12 February, 2025


The Monk Against BBS Claims He Was Attacked And Robbed By BBS, BBS Denies The Allegation

Rev. Watareka Vijitha thero the Chief monk of the Mahaveli Maha Viharaya, Mahiyangana and Pradeshiya Sabha member was attacked by a group of unknown people this evening.  Wijitha thero has been expressing views against Bodu Bala Sena was attacked in Kegalle while traveling to Colombo.

Rev. Watareka Wijitha thero

The monk was getting threats and was in hiding but today he had gone to collect some documents and someone may have given a tip about his whereabouts sources told Colombo Telegraph. He was followed, attacked and robbed by the BBS, the monk told the police.

Chief Executive Officer of the Bodu Bala Sena Dilanthe Withanage denied the allegation. “We also just heard the story, apparently the monk has met with an accident in Kegalle, that is what we all know” Withanage told Colombo Telegraph.

Related story;

Before BBS Visit Muslim Families Packed Their Belongings And Left – Wijitha Thero

Latest comments

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    BBS = Terrorist.

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      Its better BBS to register as political party, all requirement met & can meet the Mahinda chinthanaya all code & conduct.Today Buddhism not meet the this century requirement therefore they try to hold what having nation is more enough or try to rewrite the Buddhist principle’s like Bible new version. The most respectable religious incumbent Malwatte chapter silent is the sock & actual Buddhist preaches not reach to non Buddhist. This is the time they can stand to retain the Lord Buddah & his principles on the earth again.

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    Yeah after you attack, kill threaten you just either forgot or deny it. Thats the Dumb Mahinda Chinthanaya.

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    This is the tactics of any Terrorist.
    either they deny the act or claim attack of someone else’ if its beneficial for them.
    Gota’s advise!

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    The attack on this Buddhist monk has been changed to accident by cronies/puppets to hide the truth!!! Now the BBS who say they are trying to re-establish Buddhism in SL are attacking their own kind!!! Whither Buddhism!!!

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    Good to see the jerks fighting with each other.

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      I wouldn’t call him a jerk if i was you. Not all monks are jerks, and he is one example. #muchrespect.

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      Rifkha, you are a bad bad boy.

      This monk is a true buddhist and he says and acts according to what he preaches unlike the pseudo monk thugs of the BBS.

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      Listen to the Venerable Monk Watareka Vigitha Thereo. He is a True Buddhist Monk following the Buddha Dhamma, the Teachings.

      May I suggest you check out the facts beforehand.

      That is why the BBS, those Monks following Mara, attacked the true Buddhist Monk.


      What is Buddhism?



      Watareka wijitha thero බොදුබලසේනාවට විරුද්දව දැන් කටපත්ත අදින හම්

      Chief guest speech Rev. Watareka wijitha thero.


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      Sincere apologies for that. Didn’t know the background of this monk. Seems he is a good man. I take back my words. Thanks for pointing out.

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        Try yo know the difference. Knowledge is power.

        There is Good and there is Bad or Evil.

        There is good, Buddha’s teachings, and there is bad, Mara’s teachings,e.g. BBS.

        There is good, Allah’s Revelations teachings, and there is bad, Satan’s teachings,e.g. Wahhabi, Salafi and Deobandi

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          I agree !!

        • 0

          Brother Amarasiri,
          I agree 100% with your opinion. We as human are pulled from two forces. One, good and another, Bad. However I would like to clarify one aspect. Wahabi, Salafi and Deobandi are not categories or entities that fall into the Evil or Bad side of a Human behaviour. You might have got this idea from BBS speeches where I saw a Monk commenting negative things about Wahabi and Salafi.

          If so these are the same people who said that it is mentioned in the Holy Quran that we are supposed to spit three times into the food before we serve it to a Non Muslim, which is utter nonsense. I don’t want to go into details coz I’ll be diverting from my point.

          Wahabi, Salafi is a sect in Islam. It is not an organization or Group such as Al Qaeda or Taliban. We all believe in the same “one” God and the beloved prophet Muhammed (may peace be upon him), we have small differences in certain aspects such as sighting the moon to begin and end the Islamic month.

          Deobandi, is a person who passes out from the Islamic School (Madrasa) called Darul Uloom Deoband situated in Deoband India. Therefore any Respected Scholar of Islam who passes out from Deoband will have the TAG Deobandi after their name. This is a direct identification of their place of qualification. Same applies to which ever Madrasa they pas out from.
          eg. Makki (Mekkah), Madani (Medinah), Azhari (Azhar University – Egypt)

          However, you may have derived your opinion from websites that carries these names to promote terror or hatred among us. Tomorrow if a terror group starts an organization under the name “Royalists”, we cannot identify all pass and present students of royal college under this group can we.

          Why I want to pinpoint this is because in Sri Lana you will come across many people saying they are Salafis, Wahabis. This means their Islamic Practices and beliefs are according to Salafism or Wahabism.

          And tomorrow you might meet a Respected Scholar of Islam who for example is Siraj – Deobandi. Please guys don’t beat this guy up thinking he’s a promoter of terror ;-)

          May peace prevail in our Big Family called Sri Lanka.

          • 0

            Good that you have explained to us a few lines above that Wahhabis and Salafist are sects of Islam and they too have their right to their belief. I fully agree with you if only Wahhabis and Salafists reciprocate that argument with others.

            You should know better than I that Ahmadiya and Qadiri Sufi are also sects of Islam. How do your seems reasonable sect of Wahhabis treated

            Did not Wahhabi thugs of ACJU made a shooting and grenade attack on a Sufi Meditation Centre at Kattankudy in 1996. Did not 500 or so Wahhabi Jihadis not set fire to it along with homes and businesses owned by Sufis at 12:30 p.m. on October 31, 2004. One Sufi was shot and killed while another was wounded by gunfire. Then on December 1, 2006, did not Wahhabis dug the grave of Sufi saint M.S.M. Abdullah(Rah) and remove his cropse. Did not the Wahhabi Thawheed destroyed a 150-year old shrine in the city of Ukuwela in February 2009. Did not two Muslims killed and 40 Muslims injured by Thawheed at the Bukhari Thakkiya mosque in Beruwala. Did not Wahhabi ACJU official ulema and its appointed village authorities attempted unsuccessfully to prevent 200 members of Thareekathul Mufliheen celebrating a Sufi festival in their mosque in Kattankudy in 2008. These are only some of the Jihadi tactic of Wahabis.

            And you say “May Allah Guide them (Wahhabis) in the Right Path.

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              To Sufi Muslim,
              I presume you’re a muslim. My doubts arises from your question regarding Qadiyani as they are clearly mentioned as non muslims. Furthermore you place your argument on incidents. Don’t you think a Wahabi can also call the sufis a bunch of thugs who killed two people. Let’s not go into details. However be un-biased in your opinion. My point was that none of the two groups belong to a terror organization. And I have given my reasons in my previous reply.

              According to your view both of them belong to a terror organization. Although you claim only wahabis belong to it.

              I don’t belong to any of the two but for the sake of brother hood try to amend your differences and unite for the sake of the country and for Ummah. People like you only create a fire and run way. It’s other who get affected.

              My point here was to point out the details to the non muslims.

          • 0

            You are saying ‘spitting three times into the food before we serve it to a Non Muslim is not in the Koran’. May be it serves as a conciliation to Muslims in hotel and food industry for as otherwise non-Muslims (90%) may boycott your eateries and food items. To be honest, I do not know about ‘spitting’ in the Koran nut I can vouch there are worst writing in the Koran than a simple ‘spitting’. Suffix to say the Koran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule leave out their context.

            I can understand your effort to defend Wahhabis against their violent attacks on moderate Muslim sect. Educate us on the context Allah said it, but I have read in the Koran somewhere that Muslims who do not join the fight against infidels and kafirs are called ‘hypocrites’ and warned that Allah will send them to hell if they do not join the slaughter.

            • 0

              Well first of all the Holy Quran was revealed over 1400 years back. It serves all mankind till the end of this world. It is a user manual to the products, by the creator of the products. It guides a person from birth to his eternal life. It teaches us every minute detail. Eg. How to treat your neighbour, how to do business transaction, how to govern, even small matters such toilet manners. I can continue to many pages if I am to explain it in details.

              You claim there are 109 verses in the Holy Quran that asks all Muslims to go for war against the non believers. Let’s presume there are. Have you read the balance 6557 verses. Did you know there are 6666 verses in the Holy Quran. Obviously you have to read through each and every verse to select and take out the verses you claim are encouraging killing non muslims. Or did you google it and got it our from an Anti Islamic site?

              Please don’t be fooled by your own arrogance and hatred towards a person or religion. If you actually read throughout the Quran you’ll understand what it actually means. If you quote it out of context, there is definitely going to be verses with detrimental meanings.

              At this day and age where we have the brains to operate a computer and surf the net, it is unimaginable why humans actually stoop down to such levels where by claiming things that do not exist, they only make a fool out of them selves.

              If you want to prove me wrong, read through the translation of the Quran and come up with one verse that says kill anybody (not just non muslims) for no reason. If you really like to learn your facts, please refer to speeches by Dr.Zakir Naik. You’ll find so many lectures and question and answer sessions with Non muslims. Most of your doubts will be answered or at least you’ll get your facts right.

              For the sake of everybody, please don’t spread hatred.

    • 0

      Rifkha, you should mind what you say. We as Muslims cannot hurt the feelings of our brothers and sisters who follow another religion. Wijitha Thero is an example of true Buddhism unlike so many others who sell the name of Buddhism to promote hatred among communities and divert attention for their own benefits.

      Also please see the comments by so many Buddhist here. They don’t support racial disharmony. This shows only a handful of biased, uneducated or intolerant group of Buddhist are causing this situation. Please avoid spreading hatred among our communities and encourage peace and harmony as true followers of Islam.

      • 0

        what Rifkha is trying to say is that there is going to be two factions of Sinhala Buddhism. leading to violence and blood shed between these two factions.Things are going to turn really nasty with monks shooting monks and Sinhala people taking sides getting involved.

        It will be interesting to see how the army and police react when violence break out between monks Will they be under order to take side with the BBS Sinhala Buddhism or the Moderate Sinhala Buddhism. I bet they will be protecting the BBS faction

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        Please see my 2nd comment. I am quite aware of brotherhood, peace and harmony and not here to spread hated.

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        My above reply is to Muhammed.

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          Yes, Rifkha it is clearly understood that you mentioned your first comment without finding the facts, of course we all are emotional when our religion is concerned. You did the right thing by Accepting your mistake, after all we all make mistakes.

          Why I brought it up was, I didn’t want the Buddhist brothers and sisters to be offended. This Honourable Monk is a treasure to our country. Imagine the guts he had to speak out the truth while SOME of his superiors and SOME followers were talking the total opposite and creating propaganda.

          May Allah Guide him in the Right Path.

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    Get well ahead off the threats yours is the victory, Wijitha thero you are the lover of the masses.

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    When the BBS told the Truth?
    They are well trained by the head of the chain if command “GOTA”

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    Sunni vs Shite in Muslim Religion
    Is Sinhala Buddhism going down that path Hardline Buddism and Moderate Buddhism? Beginning of an Interesting development that may lead to violence within

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    BBS the front line terrorists for the regime. The word Buddhism should not apply to the BBS, because they do not represent the true teachings of Lord Buddha, but instead do the work of the yakkas.

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      Sinhellists (BBS/JHU/SR) can be compared to the philosophy of Zionism. Nothing close to Buddhism. In time the Sinhellists will destroy Buddhism just as the Zionists destroying the Jewish faith.

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        Just read what’s happening to Arab spring countries to guuge who is being destroyed. Spanish type of inquisition is installed this time in a new way by the US and its allies – Muslims killing Muslims. I suppose that’s the idea of empowering the Wahhabi dictator Saudis over moderate dictators like Qaddafi, Assad and the like. Good to see the end of this vile religion.

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    Dilantha Withanage has used the same euphemism used by the CIA and Mossad. They are masters at bumping off opponents and making it look like accidents. Withanage calls the beating an ‘accident’. Dilantha is learning fast how best to cover up BBS excesses.

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    Even the monks are not spared by BBS. What hypocrisy?

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      wonder what the Mahanayaka’s have to say about this. and what course of action they gonna take to stop terrorist BBS from taking law unto their hands and assault A decent Thero who spoke the truth.. What action the police took on behalf of a Moderate thero is yet to be known… BBS need to be put in place.. who is Dilantha to be involved in local politics tho he represents a Religious Organization? He lies through his back side EVERYTIME he is put on the spot… A liar to the core and an Agent of the CIA and the Norwegian govt….

      Wonder when the masses will take up sticks and stones and chase the BBS into the jungles for them to start life as hermits… Their hormones seem to be messing em up with rich food that they are served with.. NOT EARNED…pingutharayos…

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      sure that is the reason… without a doubt… and Dilantha says he would of met with an accident… I so wish someone beats te ecrap out of Dilantha and say he may have met with an accident..Sooner than later its gonna happen….

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    BBS – Buddhist Monk Terrorist at least now the Government should consider What to do with BBS Because now they attack their own people so what is going on? Mr. President

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      Hitlerpaksha (a.k.a. Idin Mahin) will say Vijitha Thero attacked himself to bring disrepute to BALU Bala Sena Group of Companies headed by GOATA ??

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    “Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people”. This is how the opium sellers fight with each other for the ownership of their customers!

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    Blessings on Wijitha Thero for speaking the truth –

    ‘..for the truth there is always a price to pay’.

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    BBS trying to be the ‘know it all’ and ‘said it all’ for this country. They are bound to create more enemies of their own kind than even the minority communities combined. No opposing views to BBS is being tolerated, they demand respect to be the sole representatives of the Sangha and the majority community. Verbally attacking all opposing views by Ministers, Members of Parliament in appalling manner. This is clearly promoted by the regime to take place (by proxy) in a controlled environment (without the weaponry) to suit or satisfy their whims and fancies, and also to keep the minorities in check. In short, a secret police to do their bidding, by arrogating to itself complete political power at will.

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      see my posting above

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    I heard a few speeches of this Buddihst Priest. For me he is an amazing person and a true Buddhist. He is an expample to all of us. Sri Lanka needs some more Buddhist Priests of the calibre.


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    BBS Badu Balu Sena is the Rajapakse’s new “Republican Guard unit”.
    The terror “Kalliya” unit of Rajapakses to protect their Dynasty, Loot and their ruling power base.

    All the opposition parties should help this monk to file a case in the UN and CW on this new BBS terror outfit.

    BBS should be added to the Terror list of International community, before they bring down the whole country.

    Very soon you will hear their new Buddhist Terrorist Sharia Law in Sri Lanka. It is in the making. Get ready to eat Thanakola…..Grass.

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      I just cannot understand why you guys ignore Muslim Brotherhood supporters burning over 40 Christian churches in Egypt as reported by the western press. Still more you haven’t seen the new about that 10-year-old Coptic girl who shot through the heart while walking home from church.

      But you visualize a lot of violence in Sri Lanka. BBS meetings or rhetoric has not killed anyone anywhere to date. But you want to list BBS as a terror outfit. You are not just a bigot but mad.

      I say, likes of you should write more and in Sinhala. The more you write, more Sinhala Buddhists will turn nationalist. And more people will rally around BBS and the like and anti national and evangelical UNP vote base will go down and MR can win elections hands down. The way to go.

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    It has come to a situation now, you cannot criticize the Executive, you cannot criticize the government politicians and you cannot criticize the almighty BBS without consequences in this five star democratic socialist country, the Miracle of Asia. This is quite evident with the attack on Rev. Watareka Wijitha thero, attacks on journalists, and political opponents of the regime.

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