By R. Sampanthan –
The Tamil National Alliance welcomes today’s Human Rights Council resolution which requests the High Commissioner for Human Rights to undertake a comprehensive investigation in respect of past and post-war violations of human rights and the perpetration of serious crimes. The resolution is a victory for all Sri Lanka’s Peoples in their struggle for truth, justice and reconciliation. The resolution sends a strong message to the Sri Lankan government that the undemocratic, militarized and discriminatory trajectory on which it has set the country is unacceptable and unsustainable.
The passage of the resolution marks a historic moment and finally provides a meaningful opportunity for all communities in Sri Lanka to join an impartial, independent process in which we grapple with serious violations of human rights and crimes committed in our own respective names. This is an urgent need, and is critical to ending the spiral of impunity in Sri Lanka. As the political leadership of the Tamil people, we accept this opportunity in a spirit of humility and self-reflection. We call on the Sri Lankan government to cooperate fully with the High Commissioner in the implementation of the resolution, and more critically, to break with the past and move Sri Lanka in the direction of genuine reconciliation, and a life of dignity and self respect for all Peoples in Sri Lanka.
The TNA looks forward to remaining engaged with the Government of Sri Lanka, the international community and the United Nations in giving effect to today’s resolution and using it to benefit all victims of serious violations in Sri Lanka.
*R. Sampanthan MP – Leader, Tamil National Alliance
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Chandra Seneviratne / March 28, 2014
The successful adoption of UNCHRC resolution yesterday was is a real victory for Sri Lankan
people of whichever the race or religion that they belonged to as it was a triumph of humanity over inhumanity. It saved people of Sri Lankan from the indignity and humility to which they would otherwise be befallen in, following the extended vilifications of all norms of justice and fairness that MR and his goons made to dissuade the culpability form the credible allegations of heinous of crimes committed by them .No criminal admits his or her crime once being charged for such crime.
This mad man, MR immediately after the defeat of his resistance to the resolution was announced , declared to the public in a fury of anger that though he has been defeated internationally on the historic day of 28 March 2014 at UNCRC ,he would see to that he will be triumphant domestically on 29 March 2014 at provincial elections for which his devices and gimmicks popularly known as “election gilmark” will be successfully carried out.
MR and his goons have miserably failed ,despite colossal waste of tax payers monies spent on foreign firms and consultants , to entice and beguile the international community at UNHRC .His “election gilmark” mechanism had a miscarriage there.
If the voters of the two Provincial Councils wise enough to be emancipate themselves from the grip of the tyranny and brutality of MR’s rule, this will be a beginning of new era to move towards for a dignified democratic form of government where the rule law, independence of judiciary, equality before the law, freedom of expression and information, right to dissent flourishes and corruption, nepotism, drug trafficking and other forms social wise are
being strictly dealt with by the law.
We all await resonance of triumphant outcome in the domestic front .
Sama / March 28, 2014
This is just the way the people of this country get them. MR is not a visionary leader but he is abusive by all nature for local elections. Latter is what is being applied by him and his goons repeatedly cheating people further and further. I trust ATLEAST people in colombo and urban areas have sofar realized the GREATER harm the man has been doing to the country TODAY, really hope they would all send him a message this time – so that can THEN work as a wave to get rid of the man. MR and his men will make every effort to show the good side of the coin on unprecedented numbers of abstentions of yesterday´s UNHRC voting. He will be proud of the ones who gave ” no votes” eating kiribath calling them as true friends but that have no powerful voicies. His interpretations are always connected with abusing rural masses that make up over 70% of the country´s population. My problem is why the masses (said to be gone on records being over 92% literate) let them manipulate very easily.
noel-jones / March 28, 2014
Sama, Maybe MR is not a visionary leader, but he is a practical leader. What our country need at this hour is that kind of leader. The powerful voices in UNHCR are USA,UK AND EU countries because of their mighty economies and their mighty forces. If you and the rest kissing these Mighty Imperialists Asses, carry on but we Sinhalese never did that and never intend to do that. So go on and kiss their Asse’s until they shit on your face.
nuwan / March 28, 2014
noel-jones / March 28, 2014
Chandra Senevirathna, Are you notorious bugger Brian Senevirathna’s ghost or his brother? New era already arrived sucker. And on 29th our voters in SL further strength it overwhelmly. Until don’t sleep sucker, just wait.
Dawn Dale / March 28, 2014
TNA has chosen a very foolish path to go down- where will these investigations lead – anger and conflict – can LTTE answer for 30 yrs of terror they wielded on innocent people of sri lanka.. its a road that will lead down a black hole. For every atrocity on one side there will be an equally heinous one on the other. at his age he should be more far thinking. one would wish for a better central government certainly for him to negotiate with but really trying to prolong racial hatred this way is quite beneath any leader. it seems SL’s fate that non of the communities produce leaders that can be admired. I can only think of Kadiragamar, who was brutally killed by u know who
K.A Sumanasekera / March 28, 2014
Like his God Son’s arrogant comment about the Sinhalese having a short memory the LTTE proxy Samabandan must have thought that their close cousins in North India also have the same characteristic.
But the kick in the groin this time must be hurting him bad although he is putting a good spin to look it all good.
Congress leaders in the North surely are smart enough to know that the US will be the first to help Vaiko to create his United States of India with Nadu becoming Eelaam.
All Naduans on both sides are now in bed with the Butcher from Gujarat.
North Indians don’t like the Naduans even in best of times.
This is a master stroke by Indian Govt. killing several birds in one hit besides helping Srilanka.
Ms Pillai even is depressed by India, Japan, and South Africa giving her the boot..
What Sambandan must do is restrain his mates like Senathiraja, Sivajilingam, and Premachandran leading the poor ex captives up the garden path and make them suffer again.
And stop reconciliation breaking down rather than trying to pretend that he is all for it.
Handing over Gobi will be the first step to stop Military expanding its security operations.
Dawn Dale / March 29, 2014
I think India has lost credibility all over – this is the century of geopolitics – its East against West – or rather the rise of East against the domination of West. India has lost the plot by mixing internal politics with world politics (although they pretend a new found love us again). while whole of Asia stood together India vacillated.. Non of the neighbours trust India. while all other Asian countries can count on each other India alone is seen as a lone wolf – neither trusted by West nor East. Australia although in Asian region historically has played with the West, but not anymore, they know they cannot live without China or Asia. their narrative has become pro East markedly different from West. SL should never forget that Asia stood by us in our hour of need. Japan being such a pro US country too abstained perhaps they too have not forgotten that SL took their part when they were hauled before War Crimes after defeat in WWII.
noel-jones / March 29, 2014
Dawn Dale, And also India knew that if they vote with USA for this resolution, the same fate befall on them one day in near future for the massacres they did in Golden Temple, in Kasmir and in Srilanka.
Sunila / March 29, 2014
US,UK,FRANCE and INDIA helped Sri Lanka to win the war. They helped for two reasons. One to get rid of an obstinate terror machine the LTTE. Two these countries got a pledge from the Sri Lankan Government that a once and for all solution will be given to the Ethnic problem. Five years after winning the war Rajapakses and not the Govt established themselves as the owners of this little island .The West watched patiently at the unfolding drama of severe breaches of Human rights of every community, Lawlessness and accompanying impunity. What more can Sumanasekeras and Joneses say to protect the vulnerable Regime. SL should now focus on chasing the idiots.
noel-jones / March 29, 2014
Sunila, The countries you mention here never gave any support to Srilanka government war effort. And Srilankan government never gave any Pledge to any country. I challenge you to prove it.
They were[the countries you mention here] just silent observer’s during the war. India and US gave details of floating war storages[ships] of LTTE in International waters. That’s the only support they gave. AT the final moment US,France tried very hard to save VP and his top military leaders by sending a ship for keep them in their custody to use whenever they want in future. But SL government did not give the permission. That’s the only reason US and the rest of the countries you mention here waging an unofficial war against SL in UNHCR. But India this time against the resolution because India knew one day the same fate may befall on them if they vote with USA. Today the witch hunt against Srilanka but tomorrow it might be against India for the massacres in Golden Temple, in Kashmir and in Srilanka.
We are not here to write or protect anybody. We are telling the truth. MR government is a strong government and not vulnerable to outside pressure and only bow to the verdict of SL People.