13 January, 2025


Tamil Nation Awaiting Justice In Sri Lanka

By G K Nathan

Dr. G K Nathan

Dr. G K Nathan

Open Letter to Members of United Nation Human Right Council – Tamil Nation Awaiting Justice in Sri Lanka   

Sri Lanka an Island is presently inhabited by multilingual (Sinhala, Tamil and English) multireligious (Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims and Christians) and multiethnic (Sinhala, Tamil, Arab and European descendents) peoples. Brief history of Sinhala and Tamil Nations gives evidence of antiquity of Tamil Nation and both Nations have lived in the Island for a few millennia. Each of the two Nations meets the legal definition of a Nation: “A distinct group or race of people that share history, traditions and culture” for obvious reasons the language has been left out in the legal definition as many ancient Nations in Asia, Australia, Americas etc speak variety of languages or dialects. In Sri Lanka, both Nations speak two different languages which further reinforce the concept and differences between the two Nations, recognition and acceptance is a prerequisite for reconciliation to occur. Tamils are a sea-faring Nation as known from ancient literature; further reinforced in A Survey of Indian History by Sardar Kavalam Madhava Panikkar which says “From the first century CE we witness the strange fact of Hindu or Hindu (influenced) kingdoms in Annam, Cochin-China and the islands of the Pacific. The Ramayana knew of Java and Sumatra. Communication by sea between the ports of South India and the islands of the Pacific was well established many centuries before the Christian era.” Beside that majority of Tamil population live in South India across the Palk straight from time immemorial and they were the first settlers in Sri Lanka, as seen by the archeological evidence before others came to the Island. Further evidence can be found from the website “A Tribute to Hinduism” the extracted evidence given below shows: the major sea-route linking South India to South East Asia and to the West, and a frieze of ocean going ship’s arrival from South India at Borobudur in Java.

Ancient Sea-Routes to East and West from the  Ports of South India

Ancient Sea-Routes to East and West from the
Ports of South India

Sinhala people claim that they are descendents of migrants from North India based on Mahavamsa of 6th CE, as per Codrington these are mythological stories related to Buddhism; Sinhala chauvinists propagate that Sri Lanka is a Sinhala Buddhist country, contrary to facts above, is the source of current Sinhala-Tamil conflict in the Island.  Interest in spice trade, attracted European powers, following the ancient sea-routes established by Tamils; first of the colonial power, the Portuguese landed on the West shores of the Island in 1505, at that time there were three well established “countries” or Kingdoms in the Island: two of them were Sinhala kingdoms one in the South and the other in the Central Hills (Kandyan); the third one a Tamil Kingdom in the North East. The Kingdoms in the South and the North came under the control of colonial rulers: first to the Portuguese, then to the Dutch and finally to the British. British the last of the colonial rulers conquered the Kandyan Kingdom in 1815 and unified the three Kingdoms as one country for administrative convenience in 1833.  The Island became independent in 1948 with promulgation of a unitary constitution and handed power to Sinhala Buddhists with connivance of Tamil leaders, but only safeguard for the rights of minority groups were provided with unalterable, section 29(2) of 1946 in the unitary constitution. Failure to recognize the historical differences between the two Nations by the UK sewed the seed of conflict, as soon as Sinhala political leaders started imposition of Sinhala views on minority groups. After more than six decades of majority rule, the unitary constitution promulgated at the time of Independence is found to be wanting in a multi-ethnic, lingual and religious country like Sri Lanka. The transfer of power in the hands of the Sinhala Buddhist majority community, instead of sharing power as happened prior to colonial era, was the worst that ever happened in the Island. The UK has primary responsibility for unifying the “countries” into one, which eventually, let to uprising of Tamils against oppression and finally leading to military conflict. The World silently watched war crimes and crimes against humanity, the worst occurred during the final stages of the military conflict.  Allegedly, by both combatants which resulted in death of large number of Tamils. It is time an independent inquiry is held on what happened in breach of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR); to which Sri Lanka is a signatory.

Ancient Indian ocean-going ship arriving at Java, from a frieze of the Borobodur stupa (Indonesia).

Ancient Indian ocean-going ship arriving at Java, from a frieze of the Borobodur stupa (Indonesia).

This submission is made on behalf of the Tamils in Sri Lanka, who are continually facing structural genocide under the current regime and Tamil diaspora of about a million in number; most of them were made to abandon their former homeland in Sri Lanka and are living in foreign countries. Migration was caused by many repressive actions, since Independence in 1948 and they are: disenfranchisement of a section of Tamil population in 1948; planned colonisation of the Tamils’ historical homeland, which started in 1949; the above actions reduced the representation of Tamils in the parliament in 1952 within four years after Independence, which resulted in Sinhala Buddhists gaining two third majority in the parliament; followed by denial of language rights of Tamils with 1956 Sinhala only bill.  Gaining of two third majority was put to full use and Sinhala Nation promulgated new constitutions, in 1972 and in 1978, which further consolidated all powers in the hands of Sinhala Buddhists at the expense of minority groups: Hindus, Muslims and Christians; their rights’ became readily dispensable. The subjugation of minority groups was completed by dropping the safeguard entrenched in section 29(2) of 1946 from the new constitution of 1972. Gandhian style non-violent peaceful protest against subjugation led to repeated pogroms against Tamils in 1956, 1958, 1961, 1974, 1977 and 1983,  last of the pogroms over 3000 people were killed and large scale destruction of properties of Tamils occurred Island  wide.  After every pogrom increased number of Tamils left the country, seeking refuge in foreign land. Having had repeated failures to find a negotiated resolution to the political differences between Sinhala and Tamil Nations, in 1976 all the Tamil political parties called for “Right to Self –Determination of Tamil Nation” that was approved by 83% of people of Tamil homeland, North East Sri Lanka, in the 1977 General Election, the call is justified under Articles 1 and 27 of ICCPR. The Government of Sri Lanka (GSL) acceded to ICCPR on 11 June 1980, within a short period, the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka was enacted in August 1983, through article 157A (2). The 6th amendment stated that:  “No political party or other association or organization shall have as one of its aims or objectives the establishment of a separate state within the territories of Sri Lanka” thus denied the democratic rights guaranteed in ICCPR Articles 26 to the Tamil Nation.  Following the approval of call for referendum by the people of Tamil Nation, the Tamil youth started a military campaign for liberation of Tamil homeland from Sinhala domination, after more than three decades of military campaign, the war came to a sudden halt on 18th May 2009. Shocked by atrocities and numerous deaths that occurred during the final stages of military conflict, the same countries that tacitly supported the GSL during the conflict are now clamouring for justice and seeking the truth through UN processes.

International Response and Sri Lanka’s Prevarication

There were serious allegations of war crimes and crimes against humanity against the warring parties in Sri Lanka in the International media and supporting evidence produced by Human Rights Organizations. This led to the United Nation Secretary General (UNSG) visit to Sri Lanka and at the conclusion of his tour on 23 March 2009, a Joint Statement was issued with President of Sri Lanka which underlined the importance of an accountability process and the Government of Sri Lanka agreed that it “will take measures to address those grievances.  The UN Panel of Experts on Accountability in Sri Lanka (PoE) was appointed by the UNSG and their report lifted the lid on atrocities that occurred during the conflict, but President Rajapaksa maintains to date that the war was conducted against “terrorists” with “zero casualties”.  The PoE found credible allegations, which if proven indicate that a wide range of serious violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law were committed by both combatants, PoE estimated about 40,000 perished in the final stages of the war. Further evidence was adduced in a Channel 4 documentary Sri Lanka’s killing fields. The UN failed operation in Sri Lanka was criticised and the UNSG appointed a UN Internal Review Panel to investigate the UN operation in Sri Lanka, during the conflict and its failure to contain the conflict. The review panel put forward proposals, how to avoid repetition in the future; but also increased the previous estimate of number deaths to 70,000. Both Panels appointed by the UNSG were not allowed by GSL to visit Sri Lanka and make a reasonable assessment. The Social Architects (TSA) a group of academics based inside the country carried out a survey in both the Tamil provinces and came to a conclusion that 118,036 people were killed, from September 2008 to May 2009.  The Lesson Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC), appointed by GSL to investigate the final stages of the conflict, as part of the agreement with UNSG, failed to give a number for the civilians killed. The LLRC maintaining the facade of “zero civilian casualties” put forward by President Rajapaksa, which casts doubts whether any internal mechanism will succeed bringing the truth to the surface. Under President Rajapaksa’s regime, in all fifteen Commission of Inquiries have been set up; reports neither published nor implemented.  Bishop of Mannar in his submission to LLRC raised the discrepancy between the number of civilians at the beginning of final conflict and the 282,380 people who were incarcerated in prison camps in the North at the end of the conflict; there was a discrepancy of 146,679. The difference between the missing people and dead people given by TSA could be the number of people who could have escaped as refugees to other countries?  President Rajapaksa before the final onslaught, ordered all the UN and NGO personnel to vacate the war zone and conducted a war without 24/7 news coverage.

The veracity of this number need to be investigated by setting-up an Independent International Commission of Inquiry (IICI), which will reveal whether the breach of International human rights and humanitarian laws have occurred and true number of people injured and/or killed.  The call for IICI is being pursued by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Ms Navi Pillay, David Cameron Prime Minister of the UK who recently announced at the Commonwealth Heads of Government meeting in Sri Lanka and many others have joined the call. The USA has been consistent in their call to implement the LLRC report, since sponsoring the UNHRC resolutions at the 19th session(Promoting Reconciliation in Sri Lanka – A/HRC/19/L.2) and 22nd session (Promoting Reconciliation in Sri Lanka – A/HRC/22/L.1), repeated their call once again, in US media briefing.  The International community should take note that the current regime of President Mahinda Rajapaksa has avoided the responsibility to implement what was agreed with UNSG which “underlined the importance of an accountability process” and that GSL “will take measures to address those grievances” of Tamil Nation.  The alleged breach of International human rights law and humanitarian law remain not investigated, for more than four years. When will the International community’s patience run-out?

Right to Self – Determination

The historical evidence as given above establishes the antiquity of Tamil Nation in Sri Lanka, which is more ancient than that of the Sinhala Nation because Sinhala language only evolved in the 8th century CE.  Since independence in 1948, contrary to historical facts, Sinhala politicians with the support of Buddhist monks propagated among Sinhala masses that the Island of Sri Lanka is a Sinhala Buddhist country, which aggravated the dissent between the two Nations because Tamil Nation refused to concede to the propaganda. Almost 450 years colonial rule of the Island started with the landing of Portuguese in Ceylon, in 1505 and ended with the promulgation of independence in 1948. Colonial rulers had made available, independent proof of antiquity of two Nations in Sri Lanka, contrary to partisan views propagated by Sinhala Buddhists. During the colonial occupation, the truth about the Tamils in the Island came to be known, contradicting to the Mahavamsa myth and defined the area of land occupied by the Tamil Nation, given below. In June 1799, Sir Hugh Cleghorn, British Colonial Secretary, challenged the myth, when he said:

“Two different nations, from a very ancient period, have divided between them the possession of the Island: the Sinhalese inhabiting the interior in its Southern and Western parts from the river Wallouwe to Chilaw and the Malabars (Tamils) who possess the Northern and Eastern Districts. These two nations differ entirely in their religion….”

The map of 1681 presented by Robert Knox, above shows three Kingdoms at the arrival of colonial rulers.  This and other historical evidence shows beyond any doubt the land occupied by Sinhala and Tamil Nations in the Island of Sri Lanka.  Ancient Tamil literature of BCE gives further evidence of antiquity of Tamil Nation in Sri Lanka.

KNAt the time of Independence of the Island of Sri Lanka in 1948, Great Britain as the last of the colonial powers promulgated a unitary constitution bringing together multiethnic, multilingual and multireligious Nations to form a country.  Since then many Nations brought together have gone their own way following their own national identity for example: Pakistan and Bangladesh, USSR, Yugoslavia, Eretria, Czechoslovakia, East Timor and South Sudan.  The Tamil Nation’s antiquity and the land occupied by them are established beyond any doubt and as a linguistic group speaks one of the seven oldest languages in the world. Under the ICCPR the following three clauses are applicable to both Sinhala and Nations in Sri Lanka; following the precedence set by other countries, holding a referendum among all Tamils with historical link to Sri Lanka will a way forward:

Article 1-1 All peoples have the right of self-determination. By virtue of that right they freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development.

Article 25 (Electoral Rights) every citizen shall have the right and the opportunity, without any of the distinctions mentioned in article 2 and without unreasonable restrictions: (a) To take part in the conduct of public affairs, directly or through freely chosen representatives; (b) To vote and to be elected at genuine periodic elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret ballot, guaranteeing the free expression of the will of the electors; (c) To have access, on general terms of equality, to public service in his country.

Article 27 Guarantees persons belonging to ethnic, religious or linguistic minorities the right, in community with other members of the group, to enjoy and practice their own culture, religion or language.


The international community is waiting for almost FIVE years to know the truth about what happened at the last stages of the war which ended on 18 May 2009, Sri Lanka has conveniently used procrastination; even though President of Sri Lanka and the United National Secretary General (UNSG) showed their commitment by issuing a joint statement on 23 March 2009, which “underlined the importance of an accountability process” and the Government of Sri Lanka (GSL)  agreed that it “will take measures to address those grievances”. As the outcome of this joint statement UNSG appointed Panel of Experts on June 2010 and the report was issued on 31 March 2011, President of Sri Lanka appointed Lesson Learnt and Reconciliation Commission (LLRC) in May 2010 and the report was issued on 16 December 2011, both remain unimplemented.  It should be noted that the Tamil Nation has been in the Island of Sri Lanka as an Independent Nation from time immemorial that right was denied by the UK at the time of Independence in 1948, since then successive Sinhala Governments of Sri Lanka have continued to deny the rights of Tamil Nation to date. The two resolutions passed at 19th and 22nd sessions of UNHRC calling on Sri Lanka to implement the LLRC report issued by commission appointed by GSL, remain unimplemented. It should be noted that Sri Lanka a signatory to the International Covenant to Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) is in breach of this covenant as given above.  To bring a meaningful end to the long standing conflict between the Sinhala and the Tamil Nations, the 25th session of UNHRC in March 2014 offers an opportunity to set a platform to initiate the following actions, without any further delay:

International community has to take into consideration that Sri Lanka, since the end of the conflict, has knowingly avoided to implement for almost five years all promises made and in addition not respected the joint statement issued with UN Secretary General. Independent International Commission of Inquiry to investigate the allegation of alleged war crimes and crimes against humanity committed by both combatants will lead to justice for all victims of the conflict; which has been demanded by a number countries, led by the USA, EU etc and reinforced by the Prime Minister of the UK David Cameron calling for International Inquiry appearing at CHOGM2013 in Colombo November 2013. The proposal through UNHRC should also consider alternate actions, if procrastination continues. International community need to take into consideration that Sri Lanka as a signatory to ICCPR has obligation to uphold ICCPR articles 1-1, 25 and 27 and International community and in particular the UK has moral responsibility  to resolve the long standing conflict of more than six decades.  There is evidence from other countries to suggest that conducting an internationally supervised Referendum to determine the wishes of Tamil Nation in the Island of Sri Lanka is a way forward. A constitutional arrangement to bring peace and reconciliation in the country between two Nations will lead to Tamil Diaspora of about one million becoming an asset to the country.


Latest comments

  • 11

    The Sinhalese were the first to establish a kingdom in the island of Sri Lanka as a whole, and Tamils arrived as invaders centuries later, looted and destroyed magnificient Sinhalese cities in the north of Sri Lanka. This fact is acknowleged by historians worlwide (international and impartial). Only Tamil “historians” have a different version as presented above, to justify a bogus claim – a Tami only homeland. The concept that Sri Lanka is mainly a buddhist, sinhala nation holds, with minorities now living peacefully and with dignity. G K Nathan should write fairy tales, not history.

    • 6

      ”with minorities now living peacefully and with dignity” ?????

      This is not living peacefully and with dignity:

      ‘’Belying the general expectation that the end of the war would lead to a reduction in the role of the military there has been a continuing spurt in the growth of the military budget and the role of the military in civil society’’ – 2014 Can Be Year Of New Departure, 30 December 2013, https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/2014-can-be-year-of-new-departure/

      • 1

        yet,Its a good thing that Dr Nathan pointed out that Tamils a re awaiting justice. We had no clue.

    • 16


      “The Sinhalese were the first to establish a kingdom in the island of Sri Lanka as a whole, and Tamils arrived as invaders centuries later,”

      If the Tamils arrived centuries later, how can you reconcile with what Prof. J.B. Dissanayake’s statement below:

      Prof. J. B. Dissanayake in his book ‘Understanding the Sinhalese’ at page 118 states: “….Sinhala occupies a unique position among the languages of South Asia because of its close affinity, with two of the major linguistic families of the Indian sub continent Indo-Aryan and Dravidian…’ From this, one can conclude that Sinhala in written form could have been made by one or many, who knew both Dravidian and Aryan language. Thus early Dravidian Buddhist priests were scholars in Tamil, Pali and Sanskrit, to make Sinhala in spoken and written form possible.”

      So for centuries, the Sinhala were speaking a half baked language! What was the religion of SL before the arrival of Buddhism some 2500 ago? Why are the Buddhist in Sri Lanka still clinging to the Hindu deities and rituals? How do you reconcile the fact that South India is just 28 miles across the Park Strait and they could have been the original settlers? Why would you think that, the South Indians took centuries to arrive and the Sinhala arrived from farther land much earlier?

    • 13

      Dear Lal,
      Can you provide evidence to prove that there were Magnificient Sinhala cities in the North of Srilanka ( I don’t accept Sinhala version). If it is true what is your relationship with Buddha, Mahinda and Lion. Did Mahinda was welcomed to the Nation or he destroyed your nation and captured this island from Sinhala Kings?
      When Portugese arrived to Sri Lanka there were no Sinhala cities or Sinhala people in the North.Why? Why couldn’t you Sinhalese did not go and recapture those cities during that period or during the period of colonial administration? So, you agree that you destroyed those cities purposely and massacred Tamils in order to recapture your Sinhalese cities and to make it as a Sinhala only city. You prove yourself that what happened in Mullivaygal was an intentional massacre (genocide).

      Do you understand what is peace and dignity? For you do you have different interpretation to the dictionary. Do you think peace and dignity is about destroying the mosques, temples and churches or raping the women by your military? Did you hear the message from the people of North gave you through the ballots.

      • 8

        Dear Ajith,

        Can you tell me what is bothering you in terms of political rights? Don’t Tamils have the same rights as the Sinhalese? Can you tell me what rights Tamils do not have? Will Justice Wigs come up with a draft constituition for all Sri Lankans with guaranteed equal rights, as they have in US, France or Finland? Will you accept that? The trouble is you guys want NE for yourselves only and, a share of the remainder too. Not on.

        • 8

          Dear Lal,
          Are you really live in a world of darkness? If you don’t know the answer, please go and speak to your President and why SWRD, Dudley Senanayake, JR Jeyawardena, and Ranil wickremasinghe signed agreements to devolve powers to North East.

          You are wrong on your assumptions about devolution. Tamils are prepared to accept a power sharing arrangements where North East have the same rights as in the South. I can hundred percent assure that the North East will be a multi-cultural, multi language, multi-religious region where Tamils, Sinhalese and Muslims will be treated equally under the law and constitution. I am sure that Justice Wigneswaran will come up with a draft/final constitution for entire Sri Lanka if you Sinhalese are prepared to accept equality and devolution of power.

          • 6

            Hi Ajith,

            Thank you for engaging in a cultured and civilised manner.
            Tamils, Sinhalese, Muslims can live in harmony and as equals in a Unitary state too. Why not amend the present constitution, rather than create two entities? A scenario in which a division of Sri Lanka is contemplated in any shape or form is not acceptable to the majority community.
            The only workable solution is a Unitary state, where rights of all its citizens are guaranteed, defended by law, and the citizens can live with dignity and without fear.
            The concept of Federalism and its associated political rhetoric has brought untold misery to the people of Sri Lanka. It is a concept best forgotten and buried.

            • 3

              Hi Lal,

              I think you are still on the dark side of the world. You don’t know even what is the current political system practiced in Sri Lanka. SriLanka’s unitary system which brought untold misery to the people of Sri Lanka and it is going to create more and more miseries if you agree for a true devolution. Devolution is not division,it is a solution to the problem of majority oppression.

              • 2

                It should read as:
                SriLanka’s unitary system which brought untold misery to the people of Sri Lanka and it is going to create more and more miseries if you don’t agree for a true devolution.

            • 3

              Lal you are talking rubbish:

              Unitary state will not work in a Country where we have two distinct Ethnic Groups with different Language and Religion living in seperate provinces. Althogh religion has not palyed a part in the Etnic War so far it is beginig to rear it ugly head with Temples and Churches being destroyed and what makes you think that you can Guarantee rights of all citizens when you have miserably failed in that respect for the last 64 years.
              For your information Federalism is what has kept the Unitary State of India toghether and it has not been tried in Sinhala Lanka so far.
              Federaliam we stand and Unitary State we fall and we are not preapred to trust you any more when the end is in sight for our suffereing. Wait for another 6 months and we would reach our PROMISED LAND. It is not for you to give but for us to take with the help of Mother India when we have a change at the Top.

              • 0

                If religion played no part in the “ethnic war”, can you explain why 90,000 Muslims were driven away from Northern Province by Tamils? Will you, the Chief Minister and other Tamils demand resettlement of the innocent Muslims in their original homes in the Northern Province? I doubt it.

          • 0

            You know why SWRD,Dudley,JR,Ranil signed agreements to devolve power to minorities when there was no communal problems or violations in SL like in 80’s, because all those Prime Minister’s educated in SL in Christian schools and for their higher education they all went to UK and their brains washed by imperialist education. They don’t know about Sinhala heritage or history in this country. They[British] taught them that your country is multi-religious, multi-cultural, multi-racial etc.. Even in MR’s government few of this minister’s exist. Number one is PM D.M.Jayarathne.

            Late Angarika Dharmapala call them as “Kalu Sudda’s”.

    • 7

      Hi Lal
      you say “Tamils arrived as invaders centuries later, looted and destroyed magnificient Sinhalese cities in the north of Sri Lanka…..
      … This fact is acknowleged by historians worlwide (international and impartial)….. Only Tamil “historians” have a different version… “

      can you please qoute those historians worldwide…insted of making a genric statement.

      Robert Knox is quoted in this article

    • 5

      Hi Lal and Ajit,
      I followed the email correspondence between both of you with interest. The intention of the article is to bring greater understanding between both Sinhala and Tamil Nations. Prof. J. B. Dissanayake reference to link between both Tamil and Sinhala languages very relevant, there are about 3000 words very common between the two languages. It is also true that genetic study has shown that both Sinhala and Tamil people differ by about one percentage point. The conclusion is genetically and linguisticall difference is marginal.

      In the last 5 centuries, where documented independent histroy is availale one can say that there are two Nations within Sri Lanka. The intention of the article is not to prove or disprove anything, but to show a new path via ICCPR to which Sri Lanka is a signatory. We can all live as neigbours without imposing one’s view over the other. We do not want to witness what happened in other countries like Pakistan, Yougalslavia etc happen here in the Sri Lanka.

      We need to respect each others and not impose one’s view following UN process as an independent umpire.


    • 2

      Sofrom what you say here you directly and indirectly say that the “Mahavamsa” is a ‘pack of lies’ Am I correct?

      For your clarification please.

      • 1


        Ask Shamini. She has eloquently answered this.

    • 2

      “Sinhalese were the first …”They may be the first to establish a kingdom. But TAMILS were in the island first and the last King was a Tamil.

    • 2

      Mr lal from the bigining north and east was tamils land we tamil accept that kandy and fort was singala kingdom but thats also ancient tamil mixd with inverdes from malesia and bali dont try to make fool.Ravanan was sivapakthan not budist ifyou say ravana is your king then naturaly you to one of tamils sun.be friendly talk honestly my brother.

    • 1


      the descendant of Bihari Kallthoni, probably a long lost cousin of Laloo Prasad Yadav says:

      “The Sinhalese were the first to establish a kingdom in the island of Sri Lanka as a whole,”

      When did the Kallthonie Sinhalese establish a island wide kingdom?

  • 2

    Why is the author wasting time on pre-independence history?
    Post-independence oppression is Himalayan.
    Why doesn’t he dwell on that to attack this government most effectively?

    The President did not mention the complaints of the elected Provincial Council about the appointed Governor’s retention of hold on the administration of the North when he mentioned that total democratic rights of the people of the North were restored and elections for Northern Provincial Council were held: http://www.dailymirror.lk/news/41008-critics-of-sl-have-a-misguided-notion-president.html

    LKIIRSS Ececutive President told Vairginia Tech what Prez Rajapakse fears to spell out – the latestMR-proxy speaks:

    ”Moreover, in the aftermath of the conflict, the expected political solution was the devolution of power to the North and East Provinces of the island under the 13th Amendment. This has brought up many concerns as some of the Sinhala centrists see the devolution of power to Tamils as a future threat to Sri Lanka. However, the argument is whether the Tamils will or will not be discriminated again by the provisions of the devolution of power. Although, the recent Northern Provincial Council election indicates a successful movement towards devolution of powers, these challenges are yet critical. In this new environment, both the Tamil National Alliance which is the main Tamil party in Sri Lanka, and the Government should move forward towards a consensus”
    – Public lecture delivered by Asanga Abeyagoonasekera Executive Director LKIIRSS at Virginia Tech University “The Aftermath of Civil War in Sri Lanka: Reconciliation and
    Resiliency” 3 October 2013 http://www.kadirgamarinstitute.lk/media/press_release/Public%20lecture%20delivered%20by%20Asanga%20Abeyagoonasekera%20Executive%20Director%20LKIIRSS%20at%20Virginia%20Tech%20University.pdf

  • 7

    It is OK Mr. Nathan. Please publish the reply for your “open letter” from the UNHCR!

    Sri Lanka is a “one nation” and there is no Tamil/Sinhala nation there.

    • 2

      This is rich coming from someone living in Canada LOL

      • 2

        SSS you write gibberish as usual.

        Dr Natahan has enlightened us with historical facts, not Mahavamsa’s racist fantasies of lion race etc.

        Keep up your good work Nathan, while the barking dogs bark!

    • 1

      You firmly say that there is no nation called as “Sinhalese Nation” So it seems that you are contradicting/denying the wordings in the Constitution of “The Social;ist Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka”.

      Am I correct ?

      • 0

        He must go to the British Archives in London and examine the agreement or the treaty British and Kingdom of SINHALE agreement signed in 1815.

        • 1

          But many Dissaves signed in Tamil in the Kandyan Convention. Even the ancestor of Rt.Hon.Sri Mavo Banadaranayake, RATWATTE DISAVE signed in Tamil.

          It was British- Kandyan agreement and not Sinhale agreement.

    • 4

      Sivanathan you Sinkalam,

      Sri Lanka is not one nation but two Nations made up of Sinkalams Like you and Tamils who are not like you and will never be like you except for Karuna, Douglas, Muttiah Murali and a few hundreds more.

  • 11

    Who came first is befuddled with fairy tales on both sides. All of us must accept that many Sinhalese, the Karawes, Parawa, Salagama are recent migrants to the country. But, even this is a meaningless thing to pursue.

    What matters is not justice to the Tamils which will no doubt be exacted in time but justice to the Sinhalese.
    The Sinhalese have been hoodwinked by successive ethnic chauvinists each outdoing the other in Tamil hatred based on a historical text, the Mahawamsa. Their rural folk have been misguided by leaders intent on power as well as by their priests seeking luxurious living in the guise of serving the Buddha. For fifty years, a corrupt elite has fed upon them and left them in misery. Added to that, there is now the army that the elite uses to suppress them. 70,000 of their youth were massacred by the army according an Amnesty Report by Lord Avebury. Nothing was done. Under the SL law, every death must be accounted for and explained. What about the collective killing of 70,000 young people only because they happened to be young and Sinhalese.
    Every Supreme Court Judge, indeed every judge, has power to order inquiry into such deaths. No one, including the now great champion of human rights, Justice Wigs, did. There was silence.

    The same army killed larger numbers of Tamil youths, many of them not Tigers. They were killed because they were young and were Tamil. The Sinhala elite now has a killing machine to support its misrule. It does not matter who the ruler is. Both Chandrika and Rajapakse used the killing machine.

    The task now is to disband this killing machine and subject it to civilian control. The question is how it is to be done. That is a more important question for both Tamils and Sinhalese than the interminable who came first question on which there could be interminable debate.

    The way to address the issue is to establish accountability for the atrocities. The more recent and well recorded being the Tamil atrocities, they should be the focus with the atrocities against the Sinhalese also being prosecuted if evidence is forthcoming. Already, a tribunal at Bremen has found genocide.

    By prosecuting these crimes and ensuring accountability, the politics of the country could be diverted from ethnic chauvinism on either side reflected in the who came first question. The establishment of genocide will also provide ways of constitutional settlement. It could be argued that if there was genocide, there is a case for greater autonomy being given to the Tamil areas so that they could nurse themselves back to a healthy situation, free from the interference of a domineering majority. But, first a beginning must be made with accountability. The role of the international community and the international diaspora are relevant in this.

    Let us leave the old and tragic who came first debate aside and think of what is to be done next to get rid of the monsters who have fed themselves on ethnicity at the cost of the poor people of the country, both Sinhalese and Tamils.

    • 7

      I am in 100% agreement with what you have written. The need for Accountability is far more visionary that people give credit for! Sri Lanka has to deal with and introspect the recent past that is froth with graphic evidences. If Sri Lanka cannot undertake such a an exercise, the UN should do it. It is not to bring anyone to account personally, but to re-establish the state machinery with correct checks and balances within one country. If this exercise were fail to materialise, there is a conceivable danger that the world will have no option but to establish Tamil Eelam on par with East Timor.

  • 3

    Who is this joker? Elaara your tamil king was buried a millenia ago.. What a gross distortion of facts! A tamil kingdom in North of Sri Lanka? You gotta be kidding me! Minorities are better off in Sri Lanka than even in Europe, where the muslims and coloured people face racism and discrimination within the society.

    • 8

      Stop talking nonsense! The Tamils in Sri Lanka have nothing; no self-respect; no dignity; no sense of belonging! The European counties have laws and independent judiciary and one can feel one is being heard! A Tamil Kingdom will be a reality, if you do not get your act together and build a just nation. You know what, MR is not the man who can do it!

      • 1

        Tamils have no self respect. That is a proven fact. They always want to be sub-servient to Europeans even today!

        If they have self-respect, how can they vote to Gen.Fonseka or Sambanthan appear with Lion flag with Ranil?

        Law breaking is another Tamil cultural heritage. That is why criminal smugglers became “thesiya Thalaivars”.

        So, dont bark too much about “judiciary”.

        • 3

          Sivanathan you Sinkalam,

          Law breaking is the hall mark of your boss MR.

          MR is a Criminal, Thug, Looter, Briber , Law Breaker Lier and Beggar. What an impeccable CV for a leader you worship.

          • 0

            You are a son of a criminal smuggler like your Thesiya Vengaayath thalaivar who surrendered to the army waving white flag.

            I hope you are out of smuggling business now. That is why you cry at out mighty leader Mahinda.

            • 2

              No Sinkalam

              NO NO NO You can never be Tamil however hard you try you Idiot. Why dont you give up.

              You have gone mad man. What has Smuggling got to do with the argument and at least you confess that your Leader is the Criminal MR and I give you some credit for your cofession.
              The more you harass a Criminal the more he confesess and any more Confessions. Come on mate I am waiting.

              • 0


                “What has Smuggling got to do with the argument”

                Perhaps a business deal with VP gone sour.

                • 0

                  No Vedda,

                  He doesnt know how to run a business. He is a Criminal , a Beggar and by his own admission a Smuggler. The more you dig at him the more he reveals.

              • 0

                Smuggling is the main part of the EELAM and Tamil liberation. Kuttimani and Thangathurai were the GURUS of your Prabhakaran. Further all the VVT smugglers became part of the LTTE.

                You too became an LTTE moron because of the smuggler connection.

                Smuggling criminals like you cannot define who is a Tamil or non-Tamil! Smugglers are a disgrace to the Tamils!

        • 1

          When you denigrate the Tamils on these forums please keep in mind that you are masquerading as a Tamil! You in haste to denigrate the Tamils seem to forget this and look as if you are self deprecating. Do you understand what I am on about?

  • 4

    There is NO Tamil nation on earth.

    Stop living in a fools’ paradise.

    • 3

      Are you not tired of your self every time you publish anything the Nay votes out number the yes votes Fathima Fukushima. You need to think about this and improve yourself

    • 3


      So, we will create one Tamil Nation here. Then you don’t need to live in fool’s paradise.

  • 13

    The more the Sinhalese-extremists-dominated Sri Lankan state oppresses and suffocates the Tamil Nation the more reason the international community will have to set up a Tamil state in the island of Sri Lanka.

    • 5

      Dear Thiru,
      No one is suppressing or suffocating the Tamils except Tamils themselves. It is your imagination, just like dreaming of a Tamil kingdom that did not exist and a Tamil state that will not exist. Not in Sri Lanka, at any cost. Why do you want the International Community to get involved and help you when you guys boast of millions of clever buggers within your community? Most Tamils live amongst Sinhalese, which proves Tamils are enjoying peace and are living with dignity. Tamils in NE will soon have the same priviledge with enhanced Sinhalisation that is in progress now. Enjoy the peace!

      • 2

        The same “privilege” of being an “unrecognized servant of the Rulers”.
        In the NE the Tamils are “controlled” directly by the “armed” and the “on-armed” Sinhalese while in the rest of the Island they are controlled directly by the “unarmed” Sinhalese assisted by the “political power” of the Rulers.

        In both areas they “live quietly in fear” of the Sinhalese.

        “Living quietly in fear” is known as “living in peace”.

  • 5

    What justice would the Low caste Tamils would have had at the hannds of the High Caste if not for the free education proposed by C.W.W.Kannangara was not implemented?

    Not only WE Tamils fail to accept the devolution that was on offer but having lost the war WE shamelessly cry foul.

    There will be No Justice G.K.Nathan other than creating more Sinhala Hardliners with our daily rhetoric instead of following a live and let live policy.
    Even during the height of war live & let live policy was in place. Tamils lived in Wellawatte, Kotahena, Wattala, negombo and elsewhere. Even the LTTE proxies who are voice ferocious were hiding in the South.

    Nathan….. devote your time for a better purpose rather than creating more sinhala hardliners & making it difficult for the Tamils in Sri Lanka.
    Go … vote for Gary Anandasangaree……..Was Rita Sithsabaesan under house arrest……….. kindly elaborate as that poor kids in a mess now./

    • 1

      “Devolution” is NO SOLUTION for any of the problems in this country OR ANY COUNTRY in the World. “Sharing of Powers” among the people might be effective to some extent. In the “political governance” ‘men and women’ ’employers and employees”young and old’ must be represented in ‘nearly’ equal numbers IF not exactly. Only then there will be ‘meaningful’ sharing of power.

      Give the PEOPLE all the powers due to them. Allow them to “participate” in the Governance of the country they live in. Make “governance” as much as transparency permits.

      Corruption, Oppression, injustice and discrimination in any form must be outlawed.

      The above are some that have to be considered in the making of the Constitution.

    • 0

      “|”What justice would the Low caste Tamils would have had at the hannds of the High Caste if not for the free education proposed by C.W.W.Kannangara was not implemented? “|”

      Churchill did not go beyond Grammer school. How about AYS Gnanam??
      ANS Kulasingha was too very poor but thanks to the De La Salle brothers he made it.

      You just live with an inferiority complex. Study the History and culture of the Low Countries BENLUX then you understand why Flemish Belgium makes something out of nothing.

      Free education without planning was the cause of the JVP insurrection.
      Richer countries don’t make that mistake like Gadaffi who offered more than free education and was eaten by those who received it for free.

      Architect Bawa had a free entry Garden and the cost was high but when he charged 50c it kept clean by self.

      Everything needs planning not political correctness.

      • 0

        Oh.. Yeah.. Political correctness. What is it mean to Tamils?

        Tamils did the “planning” well and selected a grade seven dropout Prabhakaran as “thesiya thalaivar” and grade two drop out saloon sweeper Tamil selvan as the ‘political commissar”.

        Smugglers become the liberators of your ass.

        What a planning!

        Free education created equal ops for any one irrespective caste differences. That is the great achievement.

        Richer countries have/had colonies to exploit. You are a real donkey and not think about the poor masses.

  • 2

    “Under President Rajapaksa’s regime, in all fifteen Commission of Inquiries have been set up; reports neither published nor implemented”

    This track-record puts LLRC too under suspicion, whilst an African model
    may only buy time.

    The details of these Commission in the WPC can be read here:-


  • 1


    “Tamils are prepared to accept a power sharing arrangements where North East have the same rights as in the South. “

    Sinhalese could be made to agree for a power devolution scheme for North but certainly not a merged North East since historical facts nor numbers justify this. If you Tamils still keep hoping for East or part of East I think you will only be disadvantaging yourselves.
    Colonization of the North with the Sinhalese people are going at a rapid speed so you might loose north too.

    • 3

      Ravi Perera,

      All the agreements between the government and Tamils since independence ensures that North East as a devolution unit. Forced government settlements changed the demographic pattern with the motive of destroying Tamil majority in the East. Still Tamil speaking people hold majority and North East should be a one unit.

  • 1

    OK simple factual math do we need to explain any one for what? here are the largest six countries on the earth (by the area)and their official language(s)

    1. Russia 11.5% = Only Russian
    2. Canada 6.7% = English & French
    3. USA 6.5% = English & Spanish
    4. China 6.4% = Only Mandarin
    5. Brazil 5.7% = Only Portuguese
    6. Australia 5.2% = Only English
    by the way Sri Lanka is the number 122 by the size 0.04% in this case do we really need two official languages? just have one official language (Sinhala)keep it simple. that’s why PM SWRDB did do you agreed?

    • 2

      Asela Unans

      “just have one official language (Sinhala)keep it simple. that’s why PM SWRDB did do you agreed?”

      Good idea, to make it simple

      two proposals:

      1. Make Veddah language official and ban Tamil, Sinhala and English

      2. Send Tamils and Sinhalese back to their motherland India.

  • 2

    Buddha taught us ONE GOD ONE RACE OF MANKIND, Yet the Sinhalese who claim to be followers of Buddha do not follow any teaching of Buddha. DO NOT FORGET SRI LANKA IS ONE OF THE CHINESE PROVINCES….Yes a province of China, China did not finance the war or protect Rajapakse and other murders of Sri Lanka from the International Criminal Court for nothing. The Sinhalese preferred to be a slave to China than to show respect to The Tamil Nation .
    Remember the Sinhalese solders can only rape defenceless grannies, mothers and babies, they did not win the war, they cannot win a war. Every country that helped, WANTS a slice of Sri Lanks (no free lunch brother). your sacrifice will be greater than your reward.
    TAMIL WILL LIVE AS LONG AS MAN LIVES…I cant say that for Sinhalese, but your future looks bleak.

    • 1

      It is better to be a part of China than to a road shitting India. LTTE killed defenseless Tamils in thousands for supporting Indo-Lanka agreement of 1987. Thousands of children were kidnapped by LTTE and raped.

      LTTE was created and financed and armed by the Christian West. Are you telling here the VVT smugglers made all the weapons for the war? Donkey!

      After the murder of Rajiv only Indian donkeys realized the LTTE is anti-Indian also!

      T amil will live in Sri lanka not in India because you guys are now half Anglos and not learn tamil.

  • 0

    1.Terms Multi lingual and multi ethnic are used to hide reality. Is there any country in the world which does not fall int to this categorization? May be the Maldives.The reality in Sri Lanka is that the Sinhalese and Buddhists are the dominant community living with other minorities who have come to SL from time to time. Some of them have happily integrated with the majority community.

    2. If there was a well established Tamil Kingdom in the North how is that there is no record what so ever their invading the South or even collaborating with the Dravidian invasions on 17 recorded occasions?

    3. How is that the so called Kingdom was confined to the arid North and did not expand to the more salubrious South?

    4. “many Nations brought together have gone their own way following their own national identity for example: Pakistan and Bangladesh, USSR, Yugoslavia, Eretria, Czechoslovakia, East Timor and South Sudan.”
    The writer is glibly ignoring the Western conspiracies in the break up of Yugoslavia, Eretria, East Timor and South Sudan.

  • 2


    March 2014 is just the begining and Justice is a few months away. The Nation that holds the key to delivering justice in Eelam will have elections soon after that and if BJP win as expected we can have FREEDOM JUSTICE & EQUALITY either with a State within a State or EELAM with North & East United. The Count down starts in March.

    • 0

      So, you believe the ‘kothurotti” business thrive again!

      Dr.Subramaniyan Swamy will but your ass if BJP elected.

  • 0

    I think this “Dr.” seems to have received his doctorate in disillusioned, narcissistic, parasitical, sycophant-ism. You must be high on crack to believe that an internationally supervised referendum is going to deliver a separate state for Tamils in Sri Lanka. Dream on buddy and try to come up with more made up anthropological nonsense to stroke the egos of the diaspora.

    • 0


      You are living in a Cloud Cuckoo Land. The Supervision will be done by the Tamil Nadu Army ( TNA) Dream on Uly.

      • 0

        TNA? Army under Gopalasamy or Simon Sebastian?

        There was a TNA under EPRLF. There is a Brigade now trained from the escaped EPRLF now in India.

        If They come they will finish off the remaining LTTE goons but they come to help Mahinda and not the LTTE rumps!

  • 0

    Why don’t these people talk of about Tamilnadu where 75 million Tamils live and try to define a Tamil nation in South India or have Tamil Eelam there?

    Getting ready to destroy another 60 thousand lives? please..please….

  • 2

    Talking about history is not the right time, because the country is heading for irreversible chaos. Thirty years of war and lost of 100,000 lives is nothing compare to what is coming. I urge the intellectuals and journalists to work together to rescue the country. ‘Now or never’ you can’t continue to talk about the Rajapaksa regime and take it easy. “There is no easy walk to freedom anywhere, and many of us will have to pass through the valley of the shadow of death again and again before we reach the mountaintop of our desires” – Nelson Mandela. The Rajapaksa regime is the most foolish and racist regime. The regime has dropped too many bombs everywhere indiscriminately to eliminate the LTTE, at the expense of thousands of lives. No other President ever prepared to kill this many people at any given time, including J R Jayawardene. The Rajapaksa regime shouldn’t be treated as heroes. The LTTE has paid for its crimes. Therefore, the Rajapaksa regime also must pay for its crimes. Protecting and treating them as heroes will lead to a disaster.
    The British who initiated to colonise the world by killing millions of people; they are going to use the UNCHR to achieve their own interests; they don’t give a damn about the Tamils. The Americans, Canadians, Australians and Kiwis don’t even live in their own country, but their wealth is astronomical. In fact, their job is to destabilise the rest of the world to keep their power. The question is what are you doing to counterattack their strategy? The Rajapaksa regime and diaspora have started to bash each other and pave the way for the West’s strategy to prevail through the UNHRC. The Tamil leaders, the Sinhala leaders, even the Indian leaders are far behind the Westerners’ knowledgeable strategy. Indians started the civil war, but the West hijacked the war for its own interests. India will push the UNHRC for war crimes probe on Sri Lanka, but most likely the West will hijack the probe for its own interests. The Rajapaksa regime will help the West to divide Sri Lanka as Sudan. The Tamil leaders are not smart enough to deal with India and the West to develop their Eelam. The West will use the diaspora leaders to start a border war with Sinhalese. The diaspora leaders are the same who helped the West to hijack the civil war from India’s control. The diaspora leaders never educate themselves, or appreciate other Tamil political intellectuals.
    I urge to keep the professionalism, and encourage other media editors to publish comments that are helpful for the people to move forward. If a comment doesn’t enlighten the people in any way, shape or form you should ignore. Some comments are appearing in the Sri Lankan media, those comments will never appear in the Chinese Media, I have lots of respect for the Chinese leaders for their smartness to keep the fools where they belong. The democracy is not all about allowing the fools to control the media and the country. In fact, I am in favour of blocking all the comments that you can’t verify the source. I rather see handful of intellectuals sharing their views and guiding the country to a right path than thousands of fools leading the country to a disaster. Think why the country has been fighting since the independence. Why such a small country with very small population loves to fight with each other forever? Not only the leaders who have betrayed their people and the country; the Sri Lankan journalism also failed to enlighten the people.

  • 3

    It is disastrous to blame the West including USA & India about our current situation. The Tamils have got a very good team of Politicians,
    strengthened by drafting Justice CVW into the team, to place our
    demand for justice to the Presisident of SL, as well as to the
    International Community.Let us not be dammned with History. Records,
    and DNA verifications , prove the supreme position that Tamils enjoyed over centuries, till the arrival of single minded Monks, whose objective
    is to keep themselves SUPREME to the ordinary Sinhalese. This would
    go on till the Sinhala people realise their folly. They are only
    destroying their Country! NO TAMIL WOULD REST JUSTICE IS METED OUT
    either from within or by external sources.

  • 2



    • 0

      In 2009 May 18 the JUSTICE was delivered to all Sri lankans. Dont you know it?

  • 0

    The discussion went on well and then as usual the rabid dogs have crept in and started to bark and bite people who write some sense. If you have nothing to contribute then please keep off and do some thing else in which you are good at.

    Truth is always bitter and in SL it is more bitter. They are prepared to believe absolutely unbelievable kathawas but won’t believe sensible, logical and scientific arguments and theories.

    Lion having sex with a human princess and producing a race is acceptable but do not believe about how the real migration of people took place from the Indian mainland into SL? A race living a few KM away obviously and logically have a greater chance of coming in first rather than the guys thousands of KM away! One is talking of great cities in the north that belonged to Sinhalese…even today we don’t have any such great cities in SL and is he talking of some history or hallucinating under some substance?

    The biggest problem we face today is that we have created a group of people for whom just lying and bluffing have become a way of life and more importantly by repeated lying they themselves start to feel that they are true.

    • 0

      One is talking of great cities in the north that belonged to Sinhalese…even today we don’t have any such great cities in SL and is he talking of some history or hallucinating under some substance?

      Firstly, just because we do not have modern cities today doesn’t mean we didn’t have them in the past. The converse of the statement is also false. Just because there were no modern cities in a country in the past does not imply there shall be no great cities today. For someone living in Canada, I’m sure you know that in USA there are many modern populous cities.

      However, these cities all developed within the past 200-300 years. On the contrary, if you care to go to Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa you will find irrefutable evidence that in those parts of the country there existed a great civilization 1000s of year before and that they lasted over many 100s of years. Thus, your above statement only shows your own ignorance.

      People may disagree as to who lived in those cities whether they were Sinhalese, Nagas, Tamils or all or neither. Yet, to argue that the people lived in those times did not build a thriving civilization is discarding all archaeological/scientific evidence or to put it mildly using your own words “hallucinating”.

      Furthermore, this is not to say that Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa are “the” most greatest ruin cities in the world. There are many more astounding historical ruins in other parts of the world, e.g. Rome. However, Anuradhapura and Polonnaruwa are our inheritance and we should indeed be proud of them.

    • 0

      Mythological stories are in every religion. They are unbelievable and un acceptable.

      Dont cry like a stoned dog!

  • 0

    This balderdash serves nothing. It shows the illogical, impractical, extremist and utopia views of the Tamil nationalist extremists. Both the Sinhala nationalist’s Mahavamsa legends and Dr. Nathan’s pseudo historical arguments fail to provide practical workable and pragmatic solutions to a real and current problem. Ours is a current problem with historical excuses and distractions. The elimination of this excuse or distraction will not eliminate the problem. Instead we will just find a replacement excuse or a distraction to the real current problem

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