By Tisaranee Gunasekara –
“Be very credulous; be very persevering; reject all past experience, and do not listen to reason.” – Advice given to those who seek healing through magnetization[i]
Neither convincing, nor interesting, it falls between several stools. The moustachioed president who flashes a wide grin in the most inappropriate places and waves his hand (conspicuously clasping a gold-talisman) as he looks around for the next word; his brother, the defence secretary, whose attempt at presenting a benign mien is as convincing as a barracuda at its Sunday-pleasantest; the glib bureaucrats performing the most amazing verbal-gyrations to keep up with their political masters – the 28-minute documentary ‘Sri Lanka: Reconciling and Rebuilding’[ii] evokes the vision of a far away tropical land misruled by an oriental version of Charlie Chaplin’s dictator.
The documentary, which was shown to a group of American politicians and officials and aired primetime on the NBC Network, has very little to say about either reconciliation or rebuilding. The only ‘rebuilding’ mentioned is that of the Jaffna Railway Station; nothing is said about attending to the ordinary needs of war-destroyed communities, homes, schools or hospitals (probably because this has never been a Rajapaksa priority). The repeated mention of Tiger-atrocities and the menace implicit in Gotabhaya Rajapaksa’s assertion that any rehabilitated ex-Tiger can be a Tiger-at-heart indicate that official thinking is suffused with hatred and paranoia rather than forgiveness and trust. Admiring mention is made of the Chinese-built ‘gleaming new port in Colombo’, but the Beijing Connection it implies is hardly likely to appeal to (or frighten) any American, official or unofficial. The documentary fails to showcase even the country’s undeniable natural beauty and its rich historic heritage.
By trying to appeal to multiple audiences and by succumbing to the Rajapaksa notions of what is convincing (such as starring the two Rajapaksa Siblings as the main dramatis personae), the documentary fails on every count. In the end, like so many of the Rajapaksa-ventures, it wastes a colossal amount of national wealth without serving the national – or even the Rajapaksa – cause; its sole beneficiaries must be a handful of Americans.
The indubitably expensive decision to air this misfiring-production on NBC is particularly baffling, since Sri Lanka is – and will remain – a ‘non-issue’ for the general American public. Even if the film is aired on every single American network, hour after tedious hour, the likelihood of a wave of pro-Lankan feeling sweeping the American public off its indifferent feet and pressurising Washington to cut Colombo some slack is less than nonexistent.
The film was produced by the American PR firm, Thomson Advisory Group (TAG). TAG was hired by the Central Bank at a mammoth fee to lobby US lawmakers on behalf of the Rajapaksa government. The hiring of the firm is in itself a quite a tale, and one which is symbolic of Rajapaksa modus operandi. The firm was reportedly recommended to the Lankan Embassy (headed by a Rajapaksa-kinsman) by Lankan-born Thilak Mohan Siriwardana. Mr. Siriwardana, a registered limo-driver, is the personal chauffer of TAG Chairman Robert Thompson. In return for this favour, TAG is reportedly paying Mr. Siriwardana a monthly ‘finder’s fee’ of US$7,000 (mentioned in its books as a consultant’s fee, to circumvent American regulations).[iii]
TAG’s gratitude to its Chairman’s chauffer for netting it a lucrative client (who commands the wealth of a nation) is understandable. The organisation is not of the top-drawer among American PR firms.[iv] According to an American public service website, in 2013, the total lobbying income of TAG was a paltry US$120,000; it also had four reported clients in that year[v]. So Sri Lanka is supposedly spending US$ 66,000 a month on an unrated PR firm, recommended by the personal chauffer of the firm’s chairman!
That is how International Relations, Medamulana-style, works in practice.
Threats and Bribes
Threats and bribes form a key component of Rajapaksa governance. For instance, according to a Wikileaks Cable, on April 25th 2007, President Rajapaksa informed MTV talk-show host Sri Ranga “in front of a witness that Defence Secretary Gothabhaya Rajapaksa was incensed by Ranga’s handling of the abduction issue…. The President whose son is a close friend of Ranga’s insisted that Ranga leave the country, offering him the post of DCM in Oslo as an inducement. Should he fail to accept the offer of exile, Rajapaksa reportedly told him Devananda would have him killed.” [vi]
Initially lies and deception worked quite well with the international community[vii]. But when the regime’s credibility started wearing thin, the Siblings resorted to applying the carrot-and-stick method in the international arena as well. The manner in which the Rajapaksas neutralised Australia and New Zealand is no secret. The Siblings’ attempts to use the same modality to win American and British governments have been a resounding failure, unsurprisingly. Colombo cannot blackmail Washington or London with boat-people or market-closures (and the Beijing-card seems to be losing its potency even in Delhi); nor does it posses the vast stores of oil-wealth necessary to win over official America or Britain, as, for example, Muammar Gaddafi did.
The comic outcome of the Rajapaksa attempt to neutralise the Cameron administration by winning over British parliamentarians is symbolic of the Siblings’ total incapacity to manage the world, now that they are bereft of the Pirapaharan/Tiger justification. In the run up to the Commonwealth, the British media revealed that “Sri Lankan High Commission in London has privately boasted that it now has 14 MPs prepared to publicly defend the regime… One Conservative MP has told…how he has been offered ‘whatever he wants’ from the Sri Lankan government, including luxury holidays…. Another Conservative MP said that he had an ‘open invitation’ and that the Sri Lankan government had said ‘You can have whatever you want’”.[viii]
So who did the Lankan High Commission in London net, by playing Fairy-Godfather? The ultra-right winger Ian Paisley Jr, infamous as Britain’s most expensive parliamentarian, after he topped the House of Commons expenses table[ix]. (Perhaps Gotabhaya Rajapaksa will find in him a kindred soul given his notorious statement that the Police “should shoot dissident republicans on sight”!)[x]
The antediluvian Ian Paisley fils is not the most execrable of Rajapaksas’ hired friends. That dishonour belongs to Aidan Burley, whose sole claim to fame was the Nazi-themed stag party he organised in 2011 (an internal inquiry called the party ‘stupid and offensive). The bad odour created by this politico-moral transgression was such that Mr. Burley has decided not to contest the next election[xi]. This is the political-untouchable the Rajapaksas hosted on several expensive visits, believing in his capacity to influence British foreign policy![xii]
To be fair, even the most competent team of diplomats and the most prestigious PR firms may not be able to do very much for the Rajapaksas, given their tendency towards fatuity. First the Siblings create unnecessary problems for themselves – by uttering outrageous lies, making extravagant claims and giving and dishonouring solemn undertakings. Then they waste billions of public funds trying to win over the international actors they deceived/annoyed.
Under Rajapaksa Rule, foreign policy has become a cornucopia for family and friends, an ever-expanding white elephant for the people and a searing embarrassment for the country.
[i] This advice was supposedly offered by a follower of Franz Mesmer to those seeking healing through magnetization – quoted in Carl Sagan’s The Demon Haunted World – Science as a Candle in the Dark
[iv] For instance, TAG is not even mentioned in the prestigious O’Dwyer’s list of top ranking American PR firms. http://www.odwyerpr.com/pr_firm_rankings/independents.htm
[vi] https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/wikileaks-devananda-will-kill-you-president-tells-journalists-and-offers-diplomatic-posts/
[vii] https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/wikileaks-exchanging-arms-with-human-rights-sri-lanka-totally-committed-to-devolution-gota-and-fm-to-us/
Dodo / February 9, 2014
Thanks Thisaranee for another good one. The film should be aired on Rupavahini for the Sinhalaya Modayas with the cost of the film running on the ticker tape..
Don Stanely / February 9, 2014
Sri Lankan civil society, academics and NGOs and opposition parties need to launch a massive VOTER EDUCATION campaign to prevent Sri Lanka turning into a Rougue State under Mahinda Rajapaksa, much like Zimbabwe under Mugabe is.
TOday Sinhala politics is CORRUPT TO THE CORE.
Civil society and academics and the EDUCATION SYSTEM has failed over 60 year of independence to educate the Sinhala public as to what democracy and the rule of law, need for separation of powers etc. is
The majority Sinhala public think that feudalism, cronyism, Sinhala Buddhist majoritarian racism and Jarapassa-style family business MONEY POLITICS with the elections circus is democracy.
Sinhalay villages need to be taught the meaning of real democracy and to vote for honest, educated, and accountable people into office. It is because of the lack of voter education that Sinhala politics is CORRUPT TO THE CORE – both within the UNP and SLFP and only corrupt and violent fools end up in the parliament..
ruwan / February 10, 2014
Perfect !
Katmai / February 9, 2014
Yes, people must appreciate Thisaranee et. al. for compiling this information and present them in bite size articles. It is not like the Sri Lankan public is going to do their own research to dig up this information for themselves.
I hope that at least a few of you out there are also keeping tabs on that group of hideous parasites on Sri Lanka that chose to live abroad but still suck resources out of this country. I’m talking about the likes of Thilak Mohan Siriwardana, or the group that will show up in Geneva on Government sponsored holidays trips, or the sleaze-balls in Australia and Briton. (Oh, and what’s the angle with Chris Nonis? What I’m told about him flies in the the face of his behavior. To me he seems like another Dayan Jayatillake but with a much better profession. What is his need to defend this moronic regime?)
My inkling is that accountability will get a chance rather soon and let’s hope that these hideous parasites also will be given a chance to regurgitate the blood they sucked out from the country.
Spring Koha / February 10, 2014
Re Chris Nonis – our man at the court of St. James – has abandoned his fading healing skills for the urgent need to boost the fortunes of his family tea trading company. Nonis, ever the opportunist, played genial host to P Charles, last November, dancing personal attention at every step as he visited, mirabile dictu, the family tea estate, for a refreshing cuppa of the brew that cheers. All his valiant efforts at ‘defending the honour of our glorious country’ has also ensued in a fatter contacts book for the Chairman of the family horde.
Katmai / February 10, 2014
Ah, I did suspect the tea trade might have something to do with it. It is the Labookellie estate isn’t it? I’ve heard of it before.
When well respected people sell their reputation this way I wonder if “good reputation” has lost its value in society today, that they consider money more worthwhile than their reputation that they spent a whole life building. It is a sad sight but I see doctors in Sri Lanka also caught in the same trappings.
But I do believe that there are still well respected people who have not sold their soul to the family of daemons. After today’s selfishness has taken its toll on the country, these people will again be the ones that others will look up to.
Darwin's Theory / February 9, 2014
…” the Sri Lankan government had said ‘You can have whatever you want’”
Ha,ha,ha…this reminds of o Aliester Crowley’s famous satanic words…”DO AS THOU WILT” (Thelema).
This entire regime looks comical but very dangerous like we saw Hitler, Goebbels, Himmler in vintage movies and documentaries about WW2. But, they committed heinous crimes even though they looked like Charlie Chaplin characters in his movies.
Today, I happened to watch “The Inglorious Basterds”. This movie immediately reminded me of the Rajapakse cruelties committed on human beings as a display of Unlimited Power being exercised in a barbaric way. The Nazi characters in the movie reminds me Goebels to Gota the Goon, Mahinda – the Fuehrer, and G.L. Pieris is an ideal man to portray a Nazi official with his potato face and the hair cut of Hitler wearing a vintage type of glasses….oh, I love to ponder in my imagination depicting these bunch of criminals in the light of Nazi’s of WW2.
I advice anyone to watch few more good movies on WW2 incidences like VALKYRIE, INGLORIOUS BASTERDS, SCHINDLER’S LIST etc to get an idea how the MR Regime will or might find its exit from the SL political and military scene.
May God Almighty shower his wrath upon all those who are supporting, aiding & abetting these criminals and damn them in hell forever!!! Amen!
BTW, this is what happened to Hitler and all those criminal rulers who committed heinous crimes on humanity.
Galagedara Modaya / February 9, 2014
Hitler was not a bad man as conspiratory types try to paint him. He tried to save Europe from total takeover of the world by the colonialists planting flags all over the world, hiding behind the hook-nosed so-called royal family clans of Europe.
They are on their second wave after Hitler’s attacks, tryig to tarnish the images of world leaders with backbones, like President Putin and President Rajapaks.
Buddhist Sri Lankans are enlightened to see the stinking inside of these conspirators. Keep burning in our own bile!
srilal / February 9, 2014
“Hitler was not a bad man as conspiratory types try to paint him “
wow , annihilation of 5.9 million Jewish population wasn’t bad enough to call him a bad Man !!
Leelage nangi / February 10, 2014
Deliberate attacks on civil folks are equally bad regardless of the numbers of the victims. – Cheers from Hitler´s land ;today´s Germans are the world champions to donate for the poor. This we saw in Tsunami donations.
mike / February 9, 2014
GM – What a modaya! The name suits you and you have put it on. Keep burning.
Katmai / February 11, 2014
It is telling when people like “Galagedara Modaya” start defending even Hitler in their effort to justify Rajapaksa legacy.
Kapila / February 9, 2014
Please Madam, translate into Sinhala since it is Sinhalayas who need to read and be educated about the state of their country which is run by South Asia’s Gaddhafi family.
Today Sri Lanka is a military dictatorship, with power concentrated in one family – with a facade of democracy maintained by the CIRCUS OF STAGGERED ELECTIONS and a GIANT CABINET OF CORRUPT and UNEDUCATED MORONS who only have perks and NO power. Power vests with the 3 brothers – Mahinda Rajapaksa, Gota the goon and Basil Mr 10 percent who are looting the public wealth and indebting the country. Gota the goon operates the DEEP STATE (code name: tea party) with select officials in the JUDICIARY (Mohan the clown), Administration (Lalith Weeratunge the chaos-specialist who promises chaos if Mahinda Jarapassa is dethroned, the criminal clown Nivard Cabraal at Central Bank who fixes Statistics, and business cronies such as Casino King Dhammika Perera). Sinhala Modayas claim to have the “oldest democracy in South Asia” but do not know what DEMOCRACY really means.. They think that feudalism and patronage politics and MONEY politics is Democracy. Today, 60++ years after independence, what is needed is a social movement and Aam Aadmi party (as in India ),to EDUCATE the Moda Sinhalayas on the spirit and SUBSTANCE of DEMOCRACY and DEMOCRATIC PRACTICE and also needed is an alternative to both the corrupt SLFP and UNP parties, and a social movement against corruption and criminality. Sinhala POLITICAL CULTURE is rotten to the core, so the Sinhalaya modayas distract themselves by attacking minorities, rather than looking inward and fixing their OWN ROT and CORRUPTION. Please translate your writings into SINHALA to EDUCATE the SInhala voter on what democracy is and is NOT. Particularly, there needs to be a campaign against more than 1 member of a single family being in government positions at any given time. Today democracy does not exist. It is a SHELL GAME run on MONEY POLITICS and FAMILY BUSINESS of corrupt politicians..
Dinuk / February 9, 2014
Kapila you are bsolutely correct to say:
“Sinhala POLITICAL CULTURE is rotten to the core, so the Sinhalaya modayas distract themselves by attacking minorities, rather than looking inward and fixing their OWN ROT and CORRUPTION.”
This is why India will not give Sri Lankans a visa on arrival: Sri Lanka is now a transition hub for terrorists and drugs for the Prime Minister DIm Jayaratne’s son and his MONEY POLITICS – from Pakistan and Afghanistan, enabled by Gota the goon’s love fest with the Paki Military establishment and ISI.
V. Prabakaran’s victory was to leave Sri Lanka in the grip of the MAD and monstrous Jarapassa military dictatorship.
As long as the Corrupt and criminal Mahinda Jarapassa dictatorship rule Lanka, the curse of the LTTE and Prabakaran remain and will only be exorcized when Mahinda Rajapaksa and his brothers are frog marched to the Hague for a war crimes trial…
Fathima Fukushima / February 9, 2014
As if Tisaranee Gunasekara cares!
What she says bad is GOOD for SL.
What she says good is bad for SL.
Peter / February 9, 2014
Fat Fuk – maybe “simple” to simpleminded jerks like you! Makes a lot of sense to many others.
OutRider / February 9, 2014
“Moral indignation is jealousy with a halo.” -H.G.Wells
Do I smell jealousy in your descriptions of the Rajapakses’ good times ad nauseam?
Does the unethical behaviour of the western politicians you have cited come anywhere near the total depravity of the politicians who support the Tigers?
John / February 9, 2014
This idiotic,corrupt mis-govt. lacks vision, direction, intelligence, saner counsel in all spheres including management of foreign affairs.
Future is very bleak ! Digging their own grave.
Palayang yako! / February 9, 2014
How come the braying buruwas haven’t preceded me in commenting on TG’s (as usual) excellent piece? Gone to collect their “allowance” at the Goat’s residence or the Temple Trees?
Tisaranee, please be careful because, as you know, there is nothing these b…rs won’t do to those who expose them. In fact, several friends have told me that Mel Gunasekera’s killing was a case of mistaken identity because the morons didn’t know you from her.
sirimal / February 9, 2014
You know at the beginning it was reported in local media that the found killer of Mel had have no previous crime records. Today I happened to read that the man had been released in 2010 for a similar crime. We need to be well alert on the issue – I am still suspcious on this efficient handling – unfamiliar to lanken standards.
All right thinking ones should pray for the lives of such brave journalists like TG.
K.A Sumanasekera / February 9, 2014
If Ms T says this promotional documentary is bad,it must be not only good but it is doing a good job too..
Native Vedda / February 10, 2014
K.A Sumanasekera
Would the commercial deliver the desired results, increase market share and establish brand loyalty, profit, value for money, accountability for spending inhabitant’s hard earned money,………….?
During the commercial how many of the viewers did switch on the kettle?
K.A Sumanasekera / February 10, 2014
Tourist arrivals to end Jan 14 up 38.2%.
New York Times will give another guernsey.
Rajash / February 10, 2014
Sri Lankan diaspora visiting their ancestral land are also classified as tourist and make up about 90% of the increase in tourism
This explains why when the tourist arrival statistics collected at the point of entry shows a marked increase the hotel occupancy rate shows a stark decrease.
Because the Sri Lankan diaspora stay with their friends and family.
Rajash / February 10, 2014
Sri Lanka Hotel Occupany rate down despite CHOGAM
sarojini / February 9, 2014
Once again. tisaranee has ccompletely missed the point. This. Video was never made with the idea of. Showcasing. Sl to the tourists. her allergy and venom. Towards the. Rajapakse’ s is nothing new. in her rage she has totally missed the salient facts of. S. L’ s economic progress. It is not in her vocalbury to give. Credit where credit is due, it is painful to hear her repeated rantings on. C. T.
Sumith / February 10, 2014
What economic progress, when Rajapakse is sending more and more house maids to Arab countries?
If economy is good why these women go to maid job in Arab?
sarojini / February 11, 2014
It is a breach of their human rights if they are not allowed to be employed where ever they wish. next the. N. G. O. And the.do good human rights org will rush to the. UN with theie reports, if they are banned from going to the middle. East .
georgethebushpig / February 9, 2014
Rather than Charlie Chaplin’s Dictator character he reminds me more of Colonel Kurtz from Apocalypse Now. “The Horror, The Horror”!
Native Vedda / February 10, 2014
Gota being the Dr Strangelove …..
punchinilame / February 9, 2014
Here is something that is akin to Genocide, structured by Regime
Policy…. Local politicians have not opened their mouth on this
“Dear Ms. Pillay,
3 Years since the Sri Lankan Government has cancelled the Dual Citizenship Scheme to hold Tamils from coming back to their Country
The Sri Lankan Immigration Department ceased receiving dual-citizenship applications on the 15th February 2011, as a means of uprooting the right of Sri Lankan Tamils who live abroad. This important policy of dual citizenship scheme was introduced in 1987 by the then Sri Lankan Immigration Department. Now, by the direct influence of the Sri Lankan President, Mahinda Rajapaksha, and his brother, Gotabaya Rajapaksha, this policy has been revoked to satisfy their personal revenge on the Sri Lankan Tamil population.
President Mahinda Rajapaksha’s proposed lecture in the early 2011 at Oxford University was cancelled due to the strong pressure by the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora in England. He then rushed back to Sri Lanka and cancelled the dual citizenship program – perhaps permanently – to gain his petty revenge against the Diaspora.
Now, unfortunately, the Sri Lankan foreign missions around the world, as well the Immigration Department in Sri Lanka, have no constructive knowledge or information regarding the dual citizenship program.
Astoundingly, President Rajapaksha has travelled to Australia and other countries and has openly invited Sri Lankan expatriates from all communities to return back to the country. Furthermore, when Gotabaya Rajapaksha worked at the ‘Sri Lankan Conference’ in December 2013 in Colombo openly invited all Sri Lankans around the world to come back to their country.
Could the Rajapakshas please explain how the Sri Lankan expatriates can legally return to their homeland without a dual citizenship scheme?
On one hand, the Government cancelled the dual citizenship scheme and stop expatriates from arriving back at their country; but on the other hand, they try to mislead foreign countries as they openly invite Tamil and other communities to come back to Sri Lanka, to cover their murky human rights record.
There are some rumours that this revocation of the dual citizenship scheme is a way for the Rajapaksha Government to seize the property and wealth of Tamil refugees who live abroad, and indirectly warn them from returning to the country. Some of the Sinhala Diaspora who worked together with the Government by protesting and picketing against the LTTE are also now trembling against the potential loss of their own property and wealth in Sri Lanka.
Hypocritically, many of the Rajapaksha family hold dual-citizenships in Western Countries, including Mr. Gotabaya and Basil Rajapaksha.
The main reason behind this cancellation of the dual citizenship is to punish the Tamil expat-community who are against Rajapaksha’s barbaric ethnic approach. This is another blatant abuse of authority and callous disregards for the rule of law. Please protect their right to their own property and wealth.
Yours sincerely,
V H Sivalingam
OutRider / February 9, 2014
You Punchi Lingam, You people, greedy for the good life, deliberately escalated the so called ethnic conflict and fled to the west. You sought asylum in those countries taking advantage of their generous refugee policies. You cheated and misled your new host countries and betrayed your own country by cooking up stories about persecution. First you said you were persecuted by the Sri Lankan government. Then you said you were persecuted by the IPKF. After that it was both the LTTE and the government. Irrespective of the story you told to get your refugee status, once you got it you worked for the LTTE in your new countries.
You financed the LTTE through your welfare/dole money or earnings, or through extortion, or through all kinds of criminal activities including welfare frauds, credit card scams, bank frauds, passport scams, human smuggling and prostitution. You procured arms for the LTTE. You did all this to help the Tigers kill innocent civilians, including members of your own community, and recruit child soldiers to be used as cannon fodder. Though you were helping the LTTE you didn’t want to even visit the northeast as you were afraid they might kidnap you and demand ransom or simply because the psychopath Prabhakaran might kill you due to his paranoia.
The present Sri Lankan government and its citizens have, after much sacrifice, wiped out Tiger terrorism in the country and restored democracy to north and east. But you are still continuing your sinister activities abroad against Sri Lanka and its citizens. Now you are carrying on a disinformation campaign about fabricated war crimes to derail the genuine efforts being made for reconciliation and thus sabotage the hard won peace. While you are doing all this you have been secretly investing in Sri Lanka through your relatives still living here. Now you want to return as your fascist dictator Prabakaran is no more among the living.
No way. You have broken the laws of your host countries by promoting terrorism. You have committed treason against your original country. The countries where you are living now should deport you and Sri Lanka should not accept you back. You can go wherever you like, but you don’t belong in the civilized world.
copy to Ms. Pillay
gamini / February 9, 2014
Just look at the so called Civilized speaking? A Damn shame for the Sri Lankan Nation, to whom the current Foreign Policy suits best, as described Tisaranee. The Badagostharawadi Buggers like the Rajapaksas.
Native Vedda / February 10, 2014
“You people, greedy for the good life,”
If you are not greedy for then why are you still alive?
“deliberately escalated the so called ethnic conflict and fled to the west.”
How did they deliberately escalate the so called ethnic conflict?
Palmsquirrell / February 10, 2014
” How did they deliberately escalate the so called ethnic conflict”
By not agreeing to live under the Sinhala Buddhist jackboot.
Palmsquirrell / February 10, 2014
There is plenty of evidence of war crimes by GOSL, which is why the international committy is pushing for independent investigations.
Tell me, if the claims of war crimes were fabricated then does GOSL keep stonewalling and preventing an international investigation.
Eusense / February 10, 2014
Where were these duel citizenship valuing Tamils when terrorism was going on? Why didn’t they take advantage of the offer then to come back and protect their property and wealth? Do you think if not the Terror group was annihilated the Tamils will get their property back from those terrorists?
Not only Tamils but Sinhalese are also suffering from the cancellation of the duel citizenship. For selfish you it appears that the Tamil suffering is the only concern! In my heart the cancellation is a good thing and should be continued for some more time in spite of myself being affected. This would allow the government to observe subversive and anti Sri Lankan activity of Tamil diaspora, identify them and keep them out of Sri Lanka to protect this country of future terror activity.
Douglas / February 10, 2014
It is nothing new and to be vicious on the various operations conducted by all the countries when it comes to “lobbying” and “winning” the “powers be” as and when issues crop up. Having said that, it does not give a “carte blanche” to any Government to act haphazardly to do whatever they please at the expense of the tax payers. Such lobbying and all necessary steps must be very “honorable” and subjected to a very thorough cost benefit analysis. Also those who are operating these schemes must be well aware of the local regulations and communication mechanisms that apply to such activities in various countries. It is at this instant the services of PR Organizations are hired with a view to avoid any mistakes that could happen and cause considerable damage to the reputation of the country and severely affect the campaign.
In the above context, we have to examine the “modules” selected by the Government at this juncture. Foe example, when the Parliamentarians in UK have to submit their expense statements and financing methods of missions undertaken abroad to parliament, our Government should have known that all such financing done towards such missions would come to light. It is worse when it comes to light when some persons of direct relationship (family/friend) are involved in such activities. As a result the whole exercise fails and it starts giving out very damaging signals to the country and the Government. This is what happened in UK very recently. Can you expect any Government to tell the recipients “You can have whatever you want”? This indicates the “quality” of the “offers” made and the people who make such “offers”. We have stooped down to such “low levels” in handling our Foreign Affairs.
It is also very important to have the correct type of PR Organizations hired to do the job assigned in an “honorable” way. Just look at the PR organization hired in USA. As revealed now this Thomson Co. has been introduced to Sri Lanka by the personal driver of its CEO. What its standing in handling of such onerous tasks as promoting our country and winning the Legislators has been questioned in various quarters. Today its entire “business” share in the market of such activities has been questioned. But we now know that this particular “driver” also receives a substantial share of the “loot”. How many others are sharing the “loot” will also come to light in due course.
What a dismal failure in our “External Affairs”? When we examine the internal operations of this Ministry, I personally feel sorry for the learned Professor; but do not wish to excuse him for his continuance in this position and accepting the position he is presently placed in. He has submitted to a position of “Do as you are told”.
When the BULLS have entered the store of Earthen Pots, you know what the result is.
Rajash / February 10, 2014
“When the BULLS have entered the store of Earthen Pots, you know what the result is. “
The result is the LIONS are licking thier wounds
JimSofty / February 10, 2014
Some people are whiners, Others contribute working.
TG is a whiner. All the members of the LTTE rump say “AAVADA, AYBO” to TG.
Sumith / February 10, 2014
JimSofty is parasite living Sri Lankan public money who would support Jarapassa at any cost. -:)
justice / February 10, 2014
TG has exposed the clueless ministry of external affairs and how it bungles the pro-government propaganda.
As some have said,this article should be translated and published in sinhala as the ordinary citizens are being brainwashed by the government media – now most have been bought over with the Rs.1,200,000
tax free loan.
Who will now publish it?
JimSofty / February 10, 2014
Read this article very carefully and get into your memory the previous articles of TG.
In One article CHARLIE CHAPLIN was a MENTOR of TG and she quoted CHARLIE CHAPLIN in her first Pharse.
DO you understand how prejudiced TG is ?
Tsunami Hora / February 10, 2014
I have to agree with jimsofty 100%.
TG is wrong to quote Charlie. Chalie C was an intelligent man who could speak his mother toungue so well.
Perci Mahendra on the contrary is a abnormal duffer who cant speak his mother tongue properly without slang or vulgur.
Therefore TG is exetremly prejudiced.
kali / February 10, 2014
In the picture MR is asking the Guy who looks like the man sent by TAG to collect the 100 Million Charged by TAG Did you have kitul toddy at Kitulgala and Palmarah toddy in Hambanthota with Motta Raalaa.
The Title of your topic should have been:
The Expensive Comedy of Errors That Is Lankan Foreign Policy
The Comedy of Errors manifests itself in two forms.
CANNOT DO : Here the GOSL relies on flimsy excuses ranging from
1) on the one hand saying that they have implemented most of the LLRC recommendations which is a lie
2) then saying that they need more time which is simply buying time to complete their agenda of Ethnic Cleansing.
WONT DO : Which is the reality but GOSL has used the art of spin to hide this truth at home and abroad. They have succeeded in convincing the Home Audience who are prepared to buy it because it suits their purpose and the prejudice. But GOSL have miserably failed to hoodwink the International Community who are not prepared to be fooled any more. The disgust shown by Mr.Cameron that they cannot trust MR anymore was proof of this and that is why they have swung into action.
For the first time the Resolution on SL is presented to US Congress for approval and all the indications are it will be approved by 73%.
Rajash / February 10, 2014
The video should be named Sri Lanka Replaying and Recoiling
Charles Perera / February 11, 2014
She is a reactionary white [Edited out]