By Izeth Hussain –
I have come to share the view of the Sinhalese hard-liners that the Tamil ethnic problem cannot be solved through devolution. I now share their view that going beyond 13 A in its presently truncated form – that is by giving police and land powers – will only aggravate the ethnic problem, not solve it. There are two major reasons for this. One is that Tamil racism is worse, very much worse, than Sinhalese racism. That means that giving more devolution will only whet the Tamil appetite for more and more devolution until Eelam is established, or there is a confederal arrangement that amounts to a de facto Eelam. The second reason why I have come to share the view of the Sinhalese hard-liners is the new geopolitical configuration in which India is in rivalry with China.
I must make a couple of clarifications before proceeding further. I have stated only probabilities, not certainties in the above paragraph. Futurology is a hazardous exercise, and it usually proves to be mistaken, because of a human tendency to extrapolate the present into the future, to assume that present trends will continue without taking into account the possibility that a hitherto unregarded factor could secure unexpected outcomes. There was vast expertise in the West on communism and the Soviet system, but only two foresaw the dramatic collapse of that system between 1989 and 1991 – Daniel Patrick Moynihan and Emmanuel Todd. So, I won’t discount the possibility that good sense will prevail on both sides of the ethnic fence, that both will be able to check their racists, and mutual accommodativeness will lead to a final definitive solution of the ethnic problem on the basis of devolution. But I find that most improbable for the reasons given in the first paragraph.
The second clarification I want to make is that the improbability of a solution on the basis of devolution does not preclude the possibility of a solution on some other basis. I have in mind a solution on the basis of a fully functioning democracy as in the West. We have shown ourselves in the past capable of operating such a democracy and we seem to be approaching it again. Our Tamils in the West are not clamoring for devolution and are quite happy without it under a fully democratic dispensation. Why not here? The answer is that the Tamils regard themselves as not just another minority but a national minority, with their homeland and a right at least to internal self-determination: therefore a definitive solution can only be on the basis of devolution. I have shown in an earlier article that the so-called right to internal self-determination is nonsensical. However, the important point is that if a solution on the basis of devolution is too difficult or simply not feasible for the two reasons given in the first paragraph, we have no realistic alternative to trying out a democratic solution.
I will now go into the two reasons why a definitive solution on the basis of devolution seems to be extremely improbable, beginning with the India factor. It would not be exaggerated to say that the ethnic problem we have on our hands is in reality an Indian problem, not a Sri Lankan one. If India did not exist, if there were no Tamils in Tamil Nadu, we would not be having a Tamil ethnic problem, not one that commands so much international attention. The Tamils would simply be treated as a conquered minority, suffering consequences that could be mild or very terrible. That would not bother the international community overmuch because it consists of nation states that privilege ethnic majorities at the expense of ethnic minorities. The prevailing consensus in the international community therefore is that ethnic minorities must know their place and keep it, or be taught to keep it. So the travails of the SL Tamils would not figure in international consciousness, except to some extent if there were horrendous human rights violations.
It is Tamil Nadu of course that makes all the difference. Delhi cannot ignore the fall-out in Tamil Nadu of what happens to the Tamils in Sri Lanka. Her intervention on behalf of our Tamils is consequently not seen by the international community as interference but as legitimate in the pursuit of the Indian national interest. That is why the air drop was seen not as aggression but at the worst as a transgression of international law, and that is why there was no international disquiet over the Peace Accords and the coming of the IPKF troops – though our other neighbors were deeply disturbed by the possible negative consequences of what was going on. I share the international perception that India did not use the Tamil ethnic problem to try to bully or dominate us. I believe that India committed a monumental blunder in stopping the Vadamarachchi operation in the naïve expectation that a political solution for the ethic problem could be found without much difficult. But there was no malign intent behind that blunder.
Until recently India’s behavior in relation to the Tamil ethnic problem has been guided by a fundamental principle that has applied to Indo-Sri Lanka relations since 1948 even though it may not have been stated explicitly in written form: Sri Lanka by itself can pose no threat to India but it can do so if it gets together with some other foreign power against India. After 1977 Sri Lanka was perceived by India as getting too close to the US in a manner that posed a threat – a serious threat – to the legitimate interests of India. That may have been a misperception but all the same it was a perception on the Indian side. That perception has to be understood in the context of the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, with India seen as supporting it and the US opposing it. But Soviet expansionism was contained and reversed, Indo-US relations became cordial, and India which had been fomenting the ethnic problem wanted to solve it. That was the background for India getting together with the US over the Peace Accords. I hold that India had no imperialist objectives of a hegemonistic order towards Sri Lanka at all. The alleged Vice-regal posturing of High Commissioner Dixit was of no significance whatever.
But in recent times the fundamentals determining our relations with India in connection with the Tamil ethnic problem have changed completely because of the new geopolitical configuration of Sino-Indian rivalry in South Asia and the Indian Ocean. The factors of geography cannot be changed. The US can increase or lessen its presence in this region without jeopardizing its vital interests, but China cannot do that because of its vital commercial and other interests. It should therefore have an interest in securing a permanent presence in Sri Lanka. We have now to take into account the fact that Sino-Indian relations will have its ups and downs, and that they can become dangerously troubled. It has to be expected therefore that India would want – in pursuit of what it sees as its vital and entirely legitimate interests – a dominant or predominant position in Sri Lanka. If that entails too many difficulties, it could want at least an arrangement in which a solid segment of Sri Lanka – a North East inhabited mainly by Tamils – will be permanently on its side. A federal or even confederal solution of the ethnic problem would be best for that purpose. Was that the significance of the fact that during Prime Minister Modi’s visit he unexpectedly vaunted the attractions of federalism? Anyway, it seems to me that attempting a solution on the basis of further devolution could be hazardous. It would be prudent to go for a solution based on a fully functioning democracy.
To be continued..
sach / March 26, 2016
I have never seen a racist tribal race like tamils
Native Vedda / March 27, 2016
sachoooooooooooooooooo the stupid II
“I have never seen a racist tribal race like tamils”
So you haven’t met a single Sinhala/Buddhists yet.
Are you then a Brainiac?
What is the difference between you and a knife?
sach / March 27, 2016
I hope sinhala buddhists were at least 50 percent racist and tribal as the tamils..they could have protected their nijaboomi much earlier
Native Vedda / March 27, 2016
sachoooooooooooooooo the stupid II
“they could have protected their nijaboomi much earlier”
No one can protect your कल्पनासृष्टि-kalpanAsRSTi.
What is the difference between you and a knife?
sach / March 27, 2016
I know the racist tamils go berserk when they here SL is sinhala nijaboomi
Native Vedda / March 27, 2016
sachoooooooooooooooo the stupid II
Could you translate the following if you could:
What is the difference between you and a knife?
sach / March 29, 2016
if u are attempting to be witty, it is not working
Fukushima / March 31, 2016
such is stoned,
sit on your hands and feel the effect of wit.
Fathima Fukushima / March 27, 2016
Me too.
Thank you Mr Hussein for telling the truth as it is.
Now Tamils are after the Muslim Chief Minister. We cannot tolerate that.
Paul / March 28, 2016
The TNA won the largest amount of votes in the east and the chief ministership that rightfully should have been Tamil was stolen from they by the Muslims with the help of the illegal Sinhalese colonists in the east.
Tamils are the indigenous population of the east, and still the largest community. The are still the outright majority in the eastern heartland Batticaloa and all along the coastal belt up to 30 miles of more to the interior in the strategic and important Trincomalee district. Even if the now Sinhalese and Muslims areas of the east does not want to join the north. These ancient historic Tamil majority of the east should be allowed to join the north and the Muslims can go to hell in their useless largely landlocked Amparai area that is of no strategic value and do what ever they want there.
The Muslims are aware of this and are now trying to breed like rats and chase Tamils out of their own land. In the past 30 years they joined hands with the racist Sinhalese armed forces and killed and ethnically cleansed thousands of Tamils in the east and are still occupying their lands. Even now the Muslim dominated town council in Kalmunai under the pretext of tow planning and expansion is only trying to acquire only Tamil Hindu lands and not a single Muslim land. Gratitude for Tamils providing refuge for Muslims fleeing Portuguese and Sinhalese persecution.
You are not a separate racial or ethnic group. You are only separate religious group but Tamil by ethnicity. DNA analysis and ample historical evidence proves, that the so called Sri Lankan Muslims or Moors are descended from largely low caste converted Tamil immigrants from India. If there is any Arab it is very negligible and not worth talking about. Just because the Portuguese incorrectly classified all the Muslims from the Indian sub continent as Moors after the Moors who occupied and ruled the Iberian peninsula for centuries and the only Muslims they have known prior to their travels does not mean you have to jump at this incorrect classification and claim a fake Arab origin and become a laughing stock to the world. Even the Arabs have classified the Sri Lankan Muslims as descendants of South Asian converts. Now brain washed Wahhabi/Salafist Islamic fanatics like you have become the dominant force amongst the Tamil Muslims of Sri Lanka and have every intention of destroying any vestige of the ancient 1000 year old Tamil Sufi culture of the Sri Lankan Muslims and also the Tamil language, dress modes names and cultural practices of the Sri Lankan Muslims and make them all look like pathetic carbon copy of the Gulf Arabs in name, dress, culture language and attitude and create a Salafist Islamic homeland for their Indian origin community in the island that in future will become another headache for the entire region. For this you and the SLMM have chosen the Tamil east in the island and with the help pf he illegal Sinhalese colonists, are intent on stealing the land from the Indigenous Tamil population by any means. Ethic cleansing forced evacuation and acquiring of their lands like in Kalmunai. You feel the Tamils are now weak vulnerable and without any friends or protection so very easy targets. With the help of the Sinhalese colonists who in the first place should never haven been there and stealing the CM position from the Tamils was the first move and now using this to aggressively consolidate the Muslim power on hold in the east by marginalising and denying the Tamils anything in the east. Like I stated earliest just look at your photo. it states a thousand words and intention. It is a photo of some hardcore Salafist Islamic extremist and not of some ordinary Tamil Muslim woman.
Nettabomman / March 31, 2016
I feel your pain for Tamils in the East – thousands of them displaced and forcibly thrown out of their homes and lands by politicised Muslim hordes. But justice will come to them in due course and they will get their homes and lands back.
With due respect, I must correct you when you erroneously note “1000 year old Tamil Sufi culture of the Sri Lankan Muslims” The hard fact is Muslims from large numbers came to this Island from the present Tamilnadu mainly after the Dutch and thereafter.
It may be possible Tamil Muslims in South India have reason to claim a presence over a thousand years. Prior to that there were a handful of ship-wrecked Arabs here – some of whom entered into conjugal relationships here with local women – both Sinhala and Tamil. BTW, Muslims here hold on to a casual comment made by
Lorna Devaraja – a Sinhala historian with an axe to grind on Tamils – who, it is said, after a good Buriyani feed by a Muslim association mischievously said Muslims have been here for over a thousand years – more to be pleasant on the occasion than to interpret historical correctness. Our Muslims have cottoned on to this and have even gone to the extent of claiming a Separate Province for them supported by this false claim.
Muslims are doing them a dis-service here by this concocted claim.
BBS and extremist Sinhala interests now point out to this treacherous claim and tell their faithful Muslims will try this out in the Sinhala areas where they have bred like piglets in recent decades – inflating population statistics to astonishing levels.
Izeth Hussain / April 1, 2016
Paul – you dare to write ” Muslims are now trying to breed like rats”. I and others are working for a better Sri Lanka in which racists like you will be jailed for writing like that. I see below that Nettabomman, another notorious Islamophobic racist, has dared to write that Muslims in Sinhalese areas “have bred like piglets in recent decades”. We will see to it that he too is jailed in the future.
The reader may wonder why I bother to reply to such quite mad negligible nonentities like Paul and Nettabomann. My purpose is to bring out material that will show that the Tamil Islamophobic racists are much worse than the Sinhalese ones. – IH
Nettabomman / April 1, 2016
“I and others are working for a better Sri Lanka” hilariously claims Izeth Hussain – arguably, one of the most despised
commentators in these threads. The number of commentators in these pages who write derisively against this often provocative persons’ comments is evidence of this. Hopefully, the noble efforts of dozens of sons and daughters of all communities working towards uniting the fractured nation may succeed soon.
However, the types of time-wasters and mischief makers like Hussein will not be part of that welcome endeavour. The anti-Tamil anti-Sinhalese Hussein has shown over the years he is a divider rather than a uniter. Fortunately, there are many Muslims, including in these pages, who strongly condemn his regular and unwelcome verbal diarrhea.
Izeth Hussain / March 28, 2016
Fathima Fukushima – I am not at all surprised that the Tamils are going after the Muslim Chief Minister. You cannot expect anything else from such rabid racists.In my case I have been writing articles of a certain quality as recognized by Leelananda and others. That drove them to hysterical hatred and mad dog rage. The evidence is solidly there in CT archives. – IH
Dr,Rajasingham Narendran / March 30, 2016
Have you been in Batticaloa recently to find out what is happening there? I have for other reasons. Regardless of who the Chief Minister is, what is unfolding there does not appear right.
Prasad / March 29, 2016
Sinhala/Tamil is a RACE and Muslim is a RELIGION and not a race. That is the reason, the Muslims in TN call themselves as TAMILS, Muslims in Kerala call themselves as Malayalees, and in West Bengal as Bengalis. Why only in Sri Lanka, Muslims call themselves as separate ‘race’?
The Muslims speak Tamil within their circle even if they live surrounded by Sinhalese like in down South, for example Galle. I have read somewhere that the Muslims came to Sri Lanka from South India, the main reason for them speaking Tamil wherever they lived.
take_that / March 29, 2016
He is a brain dead crusader trying to carve out a partition for themselves and sharia law as at Malaysia (stolen land again by Indonesian muslims)so he may go to heaven.
Today they crucified a catholic priest Fr Tom Malayale working for mother therasa sisters at Yemen.
Just because they speak tamil you Trust pirates they kill you. The portugese went on killing muslims then the protestant Dutch went on killing the catholic Portuguese.
Dr. Rajasingham Narendran / March 29, 2016
Sinhalese, Tamils and Muslims are not racial groups. They are ethnic groups or communities. There have almost the same genetic base. Further, the idea of race, is no longer acceptable in terms of genetic discoveries. We are branches and twigs of the same tree!
sr / March 30, 2016
Dr. RN
‘Sinhalese, Tamils & Muslims are ethnic groups’
They’re human beings; whether they’re ethnic, religious or racial groups it is not important.
Before anybody become a Buddhist/christian/Hindu/Islam or Sinhala/Tamil/Muslim; his or her ability to become a human being is very important.
Human intelligence, innocent human desires and human aspirations should not be sacrificed for unseen super powers popularly known as gods.
lal / March 31, 2016
A sane voice at last, thanks Dr RN.
Ajith / March 31, 2016
because you are a not only a racist but also love blood of others.
Ajith / March 27, 2016
According to international conventions and moral and ethical scales Racism is a product of the complex interaction in a given society of a race-based worldview with prejudice, stereotyping, and discrimination.
The UN convention further concludes that superiority based on racial differentiation is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust and dangerous, and there is no justification for racial discrimination, anywhere, in theory or in practice.
Based on logic, a boss can discriminate his employees, a man can discriminate a woman, Rich can discriminate power, not other way round. A powerful Tamil can discriminate another Tamil if he has the Power. For example, Vellaala Community discriminated Low caste Tamils, not otherway round. Similarly Sinhalese (Buddhists) who has the power discriminated Tamils (Hindus), not other way round.
Bloody Izeth Hussain argues that Tamils racism is worse than Sinhalese hardliners if you devolved power beyond 13. Rascism is about discrimination which is nothing to do devolution. Devolution is a process to reduce discrimination, not to increase rascism. The birth of Bangaladesh from Pakistan oppression means Bangladeshis are worse rascist than Pakistanies? According to Izeth, Muslims are worse rascists than BBS hardliner. Unless you suppress Muslims, One day they will kill all Sinhalese, So eradicate all Muslims from Sri Lanka. If that happens Izeth will be happy!
soma / March 27, 2016
There is NO political solution to the Tamil ethnic problem as majority of Tamils (Tamil speaking people) are living outside North/East.
Devolution of land and police powers to Sinhala majority provinces will result in heavy discrimination against Tamils in those areas reducing them to second class citizens and devolution of land and police poweres to North/East will result in Hindu and Christian Tamils discriminating other Tamils practising Islam as their religion and those arrived during the British, reducing them to second class citizens.
Ajith / March 27, 2016
Do you think that Tamils outside North East are now treated as first class citizens? Still Indian origins are the toilet cleaners in the South.
Fathima Fukushima / March 27, 2016
After federal or devolution it will be much worse.
Then second tier politicians will also abuse Tamils.
Burning Issue / March 27, 2016
IH praised you for your courteous comment! How desperate he is?
Fathima Fukushima / March 27, 2016
Factually Muslims are the most peaceful community in this country without a doubt.
Singhala youth took up arms against the state in 1971 and 1989 which caused a large number of deaths. Tamil youth took up arms against the state from 1983 to 2009 causing a massive number of deaths. In comparison, what have Muslims done? Nothing.
Many attempts were made to provoke Muslims in 1915, 1990 and 2014 by various groups. I’m very proud that my community was not aroused unlike others.
We Muslims never did insurgencies, wars, riots, terror attacks, civil wars, unreasonable strikes, etc. I challenge anyone to respectfully challenge these facts if they can.
Some people need to be reminded of these basic facts. Please don’t take our excellent and sensible conduct to be a weakness. Muslims avoided violent means because we are strong and deep, not easily provoked and not shallow unlike some others.
BTW don’t be put off by my moniker. I helped in the aftermath of the tsunami in Japan. Did you?
Fukushima / March 28, 2016
How can we and world forget black july of 83 where the southern Sinhala stamped their trade mark of setting fire while the Pirate of the land the Muslims came in drones carried out the looting.
How much of Colombo do you own after that??
what was the price but less than 1/2.
a dog is mans best friend while you despise dogs and succulent smoked ham.
Izeth Hussain / March 28, 2016
Fathima Fukushima – I most emphatically agree with your penultimate paragraph – our excellent and sensible conduct must not be taken as a sign of weakness. That has to be conveyed far more to the Tamil than the Sinhalese racists because the former are much more racist.That is amply borne out by the attacks against me in the CT columns over a long period – as I will bring out in the next part of my article. I must emphasize that ever since the Tamil attacks against me started in the CT every Muslim to whom I have talked about those attacks has agreed that the Tamil anti-Muslim racism is much worse than that of the Sinhalese. That is not just a consensus but unanimity. The Tamils must face up to that fact. – IH
Ken Robert / March 29, 2016
It is being said Islam is a religion of peace.
sr / March 30, 2016
“It is being said that Islam is a religion of peace” Ken Robert
There’re pros and cons in every thing.
Something acceptable to one may be unacceptable to another; that’s nature
Having moderate opinion in religion is the best way to maintain peace.
F. N. Stein / March 30, 2016
[Edited out],
When did you return after your ISIS/Daesh training in the Desert
heavens? The sinister plot of global islam to take over the entire world by force by 2025 is now out – openly. The thousands of secret cells in the different countries in Europe, Africa, North America, Australasia are being progressively exposed. The gory black Hijab and the Burqua will soon wane into oblivion as the last Summer fashions in Paris showed. Both H & B hereafter will be in pastel colours and more tolerable to the secular and civilised world. The Saudis are behind this. Wahabism is learning a hard lesson all over the world.
The blood thirsty savages who killed dozens of unarmed children in the Lahore Park this Easter Sunday – in the name of religion screaming Allahu Akbar – are being hunted down by the Pakistani military itself. They are the surreptitious Godfathers of the Taliban – whose ultimate aim is to destroy the fastly-developing India. They are getting the Islamic Atom Bomb ready for this. When this is set off Sri Lanka will not be spared from the dire affects of radiation that will consume Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims and all other innocents here.
The local secret ISIS cells will soon be uncovered by our own security services. The Sinhalese will wake up and acknowledge the danger within has gotten out of hand when something major happens to “infdel tourists” in the Maldives. Global intelligence refuses to share information on jihadists with the Maldives because they are unreliable. The coming massive danger caused by global island is difficult to be stopped. The Christian West is now forced to acknowledge the next Crusade is here. There will be tens of thousands of Donald Trumps all over these countries.
The beginning of the end of the medieval religion of blood, sword and revenge is now, at last, in sight.
F.N. Stein
Native Vedda / March 30, 2016
F. N. Stein
“The Christian West is now forced to acknowledge the next Crusade is here.”
The West brought it upon themselves, since 1979.
The West trained, armed and funded these terrorist just to contain USSR. Now it seems Saudi has been given permission to act as the regional religious super power. Don’t forget the income that the West derive from its sales Middle East Medieval Kingdoms keep the Military Industrial Complex happy.
Don’t forget the USA, Saudi, ISI axis of evil, the people of Afghanistan still continue to pay heavily for their misadventure.
Saudi opened up new fronts in Syria and Yemen, to flex its military muzzle with the blessing of the West under the pretext of democratizing both countries. The Saudi is the new saviour Democracy. Can you believe it?
By the way the West needed Saudi to maintain a steady supply of petrol to keep the prices low.
One can’t have the cake and eat it too.
F. N. Stein / March 30, 2016
This comment was meant to Fathima Fukushima. Somehow the Editor seems to have taken exception to the abbreviation FatFuk, which, curiously has been freely allowed in these pages earlier.
F.N. Stein
SJ / March 27, 2016
My appeal to every SENSIBLE reader: Read this by all means. But resist the temptation to respond. The best way to treat undesirable things is to ignore them. (SJ, March 26, 2016 at 2:24 am)
When I said it I had no way of highlighting the phrase “every SENSIBLE reader”.
Then there was objection too.
Look at the harvest of comments we have before us.
Much of it is filthy racism of different kinds.
IH has perhaps achieved his purpose.
Dr. Rajasingham Narendran / March 27, 2016
Dear SJ,
In response I had also asked ‘Sensible’ people to respond. There was indeed a response- a mixed bag perhaps. unfortunately, like begets like in human affairs. Izeth Hussain’s intemperate words, have received little support, but has provoked much revulsion and anger. Anger leads to equally intemperate words. We have to respond without losing our equanimity, however difficult it may be.
Izeth Hussain / March 28, 2016
Dr Rajasingham Narendran – come off it, Doc. You have the unbelievable gumption to refer to my “intemperate words”. It was you who used the word “bloody” and I retaliated by using the same word. I must emphasize that 1) I have never initiated attacks against Tamils; I have only responded to their attacks. 2) I have used the same kind of language as the Tamils in their attacks.
To other readers – I have noticed over a long period that whenever I retaliate appropriately to Tamil attacks, the Tamil racists are outraged. I have come to believe that the explanation is that the Tamil racists want nothing less than the Sakkilisation of the Muslims. The reference is to the Tamil lavatory cleaners of yore. They were not expected to respond when blackguarded by their masters. – IH
Rajash / March 28, 2016
Izeth Hussain
You have lost your marbles
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / March 28, 2016
Can you please respond to my comment (March 26, 2016 at 8.21 am)?
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / March 28, 2016
“The outcome of the discussion with the community leaders in Kurunegala is not an exception. Discussions with similar groups in Kalutara, Ratnapura and Trincomalee have also revealed a similar pattern of answers. This shows that the population at large reflects the moderate ethos of the present political leadership. The present government has not adopted a belligerent stance in dealing either with the international community or with those who are in the opposition within the country. The attendance of all top political leaders of the government and ethnic minority parties at the annual convention of the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress is evidence of their desire to cohabit, coexist and be mutually supportive.”- excerpt from an article by Jehan Perera titled ‘Need for a better communications strategy” in Colombotelegraph today.
The moderates among all communities in this country, the majority are asserting themselves today. This is the ground reality I see. Jehan has portrayed this development very clearly. It is window of opportunity that should not be squandered, once again.
Izeth Hussain / March 29, 2016
SJ – To the reader. SJ’s attacks on me like those of other Tamil racists is usually ad hominem. That points to a crucial difference between the Tamil and Sinhalese attacks. The latter are rarely ad hominem. They reflect Western Islamophobic propaganda and racist stereotypes about the local Muslims – cunning fellows who want to make gains by setting up the Tamils and Sinhalese against each other, and so on. Apart from the attacks by the notorious racist Mahindapala, the Sinhalese attacks hardly ever show the hysterical hatred and mad dog rage that have characterized many of the Tamil attacks against me. Reference to CT archives will show that beyond dispute.
The reason for the ad hominem attacks is that they want to stop me being published. Leelananda wrote, “Having been a regular reader of CT, I and undoubtedly many others have noticed that both Sinhalese and Tamil readers obviously unable to bear the utmost quality of IZ’s writings have either subtly or more directly resorted to this deplorable racist line”.That is far more true of the Tamil racists. – IH
Fukushima / March 29, 2016
There are no contradictions here. When in doubt check your own premises. you will find that your game is no song in the last 70 years. Most don’t believe everything the IC establishment tells us and similarly what muslims tell us.
Your article and post have reached a crescendo-
Walla wackbar boom! and you call it peaceful faith.
It seems Muslims on this thread do not want to know the meaning of racist but they stole the English medium from the general public.
Unlike Christianity, Islam is a clenched fisted community that it does not see other humans. you want others to believe your garbage of walla wackbar boom!!
SJ / March 29, 2016
I meant SENSIBLE readrs
Plato. / March 27, 2016
The Tamils and Sinhalese have more things in common rather than other issues.
Beware! The Muslim is trying to create a a wedge,for him to continue to do more business!
Ajith / March 28, 2016
I fully agree with you. Islamist Fundamentalism and terrorism is much dangerous to the peace of the world. Unless the civilised world unite against them they demolish the world. In Srilanka, Sinhalese and Tamils should be together to get rid of Islamists Fundamentalism. It is true that Muslims played a crucial role in dividing Sinhalese and Tamil. Both Sinhalese and Tamils lost their peace, their economy, their independence, their lives. Tamils and Sinhalese are the inhabitants of this land but Muslims are not. They are neither Sinhala nor Tamil. Depending on the needs they will change their hat until they are ready to achieve their goal of converting this land into a Islamist State.
It is time for Sinhalese and Tamils to realise this truth and unite together to save the land.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / March 28, 2016
Yes, there are elements that fish in troubled waters, but they are the fringe elements in all communities. No one community is exempt or exclusively culpable.
Dragos / March 28, 2016
Dr RN,
“the fringe elements in all communities.”
Have you heard of what when where and degree of the crime??
That is the dividing line.
So to get your slice of bread you paint all fighter fish in one big pool.
SL from 48 that is what most Tamils have done so far and taken all so far
The question that civilians in the west are asking is why is it that the Muslims don’t expose the rotten eggs? they never will saying its blasphemy or like MR! and combo saying its sovereignty.
We cant have it anymore.
Have you seen refugee Tamils en-mass rape their host Germany?? Even Hitler had space for Muslims. That is IH’s culture and faith.
IH tits are tinkling.
Yours is the prayer of the stupid liberal and gop establishment.
Trump is down to earth and right – shut the door
the establishment is sucking the heartland of America.
When exposed those pirate elements would go missing the same way he said of North Korea and Iraq. Then children can play without fear of becoming diced meat at the hand of the secretive Muslim crusade. The world does not need technology or communication skills from Islamic crusade polygamist pirates.
you need to sharpen the blade of survival and not linger.
Ajith / March 28, 2016
Dr Naren.
There are few elements in all communities but in Muslim community they are very powerful and capable of turning their community in to their net.
New Vanguard / March 28, 2016
I was somewhat surprised by Mr Hassains statements.
A good article and a better discussion, a peaceful discussion that we have had in these pages is the very thing we need. No-one can doubt the honesty of the opinions discussed, even though they are a little RAW ( no pun intended).
I would suggest that what we have here is not racism but what I have called “ethno – nationalism”. It is not so much opressing another race but about celebrating and preserving one’s own race, culture and traditions.
When one’s cultural identity is threatened, obviously there is a reaction – witness the opression of the Sinhala masses by the English colonists, who in turn, installed whom they wanted to run the administration. Indeed, the mayhem wreaked by the Westerners makes anyone else seem like saints by comparison, and maybe they are.
When two ethnicities compete for resources within the same land, and political conflicts and upheavals occurs, we are not to be surprised at the results: what is surprising is the lack of understanding of the causes these problems.
In the West they teach ‘celebration of diversity’ and ‘cultural relativism’, at least in more liberal circles. This teaching has led me to support both the preservation of the Sinhala Buddhist culture as well as the Tamil culture and other minority cultures such as the Veddhas. Treat them all well, and get along.
It is the job of the government to create conditions for all ethnicities to live in peace with each other – but governments in Sri Lanka have not been very successful. Perhaps our politicians are not educated enough?
Why not a compulsory degree in political science for all our parlimentarians? What better vehicle for success? Of course a post graduate degree is in order for those more experienced, or with honorary degrees.
Apparently there is a Professor specializing in Overturning Governments looking for a part time placement.
Change of government anynone?
heathen / March 28, 2016
“”Apparently there is a Professor specializing in Overturning Governments looking for a part time placement.
Change of government anynone?””
The day nomination was hijacked it was known on CT that folk would be experiencing tainted knickers worn wrong side out.
People have to learn to throw away the chintz like the Czech Republic did V.Havel kept his word and resigned once he changed the system.
Lanka is Thannava yet its Bodi Sira and his muskets.
It would take long unless there is a world calamity as before- only an external force is capable of it.
Are the Chinese going in for a swap of $1billion now that India has swapped 1.5?? It would be poor banking for the Chinese to not have heard RBI chief. The dollar will keep on rising because of American Gas. presently, Rs 2 extra for the dollar.
cholan / March 28, 2016
Throw money..
Give some houses
Muslims will change their cap not Tamils
FYI in Tamil Naadu a new generation political party is rising with the emblem of LTTE ..it is growing fast …among 7 million people
Tomorrow when they are in power SL thoppies can’t go and tell “..THAAI PULLA .”.story because they know very well about the traitors here calling themselves Muslima and spaek Tamil as mother tongue .and pretend that they are Arab decedents In Tamil Naddu Muslims called themselves as Tamils and even Muslims women wear flowers on hair …no haraam
Clock is ticking fast
justice / March 28, 2016
Muslims are the most racist group worldwide.
Citizens of most countries would rather have any others than Muslims, as neighbours, according to surveys.
This is the reality.
Amarasiri / March 29, 2016
The unsurprising reality is the exact opposite. Asian and Middle Eastern countries are among the most racist.
If you look closely, the two most racist, red were India and Israel.
Then comes the Muslim Countries.
So, the Most Racist are the Hindus and the Jews. No surprise here, because it is in their Religion. Hindus in the USA are the most racist towards the African American, the Black people, probably they equated them to “low caste’ Americans.
Islam and Christianity do not advocate Racism, even though both practiced Slavery.
Thre is certainly a huge cultural component here and tribal component here.
The unsurprising reality is the exact opposite. Asian and Middle Eastern countries are among the most racist.
Of the four most racist countries, two, Bangladesh and Jordan are Muslim, and one, India, has a very large Muslim population. Furthermore, while most Western countries, are blue, meaning that they are not racist, most Muslim countries surveyed fall into the red category, meaning that they are very racist.
These include Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, Bangladesh, Iran, Turkey, Algeria, Morocco, Mali and Malaysia. The only Western country on that list is France.
Meanwhile the most tolerant countries in the world include United States, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Guatemala, Britain, Sweden, Norway, Latvia, Australia, New Zealand.
What do they have in common? Not a single one of them is Muslim, Hindu or Jewish.
Rajash / March 29, 2016
Izeth & Fathima
what happened in Lahore Pakistan?
alex / March 29, 2016
His opening line says it all ‘I have come to share the views of the Sinhalese hardliners’ … you are what you think Izeth. Nutter.
Backlash / March 29, 2016
I did not respond to this regular wearisome harangue of Izeth Hussain earlier since I decided I will watch the other parts and reply. But since that may take some and there is so much of contradiction and venom on this non-existent Tamil racism in this instalment alone I wish to add my comments.
Reading one more unsolicited hotpotch from our cardboard Socrates reminds one of the old saying “an idle mind is the devil’s workshop” The octogenarian Izeth Hussain clearly has far too much of time in his retired days and gleefully inflicts this, that and the other on the readership never minding what damage this imposes on the peace and good of different communities in the island. He is hell-bent on imposing his often contradictory “expert political analysis” on an audience that cares very little nor the stomach for it. Although he stridently denies he is anti-Tamil, this first instalment of his piece on his imaginary creation of “Tamil racism” has drawn so much of flack from Tamil commentators shocked by the toxic thoughts of this tiresome trouble-maker.
I have commented earlier this deranged man will earn irreparable damage to his community by his misadventure in inflaming not merely the Tamil community but now the Sinhala community as well. It was the misadventure of the Ulema power-drunk in the Halal issue that snapped the patience of the Sinhalese resulting in an island-wide anti-Muslim consciousness. This was to result, among others, in the tragic events in Aluithgama. It is irresponsible men like Izeth H, Lateef Farook and others who should be held response for the deaths and destruction Muslims suffered there. Although I am aware, in addition to the bitter criticism against Hussain in these columns by Muslim readers themselves, I know there have been attempts by the Muslim leadership to restrain Hussain I am afraid the “advise” has not hit home sufficiently.
In disproving the irrationality of Hussein’s opinions let me take him on ad verbatim. One cannot but notice he cunningly apportions his anti-Tamil prejudice on the Sinhalese as he writes “I have come to share the view of the Sinhalese hard-liners that the Tamil ethnic problem cannot be solved through devolution” and then he continues surprisingly to claim “giving police and land powers – will only aggravate the ethnic problem, not solve it” In a few sentences thereafter he contradicts himself and says “accommodativeness will lead to a final definitive solution of the ethnic problem on the basis of devolution” What a moron happily living in the illusion he is an extra-ordinary political analyst.
India has quite categorically denied the oft raised opinion of many here “the ethnic problem we have on our hands is in reality an Indian problem, not a Sri Lankan one” that Hussein makes mention of. Let us admit India’s deeper involvement came in during JRJ’s regime post-1977 whereas what is now termed “the ethnic problem” showed up in the mid-1950s where it was sometimes referred to as the “language issue” Hussein’s argument here, therefore, does not hold water.
Hussein poorly conceals his abundant anti-Tamil bias when he erroneously concludes “The prevailing consensus in the international community therefore is that ethnic minorities must know their place and keep it, or be taught to keep it. So the travails of the SL Tamils would not figure in international consciousness”. The truth is as in South Sudan, Timor L’este, Bosnia and many other contested theatres with similar issues the sympathy of the international community is often with the minorities under attack. In the Sri Lankan Tamil issue it is much more. The fact many Western governments relaxed their immigration rules to accommodate the besieged Tamils is because they were of the view the Lankan majority government is held captive by the extremist Sinhalese lay and clerical cabal from reaching a settlement. It is known many sections of secveral different governments have privately admitted our Tamils need to be treated much more justly and fairly.
In over-emphasising the Indo-Chinese rivalry vis-a-vis Sri Lanka this former diplomat betrays his lack of appreciation between the on going regular dialogue between both India and China in a myriad of issues between them. Both sides work on the basis these “minor irritants” are solvable between the two Asian major powers to preserve the greater benefits that can flow to both sides by mutual accommodation. China is not foolish to ignore Sri Lanka is only a few miles away from India’s Southern border and that historical and geographical factors need to be addressed where Sri Lanka falls within India’s sphere of influence.
Hussein commits another blunder when he shows he is satisfied “India committed a monumental blunder in stopping the Vadamarachchi operation in the naïve expectation that a political solution for the ethic problem could be found without much difficulty” That India did use its clout to stop the Vadamaratchi push is well known. The reasons are different. The man behind the Vadamaratchi push was
Athulathmudali known to be thoroughly anti-Indian. This was because of his personal battle with Gamini Dissanayake to gain the mantle of Presidentship after JRJ. The favourite then was Gamini D, whose relations with India was understood to be excellent. If the Vadamaratchi push went ahead the civilian casualties would have been no different to what we saw in May 2009. Such a catastrophe would have resulted in a massive and uncontrollable backlash from MGR and Karunanidhi on Delhi. JRJ did not restrain his quarrelling Cabinet colleagues (that included Premadasa as well) because this
rift eventually saved JRJ’s neck. That Athulathmudali was out to wreck Indo-Lanka relations at that time was proved when he was behind the unnecessaryjoint suicide of Pulendran and his friends – something which he continued to deny. It may be recalled this is the one single event that re-started the war with the LTTE – that was to cause so much havoc to the country. Todate, as to who gave the orders to arrest Pulendran and Co – a total violation of the terms of the Indo-Lankan agreement – remains officially unconfirmed. That is the extrent to which cloak and dagger affairs were taking place then in that dis-united Cabinet.
As to the role of the learned, those with expertise and neutral political analysts that are vital to form policy on Indo-Lankan affairs I am afraid Izeth Hussain’s knowledge span falls far short to be useful or even sought by sources that matter. Sri Lankan officialdom is better off learning from the old adage “Lord! I can well take care of my enemies. But, please save me from my friends” (meaning their unsolicited advise)
Izeth Hussain / April 1, 2016
Backlash – Can’t you make your abuse less prolix Backie Boy. I skimmed through your drivel and the detail caught my eye that you are aware that the Muslim leadership has attempted to restrain me. You are a liar Backie Boy. There have been no such attempts.
You would of course have read Leelananda on me. Read him again, then froth at the mouth like a mad dog, and watch the IH caravan moving ahead. – IH
Backlash / April 1, 2016
I will, once more, ignore Hussein’s characteristically crude response. That is his congenital nature. Perhaps the result of his cultural upbringing that, unfortunately, emphasises on hate, revenge and blood. The world is beginning to increasingly recognise and engage this. Hussein is wounded I have exposed the shallowness of his fragile arguments of Devolution to the Tamils and other issues he foolishly embarked on. I am glad more readers, including Muslims, are beginning to engage and condemn this man’s growing irrationality. Hussein fights far too many readers – simultaneously.