17 January, 2025


Tension Mounts As Batticaloa Buddhist Monk Encroaches A Private Land To Erect Temple

Police intervened once again when Batticaloa Buddhist monk Ampitiye Sumanarathana encroached into a private land where a Bo tree is and attempted to erect a Buddhist Temple.

The Monk claimed the Bo tree on the Badulla-Senkallady Road, Pankudaveli area was a palce of Buddhist worship and has historical evidence.


Tension mounted as he arrived with many Sinhalese in vehicles.

Tamils also arrived as the land was owned by a Tamil.

Apparently, the monk attempted to encorach this particular land and he was restrained with a court order. However he returned to the same land wanting to build a temple on November 16.

When the matter was infomed to TNA MP Viyalendiran Sathasivam, he infomed the police and arrived to the spot immediatley. Police warned that no one should enter the property or remove anything from the land.

The Monk claimed that Prabhalaran or any of his LTTE members did not harm him but people now are behaving like fools creating unnecessary issues and he did not want the land but only the Bo tree area to build a temple.

He said he did not want to disturb the Tamil community or capture land however he would want to protect this place of worship.

Police informed them there would be a police post at that spot and no one can enter the land in future.

The monk has urged the Archeaological Dept to visit the place of historical importance and verify his claims. The owner of the land said the monk despite been warned and issued with a court order still harresses people bringing disharmony among all. They said he captures private lands and forces the governement officials to issue deeds.

A Hindu priest too visted the place in support of the Tamils. The monk did not want to leave the area untill a governement offical gave him permission to errect a temple. The TNA MP urged the police official to quickly sort out the matter and told the Tamils to allow the police to do their duties and not to stir tension.  The monk wowed that he would returm to see whether the police post would be installed as promised. (By Myrna L)

Latest comments

  • 1

    By Myrna L

    Who is Myrna.

    Is it muslim or Tamil ?

    TNA Mp there means, it is organized Tamil campiagn to claim Lands. Monk is the focus.

    • 13

      Myma is short for Myanmar Buddhist Force. Intentional Buddhist terrorist network operating in Baticola. As Jim the lady boy , already claimed it’s all in the YouTube

  • 25

    Buddhism in Sri Lanka has been systematically destroyed by monks like this and a bunch of politicians who have turned Buddhism into a tool to exploit the people!

    The Rajapaksas hate propaganda continued to exploit the people using this method!
    While this exploitation is turning the Sinhalese into Nagas and Yakkas (Snakes and Devils) taking them away from the teachings of the Buddha.

    This is what they have done for the Sinhalese people under the guise of protecting and elevating the Sinhalese culture they are sending the Sinhalese people down a path of regression.

    By doing so they created the ideal conditions to plunder the nation.

    There was no love of state or the Sinhalese culture. It was self preservation all the way even at the cost of destroying the Sinhalese culture and setting it on a regressive path.

    Will this government and future government continue down this path or put an end to it!?

    The refusal to take action against these monks gives out a clear signal that this government too is in agreement with their actions or that these monks are manufactured by the state!

    A man who threatened the president on the internet was arrested but these monks can make death threats and threaten to kill hundreds of Sri Lankans if a man was not arrested and get away is simply unacceptable!

  • 15

    These Buddhist priests are behaving like dogs. De-robe them how they do in Christianity. They are dragging the good name of Buddhism.

  • 10

    Batticaloa Buddhist monk Ampitiye Sumanarathana Thero,

    Q1. Where in pristine Buddhism does the Enlightened Buddha say to erect Buddha statues wherever a weed grows?

    Q2. Where in pristine Buddhism does the Enlightened Buddha say to erect Buddha statues and venerate the statutes?

    Is Para-Sinhala “Buddhism”, Buddhism, or something else, in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho?

    Dharma Data: Buddha Statues

    No representations of the Buddha were made for about four or five centuries. It is sometimes said that prior to this time it was ‘forbidden’ to make statues or pictures of the Buddha, but this is unlikely and there is no evidence of such a prohibition. A more likely explanation is that until then symbols of the Buddha (stupas, footprints, an empty throne etc.) and written descriptions of him were deemed sufficient. Whatever the reasons, the first Buddha statues were produced in about the 1st or 2nd century AD in Bactria (Afghanistan and northern Pakistan) perhaps as a result of Greek influence, and in Mathura. There is no standard way of representing the Buddha which may differ according to the artistic inspiration, the tastes or the iconographical canons of the different cultures in which they are produced. Some features however are common to most statues. The Buddha is depicted in one of several postures- standing, sitting in meditation or lying down. Statues sitting in the so – called ‘Western fashion’ are usually not of the Buddha but of Maitreya. Statues lying down are not of the Buddha sleeping, as is commonly supposed, but of him dying. The hands of the Buddha statues are shown in different gestures (mudra), each indicative of important things the Buddha did and which we should do also.

    The hands nestled in the lap suggest meditation, held in front of the chest suggest teaching the Dhamma, one hand held up with the palm facing outwards suggests the giving of confidence or fearlessness. The ear lobes of the Buddha statues are nearly always shown elongated, this is indicative of renunciation in that while a layman, the Buddha wore large ear plugs which he stopped wearing when he became a monk, but which left his ear lobes stretched.

    It is often said that Buddhists worship statues, in the sense that they believe that Buddha statues actually are the Buddha or that they have some inherent power. But such ideas are quite incorrect. Buddhists do not ‘worship’ Buddha statues any more than Christians worship the cross or Muslims the Kabba, which they face when they pray. Like the cross etc. the Buddha statue is seen as a symbol that can be seen as helpful in creating devotion, uplifting the mind and focusing attention.

    D.L. Snellgrove, The Image of the Buddha. UNESCO/ Kadansha, 1978.
    B. Rowland, The Evolution of the Buddha Image (np) 1963.


    • 5

      The most common statue of Buddha is sitting in meditation. This is only a continuation of Pasupathi. Pasupathi Clay arts were one of the most common clay plates found in the Indus Valley artifacts.

      The problem occurred when the clay art evolve to stone statues. When the Aryan destroyed the Indus Civilization and killed most educated (many of them might have been certified as Brahmin- Periyavan) and assumed the “Brahmin” title as their Varna the clay art and the Calligraphy vanished completely out of India. The New Varna Brahmins were not educated, unlike the clay art writers of the Dravidian Potters, but bullies, rowdies and brutal oppressors.

      This created a lapse between Pasupathi Clay slabs and Buddha Greek statues. In between the Sivalinga was used. Artist, did not have the technology to bring the complete figure of Pasupathi into stone, produced the Linga- means “model or representation” in Sanskrit. The confused Aryans called the Linga as Phallus, refused to accept it is Pasupathi in meditation. Once the Greeks entered India, with the newly adopted technology, Buddha statues started to appear. This could be after an 800 to 1000 years of time interval. The rope too is a copy of the Greek dress. Pasupathi is either nude or leather clad. But the Hinduism, which has been preserving the Buddha talks for about 150 years until the Aryanised Buddhism stemmed out as new sector, did not fall into this half-baked culture. The Buddha statues appear in Hindu culture is not the Lankawe’s Greek statues. When, in the much later time’s cave arts of Ajanta and Sigiriya the women are depicted bare breasted, Buddha, a Nirvani-meaning undressed, wrapping the rope around the chest is unrealistic and adopted from foreign culture.

  • 18

    Dig up the bo tree and give it to the bugger and tell him to [Edited out]. Or better chop the tree down.

    Can’t believe this sort of thing is happening even under the yahapalanaya regime.

    • 11

      Haha good one. Bodhi tree started to grow as an ephiphite on a palmyra tree at my aunt”s place in Jaffna. Army tried to build a temple. We should have dug up the palmyra tree along with Bodhi tree and gave it to the army. :)

    • 11

      There is a bo tree taking root on the wall near the roof of my Sinhalese friend’s residence down Fussela Lane, Colombo 6.
      I noticed that and warned him that he ought to do something about it because one fine day a man wearing a yellow robe would turn up and install an image of the Buddha on the parapet wall fronting his house and claim that unless the government orders the archeological department to discover evidence that it is in fact the place where the Buddha rested briefly during one of his three visits to the island he will continues to stay put at the spot.
      My friend laughed heartly and said that he will then wear a yellow robe and join that man as a partner to sort out his money problem and that he would then take care of me too.

  • 11

    If Buddha is alive today, he would be ashamed. Buddha be puzzled too to see that his profound teaching has turned these SB monks to “tree worshipping” , statues idolising fools.
    The way Gov Sinhalese police officer talks, very soon it will be a MUST to have UN peace keeping police in Nort East..

  • 11

    This Buddhist monk thinks that he is god’s gift to humanity.

    A few days ago he berated a government official.

    An ASP was a withness to this and no action was taken to arrest this rouge monk till now.

    The policemen were like pansies.

    Why are the government being silent on these issues. ? Why are they partisan. ?

  • 10

    This saffron clad thug should have been arrested and charged for hate speech and disturbing the peace a long time ago. The IGP needs to explain why this has not happened as there is ample evidence. The Mahanayakas need to also dis-robe this thug who is an insult to What the Buddha Taught.

    Ranil-Sira Jarapalanaya is failing on all counts – financial crime and corruption by so called leaders – religious and politician – are rampant and so too is racism and institutional decay.

    Sira and Ranil Wickramasinghe must be held accountable for the culture of corruption and impunity and immunity for corrupt politician, particularly, Mahinda Jarapassa and his cronies who use hate speech and hate crimes to Distract the people from their corruption.

  • 12

    if the government won’t keep these saffron-clad rabid dogs confined in monastery where they belong, people will be forced to put them six feet under so they could attain nirvana sooner. These bald-headed MONKeys have been a curse on this island. Even if people move forward these clean-shaven Taliban will drag them back for more bloodbath to keep themselves relevant. Enough of this tolerance for these child rapists BUT that would be expecting too much from a society that tolerates authoritarian rule and war crimes. They need to be disrobed and forced to get a real job like everyone else instead of scrounging off society like parasites. They’ve got too much free time on their hands to be going around and harassing innocent Tamils. They now feel emboldened knowing well their occupying Sinhala-only military will protect them so instead of urinating these rabid dogs are erecting Buddhist statues all over Tamil areas to mark their conquered territories.

  • 9

    These area not monks but thugs wearing yellow robes. Time the government stepped in to bring some order and discipline to the Buddhist religion.

  • 11

    Army captures the Lands of civilians in the North.
    A Buddhist Monk attempts to capture Lands in the East,wherever a Bo tree is sighted.
    MaRa is desperate! Perhaps,Jan:9th 2017 is the target he has set for him to walk along the corridors of Power?
    He wants to be on the hot seat before Trump who will occupy the hot seat,in the Oval office on 20th Jan 2017!

    • 7

      More likely – that he will be in jail by the mentioned date.

      Now with Thadjueen case to be speeded up from yesreday, with lot more being revealed, next two weeks will be highly decisive to former VVIP family.

      Wait and see, I have the feeling they are not crabs in hot water.
      They have all tactics to work with the social scum, but they cant remain in power in this god given land forever, like poisonous snakes, they can behave, but people are no stupid as appeared to be.
      People will not swallow the same bitter pills again and again. Basta

  • 12

    The Bo-tree is called Arasamaram in Tamil. It is planted in PILLAIYAR (Ganesha ) temples. The location where this incident unfolded yesterday is Arasaiyadi- place where the Arasamaram is. There two Arasamaram’s on the opposite sides of the road-one old and anew one being built. The new temple is buil to rep;ace the old one that is too close to the road. I have stopped at that spot a few months back.

    Every place where a Arasamaram/ Bo-tree stands does not automatically become an ancient Buddhist temple, long gone.

    What is being orchestrated is despicable politics in the name of the ‘Compassionate One’. Who is the Conductor?

    As the photograph shows this thug parading as a monk is barring his teeth and raising his hand with a gestulating finger at the Hindu priest! He is on a rampage like a Mad Dog. People are beginning to call him that. What right has he to threaten anyone and defy the court order?

    Does this government realize how fragile the situation is? -Are we on the brink of another communal conflagration, with quite obvious consequences? What is worse is that the police have been rendered impotent. Will the police be respected/feared anymore?

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

    • 5

      Correction: There are two a\Pillaiyar kovils on the opposite side of the road- one old and new one being built.


    • 8

      Dr.Rajasingham Narendran, your erudition is amazing and relevant. It may be that few others have been around as long as you, also; but thankfully your observations are sharp. No senility in you! Bless you!!

      • 3


        I am blessed by your words and the genetics my parents bequeathed me . I am also thankful fo my father,who made me think, seek wide knowledge ,read and remember. I was indeed lucky to have been born to them.


        • 5


          Your parents would be proud too if only you could be forthright and explain why or what you discussed with MR and Gota when you prostrated at the King to kiss his ring and promised to help harness Diaspora support as a self-elected delegate on a mission to denigrate the Diaspora! Or would they, genetics not withstnding?!

    • 1

      Dr. Narendra Rajasingham, I know you and other pro-LTTE members who comment here even in sinhala names never wish to accept the fact that wherever a huge “Bo” tree in this country, people tend to pay or consider it as a sacred thing and tend to worship it because it is coonected to Buddha’s enlightment. Some like you and the rest might say it is a blind faith. This “Bo” tree apperantly many centuries old and there are some stone pillars and that witness it was a sacred buddhist place or an archealogical site. Even archealogical dept. accept the fact that there are thousands of archeaological sites undocumented in Eastern province. Because government does not provide enough finacial support for the dept. to document, or to excavate,or to preserve these places.But some archealogists like Raj Somadewa did excavate some places in recent past and documented some sites.

      In ancient Kings like King Kavan Thissa, King Mahanaga Maha Dhathiya, King Saddha Thissa and King Lajjha Thissa era many monestries, temples and caves built and donated to maha Sanga in the East. At That time Ruhuna Kingdom consist of both South and Eastern provinces. History said that King ordered to built temples along the coastline from Kirinda to Trinco in East so that people sailing in the ships to Gokanna port can see these temples.

      However after Kingdoms changed from one city to another for many reasons like wars both within or outside,or natural disasters like droughts, diseases the Ruhuna Kingdom [especially Eastern part] abandoned. Now in the Batticaloa district where many thousand of Sinhalese lived before the war, only few thousand came back to settle down after 2009. But because of TNA politicians pressure and the tamil officers hardline attitude because they dancing to the tune of TNA, these Sinhala settlers facing immense hardships.They even deprive of getting an identity card. The Pattipola area where many pasturelands situated, the cattle farmers from both races engaged in cattle farming from 70’s. But now TNA politicians and their henchmen want this area to keep only under tamil people.

      This monk is not a thug. And he is not a womaniser,drunkard or a robber.[Because there are no complaints to the police]. And the monk did not attach any government official. The only reason tamils hate him is he is representing Sinhalese living in that area. The only weakness he has is when agitated he cannot control his language. And the tamils knew it by the experience and they did things to agitate him, and then video it and put it into U TUBE or social media like FB. The people watching these video’s accuse him as a extremist Monk,Thug,Abuser etc.. The tamils hate him because of this monk they cannot chase Sinhalese away from Batticaloa district and rob their lands.Finally you can see what Ampitiye Sumanarathana thero requesting from GA yesterday in this video.

      • 3


        ” never wish to accept the fact that wherever a huge “Bo” tree in this country, people tend to pay or consider it as a sacred thing and tend to worship it because it is coonected to Buddha’s enlightment.”

        What has Buddha’s enlightenment got to do with Lankies?

        The Bothi tree becomes sacred only when idiots like you learn Buddhism, understand awakened one’s teaching, practice day in day out what he preached in thought, word and action.

        The Bodhi tree is also sacred to Hindus.

        These are nature’s gift to humankind hence it should be shared among people. The Sinhala/Buddhist racists with completely different kind of upbringing cannot and should not lay exclusive claim to nature’s gift.

        “In ancient Kings like King Kavan Thissa, King Mahanaga Maha Dhathiya, King Saddha Thissa and King Lajjha Thissa era many monestries, temples and caves built and donated to maha Sanga in the East.”

        Please cite your reference.

        “At That time Ruhuna Kingdom consist of both South and Eastern provinces.”

        Please cite reference.

        “This monk is not a thug.”

        He was/is and will be a thug.

        Please stop insulting Buddha and his teaching.

        • 1

          Native Veddah, You said, “The Bodi tree becomes sacred only when idiots like you learn Buddhism”. And then you said,”The Bodi Tree is also sacred to Hindus..”. So who is an idiot Veddha? So you want me to give the impression that it is because you learned Hinduism you also become an Idiot? It is funny that Pro-LTTE war mongers coming to teach us Buddhism now.

          If you want to learn about the Kings I mentioned google it or read Mahawamsa, Chulawansa,Deepawamsa. I think you can find a english translation even in Canada or UK.

          Ampitiye Sumanarathana thero was/is not a thief,a thug,a drunkard or a womaniser. The complaints received by Batticaloa police against him were for land disputes. He fought for his people’s rights and for the people whom subjected to immense hardships by TNA politicians and their henchmen,tamil government officers.They want to chase away the Sinhalese from Batticaloa district. The only weakness of the thero is when agitated he cannot control his mouth. And TNA henchmen knew it and they agitate him and video it and put it into U TUBE or FB. But when a person sidelined and subjected to immense pressure by the minorities just because he fought for his people’s rights, and death threats from within SL and from overseas where tamils mostly living, his behaviour excusable.

  • 6

    Bow trees and Men in Yellow robes , the curse of Sri Lanka.

    I am in Colombo on a short visit, but didn’t see this reported in the local media or TV.

    • 11

      Now your going to get a temple every where a crow shits.
      Crows seem to be doing a better job for Buddhism than these monks.

      • 1

        Burt, Don’t insult just because you have nothing to say. The “Bo” trees planted in temples or other sacred places are the saplings of the “Sri Maha Bodiya” or already planted “Bo” trees from it. Buddhist knew the difference from a “Kaka ” bo trees and the real one’s. Any religion there are things attached to it which people worship. I don’t want to insult Hindu’s by asking why you guys worship “Shiva’s Penis”. I know it is their belief. For me it seems a blind faith. But I am not going to criticise or appreciate it.

        • 3


          The Lingam ( Penis) and the Yoni (Vagina) are the two organs through which a new life is created. Without these two organs, there would not be life as we know it. We may have been all amoeba and other micro organism.

          The Lingam is not Siva or his his penus. Google the depiction of Siva , he is seen worships the Lingam , along with Ganesha, Murugan and his consort.

          If observe the Lingam carefully you see it coming through the yoni-Vagina. it is very beautiful and abstract and fact of life depiction. It recognizes creation without acknowledging a creator.

          Reproduction is the primary force that keeps on creating life generation after generations. The Hindus recognized this principle and worshipped it.


        • 1

          rana “Buddhist knew the difference from a “Kaka ” bo trees and the real one’s.”

          does the kaka know the difference.

          kaka is shitting indiscriminately ,,,,,

    • 0

      Rajash, It is not the “Bo” trees and Yellow robes are curse. The curse is who trying destroy the above things by wars, by threat and by spreading false stories. Buddhists neither fought to spread Buddhism nor tried to convert people following different faiths by force or by giving bribes.

  • 7

    This stupid idiot in robes is definitely being strung on a chain like a Puppet by racist politicians from the south. I am sure it is quite easy to know which group of politicians these people are.

  • 6

    Does anyone have hot tar?

    • 7

      Maha Kalu Sinhalaya

      “Does anyone have hot tar?”

      You could buy good strong deluxe harnesses with designer muzzles.

    • 3

      Come-on be human: can’t you find a spare bullet|?

  • 10

    this monk should be in jail. when did police take instructions from a monk. if sri lanka is to develop , justice should be served to all, if not another war down the line. and this time muslims/christians also wouldnt support the majority.

  • 3

    buddhist heritage is vandalized by tamil and muslim scums specially in NE. puppet government doesn’t do anything to safeguard Buddhists or Buddhism in North and east.

  • 1

    The Bo tree looks a few centuries old.. Did this guy inherit it from the Portugese or the English?.

    When Batalanda’s new Constitution makes the East and the North , federal states, what is going to happen to the ancient archeological sites?.

    Where are these Monks gong to reside?..

    • 8

      did you carbon date the tree by just looking at the photo?

  • 3

    IKaruna Amman is the only Lankan who can solve this dispute. Please call Him

  • 10


    “Police informed them there would be a police post at that spot and no one can enter the land in future.”

    I wish to thank you for the action of the police but I have a question. How can police (who?) decide who enters private land? The land owner must be able to go there.

    • 2

      Exactly Lone Wolf.

      The police post is there to protect the bow tree not to protect the private land owner

    • 4

      This is the thin end of the wedge introduced by the police, next the court will vacate the previous order on appeal. A police cum army post will take permanent position later. Guess what the final outcome would be?
      We will see the fun that will continue down the years as long as we live.

  • 10

    The problem seems to be that a Bo Tree grown from a seed dropped by a Crow, is held to be more important than growing Peace, Maithree and Karuna between People!

    The Buddha would have been Ashamed that His Dhamma has fallen to such low levels!

  • 5


  • 8

    This rabid dog is on the loose and unless put down will continue to bite.Uncles Sirisena and Wickremasinghe time to take some urgent action men.Otherwise this Monk(ey) and that other Monk(ey) Ghandassara will soon be biting you guys in your very homes.Cant you all see that Gotabhaya is hard at work?

    • 3

      Wearing a Saffron Robe should not deter the Law of the Country from Arresting these people who disturb the Peace!

      Somarama, who murdered SWRD was not immune to the Law!

  • 5

    Things look like getting really out of hand! What is happening now in Batticaloa have to be seen in the light of what is happening in the Colombo area as well.

    I was “a pilgrim” to the East on the 28th, 29th and 30th of October 2016 – just three weeks ago. I was disturbed by what seemed to be happening. I put two comments (not an article – I’m not competent) in to something written by Dr Rajan Hoole that had just got serialised in Colombo Telegraph in early Nov. 2016, although written a whole 15 years ago. Please try to understand, I said something two weeks ago: I will try to provide some link to it later. at this moment there are no comments on this article, where I’m posting today’s comment.

    If guys with no training in History and Sociology and Law can see the dangers, why can’t our rulers?

    Most of the world is still praising our “Yahapalanaya” government for a much improved “Human Rights” atmosphere in the country, but we are now beginning to realise that things are going horribly wrong. In the name of religion, we are allowing people to get away with almost anything. I’m having to spend a lot of time finding out about all sorts of groups and persons whom I knew nothing of.

    So, I’ve been reading about the “ Sri Lanka Thowheed Jamath”. It is clear that they are a most unsavoury lot, who want Sharia Law to be administered among “their people”. I cannot agree with what I have seen Dr.Rajasingham Narendran say about this group in some place which I cannot now recall. Dr. Narendran appears to be an elderly gentleman who speaks out fiercely when he has to.

    However, I cannot agree with him that tolerance should be shown to Abdul Razick of Maligawatte. Dr. Narendran says that Razick has done no harm to a person from any other community. He is “only” trying to administer Sharia Law among his community. No, this cannot be! If a girl who is little more than a child is forced to marry a much older man (who immediately proceeds to father a child)? That cannot be tolerated in our country. The girl is a Sri Lankan citizen, and should be entitled to certain minimum degrees of protection.

    Anyway, Razick has been arrested, so we’re all right on that score. I’ve now heard him speak – excellent Sinhala, although his own language is Tamil.

    But what is disturbing is why Razick was arrested. Because another thug, Gnanasara, gave an ultimatum. When is Gnanasara going to be arrested?

    And they’ve arrested a man who answers to the strange name of “ Dan Priyasad”. He, too, seems to be getting what his behaviour richly entitles him to.

    But just what is being done to the Rajapaksas? When is their Day of Reckoning to be? Now I’m getting too abstract.

    Much more to the point, when are we going to take action against Ampitiye Sumanarathana Thero of Mangalarama Temple, and Galagoda Atte Gnanasara Thero? Sri Lanka comes very close to the top on one of those ranking lists for countries. The list for “Most Religious Countries”. That those two “religious dignitaries” are still at large shows that they are “more equal” than their fellow citizens.

    What is getting proved now? That “when an ethnic minority fellow makes an error, the guilt – as measured by newspaper reports, or the statistics accumulating in a policeman’s head – is a shared guilt, a community-wide guilt. So, I have to be a little bit more responsible.”

    That is a quote from this story:

    Delightful reading, but Mahesan Niranjan certainly makes his points well. The minority fellows have to “over-perform” to achieve anything. We majority guys are likely to get away with murder and rape. So, that’s the sort of society we have become, less than two years after the euphoria of the “Rainbow Revolution”

  • 4

    What the Tamils in that area need is an equivalent of Galagoda Atte Gnanasara to issue ultimatum to the Police and IGP to take action against this uncontrollable MONK, otherwise the IGP will NOT take any action. Alternatively the Tamil MPS must get in touch with the IGP like what the muslim MPs did in the case of Dan Priyasa, who calls himself the ‘Saviour of the Sinhalese’ and has been threatening to bomb Muslims, to get him arrested.
    Where are the TAMIL MPs??
    People like Jim Softly, KAS, essence, say there is discrimination against TAMILS in Srilanka if this is NOT discrimination then what is DISCRIMINATION??

    • 5

      umberto gui, Tamils don’t have to stoop to such low levels….
      They should stick to using the law and put presure on the government to take action.

      The international community is well aware how the Rajapaksas used these kind of state backed and manufactured terrorists like the BBS to harass the Sri Lankan people.

      Hope this government is not continuing to protect and use these Rajapaksas creations!?

      The failure to take action against this monk and BBS puts the government in a bad place giving out a bad signal to the people and international community….

  • 4

    There are no comments on this alarming story to be seen yet, although I posted one half an hour ago. There I said that I would link you to something that I wrote two weeks ago. You will find it here:


    That excerpt from a 15 year old book has so far attracted 19 comments. My comments are nos. 16 and 17, right at the end.

    My point is: if it was clear to an old man like me, who speaks only Sinhala and English (and has few skills or knowledge of the area) that there is an explosive powder keg there, how is it that “the authorities” are still either unaware or impotent?

    Was it for this that we worked so hard to vote in a man whom we considered decent? It may be that he’s still essentially decent, but helpless: and certainly he’s compromised, and he is still doing so.

    How could he possibly have appointed dirty, discredited rejects after the August 2015 elections to Parliament. And now he’s allowing vehicle imports. Soon after he became President, he appointed his brother to Telecom. No excuse.

    His inability to control his son etc. are things that shouldn’t be, but I sympathise with his dilemmas. However, Amarasiri who comments so much is looking correct when he calls Maithri also “a crook”.

    And Ranil: Bondgate shouldn’t be a continuing saga.

  • 5

    Authorities over to you.
    Please serve the justice to all equally. This was the reason why people chased out the Rajakashe from his dictatorship. It is no means fair us the entire sinhala community tobe represented by this MAD DOG MONK who has already done more harm no second to that of the barbaric monk -Ghansara.
    People are worried asking as to why the monk has taken the law to his hand, as if the country s administration could be described that of a far poor afro state. Day to another, we cant hear only the kind of thuggish acts. This MONK or the person in yellow Safron robes has no right to go mad this way, if the systems would function that way it should have been. Please react today tomorrow will be too late.

  • 3

    no doubt this monk would not and cant live longer the way he has been making his enemies. Those who from outside world have been supporting him with finances to create new conflicts or strenghten the devisions this way, also with direct backing of Gotabaya and Rajaakshe, should rethink.

    As seen in the picture again, the man in safron robes is threatening by his own way, his counterpart priest ( should be hindu). They respect their relgious representives to the same manner we do., These monk with higher aggressions should be controlled by the laws governing the country.

    Days pass but nothing seem to work towards the justice. This can cause to a new war – please dont underestimate. Either remove the man in YELLOW rob or take due steps accordingly.

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    Hey guys, it is human, if I would have been touched by any thugs, and attacked me the way – this MAD MONK on the picture does, I would have gone amok to destroy him because this has been on and on over the weeks. Patience should have its limits. These the kind of men hidden behind lanken sanga constumes are just high criminals, nothing but the truth. First he has to leave sanga life then, be a good citizen learning how to address the other. I have no respect the kind of monk – not the least.

  • 5

    This is too much. This thug monk should be punished, these type of actions will lead to unstable the country again. and this actions will let LTTE to rose again the start another blood shed in the country.

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