The Death Of A Newspaper: A Short Response To Brian Seneviratne
By Lal Wickrematunge –
You are wrong on some aspects. I was visiting Lasantha’s family in Melbourne when the settlement or apology as you call it happened on the 18th of July. Lasantha’s family needs help. Big time. I cannot record for public consumption all of that. Anyone who cares desperately for freedom of expression should take a little time to check how Lasantha’s family is doing. They are not doing well. As for me…i carried the business on my shoulder given the stance the paper was taking, affording total freedom to journalists. Yes, 18 years with no help. The non journalistic staff unstintingly supported the brave journalists who chartered the course of the newspaper, though they were only doing a job. When we were on the thresh hold of folding up, do i send them home? No pay, no jobs for supporting the papers stance for 18 years? The sale was at half the price invested. The official records show it. That was the value left after 18 years. I still applaud the journalists. As for Lasantha….he was my brother and i will do whatever ….whenever. I don’t have to justify my love and how much I grieve. No one knows that. They cannot. As for me Mr Seneviratne, I like your writings. Still do though you did not understand my position nor the hundred plus staff who need food on their table.
Related post;
The Death Of A Newspaper – The Sunday Leader;The Entrenchment Of A Fascist State
Safa / October 31, 2012
I agree with Lal Wickramatunge. Apart from sympathy, there is little we can do for such newspapers and journalist. Recent examples of Fredrica and Lyn Ockerz. Govt is using its black money to buy up newspapers and silence critics.
When there is such a repressive regime in place it is the duty of all to resist including the opposition, intellectuals and intelligensia etc. That, is not happening and it is unfair to expect individuals to carry the burden. Living in Sri Lanka and speaking aginst the regime is unlike living overseas and voicing ones opinion on the internet.
My sympathies to Lasantha’s wife and family. May god bless you and help you. No doubt the people who carried out and were resposible for that dastardly deed are suffering and will suffer a thousand times more. I still read the Leader and appreciate the views put forward by your veteran columnist. I hope that the Leader will rise again one day to fullfill the vision of Lasantha – Unbowed & Unafraid.
Simhi / October 31, 2012
It is heart wrenching Mr. Wickrematunge. May the almighty help you to come out of this.It is sad indeed
Kumar David / October 31, 2012
Very, very sad.
PresiDunce Bean / October 31, 2012
I stopped reading the Sunday Leader after I heard that it had been bought over by a Rajapaksa proxy. They may have nullified the Leader, but thank God we have the Colombo Telegraph.
Leon / October 31, 2012
After reading your comments I felt that you did the right thing though sad.
Robert of Locksley / October 31, 2012
Mr Wickramatunga , indeed speaks the truth that people like Presidunce Bean cannot or does not want to comprehend.
Mr Presidunce , who despite having been educated at a prestigious Anglican school and doing a job as a art director, still cannot even comment using his real name.
His struggle against totalitarianism is actually his hobby,he’s not taking any risks ,but expects others to do so, and expects them be exemplary when he himself hypocritically hides behind pet names.
On the other hand people like Uvindu actually spoke out against what they perceived as rise of totalitarianism at a great risk to their lives and had to go into self exile as a result.
PresiDunce on the other hand want other people to fight his battles ,while he comfortably sits before a computer and becomes a perfect armchair critic.
What a big time hypocrite , shame on you PresiDunce
Beyond surprised / October 31, 2012
Why don’t you take your rubbishy comments and go back to Sherwood Forest or wherever?
There is NOTHING of substance in what you have to say and it is about time that CT got a bit selective about publishing gibberish.
As for Lal Wicremetunga: the fact that his brother’s family is in distress, as sad as that is, has NOTHING to do with the fact that he KNOWINGLY sold out to those who were responsible for that brother’s death. That is the final, ugly reality and Lal has to live with that fact.
How many pieces of silver does it take to buy an opposition newspaper, friends?
Amaranth / November 1, 2012
Thanks. Some sense there by “Beyond Surprise”.. Lasantha’s family at least have the advantage over others having moved to Australia even before Lasantha was gunned down. How about Ekneligoda’s wife and two school going sons who have to fend for themselves here in rupees ? There is always the issue of a “risk” involved that most would not dare take. That’s where Lal had come to rest and argue from. All those bootlicking journos wld argue on the same lines. End of the day, they also need food on the table. So why blame those who stooge for this regime? The fact remains, as Fredrica J accepted in her interview, she brought in the wheeler dealer over an year ago. That again for a deal on S/L. Goes to prove who their friends have been.
NO surprise the S/L ended up the way it did. The alternative? That needed political acumen, business men don’t bother to gain. Alternative should have been an open public campaign, at least an effort to raise a S/L Fund, before Fredrica J was allowed to bring along her wheeler dealer friend
Peter / November 1, 2012
Oh dear! Another ‘literary’ nom-de-plume with a follow-up by the same weirdo posing as ‘Brian de Boise…’ to bolster himself. What happened to Mike Hammer? And what a pathetic ploy. Get a life!
Brian de Bois Guilbert / November 1, 2012
Peter Pan !
Get a life yourself buddy rather than acting the goat
Brian de Bois Guilbert / October 31, 2012
Well you speaks the truth Robert
PresiDunce is indeed a class A hypocrite . People know his real name too
Lasantha Pethiyagoda / October 31, 2012
Lal, you have exposed the plight of your brother’s family, now apparently living in Australia. Perhaps you might like to provide some contact details for a family representative in Melbourne. There are several organisations there which might offer to help.
Your in-laws can contact any of the Sri Lankan community newspapers for connecting with these organisations. Centrelink and the Department of Human Services also have guidelines for economic and family / moral support. Their services range from counselling to obtaining financial aid.
Grace Mugabe / October 31, 2012
Of each new hatched, unfledged comrade (asange). Beware Lal.
Your brother Lasantha was true to own self and it followed as the night the day therefore he wasn’t false to any man.
I observe artist somewhere in the world will bring justice to his murder someday soon. It’s just artist and tourist who generally watches the traffic lights at a zebra crossing while the rest are mere sheep isn’t it?
Farewell Sunday Leader I read no more because it does not stand out as before “Tell them what you’re going to tell them, tell them, then tell them what you told them”.
gamini / November 1, 2012
When this item of news was first published, many berated Lal for the sell out. Now that Lal has explained the background, what else can he do? It is a sad situation indeed. Can any who blame Lal offer a solution other than what he has decided best for the staff who would have been out of job in todays context? The tragedy is that the sale price is half what has been invested. I was one who was angry with Lasantha’s wife for giving an audience to MR where as usual MR tried to score milage cuddling a child. This bugger MR can never ever shun responsibility for Lasantha’s murder. I am sure many curse MR day and night and he will never escape his conscience of all the murders committed for him to stay in power. One day he will get his Just Deserts. In Premadasa’s, pieces had to be picked. This bugger’s I doubt whether even the pieces will remain.
I believe all living in Australia and elsewhere should help Lasantha’s family in their hour of need. Otherwise we are not worth as human beings!
Donald J Gnanakone / November 1, 2012
@Gamini, I am surprised that you have fallen hook, line and sinker to Lal’s Doosra… Please do you research and you will find all the skeletons in the Sunday Leader cupboard… It will come out sooner than later.
Lal shouldn’t have exposed his sister in law Raine, and Lasantha’s children in this embarrassing manner… She is a very private person and she definitely did not want this story to be publicized in the Sunday Leader (Lal is still the Chairman) and Colombo Telegraph. Poor Lasantha would be rolling in his grave to hear this story of his children and first wife Raine.
Lasantha’s family is suffering today is because of 3 individuals who were close to Lasantha..
Proof of the Pudding is in the eating. Lal has received hundreds of millions of rupees for the sale and there is still 28% left over.. Frederica has received 11 Million rupees as Brokerage Fees and compensation for loosing her job, but Sonali being Lasantha’s wife and long term employee of SL received nothing from Sunday Leader.
Didn’t Lasantha have any shares at Sunday Leader and what happened to that when the sale was made… Lal is portraying himself as the compassionate brother in law and Uncle to Lasantha’s children.. as of July 18… Now we are in November. and Lal has not being truthful about what is going on in Melbourne, Australia, due to the action of these 3…
Anyway, these days of modern communication of EMAIL, FAX, TELEPHONE and SMS, what is LAL talking about the Apology and or Sale Agreement, where he was in Australia, worried about Lasantha’s family…. This is simply preposterous….
Lal had not received any money from Asanga, as of July 18, and there was so much happening in Colombo, and he says he was away in Australia, and if so for how long and what did he do? What resources he had to do anything there?
I cannot detail all the facts, because it is a private matter of Lasantha’s family… All I can say is all the facts will be out one day…
Every body is cursing Gota for using bad language on Frederica and the newspaper which Brian Senewiratne had detailed it, as if nobody has not heard it before… Gota as the man in charge of internal security of the country was talking of “The Dirty Fucking” of the journalist. Lol… Those involved are burying their heads in the sand like the Ostriches, believing that nobody knows, or will ever come to know… They are sadly mistaken.
It is true Brian Senewiratne in Brisbane Australia, has no idea about it, and had got some of the facts wrong. Lal did not explain what facts he got wrong… Sonali, was Lasantha’s wife only for a dozen days. She herself has told the Ithaca News in NY, that she was KICKED OUT of Sunday Leader. By whom at Sunday Leader??? lol.
Which means that she did not leave 3-4 days after the funeral, not due to death threats or threats to her life… Brian got it all wrong that Sonali was there for 2 months..
Only person Brian is talking to at Sunday Leader is Frederica Jansz and he gets easily carried away. Strangely, Lal likes Brian’s writing. Wow. Wonder why, but chose to publicly correct Brian instead of a private email to him.
Asanga Senewiratne, the new owner has the right to hire and fire, especially to appoint an editor of his choice… That is universal in the newspaper business not only in Sri Lanka, but worldwide.. So I am not holding a brief for Asanga or Gota or any Rajapakse, and we all know who are the desponent owners of the newspapers are, which is not Asanga.. Also where the money came from, as Asanga has no interest in investing his money in English and Sinhalese newspapers which had very poor revenues, circulation, and support from the opposition or the government. I have already said enough on the SOFTBALL interview Sanjana did with Frederica Jansz.
It is time that a few people stop fooling the public of their plight and sale of the newspaper… FJ already alluded that attacking the UNP Leader Ranil was a big mistake, as the little advertisements from the UNP businessman dried up. But another Tamil business mogul, who manipulated all these, which led to the blunder. But he would not pay even half the price what Asanga paid to purchase the newspaper.
The Hulugallas invested the money and owned the newspapers for some time. Lal knows how much he bought the interest of others, and it is certainly not what is double what Asanga paid for. I will let someone else or Lal to tell the full story, to Brian and everybody else for the time being..
Finally, instead of other outsiders helping Lasantha’s family it should be the brother and Sunday Leader who should help the family… before other damages which is not financial occurs to the family…. It is they who have paid the biggest price with Lasantha’s cold blooded, brutal murder by the Sinhalese State Terrorist. Sadly nobody seemed to be concerned about bringing to Justice the murderers who have been already identified in the Army, and there is still no murder weapon, nor autopsy report that is published… Instead, all concerned are enjoying themselves (Put it politely and not using Gota’s language)and chasing the money, and deals…
People living in glass houses, should not be throwing stones, since they are not the hunters anymore… digging into other people’s dirt.
Donald Gnanakone.
JULAAMPITYE AMARAYA / November 1, 2012
Bedrock Barney / October 31, 2012
There goes an another independent newspaper. Very sad indeed. As a paper that’s not willing to toe the official govt line, the Sunday leader should have been flying off the shelves or drowning in hits to the website, with no lack of advertising. Yet, a significant number of readers of English newspapers in SL view the Sunday leader and the kind of reporting that they engaged in, with suspicion. What’s wrong with average English news consumer in SL? Is it conformity that they want? This should have been a paper that was profitable, a hot seller. All Hail the Colombo Telegraph! The New Leader!!
R.Kovian / October 31, 2012
Dont worry Lal,
Rajapakse mafia rule will be numbered, just sit back…wait and see how its me.
MERLIN / November 1, 2012
Bandula / November 1, 2012
I totally agree with you Lal. Also feel sad to see the only newspaper that was unbiased and told the truth had to close down. We knew that the wolf was roaming and was not sleeping until it got the carcass, and finally it got it. I have stopped buying the Leader now. Feel sorry for Lasantha and his family. But he never die in both Sri Lanka and in the world community. The perpetrators will have to face justice one day, and that day will be not that far.
Piranha / November 1, 2012
I always suspected a genuine reason why Lal sold the paper to a Rajapaksa accolyte. Now he has openly told us the reason I feel that those in Australia and elsewhere who cared about Lasantha and what he stood for should mobilise to afford Lasantha’s family the support they need. Surely someone from the anti-Rajapaksa could have bought the newspaper and kept the opposition to the regime alive in the press in Sri Lanka but may be the moneyed opponents of him were too scared to oppose him or risk the money.
American Lanka Lover / November 1, 2012
Hard not to have empathy for this man and his family, regardless of who was actually responsible for the killing of his brother. Perhaps someday the truth will come out.
American Lanka Lover / November 1, 2012
Editor: why have you deleted my request that Donald tell what he knows about the killing as his post suggests he has secret information he will not divulge?
If CT has evidence that GOSL killed Lasantha please publish it, or have you made a policy decision to only allow one THEORY (the blame everything on the Rajapaksas theory) to be discussed? Shame on you, purporting to seek the truth but censoring any who question the dogma that GOSL killed Lasantha. Terrorist propaganda sites like Tamilnet are banned in SL and maybe CT deserves the same ban if it will not allow ALL sides to participate in the debate.
COLOMBO_TELEGRAPH (Author) / November 1, 2012
@American Lanka Lover, we have not deleted any of your comments here. Check before you comment please. You’ve commented under this article, check here!
Wuliangguobinjiu / November 1, 2012
Your ignorance is my knowledge where opinion lies in between them as much as patriotism and religion are emotions.
Que de se hombre? Ban, Bann or Band for 20/20
Beyond surprised / November 2, 2012
American Lanka Lover:
Seems like, if this debate continues, you might even become brave enough to reveal your real identity and then we’ll all know who the “other Raj” has recruited into his “dirty tricks” squad!
American Lanka Lover / November 1, 2012
CT: Mea culpa, it was a different thread (merged with a later thread perhaps)? . In any event, you have my sincere apology for an erroneous accusation. I was quite surprised as generally CT DOES seem to allow a full airing of ALL points of view. please keep up the good work.
gamini / November 2, 2012
Cases as these suffer from temporary amnesia, before they go completely bonkers. Hallucinations in broad day light seems the pronlem, as otherwise will they adore killers as Gota? and the present set up as a DEMOCRACY?
Donald J Gnanakone / November 2, 2012
What a bloody Moron and idiot this [Edited out] Lover Ugly American is. Such a bloody Bayagullah, is shit scared to even reveal his name his mother and father gave, who ever his father is, .
Typical Rajapakse apologist and cheer leader..
Idiot has proven my point, with his own ignorance and stupidity.
Wastage of Time, Gamini…
This idiot also believes Mahinda and Gota’s stories that there were ZERO Tamil civilian casualties and if any body died they had committed suicide. That is what Mahinda Samarasinghe had told many diplomats in Geneva, and they are all laughing at him…Ya the 100,000 had committed suicide. The Army (Fonseka’s and Gota’s) were just playing the role of the undertaker by cremating the bodies…..ha ha ha…
They all think that the whole world are KHONDE BATTAPPU CHIINO…..
American Lanka Lover / November 2, 2012
OF COURSE there was collateral damage during the war, as there ALWAYS IS. Warfare is imprecise and brutal, despite advances in technology like smart bombs and drones. Our drones, sadly, DO kill a few innocents along with all the terrorists in Pakistan and Afghanistan, despite being the most technologically advanced weapons ever conceived. But, because of an effective propaganda campaign by the diaspora, we did not supply GOSL with advanced technology which would have reduced collateral damage. Had we supplied advanced drones back in 2006 so VP and the secondary leadership could have been eliminated, there would have been no need for the many deaths during the Jaffna and Vanni operations.
But the subject at hand is not what happened in the Vanni; the subject at hand is your inside knowledge of what happened to Lasantha which you continue to conceal. Dont you owe it to his family and all Lankans to tell what you know Donald? Was is the stock market connection? Was it rump LTTE trying to create anger at the Rajapaksas? Was it a lovers quarell, a robbery gone awry? You are the one who claims to know the secret so please tell us Donald. Perhaps the FBI would be interested in interrogating you about your knowledge about that and other killings. Your green card could be revoked if you concealed material facts in your application and seeing you deported from my country back to Colombo would be a just result indeed. I bet CID would even personally greet your arrival at Bandarnaiyake airport.
Donald J Gnanakone / November 2, 2012
You freaking MORON and Coward -Ugly American.
I have been in this country for 29 years, and I know very well my rights and the FBI very well.
I have no problem in discussing with the FBI, about Lasantha’s murder which has been committed by the STATE TERRORIST, but about the WAR CRIMES and CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY committed by the US citizens and residents… I have already discussed it as Founder of Tamils For Justice, with the State Dept. , UN and other agencies.
There is no problems, you bloody Bayagullah who is too scared to even put his name..
Whom do you think you are dealing with? You thought that I am some MORON villager from Hambantota, or someone who came with the Green Card Lottery or wife’s Montessori Visa… Or some of the many Sinhalese who falsely said that they were scared of the JVP or LTTE and received their Political Asylum in the USA…
For 29 years, I have spoken up on issues, and tell the STATE TERRORIST and Sunday Leader to release the Autopsy Report, the details of the Murder Weapon, and ask Gotabaya to release the names and full details of the 8 Army soldiers who were arrested by the Police, and released after their silence was BOUGHT by the STATE TERRORIST.
They were working for the MILITARY INTELLIGENCE and are still with the ARMY and hidden in a “lonely camp”…
So Go and ask your [Edited out] if you wants more details. You f………….g Idiot, you think that CT should force people to provide evidence????
WTF are you to give any advise to anybody… Go and learn the Laws of America. You know Jack Shit…
Randy mathew / November 3, 2012
Since you are a lapdog & a loyalist of the Rajapakses you are defending them. Civilians being killed in cross fires is totally different to thousands of innocent civilians being systematically killed. I see no difference between the Tigers & the Rajapakse Regime—both are a bunch of Terrorists.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / November 2, 2012
I yet read the Sunday Leader. I have noticed that the ‘ Shrilness’ has been weeded in recent weeks and the contents more balanced. The paper yet continues to raise questions about various issues of public interest.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Wuliangguobinjiu / November 2, 2012
One has to be very gullible to believe that knee jerk action as a permanent feature. Their heading is exact opposite of the contents- is it the way all Sri Lankans like to see like Miss Kate Nobel said in her last column? I don’t dig it because very often we just glance through headlines and that would mislead eg. IDP cleared but not HR (close to that) Samarasinghe’s “Romantic Manifesto” without wings.
Anti-Boru / November 5, 2012
Dr Rajasingham Narendran:
Do you REALLY have to add your two cents worth when there are people like American Lanka Lover, Malinda Seneviratne etc. baying to the Rajapaksa moon in support of a regime that’s rotten to the core?
By the way, did you get your doctorate at the same institution as Mervyn Silva?
Finally, a suggestion: why don’t yo read the Daily Noise so that your cup of praise of our Junta Like No Other might overflow with joy?
Dr Romesh Senewiratne / November 6, 2012
Why are you so rude to people you’ve never met?
Anti-Boru / November 6, 2012
In case your question was directed at me, let me tell you that they (and the likes of you) who are shameless sycophants of the unmentionable are richly deserving of such opprobrium!
malik / November 2, 2012
Whatever lasanthas family is going through may they get through this dark time
However Lal should be more specif of what their going through
Dilan / November 2, 2012
Lal you have wasted your time with this Seniveratne who ‘talks through hat’.
Now he will make a huge claim that Lal Wickrematunga has responded his article.
He is a publicity Doctor, who fools the Tamils who have no broader understanding.
His article, lobby, speeches all out dated and it doesnt work internationally.
[Edited out]
The same man is talking about Lasantha’s family.
Good for Brian Seneviratne’s killing.
He is a good boaster too. Nobody can boast like this professional medical doctor who live on his uncle name.
If SWRD would have been alive, he would have related about Comedian Brian Seneviratne.
[Edited out]
Lal ingore this feelow.
Watchdog / November 3, 2012
I agree now this fellow will go around boasting that Lasantha Wickramatungas brother Lal has paid him attention
American Lanka Lover / November 3, 2012
Randy: After reading the ICJ report which was just released this week, I have had an epiphany and now agree with you. Please see my comment in the thread about that report.
Donald; so you immigrated in 1983 right after your properties in Colombo were allegedly seized? Suppose you have US citizenship then and therefore we are stuck with you.
As I wrote in the other thread, while I HAVE had an epiphany today on the Rajapaksa regime, my view of yourself and your fellow terrorist propaganda cadres remains unchanged. Really your ilk and the Rajapaksas are birds of the same feather.
Because you and your fellow propaganda cadres have so little credibility with the IC, few will listen even when you speak the truth (i.e. when denouncing the Rajapaksa regime). As much as I detest having to agree with you on anything, I cannot deny the accuracy of SOME of your accusations against the regime. While I am greatly troubled by the possibility of my denunciation of the regime emboldening your side, given my prior defense of many of the regime’s WARTIME actions, the truth is unequivocally that their actions since May 2009 are completely unacceptable to any believer in democracy or social justice. This is a very bitter pill for me to swallow.
Anti-Boru / November 5, 2012
Ugly American:
“While I am greatly troubled by the possibility of my denunciation of the regime” What happened, buddy? They stopped paying you?
Peter / November 8, 2012
Lanka Lover – “Epiphany” huh? Welcome to the real world! Hopefully you will take back many of the adverse comments you made in response to those who knew what they were talking about – and you were sleep-talking!
American Lanka Lover / November 3, 2012
Donald your course language and lack of civility is reminiscent of Gota’s telephone call with Frederica, for which you robustly condemn him, thus you are a hypocrite of the first order. Usually it is the young who make such intemperate statements and a man your age should be able to exercise more self control. Anger management counseling might help. Such anger takes a toll on your heart, ask any cardiologist, and I doubt you are wanting to join your recently deceased brother just yet so try to calm down man.
Donald J Gnanakone / November 4, 2012
Ugly American… Uncivilized [Edited out] like you needs to be treated in the manner you deserve.
You made false allegations against CT. Then had to apologize. You write rubbish about FBI, and in my country, such allegations are subject to criminal prosecution. No wonder you do not reveal your identity, You bloody Baya Gullah.
I have no fears of dying in my sleep or other wise. My brother an bot my parents died in such a manner, not like the other politicians in Sri Lanka, shot or blown to bits…
The Rajapakses cannot expect a peaceful death either.. Or the dreaded Cancer will get them. As for you Ugly, nobody cares a damn…GROBR.
And nobody will even know an Non Entity like YOU.
Terrorist / November 4, 2012
Of course I have provided all Gnanakone’s dealings with prosecuted out put.
We all know he had a lengthy custody battle with his Sinhalese ex wife and now penniless as a result
no wonder why he hates Sinhalese
terrence / November 3, 2012
I just read what lw daughter had to say about this big never ending seesaw
Apparently there seems to have been some emergency in Melbourne
and uncle Lal went immidietly to be by her side
Obviously they are not going to air their laundry to the public and what goes on behind the scenes.
She seems to be justifying his actions
I guess there is things going on people don’t know about we shouldn’t jump the gun and start second guessing and making assumptions.
Tony Candappa / November 4, 2012
Hi Lal; I have always been proud to call You a freind. I remember well your visit to our home in Kotte; on the day You were leaving to buy the new printing press. That was so many long years ago. I had the priviledge of meeting Lasantha at Your home in Kotahena, we had a big Thosai feed that evening.
If you have decided to sell the Sunday Leader, so be it.! Your putting your life on the line for an un grateful Sri Lankan people would be of no value. Sri Lanka’s problems are solely to do with the People. If they want to rid the nation of a Tryrannical rule all they have to do is get on the streets, protest, call nation wide strikes etc. But self preservation comes first, the Country comes a distant 2nd.
Good Luck old Mate. Love to marie and the Girls.
Stuff the rest of the Buggers look out for Your self and your responsibilities.
happy chummy / November 4, 2012
Mr Wickrematunge
There are many trauma counselling services in Australia
There are also others who specialise in victim’s of war
I suggest doing those to lasanthas family/daughter
There is no need to tell the world of their plight obviously
What happened will affect anyones mental and psychological well being
I don’t think it’s necessary to tell the whole world
American Lanka Lover / November 4, 2012
Donald: ……
This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy
American Lanka Lover / November 4, 2012
ALL: please watch this short clip of [Edited out]’s Southern California leader AKA Donald attacking the UN and most every other country because of the UN finding that his organization had a systematic policy of using Tamil civilians as human shields. LTTE lives for UN criticism of the Rajapksas, ie the UNHCR resolution in March, but finds it somehow less credible when the focus is on his cadres disregard for the tamil civilians it ostensibly is trying to protect.
I repeat, the World will be a better place when he [Edited out]
American Lanka Lover / November 4, 2012
Editor: How can you doubt that Donald is the LTTE’s leader in California when in this very thread he himself claims to be the founder of “Tamils for Justice”, a well known false front or “dba” in the US since LTTE itself was proscribed by the US Congress as a Foreign Terrorist Organization?
Donald J Gnanakone / November 8, 2012
The full You tube watched by millions of viewers worldwide on Al Jazeera..
Ugly American have a shortened version from some where…
I stand by every word I said and more….
You freaking Bayagullah is too scared to show your face or name.
A disgrace to be an American if you really are….one.