative reinforcement. We are sliding down the slippery slope of destruction.
Sinhala_Man / January 1, 2023
Dear Human Touch,
Whom are you describing here as being emotional here?
“Why do you waste your energy trying to reason with people who use their emotions to interpret everything?”
It is leelagemalli who constantly asks questions like “How can I ever forgive the JVP?” – rather like Olivia in Twelfth Night determined to be in mourning for the rest of her life because her dear brother had died.
I tried calling both your WhatsApp numbers at 10.56 pm on Friday, the 30th. Now it’s 01.47 am. I had expected to be cut off by now.
After all, when you were in Digana about 1 months ago (I remember because it was soon after that, that we discussed what refrigerator technology was best, after which I purchased “The Direct Cool fridge” that I’m now using:
Your views were pretty reliable on that.
We disagreed (but not violently, surely) on how we should view the average Swabasha speakers. I can’t help feeling that you guys who’ve been abroad most of your lives look down upon us who are stuck here.
And then you refused to accept what I said about Sanskrit Professor Mahinda Palihawadena has told me about belief in re-birth not being central to Gauthama’s teaching.
On the whole you are rational, and you write carefully – unlike LM, who doesn’t much care how he expresses himself.
Anyway, do keep in touch.
Sinhala_Man / January 1, 2023
When you were in Digana: it should have been 15 months ago; about September or October 2021, it would have been. I have written “about 1 months ago”.
Your desire to look me up in Bandarawela was stymied by something, may have been by an upuge of Covid-19.
Please pardon my mistake.
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela
Mahila / January 1, 2023
I am ata loss to find coherent set of words to state anything to the contrary to the sentiments expressed by you!!!???
In short, you have published “the truth, the entire truth and nothing but the truth”
Mediocrity is the standard bearer for the state of Sri Lanka after 75 years of Independence and predominance of Sinhala Buddhism (SB)!!!
At least, it would be god send gift if the SB’s follow the precepts of Gautama the Buddha!!??
On the contrary, these SB’s are contorting and convoluting those noble precepts to suit their erstwhile short term gains!!??
No wonder, Singapore and Malaysia, which in 1956, behind Sri Lanka after 75 years are far ahead and SL is bankrupt and in the doldrums!!! NO SURPRISES!!!
Sinhala_Man / December 29, 2022
Tell me, “leelagemalli” (that’s how I almost always address you on Colombo Telegraph) – the reason: you don’t want your real name used, and if I call you LM, as many do, a new visitor to the website will be puzzled, and then realise that guys like you regard this as a comfortable club where you can indulge yourselves.
You once told me that Colombo Telegraph has no more than a million readers (sigh!) – if only that were true. More like a thousand, although I keep trying to get in new readers. I have made a thoughtful comment here:
You’ve said, “I am speechless”; but you type in enough and more rot; and why do you add epithets to people? When have I asked for your NIC number? I give mine so as to take responsibility for what I write.
I’m going to make a comment at the bottom of this page; please try to answer it properly.
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)
leelagemalli / December 29, 2022
Let us explain at this point.
What is the purpose of your 16 line comment? ????
Oh, why don’t you take your time and think about it?
Wasn’t it really a shameless act of yours to post “indecent fantasy of your nature in the middle of the night”? Leaving that aside, to focus only on NIC and our annonymitiy on CT ?
Why do you always feel like your role is to correct or advise someone? Is that not a psycohlogical issue ?
Is it possible that you are still under the illusion that you are a teacher, assuming that we are all your students? Or do you take “ICE” these days? which is said to be common in SL today ?
I respect teachers in general, but I am not one of those people who kneel before them and start licking their feet when I see them
leelagemalli / December 29, 2022
To remind you, CT web spaces should be valuable resources for sharing good arguments. Instead write my real name or someone else’s name etc ?. when will you grow up?
At least in 2023, I hope the kind of people who plague us anonymous CT reviewers finally feel the need of the hour.
Many reviewers do not bring proper information to advance the topic of the article.
You Of all CT commenters, you hang onto your ego problems or try to fix someone.
Isn’t this really the biggest problem in our society? Think about it ! Period !.
Sinhala_Man / December 30, 2022
Dear “leelagemalli”,
What is the “16 line comment” that you refer to in this question?
“ What is the purpose of your 16 line comment? ???? “
You had it in bold in asking me this question, and I too have put it in bold here, and for good measure, I have placed your exact words within “quotes”.
When you place something within quotes, please note that you ought to place the exact words, not your paraphrase. Almost nothing that you say is said with precision. This is a word that appears in your above comment (I have placed this as a “Reply” to the comment in which the word occurs.
“psycohlogical” – that I will interpret as “psychological”. When you type in a wrongly spelt word, it gets underlined in red – before it is submitted. Other people, reading the comment later, will see nothing in red. That has happened here. Didn’t you notice it? Why didn’t you correct it?
I’m beginning to wonder whether these “mistakes” are deliberate on your part, so that you’re not held accountable.
I will submit this, but intend adding more.
leelagemalli / December 30, 2022
However, you couldn’t answer the question because you didn’t know what you were talking about.
You always try to fix the other. You don’t know that many typing errors are made by the knowledge of the commenters.
I have no doubt, you will never get the point.
There is no one in CT who does not typing errors in their comments. Lots of quotation marks and punctuation guidelines are often not respected. Even writers do so. That doesn’t mean they do it without their knowledge.
Many of them comment while traveling in trams, coaches or when caught in many unimaginable situations.
I really don’t want to waste my time on your comments.
I added this because we are 2 days ahead of dawning our next year. We can write again in 2023. But I would try my best to ignore your comments, in the future, because it will be healthier to us all.
Sinhala_Man / December 31, 2022
You can do what you want to, provided you don’t mislead readers. Please be consistent and don’t tell lies.
leelagemalli / December 30, 2022
““psycohlogical” – that I will interpret as “psychological”. When you type in a wrongly spelt word, it gets underlined in red – before it is submitted. Other people, reading the comment later, will see nothing in red. That has happened here. Didn’t you notice it? Why didn’t you correct it?”
To me it is a correction based on a typo, not an interpretation.
leelagemalli / December 30, 2022
Come to the point answer the questions! First things first. Btw, I m abcdician not to know MS-OFFICE well enough to face my carrier life not in SL but in EU and US. Thanks again for silly remarks 🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥🤥
Native Vedda / December 30, 2022
Sinhala_Man, Nimal, Old Codger, ……………………….all good people
On 29 December 2022 Daily Mirror reported:
India’s Ircon to begin Rs.33bn rehabilitation of section of Northern railway track
Why does not the “Railway Trade Union Alliance” protest against Indian contractors who are being engaged in rehabilitating Railway lines, given that Sri Lanka Railway related Trade unions periodically claimed it has the skills to fix any and all problems, build new railway lines, ….. ….
I wonder why the alliance did not protest against Indian Ircon?
Has China run out of funds from Commission Budget?
nimal fernando / December 30, 2022
The mentor you should’ve had to reach your true potential ! ….. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hermann_Minkowski
You would’ve eclipsed ol’ Benito! ……. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1T_98uT1IZs
old codger / December 30, 2022
Simple. The trade unions are bankrupt too.
SJ / December 31, 2022
Hi NV dear,
How was yesterday morning?
Was today’s any better?
Take a good rest, have good sleep, drink a lot of clean water and have faith that all will be fine soon.
I do care for you— and your sanity.
Mahila / January 1, 2023
(Part I)
“Has China run out of funds from Commission Budget?”
Naturally, a good question, because, China and post-Independence Ceylon relationship, had its HALLMARK in (believe in 1952) Rubber – Rice pact, BARTER TRADE agreement, despite the embargo on supply of Rubber to CHINA during the Korean war until the armistice on the 38th parallel as the new border!!!
China has been remarkably ever grateful, on the magnanimity on the part of Ceylon in standing against the US embargo, due to their war effort – though ceylon was in dire need of Chinese Rice as was China to the supply of sheet rubber, for Tyre manufacture, etc., support the Korean war effort of Peoples volunteer Army (PVA) of China!!
BMICH (1976) and Supreme Court complex (in late 1980’s) – Good example!!!
All changed in 2005/2006, after Norichika CPP stage 1, post agreement conclusion 20% commission!!!
Mahila / January 1, 2023
(Part II)
Population should have the intellect or wisdom to understand why the Chinese changed ‘tack’ from Grants until then to commercial lending thru’ EXIMBANK on commercial interest lending!!?
These minions, believe Messiahs arrive only once in a lifetime, there can be none else better, waiting on the sidelines!!??
The emancipated populace of 2600+ years of unique civilisation and culture reposited faith in the uncouth rogues, who didn’t even admit culpability ore express remorse!! Least MEA CULPA!!??
Did anyone ask the question in 2006, why not soft lending and grace period of 5 to 10 years to comment repayment, if any, as any other soft loan terms BY A DEVELOPED COUNTRY to an “ALL WEATHER FRIEND AS CLAIMED BY MANY!!??”
Mahila / January 1, 2023
“Has China run out of funds from Commission Budget?”
No, Chinese Budget has large space to accommodate and satiate the needs of the willing corrupt bent on aggrandisement!!?? All the way down from South china sea, Indian ocean, east and west coast of Africa with access to the Atlantic!!!
Predominant reason for any constriction, could be only the Use By Date (UBD) of the Messiah!!??
Fast approaching if not already the terminal!!! Justifiable question on the Chinese mindset!!
No free luch in this game – there is a definitive purpose – more important than setting up India against china and profiting out of that drama – Medamulana Gama style!! NO NOT AT ALL!!
Chinese, truly enough have become, world players of the “Political Chess Game” since 1946/47!!??
Strategic, fulfilment of purposeful business collaboration, to meet Chinese, newly evolved needs and aspirations – Dominance!!??
Example, look at the SL debt restructure stand, not relenting, because of 20%, pay up, which is the reason for the reluctance!!??
leelagemalli / December 28, 2022
“I hope this improvement by LM extends to his discussion of NPP-related developments.”
What improvement?
What does that have to do with NPP?
Has the NPP raised the issue of “media mafia” in the country today? They don’t want to burn their hand because if they touch it, do they believe that the major media TV channels will stop even the lit web space they are given? Isn’t it so?
I want HT, OC, NV, CJ, MF and all others to add their unbiased views on the dead silence of the NPP on this serious issue (a growing, intolerable kind of media mafia movement).
The link below will give you more:
Your stuff is enough for me to explain. But it is not worth wasting time on it. Besides, reminding you again, I’m not a re-retired person who can waste unnecessary hours on a person of your nature. You’re making a big deal out of “missing a single letter in a term.”
Can anyone ever tolerate you? Funny how you recently added to a single line question by MF….. comes in 10 or more lines…
Simon / December 29, 2022
Dear LM: You asked: ” Has the NPP raised the issue of Media Mafia”? You are far ignorant of what is going on here. Didn’t you know when AKD of NPP was interviewed by “Hiru” he openly confronted the “Panel” and accused that very media channel of propagating the “Rogues” of “Rajapakses”? You don’t listen to what is going on in this country. Look at speaker after speaker at NPP meetings and know how hard they attack the “Media Mafia”. They refer to ALL the media in their attacks.
Please don’t be in “FAKE” Blind and Deaf when it suits you.
leelagemalli / December 29, 2022
Dear Simon,
If the NPP (more JVPrs) or other progressive parties addressed the issue long before you dared to state it here, why and how did the media mafia continue unhindered? How can those media frausters be untouchably powerful as of today ? Though – main media prostitute Chathura Alwis is now about to leave the country for refuge in Calgary Canada ?
Might be in very recent sessions, they might have questioned. but
As far as I know, JVPs have always avoided it because they are not given the opportunity to participate in such televised discussions, compared to all other major party candidates who are invited. If those MLECHCHA were raised against the TV channels, the JVP would not be able to convey their message.
These are truths, SIMON, please think about it. I have watched many of thoese TV discourse, telecasted in recent times on those channels. I have so much of updated info than you think.
Sinhala_Man / December 30, 2022
Dear Simon,
I quote below some of “leelagemalli’s” own words:
“As far as I know, JVPs have always avoided it because they are not given the opportunity to participate in such televised discussions, compared to all other major party candidates who are invited.”
Precisely the point. What the above paragraph seems to say is that the JVP/NPP) is given less time than others. So, they are discriminated against. That is what we have also been saying. Amrit Muthukumaru, whose comments appear on this page has been complaining about how the “Wijey Group” of newspapers has been manipulating news on behalf of Ranil Wickremasinghe.
However, what seems to matter now are a number of Youtube sites, and the NPP/JVP are operating many such sites. It is to a blog on one of these that I have asked “leelagemalli” to listen for just four minutes. He dismisses this as a joke. So he is acting deaf and blind when it suits him. Something similar happened when he challeged nimal fernando to talk about “Taxation”. “leelagemalli” often claims to have knowledge of various fields (which together constitute all of human knowledge) on the basis of his knowing various “PhD holders.”
Sinhala_Man / December 31, 2022
Please also note how LM gets the two thumbs managed.
I’m sure that he doesn’t do any of this for personal gain; to that extent he’s honest. But what a lot of intellectual dishonesty!
There’s no point trying to show him the truth. He just won’t accept it, Simon.
On the other hand, I won’t accept his position. I shall hunt him down until he stops talking out of turn, and dishonestly, about AKD and the NPP.
Simon / December 28, 2022
Dear LM: This incident of being “Late” would very well have been avoided, if the Minister and his staff exercised a common courtesy protocol of DECENCY extended to the invited guests in announcing the late arrival of the host. Isn’t that what normally happens when these circumstances do occur?
What has gone very wrong is that these “Ministers” (including Presidents and PMs) and the “Staff” do think no end of themselves as a result common courtesies and decorums are all set aside in conducting their own behaviors. Don’t you see that in the Parliament? That behavior has become so disgusting and indecent, even the school children have to be removed from witnessing the sessions.
leelagemalli / December 29, 2022
Dear Simon,
I thought you might be able to fix it. Unfortunately, the cancer is mutated so it will take longer to see it correctly.
However, you are also a victim of fake news. The media mafia succeeded because they all managed to feed the same food (Punnaku).
Please check it again….. It’s a pity that I have to add the same link multiple times, however I am doing it again below for you.
Simon / December 29, 2022
Dear LM: That link is again “Media Mafia”. Of course, the Minister has to give an explanation. In this case, the “Invitees” (Korean) are so far “Silent”. They would have thought “Let the Dogs Bark”.
leelagemalli / December 29, 2022
Please be neutral…. I know you are not SM, you are SIMON.
This is how we see it being out of the country, and you and the Sinhalese man interpret it as being unbiased but angles are not the same.
Please think about it.
I know this MP Pascual through some friends, a former student leader of the University of Colombo, even though he joined to support Pohottuwa, from a small radical party and joined to support Pohottuwa, he is but trustworthy. I mean Pascual.
As you know some supporters of Pothattu believed only in “Gotabhaya’s fake profile” not about others.
Again I emphasize, in the same meeting the Korean delegate focused on “general statements” to all and also brought their own past examples to wake up our nation.He said, the situation in south korea 30 years ago was similar to that of srilanken society today.
As I do every time I return to our ” Rajapakshe crime kingdom or hell” (srilanka- my motherland), even for a few days to 3 weeks, the Korean representative has carefully observed the shortcomings of our people.
Native Vedda / December 28, 2022
Look, the entire country is corrupt. Those rulers and their parliamentary opposition scratch each other back when needed. The system that was being developed over the past 75 years include a heavy revolving door.
The system also has all sorts of subsystems by which it takes care of opposition politicians who enjoy equal benefits, (buying and selling cars while being an MP), impunity is readily available for all corrupt MPs irrespective their party affiliation.
People/electors don’t care about the candidates as long as they too benefited or a possibility of benefiting from them existed.
Please watch this video clip:
When Ranil first informed that he wanted to deal with Ethnic problem(s) it was the Tamil Dumb ass MPS who first fought among themselves for no reason.Then the Muslim MPs squeaked a bit. Then the usual Sinhala speaking racist dumb asses in the parliament started “voicing their usual uninformed concerns” as if merely expressing idea of federalism itself has brought the country to its knees and helped IMF to intervene in Sri Lanka’s sovereignty. Then the saffronistas who were earlier silenced by Araglaya has now been embolden.
Will Ranil finally find his b***s to ward off the usual culprits or will he hide behind his wife or join the racist crooks?
deepti desperate silva probably knows the answer.
After reading about him and listening to his interviews I am beginning to believe “Douglas MP’s” approach seems to be working. Actually he recently claimed his approach is yielding positive results for his Tamil People.
Could someone close to him tell me about his approach.
deepthi silva / December 28, 2022
Yes except for Codger and Vedda the entire country is corrupt ! !
This is the so called intellectuals honesty of these anonymous comment writers !
Native Vedda / December 29, 2022
deepthi desperate silva
“Yes except for Codger and Vedda the entire country is corrupt ! !”
You are about right for the first time or only time.
deepthi silva / December 30, 2022
What rascals hide behind these false names ,Vedda, Codger ,leela !
You declare yourself to be honest ! Should not such a statement come from your wives, family, friends, colleagues ?
From the fact that you declare yourself to be honest ,we can judge the depth of your dishonesty.
Native Vedda / December 30, 2022
deepthi desperate silva
“From the fact that you declare yourself to be honest ,we can judge the depth of your dishonesty.”
Of course you can.
Did the Prince of Darkness Weeping Weerasekere (founder of Sri Lankan STASI – in 2019) request you to open another front against ordinary, unarmed innocent people, …. he offered one mobile phone for each of the snitch.
Chinese Embassy also supplying free mobile phones to Tamils.
old codger / December 30, 2022
At least we make a clean breast of things, whereas Deepthi says her thorax is “normal “, whatever that means….
leelagemalli / December 30, 2022
Is it not the right time to post depressive Silva a bundle of ” ratathanakola ” ?
Atleast that can help him opening his eyes? .
Please provide us with ur postal address. My assistant will do it for me 😎😎😎😎😎😎
Native Vedda / December 31, 2022
“Is it not the right time to post depressive Silva a bundle of ” ratathanakola ” ?”
Poor deepthi desperate silva, don’t you think it is better to send her thana kola kapana machine than thanakola and teach her how to cut it?
Anyway she is desperate, and she is also disappointed with her hero’s performance as president.
She does not know the difference between building and running a country and winning a war and two elections. Velupillai Prabaharan was with him all the way from 2004 to 2009, helping Rajapaksas …..
leelagemalli / January 1, 2023
Deepti Silva is none other than “Lester” incarnate. They seem to be jumping one after the other under the influence of Rajapakse criminal politics.
Btw. Their so-called President Gota may have been stoned to death by “Sri Lankan Americans” when he arrived in his home country the previous day. Still no news though.
leelagemalli / December 30, 2022
Ur sudden abnormal reactions may be connected with ur god father GOTA being under way heading to his home country, though his safety would be questionable and similar to that of late Gadafi or Mugabe? .
My wish is u a sooner recovery in the dawning year 😎😎😎😎😎😎
Nathan / December 28, 2022
Native Vedda, You have packed a lot in one go.
I’ll deal with the essential: “Douglas MP’s” approach.
Douglas has been with the Government, holding dear his ‘approach’ for long without a yield. He had no choice but to clutch on to it, in order to appear that he has a reason for not standing together with the rest of the Tamil leadership. He was sure that his straw will keep him afloat!
If any movement is being made by the Government towards his ‘stand’, it is because TNA is persistent. Douglas will declare that his approach is paying dividends. That is politics. The politics of Douglas.
SJ / December 31, 2022
I do not give credit to RW for possession of any such prescience.
He was just patient, spoke very little, and showed no knee-jerk reaction.
He got along just as well with CBK (who cheated him among other things) and MR (who played by the unwritten dark rules of elections, to win it.
Not a harsh word has exchanged between RW and the two former Presidents.
He was no charmer like MR (and, if you like me to add the name, CBK).
He was good at the art of waiting and taking his place in the queue, but was always ready for the job.
Neither Aragalaya nor GR’s resignation was by his design.
He simply took an opportunity that his rivals (from the SJB) refused to accept.
Let us discuss performance, rather than psychoanalyse RW.
Nathan / December 27, 2022
Noticed a couple of typo, Ameer:
* global economic outlook for 2013 looks even gloomier
global economic outlook for 2023 looks even gloomier
* A new constitution should the starting point for this long awaited change.
A new constitution should be the starting point for this long awaited change.
SJ / December 28, 2022
Are you sure that this a typo?
Amrit Muttukumaru / December 27, 2022
Dr. Ameer Ali
1) “An election without that overhaul would therefore be meaningless, and the systemic drain would only continue but under a new horde of politicians.” – Dr. Ameer Ali
2) Congratulations! You have FINALLY accepted that a mere ‘Regime Change’ will NOT result in the required ‘System Change’.
3) Why don’t you ‘go the whole hog’ and ARTICULATE the truism that REAL “systemic change” could NEVER be realized by ‘Aragalaya’ or any other WITHOUT addressing the CORROSIVE link between politicians/professionals/private sector/media who are the FACILITATORS of “state sponsored financial robbery.”
4) I hope this will be the beginning of a MEANINGFUL debate on this subject which will also percolate to those in the ‘Aragalaya’. It is also hoped that the ‘Aragalaya’ will soon throw up a credible, competent, charismatic and courageous leader.
Amrit Muttukumaru
Amrit Muttukumaru / December 27, 2022
Dr. Ameer Ali & others
The importance of:
1) ‘Aragalaya’ and others addressing the CORROSIVE link between politicians/professionals/private sector/media who are the FACILITATORS of
“state sponsored financial robbery”
2) ‘Aragalaya’ soon throwing up a credible, competent, charismatic and courageous leader
cannot be overemphasized.
Amrit Muttukumaru
Sinhala_Man / December 29, 2022
I agree, Amrit.
But don’t you realise there are other things also that we must address your mind to?
With fellows like this around, how do we even start?
That’s only a minute in Sinhalese.
Ranil will take no action. I can’t say that I’m certain of the solution, but I will tell you where I repose faith:
This is 25 minutes in Sinhala; AKD speaks, in Hiniduma, of the importance of not only stopping corruption, but punishing the corrupt, from 6′.30″ to 12 minutes. Will all that get done? Who can be certain? See at around 18 minutes. He’s not claiming to be “omni-everything”. And don’t try to listen to everything that even the NPP is putting out: there’s too much. And what other Parties are saying? Yes, we should pay heed, and I do listen and read to what is said seriously.
We are scheduled to have the major meeting for the Bandarawela electorate on the 13th of January 2023.
Panini Edirisinhe
SJ / December 30, 2022
” ‘Aragalaya’ soon throwing up a credible, competent, charismatic and courageous leader”
A political movement can throw up “credible, competent, charismatic and courageous ” leaders if it wants to, for there is not that much of a shortage of talent with charm an even honesty.
But what will the 4 C’s in aid of?
A political movement should above all have a sense of direction and commitment and hence a programme based on sound policy. The thing that late Aragalaya-I lacked from Day 1.
Of course the NGO moneybags and other vested interests had each its little agenda. But that had nothing to do with public interest.
SJ / December 30, 2022
But what will the 4 C’s be in aid of?
Native Vedda / December 31, 2022
“Of course the NGO moneybags and other vested interests had each its little agenda. But that had nothing to do with public interest.”
Rice (which needs rice cooker to cook, rice cooker needs electricity), uniform cloth worth Rs.5 billion is to be distributed among schools, Yuan Wang 5’s goodwill mission, Hambantota port, Mattala Airport (the white elephant), places in Chinese universities for Tamil Students, ………….a promise to digitize Jaffna Library Books, ……..
The Chinese didn’t have to wait for any………
roger / December 27, 2022
Keheliya is accused of taking bribe at the expense of suffering patients he should be sacked
cugan / December 29, 2022
It’s being of that practical no,burnt down the library, then again pasta factory of Muslim
old codger / December 27, 2022
“revelation by the Minister of Justice, Wijeyadasa Rajapakshe, that around $53 billion stashed away in foreign countries over a long period”
I don’t know how accurate this figure is, or what the evidence is, but I certainly know that Wijedasa Rajapakshe himself was responsible , as Justice Minister under Yahapalanaya, for scuttling the case against Avant Garde, later resigning and joining the Rajapaksas.
This odious and unprincipled creature should be the last person to preach about corruption.
old codger / December 27, 2022
“In fact, on a broader canvass, the entire history of systemic change in Asia appears to have been the product of underground movements led by the young and educated, as brilliantly presented by Tim Harper”
I don’t know about Tim Harper’s brilliance or lack of it, but real history shows that autocrats played a major role in Asian development. Taiwan developed under Chiang Kai-Shek and his successors, South Korea under General Park, Thailand under a Field Marshal, Indonesia under Suharto. Democracy and aragalayas came later in all cases. Vietnam is still no touchy-feely democracy. Singapore makes all the right democratic noises but is a one party state. Let’s not talk about China.
nimal fernando / December 28, 2022
India is the largest democracy ……… I guess, they have a little more than a few toilets now.
Sri Lanka, although a democracy, has had mostly wannabe autocrats …….. who used the enormous power/government-machinery at their disposal as autocrats.
Where is the development?
It’s utterly simple …….. where is the intent?
The intent was not to develop the country but to prolong their stay/power.
Do you honestly believe …….. Ranil’s intention is to develop the country or to lift the unbearable burden of the people?
Or to stay in power as long as he can?
Shyamon, Nathan ……. I didn’t mention Karl Popper or Tim Harper or principles ……. yet, how easy was that? :))
KISS (Keep it Simple, Stupid) – A Design Principle
Native has gone and joined Elle Gunawansa’s bandwagon ……… to help the state protect and propagate “Buddhism!”
I’m the only one left to guard ……… when the Barbarians appear at the gates.
nimal fernando / December 28, 2022
The lookouts tell me, the Barbarians are gathering steam in Bandarawela.
Nathan / December 30, 2022
I have always applauded you for your unique style of driving down a point. You drive it down admirably well.
But, since of late, you have started talking drivel.
(one little ‘l’ is all what it takes to lose yourself.)
Leave the ‘toilets’ argument to the nincom’poop’s.
I want to keep my respect for you.
nimal fernando / December 31, 2022
What else is there to talk? …….. Do you believe there is any hope left for the country?
Once, I too, had hope.
Now everything we talk is just nonsense. Just talking for the sake of talking that does not lead to any results. Can you contradict me?
Now all what we can talk is drivel …….I want to outdo everyone in drivel.
Be the best drivel-ler Lanka ever produced. :))
Nathan / December 31, 2022
Being the ‘best’ commenter on CT came naturally to you. You won it hands down.
Your target of being the ‘best drivel-ler’ may not be that easy. There is a lot more competition for that. But, knowing you, I feel that you could snatch that also.
nimal fernando / December 31, 2022
I’m at a very low ebb …… thinking of Lanka ……. I know there is no hope …….. and things will only get worse: Ranil is just bullshitting.
And to add to that ……. we try to help people in our own way ……. and this is what they end up doing …… https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/edmonton/child-exploitation-edmonton-online-luring-1.6693825
SJ / December 28, 2022
Think of the string of autocrats that ruled Pakistan.
Some of the progress happened owing to discovery of vast mineral resources.
If things were so good under Suharto why did the unceremoneously get rid if Suharto?
I would rather avoid single parameter analysis of what are major issues.
old codger / December 28, 2022
Things are always bad under autocrats, with regard to civil liberties and worker rights. The countries I mentioned were lucky in that they got autocrats with economic ability. But all got thrown out later, when the countries had developed.
We ourselves are burdened with ignorant but influential clerics who prescibe what they think is best, from fertilizer to electricity bills.
SJ / December 28, 2022
“But all got thrown out later, when the countries had developed.”
Are we sure of the implied reasoning?
Native Vedda / December 28, 2022
old codger
“Let’s not talk about China.”
You don’t want to offend SJ or make him lie?
old codger / December 29, 2022
You might have noticed that I didn’t mention the world’s largest democracy either….
leelagemalli / December 30, 2022
World s largest democracy is a term being used on paper only.
In reality majority are under threat in that part of the sub continent
As we knew our Pingonas from MEDAMULANA were totally blinded by MODISM and TRUMPISM more than one could imagine
SJ / December 30, 2022
How was the morning?
Not very bright it looks.
Did you write things to me in a nightmare and wake up screaming?
Avoiding me is tough though, since Eagle and other such great minds of your calibre are not around. Pity.
Do not worry.
It is going to be all right soon some day, but rest and relax.
I truly care for you.
leelagemalli / December 28, 2022
A very good point indeed Mr Koger. At that time, Avant-garde took billions from the government’s revenue through fraud.
N. Senadhipita (Player) who was in charge of that fraudulent illegal arms business was given extra security saying something to hide the money stolen from that Deldasa state.
“Fire” – Dealdasa has no right to be free if all the Rajapkshe dragons are burned in the “raw cremation”. Looking at the serious situation faced by the poor people today, it is certain that this will bring mental relief to the nation.
The NISHANKA SENADHIPATHI et al was instrumental in earning millions during the Covid crisis by endangering poor workers in Dubai./middle east. My layover was in Dubai on my flight back to Europe
(2021), poor guest workers visiting Dubai were charged 13 500 rps for an antigen test. Hilarious.Remember? The other BP Dilith Jayaweera should also be charged with the same. Antigen tests were then free in most European countries except the UK.
old codger / December 28, 2022
This “Dealdasa” is shameless. Recently his lawyers were defending Thilini P while he was indicating her as Justice minister.
leelagemalli / December 28, 2022
Birds of a feather flock together. Deldasa was a major reason for the collapse of good governance. These people are like the reptiles found in Kunukand. Sri Lankan politics cannot be with or without them. We would have been happier if COVID had done the job.
Also add your thoughts on the Sinhala_man who sent me the ZOOPHILIA-video link last night….calling me an “absolutely despicable person”…just because I still don’t appreciate JVP.
His little world is filled with hatred towards me today. The problem is that he feels entitled. We learned that Gota was not good enough to be a village servant, so the same applies to the Sinhalese man, I wonder how the school children were taught in those days?
old codger / December 28, 2022
chiv / December 29, 2022
OC, Thilini says ” prison is a university for intelligent people”. Why not send all our politicians to prison ( as suggested by Aragalaya) to gain knowledge.
chiv / December 29, 2022
Including Dealdasa.
leelagemalli / December 30, 2022
Thilini Priyamali is a good example of such a criminal who hides gold or drugs worth crores in her vagina, intestine, anus or wherever possible. Women who have close relations with Rajapaksa are the cancer of this society.
This is a pre-arranged press issue:
Imagine how she concocted a “media issue” to clean up her profile after returning from prison.
She emphasizes that it is nothing but a mistake made by the media to give publicity to all the victims in a way that damages their image as if they collected false information about the thefts they committed.
Native Vedda / December 29, 2022
old codger
Have you noticed Dayan’s typing do not appear on Colombo Telegraph.
old codger / December 29, 2022
“Have you noticed Dayan’s typing do not appear on Colombo Telegraph.”
Perhaps the poor guy feels we give him a hard time. Let’s go easy on him.
Anyway, he must be finding it difficult to analyse the current situation. Who would have thought Dinesh would vote for a UNP budget, Kanchana W of the Pohottuwa would trash Omalpe Sobhitha in public, or RW’s advisor would be molested by a dog?
Native Vedda / December 29, 2022
old codger
Thanks I get the picture now, however Dayan has an argument for (or against) RW’s advisor molesting a dog. It took place because Sambandan, Sumanthiran and TNA demand Federalism (the F word) at the wrong time. It could have upset the advisor.
There are other patriotic racist hypocrites lining (actually warming) up with their mild criticism of Ranil’s meeting with TNA, this include the usual culprits both saffron and white clad crooks.
Nimal Fernando was seen/heard sitting on the fence. Has he joined them?
Take care (Chinese are coming in Tamil National dress).
SJ must be very happy.
SJ / December 30, 2022
Dayan is no sissy.
He is a mercenary, and is on the lookout for a new contract.
Could be back with a vengeance soon.
leelagemalli / December 29, 2022
Maybe DJ is going back into his “hibernation” or busy cleaning the overflowing toilets of the Medamulana buffalo (MaRa).
NV, did you notice that no media in this country reported that Gota went to America yesterday? Why didn’t mlechcha media telecast it ?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KtSSYyX6g0 ( at 3.43 th minute)
Native Vedda / December 30, 2022
Thanks for the links.
“Why didn’t mlechcha media telecast it ?”
Probably for security reasons.
Agnos / December 29, 2022
Why is it that even when RW and Sirisena were at the apex of power in Yahapalanaya, they couldn’t keep WR at a distance? And why can’t RW remove WR from Cabinet even now? Is it because SL politicians like to surround themselves with pliant sycophants, the ones who have no scruples?
old codger / December 30, 2022
It isn’t anything to do with sycophants, but rather with utility value. WR is useful to RW at the moment, just as RW was useful to Gota not so long ago. All politicians are unscrupulous deal-makers. We shouldn’t expect anything less or more, We shouldn’t elect them on the basis of honesty, patriotism, blah blah, but just on utility value to us (as long as we understand that freebies aren’t value for money).
SJ / December 30, 2022
Many are incapable of thinking of political matters except in terms of personalities.
To them it is some person’s good or bad deed that turn things upside down. Some have more impact than others but the greater interests at play decide the overall outcome– it is finally the unseen players, not the pieces on the chessboard or the cheering spectators.
We can have a parliament as clean as whistle, but the shroud of misery will persist.
Agnos / December 31, 2022
What is the power base WR has for him to have the ‘utility’ value you mention? Does he represent any special ‘Sinhala-Buddhist’ constituency as distinct from the average Southern constituency, whose support that those in power will lose if they don’t include him in their cabinet?
old codger / January 1, 2023
“Does he represent any special ‘Sinhala-Buddhist’ constituency…”
Yes, definitely. He did once get himself elected with a thumping majority, I think in 2010. He does have fixed views on many things, including (ironically) being anti-privatisation. I think he is most useful for having an excellent relationship with the Buddhist hierarchy. He has always kowtowed to them, unlike, say, the brash Kanchana W, who is openly on the warpath with the monks. RW himself doesn’t get much respect from the monks, even though he’s much more Buddhist than most of the Rajapaksas.
Wijedasa has perfected the art of being on the right side at the right time….
Ajay Sundara Devan / December 27, 2022
The Aragalaya is what led to Ranil becoming the President. The Rajapaksa political Mafia, Pohottuwa and the micro parties aligned with it, the Buddhist hierarchy, the top military and police brass, the corporate elite, and sections of the corrupt media were opposed to the kind of total systemic change demanded by the youth rebellion. Because that would have meant the overthrow of the power structure in the country in which they were firmly entrenched and were enjoying the resulting benefits and privileges. These elements then out of desperation hatched a game plan to save the system by handing over the presidency to Ranil. And the equally desperate Ranil accepted the deal and participated in the coup to brutally crush a democratic struggle staged by the people driven to the edge by a corrupt political system that had destroyed the economy and the rule of law in the country. Ranil, who thought his political career was over after the people decisively kicked him and his UNP out of parliament in the last elections, without any shame or conscience has seized the opportunity to fulfill his lifelong ambition of becoming the president.
Ajay Sundara Devan / December 27, 2022
[Part 2]
Ranil has cynically manipulated the loopholes in the constitution and the legal system to set himself up in power, pushing the political evolution of the country backwards by a decade. He has done this with the help of politicians and officials who have robbed and murdered innocent people. These criminal accomplices have allowed him to rule the country in return for protecting them from the law. He has violated the democratic rights of the people and crushed the aspirations of the youth of this country – but only for now. He should realise the Aragalaya is not done; it’s not over by any means. The day is not far off when the citizens of Sri Lanka will regroup and take the streets back to exercise their democratic rights to protest against oppression and injustice; to exercise their freedom to elect the representatives and the president that they choose.
SJ / December 28, 2022
“Ranil has cynically manipulated the loopholes in the constitution and the legal system to set himself up in power”
Must be a genius on par with Machiavelli or Kautilya.
Aragalaya-I committed hara kiri. RW only added the finishing touches.
If Aragalaya was so potent what happen to the large numbers who raved about it?
The next version will at most borrow the name but will be so different a creature for those who crave it to recognize.
It will not be a seaside event for sure.
Ajith / December 27, 2022
What is the point in repeating the same again and again when the people of Sri Lanka continue to go behind the robbers, racists and criminals.
Sinhala_Man / December 27, 2022
Dear Ajith,
“Hope springs eternal in the human breast.” – Alexander Pope
Pope meant it in terms of looking forward to a life after death. I don’t mean that here. It’s just foolish optimism on my part defying all logic. How else can I make life bearable?
I’m getting sick of the people abroad who exult in running down our people. The task we must set ourselves, in the long term, is nothing less than changing people’s attitudes. It may be that evil resides inside us all. Then it resides within Europeans as well. That may be the ultimate truth.
However I feel only disgust with those who have sought refuge abroad and preach “Tadpole Philosophy” to us:
One of their tools is
They may be a bit unclear about the exact meaning of the word, but they know that what they practice is utter hypocrisy.
Panini Edirisinhe of Wewatenne, Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)
Ajith / December 28, 2022
Dear SM,
“I’m getting sick of the people abroad who exult in running down our people.”
I understand your feelings but you cannot deny the fact those Sri Lankans who sought refuge abroad or those who used the opportunity to escape from the country for safety also do not want to see the deterioration of living standard and the suffering of the people.
You cannot be proud of increasing corruption, increasing drug use by youths, increasing suicide and murders, continued racism etc. etc. I am sure you will be proud of electing a foreigner as a President and Finance Minister? I understand objective of this forum for the people who wants to contribute their opinions without fear which is denied for the Sri Lankans who live inside the boundary.
leelagemalli / December 29, 2022
Dear Ajith,
SM refers to me in his comments because we are brave about the feelings of many stupid people and their reactions. I’m not bashing everyone in the country, but I really do know that the majority are more apathetic or downright stupid than they appear.
To correct the readership, I did not seek asylum in Europe, I left the country for educational purposes, and the EU wanted us to stay. being the reason and chose to continue us.
If the mother country is not suitable for our later life, then I am ready to go to the country of my choice till my death. Mostly like to a country in Africa perhaps…
Even though we have done a lot for the country in Tsunami and other issues, it is a painful experience that our fund collections were also caught by Rajapakse thieves.
In recent days we had to question who is responsible for this created chaos. Some people said politicians, but I accused both politicians and people are wrong.
1) Some pointed fingers only at politicians while they are out of the country (Middle east, Korea and Italy)
2) But today I and a few others have the courage to speak boldly about the mess they have created themselves and to repeatedly blame not only the politicians but the people as well as the politicians (Germany, France, Australia, America, Canada, Scandinvian countries).
Sinhala_Man / January 1, 2023
Readers All,
Instead of allowing all this unnecessary talk, why don’t you do what I requested of “leelagemalli”, on December 29th. You will find these words something like 28 comments below this; I’m quoting just a bit of it, within inverted commas:
(Beginning quote)“For instance, I gave you this speech in Milan, and asked you to focus on the content from 1.57.55 to 2.01.46, almost 4 minutes during which AKD gives his reasons for not objecting to Gota’s nomination to contest the Presidency. He follows that with discussion of Diana Gamage’s presence in Parliament.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7AGR9TuP6hY” (End quote)
Because some of LM’s batchmates were murdered (so he says, but I’m not challenging his veracity on that) in 1988 and 1989 (deplorable massacres from both sides then abounded) he has decided to a-priori reject everything said today by AKD.
Please examine more closely.
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)
SJ / December 30, 2022
“…those Sri Lankans who sought refuge abroad or those who used the opportunity to escape from the country for safety also do not want to see the deterioration of living standard and the suffering of the people.”
The bulk of the educated middle class that left went for their ‘fistful of dollars’.
Now that they have a few more than a fistful they relish patronizing those here to no end.
Look at their name calling, cursing and denouncing– in love of whom is that?
There were ones who really fled for their lives. (Most are in India). We do not hear patronizing lectures from them. A few though are bitter about their experiences.
How many that are spending many millions to ‘escape’ and sponsored by friend and family are running for their life?
Enough of this humbug.
If people want to curse us, let them do it to their heart’s content. It should make no difference to us, and we need no excuses.
Even they are more sincere than the patronizing humbugs with bags of advice.
Sinhala_Man / December 29, 2022
Dear Ajith,
That barb was not meant for you. When there are so many “anonymous” commenters, it is difficult to keep in mind who’s who. Some will always remain anonymous, on CT, for ever, although I email them.
In my mind, at this moment, Nathan is the best and fairest commenter, but you, too, are one of the good ones. I’m sorry if that sounds rather a backhanded compliment, but my mind is fuzzy on classifications.
I wanted to say something of general applicability, but I had one guy in mind – “leelagemalli”, Without doubt I have hurt him, and I’m sorry that was how it turned out to be. The guy is absolutely honest with personal finances, and is generous – he’s couriered chocolates and the like to me! I’ll be saying more about him in other comments.
Life here is becoming unbearable now. It’s very difficult to do without certain things when one has got used to them. From that perspective, I think that we can expect thieving, robbery, and muggings in all parts of Lanka. And “substance abuse”. But when LM sees everything with jaundiced vision, I have to cry “halt!”
leelagemalli / December 30, 2022
Entire sl is under fire. Sadly u have been busy with one single guy in CT. Dont u have anything better to do?
I m hurt by ur repeated reactions. But please dont forget that this is another public forum not at all ur own diary. The danger of the targeted individuals are really high. But ur total ignorance in to details leave blindfolded.
Please think about ur own behaviour. Thst is no at all a difficult task.
SJ / December 30, 2022
Is he the only one around with such obsession?
Spare people their little joys in life.
Live and let live.
SJ / December 28, 2022
Try to understand. People need to say something and most of them lack creativity.
Ask yourself: Why do you repeat yourself so much?
Native Vedda / December 27, 2022
Nimal Fernando
Elle Gunawansa the gun totting Saffronista, has uttered some magical words towards building a consensus among his fellow ….. please refer to
We face the repercussion of handing over the country to politicians: Prelate
I have no idea what he is talking about.
Hope you understand his words said and unsaid, ….. and tell us what exactly he wants from the state, government and the people generally and Sinhala/Buddhists in particular.
Does he want free electricity for life?
Does he think Tamils are causing problems?
Does he think discussing Sinhala/Buddhist problem (which is imposed on rest of the people (including, Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, ….) cause the problem?
Whats exactly he wants from the state, government and the general public?
Hope you will take time to make him realise it is people like him who created the initial problems, monk counselling former defence secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa to emulate Hitler and establish a military dictatorship may have seriously hurt his bid for the presidency, according to close associates.
Simon / December 28, 2022
Recently a “British Citizen” who entered Parliament through the “National List” nomination by Sajith Premadasa led “SJB”, but later “Defected” to the Government proposed “24 Hour Night Life”; “Cultivation of Ganja” etc, was awarded a “Diplomatic Passport” by the present President – Ranil W. When this citizenship was questioned, the President suddenly entered the Parliament Chamber and said: ” Why the SJB question this matter, because I have done a favor by your party”.
Hasn’t this President, in giving orders to issue that “Diplomatic Passport” to this MP known it was “Rejected” by the Controller of Emigration and Immigration” on the question of her “Citizenship”? He knew. What he (this Ranil W) the President did was to “Transfer” that Official and “Installed” a “Boot Licker” in that vacant position and “Instructed” to issue that illegal passport. This President also knew this matter was before the courts.
So what “SYSTEMIC” change do we speak of under these types of Governments headed by unscrupulous vagabonds? First, make a “CHANGE” of the Government that pledges to install a “Sensible” Governance and institute a “Peoples’ Mechanism” to exercise check and balance.
Sinhala_Man / December 28, 2022
Yes, Simon,
I was shocked at the flippant tone in which Ranil said that.
”Why the SJB question this matter, because she has done a favor by your party”.
Said in Sinhala in a YouTube, but a little correction. I think that Ranil had just received a tongue lashing (from the SJB’s Mujibur Rahman, I think.) Ranil rose to leave, and this was a Parthian Shot.
Language comes alive when you know the origin of an expression; but of course these shouldn’t be overused.
SJ / December 28, 2022
Simon, she owns the Party (SJB).
Consider the wisdom of choosing her for the task.
old codger / December 28, 2022
Expediency is the stuff of politics. I am sure Sajith (even Mujibur too?) was well aware of the problem when he agreed to give her a seat.
Those who expect saintly perfection from politicians will be disappointed.
SJ / December 28, 2022
We are not talking of any kind of perfection.
Was there a risk analysis?
My language skills are failing me, could be my urine infection, can you help me to work out “what a “systemic-drain” will be like?
System leak and systematic leak I can figure out without assistance.
Like Americanisms are there Australianisms?
old codger / December 29, 2022
“can you help me to work out “what a “systemic-drain” will be like?”
You could borrow Sajith’s dictionary.
cugan / December 29, 2022
Owns the party?
RBH59 / December 28, 2022
Systemic Drain
The experience Ranil has did not bring IMP approval up to now who will the youngster that the Ranil has brought to the future of parliamentarian Ranil is president now cannot impose disciplinary action due Ranil is President because of the Pohottuwa The IMF see theirs a System Drain, and most of the parliamentarian will go on pension, political speech are largely the defense of their weak
SJ / December 28, 2022
Thanks. But you seem to be hedging your bet on ‘systemic’.
Naman / December 28, 2022
“ A new constitution should the starting point for this long awaited change.“
This is the first step Aragalaya Movement (AM) should aim for first and foremost.
The WEST is still DRAINING not only the WEALTH from poorer countries but also the GOOD professionals and man power.
GoSL should request the so called PATRIOTS of the country such as N G Rajapaksa to bring back his son’s FAMILY to SL permanently. Stollen money from SL National Coffers NED to be brought back ASAP.
KP / December 28, 2022
The recently elected President Hichilema of Zambia gave an interview when he attended the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit in Washington, DC just a few weeks ago. It was a 50-min long interview and well worth a watch since the measures the President is taking to bring about economic stability in the first instance and then to put his country on a growth path can be applied equally to Sri Lanka.
Furthermore, the President commented that one of the critical areas for his government is “To clean up the operating environment”. In other words, tackle the problem of wide-spread corruption in the system.
Gus / December 28, 2022
The Leader Prabaharan was NOT Corrupt!!! As such it is mainly the Rajapakse leaders and politicians including Ranil Rakjapakse (treasury bond scandal) who are corrupt. In additional family sex indulging sinhalas (per constant news reports that I view for amusement and enjoyment) and beggar sinhalas getting food medicine and monetary aid from india commenting about indian toilets is hilarious. I for one would prefer that the USD $5billion plus given as aid (that I understand is merely channelled to the Chinks because they refuse the beggar sinhalas loan deferment to facilitate IMF assistance – unlike what the Chinks are doing in Paki land to assist Pakis in getting IMF loans) to the beggar sinhalas be spent in india building its social outlook and allow the sinhalas (MAJOR EXPORTERS OF TOILET CLEANERS language of EE, Chiv et all used here on others) to WALLOW IN THEIR OWN CREATED MISERY!!!!
RBH59 / December 28, 2022
Systemic Drain
Need Dollar
Go to airport and see father is leaving the small child is crying father do not go .
This is the system that country has brought by the parlimentarians the way served his community
Plato / December 28, 2022
$53 billion stashed away in foreign countries over a long period by locals REVEALS
Wijedasa Rajapakse Lankan Minister of Justice…………………Of All people!
Is he now whitewashing himself as a man of integrity? or is he aspiring to be lily-white with a clean slate?
Incidentally, his son, a lawyer himself, is appearing for Thilini Priyamalli in Courts…………
Tak Tik Tuk / December 28, 2022
Based on their recent speeches, So far only NPP seems to have clear and convincing policies and plan that could potentially recover the economic crisis. I have never voted for them in the past, but this time I’m thinking of giving them a chance and see if they could walk the talk.
RW will never change, though he has good knowledge in economics. He only serves elitists only. Those who still support him are beneficiaries of a UNP government.
He is tainted with Batalanda Case, Millennium City Safe House Blunder, Bond Scam, Easter Sunday security lapses and of course not taking any action against corrupt SLPP members when in power.
JVP did have a bad history. However, they seem to have learnt and changed overtime. Nothing to complain about them since 89.
So take you time, think wisely before you cast your next vote.
SJ / December 31, 2022
“So take you time, think wisely before you cast your next vote.”
To be wise, I think that we should all take time and wait until the day after polls.
Simon / December 28, 2022
SJ: The worst is for the President to appoint her as a “State Minister”. I rate that “Appointment” as yet another “BRIBE” to switch over to Government. Considering all these actions, I have every reason to call all these “Presidents”; “PMs”; “Ministers” and “MPs” “Bastards”.
Human Touch / December 29, 2022
Do you know?
Lee Myung-bak was 10th president of South Korea from 2008 to 2013. Before his presidency, he was the CEO of Hyundai Engineering and Construction and the mayor of Seoul from 2002 to 2006.
On 22 March 2018, Lee was arrested on charges of bribery, embezzlement, and tax evasion alleged to have occurred during his presidency. Prosecutors accused Lee of receiving bribes totaling 11 billion won and channeling assets of 35 billion won to an illicit slush fund.
Lee’s arrest occurred roughly a year after the arrest of former president Park Geun-Hye, who was arrested on charges stemming from the 2016 South Korean political scandal.
Lee was convicted on 5 October 2018 and sentenced to 15 years in prison. On 29 October 2020, the Korean Supreme Court upheld a 17-year sentence against Lee given to him by an appellate court. On 27 December 2022, President Yoon Suk-yeol granted Lee a special pardon, canceling the remaining 15 years of jail on the basis of his age and deteriorating health.
This is an example of what happens to crooks in developed countries…
Human Touch / December 29, 2022
They say “You reap what you sow”
We can continue to celebrate and launder crookery, embezzlement, nepotism, racism, injustice, mediocrity, idiocy, etc., but as they say, we will be the beneficiaries of the ills we defend and protect.
That is Karma at its best. Just as every positive action has a positive reaction, every inaction or negative action also has an equally negative result.
In the same vein, I must remind those NPP/JVP apologists, that crying and fretting will not achieve the results AKD has been trying to achieve for the past 40 years, with zero success. Nobody likes a crybaby.
If he wants to prove his worth, he has to identify the ills of our society and find practical solutions and try to implement them at the grass-root level. For example, we all know that Yellow Pets are some of the biggest spoilsports in SL. Why not take a stand and checkmate them, we all know how media houses whitewash some corrupt politicians, why not start a fact-checking campaign and defeat these crooked media houses?
If the majority “The Sinhala people” cannot bring about positive change, then who can?. This is why I have lost all respect and Faith in the JVP/NPP. They do not evolve with the times, instead sooner or later they will perish like the dinosaurs did.
leelagemalli / December 29, 2022
Dear HT,
“In the same vein, I must remind those NPP/JVP apologists, that crying and fretting will not achieve the results AKD has been trying to achieve for the past 40 years, with zero success. Nobody likes a crybaby.”
It is known that Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna is not a new party and they need to get used to rural mentality rather than urban culture. Most Sri Lankans live in rural areas, 70%. Most of them and their livelihoods are totally dependent on agriculture and livestock.
Agricultural experts who compare our levels with like-minded countries (Malaysia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Vietnam) believe that our average farmers lack proper knowledge of irrigation and agricultural expertise.
1) Why has JVP failed to improve farmers’ awareness of agriculture over decades? Unlike some parts of the country, most of our land is believed to be easily cultivated
2) A tropical country with water and rich soil resources left as empty land for decades has made us poor.
If our JVPs had the foresight and wisdom (genetically modified seeds and other techniques, if not all, at least to some extent) couldn’t they have given them proper information and encouraged people’s thinking?
3) One cow per family in the aforementioned Southeast countries has improved their rural productivity. However, the JVPs cried foul the whole time but nothing was actually done
leelagemalli / December 31, 2022
Here I expect pundit SM to respond before comment deadline is over .
He defends JVP/NPP today as if he is born y day???.
This is beyond my comprehension.
Sinhala_Man / December 29, 2022
Dear leelagemalli,
I have repeatedly asked you in what way you find AKD’s “explanations” unsatisfactory. Please see comments here:
For instance, I gave you this speech in Milan, and asked you to focus on the content from 1.57.55 to 2.01.46, almost 4 minutes during which AKD gives his reasons for not objecting to Gota’s nomination to contest the Presidency. He follows that with discussion of Diana Gamage’s presence in Parliament.
What you said in response was this:
“…… it must also be valid for any other selection criteria.” What does this mean? Two days earlier you had told me:
“You always miss the question why JVP was silent on the nomination of Gotha before the Election Commission 2019. It is a puzzle for us as a country. If JVP is right about authenticity, how can they avoid the real issues?”
I didn’t want to put words in your mouth, but I’m still wondering whether the real reason was the rather unsatisfactory one that Marxists used to give, that they wanted to weaken the capitalist system as a prelude to taking over. Your response is incomprehensible.
leelagemalli / December 29, 2022
Thanks for your usual jokes.
I told you somewhere, I will no longer waste my precious time on your stupid questions, that you are hanging on for arguments. You know time is gold.
Better to focus on HT, OC or other progressive commenters who discuss something meaningful.
I like the way HT can see things much more finely than I thought. I used to think that most CT critics would consider the real reasons for our society so far, but as a thoughtful person HT is doing a great job. His thoughts can wake you all up.
I know AKD’s talks very well and I don’t want to advise you or anyone else to listen to them, however, I feel he is good at STATGE lectures, but in practical life, I don’t believe he can at all. Bring all the things he preaches. . Reality…..this is what my wise mother repeated after hearing his theories over and over again.
leelagemalli / December 30, 2022
At one time u say CT is not followed by even 0.1 mio or less.
And other time u contradict saying that 22 millions would be affected by my comments..
Which is correct ? .
My guess is ur problem is pathological
Either u ve been standing on ur head or u have no material to see it right ?.
May u be blessed with more wisdom in 2023 !!!!!
old codger / December 30, 2022
There is no mystery about the readership of CT. The facts are available publicly:
The readership is about 205,000 in November, and revenue is above $5 million. Pretty cool.
leelagemalli / December 30, 2022
Are they not based in London ?
old codger / December 30, 2022
“Are they not based in London ?”
That’s what the site’s description states. But the link says Australia. Here’s what they say about Hirunews.lk:
Seems accurate enough.
leelagemalli / December 31, 2022
May you be blessed with a healthy new year 😇😇😇😇
Sinhala_Man / December 31, 2022
A huge thank you to you, old codger:
Here’s an assessment of the present situation in fluent English. A half hour video of an interview last night – 30/12/2022: NPP lawyer, Harshana Nanayakkara interviewed by Faraz Shauketali of Sirasa.
This is what our readership, on this website that is essentially in English, will welcome. Here also is Harini Amarasuriya:
Thirty minutes with Faraz.
There is one Sinhala article on Colombo Telegraph, with a comment by “leelagemalli”. How useful is this, dear oc?
I had told LM repeatedly that the results don’t justify the huge efforts. But LM is stubborn, and refused to live in today’s world. He cannot move on from the murders that he says took place about thirty-five years ago.
leelagemalli / January 1, 2023
Even Ethiopians (not so long ago, being the poorest nation in the world) have today become one of the strongest economies in Africa, so let’s forget our dire situation for a moment.
May the New Year bring you all happiness, peace, and prosperity.
Wishing you a joyous 2023 !!!!
ලැබුවා වූ නව වසර ඔබ සැමට සතුට, සාමය, සෞභාග්යය උදා වේවා.
ඔබට ප්රීතිමත් 2023 ප්රාර්ථනා කරමි!!!!
புத்தாண்டு உங்களுக்கு எல்லா மகிழ்ச்சியையும், அமைதியையும், செழிப்பையும் தரட்டும்.
உங்களுக்கு மகிழ்ச்சியான 2023 வாழ்த்துக்கள்!!!!
From LM to all
Agnos / January 1, 2023
I doubt the revenue estimates. While the audience is far-flung, most ads have to be localized in order to generate any income.
Sinhala_Man / December 31, 2022
Dear old codger,
I sent that comment of yours to a friend who reads widely on the Internet (not very much in to YouTube discussions), and sometimes looks at CT. He doesn’t waste time on the comments – which we seem to dwell on far too much.
He has found you what he was led to “very interesting”, and will be busy for the next two or three days studying the other sites/newspapers. Yes, we found CT more successful than we had imagined.
He had not come across “Similarweb” but had known that something like that would exist to guide prospective advertisers.
One has always to be conscious of the role played by money in most issues of significance.
the information that you’ve given here cannot be volunteered by CT itself, but doesn’t rule out the possibility of oc himself being recruited by somebody to perform certain duties!
Sinhala_Man / December 31, 2022
Dear oc,
When, quite recently, I said that I wasn’t aware of Mohan Peiris being now at the UN, you asked whether my ignorance wasn’t worrying in relation to other areas of knowledge.
No, it won’t, because I assert only I’m certain of. If I don’t know, then I say so. I knew that Mohan Peiris is a crook, but even Wikipedia doesn’t yet record his current sojourn at the UN.
This hasn’t proved a problem to me in classrooms because I do have more knowledge than average. You were surprised that I knew that water is “burnt hydrogen”. A somewhat strange way of putting it, but I have some awareness of the conservations of energy and matter; after Einstein, over-ridden by man’s ability to destroy matter: E=mc (how does one generate “squared” from the keyboard.?).
Getting some idea of the concepts is what is important.
old codger / January 1, 2023
“Yes, we found CT more successful than we had imagined.”
Don’t forget that CT was one of the sites that MR banned in 2013 or so. It must have some significance.
Sinhala_Man / December 31, 2022
I’m not one bit bothered by what you think of me. Your views don’t count.
You’re like the guys who come to me for the pirated IELTS software which I dish out for free. I only ask them to bring with them a pen drive free of viruses. When a virus is discovered by my computer, I question further, and then discover that they don’t even know what a virus guard is.
You’re like those guys. You assert without knowing. Challenged, you say silly things like what I’m asking is a joke.
Away, slight man! But be careful not to post ridiculous unverifiable charges against AKD and the NPP.
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)
Sinhala_Man / January 1, 2023
After the General Election held on the 5th of August 2020, when a large number of voters didn’t bother to vote, you agreed that YouTuber Sepal Amarasinghe’s appeal to people to “spoil” their vote by writing “NOTA” across it had reduced the anti-Rajjapaksa vote sufficiently to ensure a landslide for the “Phottuwa”.
We need s many people as possible turning up at all elections held hereafter, and voting as thoughtfully as possible.
I firmly support the NPP, but I will NEVER dictate to others how they should vote.
The last people that I want anybody to vote for are the Rajapaksas. However, if they are inclined to vote that way, but I would beg them to tell the guys because they consider the Rajapaksas to be best for the country. They should tell them that they are getting the votes NOT because of the money that they have received, or the promise of jobs, or free fertiliser.
As for CT readership. We don’t deserve to be respected just because we speak a little English, but that is what happens. People imagine that we’re “wiser and better.” We know that we’re not!
If that message is understood even would-be-crooks would behave a little better.
Can’t you see how silly what I have typed looks? That is, unfortunately, the lengths we should go to in respecting democracy.
In practice, having said all that, I’m likely to say that I wouldn’t ever cast a vote for the Rajapaksas – and because of what Ranil W. has been doing since about June 2022, he wouldn’t ever get my vote.
Hell! The current situation is driving me also to imbecility.
Sinhala_Man / December 29, 2022
These are no jokes, LM.
I’m in grim earnest. Not too far in the future, I will die, but the actions of you and your like are blighting the actions of millions.
I’ve tried for about six months to make you understand that what you put on the Web about the NPP is balanced and accurate. You will keep insisting that it has those qualities.
I’m falling asleep; therefore stopping..
Good night to all.
Panini Edirisinhe, in Bandarawela
davidthegood / December 29, 2022
Since RW budget targets have not brought relief to the citizens, He could give an extremely open invitation to all who have dollars abroad which they are unable to use right now, to sacrificially bring back the dollars, and that no questions will be asked during this period. If this is a trustworthy call, there will be at least a few people who can respond without much loss and lack of absolute greed also. It will help IMF recognise that at least some people outside the robbing family are still decent enough to help their nation. One condition is that there should be no access of finances to the mulana robbers, who should really be imprisoned. No youth president.
Buddhist1 / December 29, 2022
“Honesty” and “Ranil” are miles apart. Similarly, self-respect and Ranil are also miles apart. If not Ranil who was kicked out of the Parliament by the voters will not be the President of the country today. He will not give minister posts to so many when people do not have food to eat and to buy medicine. Even after Ranil became President he has supported and not taken any action against the crooks such as commission requested minister Nimal Siripala, Kappam minister Prasanna Ranatunga, recent commission minister of Health Keheliya Rambukwella and the list can go on and on.
Now the question is how can we expect a person who supports crooks and is in his present position because of the support of the crooks can do anything honest…. we cannot.
ramona therese fernando / December 29, 2022
Taxation of the Masses can only work when the economy is functioning normally. What a time to actually start implementing taxation
when the Lankan Masses are barely surviving.
Only the Socialist takeover can bring about systemic change and the Lankan Masses be accepting of it without being deluded into Ranil-type capitalistic expectations.
For they are the only ones who can catch the foreign account holders of stashed Lankan wealth of the hardworking-suffering-Masses.
And you mean this not known before? It was ALWAYS known, but our Lankan voting system was always rigged through power-money…..suffering Masses never had a chance. No, 53-billion is only what the Rajapaksas and their coteries have outside. Our country’s worth is probably about 100-billion.
Just look at the number of Lankan students in expensive Western universities, and many more going, rather than pay the taxes to pay for the Rajapaksas hoarding. Much of the country-money goes out from the local entrepreneurs
that abuse the country’s natural resources and common man’s hard work for their own personal Western-international show-and-tell. What an immoral disgrace.
old codger / December 30, 2022
Ramona dear,
“Just look at the number of Lankan students in expensive Western universities, and many more going, rather than pay the taxes”
Isn’t that rather rich for a resident of Pittsburgh, PA?
ramona therese fernando / December 30, 2022
Old Codger,
No. Not rich. My Christmas fruit cake is rich (boiled all the fruits in sugar syrup this time to avoid the sulfites and benzoates….btw, Pantothenic acid, Vit. B 5 is good for food allergies).
All about parents struggling in other lands except our own. A longing to go back. But after each longing and a concerted effort to do so, crunch time Sri Lanka occurs with a vengeance.. Economic exiles due to no fault of our own. Never took the resources of our Motherland out, but sent quite a bit back. Alas, it’s my karma.
Sinhala_Man / December 31, 2022
Ramona dear,
You’ve made some excellent comments (I hope that oc, NV, and nf, won’t mind my complimenting you!).
I’ve just given readers the latest news as at the very bottom. I hope that you don’t mind my parking this Hali-Ela Electorate Meeting of the NPP here. I won’t blame you if you don’t know where this is. It has boundaries with Bandarawela, Badulla and Welimada, and perhaps, Mahiyangana. I wasn’t aware of this meeting, which appears to have been on 18/12/2022. I’ve just seen Dr Harini Amarasuriya, MP and ex-MP Samantha Vidyaratne walking in. AKD? – No idea. Nobody is indispensable.
I’ve submitted a link to the Berlin, Germany, meeting somewhere above this.
Our own Bandarawela Electorate Meeting is to be on Friday, the 13th, January 2013, at 3.00 pm. I hope that AKD is there; if not? There’ll be others. Guys like me will be there as supporters.
We now have to be ready to shoulder responsibilities as the need arises. A few from the National-Level leadership will be there, but essentially it is the young people from this area who now have to lead.
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela (NIC 483111444V)
SJ / December 31, 2022
Wonder when will RTF will be persuaded to join the JVP bandwagon.
Sinhala_Man / January 1, 2023
Dear SJ,
I’ve got the impression that RTF has been saying very complimentary things about the NPP (and other left-wingers) for quite some time. I won’t look for them now.
As for old codger I was very disappointed when he began supporting the Ranil Wickremasinghe presidency. However, there’s something that I remember very well:
I first posted the link to the earliest European meeting that AKD addressed, in Milan earlish December. oc listened to it and was impressed. One detail I remember: AKD spoke of the success of the Damro Group in Tamil Nadu and Kerala and said that other Lankan entrepreneurs should should emulate Damro. Somebody else then spoke of the owner of Damith (may I now name him as Damith Ramanayake) not attempting to maintain a high profile.
old codger ended a comment there by saying that he was impressed (with AKD). If I’m being inaccurate, he will undoubtedly put me right in comments under a later article.
old codger / January 1, 2023
She’s halfway there, but doesn’t know it…🤣
Sinhala_Man / December 31, 2022
It may be now time for us, who will vote for the NPP to start thinking about the candidates whom we should vote for during the next two or three years when we will probably have to vote at four different levels – local councils, through Parliament to Presidential Elections. Provincial Councils? Not important for us Sinhalese.
But it is something that Tamil voters in the North (and even in the East) care about passionately. They suffered such a lot to make the point that they must be allowed to live as First Class citizens in Lanka. AKD stated that somewhere; I think it was at the end of his session in Berlin.
I made a long comment below this speech:
Professor Hiniduma Sunil Senevi speaking in Kalawana
It represents a good deal of patient work, to be seen only by four or five people.
Sinhala_Man / January 1, 2023
This was the speech by Professor Sunil Senevi of Sabaragamuwa University
Thanks, Professor Sunil Senevi; you sound so rational, honest and peace-loving. The NPP has an impressive list of possible candidates for Parliament. Actually, probably too many to fit into the 225-member House. However, it would be good if you actually contest from your native Hiniduma. You spoke with so much feeling for your village, as did AKD in Tambuttegama.
As you say here, we shouldn’t have you candidates making rash promises. If the NPP forms the next government, it is still going to be many years before we bring prosperity back to this country. We can’t expect a landslide, although you deserve such a victory. Many of our voters will fall for the new strategies that get rolled out by the two major groups. we cannot expect miraculous transformation of our voters. AKD showed awareness, at the end of his Berlin address that there still are issues connected with 1988/89 that frighten away some categories of voters. The way you speak, will re-assure them. But that is if they actually hear you! Lots of people condemn all politicians, and will possibly not work at all.
Mahila / January 1, 2023
“Provincial Councils? Not important for us Sinhalese.”
Commendable statement and indirectly acknowledges need for PC’s by others!??
all the best for a happy 2023!!
Those Sinhalese who need it are those scumbags ruining the country, corrupt, promoting Nepotism, wanting to enjoy luxuries of life, like cars, security, and house, tax payers expense (other peoples) money!!! I call them VULTURES!!!
Sinhala_Man / January 1, 2023
These are all factors to be taken into account. I’m in the Badulla District. Our District leader, Samantha Vidyaratne sounds very aggressive, bitter and angry. I’m sure that he’s a decent man, but he can’t help sounding that way. I think that AKD is fantastically good, but there was a guy with acute observation who was saying that he wags his right index finger too much. Please pay heed to such criticisms, but they don’t really matter so much. We don’t want any of you to be like the father, son and donkey in the Aesop fable!
Best wishes.
All the above appears below that Kalawana speech by Sunil Senevi.
Below is his speech in Hiniduma:
Although I may submit links to more major speeches by NPP front runners I wouldn’t expect any reader to listen to more than one or two. If there is anything particularly significant, I shall suitably draw attention to its significance.
* May 2023 prove to be a Happy Year for all of Us
Panini Edirisinhe of Bandarawela
Sinhala_Man / December 31, 2022
Dear leelagemalli,
It is clear by now that far from wanting to help us discuss issues constructively. you will do all that you can to prevent our people from finding out what’s happening.
This is the meeting in BERLIN, Germany:
The video is one hour 49 minutes – it counts down from there. More than an hour of question time. Clearly, all that LM wants to do is to hide behind his wall of anonymity, and throw stones in his cowardly way. AKD had a meeting even in LM’s home town of Dusseldorf, but he will divulge nothing. It’s fair enough his wanting nothing to do with the NPP, but he shouldn’t mislead us.
I’ve also seen a 2-minute video, put out on 30/12/2022, in which AKD says that he expects nominations for Local Government Elections (Municipal Councils, etc) to be called for in the first week of January 2023, but Ranil will try to postpone the actual elections – indefinitely.
Actually, what I have now put on is 17 minutes! Now listening, having paused Berlin.