30 April, 2024


The Radical Buddhist Monks And Their Goal

By R.M.B Senanayake –

R.M.B. Senanayake

R.M.B. Senanayake

I refer to Mr. Kalana Senaratne’s analysis and explanation of the radicalization of Buddhist monks and the emergence of extremist organizations such as the Bodu Bala Sena.

I have a different explanation of this social phenomenon. This is a sociological explanation and not a passing of judgment.

The Buddhist monks had traditionally occupied a place of honor and prestige in society. With such prestige also went power – soft power but nevertheless power. But with the colonial occupations they lost such position. They saw that Independence in 1948 only gave power to westernized secular liberal political elite who did not provide for the restoration of their former special position.

They had Anagarika Dharmapala to inspire them to look for a revival of Buddhist supremacy and hegemony in the State –really it is hegemony for the Buddhist monks.  I am quoting from Wikipedia about the Anagarika.

Dharmapala and his associates very much encouraged and contributed to something aptly called the “ethnocratic state.”

BBS CMBWhat he wanted was the restoration of the primacy of Buddhism as the religion of the State. SWRD realized the potential of this Buddhist revivalist movement and harnessed it for his own political ride to power. But he over-estimated his ability to direct and control the movement. He believed in the western liberal values unlike those who have not imbibed these values and who would come to power with time in a society where the medium of education was in the Sinhala language. A language is more than a means of communication. It is a vehicle of culture as well. Of course SWRD adopted Buddhism as his religion to get political legitimacy in the newly emerging society.

Meanwhile the agitation for the restoration of Buddhism to the position it occupied during the Sinhala kings continued. The cry was raised that Christian denominational schools should be taken over by the State. Sirimavo could not resist the demand and the schools were taken over. In 1972 the provision was included to give a special place to Buddhism. For all practical purposes Buddhism became the state religion. But there was the Article in the Constitution not to infringe the freedom of practice of other religions. The Prohibition of Forcible Conversions law sought to restrict the right of Buddhists to adopt any other religion. Sinhala Buddhist hegemony ideology does not allow for the conversion of Buddhists to any other religion. This is still an issue. But the evangelical Christian missionaries have not stopped their missionary activity. So what the law could not do, has to be  done by unleashing violence against the Christians provided the State ensured that the culprits would not be held accountable under the law and could act with impunity. It is this tactic that the BBS is now engaged in.

Buddhism was and is more a cultural feature of the Sinhala people rather than a religion  practiced for its teachings. So Buddhist religious practice is more a matter of rituals and the large majority of Buddhists merely pay lip service to its tenets- the Dhamma. This explains the rampant evils and violence among the Sinhala Buddhists. Culture is an expression of a people’s identity. It creates its own history. But culture is power and the present regime was elected by the Sinhala Buddhists who look for the hegemony of their culture.

The Sinhala Buddhist hegemony ideology wants the minorities not to ask for equal status but to accept an inferior status where they live on sufferance of the Buddhists. They cannot have rights. The first conflict arose with the Tamils. They wanted parity for Tamil as an official language. When this was refused they pressed the demand for federalism. But the ideology of Sinhala Buddhist hegemony cannot accept federalism. Small states generally are averse to devolution of power preferring a strong central state instead. When non-violent agitations of the Tamils were ignored and ridiculed, the Tamil youth resorted to arms and we had the 30 years war. The opposition to any concessions to the Tamils was always the Buddhist monks but all scholars have ignored this the most important factor in the ethnic problem.

The war was a triumph for Sinhala Buddhism. It was fought for the hegemony of the Sinhala Buddhists. It marked the end of Tamil nationalism.

The liberal democratic State is no part of the ideology of Sinhala Buddhist hegemony. Under the Sinhala kings society was hierarchical where each man had his place based on caste and rank. Buddhist monks know nothing about western liberal democratic values such as the Rule of Law which are alien to Sinhala Buddhist culture. Nor do they care for them.

But now the Western Powers who wanted a peaceful resolution of the ethnic conflict insist on a resolution of the Tamil grievances through some form of autonomy to be given to them. To those who consider that the war was won by the Sinhala Buddhists by their prowess it is an unjust demand, an unnecessary interference by the so-called International Community. The Government has refused to accept the Resolution of the United Nations and has condemned it as a violation of the sovereignty of the Sinhala Buddhist State. Generally the triumph of nationalism produces a euphoria which leads the nationalist state to launch into imperialist adventures abroad. When Germany was unified the Germans felt their new power and launched into wars against the traditional enemy –the French. When nationalism triumphed with the unification of Italy, the Italian national state launched imperialist adventures into North Africa. So triumphalism and militancy is an outgrowth of a nationalist victory whether the enemy is internal or external. So the forces that won the war- the Sinhala Buddhist military and the Sinhala Buddhist leadership from the Ruhuna cannot afford to give up the ‘spoils’ of war.  These forces know that their gains are under threat from the UN Resolution and from India. These parties want the victorious nationalist State to hand over power to the Tamils for some sort of self governance. But those who won the war think the Tamils now have no claim for any concessions since they lost the war. So they do not and will not make any meaningful concessions except under duress from India. Why should they do so, for it would reduce the war victory to  a pyrrhic victory. After all the Tamil demands could have been conceded in the B-C Pact or in the Agreement between Dudley Senanayake and Chelveynayagam in 1966. Who stood against them? The Buddhist monks of course. I was told ( I have not been able to verify it) that in 1983 when the pogrom against the Tamils took place for several days and President Jayawardene wanted to declare emergency and curfew, a well-known Buddhist monk camped outside his house and warned him not to do so. Surely all the subsequent  bloodshed could have been avoided. So to justify the war and its results is there any scope for acceding to Tamil demands? Sinhala Buddhist hegemony is the rationale for waging the war and this task cannot be compromised in the eyes of the Buddhist monks the guardians of Sinhala Buddhist identity.

So the forces that won the war also think that the Sinhala Buddhist hegemony must be restored completely and now. The Tamil opposition to such hegemony has been defeated and will not be allowed to rear its head again since the military occupation of the north will continue forever. Who else will oppose the Sinhala Buddhist hegemony apart from the Tamils? There are two other minorities who don’t seem to accept Sinhala Buddhist ideology of hegemony. These are the Muslims and the Christians. The Muslims have become radicalized in the rest of the world and have a belief that Islam will triumph throughout the world once again as in the past. I quote from Wikipedia “

In 1912 Dharmapala wrote:”The Muhammedans, an alien people, by shylockian methods become prosperous like Jews. The Sinhala sons of the soil, whose ancestors for 2358 years had shed rivers of blood to keep the country free of alien invaders … are in the eyes of the British only vagabonds. The Alien South Indian Muhammedan come to Ceylon, sees the neglected villager, without any experience in trade … and the result is that the Muhammedan thrives and the sons of the soil go to the wall. (Wikipedia)

The Muslims and the Christians have strong religious convictions which they will not give up easily. They will oppose any restrictions on their religious practices and religious freedom. The Muslims have been radicalized in the Middle East and they believe that Islam will conquer the world as it once did. The end of the Cold War left a vacuum and it has led to a rejuvenation of Islam.  The Muslims have become radicalized in the rest of the world and have a belief that Islam will triumph once again as the past. The radicalization of Muslims elsewhere in the world has had its effects in Sri Lanka. A new form of Islam called “Wahabism” with its source of inspiration in Saudi Arabia seems to have entered the local scene as well.

New lifestyles have been adopted by many Muslims and they have spread to Sri Lanka as well. New mosques with new architecture derived from the Middle East have been constructed. It would appear that “Wahabism”, a form of extreme Islam which originated in Saudi Arabia is spreading in Sri Lanka. New banking systems have been introduced to cater to Muslims. There is of course nothing wrong as there is no resort to violence. There is no such violence in Sri Lanka. But the Muslims will have to accept the hegemony of the Sinhala Buddhists and live on sufferance, as was once expressed by General Fonseka when he was still part of the military. The military reflects the same view. They would not want their hard won victory to be lost in the peace. They want to wipe out the Tamil demand by colonizing the North with Sinhalese. This type of policy was practiced in several pluralistic societies including the former Turkish Empire. But such efforts have all failed.

The Christians will be forced to accept Buddhist hegemony. They will at most be allowed to practice the religion but not to indulge in missionary efforts to convert Buddhists. They also believe in a messianic future where Jesus Christ would retain to earth to establish the Kingdom of God on earth where the wicked and evil will have no part having already perished.

But both religions are missionary in outlook and will not compromise on religious beliefs and practices. Or in their missionary goals. But they are so small in numbers relatively that they would have to accept Sinhala Buddhist hegemony. So the present agitation against them by radical Buddhist monks will continue and the Sinhala Buddhist State and the Sinhala Buddhist military dare not oppose their attempt to establish Sinhala Buddhist hegemony. So internally the establishment of Sinhala   Buddhist hegemony may not be a problem as long as the military holds sway and the Rule of Law is dispensed with. The Police too have become the police of the ruling party and will do its bidding.

But the thorn in the flesh of the hegemonists is India. The traditional foreign policy of the Sinhalese kings was to ally with the ‘’enemies’ enemy. So when the Portuguese became a threat to Sinhala Buddhist hegemony the Sinhala kings sought the support of the Dutch who were competing for the trade from the East. Even prior to the Western colonials the Sinhalese kings went to South India to get military support even in their internal dynastic disputes. The type of diplomacy included deception and even deceit. After all there was nothing wrong in deceiving the enemy. The appropriate foreign policy today is naturally to woo the Chinese who are considered a threat both to India as well as the West. So the Government may well look towards some sort of military pact with the Chinese.

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  • 3

    No one can deny that SL is a sinhalese buddhist country and we rule here. not these stupid minorities.

    minorities should dance to our tunes.

    now moda vedda and amASSiri, you minority fools can keep ur mouth and [Edited out] shut

    • 9

      This seem s to be the motto of MR regime,
      but there are masses that would not respect that. Wait and see, how it u turn for Medemulana Raja… days are numbered.

    • 15

      Ela kolla@ and brain sick people of the lost island:
      (I consider Ela kolla should be rotten person, being unable to come out of srilanka)

      if you consider you are a brain healthy person,

      ask yourself who you are ? I know this is a difficult task for many
      :answer is srilanken

      ask your neigbhours who he is
      :answer would be also srilanken (if not you are living on a tourist hotel)

      ask your colleagues who they are
      :answer would be again be srilanken

      So how can you label SL as “sinhalese buddhist country”. If you are not a mental case, this you should have learnt in your younger days.

      Besides, in the same manner.. it is not right to call SL
      a) Tamil hindu country
      b) Tamil christan country
      c) Muslim country
      d) any other namings

      These basics, you the ilk appear to be not getting even if you belong to literate groups in the country.

      I am born buddhist, but I have never called myself a sinhalese buddhist.
      All these idiots to spread this kind of namings to identify us widen the gap between our own folks. So what talks about the between us and international communities.

      • 2

        Hinnihamy Jayathilaka, you are an yet another fool in a foreign soil washing their toilets..

        • 1

          Wild boars of your kind are the plenty specially in southern part of the country. Those who are in power today by the name of ” Rajapakshes” are your representatives – THIS IS MERE TRUTH. But to represent us the masses – that would seek peace and harmony among all folks (regardless of religions, caste, skin colour, and the like) we would prefer Rajapskshe to be removed by god´s power or any possible means.
          Enough is enough, we have been watching closely, how his regime has managed to win the hearts and minds of the IC, and doing all unethical as ehtical to twist the mind sets of poor majorities only for one reason – which is consolidating power through all abusive tricks. Rural masses that make up over 70% are innocient, gullible, gaping, vulnerable. They have no time to read updates of govts whatever the epidemy they would instroduce to the country.

          “you are an yet another fool in a foreign soil washing their toilets”
          This tells us everything – if you open up your voices against you and your Rajapakshe, you are branded as ” imperialists”, “dollar greedy NGO worker” etc, but putting every group in the same drawyer, this is the narrow mindedness that brought us the nation cornered also inthe last month´s UNHRC sessions. We must join hands with india if we need to defeat whatever inthe future. Else, we are going to be a cornered nation, Wake up wake up

    • 10

      R.M.B Senanayake,

      Thank you very much for your enlightenment about the Sinhala Buddhist Hegemony and it’s modus operandi today.

      Buddhist monks are the most ignorant of the world today: They are hell bent on taking Sri Lanka to the dark ages. Same in Myanmar too.

      Sinhala rulers and the armed forces are playing to these monks’ tune: They committed mass murders of both Sinhalese and Tamils in the name of Sinhala Buddhist hegemony.

      Is the modern world prepared to go along with these demons in this day and age?

      Let’s wait and see what Modi’s answer to this Sinhala Buddhist mania.

      • 1

        The writer states ‘This is a sociological explanation and not a passing of judgment’.

        Don’t try and hitch it to your racist Eelam bandwagon.

        • 3

          Ten Cents

          “Don’t try and hitch it to your racist Eelam bandwagon.”

          Why Eelam bandwagon is racist and why are you stopping Thiru to hitch it?

          Is their any difference between Thiru’s Eelam bandwagon and Sinhala/Buddhist one nation?

          I don’t understand why you people are kicking a big fuss about nothing.

      • 6

        I’m not sure whether Modi becoming PM will help Tamil’s cause notwithstanding the fact V Gopalsamy Naidu(Vaiko) presence in the alliance. Probably he may stop supplying weapons to SL just like Vajpayee did. Other than this I dont have much expectations….

    • 0

      Gnana’s Kolu petiya ,hope you are walking straight.

    • 1

      Para-ela kolla, Lorenzo, Jim Softy and other Avatars,

      El-kolla, hope the monks did not abuse you.

      Child Abuse by a Monk in Habaraduwa. You can liberation by going to South India.


      What are the facts pertaining to Lanka? So, this is Amarasiri’s Poster, which Amarasiri wants on every wall in Lanka. Those Paras who cannot live as Egalitarian members of society, in keeping with the Native Veddah culture and Ethics, are requested to leave for their Native Land, South India, as proved by DNA analysis of the Paras.


















      Lanka will be peaceful, and the Naive Veddah can live in an environmentally friendly manner. No more Para Wars.



      • 0

        amASSiri,it’s a known fact that you have been a alter boy. it’s also a known fact that you are still having nightmares about those dark days.
        it’s time for you to forget your past and move on

        • 0

          Para ela-kolla – Lorenzo, Jim Softy and Avatars,

          “amASSiri,it’s a known fact that you have been a alter boy.”

          INCORRECT. Amarasiri has NEVER been an Alter Boy.

          When can NATIVE VEDDAH AETHHO Expect the Paras to leave for South India?





          Lanka will be peaceful, and the Naive Veddah can live in an environmentally friendly manner. No more Para Wars.

      • 0

        This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

    • 1

      Well said Ela Kolla.

      We will go back to Arabia. Tamil will go back to Tamil Nadu.

      You can go back to Orissa!

  • 10

    ela kolla

    “No one can deny that SL is a sinhalese buddhist country and we rule here. not these stupid minorities.”

    Are you sure this island is a Sinhala/Buddhist country?

    And why?

    Is it because you have more stupid people than the other minorities put together?

    “now moda vedda and amASSiri, you minority fools can keep ur mouth and [Edited out] shut”

    I always keep my mouth shut and keep my senses alert unlike you stupid people. You keep your mouth open for the birds and insects to empty their tummy.

    • 2

      Dear Native when u sleep u r head must be facing northwards….U r brain work fast like northerners…

    • 2

      vedda, we need a Cyril Mathew now……we don’t need MR….i’m sure you are a tamil and hope you might have suffered in 83 riots…

      • 4

        ela kolla

        “we need a Cyril Mathew now”

        Why do you need him now?

        “we don’t need MR”

        Did MR refuse to burn down the Jaffna Library?

        “i’m sure you are a tamil and hope you might have suffered in 83 riots…”

        Don’t insult me.

        Were you looking for Tamils in 1983 and looting their properties? Under which saffron clad thug did you do what you did during the riots?

        Were you with Cyril Mathew when the library was burnt down?

        • 0

          Vedda, we need cyril mathew type of nationalist to rise because MR doesn’t seem to fulfill our aspirations other than winning the war and crushing tamnil terrorism.

          Vedaa, you tamil/muslim hybrid, you should be pusnished in a uprising.

          i dont mind burning down jaffna libray along with jaffna university because then you vedda (tamil/muslim hybrid) can’t hide their to face a cyril mathew army along with your buddy poosaries and lebbes

          • 1

            Ela kolla – the gonthadiya of the nation: You should be awarded the medal soon – awaiting :) ha ha People you represent are the idiots got to see on the TV screens lately in Hambantota.

            What is the greater difference between “Siril Mathew” and “Rajapakshes”?
            Former killed just few dozens, while the latter thousands or uncountable avalanche of people. SO today entire world is against him

            Besides, Rajapakshe Oligarchy have all kind of abusive men and women (from his house to close and far relative circles )

            23 + 12 out of 47 UNHRC(75%) to go against small Island nation(one known to be one of the nicest place to the many on this universe) proved all abilities of Maharaja.

      • 0

        This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

  • 5

    The monk who assassinated SWRD was baptized in prison. He was no doubt a christian all along.

    There are no entry qualifications for monkhood. Any lunatic can become a monk. This includes conspirators who just want to damage the institution from within. There are many who say BBS is a similar Trojan horse.

    • 1

      This is what Dharmapala said:

      “This bright, beautiful island was made into a Paradise by the Aryan Sinhalese before its destruction was brought about by the barbaric vandals. Its people did not know irreligion … Christianity and polytheism [i.e. Hinduism] are responsible for the vulgar practices of killing animals, stealing, prostitution, licentiousness, lying and drunkenness … The ancient, historic, refined people, under the diabolism of vicious paganism, introduced by the British administrators, are now declining slowly away”

      “The Muhammedans, an alien people, … by shylockian methods become prosperous like Jews. The Sinhala sons of the soil, whose ancestors for 2358 years had shed rivers of blood to keep the country free of alien invaders … are in the eyes of the British only vagabonds. The Alien South Indian Muhammedan come to Ceylon, sees the neglected villager, without any experience in trade … and the result is that the Muhammedan thrives and the sons of the soil go to the wall.”

      • 4

        Hello there whats your name, Robert is it?

        Dharmapala akin to his contemporary such as the ‘Dravidian’ Periyar was a cultural revivalist. Periyar said similar things about Brahmins, Moslems and Christians.

        The difference between the two is that Sinhala Dharmapala only spurn fringe groups such as BBS. He has no mainstream following.

        The Dravidian Periyar on the other hand inspire both Dravidian parties as well as the local Tamil nazi, the TNA. Periyar, the Tamil Nazi not only has a following in mainstream, his ideology was behind terrorism banned in 52 countries.

      • 2

        Robert, Anagarika Dharmapala was talking about the social situation in a conquered nation over a century ago. It is ridiculous to use his quotes to attack him in the present social context.

    • 4

      “The monk who assassinated SWRD was baptized in prison. He was no doubt a christian all along.”
      Solomon West Ridgeway Dias Bandaranayake – was not he a Christian and had tamil connection?

  • 8


    “Any lunatic can become a monk.”

    If that is the case why didn’t you become a monk?

    • 3

      You got him!

    • 3


      I am more than convinced that Vibhushana and Dharshini Retnavalli are same person; what do you think?

      • 0


        “I am more than convinced that Vibhushana and Dharshini Retnavalli are same person; what do you think?”

        Vibhushana has gone gaga whereas Child Dharshini going gaga.

    • 2

      I would rather Vibushana remains a lunatic isntead of becoming a lunatic monk

  • 2

    ‘New lifestyles have been adopted by many Muslims and they have spread to Sri Lanka as well. New mosques with new architecture derived from the Middle East have been constructed. It would appear that “Wahabism”, a form of extreme Islam which originated in Saudi Arabia is spreading in Sri Lanka. New banking systems have been introduced to cater to Muslims.’

    This is a common misconception from the poit of view of non-muslims. In reality Muslims have become disillusioned with the western lifestyles, permissiveness and corruption. We have opted to adopt the lifestyle of the Prophet PBUH.

    We find that the pristine practices of the Islam are far superior to the current mixture being followed, simply apeing the west. The financial system of Islam based on profit sharing is far superior to the western system based on debt and interest.

    The Islamic dress code is far more modest and prevents sexual attraction and reduces sex related crimes. Islamic burial rites are eco-friendly and not a strain on the finances of the family. There are many benefits including peace of mind and contentment which are not seen by outsiders.

    • 4


      Islamic Dress code is to oppress women. AS I heard those muslims women are also just like any other women in the world. they like men watching them. They like to show their body parts. When they have the opportunity they do that. Not only that, They even sleep with foreigners if they were caught at the right time or the right place. But, at least by chance, if the act was caught, they would scream saying that he is raping me.

      On the other hand, Islam wants men to marry more than one woman. The reason is to propagate the religion. Muslim men think their woman house keeper is a slave so they can rape her. See how different it is for men and women.

      Muslim society also has rape. but, it is in a different way.

      Muslim Dress code suits DESERT – middle eastern climate.

  • 3

    “No one can deny that SL is a sinhalese buddhist country and we rule here. not these stupid minorities.”

    I don’t know about the ‘Sinhala Buddhist’ country. There may be more Sinhala speaking ‘Buddhists’ in Sri Lanka, but everyone who lives and are entitled to Citizenship and the Vote, are Citizens of this Socialist Democratic Republic too.

    They are entitled to all the Rights and Privileges that the People who support the Present Government enjoy.

    The duty of an Opposition in a Democracy, is to bring to the Notice of the General Public all activities of a current Government, that does not appear to be in the best Interests of the Country and its Citizens.

    Otherwise why call ourselves a Democracy, which by definition is a Government By the People, For the People, not just for the Ethnic supporters of the ruling Party and its so-called ‘Religion’.

    • 4


      “They are entitled to all the Rights and Privileges that the People who support the Present Government enjoy.”

      Yours is a normative statement.

      How do you propose to achieve it? It sounds like you are striving to build Ramraj, Kingdom of Jesus, Khalifa Kingdom, Buddhist kingdom and should be confined as Utopian ideas.

      While talking about rights and privileges JVP terrorists are more privileged than the innocent Tamil victims of the war. It seems JVP terrorists have more right to remember its fallen comrades than the victims of war in North East who are banned from grieving their dead innocent kith and kin.

      Read the link below:

      Remembering fallen comrades


      I see double standards is being practiced by Sinhala/Buddhists.

  • 3

    BBS is nothing but group of thug monks created by MaRa to get petty political advantage at the expense of the country.

    – MR will use BBS to attck muslims, christians, tamils to get majority buddhist votes.

    – MR will use BBS to attack UNP even siri kotha itself.

    – MR will use BBS to side line the Mahanayake’s and replace them with BBS.

    MR & Family will rule the country forever.

  • 4

    Look at this poor Buddha and his sufferings in the hands of those who came from carnivorous Lion. It is true that the jungle law is the way of life of this animal born creatures. What can he do other than shed bleeding tears.

  • 5

    A realistic assessment!

  • 4

    A fundamental Buddhist principal is that we all should respect and treat one another equally. Buddhists are enjoined to respect all nations of the world, all races, social classes, genders, and ages among people. Two thousand five hundred years ago in India, the Buddha said, “When the rivers run into the sea, they all lose their separate names; when the four castes enter into Buddhism, they lose all distinctions among them.” Because of this inherent equality in Buddhism, monastics and believers during and after the time of the Buddha were able to unite and carry the teachings of the Buddha to every corner of India. From India, Buddhism has spread easily and quickly throughout the world. Because Buddhists believe in the fundamental equality of all cultures, they are able to respect and adapt readily to the ways of other people. In all of human history, there never has been a war fought over Buddhism. Buddhism teaches very clearly that when there is first respect and a sense of equality among people, there will never be war among them. This is the prescription for peace and progress.

    If today’s Buddhist Priests do not understand the above teaching of Buddha they have to remove their robes and find something else to wear.

    • 1


      buddhists were buddhists. That is why Islamic conquests set fire to the Nalanda Library and killed thousands of buddhists monks lived in those places.

      Hindukush is where muslims slaughters hindus and sent them to the heavens. That is why the name Hindukush.

      Buddhists should live and must escape the live slaughter by muslims and evangelists.

      • 2

        Did you read my passage carefully? I never said Buddhists should not live, all I say is what Lord Buddha preached every religion and every language and every person is equal. If the Buddhist truly follow Lord Buddha’s teaching then they should follow it, not use abusive unparliamentary languages against other religious elders and priests. Above all are you blind to the video clip where Balu Bala Sena Gonsara Thero raising his hand to slap another priest who is older than him?

  • 2

    From where ever he is living, R. M. B. Senanayake is talking like frog in the well.

  • 1

    “ Muslims have been radicalized in the Middle East and they believe that Islam will conquer the world AS IT ONCE DID. The end of the Cold War left a vacuum and it has led to a rejuvenation of Islam” RMB, at the height of the Turkish Empire it ruled certain parts of Europe and West Asia. The other Islamic Power Persia too had its influence in the region and some parts of West Asia. The reign of the Arabs extended
    more within the Arabian peninsula and no where near the record of the Turks and the Persians. Islamic power/s did not rule the
    World as then or anytime as did the British and now the Americans both of whom ruled and/or influenced far greater territory than the Islamic powers I mention here. It will thus be seen our Muslims fall prey to the fallacious claim Islam once ruled the world and it will rule the world again any time now. This deception has taken many lives of young Muslims all over the world and is, arguably, one of the chief causes of global tension today. Sadly, because of this Islamists remain suspected and frowned upon all over the world.

    “Western Powers who wanted a peaceful resolution of the ethnic conflict insist on a resolution of the Tamil grievances through some form of autonomy to be given to them” This is conventional wisdom, which the majority in Sri Lanka are made to deny. The country will suffocate and continue to decline economically and politically until such time as the power-yielding Buddhist priests eventually submit to reason and justice. Elsewhere, the upstart Udaya Gammanpila, who for some strange reasons is considered a scholar and legal advisor by some – threatens Peace Activist Jehan Perera who also made this suggestion in good faith. It is half-baked brains such Udaya G that deleteriously dominate Sinhala supremacism in the country – preventing the country from accomplishing reconciliation and thence move towards economic well-being.

    Buddhism, without argument, is the religion of most (75%) of the country. But to insensitively insist “Sri Lanka is exclusively a Buddhist country” is both wrong and unfair by the Hindus, Christians and Muslims who live in the South. A growing number of lay Buddhists are coming out against this provocative claim. I fully endorse your comments “Buddhism was and is more a cultural feature of the Sinhala people rather than a religion practiced for its teachings..”
    Since of late it has become an instrument of terror in the hands of a
    few marauding, violent and indisciplined monks – falsely claiming they speak for all Sinhala Buddhists.


    • 1

      A.D.J. Perera

      “falsely claiming they speak for all Sinhala Buddhists.”

      Don’t they?

  • 0

    “A language is more than a means of communication. It is a vehicle of culture as well.” This is why Sinhala and Tamil speaking people CAN NEVER BE DEMOCRATS. They can only be FASCISTS. This is why they cannot accept the rule of law and can only accept the rule of violence.

  • 1

    Hinnihamy (appuhamy) Jayathilaka , ela kolla is not a MR follower….hence, there is no point bringing MR into the thread coz i dont like him apart from winning the war and crushing tamil terrorism. we need someone who can really safegaurd sinhalese buddhists in this country. we need cyril mathew type of person as our president…not these spineless cretures who will lick minority backsides for their votes.

    anyway, Hinnihamy (appuhamy) Jayathilaka , you dont have a say here coz you are toilet cleaner in a foreign soil. gud luck in dealing with foreign solidz

    • 1

      “anyway, Hinnihamy (appuhamy) Jayathilaka , you dont have a say here coz you are toilet cleaner in a foreign soil. gud luck in dealing with foreign solidz”

      a) Why dont have I a say so long I am still a citizen of the country?

      b) What is wrong with being out of the country ?

      c) I only know ones like you are not even suitalbe for cleaning my toilet :)

      so long hateful lot you represent are there, there will be problems. Join the Rajapkshe in Hambantota and pull trigger so that we the peace lovers can go ahead with our agendas :)

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        a) Why dont I have a say so long I am still a citizen of the country?

        If you are anti-Raja you should react accordingly.

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          Hinnihamy (appuhamy) Jayathilaka, i’m of course anti-MR because he is with minorities for their votes. what MR doesn’t understand is that sinhalese buddhists made him the president not these stupid minorities. he’ll go down as long as he neglects the sinhalese buddhist aspirations.

          Hinnihamy (appuhamy) Jayathilaka, i assume you clean black american toilets to deal with ur daily expenses. wish you many many toilets to in the future for you to clean…

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    Stateless Tamil people desperately seeking a state somewhere.


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    guys ,

    What all simply need is peacefull country.don’t comment about Muslims or Buddhists or other religions. each religion has their own values and beliefs.Also main thing is don’t estimate the religion by looking at the followers acts. please go and. search what prophet Muhammad has told,,lord Buddha has told and come to a conclusion .
    we as srilankans need peacefull country…..

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