2 May, 2024


Tense Standoff At Jaffna University As Govt Destroys Mullivaikal Student Monument Under Cover Of Darkness

Students staged a sit in outside the campus gates overnight on Friday after authorities demolished a monument dedicated to the victims of Mullivaikal, the final theatre of battle in the civil war, where thousands of civilians perished in May 2019.

STF troops were brought in to guard the campus gates after the demonstration began. STF also patrolled the streets around the campus.

Police on the scene attempted to chase away the new Mayor of Jaffna, Visvalingam Mannivanan who had joined the students who were protesting against the demolition. Two student protestors were arrested on the scene by the police.

The bulldozers arrived under the cover of darkness and reduced the monument to a pile of rubble.

The monument was erected by the students in 2019 and reportedly sculpted by a student who lost his father when his family was trying to flee the fighting in the Government designated No Fire Zone.

Vice Chancellor of the Jaffna University Professor S. Srisatkunarajah said the monument could not be allowed to stand because permission had not been obtained for its erection on campus grounds from the relevant ministry. “We were told that things that were built illegally must be removed and they must be informed after. They said they found that out through investigation and that we could not keep this at the university,” the Vice Chancellor claimed.

However photos appeared on social media of the Vice Chancellor appointed by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa in August 2020 showing the monument to police and security forces personnel a few weeks before the demolition happened.

Former Head of Law at the Jaffna University, Dr K. Guruparan expressed concern on Twitter that the previous Vice Chancellor had been sacked for his refusal to remove the monument.

Activists viewed the demolition as the Government’s complete inability to tolerate remembrance and commemoration of the dead by minority Tamils.

Former Commissioner for the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka Ambika Sathkunanathan, commenting on the demolition under the cover of night, tweeted “forced ‘forgetting makes people remember all the more”.

“Why are you so afraid of a memorial that remembers those that were killed during the war? Why do people’s loss, memories, pain, heartbreak & tears frighten you? Is it because you know that pain, tears & heartbreak are more powerful than weapons & force?” the formed Commissioner questioned on Twitter.

Former co-editor of the citizen journalism website Groundviews Amalini De Sayrah tweeted: Sending machines in the dark of the night to tear down a site of memory for Tamil people killed on the orders of these very same ‘leaders’ is disgraceful, racist, cruel – very on-brand for #SriLanka, constantly threatened by mourning for victims of its violence. #lka

(By Chinthika De Silva

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  • 12

    Descendants of Dravida slaves brought by Portuguese to work in their tobacco plantations in Yapanaya who faced a humiliating defeat from Sinhalayo are suffering from defeat-syndrome and spewing anti-Sinhala venom to release their anger and hatred towards Native Sinhalayo.

    • 27

      no point of arguing with you, because your thoughts and minds sound no different to that of a teenage boy. Please go back to literiture and get your facts rights. We sinhalayo to be kept above, then there had also been tamils in this island that lived before colonial masters brought the platation tamils into the country. CT should see why you the kind of ULTRA racists should exist on this platform.
      Today, those who supported ULTRA RACISTS rajapakshes for their return make every effort to hide their tails behind the rear legs.
      Today not many would speak loud about RAJAKASHES BITCH S SONS HAPANKAM any more. Just because they are idiots, entire sinhalyas must not be blamed for the entire mess experienced today. Just putting the blame on PREVIOUS govt, Rajakshes make every efforts today to protect their bums. I have no doubt, this govt would not exist another 1/2 year. Absaranayi to srilankens.

      • 3

        I wonder why your sss itch when I talk about Demalu. Did you have a Demala man as your neighbor?

        • 16

          Be careful Eagle Eye. See what happened to Trump. There is no place for racism. Engage in intelligent conversations. Perhaps you are incapable to such.

          • 3

            If there is no place for racism that will be the end of Malabar Vellala Demala (Tamils after 1911) politicians who thrive on racism and separatism!

            “There is no place for racism.”

            • 2

              Dear EE

              B specific that is FP/TULF the criminal gang a foreign sponsored treason/treachery traitors …………..50/50, Federalism and Separatism all from the same manifesto (this now and more later) under the same party manifesto since 1956…..the consequence is the innocent victims died…now the pieces are being picked up-by the another generation not knowing the culprits and used by the same Mafia for their ends.

              I hope the new constitution will bring a common memorial for all “Mother Lankan Children Died including the Indian Soldiers” we can all pay tribute to our fellow men and women.

              We have in our life time learned how a foreign sponsored armed insurrection can rewrite history for a beautiful democratic Nation as it has happened around the world very many times……India/Singapore/Malaysia…..all have/had issues but never did what we did to overcome them because that can not solve problems… I feel sorry for the burden on this youth now at the University as no-one to guide them for a better future and pay tribute more constructively.

            • 2

              If there is no racism in SL, which is asking a lot, then there is NO PLACE FOR YOU.

        • 2

          Hi EE
          How is your Demala wife doing. Are your half demala kids tuning enough tricks to supplement your handout from the Australian government?

    • 15

      You always expose your racial feelings and hating other people in a public forum, No body like you could be advised to change your attitude at your tender-age .That is why even politicians from the Republican party are deserting President Donald Trump as incommensurable and intolerable.

      • 3

        Pon Lanka,
        Even in Sri Lanka same thing is happening. Ordinary Demala people who are branded as low caste are deserting racist separatist Malabar Vellala Demala politicians who took them for a ride for their political survival.
        On the day Demala people get rid of these racist separatist Malabar Vellala Demala politicians Sinhalayo and Demala people will be able to live peacefully in Sinhale.

        • 2

          Hi EE
          Is your demala wife branded as low caste?? Is that why you keep harping Vellala Tamils as racists??

    • 9

      Sinhalayo leaders were so scared of Demilas who were too smart for them and managed to have an edge until Sinhalayo leaders had to beg assistance from India, US, etc. to defeat Demilas.

      You may have an eagle eye. However, your distorting of history shows that you do not have an eagle brain.

      • 3

        I agree that all the leaders in Sinhale except Mahinda Rajapakshe were scared of Tamil terrorists because they believed what Sudda fellows said that LTTE cannot be defeated militarily. One dumbo leader was so scared that he gave one third of the country on a platter to a hard core megalomaniac terrorist.
        Mahinda Rajapakshe did not beg USA and India for assistance. They came voluntarily because they wanted to eliminate LTTE after Rajapakshe regime convinced them that LTTE is working with ISIS and could become a threat to their security. India also had a grudge with Prabhakaran for assassinating Rajiv Gandhi who gave his bullet-proof vest to protect him from Sri Lanka Army bullets.

        • 4

          Hi EE
          ” all the leaders in Sinhale except Mahinda Rajapakshe were scared of Tamil terrorists ” Is that why mahinda rajapakshe paid million of rupees to LTTE leader to win his presidential election???

          • 1

            Don’t you think that Mahinda R had figured out correctly that VP was so daft that he will play into his hands for a fistful of cash?

            • 1

              I am not sure your mahinda is that bright to figure it out. My guess is MAN in desperation will attempt anything!!!

    • 16

      The descendants of the Dravida Slaves imported into the island by the Portuguese and Dutch are the present day Sinhalese Karawa, Salagama, Durawa, Hunu, Hali, Berewa. Now making up around 50% of the present day Sinhalese . They largely live in the so called low country areas. Most probably you are one of these descendants. DNA has also proved most low country Sinhalese are very close related to the South Indians, as most of them are descended from these so called Dravida slaves and other Southern Indian immigrants .Low and high born . Eg. Neela Perumal Pandarmayakam. Thambi Mudaliary Jayawardene, Lalith Athulath Mudaliyar. Even all your so called Kandyan Radalas are descended from Tamil Pandians and Tamil speaking Nayakas from Madurai. DNA has also proven the Kandyan Sinhalese and Sri Lankan Tamils are very closely related to each other. This is why even the Kings of Kandy took Tamil princess from Jaffna or from Madurai Tamil Nadu as their brides and not so called low country Sinhalese so called Sinhalese princess from Kotte, as they knew they were rubbish

      • 3

        Portuguese brought millions of Dravida slaves to Yapanaya to work in tobacco planatations and British brought millions of Dravida indentured labor to work in tea plantations in Central Highlands. Portuguese and British records provide proof. There was no ethnic group called Tamils in Sinhale until a Demala guy who worked in Census Department changed the term ‘Malabar’ to Tamil. ‘Malabar’ was the term used by colonial rulers to Dravidians in Yapanaya and Sinhalayo called them ‘Demala’.
        Demalu were confined to Yapanaya peninsula because they were scared of malaria in North Central and Eastern part of the country. During British rule few Demalu were dragged out from Yapanaya and settled in the North Central and Eastern coast. That is the history of so called ‘Traditional Homeland’ of Demala Tamils.

        • 3

          Eagle Blind Eye

          “Portuguese and British records provide proof.”

          Please provide proofs.
          Not Kamalika’s garbage.

          • 1

            Native Vedda,
            What is the point in providing proof to a dumbo who claims that he/she is a Native Vedda but does not know who are Sinhalayo and where is Sinhale. It is just like pouring water on a pot placed upside down. In Sinhala we say ‘munin nawapu kalayakata wathura wakkaranawa wagei’.
            In CT you try to be ‘Loola nethi walata kanaya pandithaya’.

          • 1

            Native Vedda
            The proof EE has is in his imaginary world. Demented minds imagine so many realistic sceneries and this is one of many in EE/mahindapal’s world. So don’t expect any sensible response from EE.

        • 4

          Please do not display your ignorance and confused mind-set to others. The word Malabar refers to people migrated from Kerala who are mostly Muslim traders who started settling in Puttalam District and married to Sinhala women and later became even leaders of Sinhalease.
          There are very many evidences in books for these facts . The late
          President J,R,Jayawardena’s maternal grand father was known as Thamby Marikar and married to a Sinhala women in 1800s. Similarly S.W.R.D. Bandaranayakes’ were descendants of Andra pradesh Nayaka heritage. There were thousands of tamil shoulders , brought from south India by King Kayabagu to fight other sinhala Kings during Anauradhapura period and who then remained here and became Sinhalese . At that time Mannar was the port of entry to Anuradhapura Kingdom. This trend of harbouring skilled Tamil Shoulders from India by Sinhala Kings to fight for power was continuing until the 11th century. At that time , Tamil Chola kings were extending their kingdom even up to Southeast Asia. Therefore , know your history, geography and politics, before making ruthless comment. Only God knows! you may even be one of these off’springs!!!

        • 2

          HI EE
          People talk of misinformation propagated by TRUMP in the USA, that is nothing compared to the misinformation spread by YOU.
          You are a source of FAKE NEWS in SL. Probably your experience as editor in lake house newspaper come very handy at your twilight days.

  • 7

    Many events have taken place, obvious and covert and gained attention or went un-noticed. Every ones’ eyes are on Covid cremation and Covid number. Aanduwa is struggling controlling exchange rate. It is behaving like a squeezed balloon and would go off anytime. The reserve in CB’s hand is less than 2/3 of the loan falling due. Vaccine money is additional. ME loaned women has to be brought back. Budget didn’t give the details of income foretasted. Printing Money suggested by outsiders, but they precaution of another blotting balloon, inflation. You can put a drop of Arsenic in running river, but if you put bottle of it in a cup of coffee, you guaranteed you are not escaping out of it. If you try to take out thorn by another thorn, two thorns may be left in your muscle. It is said the Cabal, who bragged to give him the government to demonstrate how to manage the country’s finance, expressed his feeling the hardship is awaiting in developing the country.

  • 8

    March will come soon just like that. UNHRC had delivered its draft report to be presented in the 46th sitting about Lankawe and reply is due in one or two days. Communist Denesh who challenged the UNHRC in last spring is said to be have expressed his fears of the problems are waiting in the coming spring, in Geneva. Lankawe is holding human right lawyer Hisbullah inside. But Colombo Media reporting of a case filed by US Justice Department in California Federal accusing three ISIS operative, living in Lankawe, connect with 4/21.

    That link is leading to Justice Department report on the case filed. Because there is a case already filed, US would reserve its rights to ask for extradition of the accused after their trials in Lankawe.

  • 8

    This case, as terrorism involved in it, would give US another tool, beyond its mutual criminals exchange agreements signed with Lankawe. The first one was signed in President Clinton’s time and lately upgraded during Yahapalanaya time. The additional tool is UN’s resolution 1373, the one Aanduwa uses whenever it wants to designate any Tamil as terrorist. This seems to the reason the Justice Minister released a statement yesterday that all involved in 4/21 will be punished without impunity. He seems to getting nervous that US also in that. Aanduwa did not file any case against or release the Tamils accused of terrorism. But in 4/21 case, Aanduwa is facing a problem because many foreign citizens died & maimed here for no fault of them. Aanduwa must finish the case & pay the compensations the foreign citizens’ relatives are expecting from Aanduwa. I have not heard about if the relatives are unionizing for a class action or here & there some individuals’ civil action may stem. If Aanduwa dodge on that the tourism has less chance to come back. Some may not remember that Lankawe tourism fell down not by Covid -19, but much earlier, by 4/21.

    • 4

      March will come and go but Demalu have to live with Sinhalayo.

      Government should take action against Demalu, including politicians, Catholic priests, Hindu Poosaris who supported separatism for violating the Constitution and strip their civil rights and confiscate their movable and immovable property. Then Sambandan has to give up his palace in Colombo 7 and go to jungle in Tirikunamale.

      Malabar Vellala Demalu who claim ownership to land in Yapanaya are occupying Sinhala land. Portuguese grabbed land belonged to Sinhalayo in Yapanaya by force pointing gun at them. After that they brought Dravida slaves and dumped in Yapanaya. After colonial rulers left, Malabar Vellala Demalu grabbed the land and applied Malabar customary law ‘Thesawalamei’. Therefore, the Government should declare land owned by Malabar Vellala Demalu as State Land and give those land to real users. This will liberate low caste Demala people from Vellala feudalism.

      Demalu depend on Sinhalayo. Sinhalayo know ways and means to screw Demalu.

      • 5

        So you now distinguish between different types of demalas. So when you refer to slaves brought from India, you are not referring to all tamils. Be consistent. But perhaps you are not capable of this as you may lack principles.

        If you cannot use intelligence to outsmart someone, you have to resort to other ways to screw that person.

        • 2

          Historian (who does not know the history of Sinhale),
          Sinhalayo do not make a distinction. They called Dravidians who started invading Sinhale from 3rd Century BC ‘DEMALA’. They called Dravida slaves brought by colonial rulers to Yapanaya and Central Highlands ‘DEMALA’. They called Dravida illegal immigrants (Kallathoni) ‘Demala’. Even now the official Sinhala term for Dravidians is ‘Demala’. When the President address the Nation he says ‘Sinhala, Demala, Muslim saha anikuth jatheengen awasarai’ He never says ‘Sinhala, Tamil, Muslim …’
          Those who were identified as Malabar/Demala became Tamils in 1911 when a Demala guy named Ponnambalam Arunachalam who worked in Census Department changed the term ‘Malabar’ to ‘Ceylon Tamils’. There was no ethnic group called “TAMILS’ in this country before 1911 although Vigneshwaran says Tamils lived in this country 3000 years ago.
          Malabar Vellala Demalu made a distinction by identifying Demalu in tea plantations as ‘Indian Tamils’ because they belonged to a very low caste.
          Can you please tell us how to differentiate a ‘Ceylon Tamil’ from an ‘Indian Tamil’ who live in Sri Lanka. Is it tattooed in the chest?
          ‘So you now distinguish between different types of demalas.’

          • 8

            “Can you please tell us how to differentiate a ‘Ceylon Tamil’ from an ‘Indian Tamil’ who live in Sri Lanka. Is it tattooed in the chest?”
            No I can’t. But I know how you can tell a Sinhalayo from a Sinhalese. Sinhalayo have tails, being descendants of a lion. Also, their IQ is also about the same as a senile lion’s. That’s why they keep repeating old rubbish daily.

            • 6

              old codger

              Please note I found the following point on a intent posting:

              “Male lions have a reputation for their chauvinistic ways and are well known for their habit of lazing around all day until the female members of the pride deliver their dinner,”

              Do you think the above observation is relevant to Sinhalayo’s life style?

            • 1

              old codger,
              “No I can’t.”

              Then why the hell Malabar Vellala Demalu want to keep this distinction?
              The truth is there are no Tamils in Sinhale. Dravidians (Demalu) who lived in Sinhale became Tamils overnight in 1911 thanks to Ponnambalam Arunachalam who worked in Census Department and licked the *** of Brits.
              I have worked with high caste Tamils from Tamil Nadu. They do not consider Demalu in Sinhale who belong to low castes (Dalits) according to them taken as slaves by colonial rulers as Tamils but Tamil politicians use them for their political survival.

            • 0

              When did a senile lion ever repeat old rubbish?
              The animal does not even regurgitate.

        • 4


          “If you cannot use intelligence to outsmart someone, you have to resort to other ways to screw that person.”

          If you want to screw Eagle Blind Eye and his fellow bigots, tell them what exactly is/was truth. It will continue to mess their head. They can’t stand truth.

        • 1

          Just for educational purposes help me pls…….I understand people were brought into work in the planation an initial numbers and no knowledge of slaves status etc?? even of that is so the rest came through their connections to their villages back in India from the folks who were working in the planation already inviting more to join over time as opportunities existed.

          The living conditions were harsh one and no opportunity its to change cause either as they were merely their for work under colonial and local masters then?

          Very likely some were duped into coming over by their own people as people trading were being done/Human Resources were made available/racketeering existed then by the locals who misled their own/may have even helped their people to find jobs away from the landlords and masters in India too?? Gandhi’s fight was more on Indians treating the Indians with respect than just the colonial issues then??

        • 2

          EE has to distinguish between between different types of Tamils, since he is married to a Tamil ( or low caste Demala in his words) and supported bt thevtricks turned out by his half caste children in Melbourne.

        • 2

          Do you consider “slaves brought from India” to be a lesser people?
          Slaves came into this country for centuries and got assimilated to the rest of the population.
          For example, cinnamon peelers.

          • 1


            One has to be cautious using the word “slave”. In the pre colonial and colonial period what we “may” have had is people trading (Chinese/Arbs/various invading kings from the mainland) may have also had a normal “workforce” utilised for various activities then just as we do now. Whether they were shackeled/bought/sold in SL not sure nor this is documented as such anywhere?.

            With regard to Estate Labourers this may have been a free movement of finding suitable workforce available in the region(TamilNadu) at that time who through their connections increased in numbers based on demand and specially preference from the Landowners themselves not employing the locals then?

            Far too many loose terms get used only validate the FP formation that itself fed into the same (Indian Labourers further confined to the estates and to the horrible living/working conditions) and we focus on continuing tea production as an commodity which is not fit for our Nation building program nor address the local resentments in post colonial times. Part of JVP concerns too rightfully?

      • 4

        30% of the Vanni Population is Indian Tamils the home building program by India may be for them and wonder whom do they vote for TNA or the Indian Workers Congress? I never seen any workers congress candidates up North??

        • 3

          Rumble Bumble where did you pluck this 30% figure from ? Lanka Lies Kamalika’s or Shenali’s fairy tales? There is a small percentage of Indian origin Tamils living in the Vanni , it will be 10% the most but very much less than this. All Sri Lankan governments from the time of independence , never wanted the Indian origin estate Tamils to settle in the north or east , that was one of their nightmares. The did not want the Tamil population to be strengthened in these regions and did everything to prevent this , as they had earmarked the sparsely populated but fertile Vanni and Trincomalee districts for Sinhalese colonisation. Every time the estate Indian Tamil population fled to the north and east to escape state sponsored Sinhalese violence and pogroms against the Tamils , they were quickly rounded up by the Sri Lankan armed forces and police and immediately sent back the Central province estate areas. However Sinhalese were encouraged illegally settle in these areas and even openly steal Tamil people’s lands. They were protected by the state and the Sinhalese armed forces and police. Stop posting lies and misinformation. If there were so many Indian origin Tamils living amongst the Sri Lankan Tamils , how come the DNA tests never reveal this? You can lies Eagle scatter brain can lie, Kamalika and Shenali can lie but DNA never lies

          • 0

            By now may be more according to some locals I spoke to etc. Many of them were given land and settled etc.

            It Is a good news and should be more soon too. Wanted to see different parties such as workers congress as Indian Tamils do not vote for TNA??

        • 0

          Why don’t you ask the Thondaman clan this question?

          • 0

            Any official representative of CWC please share knowledge as to why we do not Ceylon Workers Congress fielding candidates in Vanni/North as is the natural flow and the future too?

            • 0

              In Malaysia the Indian Workers Congress identity is maintained further undermining the assimilation of the decedents? not good for any secular Nation wannabes?

              We also went from Ceylon Congress > FP + TC + UNP + SLFP + CP

              whereby the journey should be other way around??

              Imagine we maintained Ceylon Congress and ruled the Nation like Chines Communist Party with our version of democracy we would be on the top of the world today.

              We should now limit this craziness to UNP + SLPP + Green Party will fix the Nation for good.

  • 10

    On the anniversary of the murder of Lasantha Wickrematunge and on the day of the demolition of an the Tamil memorial inside the Jaffna campus this is what Gota has utttered:

    I am Nandasena Gotabaya I have two characters within me…..Prabhakaran bombed ae and he was slain like a dog. If any one wants to test me I can be like that. warning opposition politicians to be careful.

    gloves are off….

    for Tamils who died nd on the day after the Indian Foreign Affairs Ministers visit to Sri Lanka

    what message is Gota sending?

  • 12

    This terrible act by the Sri Lankan state and armed forces and many others before this proves to the world , the racist genocidal intent of the Sinhalese people led by the Sri Lankan state towards to island’s Tamil population , who have a far more ancient history in the island than the Sinhalese and have also ruled their territories in the island prior to the arrival of the European colonists. They have no intention of allowing the island’s Tamils to live in peace dignity and as equal citizens in their own land. What they want is to destroy the Tamils as a people , erase their ancient history in the island or that they even existed. They have managed to chase away 1/3 of the island’s indigenous Tamils from the island and have now used the might of the state to steal 1/3 of their land and soon most of it. They can use the power of the state to build Illegal Sinhalese settlement, Buddha statues and Buddhist Viharas , many on the premises of ancient Hindu temples and justify these actions with fake and concocted history. Recently in the eastern Tamil Batticaloa district Tamil farmers living in the border villages were being abducted , terrorized and their farms taken over , so that they will run away in fear.

    • 11

      Nothing is done , However Tamil people cannot even build a memorial to remember their dead and fallen or even allowed to mourn for them but the Sinhalese can openly have victory parades and commemorate their dead , insurgents and war criminals and build huge memorials for them , even in Tamil areas to add insult to injury. We now being treated like third rate occupied people in our own lands.The international community ignoring this and asking the Tamils to live in a unitary state is only aiding and abetting war crimes , structured genocide and ethnic cleansing and helping the Sinhalese to destroy the Tamil people. They will have blood in their hands and are knowingly doing this. They did not stay neutral but had overtly and covertly helped the Sinhalese win the war , that the Tamil people fought to gain their just rights and preserve their land. They had no right to have done this. Britain stated this in 1948 by handing the entire island to the Sinhalese who never had any peep into the Tamil lands in the north and east until 1948 and the international community is still asking the Tamil to remain in this violent situation. This is like asking a victim of domestic violence to keep quiet and remain in their home even if they die , as it suits your agenda.

    • 0

      Ado Thanbi,

      “They have managed to chase away 1/3 of the island’s indigenous Tamils from the island and have now used the might of the state to steal 1/3 of their land and soon most of it. “

      There are no indigenous Tamils in Sinhale. You Tamils are Tamil Nadu Crap. Yes, we have chased closer to a million demalu out of our country. Payback time for brining in estate tamils. In South africa too many whites are being chased out and lands are falling in to the hands of Blacks. Same thing is happening in Sri lanka where the lands are falling into the hands of sinhalese. No country in the world is protesting.

      Accept man you are a defeated group of people.

      • 1

        ” Ado Thanbi,
        Ado Punnakku eating Modaya, whom do calling Thanabi? Don’t abuse the Oldest Proudly Classical Language Tamil. Mud rolling, An Afghani Donkey like you have no way of sensing the highness of Tamils.
        You didn’t chase Tamils, they will get in due time-which you have no way of stopping, but you lost your part of country to China just like Dom Juan and Ehelepola did, centuries ago. Hail Old Modaya King! You lost your history because you ignored the more accurate history written by Tamils Nuns as Tivu Wamsa, but sought the bestiality story, which matched better your taste, written by Telgu Pundit, whom was chased away from Kanchi. The world is putting a condition on the Wildlife Sanctuary SinhaLE Lankawe, unless you protecting your sovereignty from China, you will be considered as Chinese Province, & you are going to be chased out of UN, which offers memberships only for Sovereign countries. Have you completed to your Chinese bar examination to maintain your citizenship or willingly asking to put you with your arch enemies Muslims in the internment camps in Xinjiang? Learn at least on language (Chinese) to communicate with people in public place.

        • 0

          Ado Mallayuran Thanbi,

          Tamil is not only the oldest but the ugliest language as well. Thanks for Calling me a Modaya. You Ugly man , you demala homeland is Toilet Nadu. You have no roots here man. You are a defeated group of people. Wether we will become part of China or not as long as you demals are driven out of Sinhale thats what matter.

  • 6

    Buddhist 1 is absolutely on the ball. This is a calculated strategy by the powers that be to incite the Tamils, just as they have done with their inhumane stand on COVID burials, to incite Muslims. And all this to cover their disastrous policy responses to COVID and their incompetent management of the economy, which will lead to disintegration of the entire Sri Lankan society, thanks to Sinhala Buddhist extremists and those who spur them on to line their pockets.

  • 3

    Since this is a Sinhala supremacist country in the eye of many anti-Sinhala Buddhist pseudo intellectuals why should it permit to build memorials of dead Tamil losers anyway ? Those dead Tamil terrorists fought against the Sinhala government and lost spectacularly. So now the Sinhala supremacist government have to keep memorials of those dead Tamil losers as well ? For what ?. They can build their memorials in London or New York if they want not here.

    • 4

      Srilanka not only belong to Buddhist Sinhala Fundamentalists but also Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslim and many other. Tamil fighters fought against Sinhala Buddhist Fundamentalist Terrorists as well as many other Governments including India, USA, and China. Do you know why Sinhala Buddhist Fundamentalists are selling this land to China, India and USA?

      • 1

        Blablabla i Who said Sri Lanka doesn’t belong to Tamils and Muslims ? Who are those SinhALA Buddhist fundamentalist

  • 4

    Now that the Memorial is being re-erected can I go there and leave a wreath to my dear friend and school mate at Royal, Neelan Tiruchelvam who was senselessly killed? Also a similar wreath to the Tamils who were shot on their backs by LTTE while trying to leave the besieged area. We all need to remember our loved ones who have been taken away.

    • 1

      Can FP/TULF/TC/PLOTE/TELO/LTTE/EPDP/EPRLF………all build a Memorial for all the Sri Lankans who died in this miserable war……including our Sri Lankan Soldiers/Sri Lankan & Indian Politicians/SL Citizens/Indian Soldiers?? in a more appropriate place working with the GOSL?? make this the Sri Lankan Environmental day where we clean the Nation of all the trash/recycle/Ocean clean up and connecting village after village from North to South and East to West

      This is where the answer lies to all our problems???we all need to stand along with each other and pay tribute to all Mother Lankan Children.

      Any visiting head of states to SL should pay respect to this memorial before they embark on any other businesses in SL??

      • 1

        All the Sri Lankans travel from around the world for this day to SL with their family each year so we network and connect and deliver a wonderful paradigm for her future standing shoulder to shoulder with each other??

        • 0

          Just to make the point of tribute and respect for all the above we could build the Hyperloop Transport system running across the nation and connecting to India…and from their we can connect to all other SAARC countries and connect to China too…the future has to be exceptionally and due diligently thought through and all the partners work together for a sustainable future?? University students need challenges of this nature so they can contribute constructively to themselves and to the world too. The past is only their for referencing so the present and future is brighter….now they have an opportunity to study with all the students from around the Country is where the journey start in education/opportunities in a scale we can complement Chinas and Indias leap to promote human ingenuity…where we have become the bridge/catalyst based on our strategic location??

          Talk to Virgin for some planning too

          • 1

            Rumble TV,
            Hyperloop? A simple ferry will do fine.

            • 0

              Dear OC

              We need to start thinking very futuristic for sustainability and regional development was the point & moving away from sectarian discussion and geo political calamities coming our way.

              When we review technology for future planning we should consider the mentioned maybe?

              The entire comment I made a very different message and this not to be narrated to Hyperloop etc will loose the content?

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    Tamil fanaticism and separatism is attempted dressed up and camouflaged as a monument for the dead. If the Sinhalese were build monuments for the destruction and death Tamils have caused throughout the centuries, the whole island will be strewn with monuments.
    Tamils will never be a positive addition to this island. They always want to make parts of this island into another Tamilnadu. Its high time, all Tamils go back to Tamilnadu, and leave the Sinhalese island to the Sinhalese.

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      “If the Sinhalese were build monuments for the destruction and death Tamils have caused throughout the centuries, the whole island will be strewn with monuments”
      If the non-Tamils were to build monuments for the destruction and death racist Sinhalayo have caused throughout the centuries, the whole world will be strewn with monuments.
      Read the Mahavamsa :” A non-Buddhist is not a human being”.

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