2 May, 2024


The Aftermath 

By Tisaranee Gunasekara

“At times media freedom is used to forget what is necessary for the country, what should be done for society… Similarly if we do not get the support of the courts we cannot do this. Every institution must realise this…. ‘Human Rights’, ‘Media Freedom’, various ideas such as these are given to us by The International to control our society… Be it the police, the army, some officials, politicians or leaders: it must be realised that they act sincerely. They must be supported” ~ Gotabaya Rajapaksa (Interview with the ITN – 24.2.2010)

If Gotabaya Rajapaksa wins the presidency, he and his family will have two priorities: secure the premiership for Mahinda Rajapaksa and obtain a two-thirds majority in the next parliament for the SLPP. Reaching the first goal would be a necessary condition for reaching the second. If the SLPP can go for the next election under a SLPP president and a SLPP premier, a landslide victory would be possible.

There are rumours that a President Gotabaya plans to replace Ranil Wickremesinghe with Brother Mahinda via a Gazette Extraordinary one minute past Hour Zero. The legality or otherwise of such a move would not bother him. As he said in his famously infamous ‘conversation’ with Fredrick Jansz, “I’m not afraid of the bloody courts!” (The Sunday Leader – 12.7.2017). 

The past can be a reliable mirror into the future, especially when some of the lead actors remain the same. 

What did the Rajapaksas did when they last won a presidential election?

It was the early hours of January 27th, 2010. The votes were still being counted. Hundreds of armed soldiers and policemen surrounded the hotel in which Candidate Sarath Fonseka, his family and his political colleagues were temporarily residing.

Various Rajapaksa spokesmen claimed that the purpose of the siege was to arrest hundreds of armed army deserters Gen. Fonseka was keeping inside Cinnamon Lakeside. They accused him of plotting to mount a coup and to assassinate Mahinda Rajapaksa. 

The ‘siege’ couldn’t uncover any deserters. There were none. The only soldiers present were members of Candidate Fonseka’s official security detail granted to him by the military, in accordance with the orders of the Election Commissioner. When these uniformed men came out of the hotel to report to their original unit, they were arrested, made to kneel on the road, handcuffed, and taken away by the military police. 

Busy days followed.

The editor of the para-JVP paper, Lanka was arrested. A Swiss reporter was deported for asking sharp questions at a post-victory press conference. Cabinet Spokesman, Minister Anura Priyadarshana Yapa accused Mr. Fonseka of planning a ‘Bolshevik style coup’. Mr. Fonseka’s office was raided by a 200 strong STF contingent, searching for ‘army deserters’ and ‘illegal weapons’. Having found neither one nor the other, the raiders arrested 15 members of Mr. Fonseka’s staff, all of them duly retired army men. The office of the website Lanka e news was sealed. Government leaders announced their determination to obtain a two thirds majority at the parliamentary election, and effect a constitutional change. The army was subjected to a spate of transfers and compulsory retirements. The state TV began airing old and new songs hailing President Rajapaksa as the King of Sri Lanka. Private TV stations followed suit. 

Two weeks after the presidential election, Mr. Fonseka was arrested. He was assaulted, handcuffed, and dragged away like a common criminal. 

The next day, Mahinda Rajapaksa dissolved the parliament.

Gotabaya Rajapaksa, in an interview with The Strait Times, connected the dots: “Now he can’t (campaign in the parliamentary polls). The court martial will begin immediately after the assembling of the summary evidence is done. I don’t know how long it will take because that depends on lawyers. But we want to finish it soon, in less than six months maybe. The severity of the charges is very high. He can be put in jail for as long as five years.”

In the fortnight between the conclusion of the presidential election and dissolving of the parliament, the opposition’s back was broken and the path to a landslide victory for the governing party assured. 

Bolshevik Coups and Other Tales

In Franz Kafka’s ‘The Trial’, Joseph K is arrested because “someone must have been telling lies” about him. Throughout the book he tries to discover the name of his crime and fails. In the end, he is condemned to death by “the judge he had never seen” and “the high court he has never reached.” The fear both the protagonist and the reader feel comes from this unknowing. Any landscape however terrifying can be negotiated if it has familiar landmarks. But when a landscape is surreal, unknowing and unknowable, direction has no meaning and being lost is every destination. 

Sri Lanka in February 2010 was going to become Russia in October 1917, or so Minister Anura Priyadarshana Yapa claimed. Possibly with Sarath. Fonseka as Vladimir Illich Ulyanov also know as Lenin. 

No one laughed.  

‘Bolshevik Committees’ headed by military officers loyal to Mr. Fonseka were to be formed, the cabinet spokesman claimed. The purpose of the coup was to assassinate Brothers Mahinda, Brothers Gotabaya and Basil and several senior ministers. “With the military officers who were active partners of the conspiracy spilling the beans, it is frightening to contemplate the result of what may have happened if such a Russian Revolution–style military coup had taken place… In a popular revolt when people get killed it is not possible to pinpoint the killers. That was how the plotters planned to divert the attention of the public from the bloodbath and prevent investigations being conducted” (Daily Mirror – 6.2.2010).

How does one respond to such a charge, when laughter is not an option? 

The only way the opposition could have managed in that Kafkaesque landscape was by banding together. Instead the oppositional unity unravelled. The UNP and the JVP faced the parliamentary election as rivals, sealing their doom and that of Lankan democracy. 

The Rajapaksas won a resounding victory just short of a two-thirds majority. And almost 40% of the electorate did not vote. 

The turnout at the presidential poll had been 74.5%. At the parliamentary election turnout was down to 61.26%. That abstention enabled Rajapaksa to score a massive win, despite a drastic drop in its average vote compared to the presidential election.

As the outcome of the election became clear, Rupavahini began telecasting songs hailing President Mahinda Rajapaksa as the ‘God given King’ and ‘Saviour-Hero’ of the nation.

A fortnight later, Gotabaya Rajapaksa issued a warning to the new parliament. “The new government should go all out against any local element promoting separatist sentiments regardless of political consequences,” he told the legislators. He “expressed concern that a section of officialdom could help the separatist cause by trying to appease foreign governments and some funding agencies,” and emphasised the “pivotal importance of the judiciary, particularly the Attorney General’s Department, in supporting the government’s efforts to suppress terrorism.” He stated that “Opposition political parties or constituent partners of the ruling coalition should not be allowed to engage in divisive politics” (The Island – 17.4.2010).

Not a word was said, then or later, about the Bolshevik coup. Having created the psycho-political conditions for a landslide Rajapaksa victory, it was consigned to the abyss of forgotten lies. It was needed. Then it was not. As Joseph K is told by a priest, “You don’t need to accept everything as true, you only have to accept it as necessary.”

The Shape of Dystopia

This week a man called Julampitiye Amare was sentenced to death.

Who was Julampitiye Amare? What was his crime?

During the run up to the Southern provincial council election, a JVP meeting in Katuwana, in the Rajapaksa bastion of Hambantota was attacked. Ten men on five motorbikes, armed with T56 rifles shot into the crowd, killing two and injuring several.

Julampitiye Amare, a man the police was looking for high and low but could never be found even though he moved around in broad day in the company of the Rajapaksas, led the attack. This much wanted man was even in the habit of visiting his friends in prison, a judge revealed in open court. 

That was how law and order was maintained in the Rajapaksa past. 

This is the disciplined and law-abiding future which awaits us if Gotabaya Rajapaksa wins the presidency. 

If so, JVP activists in Hambantota might even encounter a hastily pardoned Julampititye Amare during the upcoming parliamentary election campaign.

The Rajapaksas needed the Julampitiye Amares to win elections because of the mess the economy was in by 2011 and its growing political fallout. 

For instance, between July 2011 and February 2012, the Central Bank used a third of the country’s gross foreign exchange reserves to keep the rupee stable. More than US$ 2.7 billion was released into the market during these seven months. When this insanity turned unsustainable, the Rajapaksas veered to the other extreme and allowed the rupee to go into free fall. The day the rupee was allowed to depreciate freely the President placed the armed forces on alert. Then he was in Singapore. His brother and economic czar Basil Rajapaksa was missing. When the inflationary time-bomb exploded, neither was around to explain what went wrong. And Gotabaya Rajapaksa was too busy waging a war against birds who were sullying his pristine Colombo with their droppings.

Fuel prices were jacked up to astronomical levels, all at once. Bus fares and electricity rates also went up within days. When fishermen in Chilaw demonstrated against the fuel hike, they were met by a combined force of police, army and the STF. One fisherman, Anthony Fernando, a father of two, was shot dead and around eight were injured, some seriously. A JVP protest in Colombo was brutally attacked the same day and a joint-Opposition protest was treated in an identical manner two days later.

According to Nesta Fernando, an eyewitness to the shooting of Anthony Fernando, “…the army attacked our people, beat them up and tear-gassed them. They shot at several of our people. We told them several times not to shoot but just to beat back our boys. But they did not listen. We may have been able to save the injured boy if we were allowed to take him to hospital” (Gosssip Lanka – 17.2.2012). Chilaw, on the day of Mr. Anthony’s funeral, looked like a part of the besieged North, teeming with armed soldiers and military vehicles. 

From the charade of economic miracles to a very real death – that was how the Rajapaksas managed the economy in the past. That past will be repeated if Gotabaya Rajapaksa wins the presidency. 

As for preserving the culture, traditions and heritage, this was what the Chief Prelate of the Asgiriya Chapter, Ven. Udugama Sri Buddharakkitha Thero, had to say in 2012: “Excavating treasure under the guise of resurrecting ancient history is not done without the consent of high-ranking government officials…even excavating machines are used for digging treasures. The average man can’t dig with backhoes, and even if the underlings are caught, the big guns behind these crimes still manage to be safe…” (Ceylon Today – 18.5.2012). 

Then there were the plans the Rajapaksas couldn’t implement then, and will resurrect in the future, if the future becomes theirs on November 17th. 

Such as the plan by Tharunyata Hetak, a Namal Rajapaksa fief to set up ‘Blue villages’ to develop the villages and to promote the Nil Balakaya, another Namal Rajapaksa fief.

Such as the Jana Sabha scheme. The Jana Sabhas, as the UPFA General-Secretary Susil Premjayanth pointed out, were to have the power to prepare their own budgets and development plans and to obtain the necessary financial allocations from the central government. The elected provincial councils and local government authorities were to be legally obliged to seek approval from the unelected Jana Sabhas to launch any project. The Jana Sabhas were also to be given control over the development funds of parliamentarians, including how the money is to be spent and monitoring of related projects. And they were to function under the ‘purview’ of Basil Rajapaksa. 

The brothers were in the process of turning the Lankan state into a Rajapaksa state when 2015 intervened. Will we enable them to resume that interrupted journey on November 16th? That is what this election is really about.

The Morning After

Maithripala Sirisena’s unpardonable decision to pardon the brutal murderer of a young woman was one more reminder of the dangers inherent even in a truncated presidency. Mr. Sirisena’s capacity to abuse power was limited not just by the law, but also by his own lack of real power. He was hemmed in by the fact that his party couldn’t dominate the parliament and he couldn’t dominate his own party.

If he wins, Sajith Premadasa’s worse instincts too would be hemmed in by similar constraints. He wouldn’t be able to rule the UNP, but lead it through a process of consensus. The UNP would not be able to rule the next parliament because there will be a strong opposition.

But none of these constraints will be present if the Rajapaksas make a comeback. Mahinda Rajapaksa could turn Sri Lanka into a familial oligarchy because of a unique set of circumstances. He won the war, and he had a Mafia-type family of brothers, sons, and nephews. With these two factors he was able to hegemonise and command his party, and for several years the country. 

If there’s a second incarnation of the Rajapaksa Inc. it would be shorter on hegemony than last time. But in the SLPP the Rajapaksas have a party that is wholly theirs and in Gotabaya they will have the president no Lankan institution will resist (they are already kowtowing to him). If Gotabaya Rajapaksa wins the presidency, the future will be like the past and worse.   

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Latest comments

  • 93

    Like if you think Sajith will win
    Dislike if you think Gota will win

    • 5

      This tabloid is all about speeding fear.. biggest fear is to have a mad Govt with irresponsible people who won’t care economic and security concern of its public.

      How many people were shot dead on roads like cat and dogs during the past 5 years ???

      Let Gota come and we will participate actively to avoid any misuse of power

      • 11

        RPP – Idiot, is your brain embedded in your rear?

    • 9


      1 dislike = 10000 votes

      1 like = 0.00001 votes

      As CT doesn’t represent the whole country & they represent mainly the anti-SLPP community.

      So a very clear victory for Gota.

    • 12

      my vote is for poottuwa

    • 11


      “The brothers were in the process of turning the Lankan state into a Rajapaksa state when 2015 intervened. Will we enable them to resume that interrupted journey on November 16th? That is what this election is really about.”

      Thanks for your article.

      The populace, mean IQ 79, was wiser by 450,000 votes, and about 80 percent voted in 2015.

      If the populace is much more wiser on November 16, 2019, and voted out Para-Gota and the Rajapaksa Mafia, by over 1!million votes, Amarasiri will revise the mean IQ upwards to 84.

      If the voters elect Para-Gota and the Rajapaksa Mafia, Amarasiri will revise the mean IQ down to 69, as the majority are Harak, fools and imbeciles. They should be fed grass, like the food fed to the cattle.

      The Rajapaksa Mafia will run the country like a farm, and the populace will be like the animals in the farm, with a few occasionally slaughtered for food and pleasure.

      Para-Gota is an American still, and is NOT considered an Alien, Paradeshi, Para in the USA, by the State Dept and the Internal Revenue Service.

      • 2

        Mr. Amarasiri………..,
        Missed your medicine again………..??

      • 1


        What a joke, a person with minus IQ is talking about nations IQ.

  • 15

    “Gotabaya Rajapaksa wins the presidency, he and his family will have two priorities: secure the premiership for Mahinda Rajapaksa and obtain a two-thirds majority in the next parliament for the SLPP.”.Tisaranee is dead right.
    This sequence of events will take place, and Sri Lanka will once again become an independent, prosperous country.

    • 36

      Dear Kusal – Are you people totally blind or brainwashed? Cannot understand what is right and wrong? In a way hope Gota wins and you people learn the most bitter lesson in life.

      • 8

        Dear Jude Perera

        You have to excuse guys like Kusal Frenando. I think they don’t really understand english, they just scribble some rubbish to show they belong without actually understanding the nitty-gritty of the issue.
        Sad thing is that the idiots are in majority. That is why our country has made so little progress after independence.
        We prefer to remain ignorant like frogs in a well rather than be positive and enlightened. There is a term that describes our mode of thinking, it is called the ‘crab mentality’. Google it please

    • 24

      Kusal, ,,however if Sajith wins GOTA, BASIL midnight flight to America and MAHINDA rushed to hospital with fake heart attack and diarrhea, knowing SARATH is back..

    • 19

      Kusal Fernando,

      One definition of stupidity and imbecility, is repeatedly making the same error.

      Only morons and fools do that.

      This election is a very large statistical test as to the degree of stupidity and imbecility of the Sri Lankan voters.

      Fool me once, shame on you, because I trusted you

      Fool me twice, shame on me, and now I can’t blame you.

      Shame on you, Kusal Fernando, if you vote for Para-Gota.

      • 1

        Beware, I used to be a good friend of late Mano. Still have lines to him and his friends.
        So he might inform him of all the fornication going on!

      • 3

        Mr. Amarasiri,
        “””One definition of stupidity and imbecility, is repeatedly making the same error.

        Only morons and fools do that.”””
        Of course……. people will not make the same mistake they did on 2015….. they are “””wiser by 450,000 votes”””
        This election is a very large statistical test as to the degree of stupidity and imbecility of the Sri Lankan voters.

        Fool me once, shame on you, because I trusted you

        Fool me twice, shame on me, and now I can’t blame you.

        Shame on you, “”Amarasiri””, if you “””DONT””” vote for Para-Gota.

        • 9

          You suddenly appeared here from the blue a few days back.
          I am sure you are on someone’s payroll looking for a quick buck.
          Come 16th November your will disappear into oblivion just as unceremoniously as you appeared.
          The difference between Gota supporters and the rest of us is that Gota supporters do it for money (grammatical prostitutes), everyone else is on CT for the passion they have for a Peaceful, United and Prosperous Sri Lanka.

  • 1

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    • 24

      Sajith is going to win.

      He has brought a new sense of hope to the people. ……….. and Lankans live on hope ………..

      If he will/can deliver is another thang.

      • 4

        nimal fernando

        While you are discussing this elections, the saffron clad fake patriots/thugs and the one sided archeological department are keeping themselves busy by poking their nose into every Hindu Temple grabbing temple land, uprooting old hindu temples, fencing civilian owned land surrounding the temple under perverted archaeological laws, preventing land owners/farmers from accessing their produce, ……………………………. claiming to search for archaeological evidence of Buddhist presence.

        I am not sure whether Sajith has the b***s to withstand the saffron pressure as he has already promised to build 1125 Vihares in the North and East of this island and stop these bogus Archaeological discoveries. .

        • 3

          Dear Native,

          I think you are a bit confused.
          KK made that promise when he was fighting Dr Ranil and Galleon Ravi to get the nomination.
          I checked all his Election Promises but those 1125 Viharas aren’t there.

          Besides the TNA Blokes have been campaigning in the North,demanding their loyalists to vote for Keselwatta Kid to prevent a Sinhala Buddhist becoming the President.

          BTW, Sinhala Buddhists in the 7 Provinces are going to hold Bodhi Poojas to bring good luck to Nandasena, during the Campaign Curfew.. How cool is that.

          Wonder what Keselwatta Kid is going to do?.
          Obviously he cant have Bodhi Poojas .
          That will piss off a big swathe of Votes . Wouldn’t it?.

          Can you guys and your Eastern brethren al least do something.
          Do you have any equivalents to our Bodhi Poojas?..

        • 2


          In all elections Lankans have had no other choice but to elect the best among the worst.

          This time is no different ……… elect the lesser of the two evils. ……… let’s face it, one is a serial-killer! …….. can things get any more surreal than that?

          All election times are like this …….. great hope followed by disappointment.

          Don’t look far ……. just look at 2015 ….. the hope then and the disappointment now.

          I’ll stop there ……. don’t wanna put poor Sumanadasa out of a job.

  • 43

    A well thought out and researched piece Tisaraneed. More power to your Pen!
    Unfortunately the masses are brainwashed by Rajapakasas and thier coolie channels like Hiru and Derana to have a different picture.

    I believe the world have changed so much and the geo-politics have change so much in the last 10 yrs and whatever Rajapaksas did in 2010 will not be able to repeat again with Trump and China looked as bastards in western world which is taking the bulk of our exports.

    Interesting how the UNHCR resolution willbe taken and how the Rajapaksas are going to pay the loans for international lending agencies as in 2020 there is a massive payments due.

    Sri Lanka is got screwed big time and lets see the brainwashed masses elect the psycopaths final time and Rajapakasa will be over in 5 yrs time.

    • 7

      Matilda Ellepola

      “A well thought out & researched piece Tisaranee”

      Yes, for the brainless.

      • 10

        I wonder who are the brainless? I know SL buddhist/sinhala/govi are blessed with short term mommary. God bless them, if there is one/

        • 2


          Yes because of that short term memory only we were able to bomb the hell out of your other Velu and have already forgotten about it.

      • 3

        Yes, you must be the retard.

      • 1

        It is not Matilda’s fault that you are intellectually incapable of comprehending it.

  • 33

    God forbid. Hope the unthinkable doesn’t happen!

  • 9

    Thank you Tissaranee for the scary scenario.
    In 015, we voted for freedom and justice.
    We won; see what happened.
    The CB was looted; Penthouse Ravi lives in luxury knowing not who pays for it.
    None of the so-called perpetrators of crimes from the previous regime have been successfully dealt justice.
    A US Citizen is in the list of 35 seeking High Chair; none have the guts to challenge that!
    The murderer of a teenager has been pardoned because of family connections.
    I would be happier to die under a GR regime than live miserably under a corrupt Moda*asa Regime with Ranil lurking with a cloak and dagger in the background.

  • 26

    If Gotabhaya wins the international community will start putting sanctions again, people of the country will suffer

    • 5

      Manel Anuradha

      Your disorder is known as UN/international community phobia, planted by Tamil diaspora.

      Sri Lankans are ready for anything.

      • 1

        The Tamil Diaspora is now lying low since their opposition holds no traction. But if this Gota guy gets into the driving seat, then we can see some action, where sparks is bound to fly. So, is Sri Lanka ready for the worst?

  • 3

    Ms T has presented the Aftermath totally upside down.-

    Whether Nandasena wins ( highly un probable) or Nandasena loses ( Highly probable) Dr Ranil will be the PM with President becoming a sort of a Futunari like Figure ,with Dr Ranil’s 19 A kicking in on the 17th.

    I get goose bumps when I think of that Aftermath.

    Bids already are in place in Kotte with figures like 50 Mil LKR ,
    Dr Ranil will have no problem signing off on that MCC, and getting the 2/3 to pass his new Constitution.

    Then postpone the Election , calling for a referendum first to approve the Constitution which will deliver the Homelands to the TNA and the Diaspora ,
    And a Homeland to the Wahbi mates as well by default..

    Following that the General Election will be called under the New Constitution, which will eliminate any Sinhala Buddhist majority influence in Lankawe for ever…

    • 3

      KASmaalam Ganja K.A. Sumanasekera

      “Whether Nandasena wins ( highly un probable) or Nandasena loses ( Highly probable) Dr Ranil will be the PM with President becoming a sort of a Futunari like Figure ,with Dr Ranil’s 19 A kicking in on the 17th.”

      You maybe unusually right this time.
      The national hangman Gota owes Ranil a lot.
      Ranil made sure Gota was not arrested and not charged for crimes he committed against humanity, war crimes and financial crimes along with his clan members and protected them from international probe into his/their unsavoury acts.

      In return Gota could offer Ranil the management of the country while he could go back to dealing with his perceived enemies (21 Million of them – soma – Hela – Windbag, …..) in his own way.

      Gota still needs a number of b***s carriers.
      The jobs are up for graps.

      Why hasn’t Gota visited Northern part of the island?

  • 14

    Please write in Sinhala or have this translated. You need to reach a wider audience.

  • 0

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  • 9

    Madam, given the history and more (not mentioned because of limited space ) , it is obvious of an impending doom of Family Anarchy. But are, our voting public realizing this fact, when they go to vote ????? If immorality prevails over common sense and our Majority voters (that is going with their race and religious shit, which is fed over years and now well conditioned like Pavlov, s samples) decide to elect Gotha, then the whole country will pay for the consequences and not just the minority. It is like some one throwing garbage into another man,s compound thinking his house will be clean, but when Dengue takes control , it does not know the difference between the Majority and Minority. How simple to understand ???????

  • 10

    Scaremongering at it’s worst. In the same league of Rajitha Senaratna……..

    • 3


      “Scaremongering at it’s worst. In the same league of Rajitha Senaratna……..”

      Scaremongering started many many many many moons ago.
      Many of Gota’s b***s carriers started it.

  • 12

    Knowing what Sarath Fonseka is capable of, the country was fortunate that he was defeated in 2010. The country avoided a bloodbath. He has already demonstrated his capacity to hate during current cycle. Consider his statements about hanging Rajapaksas at various places, forgetting to put GR in front of a LTTE bunker to be shot at, if GR is re-borne as an earth worm how SF would decapitate GR. Contrast it with the whole campaign of GR. Not a single hateful word. TG is living in an alternate universe filled with hate and wants readers & masses to join her. It may not happen though.

  • 21

    If Gota wins, his first act will be to pardon Duminda Silva. Remember how he was seen around Sri Jayawardhanapura Hospital checking on his welfare? That is also one way of paying back Hiru channel for the unbridled support.

    • 1

      Not only Duminda Silva, all other criminals will be set free, while anyone else who even speaks a word against Gota will be severely dealt with. White vaned.

  • 13

    brilliant writing up to vividly describe the predicted path MR and co will follow; if they win;
    Sinhalese people are not that much fool to give power to them .
    if they do it would be end of democracy in Sri Lanka

  • 5

    Ms T and her supporters can relax now.

    UNP Legal eagle Upul Jayasooriya is taking MaKKo and his Commission to Court this time. to find them guilty for accepting a nomination from a Foreign Citizen and demolishing the Constitution.

    This is serious..

    Is this Jayasooriya smarter than our Phottu Bloke Ali?..-
    Is this Jayasooriya related to UNP Speaker Karu Jayasooriya ?….

    Apparently UNP Minister of that Easter fame, Harin Fernando picked this Legal Loop Hole and passed it on to Upul Jayasooriya.

    Is this UNP Harin a PC ?
    Even if he is not , Harin seems to be smarter than the whole lot.

    • 3

      KA Sumane
      Shut up your mouth you unfortunate sodomised bastard.
      Sodomised by an English speaking Sadu.
      Worthless piece of shit.
      Go and fix your mental issues.

      • 2

        Gemini Cricket

        Take it easy man.
        KASmaalam is a harmless soul. .
        He is a lonely person.
        Probably a single person who needs someone to talk to.
        Please treat him with kindness.

        He is almost like Pathikada Bandula Jayasekara.

        • 3

          Dear Native,

          When you see sub humans in the gutter picking shit to throw at others, you don’t jump in there to do the same .
          Do you Native?..

          • 1

            KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

            Now what, in fact I have told why you should be heard in this forum or any other. Don’t get upset. You can trust me I am right behind you.

            By the way you know what happens when s**t hits the fan. Hence you got to be bit careful when you throw s**t upwards and on others.

            • 2

              Dear Native,

              Please don’t .
              I don’t like even Dr Ranil, Mangala Samaraweera , Akila Viraj or even that Malika Samare standing behind ,

              Sagala seems to be a descent Politician, in the way he talks ,Ii like Sagala.
              He didn’t let Dr Ranil’s IGP do any harm to poor Rajapaksa for saving the nation.

              When I think of it, Nandasena would have not been the Pres Candidate today if Dr Ranil and Pujitha had their way on the urging of Dr Rajitha and that Pa Chaa Ranawaka..

              I didn’t see Sagala on stage barracking for Keselwatta Kid..Wonder what happened.

              BTW what do you reckon .. Will Nande Pull it off today ?..

          • 0

            KA Sumane
            Now I know where you live too.
            You live where the gutters are full of shit, or shall we say you live in the sewers.
            Only Rats live in the sewers.
            Only sewer Rats follow the likes of Gota.
            It makes perfect sense.

  • 12

    If Sajith wins and the ‘Royal Family’ headed by ‘Maha Benku Hora’ takes over, the situation will be even worse than Rajapakse family taking over.
    All the notorious crooks, politicians who are alleged to have connections with Wahabi terrorists, racist and separatist Wellala elite politicians, drug dealers and underground mafia are with the ‘Royal Family’.

  • 7

    If one’s memory is a bit hazy and blurred as to what happened during 2010 to 2014, one has to go back only one year to recall what happened during the 52 day saga, to get a glimpse into the future in the unlikely event of NGR being elected to the highest Office in Sri Lanka.

    Voters, please take this seriously. Please use your franchise wisely, judiciously, aptly and appropriately. Please help defeat racism, extremism and authoritarianism in all its forms and maintain our much cherished Democratic values!

    Unfortunately we are asked again to take action where the current Government has failed us miserably in prosecuting the alleged criminals and fraudsters thereby giving them oxygen and breathing space. They (MS / RW) are a miserable and inefficient lot!

  • 4

    I think Sajith will win. He immediately implement his manifesto. People will begin their happy lives with more JOBs WIFI DIGITAL (everything) and many more PLUS Sanitary PADS. GOD BLESS Sri Lanka

  • 1

    Let us check with each candidate their medcal record. Also if any one has the green card at any time.. SJ spent time in america working with a senetor.

  • 6

    Anyone think slpp is rasicst, but that not the true, real rasicst is UNP, think wisely, they have no any good work to say during their 4.5 year of governance. So they hilighting rasicst card, calling others rasicst but actually unp is biggest rasicst party, who commence war that stop north and east development, who fired jaffna library thats unp. If u dont consider rasicst card who actually contribute more to north and east development. Definitely it is previous government, actually unp just hilighting rasicst card to gain more votes, they think by scolding monk minority will vote them, see unnecessary statements of ministers like mangala, and previous statements of champika who going to be PM under SP, Unp strategy of wining election is simply getting block vote of minority plus hardcore unpers, for this they just making ethnic unrest. UNP is the biggest rascist party who use only rasicism for survival other thing/////// democracy is peoples right and majority wish, see how unp violate it, now according to unp sajith is the most popular and suitable person in their camp to lead the country and fulfill impossible promises, but during the past 4.5 years time they let ranil wickramasinghe to rule the country,according to them he is behind sajith and most of them are hating ranil, then unp ers dont let us to rule by most popular and capable candidate which is violation of democracy. Normally every camp present their current leader to future election, but from 2010 unp doesnt let its current leader to face future election, they also think he will loose, but after election they let that looser to control the country, what kind of democracy is that. Unp only has its own definition of democracy by ruling loosing candidate and not holding election for years, but still boasting about democracy.

  • 3

    The US is poised to reap the harvest.
    Even an ex-citizen is answerable to the US.
    Pottuwe Wimal etc. have been drumming up an apparent US sponsorship of the April bombings, well who stood to benefit from this ??!!
    Ranil ?? Failed to clean up the infiltration in govt depts. Made a deal with Mahinda and allowed Siara, Wijedasa, etc. to obstruct proceedings and investigations as promised. When Sajin Vass was willing to testify, Ranil sent him to prison and saved Mahinda. Ranil & Co. cut the path to where we are today.

    The US has allowed Gota baya to contest because they deem it more beneficial and easier than Ranil. Why would the US make it difficult for themselves ??!!**.
    Some of the above mentioned score high in the anti-Muslim register.
    Like the Tamil descendant Banda was empowered on an anti-Tamil agenda, the Malay descendant Gota is empowered on the ant-Muslim ticket.
    One could expect a similar result !

    • 5

      To think the naive GR supporters think it is the other side that America supports! GR is a citizen of America, his family members are citizens, has property in America, has worked in America, and strong ties yet unknown, to America.
      Sri Lanka will become the 51st State of America, when GR is elected.

  • 4

    Ladies you’ve heard of Superman and Batman, now PadMan(i) has arrived just for you. Gotler will probably come second and AKD third. Will Padmani get more than 50% ? Well, that is up to you ladies, get out there and vote.

  • 1

    Dont waste time responding to Tisaranee’s articles. She is out and out anti Singhala, anti Buddist and anti rajapakse

    • 5

      What an ‘Out and Out’ Biased, Singhala/Buddhist, Rajapakse Follower, You are!!

    • 2

      Can’t blame her. Her colleagues have been murdered, threatened, harassed, kidnapped, and some are yet missing, when their terror gangs were let loose on those who criticized the Rajapaksas.

  • 5

    My Dear Brothers and Sisters , today is the last day of campaigning and you will be deciding not just your fate but your family, friends colleagues and the future generation in two days time. In between now and then we have a full moon illuminating the skies and Friday, which is considered to be a holy day to many. So we do have the opportunity to have some spiritual moment to free our cluttered mind and make the right decision. The decision to make is simple . The choice is between EVIL and not so evil , right and wrong , country as a whole and not community/religion or race. When considering the prospects we can only take into consideration of the individuals, their past records and what we know (not told) based on real fact and not fiction, fake or myth. However overwhelming it may be, we should not consider others including family members, unless we are told that , they too will be governing our future. So considering Premadasa Sr or past JVP records should be avoided. But in case of Rajapaksas , they have clearly indicated that, all of them will be involved in governing us to so called future.(not sure theirs or us ) The facts speaks for it self. Dear Muslim Brothers and sisters, I do not see a need to remind Gothas records. He created such a situation, where you and your family members were insecure,living in fear and in certain cases could not even step out of the houses.(burning mosque, Friday attacks, burning businesses, anti halal/ hijab campaigns,refusal to admit in schools). For the Tamils, my appeal is to “Get out and cast your vote”. Every vote is valuable in stopping this murderer from getting back into power.

  • 2

    If the main contestants do have some brains they should join together even now and ask people to vote for one of them. That is the only possible way to defeat this family terrorism

  • 1

    To do the presidents role is health condition report ranke the president’s from least healthy to excellent. are they fit enough to stand the position or spending time taking health care trips, keep our mind strong and clear. all look like tired.

  • 1

    Predicting the aftermath may be simple.
    Ranil will be shuttling to New York and Kolama to negotiate with UNSG António Guterres not to bother the resting war hero Royals.
    Lankawe will be the richest country by income per capita- One Family Royals and no subject. One Old Nany, Ranil. (Like the Tamils and Sinhalese women service the Arabian masters in Middle East, Ranil will be serving in the Temple Tree House, singing “Appe Maharajane”). It was Ranil who worked as male nurse to the Singapore Surgeon operated the Old Brother Prince. Then, after operation it was Ranil who was rocking the bed for the patient to rest and sleep and heal. He saved all, including Tamils from going to UN electric chair and Brother Prince and thus he lost his chance to stand in the election. (Bravo for the dedication to the Karava Royals)
    Some one day we all would die, Ranil Tissaranee Gunasekara, we……If the order would be Ranil, Tissaranee Gunasekara, and we….We will do all necessary to lay the dedicated disciple Gunasekara next to her guru, Ranil Mahata (The fox for two sharing centuries 20 & 21).
    Long Live the Wildlife Sanctuary SinhaLE Lankawe!

    • 2

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      • 1

        KASmaalam K.A. Sumanasekera

        Keep up your good work.

        • 1

          Dear Native,

          Nothing serious , Mate.
          I like exchanging harmless banter with my mate Mally although he is also a patriotic Eelaamist like you from Kanada…

          This time I got carried away and wrote nearly 500 words Essay dealing with Mally’s favourites ,Dr Ranil. and his Old Royals….

          I knew it, But was too lazy to do a word count..On second thoughts I should have kept a copy..

          What is your Gut feeling?. Will nandasena WIN?..

  • 2

    . Look at last five years. Has country done any better in economic, national security and agriculture wise.
    If current government done better last five years then vote Sajith.

    If current government has failed in above three main points then vote Gota.

    Think with your brain not heart.

  • 4

    Insulting Pads, shows the crass behavior expected of uneducated bafoons who beat women, take drugs, try to show they are macho by raping women. All party members of Gota. Be it Namal, Gota, southern Provincial Councilor who killed and raped the Russian girl,duminda silva etc.,
    Rapist, killers, covering behind fake patriotism to get their asses out of jail.

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