13 February, 2025


The Ethnic Issue: Fantasy Vs Reality

By Dayan Jayatilleka –

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

“At a time when national borders are vanishing, the borders in our own mind need to be erased in the interests of serious inquiry and discussion.”—Mervyn de Silva, The Age of Identity, 1993

As in life, there are no guarantees in politics. One can only avoid the most obvious mistakes and cultivate the wisdom to manage things prudently. A Constitution cannot function as a prison house. Countries, like people, stay together because of consent and mutual agreement. The “stability” that most Sinhala “patriots” (actually ultranationalists) crave, cannot be ensured by rigidity and unilateral imposition. The stability of the whole can be achieved only through dialogue and consensus, involving mutual compromise and concessions, between the component parts. That is surely the logic and spirit of the Social Contract.

It is impossible to adopt a policy that is so constricting as to be rejected by all political representatives of a given community, simply because the majority community thinks the status quo of provincial devolution too risky. If one cannot persuade a single political organization of the Tamils to accept the district as the unit of devolution, how is it going to be put into policy and practice except by unilateral imposition, and why would anyone in their right minds think, after the experience of 1987 and given the current globalization of the Tamil issue and the unremitting external pressure on us, that the majority community is going to be permitted to unilaterally impose a political settlement upon the Tamils?

One of my late father, Mervyn de Silva’s ceaseless endeavors was to educate both the West-centric elite and the parochial ‘patriotic’ upper-middle and middle classes in the realities of Sri Lanka’s ethnic question in “the new global environment” as he put it, thereby freeing them from their shared myopia. It is obvious from the discourse of many Sinhala “nationalists” that the points he made need to be repeated. Since my father’s death I have realized that it is my task to share his insights in an effort as to prevent the cycle of the island’s tragic contemporary history from repeating itself. The effort may prove a Sisyphean burden, but it is part of my social and intellectual responsibility; the voluntarily accepted burden of a role that is an inheritance, part of my heritage.


To begin, Mervyn insisted that the ethnic issue in Sri Lanka had two dimensions, not just the one (Crisis Commentaries, pp. 55-67 and p 99):

“We found ourselves incapable of taking a firm grip on the problem, its dual nature, that is, the internal and the external, and the integral connection between the two.” 

“If the Northern situation is no longer a Northern problem but a profoundly national crisis, it is equally clear that the still unresolved problem has been ‘externalized’ and taken beyond our borders. Thus it has become a foreign policy issue too…”


He went on to make a fundamental critique of the parochial Sri Lankan mindset, a critique which comes to my mind while reading the discourse of most of those who regard themselves as Sinhala nationalists (Crisis Commentaries, p 71): 

“My flippancy I trust will be excused when I raise a fairly serious question…How could a nation of educated people, proud of its 2,000 year civilization, seek to establish its identity in the world outside, blithely unmindful of who we are, what we are and where we are?”


He spells out exactly what he means (Crisis Commentaries, p 78):

“What Sri Lanka’s national crisis—and it is clear that the unresolved ethnic issue is at the core of that crisis—has ultimately compelled us to come to terms with our identity. Questions like who we are (the product of a history of migrations from India), what we are (a multiethnic society), and where we are (an island separated from the continental landmass by a 25 mile expanse of water), have been raised and answered.”


He explained in a 1993 lecture, how and why the framework of analysis in viewing our ethnic problem had to change, and how “the borders in our own minds had to be erased” (Crisis Commentaries, p 170):

“My focus is therefore on the Sri Lankan crisis in which the ethnic conflict is the defining issue. It was the presence of Tamil Nadu, the South Indian state, which forced us to broaden the discussion and our perspective. If the arrival of a 60,000 strong Indian peace-keeping force did nothing else, it certainly did compel us to widen the range of inquiry even further…A regional perspective is inescapable given the sub-continental cultural matrix and history. At a time when national borders are vanishing, the borders in our own mind need to be erased in the interests of serious inquiry and discussion.”


Mervyn made a quite basic point about the life of a state, and indeed about life in general, in response to those who propose fantastic “home grown” solutions with no takers beyond Vavuniya and in the regional or global environment (Crisis Commentaries, p 78):

“As in other fields of policy-making, choice is the essential question; not only the choices open to us, but the choices likely to be taken by others.”


To those who would cry out in complaint that this is unfair and a violation of our sovereignty, Mervyn sets out the facts of life in the global environment (Crisis Commentaries p 74):

“To amend Orwell, all countries are equal and sovereign but some more sovereign than others. While in principle all nation-states enjoy equal sovereignty, the effective exercise of such sovereignty is contingent on several factors, some permanent and unalterable. These include the size and population of a country, its economic resources, its industrial and military strength and most of all, its geographic location and therefore the geo-political environment.”


He applied that general proposition to our specific situation, underscoring our reality, including our inability to be a second Cuba, itemizing why Sri Lanka will hardly pay, nor can impose, the price that revolutionary Cuba can on any interventionism (Crisis Commentaries p 75):

“If this island were located next to Papua New Guinea, the Palk Straits and Tamil Nadu’s fifty million people would not be a source of anxiety. So any sensible Sri Lankan foreign policy has to be centered on an axiomatic factor: the nearness of our huge and powerful neighbor. Does this mean that a small nation must necessarily be subservient to its big neighbor, that it cannot pursue a policy independent of its big neighbor or even hostile to its neighbor? Not at all. It can. But it must recognize and be ready to face the consequences of such a hostile relationship. We have a perfect example in Cuba…”


After a decade or more of warfare and intervention, and with the encyclopedic knowledge he had about politics around the world, Mervyn’s bottom-line prescription for Sri Lanka’s ethnic problem was contained in his 1993 UN University talk. His precise phraseology indicates that he knew there were no guarantees; no absolute safeguards, only a chance to “head off the next threat” (Crisis Commentaries, p175):

“Through effective de-centralization and power and resources devolved to provincial councils, it may be possible to head-off the next threat…The devolution of power should be matched by new economic growth areas.”

The Buddha’s Middle Path

Applying Mervyn’s doctrine as set out above, I would say that any attempt by Colombo to roll back the 13th amendment, scrap the province and introduce the district as the unit of devolution will be met, in the first instance, by ceaseless satyagrahas in the North and East, and any violent crackdown by the state (especially under a more nationalist government) will be instantly transmitted globally by camera phones, triggering a global media tsunami of denunciation, resulting in an Indo-US response–against which China is too far away to defend us, should it be so inclined.

To shift my point of reference to an authority on an incomparably higher plane, the argument for recognition of the province as the unit of devolution and indeed for devolution as an approach to the question, is an application of the Middle path doctrine of the Buddha. The correct approach and perspective on pretty much most things in the world, was contained in the Buddha’s words in the Parable of the Lute:

“And, tell me, Sona, when the strings on the lute were too taut, was then your lute tuneful and easily playable?”

“Certainly not, O Lord.”

“And when the strings on the lute were too loose, was then your lute tuneful and easily playable?”

“Certainly not, O Lord.”

“But when, Sona, the strings of your lute were neither too taut nor too loose, and adjusted to an even pitch, did your lute then have a wonderful sound, and then was it easily playable?”

“Certainly, O Lord.”

“Similarly Sona, if energy is applied too strongly, it will lead to restlessness, and if energy is too lax, it will lead to lassitude. Therefore Sona, keep your energy in balance and balance the Spiritual Faculties…”

The Parable of the Lute is contained in the Anguttara Nikaya, the fourth of the five nikayas in the Sutta Pitaka. Devolution only to the district within a unitary framework would be akin to a lute the strings of which were too taut. Federalism and merger of the North and East to constitute a single linguistic region would be akin to a lute whose strings were too loose. The province as the unit and provincial autonomy within a unitary state as manifested in the (graduated and conditional) implementation of the 13th amendment, would constitute a solution that is neither too tight nor too loose.

Latest comments

  • 3

    DJ: This word “Ethnic” came because of western human rights. How does the same thing applies to western countries. Just name one western country that treates ethnic groups as ethnic groups. Besides, all the old societies have ethnic groups. How can the govt can establish their identity while losing their own majority identity. You are man who likes to hang on to western ideologies but talk about fiden Castro and now Mervyn Silva. How can we agree to this “wedi Bana”. Why Sinhala people does not own a country, a language a flag, their identity and should supports all the foreign cultures ?. Simply speaking, it is not foolish to compare what Buddha told and the desire to establish power bases for migrents.

    • 5

      DJ I would not want to read what you have all along been bubling, but I have no hope about any kind peace so long you guys are the majority. We the sinhalayas should see it right let alone today, but but you the kind of extremists being back by Rajapakshe and Wimal weerawanse idiots, seem widening the gap of wound healing.
      So how can we face it so long various kind of men and women saying sinhala buddhism but behaving the other way around not even today have NOT sense it that we are all srilankens, be us tamils, sinhala, muslim, burgher or plantation tamils or even jipsies … we are all srilankens with homosapien blood flow in our body vessels.

  • 2

    DJ: Why buddhists have to be buddhiusts when it comes to their affairs and have to listen others ideologies because they want their way. Are their anyrights for buddhists ins their world ?. Why your arguemtns is one sided ? To whom you are writing for ?. Are you getting political donations from some organizations ?. Simplay disgusting reasoning.

    • 2

      Jimsofty the Dimwit

      Could you convince Sirisena the need to appoint this public racist Dayan as the Sri Lankan Ambassador to North Korea.

  • 13

    Any solution under a unitary system cannot resolve the ethnic problem in Srilanka. In a democratic system Srilanka had only seven decades of politics under unitary system. Under the unitary system, the first move was removal of rights of the upcountry Tamils who were brought by British to develop Srilanka upcountry. This is similar to that Indians and Pakistanis brought by British to develop Britain. One difference Sinhalese remove their civil rights but British gave them civil rights. Democracy gave the Sinhalese the opportunity to create two political party and they started to develop policies to induce Buddhist nationalism to go against Tamils. Forced migration of Sinhalese into East and violence against inncent Tamils along with developing state institutions of mono ethnicity and education policies to put a barrier to Tamils happened throughout the rest of the period. The major issue became the security of Tamils throughout the island and so far none of the proposals addressed how the Sinhalese can gurantee Tamils are safe in any part of this island. There is a Sinhala government, there is a sinhala military and there is a Sinhala justice to protect Sinhalese but for Tamils nothing. Even now with the provincial council, 1000 Sinhalese in the North get full protection but not a single Tamil get protection because the police is Sinhala, Governor is Sinhala, Military is Sinhala. So under the proposed new constitution how it is proposed to ensure Tamils are protected? What mechanisms are there to protect the Provincial councils? What is the gurantee that Provincial Councils are secured? Why cannot we have a condition that you need to have a two third majority of Provincial people to make any change to the system? This is why we need a federal solution.

    • 6


      “Under the unitary system, the first move was removal of rights of the upcountry Tamils who were brought by British to develop Srilanka upcountry. This is similar to that Indians and Pakistanis brought by British to develop Britain.”

      There is a difference between bringing Tamil Dalit slaves to Sri Lanka and taking to Britain. Sri Lanka was a British colony but Britain is their own country. What they do in their country is no relevance to Sri Lanka. In fact Sri Lanka should have demanded British either to send the Tamils brought to Sri Lanka back to their homeland or take them to Britain. I am sure someone will ask what would have happened to tea plantations. That is our problem not the problem of British or Tamils.

      Now Dalit leader Mano is telling Sinhalese should learn Tamil for reconciliation with Tamils. Who the hell is Mano to tell Sinhala people to learn Tamil. Why should Sinhala people waste their energy to learn Tamil. They can devote that time and energy for something more productive. If Tamils want to live in Sri Lanka, they can learn Sinhala or go back to Tamil Nadu and do their business in Tamil.

      • 9

        Eagle eye,
        First of allcan you tell who are you? Are you a low country low cast Sinhala or up country high cast Sinhala? Can you explain why you didn’t demand British to take those Tamils they brought to this country? Why didn’t you ask Vijaya to take back Buddhism to this island? Why didn’t you destroy all the railway and postal system with them? You have still time to send all those Tamils who brought by British to their homeland? Why are you keeping them here? Send them back or kill them? Do you know in what language you are writing this comment? Who asked you to learn English? Who asked you to wear Trouser and shirt? Are you not ashamed running your government by Don Stephen, Soloman, Junious Richard, Percy, Ranil instead of Sinhala like Wimalawanse or Galagoda Aththe Gnanasara. Don’t you know that British handed over only to those who became Christians, not to buddhist Sinhalese? If you are a Buddhist Sinhala you are a slave of Christian Sinhala.

        • 0

          Al this time I thought you had some brain.
          If you have, try to answer your questions yourself.

          • 1

            Bloody Nuisance

            “Al this time I thought you had some brain.”

            Were you planning to steal some from him?

            “If you have, try to answer your questions yourself.”

            Do you find the questions difficult. Ask sach and HLD M the public racist.

    • 4

      You talk about forced migration and other issues. But have you talked about the Thesavalemi law code? Isn’t it not racist that only Tamil can own land while the rest of the country anyone can own any kind of land.

      Furthermore, if you say is correct Tamils in Colombo and Gampaha districts should have begun an exodus to North under oppresive Sinhala rule. But the thruth is far from that. Tamils have a problem only in Jaffna. Not anywhere else in the islnad. We have to look for the reason for that.

      • 10

        Why should talk about Thesavalamai code? Do you know what is it and why and by whom and when this law was introduced? Once you find out let me know the details and we can talk whether it is racist or not.
        Tamils are living in Colombo & Gampaha for long before the independence. Yes some Tamils migrated to these places after Sinhalese military bombardment, economic barriers, abduction and disappearanace. Tamils not only migrated to Colombo & Gampaha, they also migrated in large numbers to India, European countries and other parts of world. You may remember Tamils who lived in the South were migrated to North East in 1958, 1977 & 1988 when Sinhala thugs and Sinhala military attacked Tamils and their properties.So, the problem is violence from Sinhala thugs, Sinhala military sponsored by Sinhala govts.

        • 0

          What a stupud argument. When the Sinhalese army kill the Tamils they come to the their very own Capital for protection. Is their any better way to portriat your self defeat than this comment.

      • 5


        “But have you talked about the Thesavalemi law code?”

        What about it. Tell us what you know about it?
        These were typical sach/nuisance questions, never mind.

  • 6

    Before anything else be informed that the population of Tamilnadu is 79 million this year as opposed to 50 million nearly 25 years ago.

    • 0

      And how many of these poverty striken people are malnourished?

  • 7

    Dear Dayan, when 13th Amendment was introduced in conjunction with India, only Bangladeshis and Turkish Cypriots to some extent had received independence. After 1990 several ethnic groups which faced similar problem as Tamils have either received independence or wide spread autonomy. When 13th Amendment was to be enacted, TULF made strong protest to India about the inadequacy of the devolution process and also the temporary nature of North-east merger. India assured them that this is only the beginning and later power will be enhanced gradually and that though merger is sated as temporary, it will be permanent as referendum on that will be postponed indefinitely. On this word only Tamils accepted it, though LTTE for other reasons rejected it. What happened is that none of the subsequent governments took action to improve it, and Premadasa particularly passed legislations to undermine devolution such as creation of Assistant Government Agent areas and bringing them under centre as well as creation of pradeshiya sabhas and bringing them under centre. However, Subsequent governments honoured the postponing of referendum, but did not conduct elections to north-east PC to make it function, and all powers vested to them were controlled by the centre. It is Mahinda’s government that demerged north and east through supreme court order, and India which underwrote the accord, turned a blind eye to it.

  • 6

    KASmaalam K A Sumanasekere

    All these years this shameless public racist hid himself and his crooked comrades behind Castro, Gramsci, pivot, rebalancing, ……. Mervyn Silva, Nugegoda rising, …………………………….. etc. He has now found a good place to hide every crook in this island, The Buddha’s Middle Path.

    Could you drag your new mango friend out of his new hiding place.

  • 6

    Continuing, after the war ended, international community particularly India and USA which helped Srilanka to destroy LTTE, on the hope that once LTTE is gone, Sinhalese will settle the Tamil problem. Both Mahinda and present government had given an undertaking to India that they will go beyond the 13th amendment to accommodate Tamil demand for autonomy. Unfortunately Mahinda did not take any action for over five years and the present government seems to be nowhere near the pledge after over two years in office. The recently put out draft is nothing but an eyewash which will end up in something which no self respecting Tamil will accept. Why is the government using the word Aekiya when the correct word for united is Eksath (UNP -Eksath Jathika Paksaya, UK – Eksath Rajadaniya, USA – Esath Janapadaya). This is simply hood winking Tamils and the world, as Supreme court in the future is going to interpret Aekiya as Unitary and nullify powers granted to Tamils if any Sinhala extremist files legal action. Under unitary constitution power lies with centre and can only be decentralised and not devolved, which will result in interference either directly or through the governor +/- security forces into the functioning of devolved units.

  • 10

    Dear Dayan, you are talking of middle path propounded by Buddha. If so why are you not advocating federalism, because it is the midway between Unitary state and independence. Secondly you are insisting that Tamil homeland should be divided, which is against the principle of equality of rights, where if Srilanka cannot be divided, Tamil homeland also cannot be divided. You are completely silent about the full implementation of police and land powers as stipulated in 13A. I am sure the present constitutional council will never agree to grant these powers in order to us police to keep Tamils suppressed and Land powers to settle Sinhalese to alter demographic pattern. I have explained in these columns how the unitary/federal issue could be circumvented by following the practice in UK, which the principle the Supreme court when delivering the verdict on federalism has also agreed. I have also stated how north-east merger can be effected as a win-win situation for all, with Bosnian Muslim-Croat combined unit as an example to accommodate Muslims in east. Therefore please stop your scaremongering to deny Tamils their right to rule their homeland.

    • 3

      That’s because Tamils don’t have a homeland in Sri Lanka. Your homeland theory is a pure myth that only exist in the collective minds of Tamil racists.

      • 8

        Shenali the stupid sach

        “Your homeland theory is a pure myth that only exist in the collective minds of Tamil racists.”

        What is a homeland and what is their Homeland Theory? Why doesn’t it exist, why it is pure myth?

        • 0

          Homeland is a place where one particular community of people had lived for considerable time in order to create a seperate and unique culture.

          Tamils in Sri Lanka don’t have a unique culture nor they have evidance to prove that they have lived in the NE Sri Lanka for a considerable time.

          That’s why their theory is a hoax and a myth.

          • 2


            Please bit harder.
            When did the word homeland originate?

            Please let me know the differences among Homeland, Motherland, Fatherland, Bantustan, Canton, Nation, Nationhood, Habitat, Kingdom, country, ……. Dominion, Colony, ……………

            Please take your own time.

            Also the difference between you and a knife.

          • 3


            Please bit harder.

            How long do you expect a particular community to live in a place before they could be considered living in their homeland?

            What would you consider a a separate and unique culture?

            “Tamils in Sri Lanka don’t have a unique culture nor they have evidance to prove that they have lived in the NE Sri Lanka for a considerable time.”

            Australians, New Zealanders, Brits, Canadians, ……………..Americans share broadly the same common culture. Each country do not have separate and unique culture. According to your discovery Australians, New Zealanders, Brits, Canadians, ……………..Americans do not have their own homeland.

            What are the unique and separate culture that entails Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Yemen, ….. each a separate homeland?

            Please take your own time I am not in a hurry to learn.

            Mark Twain once said ” It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.”

            • 0

              A community deserve a homeland when they successfully defended their homeland until they create a stable and unique culture.

              Unique culture means, a culture which is unique from any other neighbouring cultures.

              Aussies, kiwis and canadians are essentially Britons. Though their are some unique cultural differences from their British culture. Given some more time these countries will create their very own unique civilization independant from Briton.

              US on the other hand is not part of England but the base of their Culture is essentially British and Western European. For the given 250 years or more they have create a culture of their own independently. It’s not British culture.

              In the greater ME countries are not divided because there were historical nation states but rather based on tribal loyalities and the convinence of the imperialists.

              Sri Lankan Tamils do not show radical uniquesness in their culture compared with the Tamils in Tamilnadu. But there are minor differences which can be expected from a group of people who got seperated from their main culture no more than few hundred years.

              • 2


                “A community deserve a homeland when they successfully defended their homeland until they create a stable and unique culture.”

                Could you cite reference to what you have typed above. The definition should have been universally accepted, not the one Nalin De Silva produced by sleight of hand or mouth.

                “Unique culture means, a culture which is unique from any other neighbouring cultures.”

                What is this unique culture, quote from universally accepted records, dictionaries, encyclophedia,… ? Tell us what the Tamils lack and what the Sinhalese have as unique?

                A word of advice, please note Mark Twain once said, …. It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.

      • 6

        Prey what is in your mind ? Descendant of recent low caste Indian Tamil imports. In order to hide your actual low caste Indian Tamil immigrant origin, you and most of the so called Sinhalese Karawa, Salagama, Duraw Etc come here and constantly attach the island’s Tamils. You have to prove to the other 50% of the Sinhalese population, who have been longer here in the island than your ancestors, that you are more Sinhalese than them. Hence this constant vindictive attack on the Tamils

        • 0

          Does that prove Tamils have a homeland in Sri Lanka? Stick to the point. You people have no evidance what so ever to produce here. Hence you resorte to babble nonsense to confuse the readers.

          • 3

            Neither have you any evidence that Sri Lanka is only the homeland of the Sinhalese, other than a Mahavamsa comic book , that stated the Sinhalese originated from a lion in some jungle in India mating with a woman. Descendant of low caste immigrant Indian Tamil indentured/slave labourers, who were imported from Tamil Nadu , then Tamil Kerala and Southern Andhra. by the Portuguese and then the Dutch. Stick to something intelligent. Instead of going on repeating like a broken record the same lies, thinking a lie often repeated becomes the truth. Go and post your lies fairy tales and misinformation at Lankaweb. Those extremist morons there will swallow any garbage you post.

            • 0

              Mahavamsa is a clear evidance. That’s why you people try to redicule it. Atleast what Tamils have? 18th century fairy tale wrote to legitimize the illegal occupation of Jaffna by Tamils under Dutch rule.

              If the low country Sinhalese were originally Tamils brought in by Dutch, why can’t you accept that the Jaffna Tamils were brought in by the Dutch as well?

              • 1

                “Jaffna Tamils were brought in by the Dutch as well”

                Bhuvanekabahu VI (Sapumal Kumaraya aka Chempaha Perumal) the adopted son of Parakrama Bahu VI captured the Jaffna Kingdom in 1450 (much before the Portuguese arrived). During his rule in Jaffna, he built the premier shrine of Hindu worship – the Nallur Kandaswamy Kovil (he did not build any Buddhist temple) for the people of Jaffna peninsula. The Tamils of Jaffna are still invoking his name and singing thevarams to him in the Nallur Kovil before the temple procession of Lord Murukan.

                As per your argument, if the Dutch brought the Jaffna Tamils, then the people of Jaffna before the Dutch arrived should have been the Sinhalese. If the people of Jaffna during the 13th Century AD were Sinhalese, then Sapumal Kumaraya should have built a Buddhist temple and NOT a Hindu temple in the heart of Jaffna. Why did he build the Hindu Nallur Kandaswamy Kovil in the 13th Century AD for the so called Sinhalese of Jaffna?

                In his book ‘Jaffna under the Portuguese’, Tikiri Abeyasinghe who was the Professor of Modern History at the University of Colombo till 1985 notes that in the period 1624-1626 (during Portuguese rule of Jaffna), the Franciscans converted 52,000 Jaffna Tamil Hindus into Catholics. Prof. Tikiri Abeysinghe is one of the very few who has done extensive research on Portuguese archives and Goa archives by living in those countries. Read “Jaffna under the Portuguese” by Prof Tikiri Abeyasinghe.

                There is enough of authentic evidence (I can list you many and quote from reputed Sinhala historians) to prove that the Sinhalese were originally Indian Tamils brought in by the Portuguese but what authentic evidence do you have to prove that the Jaffna Tamils were brought in by the Dutch?

              • 1

                “Mahavamsa is a clear evidance.”

                The Mahavamsa that we have today which was first translated from Pali to English (before it was translated to Sinhala) by George Turner (an officer of the Ceylon Civil Service) in 1837 and later translated into Sinhala in 1883 by Ven. Hikkaduwe Sumangala thero (aka Don Niculas Gunawardhana) and Don Andris de Silva Batuvantudave is not the original Pali Chronicle but a re-fabricated and re-written copy. Later, this misrepresented Mahavamsa was translated to German by Wilhelm Geiger in 1912.

                The start of the historical misrepresentation (twisting of the actual history and adding Myths) begins with the arrival of the Siamese Buddhist sects that were brought from Siam (present day Thailand), 250 years ago. The Mahavamsa was re-fabricated and re-written by these Buddhist monks (Siam sect) who succeeded in misrepresenting the Pandyan/Tamil foundations of Sri Lankan civilisation as Sinhalese. Today the twisted history along with the myths has become the truth and the Sinhalese believe it as gospel. If anybody tries to undo the twist (after enormous amount of new discoveries) he/she will be considered an Anti-SinhalaBuddhist unpatriotic traitor.

              • 2


                “Mahavamsa is a clear evidance.”

                I am beginning to believe Mahawamsa myth that a beast forcefully copulated with beauty and produced Sinhala people. I can see that from the beastly behaviour of the Sinhala/Buddhist fascists. Further Mahawansa was silent on moral issues of incest relations and parricides. We have witnessed sons killing fathers and fathers raping their under age children.

                Now I am looking for evidence of flying Buddha.

  • 6

    Dayan Jayatileke, why the hell did you join EPRLF in your early days? What does the letter ‘E’ stand for EPRLF? Whom did you intend to fool? You answer me and others here. We need to know.

  • 3

    Fuck the Tamils and smug political analysts. The country is burning with people suffocating in anguish due to economic hardships and extreme poverty. All these Bum-steads are doing is yap yap yap. Asking for blood.

    • 1

      Well said!

  • 3


    Mervyn- “ Time is running out for all your smart patriots including you. At a time when national borders are vanishing, the borders in our own mind need to be erased”

    Could you be a smart patriot?

    . Nationalism vanishes with vanishing national borders, and internationalism will be the only option.

    Dayan reread and study Marxism as well.

    World is not Cuba!

    Cuba is only a small speck in the whole world!


    Dayan- “The stability of the whole can be achieved only through dialogue and consensus, involving mutual compromise and concessions, between the component parts. That is surely the logic and spirit of the Social Contract”

    Yes, but!

    The stability of the whole depends on the stability of the parts

    Read and study deeply what Dr Mervin De Silva has written, assimilate and internalize.

    Once you have done this honestly and sincerely, you will come to some irrefutable conclusion that extensive devolution/power sharing is the only way out.

    We are not too old to refuse learning!

  • 4

    Sri Lanka under spineless leaders has become a country where ‘Tail is wagging the Dog’. Some Sinhala politicians think that tail is more important than the dog for their political survival. These guys do not care what happens to the country. Sinhala politicians who raise their hand to a constitution with provision to break the country will be branded as traitors and will be punished at the right time.

    At the last stage of the war, tail which stretched all the way to UK and France tried to wag the dog but because Sri Lanka had a leader who had a spine, tail could not wag the dog. If the tail was allowed to wag the dog, probably megalomaniac Prabhakaran still alive and Tamil terrorists still killing innocent Tamil, Muslim and Sinhala civilians.

    • 7

      Eagle Blind Eye

      “Sri Lanka under spineless leaders has become a country where ‘Tail is wagging the Dog’. Some Sinhala politicians think that tail is more important than the dog for their political survival. “

      You maybe right, the noisy Sinhala/Buddhist fascist minority not only believe the tail is more important than the dog, it had been wagging the dog for the past 60 years. The result is that it had produced many little destructive Hitlers like you and continue to produce more.

  • 5

    We are beating about the bush and wasting time where Buddhism provides a simple solution to the ethnic problem.Buddha advised true disciples to shed [give away] all earth things and endeavor to extinguish life not to be born again. Let us Buddhists give whatever the minorities are requesting and endeavor to attain nibbana by getting rid of all defilements. Then the Sinhala Buddhists will vanish from earth enjoying eternal bliss and the ethnic problem will be solved and we will not have to fight another war.

    • 0

      Upali: where did you read this Nirvana, in your bible ? Do you know what Kumban is ?

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    Gerry Peiris will never get your argument on the non-workability of district-wise devolution.

    I have asked Gerry to read it, have it read by someone else to him, to put it under his pillow and sleep in hope that it will seep into his head and even eat it

    Alas! None of these have worked. I have one final solution… catch the fellow and thrust it up his you know what. Can you hold him down while I work my magic? I’ll put on my rubber gloves straightaway.

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    Are the son of Dr. Mervyn??? Now I know where your stupidity comes from!!!!!

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    Dayan Jayatilleka, what is ethnic in “The Ethnic Issue: Fantasy Vs Reality”? The Lankan issue is language/religion divide.
    Some bigots in the SWRD B era tried to make it out an issue of “race” (Arya-Sinhala vs others). Even the ilk of Cyril Mathew dropped this.
    You are still using the word ethnic. Is there ethnic Sinhala-Catholic recognised by anthropologists?
    Mervyn de Silva in ” The Age of Identity, (1993)” says “At a time when national borders are vanishing, the borders in our own mind need to be erased in the interests of serious inquiry and discussion.”
    Wipe off this ethnic border Dayan but then you were never interested in serious discussion! Bringing Tamil Nadu shows how bankrupt you are.

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      Dayan is obsessed with Tamil Nadu his ancestral homeland, as it from this state of India , that his so called Salagama ancestors were imported as slave/indentured labour by the Dutch colonials, to work on huge cinnamon estates in the south of the island. This the reason that even the rest of the recently Sinhalised low caste South Indian imports like Shenal keep om insisting that all Tamils must return to Tamils Nadu, even the indigenous Tamils from the north and east, who have nothing to do with Tamil Nadu, as their ancestors are largely from Tamil Nadu and they are homesick for their ancestral land.

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    The acceptance of the fact that the North and East is the Tamil homeland is the resolution to the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka. For example, it does not matter how many Scots live outside Scotland or how many English live in Scotland, the historic nation of Scotland is an accepted fact. It takes a lot of maturity for a majority nation to accept that a historic minority nation lives within its modern day state borders. The English are secure enough to devolve power to the Scots. Devolved power to Scotland is not a threat in any way to England, politically, culturally or any other way, the English people know that.
    Sadly there is a long way to go before the Sinhala nation and the Sinhala people accept that a Tamil nation exists within the island.

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    “At a time when national borders are vanishing, the borders in our own mind need to be erased in the interests of serious inquiry and discussion.”—Mervyn de Silva

    In this context,Could you be a smart patriot?

    Nationalism vanishes with vanishing national borders, and internationalism will be the only option.

    Dayan reread and study Marxism as well.

    World is not Cuba!

    Cuba is only a small speck in the whole world!

    Cubans are smart patriots?


    Dayan- “The stability of the whole can be achieved only through dialogue and consensus, involving mutual compromise and concessions, between the component parts. That is surely the logic and spirit of the Social Contract”

    Yes, but!

    The stability of the whole depends on the stability of the parts!

    Read and study deeply what Dr Mervin De Silva has written, assimilate and internalize.

    Once you have done this honestly and sincerely, you will come to some irrefutable conclusion that extensive devolution/power sharing is the only way out.

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