14 February, 2025


Tension Mounts As Batticaloa Buddhist Monk Encroaches A Private Land To Erect Temple

Police intervened once again when Batticaloa Buddhist monk Ampitiye Sumanarathana encroached into a private land where a Bo tree is and attempted to erect a Buddhist Temple.

The Monk claimed the Bo tree on the Badulla-Senkallady Road, Pankudaveli area was a palce of Buddhist worship and has historical evidence.


Tension mounted as he arrived with many Sinhalese in vehicles.

Tamils also arrived as the land was owned by a Tamil.

Apparently, the monk attempted to encorach this particular land and he was restrained with a court order. However he returned to the same land wanting to build a temple on November 16.

When the matter was infomed to TNA MP Viyalendiran Sathasivam, he infomed the police and arrived to the spot immediatley. Police warned that no one should enter the property or remove anything from the land.

The Monk claimed that Prabhalaran or any of his LTTE members did not harm him but people now are behaving like fools creating unnecessary issues and he did not want the land but only the Bo tree area to build a temple.

He said he did not want to disturb the Tamil community or capture land however he would want to protect this place of worship.

Police informed them there would be a police post at that spot and no one can enter the land in future.

The monk has urged the Archeaological Dept to visit the place of historical importance and verify his claims. The owner of the land said the monk despite been warned and issued with a court order still harresses people bringing disharmony among all. They said he captures private lands and forces the governement officials to issue deeds.

A Hindu priest too visted the place in support of the Tamils. The monk did not want to leave the area untill a governement offical gave him permission to errect a temple. The TNA MP urged the police official to quickly sort out the matter and told the Tamils to allow the police to do their duties and not to stir tension.  The monk wowed that he would returm to see whether the police post would be installed as promised. (By Myrna L)

Latest comments

  • 23

    Hey peace lovers and Haters:

    “If you want to make peace with your enemy, you have to work with your enemy. Then he becomes your partner.”

    ~ Nelson Mandela

    • 24

      This pinguttharaya should be taken away from our sight. That is imperative.
      Those who from outside financially support this mad monk – are equally complacent to the crimes being perpetrated by the monk.

      We the average sinhalaya would not respect any kind of violence promoters.

      People s mandate chased away Rajaakshes. In the days to come, it will be even more difficult them to return to power.

      We perfectly know who is behind all these racial acts- being telecasted with abuse of low IQ holder- AH.

    • 14

      These are just barking dogs only (be them in Safron robes or without make no difference)

      Dog owners are behind the scene but cautiously observing if their plans would take ground. They do everything to see other wayaround (devious and malicious political games as had been public secret in the recent past)

      Authorities,and god blessed media over to you, reveal the hidden truths of all these malicios leaders

      God bless Srilanka


      There are two political groups in the country today

      a) Make every effort to get power – and forget all the high profile cases being investigated at the moment – their survival can only be through racism and conflicts.

      b)The other group – they are genuine, do everything to change the system: Young UNP Ministers and MPs- they do everything to turn all evils to fair one.

    • 6

      Governments stand:

      Caravan moves even if the barking dogs bark further.

      Joint Opoosition:

      They work on rabble-rousing, but telling the paltable, doing the other way around


      a)Why JO men have no other arguments but about anythign to rabble rouce ?

      b)Why they are no busy with Electric Chair/war crimes etc today ?

      c) Why MOST ABUSIVE Wasidewa – does not enough care on MAD MONK S AMOK … his brother in law is the North Province Chief Minister – he shoudl be moved by Tamil problems – why he behaves inthat regard -as if he is stand still ?

      Please men, use your brains – then you will see who are behind all these?

    • 5

      All these men with and without safron robes are second to any kind of financial assistance being sent to them by any parties.

      This particular monk is being financed by few srilanken living in the UK. They have been close ties to Gotabaya as the monk himself revealed lately.



      It is the poverty and addiction make the people so aggressive and this harmful:

      As civlized folks they have not tried to solve any kind of disputes – that shows the levels – of the society. Simply THIRD WORLD STUFF

    • 7

      Put the finger at anyone to a manner the thugs have been used to – must be not the case to anyone.

      Had I been attacked that way, I would have lost my angers. I could even attack the person who provoked me. This changes from the situation I faced in.

      ANyways, this roudy monks behavioiurs have been unable to control over the weeks. Why ?

      It is because he is a monk. Monk and the Sanga constume is placed in a special altar by the nation. So roudies wear the red or yello constumes to disguish and live their aggressive agendas.

      This roudy man, whose lips prove the manner how he has smoked … smoking is no welcome in Buddhism.
      Once he attacked visting female constable with her colleague standing next to her. There is no basis for this man to attack anyone. Meaning MAD person who needs a therapy.

      Why cant rulers think that and keep the bugger away LIKE or NOT the bugger shold be put in a cage. Human association is no favourable to him.

      We the sensitive buddhists are fallen in our anxities.

  • 16

    Why the authorities let MAD MONK to be the person to react here is not clear to me yet.
    I have heard the following.

    “There is a higher court than courts of justice, and that is the court of conscience. It supersedes all other courts.”

    ~ Mahatma Gandhi

  • 53

    Buddhism has stooped so low that today a Bo tree is used as an excuse to steal peoples land!!!

    The Buddha would be disappointed how his teachings have been twisted and how it’s followers in Sri Lanka are allowed to practice it with no objections raised by the so called decent educated Buddhists!

    Why won’t they stand up against this kind of misrepresentation of Buddhism!?

    Do they secretly approve of this kind of behavior!?

    Why is the government silent and inactive when it comes to these radical Buddhists!?

    Sri Lankan government is letting down its people once again by not taking action and correcting these thugs in robes…

    It seems you can’t take the Nagas and Yakkas (Snakes and Devils) out of Sri Lankans.

    • 13

      These days religions are manipulated to one’s advantage and I don’t take them serious. This monk should be arrested and put away.

    • 0

      Well said Silva. I suppose we are lucky Lord Buddha did not rest under a mango tree. Anybody who owns land that has a Bo Tree in it, be it a Muslim, Christian, Hindu or a Buddhist should now be worried a Mad Monk would claim the site as holy and erect a temple. The beauty of Buddhism is that there is nothing magical, miraculous, supernatural or holy in it. It is a way of life that was generous, tolerant and more that applied 2500 years ago just as well as it applies today. These ill-advised mad monks are ruining a beautiful religion for their own sordid reasons.

  • 26

    This clip raises two questions:
    Why is this AH not in prison yet?
    What would the response be if a catholic priest, or an Imam said the same things about Prabakaran and other Ex LTTE members?

    • 15


      The yellow robed calls himself a Sathu?

      Look at his face and finger, he radiates an aura of peace, harmony and tejas (veneration, dignity, beauty, … )

      By the way why does the policeman listen to the thug and direct the others according to his wishes?

      Did the thug catch the policeman by his Sinhala/Buddhist b***s?

      • 2

        You minorities ..
        expect the Buddhist monks to be quite , peaceful and meditading while you grab every nook and corner of Sri Lanka do not you????

        • 8

          @indianlowcast firstly you need to learn how to write English properly. For that you need to attend school….grade 1 would be a good start for you. Gamaya bugger with a computer and a damn keyboard has to hammer away his garbage!!!!!!

          • 3

            @Tamil from the north- English is my second language I use Sinhala, one of the scinetific language which is as rich as German or french.
            and you Tamil from the north mind that we have two letters to write T & D ☺. And just do not forget that a Gamaya Bugger came from Hambantota was capable of sending all those p a r a LTTE terrorrists to hell with its so called undefeatable, fasist piripahakaran….

            • 3

              @indianlowcast, one gamaya sent the other gamaya from the north to hell, yes I agree. Now the gamaya who is still alive will remain a lowlife gamaya rest of his life.

              English is my second language too idiot. But I did not spend anytime learning how to be a disgusting racist mutt like you but learnt the language at a very young age to be a decent human and broaden my horizon. I will never put down the Sinhala race or the language because of a mutt like you. I am not a racist nor a supporter of the LTTE. This is what your rupavahini told you in the nights at 7pm Sinhala news that all the Tamils are LTTE supporters and every Tamil outside of Ceylon are part of the diaspora, which is out to bully Ceylon and the great Duttagemunu who hid under the bed while the war was on.

              Idiot, if your horizon does not span out more than two feet, the lack of intelligence will make you blind. I have never seen an insecure aholes like you in my whole life. Are you so scared of the 15% minority? Where do you think you came from for you to claim this land as yours? You came from Orissa and I came from TN. Also when did Buddha ever become God, what Godly powers did he ever have and when did he ever claim to be God? It is your wild imagination, which has made Buddha God. He is no God!!!!! Also you do not have title to Ceylon. Go to hell!!! You can dream all you want of a 100% Sinhala Sri Lanka, but that will remain a dream forever!!!!!!!!

              • 1

                @tamilfrom the north

                Most Sinhalese today did not come from Orissa. They are more likely to have come from Tamilnadu/kerala

        • 2

          You have a minority opinion based on how man people disliked your comments. This makes you a true minority in this forum.

    • 2

      What did he say? Translate for the readers who don’t understand Sinhala.

  • 20

    This monk serves the purpose of MR’s faction creating disharmony among Sinhalese and Tamils. If his case is legitimate why did’nt he start a legal process when MR was in power. MR visited this temple recently despite his past conduct detremental to Buddha Sasana whereas President Maithripala Sirisena declined the Invitation. This is nothing but Gurilla Warfare against the State by loyalists of MR’s regime. Weerasiri

    • 16

      MR – is talented at DEVIOUS; MALICIOUS acts.

      He has been doing such politics.

      Pleaes question yourself as to why he remains in politics EVEN after his two terms are gone. People defeated him. CBK or other former presidents just reacted as senior former presidents, but not creating any harm to the nation. Why cant MR be away from active politics ?

      Why cant MR feel that there are enough other politicians that could grow up and help the nation ?

      All these questions remain without answered sofar. Media men have not done the job yet – having not interviewed former Prez accordingly. That has been a challenge for them. Sirasa is beating around the bush. Derana and HIru support him and getting him back for all cuplrits continue from where they stopped.

      • 4

        Because he wants to avoid his dey of reckoning for his past.

      • 6

        Simple reason:


        Bringing up to a decent person – is very importnat in a life.

        Sadly, if MR or anyone is satisfied, when own folks further make devisions – that is SICKY….. blood thirsty suckers.

        Assume, if you dont have such rabble-rousing in today s society, achieving permament peace is invitable. WIth the time, people learn to know to live up with multi ethinic but under one umbrella. Latter is the case in Malaysia and the like countries.

        No need to go that far, neigbouring India -people and their leaders are no malicious as ours. They have learned to relinquish and grude the peace.

  • 6

    Bo tree ficus religiosa was sacred to Hindus even before the Buddha was born. It is a place of Pillayar worship and Krishna worship.
    Krishna says, “I am the Peepal tree among the trees”.

    I wonder whether these monks get religious education in comparative religion.

    Sadly, non-Buddhists have been saying that Buddhism is being spread by crows in Sri Lanka and not by the monks. We ourselves lost everything in our house, old jewel studded cross icons, jewellery, sarees teak furniture etc during 83 because there was a Bo tree across our house. We had to flee and the house was occupied by thugs and had to be sold for a song.

    President Sirisena must stop this aggression that is going on from DS Senanayake. Would the Buddha bless this place under the circumstances?

  • 11

    The fact that man knows right from wrong proves his intellectual superiority to the other creatures; but the fact that he can do wrong proves his moral inferiority to any creatures that cannot.

    • 3

      We could be worse than animals.

  • 16

    MR and Saffron Robes are hell bent in destroying the minorities. the Chinese are covertly helping to overthrow the democratically elected government.

    Its high time Ranil and sira come out of your hiding places!

  • 11

    The Gods that look over Sri Lanka must be asleep.

    That is why the devious, the mischievous and the downright evil are having a good time.

    IF the powers-that-be do not come out and stop this nonsense soon, we will all sleepwalk into another conflagration similar to our thirty-year misery.

  • 7

    I’m a Buddhist. But I hate those kind of Buddhist monks. Was a layout

  • 6

    if he says buddhist and hindus are same so let them a build a hindu kovil.problem solved

  • 2

    There is a systematic destruction of ancient Buddhist ruins in north and east to distort the Sinhalese Buddhist heritage by separatist forces.

    It is wrong and sad to see monks behaving like thugs to protect what they believe is their heritage. Law enforcements and civil society must help them.

    This matter can be easily resolved by the intervention of archaeology department!

    • 11

      Archeology department is there only to distort history and rewrite false Sinhala Buddhist history.Has this department ever try to preserve non sinhala heritage anywhere in the island?This dpt is another limb of the government hellbent on propagating chauvinist programs.When mass grave was discovered in Mannar recently,Archeology dpt came to court on their own without being summoned and stated it was a cemetry,only to be officially snubbed by the local government officials that there is no official record of any such cemetery in existance for the last two centuries or more.This department wanted to assist the Srilanka army and CID to cover up their misdeeds of the past.

      • 8


        “When mass grave was discovered in Mannar recently,Archeology dpt came to court on their own without being summoned and stated it was a cemetry,”

        Is that why the armed forces are erecting Buddha’s statues over the mass graves so that no investigator would dare to dig under such statues?

    • 7

      oh the poor poor oppressed sinhalese! doesn’t matter if we are the majority. doesn’t matter if we hold power. it’s we who are the real victims because we the people of the lion are described as majority with a minority complex for a reason. Only Buddha can save us from our collective paranoia.

  • 13

    With goons like this so called ‘monk’ who needs the diaspora or the west to tarnish Budddhism.this rogue monk is doing it very well and destroying the Buddhism much better than anyother

    these are the types who K A sumansekera fondly calls clergy and says ‘our way of life’,it seems that some people desperately want to start another war

    • 6

      Buddhism is not the enemy of Tamils but Sinhala-Buddhism is which is not Buddhism at all but another extremist ideology that ties religion with race involving beliefs in Chosen People and Promised Land, much like Zionism.

  • 5

    Dear Spring Koha,

    I have given up trying to bring the gods here since even you, the gentlest of human beings cannnot persuade them. (BTW, I still haven’t worked out your identity.) As you say, more realistically, our expectation that our government will pay heed has also been in vain.

    On the the hand, we are being watched from Delhi with clear understanding of the issues:


    The focus there is more on Sinhalese-Muslim relations, and on the plight of Muslim women. “Ven.Ampitiya Sumanarathana Himi” gets mentioned.

  • 8

    Spring Koha

    “The Gods that look over Sri Lanka must be asleep.

    That is why the devious, the mischievous and the downright evil are having a good time.”

    The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.

    – Albert Einstein

    I am in total agreement with Albert.

  • 2

    Here, Tamils are carrying out an orchestrated propaganda ,ovement to remove Sinhala people from this area. The Tamil Gramasevaka is suing poor people. I heard, they release hundreds of cattle during the harvesting season. when Police arrest cattle, Tamilnut publishes saying policemen arrested Tamils’ cattle and carry out some genocide.

    This monk has complained to even the Tamil govt Agent who is a woman. they all are silent and they don’t want anything to be videoed when these happens. but, the monk has vidoed evidence.

    but, when the Monk gets angry, they video it and CT post those.

    So, it is a organized campiagn to Tamilize the area. The most reason one is they want a private land in on ancient temple lands. This Hindu priest is part of the organized campiagn.

    the politician for the area is a Tamil and is from Tamil National allience.

    Scum Sinhala politicians are not going to that area.

    • 2

      We should be thankful for D S Senanayake, for resettling people back in once populated bu Sinhalese!They saw the evil of Tamil separatism and racism long time ago.

      This is the reason we must keep army camps in North and east,
      Create Sinhalese settlements so Tamil people get used to living with other communities again.

      • 11


        Easier said than done. However much you can try to settle Sinhalese in the North and East, it will not work, because the Hard work necessary to live in these difficult areas is not for the Lazy Sinhalese!

        Even when the Sinhalese migrate, they choose the Areas in a country, where the Life is easy!

      • 6

        But we must not be thankful to your parents and teachers since they may have planted Racism in your blood.

        You and your malicious men in Srilanka will learn it sooner than later.

        I have no doubt anyonethat promote racism will have to find their ends in the same manner. I believe in god and the real buddhism which is pro non violence.

        • 5


          “I believe in god and the real Buddhism…..”

          FYI, The Real Buddhism does not believe in a God!

      • 10


        “We should be thankful for D S Senanayake, for resettling people back in once populated bu Sinhalese!”

        Those Sinhalese should have been sent back to India whence their ancestors came on Kallthonies. Or relocated to the up country and employed in the plantations.

        “This is the reason we must keep army camps in North and east,
        Create Sinhalese settlements so Tamil people get used to living with other communities again.”

        Its a good idea Sinhala/Buddhists get used to living peacefully with other communities for the first time and amid the harassment of the Armed war criminals.

        Will you be fighting for the Sinhala/Buddhists to rid the Army from those areas?

        By the way, this could pave the way to assimilate the Sinhala/Buddhist into minority community and turn them into good Sinhalese and good Buddhists.

      • 6

        but sinhalese hoodlum from the south are not communities but squatters, looters, trouble makers, brainwashed ethnic and religious chauvinists.
        First civilize yourselves before trying to coexist with other communities.

    • 13

      I heard that Buddhist monk raped a 4 year old girl. The Tamil GS tried to take action against the Buddhist monk and the monk tried to overthrow the GS using the Sinhala-Buddhist card. The police should arrest the Buddhist monk for child rape. As Jim claims, it’s all in YouTube.

    • 5

      judging by the vehement paranoid hate speech you spew against tamils on a daily basis, i must ask whether you were involved in one of those anti-tamil pogroms to rape , murder and loot tamils? you must be aching for another round of blood bath

  • 6

    This Mad MONKey will have to be stoned to death. But as Jesus said he who have not sinned let hi cast the first stone.

    All 250 Guys and ladies in the parliment are rogus and sinners. So the difficulty in finding the first person to cast the Stone.

    The Rot with the Yellow Robes running riots statrted way back in 1950.when an ambotious self seeking Cristian Named Solomon West Ridgeway Dias with Nayaka SUFFIX FROM HIS TELGU ORIGIN. Called Himself a Buddhist Sinhalaya and camaigned with the help of Yellow robed Gang to win election. So Kala Lala They Pala Pala They. They Sowed and we are reaping.

    Even before the whitemans coming the Kandian Kingdom Was ruled by Telgu Cland by covering themselves as Buddhists. They Created Chapters with their relations to safeguard their positions.

    Sri Lanka if she is to serviwe should become secular State. This problem exists een with the Tamil Society.

    The present Ampitiye Sumanaya the Mad Dog MONKey is only a puppet in the hands of the MR Clam doing their biddings. He has to do this for his survival. Time to ide ntify Root out the real Prasite befor the building collaspe.


    AMPITIYE SUMANAYA is CREATING A COLOMBO TELEGRAPH RECORD IN HIS TEMALA BALLA POST. IT HAS Hit 500 COMMENTS with Thousands of Likes and dislikes.Why it might Get to 1000 if not for sevaral sites being opened on his issues simultaneously.

  • 6

    The mahanayakas should take action to derobe people like this.

    This behaviour is not representative of the Buddha or the strict vinyasa prescribed for monks.

    • 4


      “The mahanayakas should take action to derobe people like this.”

      You must be kidding.

      “This behaviour is not representative of the Buddha or the strict vinyasa prescribed for monks.”

      I agree, however behaviour of Mahanayakas’ too does not reflect Buddha’s teaching.

      If you want to cleanse the country please start at the Sangha.

  • 9

    Refusing to arrest and produce him to a court is showing how the Lankawe’s judicial system is bent towards the Sinhala Buddhism DS and SWRD created.

    Sinhala Buddhist Yahapalanaya government does not have the capacity to enforce law and order. It did not wake one morning like this. It took 70 years to evolve into this rowdy culture. Reversing this is only a sweet talk to get GSP+ and other concession from IC, but not true or realistic.

    Tamils should concentrate to get these to the view of the UNHRC and IC to advocate their case of Genocide that can not investigated internally.

  • 13

    This Bo tree site was not an ancient Buddhist temple. The tree appeared there because a crow who consumed a Bo seed defecated at this site.

    • 0


      How did the Foundation of the Temple appear ?
      Crows did that too ?

      • 8

        Dont waste your time defending corrupt thugs like these. Demise of Sinhalese one day will be due to our religion.

        • 7

          if this site is an historic site there is a proper procedure to follow if the gov. Wants to declare it as such. But never by a stupid thug with a foul mouth to decide and declare. We need to first investigate the legitimacy of the claim and take over the land by paying adequate compensation to the current owner. And that is the correct Buddhist way to do it!

          • 3

            Well said!

        • 3

          Most impartial idea I heard from you :) i am saying this in a nicest possible way

          • 2

            I am impartial all ways and call “a spade a spade” when it comes to either Sinhalese, Tamil, Buddhist politics or any other issue. I do not discriminate.
            I know you and other Tamils here have tried to portray me as a ” Sinhalese racist”. But the truth is, it will never be true.

      • 3

        Did you also find Budha’s tooth there ?

  • 12

    If this is a private property and there is a court order, the police and GA have to follow the order. This tree is the result of a bird eating the fruit and shitting at this location. It has nothing to do with the religion. The owner of the land can decide to keep the tree or not. The argument regarding a Buddhist Temple should have been proved in the courts. Police should have the guts and the commitment to do their job not support one group or other. Follow the court order.

    • 9

      The problem with the SL Buddhist culture is they give too much respect to Buddhist monks even though most of them are corrupt thugs who deface Buddhism. Thats why I resent the term “sinhalese Buddhist” and go by only as “Sri Lankan” or “Sinhalese”

  • 9

    It is high time the Govt. intervenes and stop the misbehaviour of some
    rogue Buddhist priests as they behave as if they are above the law and no one to control their actions.Almost 70 % of the population in Sri Lanka are Buddhists and the Mahasangha of both chapters do not denounce
    such actions and these are not isolated incidents and happening almost every day, either in the villages or in the cities of the whole country
    N/E was spared but now these monks are active in these areas,trying to introduce the religion by force, protecting them by wearing the robes.
    Buddhism is a highly respected Religion in the world and Mahanayakes maintain absolute silence, instead discipline them and ask the monks to follow the rules and preach what lord Buddha wanted to be preached, to save the religion from embarrassment as such incidents go viral and not good for the country. Lord Buddha never recommended ‘blood bath’ to introduce his religion.
    Buddhism is an offshoot of Hinduism and why is Govt. funding indirectly
    to build Buddhist temples right in front of Hindu temples and that too by grabbing private lands under the very eyes of the law enforcement
    officials and Govt. agents. we will not be surprised to see Buddha statues are erected inside historical Hindu Temples like Nallur Kanda
    -swamy temple,Maviddapuram temple and so on in the North, in time to come as who could stop such actions.
    The Govt.is aware that what these monks are doing is high treason and
    against Buddhist principles but they still ignore it with the support of TNA,as this is the only way to distract the people from agitating for their political rights and the sad part is that they want the people of N/E to be under harassment all their life.
    Hot climate prevails in N/E provinces as every body knows and people
    rest under Banyan trees and its a pity that these big shady trees will be brought down by the Tamils as a Buddhist statue is erected when a
    Banyan tree is spotted in N/E.I suppose this is the only country that
    uses thuggery to introduce a religion in a modern civilized world.

  • 10

    The report says that the land is owned by a Tamil but there is a Bo tree growing in this land. Does the land become the property of the Buddhists just because there is a Bo tree.
    How does the law interpret this issue ?
    The monk is clearly a trouble maker and probably instigated by some other.
    He uses the most deplorable filth and threatens to kill with the police besides him witnessing the barrage and yet doing nothing. Is it because of his saffron robe ?. Is this a thug in the saffron robe? Does the police know about anything about this man disgracing Buddhism.
    The police, what police, they are just watching as if they have been told not to intervene or interfere.
    By the Way what is sacred about the “BO” tree. As far as I know it is shady tree
    where in the ancient times travellers take rest for the night and sages meditating there under for protection from the elements of weather. One can find this sapling growing out of everywhere due to wind pollination. One can find this growing on rooftops wall sides, roadsides etc. Will this all claimed by the Buddhists as sacred to Buddhism?
    In Colombo we have the Kalabola Gnanassara, another man in saffron robes using equally foul and threatening language and again the police stand about as if told not to intervene or interfere.
    The nation is heading towards a dangerous future and if the government is not going to nip this racial problems NOW then they better be prepared for what
    ever is going to the out come from the current situation.

  • 1

    former LTTE supporter Tamil Gramasevaka is using LTTE tacticws to tamilize the area.

    Govt agent, the Judge, Gramasevaka are all Tamils.

    • 5

      Therefore, Jim the Corrupt invader in the wrong place courtesy of Obama Hussein.

    • 5

      tamilize? It was already Tamil before state-sponsored SINHALIZATION!

    • 3

      Sir, I am sorry to say this or rather remind you that most of north and parts of east were predominantly Tamils of which a large percentage were Hindu Tamils and the rest were Muslim Tamils who were mostly in the east.
      Sinhalese have infiltrated these lands instigated by Sinhalese fanatics and supported by racially motivated Sinhalese politicians.
      Correct me if I am wrong, the incursions started to happen soon after Sirimavo was elected as PM after her party SLFP won a resounding victory in the elections in the same year.
      Apart from the Veddah (local Aborogines) community who were the original inhabitants since time immemorial, the rest were all from the southern coast of India like Andhra, Tamil Nadu and Kerala and this is long before the birth of Buddhism.
      Be that as it may, sadly, humans stand divided in the lines of race, caste and religion which overlooks the stark fact that it one human to another who can lend a hand to the birth of a human being or to bury the dead human.
      No God of any religion or faith is going to appear to help it is Human to Human.
      Unfortunately humans have forgotten this fact.

    • 4

      The monk is calling the GS LTTEier and you are saying he is a ‘former LTTE supporter’. Are you saying the monk is lying ? Lies are all coming out now

  • 9

    “Govt agent, the Judge, Gramasevaka are all Tamils.”

    Doesn’t this in itself say that this area was, is and always been a Tamil area and the monk and whatever religion he is trying to propagate is alien to the area and local population.

    There is nothing wrong in trying to convert people or preach a religion but you got to do it in a way that the people buy into it, you cannot force feed it and go around grabbing things that do not belong to you.

    • 0

      Doesn’t this in itself say that this area was, is and always been a Tamil area and the monk and whatever religion he is trying to propagate is alien to the area and local population.

      No it is in Sinhale and not in South India. Tamils are only allowed to live there.

      • 0

        “No it is in Sinhale and not in South India. Tamils are only allowed to live there.”

        You can keep saying this until the cows come home but nothing is going to change.
        Tamils, Muslims and other minorities have the same right to the country as much as the Sinhalese and they also have an advantage as culturally they are tuned towards, hard work and productivity.

  • 5

    Budhist monk , the rapist, the perpetrator – they are all Sinhalese. It’s all the YouTube as Jim claims

  • 5

    Nothing new under the sun in Sinhala Lanka: hate, extremism, racism and a culture of impunity that tolerates them.
    But let’s just pretend there was and is no ethnic conflict but merely a problem of terrorism. The root causes remain unchallenged.

  • 7

    The Bo tree or Arasa Maram in Tamil is very sacred to the Hindus too. You will usually find a Bo tree in every Hindu temple and Hindu will generally place the statue of Lord Gansha or Pillaiyar in Tamil under a Bo tree. Lord Budda was a Hindu and this is the reason he sat under the BO tree to obtain enlightenment, as it is sacred to Hindus and provided shade to all weary travellers. However this does not mean every Bo tree needs to have a statue of a Hindu deity or Lord Budda under it, especially in a private property where it would have been propagated by an animal or bird. Placing Budda statues under Bo trees whether in private or public properties, was a common practice, that was undertaken in the north and east in an area before Sinhalisation. This was very common in the once recently Tamil majority Trincomalee district. First a Budda statue is placed under a Bo Tree and then a monk appears and declares it a sacred site and it is provided protection by the police. Gradually many Sinhalese appear and start squatting in lands surrounding this Bo tree stating, this was an ancient Sinhalese area and moreover the Monk and the Budda Statue and the temple that is being now being built needs the support of a Sinhalese Buddhist population and gradually a new Sinhalese settlement appears out nowhere that is soon legitimised by the authorities by a name change of the area from Tamil to Sinhalese and the squatters land titles legalised. We Tamils are becoming very wary of the practise commonly used to change a once Tamil Hindu area into a Sinhalese Buddhist area. What was successfully implemented in Trincomalee parts of Amparai in the east and the Vanni in the north is now being implemented in the eastern Tamil Hindu majority heartland district of Batticaloa. This mad monk is just a front, Other far more sinister forces are behind this.

  • 2

    This mad dog monk had caused criminal contempt of court when he entered that private property at Arasady, Punkudaveli with a group of Sinhalese thugs and remained there despite an express prohibition order by the Eravur Circuit Magistrate prohibiting such acts under section 106/1 of the Sri Lankan Criminal Procedure Code.

    This mad dog monk was named in that order and was asked by that order not to conduct any street procession, street protest blocking of road, forceful entry into that private property, conducting meeting inside that property, constructing any building or erecting any signs on the property, or planting any trees inside the property. He and anyone accompanying him were specifically warned that any breach of that prohibition order will be treated as a contempt of court and will be charged under the provisions of the criminal procedure code of Sri Lanka.

    Despite this clear order by the Magistrate, to the horror of the Batticaloa Tamils that spineless senior Sinhala police officer seen in this video did not arrest or prevent this mad dog for going into the property with a group of Sinhalese thugs. Instead, this mad dog monk was allowed to confront the owner of the property, MP of the area, a Hindu priest and members of the public on the very same property where he was debarred from entering at the risk of criminal contempt of court.

    What is more this spineless Sinhala police officer overturned the court order by giving an illegal order on his own asking even the owner of the property, which has a growing paddy crop and need tendering, not to step inside the property. He also ordered the establishment of a police post near the property. Worse, he did in fact carried out the instructions of this mad dog monk when this bastard asked that no concrete pillars lying on the land should be removed and accordingly this spineless guardian of the law added this too among his order.

    Is there any rule of law or justice in Sri Lanka? Are the Sri Lankan Sinhala police officers allowed to take instruction from the yellow robed ones like this mad dog monk in derogation of clear order from a Magistrate.

    For these Sinhala police officers, the rights and interests of the Tamils and Muslims or the even the lives of the Tamils and Muslims do not matter. A glaring example is the shooting and killing of the Tamil University students only a couple of weeks ago for not stopping their motor bike.

    In Northern and Eastern parts of Sri Lanka, this incident at Punkudaveli demonstrates that any yellow robed Buddhist monk can claim any land with or without a Bo tree as an ancient Buddhist site and keep out their rightful owners from such properties. They can even get the Sinhala police to post police guards outside such properties.

    Unless the Ranil Maitri government does something about this Mangalaramaya mad dog, I am afraid some Tamil or Muslim extremists will themselves take the law into their own hands and do something drastic to bring an end to the antics of this mad dog. That may lead to another communal flare up.

    In a way, this Mangalaramaya mad dog and the another mad dog by the name Gnanasara have helped bring together Tamils and Muslims and made the Tamils and Muslims to realize that their joint enemy is the yellow robed monks. They also realize that these Buddhist monks are fully backed by Mahinda Rajapakse and his Sinhala racist Joint Opposition. They realize further that the Ranil-Maitri government is unable or unwilling to face up to the Buddhist monks.

    What is certain is that these yellow robed mad dogs are sowing the seeds for another armed rebellion like the one carried out by Prabaharan and LTTE. I will not be surprised that next time around it may be a joint Tami-Muslim armed rebellion unless the Ranil-Maithri government take some drastic action to curb these Sinhala racist Buddhist monks.

  • 2

    I worked as a Chief Engineer.I performed my duty at my best. I had cordial relationships with all. I helped people kindly. Many around me loved me. I am a widow with a beloved son. Since Many around me disgraced me and spread the world serious sicknesses I never had. They destroyed my good image which I had developed with great effort. Today i have lost all most all efforts. But Iam very happy since I have the humanity which is not possessed by almost all people top to bottom though they say they are saints.

    I know many people in this country are mad. Really there behavior is mad. We could see how certain people are in severe trouble without knowledge how it befall on them. Similar occurrences would happen without late.

    Karana kalata paw mihiriya meese

    Windina kalata duk dediwei ginise

    Endina epaw duralana upadese

    Nuduna menawi thun dora awakase.

    I conduct a good life. Therefore if some one put me in trouble no sooner he would be in trouble. Our country protected Noble Buddhism for 2500 years.Therefore if some one put this country into trouble he would me in very severe trouble.

    The Hero Keppetipola is our most renowned Hero in History. Though foolish people call him Weera Keppetipola God knows how he played fool with this country. Today he cannot open his big mouth.

    Like that Truth is above all the Super Powers.

    God will show who are the real MAD

    Let us wait and see.

    • 1

      with due respects to your valuable and kind service to the country and its people, allow me to remind you that Buddhism is neither a religion nor a faith.
      It is a philosophy of practicals from a well learned and intelligent person who is non other than Gauthama Siddahrtha, a noble prince of the Sakyamuni royalty
      in ancient Nepal. Buddha (budda means old in sanskrit or hindi). Buddha also may be short for buddimat which means intelligent. It is obvious he was intelligent because he was given all the learning facilities by the Brahmins who were his teachers.

      He was born under a tree because his mother developed labour pains when she was travelling to her parental kingdom in Kapilavastu. The entourage stopped and took shelter under a tree wherein she delivered the baby prince Siddahrtha.

      Buddhism is an open philosophy and no God is mentioned anywhere in the teachings. It is a lesson in practicality and rightfully says that one has to pay for the wrong deeds.

      Gautham Buddah is said to have been a very frail and old man when he succumbed due to natural laws governing all living things.

      There were many sages during His time but He was popular because He was known as a noble prince from the royalty and people gathered in His precincts to pay their respects.

      Buddhism can be practiced by anyone and a good disciple of the philosophy will
      be a better person than those who fashion worship the Buddha statue and make poojas to the statue.

      With utmost reverence to Gauthama Buddha.

      • 0

        Yasin, Buddhism is not philosophy but a religion.The western pundits who were blind and misguided by their own faiths and cannot digest or reluctant to accept the fact that buddhism is the only solution to anybody who keep searching the reality of this world and the human life, keep saying that Buddhism is a philosophy.

        • 1

          You must first know what divides religion, faith, myth and philosophy.

          In religion there is a God to whom we all are answerable for our actions and deeds during our life span on this earth.

          Faith is the oldest form of worship of anything ie; sun, the moon, the stars, water, rocks (idols were made out rockstone for worship) and humans pinned their faith on these elements and like religion, all are answerable for their deeds and actions.

          Mythology is an ancient human belief portraying beauty and power of the Gods who appear in human form. Extreme meditation to the Creator ( like Brahmma(n) by devoted sages gave them power beyond ordinary humans and
          here too there is a payback for all the action and deeds.

          Philosophy is life experience and Gauthama Buddha is the only known
          philosopher recognized due to his royal lineage and here too his teachings have professed that there a reaction for action. Since Buddhism is a philosophy all humanity can become a disciple without losing touch with their own beliefs, faith or religion.

          Remember, all religions, beliefs and faiths narrows down to one point
          ie; to lead a good life and support your fellow human.

          All this apart, the nature treats you for what we are and has provided the neccessary elements of sustenance for survival. All living things
          are equally treated by nature. Air (breath) for life, water for thirst,
          fire for heat and mother earth to carry us through our passage of life.

          Like birth death too is common to all living things (Buddhist Philosophy) irrespective of what or who you are

          Man, through ambition and greed, has created divisions, race, religion,
          caste etc… etc… to divide man kind.

        • 1

          Sepala and Yasin:-

          “Buddhism is not philosophy but a religion”
          “It is a philosophy of practicals..”

          The Buddha’s Dhamma is not only a Philosophy, to be understood by the Mind, but a ‘Way of Life’; A Guide to Living in this World without Harming Oneself or Others!

          The Ideal is to reach the end of successive Rebecomings and thus, Unsatisfactoriness!

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