25 April, 2024


The BBS That My Mother Likes

By Darshanie Ratnawalli

Darshanie Ratnawalli

I am the legitimate issue of a woman who unabashedly claims to admire the Bodu Bala Sena. This affords me a critical perspective into the issue, without which everyone is floundering like headless chickens. There may be other people, whose mothers etc. harbor soft spots for the BBS. But because they are not me, they would either try to keep these mothers in the closet or, in contradistinction, empathize with these soft spots; whereas I…Well you shall see.

My mother represents the Sri Lankan equivalent of Middle America and, as such, the demographic bloc that makes or breaks any movement dependent on mass support for its success. In Middle America (SL), one becomes a Buddhist by being a stakeholder of the Buddha Sāsana (deliberately called henceforth, the Buddhist Church of Lanka) and by emotionally aligning oneself with the age-old mission of fostering this Sāsana on this soil for the allocated five thousand years.  Once one has fulfilled this basic requirement adherence to Buddhism proper becomes peripheral and is largely left to personal discretion.

This is the context which empowers my mother to look pityingly at anyone who’d urge her to shift her alignment and allegiance from the Buddhist Church of Lanka, where the religion stands together with the State and the people forming the famous ‘Loka- Sāsana’ axis, to Buddhism (stand alone, nonaligned to any worldly axis). The pangs of allegiance towards the BBS felt by Middle America (SL) would be silenced only if and when voices genuinely identifying with the Buddhist Church and its Mission are raised against the BBS. Spokespersons for Buddhism not aligned with the Sāsana will not have the credibility and be dismissed as naive.

A very good example is Rev. Galkande Dhammananda, whose message of tolerance presented as two video clips on the web became an instant hit in certain circles, with monks of his ilk hailed as what this country needed in thousands. According to Prof. Sudarshan Senevitatna, ‘Rev. Dhammananda has been extremely concerned about the subversion of a doctrine of peace for destructive parochial ends and is committed to what he believes as re achievement of peace and understanding, a sentiment that comes from his heart’. Well and good. The only problem is Middle America (SL) will instantly spot the ‘missing ingredient’ in his message. The missing ingredient is the Sāsana. Why is there an implicit as well as an explicit absence of this entity in his message? Why does an overwhelming concern for the Church (the Sāsana) fail to find expression in his message? Perhaps the Rev.Dhammananda thinks that all Churches are parochial institutions that subvert peaceful doctrines. But the Sāsana is not a dirty secret nor is Middle America (SL) going to disown it no matter how many protégées of Sudarshan Seneviratne do it.

Supposing another erudite monk came forward and put forth a parallel message; A) frankly acknowledging the challenges encountered in the present day by the Sāsana, with its inbuilt drives for maintaining a certain brand identity for the country (These drives are by no means criminal or unique to this Church, nor is this brand identity non inclusive- being merely asymmetrically inclusive or differentially incorporative); B) emphasizing the need to find modern and non-regressive ways of countering these challenges, drawing on this particular Church’s rich heritage of tolerance compared to all the other Churches; C) stressing the critical need for Bhikkhus with the intelligence, education and the exposure to the wider world to be at the helm of these counter moves; D) admitting that the degenerate, debased and degrading nature of the BBS movement reflects the overall deterioration of the entire Sāsana; E) reiterating nevertheless that live seeds of resurgence still exist.

If such a message could be put forth on behalf of the Buddhist Church of Lanka, it will be heard. At the moment, with everyone mouthing platitudes about Buddhism, BBS stands tall as the sole champion of the Sāsana, heir to its legacy, executor of its mission and the focal point by default, of Middle America (SL)’s allegiance.

Another toxic ingredient is the absence of true redemptive intent in the current civil initiatives against the BBS. What The Hour demands of these initiatives are clinical, secular perspectives (in contrast to the wet schmaltz aspired to by the Candle People) that can spotlight and challenge all negative patterns in the fabric. Every Buddhist archeological site in the North and the East obliterated by a bulldozer, built upon or otherwise encroached into under the aegis of uncouth, unscrupulous and unethical Muslim and Tamil politicians, whose regional political clout earns them Government sanction, deserves a candle. We need to searchlight the literal excrement dumped into the Dighavapi site (the encroachment into this ancient archeological site also consisted of building toilet complexes on it[1] as well as the metaphorical excrement dumped by the BBS upon the Lankan social fabric. Every ancient landmark such as Matota(Manthai)[2] and Kuragala targeted by obliterative agendas should be co-candled with every Muslim enterprise threatened. The psychical darkness[3] that begets all brands and hues of intolerance should be switched off equally.

*The article is reproduced courtesy of The Nation and I am @ http://ratnawalli.blogspot.com/  and rathnawalli@gmail.com

[1] This titbit was shared by Dr. Nimal Perera, Deputy Director General, Department of Archeology at a Royal Asiatic Society Sri Lanka lecture (24th September, 2012) on ‘New discoveries from Deeghavapi and Nilagiri sites’.

[2] Matota (Maha-Thittha) is an ancient port in Lanka and archeological landmark, which is currently being effaced through the over enthusiastic building activities conducted on behalf of the Tiruketiswaram temple.

[3] Note the staggering degrees of ignorance (that can truly be called illiterate and uncouth without prejudice) that characterize the two opposing poles generating the present climate of tension. One pole exemplified by Face Book hate speech groups hold fast to the belief that underwear sold in Muslim owned clothing stores are lined with chemicals that can cause sterility. The other pole includes journalists such as Dharishna Bastians and  Latheef Farook who recently wrote articles propagating the belief that the Sinhalese Brahmi rock inscriptions(which are typical of garden variety cave donations to the Monastic Buddhist Church of the 2nd century BC Lanka, that are found all over the island except the northernmost extreme, where there are no caves.) of the now famous Kuragala are Arabic inscriptions. Farook actually went so as far to state that the only evidence that Kuragala was a Buddhist monastery of the 2nd century BC is a board placed by the Archaeological Department in 1972. Compare this ‘native ignorance’ with the presentation by British Civil Servant, C.H.Collins in Journal R.A.S (Ceylon) Vol. XXXII, No 85 of 1932.

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Latest comments

  • 0

    the rebecca black of colombo telegraph lol

    • 0

      but rebecca was never arrogant.

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    As you wait with nail-biting suspense for my answer to Ref, some reading matter for your serene joy and enlightenment.

    Dr. Chandre Dharmawardana’s response to the Rev. Galkande Dhammananda’s message posted on Dr. Michael Roberts’ site. http://thuppahi.wordpress.com/2013/04/14/for-all-sri-lankansa-message-of-tolerance-and-conflict-resolution-from-ven-galkande-dhammananda/#comments

    Chandre Dharmawardana
    April 18, 2013 at 2:40 pm
    The BBS is a political movement crystallizing around extremist advocates of anti-Islam which is a symptom of the increasing anger of the populace to the open face of islam, with loud-speaker prayers five times a day, tent-like dresses and other cultural practices going back to the middle ages, enclaves of Saudi-funded Muslim quarters appearing in municipalities like Beruwala or Kattankudy. (creating inter-Muslim feuds), as well as the increasing demand for the Sharia law.

    The same back lash has happened in `liberal’ democracies like Denmark, Canada, and France. In the US, the covert attack on Muslims is led by the US government using the `home-land security act’. How Muslim communities have been attacked using government agencies has been documented in the `dispatches’ series by investigative journalist Rick MacInnes-Rae of the CBC (see http://www.cbc.ca/dispatches/). The US government ensured that Muslim communities are broken up, Mosques closed, and the IRS deployed to heavily tax such establishments to bankruptcy or raise interminable questions about their tax status forcing them to use very expensive defense lawyers.

    The reaction in France has been firm, open and legislative, with the Hijaab banned,;and public Islam is forced to `avoir le visage conformant a la culture francaise’. Denmark and Canada have introduced similar, but less over-whelming legislation to satisfy the demands of majorities.

    Where Sri Lanka has failed is in its failure to maintain law and order, , and in not introducing suitable legislation that would calm the fears of the majority. The latter is a consequence of the government depending on Muslim MPs to maintain its strong showing in parliament.

    What should Sri Lanka do? It too should debate the matters openly and pass what ever legislation is believed to satisfy the wishes of the people.
    The quality of these laws (that is, there level of justice) will depend on the level of education of the legislators, their level of exposure to the wide world, , and on the foresightedness of the legislators who should also ensure that foreign vested interests (be they religious or political) should not be allowed to pump money into the country and buy up support for foreign religious movements or political movements. However, once the laws are passed, the laws have to be strictly enforced without corruption.

    The existence of the similar or more virulent Islamophobic movements in far more affluent (allegedly liberal) western countries with catholic or Protestant majorities proves that we have to look beyond Buddhist militancy to understand the phenomenon. So, it is NOT a case of `preaching’ and sermonizing by `good monks’ (as emphasized in this article), or `vigils’ against the BBS by English-speaking holier-than-thou individuals that would help. We need more definitive steps.

    What is needed is
    eliminating the sociological causes behind the phenomenon; viz.,:
    eliminating the destabilizing influx of funds from rich Middle-eastern religious movements,
    tempering the rapid propagation of social modes new to Sri Lanka that shock the people (hijaab, loud-speaker prayers, or for that matter loud-speaker Pirith). Such legislation exists not only in the West, but also in places like Singapore.
    Converting movements like the BBS into social safety valves where they are allowed to vent their views while the government MAINTAINS LAW AND ORDER AT ALL COSTS,
    Recognizing that quasi-religious movements also have large economic agendas, and the BBS seems to have attacked economic targets (halal, Muslim shops) even more than religious targets!

    • 0

      by dragging dharmawardana into this place,
      in a desperate attempt to save her image,
      what this woman accuses of bbs having done
      to the incognito racist clan of hers and malinda’s
      is what she has done to the racism of dharmawardana,
      which he had been architecting and perfecting
      with his far sighted vision since the day he conceived
      the idea for his book
      that has a title, one line in sinhala and another in english,
      none is a translation of the other,
      neither they compliment each other.
      it’s just mining old literature for town names that sound vaguely
      similar and refer to a place on the auction, or even legally occupied by somebody else, even remotely and then
      drawing a presupposed one way arrow
      in between the two words one in one langauge and in the other
      and calling it etymology deduced
      by a theoretical physicist in his coffee breaks
      with the aid of weekend reading.
      there is a reason why dharmawardana,
      being an internet commenter elsewhere,
      doesn’t make a single comment
      with the same hat on here. the purpose
      why dharmawardane chooses select
      circles within circles to discuss
      racism and ethnofascistic
      technical infrastructure is to gain
      some synergetic collaboration and
      to validate his idea that there is
      still some spirit in the cause.
      this rookie without knowing its ranks
      in the order, goes on to expose
      dharmawardane’s patient decade long efforts
      just because she was checkmated
      by an anonymous commenter under a newspaper column
      she wrote for a career boost. nothing
      different than gnanasara and his clan
      bringing disgrace to buddhism.
      end of the note.

      • 0

        *in between the two words one in one langauge and the other in the other language
        different than gnanasara and his clan
        bringing disgrace to buddhism,
        and as a side effect helping
        a collective consciousness among the mass
        emerge to counter racism and ethnofascism of all sorts.

    • 0

      now she knows the result of writing her own words so she quotes others

      i can already see her facial expression from the tone now

      poor thing, ignore her guys

    • 0

      Buddhism is a way of life rather than a religion. Sinhalese evolves from pali closely knit with the ancient culture. what amuses me is women speaking about head scarfs , well if they have to remove a part of their attire then the others will have to take of a different part of their attire a(for the purpose of equality)in this case take off your top. that is in line with the sri Lankan tradition(as seen in the sigiriya frescos) where many of the low caste women are prohibited from covering the upper part of their body. if you people lobby for that i’m sure most of the folks would support it..

      with regard to loudspeakers you could ask temples to remove it and the same for musical shows and late night parties..
      the Amusement with the BBS propaganda an their loyalists is them asking to go back in time . her replies and in fact the articles itself is vague and ambiguous which is to deceives the readers mind
      it doesn’t address the core demands of the BS like polygamy and destruction of minority economic interests..
      what should understand the persistent attacks against a person will lead them to defend themselves b all means such as in the case of Tamils opting to the LTTE

      finally in a note about the write she is suffering from a type of psychiatric disorder this normally leads to imagination into unworldly fiction, this could be due to various reasons such as lack of relationships, sexual disorders etc. in this case it pretty much is related to the latter as she mentions of her erotic fantasies in cold blood above…
      there is proven research & studies on this.. REF.

      • 0

        reference to writers closely knit with mental disorders

    • 0

      Chandre Dharmawardana needs to read the book “The Giver” by Louis Lowry instead of reading people who fake erotica pedophilia for attention seeking. it will help him with a psychological deficiency known by ordinary people as “Fear of Elsewhere”. Or he should simply jump out of the little well he is living and socialize himself with people of diverse backgrounds as the “English-speaking holier-than-thou individuals” do.

    • 0

      i beg to differ, we cannot follow the US guys who have no brains or integrated approach to prevent their sandy hook drama or tragedy from going to google cache before execution: http://mail.synergyitg.com/mike/nwo_stuff/Sandy-Hook-So-Busted2.jpg . trivia: a lot of celebrities followed it with their collaborative video towards gun control laws in the states. professor dharmawardana should read more on the internet than what goes in his perverted mind.

      i see that ratnawalli has given a direct link to her blog article below a google cache page given by the pervert. maybe she has some editing in mind? what if somebody else backed up her pre-edit version using some web based archiving or a time machine site?

      • 0

        note: it is worthwhile to note that sopa and pipa implied preventing google from caching webpages in its own servers too.

        • 0

          anybody to call me a niine elveen conspiracy theorist?

          • 0

            that typo was intentional lol

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      1. if Chandre Dharmawardana wants to preserve culture and tradition with all its original diversity, then his call should be for a full reversal all the way back to the days of the monarchies and colonizing empires. it’s not going to be far from what we see at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pCtjnhxXfw because what you see today on your sinhala buddhists is symbolic submission to the western will, if what you see on the muslim women is middle eastern conspiracy, both of which are stupid.

      even in that case, you are only going to see a great portion of muslim women on the streets like this http://www.allvoices.com/contributed-news/8748875/image/77396280-sri-lanka-muslim-women-wear-as-they-please if not like this http://myperfectlittleblackdress.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/together1.jpg : tents that come in two or more pieces instead of one. only difference is that people later found the more global fashion to be more simplified, convenient, portable and commercially very competitive – survival of the fittest. remember, muslims didn’t have to import culture from saud dynasty that was formed in early 20th century or after they got oil-rich. go search google for how the muslim men appeared in the coloneal sri lanka – it’s because they were partly descendents of arabs. do you also have problems because they name their children in arabic? or did you think it was tamil :D because of your expertise in arabic language? or did it escape your sharp eyes because that didn’t appear in your global islamophobia literature amplified by your favorite media?

      so instead of propagating their prejudiced, jealous, ill informed, outright racist propaganda, people like chandre should first learn about their own culture and tradition, which is well enough to shut their own holes, before they go on to teach how other people go about their (those other people’s) culture. they don’t preach you, did they? ever?

      or did chandre have problems when european/ canadian girls were wearing winter cloths during the seasons? did he have problem with the traditional japanese clothing? or the plainly west-originated fashions having made their way to lanka and to the google cache of ratnawalli’s blog? :D would his neice in lanka prefer her dhaham pasal clothing over what darshanie wears in he pictures for a professional appearance? even to attend her classes at the university? or are chandre’s daughters wearing the so called traditional sinhala buddhist national dress when they spend a vacation in sri lanka? or is even that dhaham pasal dress code an accurate description of what sri lanka, their sinhala buddhist land, was decades and centuries ago? it is his prejudice that will the serve the best in promoting what he wants to demote. and that’s why he keeps his racist remarks private unlike bbs, which is a problem for darshanie.

      2. chandre says quasi-religious movements had economic agendas. muslim church invited everyone to investigate on their financial affairs and even directed them to their audited accounts. did bbs, that chandre wants to be unarmed and preserved to remain as a social valve, ever do the same? chandre ever listened to the press conference hosted by the buddhist, muslim churches and the chamber of commerce? here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P_Wbi6ajH10

      now go to (00:15:54) a reporter will be asking if the bbs goons and darshanie’s mom are going to get a price reduction because the halal mafia is pulling out. then the chamber of commerce will respond by saying halal certification cost nothing compared to sls or iso counterparts, neither the certification cost ever contributed to the cost of production at all and no price will go down even if all the economic factors remain the same – note, oil price didn’t go up overnight that day, neither did the dollar. in fact this very argument, i.e. darshanie’s mom was paying extra few cents per every grain of her purchase for being force-fed the halal disgust, was the very selling point that helped avalanche of masses towards no-to-no-halal cause of the bbs that chandre admires. further, you can see in the videos how hypocritical the chamber of commerce was in public in saying halal certification was totally unnecessary for local sales, instead of being grateful to it because it opened a new market segment for all businesses irrespective of their religious affiliations/ favoritism. in fact, by the time they wanted muslim church to give them halal certification, in contrast to the argument that muslims lived with no halal logo during the times when food manufacturing hadn’t gotten that complex, the local muslims were already turning away from a huge lot of consumer goods in dissatisfaction due to complex imported ingredients that derive from sources that they were not happy with – for example, yougurt products didn’t sell very well because pork-derived gelatine was far cheaper than the alternative. in the meantime the majority of sinhala buddhists were purchasing fresh produces from little shops on the way home for their daily meals. muslim at that time already new which of the businesses were respecting their halal preference in consumer goods. that said, now check for vendol lanka’s refusal of bbs claims at http://dbsjeyaraj.com/dbsj/archives/17552 (original lakbima article posted around 2013-02-27 is now successfully made unavailable online. search the print version for vendol lanka Lelwala G. Godakanda) and compare it with videos available on youtube where gnanasara, admired by chandre, is showing vendol products in his public meetings as he does with other businesses soon to be attacked and individuals soon to be harassed by his satellite mobs :D if some businesses now hate the halal certification, then how come some of their products placed in middle eastern supermarkets are reported to be bearing a fake halal symbol of the sri lankan muslim church (harischandra)? why should they still be in need for the muslim church’s halal certification on their export goods despite the rants by jhu and bbs? isn’t it hypocrisy? something a jack of all trades like chandre, who also seems to know much about the connection between one carnot’s theorem and electricity tariff, should notice?

      3. does chandre also believe in that birth control lingerie thingy that works only on sinhala buddhist gene-meme complex?

      chandre wants to be known as a social architect or something? no different than goebbels. disgusting. immaturity detailed. on the internet!!

      problem chandre-quoter?

    • 0

      if this is how a sri lankan physicist living in france and french canada unleashes racist fantasies in secret cornet of the internet, it make one wonder what the behavior of a foot soldier empowered with a klashnikov would have been in the former battlefields and current concentration camps.

      • 0

        correction: in secret corners of the internet

    • 0

      “What is needed is:
      eliminating the sociological causes behind the phenomenon; viz.,:
      eliminating the destabilizing influx of funds from rich Middle-eastern religious movements,
      tempering the rapid propagation of social modes new to Sri Lanka that shock the people (hijaab, loud-speaker prayers, or for that matter loud-speaker Pirith). Such legislation exists not only in the West, but also in places like Singapore.
      Converting movements like the BBS into social safety valves where they are allowed to vent their views while the government MAINTAINS LAW AND ORDER AT ALL COSTS,
      Recognizing that quasi-religious movements also have large economic agendas, and the BBS seems to have attacked economic targets (halal, Muslim shops) even more than religious targets!”

      Exactly what we need, although the babblers of our own Babel are too busy to listening to their confused mutterings to understand.

  • 0

    since professor dharmawardana doesn’t publish his racist opinions in colombo telegraph i don’t it is necessary to criticize them here. neither am i visitor the blogs you want me to go. you keep your racism in your private premises, i don’t care. if you publish your racism in a media where i comment i respond.

    that said, if dharmawardana wanted his remarks responded you should invite dharmawardana to come here, a place where he already publishes other stuff, and make an attempt to bail you out.

    you quoting roberts and dharmawardana in order save your own back is only seen as your pathetic attempt to distribute the defamation received here.

    yes, making a noise after a public defeat is really difficult. so take your time. we will keep biting out nails :D as the cross reference girl above said also make sure you make a good use of a thesaurus to obfuscate your occult thoughts.

    see you in a few days. you fame is going down already because you have proven to be a stubborn racist who now only wants a damage control on her public image. but it’s a fubar situation now. so tell your mom you reached one of your ultimate career milestones by publishing a column in colombo telegraph and show her michael roberts blog saying it’s the same content.

    • 0

      no, dharmawardana is just another racist, but one degree more careful from being branded one than darshanie who in turn is more careful than bbs.

  • 0

    i don’t think it is necessary to criticize them here
    we will keep biting out nails
    to distribute the defamation received here because it’s already unbearable for you.
    your fame as a new addition to the racist clan is going down…

  • 0

    we will keep biting our nails

  • 0

    it is recorded on colombo telegraph that dharmawardana is also a gentleman who doesn’t take internet comment arguments to a personal level as the apprentice that you are does.

    so your attempt to quote him to have made his remarks inline with your racist fear mongering and desire for fascist superiority in order that it gives the readers an impression that you made up with him is hilarious. dharmawardana is a man known to stick to the point, not the past.

    what examiner mentioned was the critique of dharmawardana on your lack of professional practices, which again is recorded on the internet. time to clean up your blog and beg nation to remove some articles, no one is going to notice.

  • 0

    we know how you answered examiner
    we know how you responded the montessori teacher.
    your response to the referee is the most trivial of my anticipations.
    who wants to listen a the losers speech anyway?

    get off the computer and go find some time to spend in a temple with no racists around.

  • 0

    now she knows the result of writing her own words so she quotes others

    i can already see her facial expression from the tone now

    poor thing, ignore her guys.

  • 0

    I am elated and humbled at the same time. It’s going to pass the 200 comment milestone today. Guys. My mother thanks you. My sister thanks you. I thank you. Meanwhile to broaden your horizons, I am now going to paste here a response to my article posted on Dr. Michael Roberts’ site, by one Happy Heathen and Dr. Dharmawardane’s reply to it. Check it out at


    Happy Heathen
    May 7, 2013 at 11:57 pm

    “What The Hour demands of these initiatives are clinical, secular perspectives…”

    Finally some common sense….

    The way forward is a secular constitution for Sri Lanka and do away with state support for religion(s). The progressive reforms (albeit small) undertaken by the successive governments specifically in regards to gender and animal rights have been shot down by the fundamentalists.

    One cannot counter religious fundamentalism by being religious and cherry picking good bits out of (un)holy books. It will always be my God against your God and you will never hear the end of it.
    As Kant suggested, the greatest tool against evil is the moral autonomy, hence only a secular movement can counter religious fanaticism.

    After all freedom FROM religion is a fundamental human right.


    chandre DW
    May 10, 2013 at 9:16 pm

    It is not necessarily a problem with the constitution, but more a problem with ensuring that the constitutional and legal rights are enforced . The problem arises in secular or `in God we trust’ nations, or those in between. As the writer has pointed out:

    ” archeological site in the North and the East obliterated by a bulldozer, built upon or otherwise encroached into under the aegis of uncouth, unscrupulous and unethical Muslim and Tamil politicians, whose regional political clout earns them Government sanction, deserves a candle. We need to searchlight the literal excrement dumped into the Dīghavāpi site (the encroachment into this ancient archeological site also consisted of building toilet complexes on it[1] as well as the metaphorical excrement dumped by the BBS upon the Lankan social fabric. Every ancient landmark such as Mātota (Manthai)[2] and Kuragala targeted by agendas devoted to their obliteration should be co-candled with every Muslim enterprise threatened. The psychical darkness[3] that begets all brands and hues of intolerance should be switched off equally.”

    When the law is not enforced, distraught Muslims or distraught Buddhists or angry secular Lokayathas would get organized to take the law into the hands.


  • 0

    analyzing dharshanie ratnawalli’s comments…

    darshanie ratnawalli – May 6, 2013: lecture
    darshanie ratnawalli – May 7, 2013: one-upmanship lol
    darshanie ratnawalli – May 9, 2013: temporary defensive tone
    darshanie ratnawalli – May 9, 2013: bluff
    darshanie ratnawalli – May 10, 2013: bluff with arrogance
    Darshanie Ratnawalli – May 11, 2013: weeping and yelling with arrogance
    Darshanie Ratnawalli – May 11, 2013: arrogance at its peak
    _\|/_*********permanent change in tone detected!!!!
    darshanie ratnawalli – May 13, 2013: tone of a defeated
    Darshanie Ratnawalli – May 13, 2013: apology

    it was The Referee on May 12, 2013 4:40 am three days since examiner who brought down to her knees.
    now she wants to responds to referee?
    and she needs time? lol
    but she attends to this page on a daily basis lol

    • 0

      let me correct: it was The Referee on May 12, 2013 4:40 am (three days since examiner) who brought her down to her knees.

      so true.

  • 0

    It’s going to pass the 200 comment milestone today
    wikitionary, as i pen this comment, defines attention whore as,
    “(derogatory, idiomatic) An individual that routinely solicits attention through inappropriate tactics and provocation”. somewhere else i remember reading attention whores don’t care whether they receive positive attention or negative. suits you very well.

    meanwhile urban dictionary has all the humorous definitions of attention seeking, view whore and attention-whore.

    I am elated and humbled at the same time
    wow, you can also be humbled?

    the 200 comment milestone
    congratulations on reaching your 200 comments “milestone”, perhaps for the first time in your life! was that a Freudian Slip? :D :D :D

    you are not doing too bad. seen worse on youtube – millions of views and a full red bar! so don’t worry.

    My mother thanks you
    because someone here made you apologize for the first time in your life? sarcasm intended. or did you miss to notice her body language?

    to broaden your horizons
    to include more targets to comment? lol you mean to ‘distribute the defamation received here’ coz you can’t take it alone anymore? those people at least have their decency to keep their racism in their own homes.

    • 0

      it is indeed saddening to see that religious fanaticism with its associated fascism is often advocated and defended by people who don’t really follow the respective ideologies:

      -judaism by zionists
      -christianity by witch hunters and exteremist evangelics
      -islam by taliban and their mullas
      -hinduism by out spoken caste advocators
      -budhism by 999, bbs and the clan where malinda leads and darshanie ratnawallis is his side kick.
      -last but not the least atheism by half baked self proclaimed intellectuals, not by learned men most of whom have been silently religious in some way or outspokenly agnostic

      an elaboration relevant to this case: if this darshanie really believed in what the ‘Buddhist Church’ (instead of the essence of Buddha’s teachings) preaches her, she would really not advocate and defend the cause of seeking birthright supremacy of any sort knowing very well what she stands for doesn’t guarantee her next birth would be a blessed sinhalese buddhist, as the mediator mentions. anyway, she is already explicit in what she believes by stating clearly, “The need of The Hour is not tolerance, compassion, love or anything noble like that…”.

      the problem of organized religions and organized atheism!!

  • 0

    As the some in SL, your mother should be gullible to respect knowing that BBS is bigoted and is run by a bunch of thugs in saffron robes.
    As a young lady you should be able to see beyond your mother^s nativities. THat is what I feel when reading this article and your comments.

    • 0


  • 0

    it is indeed saddening to see that religious fanaticism with its associated fascism is often advocated and defended by people who don’t really follow the respective ideologies:

    -judaism by zionists
    -christianity by witch hunters and exteremist evangelics
    -islam by taliban and their mullas
    -hinduism by out spoken caste advocators
    -budhism by 999, bbs and the clan where malinda leads and darshanie ratnawallis is his side kick.
    -last but not the least atheism by half baked self proclaimed intellectuals, not by learned men most of whom have been silently religious in some way or outspokenly agnostic

    an elaboration relevant to this case: if this darshanie really believed in what the ‘Buddhist Church’ (instead of the essence of Buddha’s teachings) preaches her, she would really not advocate and defend the cause of seeking birthright supremacy of any sort knowing very well what she stands for doesn’t guarantee her next birth would be a blessed sinhalese buddhist, as the mediator mentions. anyway, she is already explicit in what she believes by stating clearly, “The need of The Hour is not tolerance, compassion, love or anything noble like that…”.

    the problem of organized religions and organized atheism!!!

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    all great leaders religions would pity for what their teachings have become if they get to see what’s going on today. galileo and darwin would find it sad to see how their names are misused in atheistic propaganda.

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      all great leaders of religions?

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    is a video that Darshanie Ratnawalli should have seen (and shown Chandre Dharmawardana in the other blog) first and then quote his prejudice about tent looking clothing. while the young girl from rodiya caste and many other non-flat chested (terms borrowed from Ratnawalli’s blog) “sinhala girls” can look like what she looked like, while the muslim women there always being shown with one more piece of cloth than the rest in the pre-independence ceylon before the so called middle eastern cultural invasion by influx of monitory aid was even planned in chandre dharmawardana’s imagination, then what’s wrong with the same one more piece of clothing among a part of muslim woman in this country while some of the average (castewise) sinhalese girls are now confronted by dilemmas leaving them with so much obsession with female breasts, as is found in one of ratnawalli’s work? (i believe talking about adult female breasts is no more a taboo in this comments as we have already enough of comments on ratnawalli’s article “the first man to look at my virgin breasts and compliment them was”) where do you find a single three-quarter pant worn by a sinhalese girl in the pre-independence ceylon? or even the tank top in ratanwalli’s picture here for that matter? so what’s wrong in both races taking their own route in simplifying fashion and advancing their own civilization? it’s not the one pole of fashion that their new cloak that’s going to make all muslim women wear it, but it’s your persistent attempt to stereotype and suppress them that’s going to enforce it strongly. now you can already see the muslim women who were not wearing the cloak having begun to take it up in defense of those who preferred it earlier. that’s the social dynamics. the negative reinforcement of psychology? and i believe that’s what bothered ratnawalli about BBS as well :D

    your quoting what dharmawardana uttered in a closed circle now has shown a larger audience the shallow knowledge gathered by chandre dharmawardane in his attempts to be a jack of all trades which was very well exposed by one pierre simon laplace in colombo telegraph once. it makes me question everything he has said or written so far.

    learn to appreciate diversity. unity in diversity. let the people choose what they want. that’s how human civilizations evolve.

    loud-speaker prayers five times a day
    how many lound speakers are calling for prayers in this country compared to the number that play recorded bana and pirith that no one seems to listen to these days? oh, i forgot, you guys are racists and you want a sinhala buddhist sri lanka :D

    creating inter-Muslim feuds
    when did you become interested in that? you got a problem with both kuragala (the now famous name for jailani) visitors and their kattankudy enemies. but however, even though the muslims had things gone beyond their control just as in the of 1983, they were still subject to law and order and the courts passed rulings on those matters. yet, the majority of muslims consider it a disgusting chapter in their history, unlike you who would want BBS to stay there as a last resort.

    France banned nothing but the face-veil, an aspect that a majority of muslims consider unnecessary. otherwise nuns will have a problem too. but in my personal opinion, everyone is entitled to what they want to wear. it’s a problem only when there is an issue of administrative difficulties and security concerns.

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    she knows the truth. she’s just not ready to give up her ego.

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    you mean to say http://jailani.org/pix/inscription-mohiyadeen330.jpg is a Sinhalese Brahmi rock inscriptions, which are typical of garden variety cave donations to the Monastic Buddhist Church of the 2nd century BC Lanka, that are found all over the island except the northernmost extreme, where there are no caves?? (Footnote 3)

    here is a picture of the arabic alphabet:

    here is a sample text in arabic language, which you should be reading from right to left, if you didn’t know:

    here is my reproduction of the sentence by using google keyboard:

    now go take some montessori classes in arabic and brahmi scripts. and show me what your version of sinhala-brahmi looks like and how this text fits there.

    who uses ‘one-upmanship’ with no knowledge of the matter at all? you are now officially a published fool!!!

    CT shouldn’t be wasting their readers’ time re-publishing such idiots. time for peer reviewing and quality control?

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      did somebody call it an article supported by research just because there were some foot notes, inline referencing and a few standard-looking citation entries? it’s called acting smart!

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        er…the research article that person referred to was the C.H.Collins in Journal R.A.S (Ceylon) Vol. XXXII, No 85 of 1932. Charles Collins was the British GA. The sinhalese Brahmi rock inscriptions Collins describes in his article are indited on the rock of the cave. Maybe you should look up rock in google images? What you have given is the inscription on the tombstone, which was supposedly discovered in 1922, ten years before Collins’ visit. Interestingly and perhaps significantly, Collins or his local guides were unaware of the existence of this tombstone. Because he says; ” On the way up a number of stones, forming an oblong
        area of considerable size which was pointed out to me, and
        said to be the grave of a Muslim saint, but there was
        nothing to substantiate this…” If he had known of the discovery ten years ago of a tombstone with Arabic writing, he would not have written this. A tombstone with Arabic writing would have (no matter who it commemorated; the saint or the disciple) would have substantiated an Islamic connection. Now does it not seem significant to you that Collins or his guides had not known after ten years of its supposed discovery of this tombstone? When does this tombstone first enter the picture in the form of written references to it? Can you tell me? Might be useful to read the Collins article. Just click on the link in the article.

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    Greetings my fan base.

    Re- The Referee

    The referee has a certain IQ. It has limitations. These limitations can be described by the 3Ps (Poor knowledge, Presumption and Projection.). This is a parody of the triple bottom-line. People, Planet, Profit. Clever na?

    Prove poor knowledge. Ready? The Buddhist Church and Middle America are not metaphors. Middle America is an analogy and Buddhist Church is an accepted terminology in English for the Buddha Sasana.

    I will take Buddhist Church first. Indrapala; The Evolution of an Ethnic Identity; page 90- “In Sri Lanka, on the other hand, the establishment of the Buddhist Sangha (Church) and the royal patronage it received led to the ….” There are other pages. But can’t be bothered to dig. As I said no glory in comment space publishing. I am only doing this to encourage potential talent.

    So Watson we have here our first P: Poor knowledge. Yes Holmes but I fail to see where the second P: Presumption comes in. It comes Watson when this referee becomes complaisant in ignorance and tries to make it a ladder to reach a higher platform from which to look down on the usage.
    1) By calling it superfluous. It’s not. It’s the only word available.
    2) By calling it displeasing. It is only displeasing Watson because of poor knowledge
    3) By saying “her Buddhist church metaphor went very well in the article”. (Of course it did. That’s why it’s accepted terminology. This candidness in accepting it went well confirms poor knowledge. This is like a reader unfamiliar with the word ‘making love’ reading a graphic love story and saying “I must say the author’s coined phrase ‘making love’ works well for the activity she describes”.

    Then Projection Holmes how does it come in? Well Watson you see the referee tries to ascribe or project the referee’s poor knowledge to the readership. The referee is ignorant of the usage so the readership must be too. The referee is entertained so the readership must be entertained too. The ref’s poor knowledge leads the ref to find entertainment in a perfectly accepted usage. The readership must be sharing in that entertainment too. Projection is a universal human frailty, Watson, so let’s not be too harsh.

    Now I can only reply in installments like this. Await the answer re Middle America analogy in a few days and keep the comments coming. Together let’s try for the 500 comment milestone.

    BTW do I get a medal for the brilliance I have displayed in replying to this? No.? That’s ok. One does not do these things for medals but purely for pleasure.

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      it’s been weeks and this is all you got in reply to the referee? :D
      btw, don’t reply to me coz i’m not wasting my time back here and people know to read your patch-up attempts in future along with timestamps :)

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    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.We acknowledge criticism of the articles we publish, but will not allow persistent misrepresentation of our journalists/contributors to be published on our website. For the sake of robust debate, we will distinguish between constructive, focused argument and smear tactics.For more detail see our Comment policy

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    Classic smiled in addition to believed: environment is known as a damaging start out, computer chip, ‘ Chen Sang looked with your man in addition to required: That which is an individual’s label? Ouyang young child, Will certainly remove your! to discover Zhang Qitai A common advisor sacks a negative removed throughout the Instructor purses Norwegian at present dread the actual wait. Preferred Chloe handbag a multitude of buddies, Shell out a little bit of significantly less. Zi-yang HUO Di Nguyen bear on sharp vocabulary in order to bear at the good old dark colored glare. Hence thinking.

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    Let me tell this for Darshanie

    I began reading her three years ago almost by an accident
    I was pleasantly surprised the intellect and talent for mastering the language she displayed in her blog

    I must say she’s not only a brilliant writer but is on her way to become a brilliant scholar too in future

    Keep up your good work

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