15 January, 2025


The Geneva Stakes And The Path Forwards

By Surendra Ajit Rupasinghe

Ajit Rupasinghe

The 2nd  US Resolution on Sri Lanka is to be presented to the UNHRC to be submitted to a vote. Whether ‘procedural or ‘substantial’, it is meant to further tighten the screws on the Mahinda Rajapakse Regime (MRR). But not to decapitate or even suffocate it. Just enough to discipline and bend it. This is  while attracting it with even more shares of profit and plunder. More lucrative oxygen to keep its blood vessels open,  flowing and alive. Enough support and aid to keep it in line. This move is part of the emerging geo-political strategic agenda of the US directed at maintaining overall military-strategic superiority  in the Asian Pacific Region and the Indian Ocean. More fundamentally, this US agenda is  driven by the need to secure, consolidate and expand its global empire and its undisputed position as the world’s sole super-power.

Neither the US, EU, India or China, nor any other imperialist- capitalist State has any fundamental problem with the MRR. The MRR has danced  to the tune of open-market policies of neo-liberal Capitalism. It has magnified and multiplied vulnerability and dependence on International Finance Capital and Imperialism. It has  taken us into a perilous debt-trap, while selling out the country for fat bribes and commissions. The entire economy is driven by and tied to the needs of Capital accumulation and the geo-strategic interests of the various imperialist and regional powers. The very foundations of an internally driven national economy based on strategic self-reliance and self-sufficiency  have been demolished. The imperialist and regional powers exploit this strategic vulnerability to further sink their fangs into the life-lines of the State, Economy and Society. This is while they contend for strategic advantage and superiority over the region. This agenda underlies the politics of the US resolutions, and the role of all other states, and of the UN agencies that have a stake in the process and outcome of Geneva.

This dependency and vulnerability drives the Lankan economy towards ever more crises, dislocation and  anarchy. Here networks of drug cartels, financial manipulators, crooked speculators, war lords, thugs, murderers and rapists thrive. This is alongside skyscrapers, seven star hotels and hospitals, casinos, spas, brothels and bars that dot the glimmering skyline, while the majority of the toiling masses and lower and middle income strata are thrown into desperate crises of survival.

The fate of the Tamil nation will be negotiated and bargained and ultimately corralled into the system of imperialism and neo-colonial subjugation. The issue of war crimes and accountability will either recede or advance, depending on how the game is to be played. Most likely, if the MRR capitulates, as it already has, then the whole issue will be conveniently shelved, or comfortably watered down. The release of the Jaffna university students upon a Presidential decree, is part of the sop to please the Masters. It has nothing to do with restoring constitutional governance and the Rule of Law, and still less with providing a democratic political solution to the Tamil National Question. Selective assassination, mob rule, abductions, disappearances, terror and torture shall continue unabated, since this is the general system of domination and control exercised by imperialism and its neo-colonial states. Imperialism and neo-colonial subjugation breeds and feeds on chauvinism, violence and terror. Sri Lanka  provides a model of this path of  imperialist-driven, neo-liberal Capitalist development.

India will play second fiddle to the US and support the resolution. It will appease its Tamil Nadu constituency, while gaining even more power over the politics of the Island. China and Russia will not provide any serious opposition, since there are bigger stakes involved. The imperialist/ neo-colonial status quo in the South Asian Region will be maintained and stabilized. Mahinda Rajapakse will fit in to the agenda. The MRR will show that it is a victory over imperialism won by the people of Lanka. Ranil Wickremasinghe, will twiddle his thumbs and play along, and the entire Opposition shall submit. The future of the Tamil Nation, and its right of self-determination will be sold down the tube. The gates of imperialist plunder will be opened even wider and crony-mafia Capitalism shall prosper, while the masses of toiling people will be crushed as never before.

What is the way out of this never-ending madness, horror and degradation? All advanced revolutionary forces of Lanka – North-South-East-Hill Country- should unite to raise the level of conscious, mass revolutionary class struggle aimed at overthrowing and uprooting the foundations of imperialist domination and neo-colonial subjugation.  Only such a path of uncompromising proletarian revolutionary struggle can lead to a new and higher form of State: a People’s Democratic State. The PDS shall  represent the political will  of all exploited  and oppressed classes,  nations and nationalities, united as the People of Lanka, in the common struggle to liberate their Land from the shackles of imperialism, neo-colonialism, and feudal oppression. The future of the Tamil nation is locked in to the future of the People of Lanka, inasmuch as the future of the People of Lanka is organically interconnected with the future of the Tamil nation.  The liberation of the Tamil nation is integrally bound up with the liberation of the People of Lanka. There is a profound lesson to be learnt and applied. Lessons Paid in BLOOD. Either we shall all be free OR none of us shall ever be free! Either we unite to overthrow the Master’s table, or remain enslaved, each and all! But, if we fight side by side to WIN, then the People of Lanka shall gain VICTORY and FREEDOM!  IT IS TIME TO UNITE!

Latest comments

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    Thanks for this analysis. but it is flawed.
    1. Sri Lankan must do it for themselves and BE THE CHANGE! No foreign power will really try Rajapassa regime change because it will have the opposite effect with Rajapassa grand standing about imperialism and whipping up more Sinhala Buddhist nationalist paranoia.
    2 After 30 years of war in Lanka people are tired of war and violent political conflict, so change will need to be by the ballot and we need to think strategically about who can be the change.
    3.The next generation needs to take over since the current generation, particularly the politicians have brought Lanka to the verge of being a failed state. The country needs a YOUNG, ENERGETIC, BRAVE AND WISE President who can be the change like Barack Obama in the US! OBAMA of course has not really delivered but the US is a superpower so course correction is slow..
    4. There is one young, bright, wise and energetic person that can be the change in Lanka two years down the road at the next Presidential election – an outsider to the dirty game of politics and the Diyawenna parliament of morons, crooks, goons etc. who could rise above and steer a different course. KUMAR SANGAKKARA who would win the votes whose candidacy for President will crack the current CORRUPT TO the hilt political formation within the UNP and SLFP – appeal to the youth who are the future of this multicultural society..
    5, MOST IMPORTANTLY SANGA is a national figure who represents unity, and who would attract votes from ALL PARTIES.. Civil Society and the Business community must start a campaign NOW – SANGA FOR PRESIDENT – TO BE THE CHANGE THAT LANKA DESPERATELY NEEDS and hopefully he will take up a new batting challenge for a higher cause since he understands MULTICULTURALISM better than most politicians and know how to WIN AND LOSE GRACEFULLY!

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      Ya man! Good idea, but Does Sanga know that we have got plans for him!

      Agreed machan, time to get rid of the politicians and get a YOUNG and COOL, honest, guy with beauty, brains and guts in the saddle!

      All Ajit’s well meaning talk of revolution just does not cut it with the Sinhala Buddhist masses who are still drunk on Rajapakse’s war rhetoric and racist SPIN! Sanga has cool!

      I VOTE FOR SANGA.. Ranil Wickramasinghe the clown needs to be given a rocket up his ass and sent to hell with the Rajapassa brothers.

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        Emancipate ourselves from mental slavery,
        none but ourselves can free our minds..
        Bob Marley

        Yes lets get an outsider to politics to be the next Prez. of Lanka and who cares if the UNP and SLFP splinter into a thousand and one pieces.. the more pieces the merrier.!
        These two parties, UNP and SLFP, which are CORRUPT to the core and run by unethical dictators have enslaved the public and gutted democracy and the political culture of Sri Lanka.. Now they need to be dismantelled – they are corrupt, rotten white elephants and Lankan citizens need to emancipate themselves from this albetros!

        Let’s vote SANGA!

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        On Facebook Sanga for Prez will go VIRAL and he’ll get the message!

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        sanga , i can not stop laughing

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      It is rubbish. Get to the point.

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    “Unite to free the land from feudalism neo colonialism,imperialism and oppression and live happily ever after.”

    In caves ,eating yams and wild fowl curry ?.

    You ought to get a life and move on comrade, without trying to wreck the lives of our youth again.

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    There were number cases of War Crime in recent past and its histroical records shows that which post-modern history had been UNADDRESS BY UNIED NATION COMMOISSION OF HUMAN RIGHTS OF UNO;due to that in could be harm to Universal Values of USA-Democaritc Civilizations and allies.Western values of Colonialism and Neo-colonialism ruthless salveary mode of hegemony they call so-called UNIVERSAL values.Suddenly vaules have become ‘Universal’attach with synonymous HEGEMOEY.
    In present context modernity and Universlity of ongoing World Order operate onbehalf vital interest of USA by UNHRC Genava against SOVERGENITY, TERROTIAL INTERGERITY AND INDEPENENCE OUR NATION,BUT NOT ONLY AGAINST MAHINDA RAJAPAKESE RULING PARTY.
    Yes we have to right to proteacted our nation sovereginty undermine by local and foregn fores in differant forms and mehtods of INVENTIONS.
    Of cause there are many oustading problems reamin unaddress by Ruling classes since 1948.One is that Tamil National Problems,Its had been drage so many yeas without soul seraching soluation that due to BOTH differnt political agenda of by Sinhales and Tamil political class and parties.Tamil politics is determined by Tamil Bourgeoise class,its
    greater demand is ONLY SEPEREATE STATE CALL EEALM.Beyond that there is altanative agenda by Federal Party of Chlanyagam,ACTC by GG Ponnabla, TULF by Allwapitta Amirligam,TNA by Samapathn and LTTE of Pararaken until 2009 May.We as Sri Lankan cannot whatever situation or all diffculit enviroment agree with Tamil Politiacl Class.

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      Editor please dont publish this broken English tosh. We expect better from the C.T. And Mr. Piyadasa please publish your rantings in another medium certainly not English

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    What did all NOW concerned countries do (to stop it) when the war was going on for over 30 years?

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    I do not understand the gibberish from Piyadasa Yalagala. But I am Tamil and my vote is for Sanaga. In fact we will camapign for him with the Diaspora.

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    Being next to India, do you really believe that Sri Lanka can become a wonder of Asia? Do you believe that the Indians who don’t have acces to toilet well keep silence forever, while the Sri Lankans having decent lifestyle? Sri Lanka’s prosperity is a threat to India. It is not that we don’t have talented leaders among us to lead us to a prosperity life, but the foolish leaders will never allow the Smart leaders to lead us. We are the enemies for ourselves. This is why we have been fighting always, and we will continue to fight for generations. It will take centuries for the Indian Subcontinent to think and act like the Westerners or the Chinese. We were ruled by the Westerners, and will be ruled by the Chinese in the future. I have lot of respect for the Chinese leaders, because they are far smarter than the leaders of the Indian Subcontinent. We are centuries behind, when it comes to acknowledging our own intellectuals, and letting them to lead us, due to lack of human evolution. We can only “hope” that we will get there one day.

    Recently, the Sri Lankan government has introduced a new dual citizenship law, in order to avoid giving dual citizenship to the Tamils who have claimed political asylum in the foreign countries. I totally disagree with this approach, this law will continue to encourage the Tamils to work closely with the Indians and the Westerners. The government has not done enough to win back the Tamils. The systematic division created by the Westerners and the Indians will go on for generations. The impact of “hate” is beyond description among the Tamils and the Sinhalese. Only time will heal the Tamils and the Sinhalese, it may take generations, until such a time come, we can’t expect any decent or smart decision. I got emotional while I was in Jaffna last year. I can imagine how hard for those people who have lost their family members, relatives and friends.

    “Darkness can’t drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” ― Martin Luther King, Jr

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    Sinhalese are generally a decent lot but very gullible. The RR govt defeated the hated enemy and therefore thay can ruin the country. What the LTTE did to the ordinary Tamils, this Govt is doing for the Sinhalese. By the time they realise it, the leaders will all vanish to the different parts of the world where they have a dual citizenship.

    Churchill won the great war for England and for the world but he was rejected at the next elaction. The sinhala villagers do not have that kind of maturity. Their world is very small. They live in a bubble.

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