By Mahinda Pathirana –
When the Catalan regional autonomy, following the referendum that brought victory to the campaign for separation from Spain, declared unilateral independence from the latter some fortnight ago, Spain knew what to do next. The article 155, also called ‘nuclear option’ of the Spanish constitution states in unambiguous terms that; “If a self-governing community does not fulfil the obligations imposed upon it by the constitution or other laws, or acts in a way that is seriously prejudicial to the general interest of Spain, the government, after having lodged a complaint with the president of the self-governing community and failed to receive satisfaction therefore, may, following approval granted by the overall majority of the senate, take all measures necessary to compel the community to meet said obligations, or to protect the above mentioned general interest.” Has the proposed constitution for Sri Lanka a nuclear option?
The interim report of the steering committee of the constitutional assembly of Sri Lanka hopes, while proposing to set up 9 mutually exclusive power structure with the very high likeliness of those absolute units declaring independence, to insert a constitutional safeguards against such attempts. It says; “Sri Lanka should remain one undivided and indivisible country” (page 1) and additionally states that “No provincial council or other authority may declare any part of the territory of Sri Lanka to be a separate state or advocate or take steps towards the secession of any province or part thereof, from Sri Lanka” (page 5). Going back to the Spanish case, the Spanish constitutional court too, based on the clause stating that “on the indissoluble unity of the Spanish nation, the common and indivisible homeland of all Spaniards, ruled that the proposed referendum is a violation of the constitution of the country. But, the Catalan regional government did not heed the above judicial ruling, instead went ahead with the planned referendum for secession. What it means is, that a safeguard against separation, similar to the one to be included in the proposed new constitution for Sri Lanka, can easily be ignored by a regional autonomy, if it wishes. But, this is not the acute danger. In case, a provincial unit declares independence, the proposed constitution does not provide for direct rule, as is the case in the Catalan event. The interim report is sadly toothless in this regard. It implies that it can take preventive measures against the chronic illness, but once illness take over those measures, it cannot cure it.
This is not the case in the 78 constitution. It can both prevent and cure, deter and defeat. When Varatharaja Perumal, first Chief Minister of the North and East Provincial Council (NEPC), unilaterally declared independence for Ealam in March 1995, President Premadasa dissolved NEPC in July of the same year and took it under the central government. In the proposed interim report which provide the fundamental principles of the on-coming constitution, there is no such facility to do what former Premadasa did. Meanwhile, in sharp contrast to the current proposals, both the proposals of the People’s Alliance government of Chandrika Kumaratunga in 1995 and that of UNF of Ranil Wickremesinghe in 2003, however divisive and dangerous in their content with regard to devolution of power to the periphery, wanted to have central control either through a Governor or Commissioner. But, in the current proposal, the position shared by both government has been overturned and acceded to proposals made by the LTTE those days. In response to the above proposals, the LTTE insisted on the governor or commissioner to be completely under the control of the Chief Minister. The current proposals too, as is represented in the interim report of the constitutional assembly states that “the Steering Committee was of the view that the governor should act on the advice of the Board of Ministers other than where he/she is specifically authorised by the constitution.”
Who can guarantee that a situation similar to the one in Spanish Catalonia cannot take place in Sri Lanka? One should not go to Spain imagine that. And it has happened in this country itself in 1990. Especially in the backdrop of the proposed constitution saying that “Maximum devolution should be granted” (page 1) and that the devolved power being unable to be taken back unilaterally (page 8, 18), this is not wild imagination. Added to this, the Term “unitary” has been undermined not only by mentioning that particular word in Sinhalese in all the three linguistic versions of the constitution, so as to make it challengeable in front of the international law for lack of interpretation, but also placing the Tamil term Orumittha Nadu, leaned against the Sinhala term, only separated by a slash mark. Orumiththa Nadu means “a country that is formed by amalgamation.” It does not carry the meaning of the term ‘unitary.’ So, in the very outset itself, both terms give contradictory meanings and render a fixed legal determination impossible. Next, the concurrent list is to be completely abolished (page 5). This abolition alone is enough to create 9 absolute power units. When the glue that binds things together removed from under, the structure collapses. In my opinion, if this constitution sees the light of day, one has to completely forget the idea of a centre. There is no centre here, just a collection of 9 regions nominally put together by virtual central government with all the risks to secession.
*Mahinda Pathirana, Senior Lecturer, Sabaragamuwa University
S.Modaya / November 3, 2017
Oh no, a substandard Uni Don from the zero rated Sub Uni!
Pl. spare us your nationalist anxieties and diatribes. and use your brain.
This interieme report a ploy by Bondscam Ranil to distract moda masses from the Corruption of his Royal College gang and Jarapalana govt.. that is looting and rotting the people of Lanka – SInhala, Tamil Muslim etc.
Also, who can blame Tamils and Muslims and intelligent SInhala to go overseas and who want to leave the corrupt and moda country governed and ruled by corrupt sinhalayas?
Dilhara / November 3, 2017
Long live the Catalans and Barcelona- land of Guadi. screw the Spanish nationalists.
Catalonia belongs in Europe and is part of the EU. Dude Mahinda.
Open your mind, educate yourself. Learn about Catalonian history, visit Barca!
wannihami / November 4, 2017
Dude Dilahara, Learn about the medieval Europe and all its duchies and princely states and all the blood that was shed to protect those, and THEN write about Catalonia!
Emil van der Poorten / November 4, 2017
If this man had the capacity to do what you suggest, he wouldn’t be writing what he has.
Dilhara / November 4, 2017
Oh poor Wannihami, The (modern) Nation State is an obsolete concept and a corrupt mess of money politics and intellectually bankrupt nationalism
Yyou truly belong in wanni jungles.. you are going back to the future with Sinhala Moda Peretheyo – true to form in Miracle of Modayas
In our post-modern age of the internet, and globalization there is NO question of going back to Medieval Europe. Please open your mind and brian, Wannihami.
Today we have global networks of power ruling the world and entities like ISIS that oppose them. Only fools believe in the nation state that Colonialism invented in South Asia
Emil van der Poorten / November 4, 2017
Don’t waste your time trying to give this man an education in basics with an invite to see what you are talking about at first hand. This is yet another (unsuccessful) attempt to give the racist rhetoric of the Jarapassa’s some kind of “respectability.'” In any event, it would help if this academic (?) learned to write comprehensible English rather than some “academic” gobbledegook.
Watch out, this guy could go to a scientific encyclopaedia in an attempt to find out what type of insect/animal Guadi was.
soma / November 3, 2017
Thank you Mahinda Pathirana. You have highlighted the most serious question to be debated in simple words.
When the Chief Minister Pemumal declared independence in March 1995 President Premadasa had the power to override it. Does the Constitution under preparation has a clause vesting such powers in the President? Let us pose this question to every parliamentarian who will be called upon to vote.
Native Vedda / November 4, 2017
somass ji
“When the Chief Minister Pemumal declared independence in March 1995 President Premadasa had the power to override it.”
Had Hindians for some stupid strategic or cultural reason decided to stay put and separate the country, do you think Premadasa would have made paper Aeroplanes with the 1978 constitution printed on it and bombed the hell out of IPKF got rid of them?
Only a few years ago Hindians got rid of 90,000 Pakistani war criminals from East Pakistan and got most countries recognised it as separate independent country. Even the Weeping Widow couldn’t stop Pakistan being divided although she aided and abetted war criminals.
Little islanders should know their place in the world, in South Asia, in Indian ocean, in this island, …. ……. when great powers play great games.
Jimsofty / November 3, 2017
I don’t know whether you read the Wijedasa Rajapakse’s article saying that the constitutional process is unconstitutional from the beginning. When Ranil wickrasinghe selected LSSPers, and christian Tamils to build the Constitution, Ranil himself shows either he is an idiot or or he was cheating Tamils and christians. Because, with 40 years of political experience Ranil should understand, LSSP idology made them negligible inthe parliament. Those days, they were high flyers. They made Sri lanka, Flag and made Sinhala people lose Sinhale. So, If Ranil gives constituional process to LSSPers he knows he is doing political harakiri. It looks Ranil is an idiot because he made the Centrl bank, State banks, EPF funds bleed and talk about economic development. His eletoral process also is a joke instead of replacing he is adding more 3870 politicians to the system. He doe snot think about how the bankrupt Sri lanka (this year economic growth is 0% and Sri lanka lost 50% of its’ foreign investments becacue of Central Bank robbedry).. UNderstand the american govt has professionals around the president to runthe country. Below that, there are two federal politicians per state. The new york state has 27 politicians. Compare with Sri lanka. A 25,000 Sq. mile island which can not be marked ona world map has ten govts, nearly 5000 politicians and will become 10,000 po.liticians.
Jimsofty / November 3, 2017
Sri lankan govt has done more funny things. Another joke is one indian Tamil who is on the national lisy – Even indian Tamils refused him – is the minister for destroying Sinhala s the reconciliation and language something minister. Under the new electoral process instead of he gets six praja sabhas or rural councils . No one knows what it is.
The good news about Catalan is, there constitution explains that Spain is a unitary country and the what does it meant by the word UNitary. Further to that it says. Unitary meand that Spain is undevidable.
Sri lanka is working the other way Leaving when Sri lanka is bankrupt, Orumithta nadu can join with Tamilnadu as Tamilnadu will be alwys richer than Sri lanka because of the higher gross domestic product and high GDP. Sri lanka will be alwys poor because the theives at the top are stupid idiots who do not have plans and who do not know what to do.
Anywa, Catalan Prime minister and ministers have been arrested. EU is also against the split.
Ben Hurling / November 3, 2017
Mr. Pathirana,
No doubt Catalonia case has thrown a spanner into the works of constitution making in Sri Lanka. Whether the Catalonia case is relevant to SL or not, it has given a shot in the arm of defeated & desperate Maha Raja’s awful politics. Those who love this country must make sure there will never be a Catalonia scenario over here in SL, in the future. Required safeguards, including a “Nuclear Option” must be there in the new constitution. With such a no non-sense, pro-active approach we can keep the utopic die-ass-pora at bay. Increasingly noisy Sinhala nationalist lunatics can be kept in their rightful places too. Only then can we secure a peaceful Sri Lanka that will sail to prosperity.
PS: BTW Mr. Pathirana, How come there is no trouble in Switzerland despite max devolution? Please shed some light on it.
wannihami / November 4, 2017
Ben Hurling: Whatja mean, “Nuclear Option”? Nuke the North?..dude we talking about Northern Province of Sri Lanka, not North Korea, you’ve been reading too many Trump Tweets!
PS Yeah SL is just like Switzerland.and all that applies there must apply here? the Swiss GDP same as SL?
Ben Hurling / November 4, 2017
Wannihami, CH has French, Germans & Italian inside it. NO GOD DAMN, PETTY, LITTLE GIRL LIKE, WHINING, BICKERING OR QUARRELS. Cantons run themselves like clockwork. CH is so wealthy per capita. So peaceful, they cunningly avoid all Wars. Yet, their military is so utterly powerful not many want to mess with them. Only big-mouthed, bloody idiots like yourself in SL would not bother to learn from the Swiss magc. Cheers!
Native Vedda / November 4, 2017
“PS Yeah SL is just like Switzerland.and all that applies there must apply here? the Swiss GDP same as SL?”
If you keep your head wherever it is now, soon you will hit the bottom, which seems to be your aspiration, from 104 to 189 in poverty index.
Even to aspire for a better life seems to be an enormous burden/task for lazy racists like you.
J.Muthu / November 4, 2017
Bravo Ben boy,
u r future and mine decided by India….mad monks or rajapakses can fool poor uneducated sinhala Buddhist…end of the day india will decide my country and u r s….my believe thamilealam inevitable …thanks 2 u r sinhala Buddhist…
Rajiv / November 4, 2017
Ben Hurling,
Simple. The people in the Cantons in Switzerland identify themselves as Swiss first. Just as in Canada where the people of Quebec identify themselves as Canadians first.
Unfortunately, the same cannot be said of the Tamils. In fact, they identify with India before Sri Lanka. So, if a Federal structure is given with no safeguards, the Tamils will seek separation in 5 years. Being a weak country, we will stand no chance to counter it unlike Spain(Catalonia), Britain(Scotland) and Canada(Quebec). More so since the US, Europe, Britain and Canada are all hell bent on breaking us apart.
Native Vedda / November 4, 2017
Ben Hurling
“PS: BTW Mr. Pathirana, How come there is no trouble in Switzerland despite max devolution? Please shed some light on it.”
You are learning, learning fast.
As long as the Sinhala/Buddhist fascist establishment does not antagonise the Hindians strategically and doesn’t prick their ego, this island’s integrity is safe.
If you look at the facts about the IPKF invasion of this island, Hindians invaded the country to keep it intact, fearing outside influence could over a period of time lead to a division.
Jimsofty / November 3, 2017
MAhinda Pathirana: right now the problem is not the Constitution or separation. Because Ranil brought that as a decoy. His primary target is to legalize the electoral proces. Just understand when 10,000 politicians are bugging adminmistetrators such as AGAs, how they will be working. ————- The elctoral system will make the sinhala people a minorities in all those powerul places as the minorities will be the powerful. That lays the ground for chaing the constitution for orumiththa nadu, and NAsiristhan in the east. that is why muslims are busy inbuilding KAthiankudy- Little Saudi arabia and Wilpatthu – shialand. My thinking is, additionlaly they want to bring more rohingyas, pakisthanis or muslims to North saying they are going to resettle muslims. That is coming behind. MY3 got moeny, I think, from QATAR, because of that he is silent on all those.
Jimsofty / November 4, 2017
I read, just behind the new electoral process and thousands of praja sabaha or with additional rural municiapalites, UNP- construction industry will come behind and flourish to buld hundreds of TOWNHALLS needed to cage those new politicians. Colombo will have a new digital town hall which means technologically up to date and it will house 100 councillors because the 50 in the PResent town hall can not even make the labourers clean garbage piles coming up daily. Think about who will be apying for these new councillors. ————– I read some where else, as the USA prints more money. the dollar depreciates, the value of foreign exchange goes down and out exports value less because the dollar values less on the other hand imports become too expensive to foreigners as we charge in US dollars. So, as the USA keep on printing new money devaluing their dollar, nations like us kepp on struggling to come up which can never happen.
K.Pillai / November 3, 2017
Mahinda Pathirana, Senior Lecturer, Sabaragamuwa University
The article 155 of the Spanish constitution is not the ‘nuclear option’. What was achieved so far on the Catlan issue was the EU pressure. EU is hell bent on making the Brexit difficult. Surely EU will do not like a ‘forced’ exit.
Mahinda Pathirana: Look across the Strait. Federal governance is the instrument keeping India (created in 1947) in one piece. The Center has a ‘nuclear option’. This is the direct rule. Has been used a few times.
Mahinda Pathirana does not say as to whether a nuclear provision of the Nanthikal variety is sufficient or not. Nit-picking on the word Orumiththa Nadu can go on and on. This must left to politicians.
By the way: Does Mahinda Pathirana have aspirations?
douglas / November 3, 2017
Mr. Mahinda Pathirana: In my opinion the trouble here, in making a “New Constitution” is various “Secular Interest Groups” (Political; Ethnic: Religious) are engaged in securing and winning their own agenda, rather than thinking in terms of a “NATION” and a “COUNTRY”. In that process, hair splitting arguments are in circulation over the “legal” and “otherwise” interpretations of “words” and “terms”. This article confines to the “Separation” as the primary concern in the Constitution. To begin with, as indicated by you, there is no proposal to “set up nine mutually exclusive power structures”. That is misleading. We already have such “Units” called PCs as per the 13th Amendment, with a “Schedule” that names the “Powers” that can be “devolved”. So, even as at present, there is this “Power Unit” concept in existence. Your worry is, in the event these “Power Units” decide to “Separate”, there is no “Tooth” in the hands of the “Central” to act against such a move. This “Tool” is definitely with the “STATE” to be used as per the Constitution by the Government of the day. I think that is what the Government of the day in 1995 did with Vartharaja Perumal’s case. The “TOOL” was the word “Unitary” and the Government, through the Parliament “Dissolved” that PC. If I remember correct, there was a Parliament Resolution and the President at the time took that measure. Of course, if the “PANDITHS” want to keep on arguing with ulterior motives , this process of making a New Constitution will never end. Also remember, Constitutions are not a “Permanent” document; but can be AMENDED to suite the NEEDS of the COUNTRY and the NATION; but not those of “SECTORAL INTERESTS”.
Native Vedda / November 4, 2017
“Also remember, Constitutions are not a “Permanent” document; but can be AMENDED to suite the NEEDS of the COUNTRY and the NATION; but not those of “SECTORAL INTERESTS”.
True, however imbalances in power sharing has to be corrected through the new constitution, as you know power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely. You are old enough to have seen how the country has been ruined by power hungry crooks.
The unnecessary bogus protection the constitution is supposed to provide for Buddhism should be removed, for simple reason the very article benefits the crooks than the Buddhist lay people as we have just witnessed in Sil Redda case.
I don’t believe 225 crooks are the best people to protect Buddhism. Instead the crooks use Buddhasasana as their shield to hide their sins.
The proposed new constitution should make everyone feel belonging to one political entity, after all a country is the ultimate entity.
Sellam / November 3, 2017
Not only the people consisting of 7.5 million in Catalan, being one of the 17th provinces asking for separation, today there are many other countries around the world that want to secede from their governments and form their own nation, one that suits the needs of the local group of people.
South Sudan has already declared its independence
Quebec want to part from Canada.
Wroclaw of South Poland want to secede from their unaccountable big foot
Belgium will split into two nations Wallonia and Flanders, one is French Speaking and the other Dutch speaking.
Somaliland from Somalia ( Somaliland issues its passports, has its own Banking system, International Airport and its own money)
Palestine wants a separate state
Kosovo is already a separate state
Scotland from United Kingdom
Venice from Italy.
There are many more countries wishing to part. Why? Can Mr.Pathirana answer this question.? If you are a minority of a distinct race with separate culture and language and subjugated by the majority, how will you feel.
The Tamils do not want to divide the country but want to share power with others in the form of a federal state. The federal state will be not only for the North and East but for other provinces as well. Why do you pick on them. Because you are strong in number. You are aware of it but do not want to accept it. Time will tell.
Shenal / November 4, 2017
It wouldn’t have mattered if Tamils were the original inhabitants of a separate kingdom before the Colonizers. But, it is not the case. History has clearly state that there were no independent Tamil kingdom of any sort. What you people are trying to show off is something of a fabrication. That is why you people do not deserve any form of Federal structure let alone a separate country.
If your culture or language is threatened by Sinhalese. The best thing to do is to migrate to Tamilnadu. I hope that they will welcome you as their fellow brethren just like the Jews welcomed the sabras. If they don’t then it is not the failing of Sinhalese, but Tamils themselves. Otherwise you people should learn how to integrate into majority Sinhalese culture just like you people do when you migrate to Western country. No self respecting country tolerate the behavior of unruly emigrants. So behave nice or get out.
Native Vedda / November 4, 2017
“History has clearly state that there were no independent Tamil kingdom of any sort. “
Which history?
Whose history?
Which period?
“If your culture or language is threatened by Sinhalese. “
If Sinhala/Buddhist threaten the rest of the people it is better to deport them back to whence they came, south India. When are you leaving, when you go take Shenali Waduge, Dayan, Champa, Wimal, somass, Hela, ……………………. and rest of the Sinhala/Buddhist racist with you.
Shenal / November 4, 2017
Both Sri Lankan and Indian history clearly state that there was no independent Tamil kingdom in Sri Lanka. Is it so hard to digest?
No one else is claiming they were threatened by Sinhala Buddhism. It is the people who says that they are threatened should go to somewhere they fancy.
Native Vedda / November 4, 2017
“Both Sri Lankan and Indian history clearly state that there was no independent Tamil kingdom in Sri Lanka. “
Could you cite evidence.
“Is it so hard to digest?”
Yes. It is hard to digest simply because you stupid person has to lie all the time as you haven’t got a clue.
Shenal / November 4, 2017
Well look at the Chola history, they never said anything about a Tamil kingdom in Sri Lanka. They had even waged wars against this island.
Native Vedda / November 4, 2017
“Well look at the Chola history, they never said anything about a Tamil kingdom in Sri Lanka.”
Could you cite your sources. If the Chola’s were ruling this island for about 200 years why would they mention others as being the kings? By the way Manu Needhi Cholan ruled this island for about 44 years, and Cholas founded of Janathamangalam (Polonnaruwa) and ruled for more than 160 years.
The Cholas didn’t wage war however it was just a walk over for them.
Shenal / November 5, 2017
No I can’t cite any Chola source because they didn’t say anything on Tamil kingdom in Sri Lanka. Can you site anything instead that has mentioned about this ancient Tamil kingdom?
Native Vedda / November 5, 2017
Shenali the Very Stupid
“No I can’t cite any Chola source because they didn’t say anything on Tamil kingdom in Sri Lanka.”
Could you cite whatever Chola sources you “investigated”.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / November 5, 2017
Shenali, both Indian and Srilankan histories are distorted by racists to suit their ethnic position. Once it was the view of north Indians that Dravidians were uncivilised and were taught civilisation by them This was completely thrown out by the chance discovery of Indus Valley civilisation. Now even the propaganda that Sanskrit was old and gave rise to Tamil has been proved wrong as Tamil has been declared by linguists that it is the oldest language in the world. There had been a Pallava empire with capital in Mamallapuram in Tamil Nadu extending as far as Indonesia, Malaysia and Cambodia, but this is blacked out in Indian history. Similarly Chola empire rule over Srilanka and Keddah in Malaysia is not mentioned, but they have extensively dealt with Maurian empire of Asoka covering Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nepal. Similarly now it is being increasingly proved that Mahawamsa is flawed as regard to Tamil presence in Srilanka prior to evolution of Sinhala race in Srilanka.
Shenal / November 5, 2017
Dr. Gnana,
Are you stupid or what? How can Tamil be the oldest language when people came to India, they have already settled in Mesopotamia and Levant, not to mention Africa. By the way, if you take Mavahamsa to be flawed; then why do you keep citing it by saying the story of Vijaya and the origin of Sinhalese?
Native Vedda / November 5, 2017
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam & Shenali the very stupid
Achchige Patali Champika Ranawaka claimed “Sinhala language is the oldest language in the world next to the Hebrew language. “
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / November 5, 2017
Shenali. Sinhalese are also not the original people of Srilanka. Recent genetic studies show that Sinhalese are genetically closer to Tamil Nadu than Veddahs. Srilanka history does not commence with arrival of Vijaya and establishment of Sinhala kingdom in Anuradhapura. Even Veddhas had their seat of rule which was unearthed in Kathiraveli in Batticaloa which has been blacked out in Mahavamsa. Recently a 10,000 year old civilisation has been discovered by chance in Settikulam in Mannar to prove that advanced set of people lived in Srilanka prior to the so called beginning of Srilanka history as claimed by Mahavamsa. There is a firm belief among Tamils that the first capital of Srilanka was Trincomalee ruled by Tamils several years before Anuradhapura. If systematic archaeological surveys are done, the truth of the Srilanka history will come to light including the presence of Tamils before the evolution of the Sinhala race. Again your statement that there was no independent Tamil kingdom of any sot is wrong as Mahavamsa itself says about presence of Jaffna kingdom comprising of northern province and including parts of Trincomalee north of Mahaveli and parts of Puttalam known as Demala Hatpattu north of Deduru Oya, which was captured by Portuguese.
Shenal / November 5, 2017
Dr. Gnana,
How can the recent genetic studies prove that Sinhalese are not the original inhabitants of the island?
Tamil belief in something cannot be taken as a proof of evidence. So far no archaeological evidence was found to support the idea the proto-Anuradhapura time people were divided by the ethical lines of any sort.
How do we distinguish the proto-Sinhalese culture to be distinctively Tamil? What are the factors that determine it? Would you care to explain?
Indeed Mahavansa mention about the Jaffna kingdom. But it never say it was an independent kingdom from the Sinhalese kingdom. Jaffna was always the part of Sinhalese kingdom and even Portuguese accepted that claim.
Native Vedda / November 5, 2017
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam
Stupid Shenali types:
“How can the recent genetic studies prove that Sinhalese are not the original inhabitants of the island?”
This question alone should inform us about Shenali’s ability to grasp facts, either she is trying to be too smart or plain stupid.
Dr. Gnana Sankaralingam / November 5, 2017
Shenali, please remember that Sinhalese also migrants from Tamil Nadu as the two genetic studies showed that your core genetic material is south Indian. It is the view of linguists that Tamil is the oldest language and at one time everyone in the world spoke Tamil or some form of Tamil. Ancestors of present day Sinhalese are not an exception to that and Sinhala race evolved from Tamil race similar to how Malayala race evolved fro Tamil race. Scientific evidence based on geology, archaeology, genetics and linguistics prove the presence of Tamil race in Srilanka before advent of Sinhala race. Any Sinhala claim against this will only curry favour to a bigoted Sinhala audience and not to an intellectual international forum. Many more such discoveries will be made in the future to rubbish Sinhala racist propaganda, as with modern equipment you cannot hide the truth.
Shenal / November 5, 2017
Dr. Gnana,
The islanders must indeed have to come from India. That is a no brainier. We have evidence about ancient cave people that dates back to almost 30,000 years CE. That shows an independent civilization had being growing in the island contemporary to Tamilnadu. But, you cannot say people only came from Tamilnadu and settled.
Anyhow, even if we agree that Sinhalese developed from Tamil people; Sinhalese still can be regarded as distinctive ethnicity to Tamil. Just like Germans and English. But, Jaffna Tamils don’t have any distinctive difference between the Tamils in Tamilnadu. That is one strong indication that Tamils of Sri Lanka (almost all of them) came from Tamilnadu very recently.
Percy / November 5, 2017
So there were Tamils in Europe, Australia, America, Africa. And Australia? How stupid can you get? It is one thing to believe in your ethnicity but quite another to spread falsehoods so blatantly.
Rationalist / November 5, 2017
Percy – In Europe they were called Jews.
Douglas / November 4, 2017
Native Vedda: Thanks. Read the opening sentence of my comment. I know you will get what I meant. This subject of “Religion” has been made and become a very “USABLE & SALEABLE COMMODITY” to gain entry to “Power House”. A good and a “Living” example is S/L. So no wonder the S/L Constitution has to make mention of “Buddhism” is given the “Priority Place”. That is how for the last seven decades, it has been USED; SOLD; ABUSED and still CONTINUED unabated. Now for a “Buddhist”, it has become a daunting task to “RESURRECT” that great TEACHING from the “USURPER” gang of crooks and criminals, comprising Politicians, Academics, and Clergy.
Native Vedda / November 4, 2017
Thanks, my first and foremost responsibility is to liberate Buddhism from Sinhala/Buddhism. It is sad crooks are allowed to use, abuse, and misuse the teaching of the awakened one.
Keep up your good work.
Hamlet / November 5, 2017
Sinhala/Buddhism is not the Buddha’s Dhamma! Sinhala/Buddhists are not Buddhists!
How can a People who have no Maithree or Karuna towards the Unfortunate Rohingya Refugees, call themselves Buddhists?
Sirisena Yatawara / November 5, 2017
The political classes of SLFP leadership of SWRD, who advocated Federalism immediate after he was being politics of 1929.Even election of 1956 that MEP’s landslide victory under the SWRD had no mandate for Federalist State in North and East. Majority people has NOT given such mandate to MEP or SLFP Federal State in north was that an unimaginable to public at that time!
Which was that one of the key reasons Buddhist Monks who was protested to SWRD at front of his Resident-Rosemead place years 1957.
By his(SWRD) Federal policy of that debouch by granting to Federal status to North-east was unilateral decision by SWRD. Indeed SWRD – SJV accord or agreement with Federal party was uninspired to majority public and surprise for the modern politics history an Island.. That was the action taken by of leadership SWRD an unicameral act of undemocratic politics , was he inexorable from an inherit from British Colonialism-governances.
It was similar an unintelligent incident of history by later that leader of UNP Christen democracy of Ranil Wicks has been singe Accord in years 2002 with LTTE Pabaraken by uninterested of whole citizens of our Islanders .
The Current few members of CBK fraction that SLFP are now advocating “New Federalist” status to North -east by wide power from Central of administration in Colombo ———-to TNA -North.
New Federalism has no change of Old SWRD’ policies . His two -Daughters of Chandarake and Sunratha Banadarakes are anti-Sinhalese and for Pro -TNA federalist who are that pave way for Tamil self-rule an ingrained demand of Tamil secessionist of homeland in Sri lanka……..North.
There were an outfit of the Policy alternatives are ideological teaches of these two members of SLFP -CBK fractions.
There was hidden agenda for that SWRD’s political aspirations by , DNA that blood roots goes to Tamil decedent of generations. Current proposed that “New” constitution changes has complexes development since 1929?
Plato. / November 5, 2017
The Catalonia principle is totally irrelevant to Srilanka. Young Pathirana is comparing incomparables.
The North-East Region of Spain- Catalonia is a highly developed region of Spain.
In fact they have a higher standard of living.
Is the North-East region of Srilanka comparable?
Some of these present day academics write reports like Grama Sevaka Niladharis!