9 September, 2024


The Awakening

By Ameer Ali

Dr. Ameer Ali

If there is one person among the 38 presidential hopefuls who would be regretting for what he had done to the aragalaya movement in 2022, it would be Ranil Wickremesinghe (RW). Instead of calling its leaders for a discussion and listening to their grievances he decided to suppress the entire uprising with force just to show his gratitude to the Rajapaksa clan and its cronies in parliament who elected him as an interim President.  Now after two years and in the heat of an election campaign the cry of aragalaya for system change is haunting him wherever he goes. Also, if there is one dominant issue that has captivated the minds of voters right across the country it is the yearning and demand for fundamental change in the way the country is being governed. That is being seen as the mother of all problems. Like “bread and dignity” during the Arab Spring, fundamental change or system change has become the rallying cry of a new generation of voters in this presidential campaign. In that sense, thanks to aragalaya it heralds a unique awakening of the masses in the political history of this country.

The aragalaya effect for fundamental change is spreading horizontally as well as vertically right across the country. It is horizontal in the sense that it is spreading among all ethnic and religious communities, and vertically in that it has captured the imagination of not only the educated elite and intelligentsia but also ordinary folks. And what is even more unique in this awakening is that it has brought in for the first time the Muslim women who were rarely seen in political rallies before but are now noticeably present in their hundreds almost in every rally organized by aragalaya enthusiasts.   

Against this backdrop of a new awakening, RW’s presidential election campaign and Puluwan Sri Lanka Manifesto do not even mention the word system let alone changing it. Instead, he promises easing cost of living, creating jobs, tax relief, economic growth and Aswesuma and Urumaya progress. In short, he is offering the nation cake when there is no bread to eat. On one end IMF insists that central government taxes should be increased while at the other end RW promises tax relief.  Is the President cheating the public or IMF? Any tax relief would mean that there needs to be severe cuts in public expenditure to reduce budget deficit and satisfy IMF’s agenda. That exercise would certainly affect funding for education and health which are already starving for resources.  Similarly, RW wants to ease cost of living. How would he do that without cleansing the market of artificial rigidities and control of mafiosi? Isn’t that control tolerated by public administrators and politicians which keep prices of even essentials high when rupee had appreciated? Doesn’t this require reforms in governance? Finally, if economic growth occurs as per IMF expectation that growth would be at the expense of the suffering masses and not the moneyed and wealthy.  The second contestant, “punchi” Sajith Premadasa, unveiled his “Win for All” manifesto with a similar smorgasbord of promises but without a word about improving the system of governance. Like RW, SP is also a product and beneficiary of the old order and why should they destroy it when its weaknesses allow them to engage in all sorts of wheeling and dealing to remain in their respective positions?

But it is the third man Anura Kumara Dissanayake (AKD) who has grasped the essence of the awakening and is vowing to bring about a radical change in the political culture and governance of this country. His mechanism to achieve that change through social revolution is uniquely revolutionary. Unlike the other two, AKD and his National Peoples Power (NPP) coalition are the products of aragalaya and they represent the thirst of a new generation of voters who yearns for a new Sri Lanka cleansed of a political culture and governance, which had destroyed what was once an island with an enviable record of ethnic harmony, economic development and public welfare in Asia. Hence the increasing popularity of AKD, as reckoned by almost every reliable opinion poll, indicates that the odds are largely in favour of him winning the race.   

This swing of support has obviously created panic within the RW and SP camps. Their strategists must be thinking how to confront and defeat the AKD colossus. There are one or two possibilities.  The first is to strike a deal between RW and SP so that one of them could be made to withdraw from the race and support the other. It then becomes a straight fight between AKD and another.  The question is who should withdraw. Currently, RW is reckoned to be trailing behind SP in popularity. But he is the president and would like to continue for another term. He also carries the support of certain powerful quarters inside and outside the country. What was the urgent need for India’s national security advisor to visit Colombo only three weeks before the election and meet RW and SP and not AKD? In any case, it is unlikely that RW would give in. Hence the second possibility of instigating widespread violence and lawlessness so that a state of emergency could be declared, get the election postponed and RW continues as President. Already the usual suspects of racism are raising their ugly heads to express concern about AKD’s rising popularity. For instance, perhaps after watching that rapturous reception AKD received from Muslims in Colombo, the bailed-out prisoner Gnanasara of Bodu Bala Sena declared that he wished AKD was destroyed while inside his mother’s womb for ignoring the terrorist elements among Muslims. That statement conceals more than what it revealed. Earlier, there was also an incident when a NPP campaign premise was set alight. These thugs are available to be hired by any group that wants their services. The old order would go to any length to prevent AKD wining the contest? But they cannot subdue the awakening which would continue until it reaches its target. In sum, it is going be an eventful and tumultuous three weeks to say the least.     

*Dr. Ameer Ali, Business School, Murdoch University, Western Australia

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  • 8

    Thank you Amir Ali.
    Thank you Ameer
    Ranil became a hero by suppressing people descent in Aragalaya. For some middle class pundits he became guy who took country out of chaos. But people were disgusted and waited for the elections.
    Ranil the traitor to common struggle and savior of Rajapakses and selfish power hungry man now see the reality. Today his organizers are common thieves burrowed from Rajapakse cabinet . That tell all about the man.
    My second comment is about foreign powers. Especially India and America and to lesser extent China don’t want Sri Lanka to have patriotic government no matter weather is left, right or in the middle. That is why they were OK with Ranil, Maithree as well as Rajapkses. Future NPP goverment will try to lift up Sri Lanka economically respectable nation. That will not suit their selfish interest of exploitation smaller nations.

  • 7

    Some of ye will howl loudly for sure …….. since ye are so enamoured with the stellar illustrious principles ……… set out by ol’ Uncle Junious and nephew Ranil.

    Just for ye perusal …….. some alternate principles …….. set out by the not so illustrious ………… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n21dctfUicI

    • 6

      Dear nimal,
      Handun 🧭was born
      with a deformed hand.🧭
      When I first met him, I tried not to stare! I thought that he’d made bombs.
      No! In a YouTube he himself explained that he’d been born that way, but had overcome the handicap.🧭
      He’s a good guy, albeit rather gaffe-prone – as most of us are!
      Panini Edirisinhe

      • 9

        Now Sunil Handunetti (zero experience as a commerce graduate, but dreaming to be the future minister of finance) and Lalkantha are marginalized in their cadre. They create new problems without knowing the facts about how to rule a country. Handunetti’s view is that once they win the PE, they will form a government using “Minister’s Secretaries”.?????
        This is impossible under the current Constitution of Sri Lanka. However, Sunil further says that he has consulted experts. This is how these buggers answers the questions yet today, not even two weeks to the election. Even if they champion fascist agendas or barbaric acts, they cannot do normal politics. Grandma repeated that Babarians never change their attitude.

        • 0

          LM claims to be an expert on what is possible “under the current Constitution of Sri Lanka.”
          Like Ranil Wickremasinghe who had the support of only c.2.5% of the people, with c.97.5% being against him to claim that he has a right to call himself President, and de-facto ruthless Dictator. And for a considerable period.
          There will be a period of some uncertainty, but it won’t be the great concern of the heads of political parties. They’ll be preparing for the next elections.
          Panini Edirisinhe

      • 3

        Dear Readers,


        Worth discussing this further.

  • 5

    We saw another awakening at the recent debate organised by the Colombo Chamber of Commerce, where representatives of four main political candidates squared off. The shocking performance was that of the moderator Kasturi Chellaraja Wilson and her nonchalant disposition towards the private sector, with no regard for the suffering of the masses in the country today. Kasturi’s performance gave credence to what the philosopher Guy Debord referred to as the spectacle. Or was Kasturi engaging in what Naomi Klein referred to as disaster capitalism? It was sickening to see how private interests like Kasturi were exploiting the chaos caused by the financial crisis to push for and get greater gains for the private sector by using euphemisms such as ”performance.’

  • 12

    Hello Dr. Ameer Ali,
    Ranil is well aware of everything that has happened in sri Lanka since he began his Political Career. He knows exactly who organised the Easter Bombings and how they were executed. His extreme annoyance during the German DW Interview gave the game away. He also used the same arguments as the Rajapakse apologists used; that all of Europe is being Racist against Sri Lanka in calling for Independent investigations into the Bombings. Has he forgotten how many Sri Lankans, Europeans and other Nationalities died as a result?
    The Rajapakses had a Financial Arrangement with the Chinese and whoever wins the Election will have to bear in mind how much is still owed to China, and keep the IMF happy – the chances of a renegotiation of the Agreement are pretty remote. The JVP has an ideological connection to the Chinese, which must cause a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth in Modi’s circles.
    The Americans would probably not be too happy with the JVP winning either. So all in all the odds are stacked against AKD. Whether the Political Elites will resort to another “Reichstag Fire” is anybody’s guess.
    Best regards

    • 5

      “The JVP has an ideological connection to the Chinese”
      Neither has an ideology resembling what you may have in mind.
      The JVP is viewed suspiciously by India, despite seeming attempts to woo the JVP, and there is a lot of history to that.

      • 7

        Hello SJ,
        It doesn’t matter how the Chinese or the JVP see one another. The problem is that the Indians and many Sri Lankans see the JVP of the past, and worry that the old leadership is still around. There are many Sinhalese in this area that hate the JVP even in its new guise NPP
        Why do you think that Modi sent his National Security Advisor Ajit Dova to meet with the Contenders? This was an Indian Report “Doval, who was in the city to follow up on the ongoing Colombo Security Conclave (CSC) initiative, met Wickremesinghe, Prime Minister Dinesh Gunwardena, the main opposition leader Sajith Premadasa and the Marxist JVP leader Anura Kumara Dissanayake. All, barring Gunawardena, are presidential candidate front runners”. https://www.indiatvnews.com/news/world/nsa-ajit-doval-meets-sri-lankan-president-wickremesinghe-other-leaders-holds-political-consultations-in-colombo-latest-updates-2024-08-30-949663
        Personally, when I see the demented screamings of many of the Politicians on the TV, I despair for the future if any of them are elected.
        You are fond of quoting the Interference by the US in other Countries Affairs. Do you think they will try to influence the outcome in any way, or will they wait and see?
        Best regards

    • 7

      Greece faced their economic recovery for period of a 12-year, with the IMF process because their people elected socialist leaders that were against IMF recommendations.. THat was too long to a developed country such as Greece.
      But the Greeks, even today behave like fish out of water when it comes to thei future hopes in that country.
      I work with some Greeks at German universities and they are very pessimistic about Greece’s recovery. Some of them have given up hope of continuing their lives there.
      However, a seasoned politician of our country, none other than Ranil could have done it and managed to bring about some kind of normalcy after the country’s beast leaders left behind. Not only Rajapakse Megalo, but also his supporters across the country are to blame for the mess created over the years. Ironically, people dont dare to attack Rajapkshes yet today since people are brainwashed as nothing can easily reverse them. That means whole lot of people are too corrupted.
      I don’t think AKD will be the winner as I know 50 000 or so in the south whose sons were murdered by JVP in late 80ties.

      Those woudl never make their minds to elect the barbarians as their leaders.

    • 4

      No, LankaScot,
      It will not be so easy
      to deny AKD the place that he he has rightfully earned. Remember that certain things are likely to change in the USA. There’s the “demala kella” (Tamil girl) likely to be elected President there on the 5th of November. Since she will (for a couple of months) be President-elect and Vice President there will be continuity in foreign policy, but there will be changes for the better.
      It’s almost 7.00 a.m. – I’d better get some sleep. I have to be at AKD’s Bandarawela rally at 2.30 p.m. It will be sandwiched between rallies in Welimada and Badulla. He’s working incredibly hard. There were at least two engagements yesterday, in Homagama, and meeting Professionals who’ve been working abroad.
      I’ve spent 150 minutes seeing the film on the last days of Rohana Wijewweera, and found it most interesting:
      Panini Edirisinhe

  • 11

    Sajith has no talent or suitability whatsoever ……… Sajith’s only claim to leadership is …….. he is Premadasa’s son.

    Time for remembrance ……. of Premadasa Snr’s legacy ……. that’s trotted out as a great thing to emulate ……… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lFgxVICpASQ

  • 6

    What was the urgent need for India’s national security advisor to visit Colombo only three weeks before the election and meet RW and SP and not AKD? “
    The approach may be different between three external Powers but all three external powers are doing their maximum to influence their power in this election. It is a fact all three external powers contributed significantly in bringing the political and economic crisis of the country.
    Until 15th century, India was the only country that influenced this island’s political, religious, cultural, and social and governance matters. Buddhism, Hinduism and Islam came through India only. Even People movement also happened through India.
    With the European invasion, particularly after British invasion, the country was fully came under the British rule. They developed the infrastructures, they developed export market, they changed the governance system and they brought the different nations under one unit. They also brought labour from India. They brought Christianity and most of those who now brought Buddhism in the Constitution and misuse Buddhism to create divisions with the people are willingly opted to become Christians and still follow the British culture instead of Buddhist culture. Since then the influence of West and India become part and partial of India. During the period of independence struggle after the independence, communism and socialism from Russia and China also become another influencing factor.

  • 4

    “What was the urgent need for India’s national security advisor to visit Colombo only three weeks before the election and meet RW and SP and not AKD? “
    There is no need for this question. Recently there was a news in the media that American and Chinese vessels were in Sri Lankan waters. India is an immediate neighbour who helped Sri Lanka to defeat LTTE. During the period of economic Crisis India gave economic support to Sri Lanka. We all should be aware that Sri Lanka is a bankrupt and politically corrupt nation and our politicians will do anything for money and power. India is now afraid of the political situation because people may change their attitude towards the external powers including India. So far, Tamils were in favour of India, but now the situation is changing and people started to think that depending on India will eliminate their existence.

    • 7

      “So far, Tamils were in favour of India, but now the situation is changing and people started to think that depending on India will eliminate their existence.”
      They are very slow to learn.
      I doubt if they will ever cease to be misled by shady characters foreign agents ranging from NGOs to politicians in the pay of the regional power.

    • 7

      “India is an immediate neighbour who helped Sri Lanka to defeat LTTE.”

      India is also the immediate neighbour who started/helped-to-start the insurgency. And protected it when it was about to be defeated – Parrippu air drop. …… Lankans usually only remember the end; not the beginning.

      It’s like Ranil wanting people to only remember how he supposedly cleaned up the economic-mess …….. he doesn’t want to take credit for helping to start it: he wants to keep that part hazy.

      On paper, this is how Ranil’s great economic competence/wizardry looks ……… Mahinda borrowed a billion dollars from China to build the Hambanthota harbour. Ranil sold it and a large acreage of surrounding land to China for a billion dollars. And gave back the billion dollars to China to stop interest payments on the billion dollars borrowed by Mahinda. …….. It’s a net zero sum deal. ……… Did China get the Hambanthota harbour and the surrounding land for free, for 99 years?

      Can any of Ranil’s bootlickers explain his wizardry? ……… C’mon it isn’t as bad as it looks …… but you gotta un-entangle the riddle for ye great idol! :)))

  • 2

    “just to show his gratitude to the Rajapaksa clan and its cronies in parliament “
    Not necessarily. Suppression has been a central strategy of every party and individual who has govern this country, and that includes the UNP and Ranil too. Before anyone else it was the UNP that suppressed people. Why do you think the country is the mess that it is now in…?
    Politics, geopolitics, and realpolitik may be akin to playing Chess for some folks, but real economic growth and development of a nation is not. It requires hard work, dedication, and host of other qualities that any of our leaders hardly display. How could they, when they don’t possess tjem?

  • 7

    Dear unbiased thinkers,
    if not for Ranil everything would have been the same or worse as is the case in Bangladesh. Anyone with some knowledge would have to agree…. even if some culprits go after AKD deyyo and his wonder making rule.
    It has now been revealed that the SJB leader aka current opposition leader took time to discuss with former president Gotabaya and their economic ostar Harsha de Silva recommended the SJB leader to withdraw from taking over the wreckage left by the Gotabhaya-Mara government as it cannot be repaired. They were scared of taking the risk for the nation.
    However, as there was no one to take the challenge, Mr. Wickramasinghe accepted the challenge. Actually it should be a mammoth task. He took it and he had the confidence of achieving his goals for the nation.
    He never promised to make wonders regarding all what MARA and other criminals (with stupid supporters) accumulated over the decades. However he promised to bring normalcy out of chaos. Among his promises were:
    1) Bringing the country and the nation back to normalcy from the anarchic situation it faced – fulfilled
    2) Appreciation of dollar value vz Sri Lanka Rupee and revival of economy to some extent- fulfilled

    • 5

      3) Strengthening law and order as necessary – fulfilled
      4) Improve the tourism industry and allow more tourists to come in for the benefit of the public- touris arrivals are booming aiming at 2.5 millions /2024 –fulfilled
      5) Normalization of remittances from Middle East, Korea, Italy and Sri Lanka where workers work- fulfilled
      6) Introducing new taxes and improving government revenue as the country was declared a “default bankrupt state” and no country in the world to provide any loan- fulfilled
      7) Providing fuel, medicine, electricity, essential food items to the nation- fulfilled
      8) Reduction in inflation rate- fulfilled

      RW achieved this without the full backing of the country’s opposition. However, his small cabinet of young ministers supported RW.

      This country would have been real paradise, if people had brains !
      May all supernatural forces help save our innocient people from the next calamity. (which is election of AKD (pinguththarayek) as the leader)

  • 6

    System change is the subject of discussion for all who raise their hands for
    AKD . And here in this article , again from Dr Ameer Ali , one can find the
    author’s nagging about S P or Ranil not mentioning in their manifestos
    anything about such a change and he himself explains the reasons as well .
    First thing here is , president election is not the result of Aragalaya and the
    old order took a step back and brought the situation under their control .
    That was the answer from the old order to those who were yearning for a
    New Order . It is very true that the old order is full of Nasty Stuffs but
    they still have strong backing not to give up Their Dirty Tricks ! How many
    attempts we have had in the past , all for system change but in different
    names ? AKD knows what he is up to but I am really concerned that he is
    going to step down from JVP leadership after this election . JVP will have
    no other options to save its face . Good Man , he knows , An Election In Asia
    will not Change The System . Where are they , Imran Khan and Sheikh
    Hasina ?

  • 3

    An affiliate to “Aragalaya” – System Change Peramuna has SEVEN questions for all the contestants of the Presidential election.

    1. How do you plan to curtail or eliminate political corruption (2) Would you consider abolishing the Presidency (3) Will you support a more democratic electoral process (4) How do you plan to ensure an independent judiciary and civil administration (5) How will you fully embrace and implement UN declaration of human rights including women and children (6) How will you address the issue of foreign debts (7) How would you ensure government services are efficient and productive.

    I noticed ALL of the candidates (from different angles) had answered these questions in their manifestos. However, the voter is tasked with selecting the most reliable and capable candidate to vote. Looking at the Ranil W and Sajith P GROUP, all the rogues who have done the “Frog Jumping” are in these groups, and the people would say NO. That leaves the only choice of NPP.

      • 0

        Only 5 minutes, but that is more time than I can spare for insincere Ranil and LM!
        Douglas is quite right, and I’m giving him Green.
        Panini Edirisinhe

  • 0

    So AA naana has a problem with the bailed out brave monk who shouldn’t have been jailed in the first place for those minior disciplinary issues, but no problem with bailing out Ibbahem naana who allegedly sponsored Easter sunday incident and the Narcot1c J|had1st Kagnipani.

    • 1


      You sound like very stupid Tamil/Sinhala person.
      Do you remember many Sinhala politicians members of armed forces being bailed out in the past 20 years or so, including the “finest” Finance Minister Basil, the greatest Mathematician, …… Navy Admiral, ….. members of JVP, …..

  • 4

    My concern is SL waking up to a JVP controlled NPP govt. AKD & the NPP have accommodated the old guard JVP & never cracked the whip on them for issuing contradictory views based on their defunct communist ideology, so, reading between the lines, it is obvious the clout they have & AKD being just the pretty face acceptable to the public.

    I don’t have the time to scrutinise the 300 page NPP manifesto. A simple condensed document highlighting key areas, particularly, the economic recovery & sources of funding, together with their ‘shadow’ cabinet would have been adequate for the average voter. By a process of elimination, AKD maybe the only contender standing for Presidency & I hope those who failed would stepdown, accepting rejection by the people & let the parties reorganise with new leadership to fight in the general election

    • 4

      You seem obsessed.
      Is any other contestant and the alliance backing him any different?

      • 1

        Call it an obsession but the JVP forming a govt or SP as President makes me shudder. I am for AKD if he drops his JVP baggage or the SJB without SP as leader.

        In the current the scenario, I don’t mind AKD as President but with the SJB with a new leader, instead of the NPP, forming the next govt. AKD will have the clout of the Presidency & unlike slimy Sirisena, I trust AKD will be forthright in his actions & will work together with an experienced & capable bunch that seem to offer the best of SL politicians (that is if the SJB party seniors have the guts to shed the undesirables & deadwood)

        I doubt if the NPP, with more than 20 groups in the coalition, some even with contradicting objectives, will ever be able to come to a consensus once in power. Its time the political parties look deeply at their membership, weed out the undesirables & ‘rebrand’ in preparation for the general election.

        • 0

          “I am for AKD if he drops his JVP baggage “
          He does seem to have dropped a lot of it. He says he will continue with the IMF agreement, and restructure SLT with “foreign investors” .
          But some of his advisers appear to be absolute nincompoops, like this guy at a debate organized by the Chamber of Commerce. Watch from 1:19:10

        • 3


          “I am for AKD if he drops his JVP baggage or the SJB without SP as leader.”

          If AKD has to drop JVP baggage then he will have to start a new party, critically appraising/reviewing JVP’s ideology, past, and it’s solutions to all problems.

          Most importantly AKD must stop cosying up to retired and present members of the armed forces and the key members of various religions, especially in the North and the South.

          What is AKD going to do about old guards like Lal, ……. ?
          By the way AKD hasn’t told us how he is going to prevent Fascism creeping into his government and consolidating the state with fascist ideology and activities?

          Our friend Sinhala_Man the new supporter of AKD hasn’t given us assurance about the democratic credentials and intentions of JVP.

          • 0


            AKD is also the leader of the NPP. The JVP may have been a stepping stone for AKD to enter politics but now that he is ‘in the club’, if he doesn’t share the same ideology, he should step down & continue with (‘moderate’) NPP, in which, he is also the leader. In fact, I think being the leader of both is a conflict of interest with bias towards the JVP. SL politicians will cosy up to even the devil if it would get a few votes. It is the very reason I have doubts about the NPP with trade unionists, ‘Bhikkus’, ‘academics’ & all sorts with different objectives, obviously, wanting representation. As you say, my biggest concern is what AKD going to do about the old guard JVP. So far, he seems to be unable to bring them to heel, so what can we expect if NPP does come to power?

        • 1

          You are making excuses

    • 1

      A most predictable response from Raj-UK – “no time!”
      Oh, I have a good deal of respect for Raj – a sincere man – but I feel that he’s not comfortable in the UK or here.
      I’m sure that he knows a good deal about the motor industry, and is a competent engineer, but he rarely faces up to the fact that he, too, is a common man – like me!
      Reading Raj’s second paragraph, I accept his sincerity. He doesn’t have “leelagemali’s” hidden agenda, or the implacable hatreds that LM harbours.
      Were I to get hold of the 300-page NPP Manifesto, I’m sure that I’d read half of it. However, at this time the main contribution that I’m making is being a sort of “Stand-up Comedian” – in Sinhala, when walking around Bandarawela town.
      Thanks, Raj; I’m giving you a Green Thumb after all!

      • 1

        Good morning from Central Europe. As PE day approaches I see dark clouds gathering and thickening over the island.

        I worry if our hard earned economic recovery would end up similar to that of Greece, which is still not satisfied even after struggling for the last 12 years in that country. Experts say the Greeks did not take it seriously, but repeatedly elected socialist governments.

        .If it would be highjecked by culprits in srilanka, it will be similar to throw us to a free fall.

        I know what my Greek colleague constantly explains to me. How they should have done it better etc. If someone with some knowledge studies the context closely, socialist leaders cannot save our country at this moment. – …… this is the fact….
        Many among us have countless questions about the JVP-NPP. However, compared to any other people in the world, Sri Lankans are more vulnerable to disasters.
        Their thought patterns are out of touch with reality and are constantly manipulated by the MLECHCHA media and crooked politicians.


        • 1

          However, it seems that the media and experts in Sri Lanka dont seem to help improving people’s awareness sufficiently. Elections are not held very often, so the only chance before them is to beat and destroy the falling nation for another 5 years.
          We can’t do magic. Humans are not logical but psychological. and speciality of our people is they are mostly stupid. The psyche of the common man has been manipulated by media scoundrels and corrupt politicians in the last two decades. The consequences are right in front of our eyes, but people are more trapped by myths than truths.
          I want to make it clear to the readers that I am not forcing anyone to do anything. “sinhala man” will tell CT readers a lot, but always leave facts out. He has been doing it for years. It is his nature. We know him for the last 7 years. NOthing but decorated comments to feel him above. None of us would learn anything from him.


          • 1


            Like any neutral citizen, I hope the IMF recommendations remain as intended. People should be taxed like they do in Europe. But it should be a Lankan user friendly system.
            However, the lowest income category of society (40%) should be given more concessions. Professionals should be taxed according to their earnings. In Europe, the more you earn, the more taxes you get. up to That system balances life in many European countries, although we cannot compare the situation in Sri Lanka with the situation in Europe.
            We fail again and again, then we shamelessly have to rely on the IMF for the 17th time because our internal forces did not interpret in favor of our leap into the future.
            Always the same, facts aside, Sri Lankans interpret it far from facts, but are guided by their inner forces.
            AKD’s misinterpretation that the IMF did not help countries rise against their economic collapse is a big myth. Look at India, Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia among many other countries in Asia.

            We have no choice, as another poor nation that clearly doesn’t understand who we are, we have to rely on the IMF. We don’t have natural resources like oil, we are trapped in illusion and lies from morning till night.
            Worst of all is that Our media crooks don’t believe facts about anything in today’s world. Media is the cancer in the context of Sri Lanka. I couldn’t believe the manner an idiot journalist called “Suranga Senanayake” the way he biasedly handled a debate on Sirasa TV yesterday evening in favor of Sajith and Pohottuwa. These journalists are real beasts.

      • 1


        Thank you. As you say, I am a ‘common man’ with no exceptional talents or achievements but in some sense, I am fortunate compared to most of my SL friends as I have everything I need within my reach in UK, even though I don’t consider my self as wealthy. I had plans to return to my country of birth after retirement but not anymore. I don’t wish to live in a ‘socialist’ state with shortages (had enough of that as a child) or pay my fair share of taxes for the upkeep of yobs in a bloated cabinet.

        Aragalaya demanded a change from the norm but even the NPP carries deadwood from the past. Particularly, expecting the JVP to be calling the shots, I have no confidence in the NPP. I would like to see a credible opposition & who ever governs the country, held accountable. For that to happen, current political parties need new leadership & take responsibility for nominating competent people with integrity, not the village thug or the yob with the loudest mouth, to Parliament..

  • 3

    Dr Ameer Ali is quite right. Through this presidential election Aragalaya will finally achieve victory. It will throw out Ranil who blocked its march to power by making a deal with the Rajapaksa Mafia. The deal was for Ranil to enjoy a few years of presidential limelight in return for protecting the Medamulana organized crime family and its Pohottuwa associates & enforcers. Now the whole gang is having a panic attack. Coming days will reveal what their response is going to be: FIGHT or FLIGHT.

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