11 February, 2025


The Spin-Masters Of Colombo

By Tisaranee Gunasekara

I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law…I will perform non-combatant service in the armed forces of the United States… I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation…so help me God.” – The Oath of Allegiance taken by all naturalised Americans

Spinning yarns is an integral component of Rajapaksa governance.

The Siblings

The Siblings

“Those who cannot tolerate the country’s growth after the eradication of terrorism are trying to take me to the electric chair”[i], thundered President Rajapaksa, with an eye on elections. The International Criminal Court has no competence to impose capital punishment, irrespective of the gravity of the crime[ii]. Even if President Rajapaksa is extradited, tried and convicted by the ICC, he cannot be sent to the electric chair because at The Hague there is no electric chair!

But that prosaic truth does not accord with the role of heroic, self-sacrificing martyr our thespian President is currently enacting. So the yarn about electric chairs – to deceive the economically-burdened voter and gain his/her sympathy, this election season.

Now that the Rs. 100million attempt by the Rajapaksas to bribe American politicians has failed, and Washington will present another resolution in Geneva, Yankee-bashing will make a noisy comeback in Colombo. How many of those Rajapaksa foot-soldiers who trudge and howl against ‘American intervention’ know that the super-patriotic Gotabhaya Rajapaksa and Basil Rajapaksa have two patriae – Sri Lanka and the United States of America?

To become a naturalised US citizen, a foreigner has to file an application, pay a fee, face an interview and sit for an oral test on US history and civics and an English test[iii]. The final step is the Oaths Ceremony during which the new recruit denounces all allegiances to his/her land of birth and pledges total fidelity to United States of America[iv].

Gotabhaya and Basil Rajapaksa are reportedly naturalised American citizens. If so, they would have filed their N-400 application, paid the fees, faced the interview and passed their citizenship and language tests. They would have taken the oath of allegiance, renouncing and abjuring their loyalty to Sri Lanka, and swearing allegiance to America.

Later (it would be interesting to discover when) they would have obtained dual-citizenship in Sri Lanka, just by paying a fee and signing some forms.

Basil and Gotabhaya Rajapaksa cased being Lankans and became Americans voluntarily. Neither was being persecuted; both left in search of greener pastures. They willingly gave up their motherland to become citizens of the richest country in the world. Both would have spent their entire lives in America, if their brother did not become the President of Sri Lanka.

If Basil and Gotabhaya Rajapaksa are American and Lankan citizens, to which country do they owe primary loyalty? If they claim that they are Sri Lankans heart and soul and love their motherland as no man every loved his motherland before, then were they perpetrating a lie when they pledged to “absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign…state…of…which I have heretofore been a….citizen”? If, for example, their country, America, enter into hostilities with China, and Citizen Gotabhaya is called to ‘bear arms on behalf of the United States’ and Citizen Basil is summoned to ‘perform non-combatant service in the armed forces of the United States’, as per their freely given pledge, what will they do?

At the commencement of his campaign against British colonial rule, Mahatma Gandhi returned the medal bestowed on him by the British Sovereign for the help he rendered British soldiers during the Boer War. Why do Gotabhaya and Basil Rajapaksa remain citizens of a country which, they claim, is conspiring to divide and destroy their beloved Sri Lanka? Isn’t Mahinda Rajapaksa even a bit perturbed and saddened that his brothers continue their allegiance to a country which, according to him, is maddened by envy at his great victory, and is conspiring with other envious powers, to send him to the ‘electric chair’?

“Patriotism” wrote Ambrose Bierce “is as blind as a stone and as irrational as a headless hen.”[v] Little wonder that for charlatans, it is the weapon of first resort.

Geneva is a Rajapaksa Problem

In 2012, President Rajapaksa visited the Vatican. During their ‘cordial discussion’, the President and the Pontiff expressed the hope “that a global joint solution may soon be found corresponding to the legitimate expectations of all the parties involved.[vi]

‘Global joint solution’ means a solution with a clear international component. The President would have consented to this papal-formula which contradicts his own mantra of a ‘home-grown solution’ because he has no intention of implementing either. They are just lies spun to buy time, to deflect criticism, to win a smile or, in this particular case, a politically-useful blessing.

The Tigers had a stock-response whenever they were confronted with the issue of child conscription. First, Denial: ‘We don’t have a single child soldier’; then Obfuscation: ‘We have a few child soldiers because some war-orphans absolutely insisted on joining’; next Solemn Promise: ‘We will release all child soldiers by….’ Every spin-cycle will conclude with stage-managed ‘Come-and-see-for-yourselves’ visits and demobilisation charades (‘demobilise’ a few child soldiers with much fanfare while hiking-up conscription secretly).

The Rajapaksas are going the Tiger way.

The LLRC was intended only as a ‘credible’ counter to the Darusman Report, a ruse for the Rajapaksas to sidestep the accountability-issue. The LLRC Reports fulfils that obligation scrupulously; it also includes some mild criticisms and a number of sensible recommendations, in the interests of credibility. The recommendations are nothing more than democratic and good governance commonplaces. The current ‘Geneva crisis’ stems from the Rajapaksas’ unwillingness to implement even these unexceptionable recommendations, made by their own commission.

Take, for example, the Rajapaksa-made issue about singing the National Anthem in Tamil. The LLRC Report warned that banning the Tamil national anthem “create a major irritant which would not be conducive to fostering post-conflict reconciliation” and recommended that “the practice of the National Anthem being sung simultaneously in two languages in the same time must be maintained and supported…”

The re-imposition of Sinhala-Only national anthem was a petty-minded act of revenge by President Rajapaksa. Furious at being prevented by placard-wielding British/EU Tamils from addressing the Oxford Union for the second time, he condemned the singing of national anthem in Tamil as a “shortcoming that must be rectified”, declared, anti-factually, that “in no other country was the national anthem used in more than one language”[vii] and banned the practice, via a cabinet decision.

Restoring the practice of singing the national anthem in Tamil will promote national reconciliation and help the regime internationally. It can be done expeditiously via a simple cabinet decision. Yet the Rajapaksas refuse. Such is the infantilism of our rulers.

Geneva is a Rajapaksa problem caused by the Siblings’ unwillingness to implement the recommendations of their own commission. Their mulish refusal has nothing to do with national sovereignty or national interests; it stems from their belated recognition that even the minimalist democratic safeguards recommended by the LLRC are incompatible with their despotic project.

And for this refusal, motivated purely by power-hunger, familial-interests and sheer pique, Sri Lanka must pay the price, financially and otherwise.

[iii] The details are freely available on the net, including the official US website http://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis/menuitem.acfc8bb2d633f506e34f4a10526e0aa0/?vgnextoid=64f22cac1551b210VgnVCM100000082ca60aRCRD&vgnextchannel=5efcebb7d4ff8210VgnVCM10000025e6a00aRCRD Incidentally the language test involves one line of reading and one line of dictation.

[iv] “I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the armed forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God.”


[v] The Devil’s Dictionary

[vi] Communiqué issued by the Holy See Press Office

[vii] The Sunday Times – 12.12.2010

Latest comments

  • 35

    Now how are the Rajapaksa internet foot soldiers going to spin this, because what Tisaranee says is true about swearing allegiance to the US upon conferment of citizenship. These same Rajapaksa are now whining about American interference in Lankan affairs .

    • 19

      Will the major Sinhala/Tamil press carry this article for readership nationally?

      • 7

        NOT if Rajpukkapal, the guardian of the free media has his way. As for the psychopathic brothers, “””They willingly gave up their motherland to become citizens of the richest country in the world.””” and as Tarzie V himself said they were ‘the Sri Lankan who would sell his mother for a mess of pottage’. They claimed that they became Americans by CHOICE whereas they were Sri Lankan’s by ACCIDENT (an accident? I think we should ask mamma Rajapaksa to confirm that). Perhaps they have not heard the opening lines of this old schoolboy poem that I learnt at my old school in Maradana: Breathes there the man, with soul so dead,
        Who never to himself hath said,
        This is my own, my native land!

        • 4

          Spring Koha

          US citizenship/Green card was the international security safety net provided to Sarath Fonseka and Gota Rajapaksa just after both successfully ran operations that satisfied the US and UK loyalty tests which means killing as many innocent people as possible to secure stability and then pledging to work for their foreign masters.

          Both men delivered loyally what was expected of them and the awarding of green card followed, by sheer good luck in the form of American Lottery.

          • 5

            Sarath Fonseka got his Green Card as his wife Anoma Fonseka applied for a Green Card in 2001, as she was working as a Pre -school teacher. The. Beneficiaries of that application was SF, and the youngest daughter.
            ButGota, Basil and Donald are American citizens as well as Dullesand few others. Before this article one Gunadeera Rajakaruna wrote and article which was published by the Sri Lanka Guardian about Gotas US citizenship and why he failed to understand how the US works during his 16 years of selling 7/11 goods and eating DANEatthe LA Temple. What a bunch of JOCKERS are Rajapaksabrothers.

            • 0

              Spin masters of Colombo: My foot, mass murderers. Ghastly rapists, and master planned genocidaires; wait for the movie.

              I understand that the latest Channel 4 movie on unbelievable, but true, cruel and ghastly Sri Lankan genocide scenes of Tamils (taken by Sri Lankan soldiers) during the war is coming soon.

              Let it tear the masks of the embedded writers and analysts propping up the genocidal regime and its henchmen.

              These are the barbarians and the state the writers want Tamils to reconcile with!

              Better to perish than living under the jack boots of these barbarians.

              This movie must be shown in Geneva in March 2014.

        • 2

          On a different note even Malaka was an accident and I think we should ask papa MaRa to confirm that!

      • 0

        Your pals in the press won’t do that John because “Johns” who live off other people’s flesh don’t do such things.

    • 12

      The High school drop out who is Minster of Economic Development (HA, HA, Haa) – who knows nothing about Development or Economics and is looting the national wealth of Sri Lanka, Basil Rajapaksa (aka. JARAPASSA) was a PETROL PUMP attendant in the City of Angels (Los Angeles).
      Before brother Mahinda Jarapassa got lucky at the polls in the Banana Republic of Sri Lanka. Gota and Basil used to hang with the Sri Lankan immigrants of LA and work menial jobs..Gota the White Van Goon and Basil returned to Lanka to MAKE MONEY, loot Sinhalaya Modyas, and turn a highly dysfunctional and RACIST democracy into a MILITARY DICTATORSHIP that is an INSULT to BUDDHISM and What the Buddha Taught. THey think they have immunity from prosecution because they hold US passports. In the US Gota and Basil were third rate immigrants doing third rate jobs.. today they are the Lords and Masters of the Sinhalaya Modayas who surround them with fawning praise and “security”!

      • 8

        Thisaranee thanks! Do you think that Lanka is now back to the future of Marx’s “Oriental Despotism” thesis?!
        Rajapaksa’s “home grown solution” to problems smacks of some Scottish Concepts of Asian Despotism in Early Nineteenth-Century British India and today we have “Home Grown Asiatic Despotism” in the Miracle of Asia..
        Seems that Sinhalaya Modayas are not suited for and cannot cope with democracy. Too much wild ass freedom! Hence despotic democracy and family military businesses with the DEEP STATE operated by Goon Gota seems to be Jarapassa’s ‘home grown solution” for the governance problems of the Sinhala State..

      • 8

        Brilliant write up with simple facts.
        UNP should be doing what Tisaranee G was saying, in layman’s language in every public meeting today since the forthcoming elections is a decisive one for the main opposition party, specially the western province which is generally a UNP stronghold. Consequently, UNP is indebted to TG.
        ‘for example, their country, America, enter into hostilities with China, and Citizen Gotabhaya is called to ‘bear arms and Basil is summoned to as per their freely given pledge, what will they do?’

        If that was a challenge put forward by TG, sure TG would be beaten in no time due to the fact of the dispositions of those people.

        Thank you for this excellent piece Tisaranee – Its an eye opener to many. Keep writing!

      • 0

        Your intention seem to degrade the past of these two leaders. There are many fine leaders in the world who had humble beginings and did well as statesmen. Looking back 30 years, I feel eradicating the terror menace was a great acivement of them. Do you agree?

    • 1

      Did Tisaranee write [Edited out]

    • 8

      “minimalist democratic safeguards recommended by the LLRC are incompatible with their despotic project.”

      Thank you Tisaranee for expressing so eloquently what many Sri Lankans believe to be the hard truth.


      • 1

        Ben Hurling

        It seems that Tisaranee Gunasekara has fallen victim to “The Spin-Masters Of Colombo”. Read below what she writes about LLRC:

        “The LLRC was intended only as a ‘credible’ counter to the Darusman Report, a ruse for the Rajapaksas to sidestep the accountability-issue.”

        It is not Darusman Report but the UN’s authentic title is:

        Report of the Secretary-General’s Panel of Experts on Accountability in Sri Lanka.

        Even Tisaranee has swollen what was fed to her, perhaps the spin doctors are successful in manufacturing consent.

    • 4

      The duel citizenship issue should not be taken seriously. Most Jews in the US are duel citizens of Israel and the US. But still they work for the best of Israel!

      • 2

        I don’t think anyone is saying that Gota and Basil are sincerely patriotic towards the US ; what is evident is that both are opportunists in it for themselves and used the US just as they are using Sri Lanka.

        The Sri Lanka Guardian newspaper carried the below article about Rajapaksa’s Moluccan heritage and Christian background and how they changed to Buddhism to further their political goals.


        • 0

          You seem to be a bit slow. That is why they are called politicians!

          • 0

            “Slow” about what ?

            People take it as a given that the oath taking was not sincere but you had point out the obvious , so I had to respond to the obvious.

            • 1

              slow on grasping the reality.

      • 3

        Jews and Americans are Siamese twins.We Srilankans
        are “monkey see monkey do.”The west is only doing
        business with the rest of the world.If their
        Interest is challenged by anyone then they should
        better be ready for the music.It’s worth having a
        look at our place in the world map before we open
        our big mouth to Srilankan gallery and then going
        round the world with the bowl,be it the west or be
        it China or even India.Every single citizen has been
        made to look a joker in the eye of the outside world
        by a bunch of funny, worthless policos.Mad people
        choose racism in pure form over national harmony and
        real prosperity.

  • 21

    One cannot straighten the tail of a dog and so are these swollen headed guys called today’s “rulers” of SL. They are here to ruin and destroy anything left after all the successful SLFP and UNP’s pathetic way of ruling a nation. There is no one today in Lanka who can govern this country efficiently with a clear vision and conviction. These dual opportunist ‘American/Sri Lankan’ citizen are neither honest nor patriots of any country. They are just a bunch of fake Sinhala Buddhists and patriots.

    • 4

      They are called “srilanken Americans”. In some countries in Europe, they are labelled as “british” or Asian Europeans, though the former is common to many ethnic groups in the United Kingdom.

      Anyway, what comes to my instantly I read anyone being dual national (srilanken/American) is nothing else, why the americans seem to be not paying wholehearted efforts in terms of lanken war crimes commited in the brutal phases of it, while telling the world that Americans are genuine in supporting the country´s peace process. Why do they allow their citzens (Gotabaya) to be branded as war criminals but not even initiating open talks with him in thar regard ?
      How can we the torn nation ever be possible to achieve permanent peace without going through proper healing processes of the victimized parties ?

  • 20

    Another brilliant piece Thisaranee dear. Hope you can translate and publish in Sinhala to educated the Modayas…

  • 6

    “Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.”

    Matthew 7:15

  • 2

    I agree. Banning the Sri Lankan national anthem being sung in Tamil seems silly, to say the least. Except for possible cacophony.

    • 2

      It is a small part of a larger goal, and that is to slowly but surely eradicate Tamil ethnic identity.

      This is not unique to Sri Lanka. India has tried for decades to wipe out Dravidian languages. Turkey in the recent past banned the teaching of Kurdish in school. Centuries or decades ago, the US,Canada and Australia all tried to eraze Native identity.

  • 3

    Then Tamils loved Tigers.
    Now, Tamils love Rajapakse’s.
    They are getting closer to their goal……


  • 2

    Sri Lanka ethnic problem has a similar background to the Mahabaratha war:

    Dhuriyouthanan was not willing to grant Pandavars five villages, or even 5 houses: The result the horrendous Mahabaratha war which the Pandavars won; so the epic goes.

    Will Mahabaratha war reenact in Sri Lanka too?

    • 0

      JVP leader Anurakumara Dissanayake says no Sri Lankan can be taken to the Hague for war crimes investigations because they have not signed it.

      Is that true? If so, is Sri Lanka exempt from war crimes, crimes against humanity or genocide?

      Can anybody enlighten us on this matter?

      • 0

        Are you kidding me? Sri Lanka can’t even defend itself against terrorists without been harassed using UN. How can such a country be exempt from war crimes.

    • 0

      Thiru, MAHA Bharatha was a great one which explained about macrocosmic view in this universe. It has no place to Lanka. Instead try Ramayana , it explain all in detail. Rama Ravana yudda is not some thing already ended. It continuously happening 24 /7. The fight between the mind and the heart, or ego and the truth. Mind has ten heads and each head has millions of forms. You kill one, another head will be grown. Finally Rama shoot a arrow to the wheel of chariot, and Ravana starts to fall.
      Find where this wheel of chariot of mind is. Shoot a arrow to it, then mind (Ravana) will be killed. Do not underestimate Mythology. It comes with full of logics, arguments, knowledges, you need. Fools thinks those are just stories.

      To understand the real problem, we need unattached study, which unfortunately no one is ready for it.

      Best wishes and good luck.

  • 3

    [Edited out] , To become a naturalised American citizen it is true that you need to take that oath. But do you think they read it by heart. Do you think people who take this oath reading the all above words? No. One of my friend who took this oath said there were about one hundred people in the hall and they all read this oath together. [Long time ago they took oath seperately from each person. But not anymore]. My friend said he muttered just few words of it and that’s it. I know lot of mexican guys who became American citizen’s just because to get the government job or receive more benefits from social security and the medicare etc…They [call Hispanics or Latino’s] don’t care about USA. They keep saying that this is our country. Because before 1845 Calif.,Texas,New Mexico,Nevada,Arizona,Utah were part of Mexico.

    So don’t think that if anybody read that oath and took US citizenship mean he has to forget his country and sacrifice his life for USA. Most of the Mexican’s keep saying that, “f… with Giringo’s[white man]”. It is very clear that within next 50 years Latino/Asian population exceed the white population in USA. In every mexican family there are five,six children.[It’s similar to SL muslim’s baby boom] And they are getting all the benefits from government. So basically the white man taxes use to feed the mexican children. Because most Latino’s not paying taxes or they pay very less. The Latino business owner’s pay salaries to their latino worker’s only for 8 hours a day and the rest [O/T] by cash. You can imagine how much US government lose per day as taxes. And most Lation’s living on Food Stamps while doing jobs. And this is one of the important reason for economic recession in US.

    Anyway I just want to tell you that wait till the Western and South election ended in March and then you can get a answer to your burning questions. And also you can see what’s gonna happen in UNHRC in March. After that I think you may stop writing your rag.

    • 7

      Are you insinuating that our honourable Sri Lankans would mouth an oath insincerely? Bahooth! Don’t you go casting slights on our people or classing them with Mexican/latino peasantry. When our people took their oaths, they did so with every intention of sucking up to Uncle Sam – from both sides!

    • 1

      I really dont know whether yo uhave the zero idea about the US citzenship.

      Very recently, I was still in a mind whether or not that Gota owns the citizenship in the US – was confirmed by an US announcer saying that Gota has the citizenship,

      this means our secretary of defence is – US citzen. Right ?

      WIthin that context, across the country not only from the north but from the south, east, west as well, some signficant masses believe that the man should be convicted against his activities or close intiatives in the regard of civilian killings in the terminated phases of war end against LTTEs in 2009.

      But have anybody of you – heard that US raised this question wholeheartedly, concerning GOTA as one of their people (US citizen). Normally, if any wrong doings has bee carried out by any US citizen, he or she should be CLOSELY investigated – why is then no US government made any GENUINE concerns in this regard yet ? So UN resolutions are secondary.. but they have to have reacted against the alleged accusations of their citizens ? Am I wrong here ? Can any sane would leave me some constructive comments on this please ?

      Let alone, they the US corresponding authorities should have paid MUCH MORE BRORDER attention regarding the performance of their citizens – than pointing fingers at others right or wrong ?

      If any EU citizen behaved wrong, incompliant to the rule of law in the country visiting/travelling, he or she will be examined without any delays… this I have been studying over the years. But why is that US citzens seem to be kept – investigation FREE ???????????????????????

      • 0

        Do you really think what Americans are doing in the UNHRC is with all their oozing love for the Tamils? You need to grow up!

  • 8

    This is another fine piece by Tissaranee.
    I wish she had added the oft repeated fallacy – that Mahinda will not let down the gallant forces that defeated the LTTE and got rid of terrorism. It certainly is not the interests of the forces that he is trying to protect – it is actually that he is trying to protect himself. Being he Commandeer in Chief and he holds command responsibility, for any war crimes for which the Sri Lanka army may be found guilty. He will be answerable more than the actual soldiers concerned for war crimes. Besides, if ever there is a war crimes investigation, some of those in the military are going to come out with the truth that it was Mahinda and Gota who gave the order to kill as many as possible, not just the LTTE but the civilians as well because they had been, in their eyes, supporters of the LTTE. In such an event Mahinda and Gota will have to bear command responsibility.
    So all the efforts of the Rajapakse to save the military from being investigated is clearly an effort to protect themselves and not the military. This big lie of Mahinda & Co should be exposed to the gullible citizens who are made to believe his despicable lie that he is the protector of the heroic military.

  • 5

    There’s a reason why anti sri lankan dollar suckers like Tisaranee have zero credibility among Sri Lankans. They always side with their US/UK masters and genuinely out of their slavishness think that Sri Lanka should be governed to the whims, fancies and models of their masters.

    LLRC is a commission. Where does it say a commission has to be implemented 100% or implemented at all? Do Sri Lankans go and vote for commissions in the election day or to political parties?

    LLRC is slowly getting implemented but put this into your peanut sized slavish brain. A country is not duty bound to implement commission reports and what recommendations get implemented and what not is strictly an internal affair of the host country.

    It is quite evident that west wanted us to waste our time at the peace table with terrorists and hoped we would continue to stagnate as a result of war. This is just the punishment for not listening to the west and chasing away Solheim like a dog and ending the war.

    Those who side with irresponsible self loathing slaves like Tisaranee will continue to lose elections in the future. Don’t whine when you do.

    • 5

      Liberal One – You suck not two corners but three, the last one after a call to the toilet

    • 0

      A version of this article appears in print on March 24, 2014, on page A7 of the New York edition with the headline: Dispute on Sri Lanka War Crimes Escalates.

      Neither MP returned calls or responded to emails asking for comment.

      Conservative Central Office did not respond to requests for a comment; neither did the Sri Lankan High Commission.

      The BBC declined to comment further.

    • 3

      Excellent reply liberal one. Tisaranee project is only to sling mud at the. Rajapakses. Her rantings make painful reading . One can see how much of support she gets from the. L. T. T. E supporters.

      • 3


        ” Her rantings make painful reading “

        Please avoid reading. There you have a choice. If you enjoy pleasure out of pain then go ahead make your day.

        “One can see how much of support she gets from the. L. T. T. E supporters.”

        Are you saying those who agree with Tisaranee are necessarily LTTE supporters?

    • 3

      Liberal One

      “There’s a reason why anti sri lankan dollar suckers like Tisaranee have zero credibility among Sri Lankans.”

      How many people in this island know about Tisaranee and regularly read her pieces in English?

      • 2

        More than you think. Why, do you think only menial workers domiciled in west has access to internet? You are clueless about Sri Lanka, that is your problem no 1 among many.

        and Tisaranee is not alone, he/she includes many including Kusal, uwindu, sunanda, Frederica and many who are in the dustbin now. Tisaranee also awaits the same fate.

        • 1

          Liberal One

          “You are clueless about Sri Lanka, that is your problem no 1 among many.”

          What are the other problem you think I have?

          “and Tisaranee is not alone, he/she includes many including Kusal, uwindu, sunanda, Frederica and many who are in the dustbin now.”

          He/she may be in the dustbin however they endeavour to not only clean the bin but also clean the environment, a large rubbish dump known as Sri Lanka where you exist, that is if you exist here.

          “Tisaranee also awaits the same fate.”

          What fate one is permitted to enquire?

          “Why, do you think only menial workers domiciled in west has access to internet?”

          Are the menial workers in the west privileged to have access to internet? Tell me this, how many people of Sri lankan origin read Tisaranee’s articles?

        • 1

          Liberal One
          According to an interview held with one of the JVP
          leaders by a journalist,a former president of our
          country had the courage,to earn some pocket money
          by doing menial jobs.And then we already have some
          guys who had been reportedly doing menial jobs abroad,
          now looking after the security,economy and developments
          of the paradise.If that is not enough,explain to me
          why millions of our “not so” honorable “menial” jobbers
          are still allowed to work in the M E? And also one
          shouldn’t comfortably forget that all our development
          loans depend on this foreign money including war
          expenditures,education and health services.Who are the
          many patients going private hospitals?All menial
          money gained from mortgaging the 2500 yr old proud
          culture and civilization!Take it from me,we don’t
          know to manage democracy.Democracy in our hands is
          the knife in the hands of monkeys.

  • 2

    1. Are the readers and or others doing anything to translate this author’s articles?

    2. multi-barrelled-spin-masters are very successful in hoodwinking visitors:

    Yesterday we read in the media that the visiting UNDP official

    1.launched ”a key UNDP supported program, Strengthening Enforcement of Law, Access to Justice and Social Integration (SELAJSI) today at the Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute of International Relations and Strategic Studies.
    The Program is a joint initiative of Sri Lanka Ministry of National Languages and Social Integration, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Rehabilitation and Prison Reforms and the Ministry of Child Development and Women’s Affairs, implemented to ensure that gains in the justice sector are institutionalized, systemized and scaled-up”.

    2.said: ”the SELAJSI programme was not only aligned with Sri Lanka’s development agenda, but also expected to contribute towards the implementation of the LLRC, the national policy framework on social integration, and the national action plan for the promotion and protection of human rights.”

  • 4

    Fantastic TG as always!

  • 4

    Tisaranee – the ban on dual nationality implemented Mahinda is also as a revenge at being prevented by placard-wielding British/EU Tamils from addressing the Oxford Union for the second time.

    Unfortunatley Sinhala people are also impacted by this but mainly the tamils.

    While banning new dual nationality on security grounds by the Defence Minstry , the Defence Secretary himself decided to kep his dual nationality

  • 7

    A brilliant piece of writing. This article should be sent to Lalith weerathunga to translate into Sinhala and show MR otherwise he would not be able to comprehend the depth of the article. As every one requests please get it translated into Sinhala and Tamil and make handbills and paste on every tree in villagers.

    • 2

      Lalith Weerathunga – Please read this article a couple of times and give your boss a Sinhala translation “otherwise he would not be able to comprehend the depth of the article” as indicated by Sunila Mendis. If you wish you may also give him a Tamil translation to improve his eloquency of speech in that language.

  • 1

    Just like all Sri Lankans have the ability to integrate with the host country to the point of actually not eing Sri Lankan at all.So withe that ability to adapt to whatever situ that makes one happy why are you surprised at the ability to serve two masters! You cannot serve God and man but two country’s many people can do that.So why is it being made an issue when there are more serious problems to point to.

  • 3

    A very good exposition of another aspect of the petty mindedness of the Rajapaksas. Bensen

  • 4

    Surely the most important word in this article is the word ‘reportedly’ in the sentence ‘Gotabhaya and Basil Rajapaksa are reportedly naturalised American citizens’.

    Everything that follows stands or falls dependent on this word. So there is no point in drawing conclusions until there is certainty about it.

  • 5

    To me it looks like you are confused. The UNHRC issue and press freedom, corruption, dissapearences etc. Are two different entities. You should separate them in your writings. With regard to the UNHRC, do you agree with the resolution? Do you think the SLDF purposely killed, raped and exicuted innocent Tamil civilians? If so why don’t you write about your findings and convince your readers so that we all can support this resolution. If you think no human rights were violated but what happened towards the end of the war was tipical of fighting a terrorist war, you should say so. The corruption going on in the country is a separate issue. Don’t mix the two. Inform the public of these issues and lack of press freedom etc. And let them take care of it at the next election. We as Sri Lankans should be able to take care of our problems. If we don’t who is to be blamed? But please don’t encourage foreign countries to decide our future. I feel you are just doing that.

    • 2

      The way the SLGO reacts today – against their own people, be them southerners, notherners, easterners or westerners –

      “Do you think the SLDF purposely killed, raped and exicuted innocent Tamil civilians? “

      Yes, lack of vision and wisdom in the ruling topleadership guide them into hell like situations

      a) Deployment of Army forces to gun down the protesting citizens in Rathupaswala, killing 3 and injuring dozens

      b) President´s Secretary behaves today, as he is appointed to do politics loudly as he could – not knowing what he has been doing

      c) People are being fed with wrong info to succeed the elections in the name of untruths about the upcoming UNHRC sessions. Those gulible masses that are the voter base, poor rurals masses, that prioratise only their day today survivial, will get brainwashed as had been specially in the aftermath of millitary defeat of LTTEers within the country.

      d)If one independent media people would hold opinion polls, which is not allowed int he country today, all truths come to surface

      e) Billions have been abused for nothing but in the name of DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS, where do NOT you find developements sposonred by CHINESE companies today ? Go to African states, whose stats are far lower to ours, will then see, the reality.

      f) How can the masses face the life today in sky roketted price rises in essential needs of the people today ? No collosal amounts of war costs today, but the costs they maintain in the name of war – have not been reduced to the significant levels.

      • 2

        I hope you know that there is nothing called a “clean” or a “just” war. Specially when you are fighting a terrorist war. In the west we refer to the “dirty” things that happen as “collateral” damage. This happened in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. Did anybody dare to tell the US and UK, that it is due to “lack of vision and wisdom in the ruling top leadership”? Why are you making an exception for Sri Lanka?
        By the way I want solid evidence from you that human rights were violated by the SLDF before you start blaming the leadership. Do you support the UNHRC resolution against Sri Lanka and believe it is legitimate?
        Rathupaswala was an internal situation. That is why I said these have to be dealt separate from the UNHRC proposal. As I wrote I never disagree that corruption should be dealt with and it should be done non-violently and at the elections. But we should not allow foreign countries to determine our future.

        • 3

          The bottom line is – not only Rathupaswala incident, but also inproper biased crime investigations, multi billion losses through enormous wastages of people´s funds being reached rampant levels of corruption,not respecting human respect and dignity by the selfish FAMILIAL RULE of Rajapakshes are all internal issues.

          But to this date, ICs or the educated masses in the country have almost lost the faith kept on Rajapkse in achieving permanent peace in the country. It is all because JUSTICE is no chance in their mind sets, either win or by thuggery or buying their opponnents have been the key of their policies.
          I myself listened to many of the TV discussions that are telecasted on pvt channels in the country, it is said, just to build up and complete a road side, they the makers bribed millions to billions. So making roads and other physical counstrution bring must to country´s infrastructure, but in the same time, people´s money have been wasted through far uncomprehensible steps taken by MR and his siblings. While EU countries are on an asturity mode when it goes for their economic growths, countries like ours, that only exist on funds and debts can NO means be affordable to do so. So every action should be taken in terms of planning with finances. No leaders can be allowed to waste in the name of DEVEOPLOPEMENT of the country.
          Recently, I even watched that President himself being on a Helicopter, took part the religious activities in SRIPADA. If he thought about the losses of fuel through his such activities, he could send a message to others, the way we the people should behave today. Not only that for his entourages, he spends millions sending already bankrupted NATIONAL CARRIER much deeper. His brother in law as the chairman of SRILANKEN is proved to cause all the losses being made by the airline today. To that point, MR and his appointees are mosty failures. Top to the bottom they have gone wrong.

          May the risk taken by MR led the forces to win the war, but it was a risk, that luckily worked for his good, means not that all other steps taken by being taken by him could go right. This he has proved in the post war episodes much better than prior to that.
          No ICs or educated folks within the island are happy the manner he has been handling lanken matters. All his far silly actions taken sofar has no means contributed to the peace and recociliation in the nothern soils either.

          TO that Colateral damage: Damage fated by notherners are multiple times heavier than ones in all other parts of the island. True, co lateral damage in other wars were not addressed by IC sofar, but latter MUST not be the excuse for us lankens not to investigate war crimes investigations in an independent manner. Tell me have the RULERS to this date, investigated any crimes carried out by soldiers in the war fields since UN resolutions were made, NO.
          That alone shows the wholeheartedness of the rulers. One by one, if Army men, the rapists created misteries in thoese famlies should be addressed without delay, those perpetrators shold be punished accordingly. In that way, morale of the forces could not be lost, in contrary to that, people will repsect the state for addressing issue giving the priority to law and order.

          Drugs deals, crimes in the country today are on a rapid growth as no seen in the past. Many are in the view that army deserters or the like are the key accused carrying out these kind of crimes. But why cant the state take actions against each of them, if they give the priorty to rule of law and order. Where have the JUSTICE gone ?

        • 3

          Yes, you are right we must not allow foreign countries to disturb peace process. It is preposturous, to accuse international ethical codes not being compliant to any of them. If we are right, others cant dermine our future. IF THE RULERS WOULD RESPECT SOME INTERNATIONAL STANDARDS TO SOME DEGREE; THEY WOULD NOT ALLOW FOREIGNERS TO DETERMINE OUR FUTURE. Besides, Interdependence is unavoidable in this world. We are not powerful folks on the earth to take things that arrogantly. The countries- this was very clear to any sane ones, in the aftermath of Tsunami disaster- I am not a party sympathiser to any of the parties in the country, but the manner that CBK´s foreign relations to that point of time – through late Kadirgamar had been the best. That allowed many rich nations allowed collosal sums of donations to the country. There exist rumours that current rulers to have embezzeled those donations went to billions, but that is an other story.
          Our island depended fully on exports until coutry´s labor to the middle east oil rich nations became the first FE bringing income avenues. So, if we the small folks would deliberately damage the long held diplomatic relations with EU and west, what would be the consequences ? Can only Belarus, Swaziland, other far poor afrian, latin american states help hand our poor country to raise the head, though China is still in the view of supporting the country. But China supports almost all african poor countries today. Those are their long term investments. Go to Kenya, Nigeria or other countries and have checked them for you, then you will see, so called development projects that are boasted by MR and the siblings are common to those counteies too. They issue high interest loans … that our countries would hardly be able to pay within the next 50 years, making unborn kids of our future generations more debted. And alone the tourism cannot be promoted if EU countries would go against hte island.
          Unlike in the past, today, there are various of other counties in the region that would offer good hotels with same natural beauties… so if we would not handle all these with vision, promoition of tourism would be remained as a dream to the nation.
          Countries that are fully dependent on tourism should improve their human rights to some degrees. But ours under the current regime seem to be conspicously getting worse. Becuase of the deliberate threat brought against the lanken justice system. That impeachment against former CJ, Dr. SB was very unconsitituional. That was the reaon many crime doers to become stronger today than in the past. Some journalist that earn brilliant future lose their lives because of the crime friendly environment CREATED by Rajapakshe negligence to this day.

          • 2

            Yes, I think SENDING POOR FEMALES to Middle east should be banned.

            I have met some arabs in Europe and even discussed the issues to get more from their side, seem to have no respect at all towards the poor housemaids and other minor workers. They dare to discuss about the way that they enjoy their sex fantasies with them rather than telling something else. Sending these females to such positions should be banned creating good jobs for them within the country. As lower middle income earning nation, this should be made possible if their efforts are genuine.

            If any genuine politicians would take actions in this regard will earn all respect across the nation. Else, women from lanka will be branded as ” housemaids/pros”.

            The collosal sums that Familial rule are subjected to waste in the country today should better be used for allow return of those housemaids brutally being held in refugee camps in Saudi arabia and several other countries.


            I hope, President and others in power will pay their attention, at least in the near future to give these lanken a future being able to get back to the country.

    • 2


      Which planet are you on. Have you not heard about the horrible death of Krishanthi and her entire family at the hands of your barbaric brothers. The terrible crime only came to light when a Muslim Soldier blew the whistle.
      Have you seen the pictures of brutal rape and murder of Isaipriya who was the victim of your soldier brothers. But then again you would deny it just like your brethren so what is the point.

      • 3

        I live in the same planet you live in but I pay attention to reality. If you raise arms against a legitimate country and it’s government you need to bear the consequences. Wars are dirty, specially terrorists wars. Are you the only one who is ignorant of this? In the west we call what you described as collateral damage. I hope you know these things happened in Iraq and Afghanistan too. Isn’t it shocking that we don’t see any UNHRC action for those culprits?

        • 2

          eusense you idiot:

          I knew it you would never admit to your crimes. You call your country a Legitimate Country when it stands accused of War Crimes by the Civilised World except a few of your friends like China ( reluctantly) and Mugabe. For your information Iraq was guilty of terrible Crimes including the gassing of the Kurds and it was the Taliban in Afghanistan who destroyed the biggest Statute of Lord Buddha. That was the collateral damage in Afghanistan so What are you talking about.
          What bloody consequences are you talking about ( they are only for MR and Gotha ) and when you stand accused in front of the whole world go and clear your name and face the consequences if you have any decency left in you.

          • 2

            There are among us that are made to think so. These fractions cant see it beyond. They are hallozinated by the magical wonder- which is still the war victory. No matter how many thousands went missing or killed, they should still overwelm witht the victory.

            There we are effortless. Anyway, I dont think these masses would be stuck to lanken society that long, allowing criminals to become high criminals. Today the nursery created by MR administration seem to have promoted the crime rates than to any other so called improvments.

            I sometimes cant make WW (wimal weerawanse) out the way how he holds speeches today, forgetting all his grave past- being able to live up a good life on the tax payer´s funds. I know some circles close to his wife in Colombo are said to be so called newly become high society ladies the capital today.
            How can this be the case for some in our society ?
            His role is more of less like an aerobic trainer for a large fitness park (centre).He has become animating figure number one, people are seen to take everything when they are being formed/stammered through WW typical sinhala filthy slangs.

          • 3

            Your language shows you are desperate and have a low IQ!
            Show me the real victims of war crimes. These are only allegations by asylum seekers and the tamil diaspora who funded the terrorists.
            Which civilized country is accusing Sri lanka? Are you calling US and UK civilized countries? In what sense? You say that “Iraq was guilty of terrible Crimes including the gassing of the Kurds and it was the Taliban in Afghanistan who destroyed the biggest Statute of Lord Buddha”, and does that give a license for the US and UK to kill and commit terrible Crimes on Iraqi and Afghan people? Then, in similar lines why doesn’t Sri Lanka has the same licence to kill the murderous Tamil tiger suicide bombers? Why is your double standard for Sri Lanka? Explain !

      • 0

        Kali, appears eusense came from the Planet of the Apes!

    • 5

      Expect a bunch of dislikes from the defeated terror supporters, self loathing slaves, illiterate marxists and now jobless NGO workers. Facts and logic are not their favorite thing.

  • 2

    An excellent analysis of one of the contradictions of the Rajapakse’s.
    The re-writing of resume’s by Sri Lankans is a very common practice. Anyone recall when R.Premadasa was elected President how Mrs. Premadasa suddenly became a daughter of landed gentry from Nuwara Eliya? 2 decades later her son claimed ownership of a degree he did not read for!

    Having said that- We should also recognize the hypocracy of the Americans. US law is very clear about its citizens and companies offering or receiving bribes to procure contracts. They have to know or have the ability to know how much and where the Rajapakse brothers have had hidden thus far. Knowing how the US GOVT OPERATES, they must be using that information as leverage on the Rajapakse’s. The anti-US utterances are for public consumption only.

    When Geneva really turns ugly, we will find some Captains and soldiers being rounded up and courts-martial will be announced with plenty of coverage. Until then, the usurping of Tamil land rights will take place under the guise of development.

    How is it the opposition parties have not expose the US citizenship question adequately ? Is it because like Gen. Fonseka, they have the same problem in their ranks? Does anyone have a count of the number of children of the high and mighty who have studied in US Universities on US govt schols, given by the US EMBASSY in Colombo ? The answer to that question should indicate why the parents are ‘confused’ about who their masters are!

  • 3

    Rajapaksas are spinning out of control and their head is in a spin and that is why they cannot see the dangers.
    MR thinks that he can fool the World by cosmetic changes building Tarmac Roads , Harbours and Airports from borrowed money ( 8 Trilion) to hide his Crime.
    It has worked with the Home Audience but the World has seen him for what he is and America has decided to bring an end to this calamity. America only seeks approval from the Congress and the Senate when she wants to intervene in a foreign Country but MR is oblivious to this impending disaster and has chosen to appeal to the Racist electorate to give him a big Thumps up and no doubt he will get it and that suits our purpose.
    Geneva will not only be a Rajapaksa problem but a Sinhala problem.

  • 3

    Gota and Basil must declare their total allegiance to Sri Lanka.
    Else,they should give up their state appointments.

  • 5

    Tisaranee, watch your back. Hitlerpassa & Brothers and their goons may try to harm you. Please keep up your good work. Unfortunately only a selected few have access to your articles in the CT.

  • 4

    Some Tamils are begging for the BOSNIA treatment.

    Don’t arouse the soldiers will FALSE wolf calls.

    One day the wolf will actually come. Then you will say IPKF was a saint.

    Don’t beg for it TG.

    • 2

      Fat ” Mama ” Fuk U Shima

      Idi Amin Look alike.

      See what happened to Milosevic after Bosnia. He died in the Dock. Man there is no more IPKF after march it will be TNA ( Tami Nadu Army )

  • 7

    Thisaranee, I wish my land did not produce people like you. Where can we go when we have people like you among us. This a country that had great kings who protected this land for our children. You are an insult to your name. Were both of your parents born in this land. Were they both “non-terrorist” sri lankans? If so you should better get your brain checked up?


  • 0

    we know the Sinhala people [Edited out]

  • 3

    Thisaranee does not mean what is in Buddhism. For her, its is UNP, TNA & JVP Saranang Gachchami. She thrives with every opportunity to bash the Government & the Rajapaksas. Anyone against this government is her good friend. Now she is dancing with joy expecting the UN resolution to be passed against Sri Lanka.

  • 2

    Peace and reconciliation is not an easy task and achieving it is based on numerous factors. It is also a long process for which all circles in the society have to contribute equally.

    As former PM, RW made it clear in his previous interview that peace and reconciliation can only be achieved through forgiving the perpetrators of both sides.

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szZYiz2zbG8 (part 2)
    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNt_Ll6XerM (part 1)

    Our motives should be more into make a society that safeguard “Justice”.

    Leaders like Mandela had not been stuck to his racial background while fighting against apartheid in SA. He has resounded “ “I hate race discrimination most intensely and in all its manifestations. I have fought it all during my life; I fight it now, and will do so until the end of my days.”.

    More clearly defining the realm of transitional justice is not only necessary for us to more lucidly and consistently discuss questions of how to create societies after mass violence, but also for us to engage practically in that rebuilding process.

    Before processes of transitional justice, there are often lofty, deeply moral ideas about what rebuilding after conflict requires. These ideas, however, can nonetheless become conflated and confused, leaving societies vulnerable to inconsistent and detrimental practical decision making.

    • 1

      have you looked up the meaning of the words peace and reconciliation? The DFSL fought a terror war with a bunch of terrorists who called themselves tigers who were eradicated. Now, who is the gov. has to have peace with? With the terrorists? Where are they? Innocent tamil civilians have nothing to do with this terror war. As far as I know, not a single Tamil has come forward claiming that they were tiger terrorists. For that matter no one has even claimed that their next of kin was a terrorist. Do you know anyone that claim they were terrorists? So what is this nonsense of peace and reconciliation?

      • 4

        How can we the real peace loving sinhalayas teach you ballige puthas the peace and reconciliations – is the biggest dillema to us all today ? Anyway, days ahead of us are not sun and fun for the buggers,since significant masses turn to get it today than in the past. Tamil, sinhala, burgher, muslims, moor are all srilankens that shoudl have the same right under one umbrella. For that we have to fight making new rules and system that are like the case in Singpore,Germany and all other civlized societies. Then only many can enjoy their democratic rights as the neigbhour would do.

        • 2

          Terror abetters like you should come up with what rights the minority lack that the majority enjoy without parroting what your pay masters want you to tell.

          It is the pathetic, irresponsible, naive idiots like you who sustained the war by claiming that terrorism was a result of discrimination.

        • 1

          Don’t show your ignorance talking nonsense! If you are a Sinhalese as you pretend to be, tell me with whom should we make peace and with whom should we reconcile?

          • 0

            “The Roots of Violence: Wealth without work, Pleasure without conscience, Knowledge without character, Commerce without morality, Science without humanity, Worship without sacrifice, Politics without principles.”

            (Young India, 22 October 1925)”
            ― Mahatma Gandhi

      • 3

        Well said. “reconciliation” is the new code name for revenge, getting a puppet installed and try to further the tamil eelam project. They are on the same destructive path.

        • 2

          No no, as I got it, ” electric Chair” is the term to draw fears hoping the very same masses would support them also this time.
          Election date of 29th is just after UNHRC´s new resolution against the highly corrupted regime- a forgone conclusion by them.

          • 1


            28th March will be the day of UN resolution

            29th is scheduled to be held the PC elections (Southern and Western PC)

            <—- how many would raise the question why 29th March ?

      • 1

        “So what is this nonsense of peace and reconciliation?”

        eusense, Peace and Reconciliation has to start in the Hearts of So-called Sinhala Buddhists.

        The War is over and the Hatred for the Terrorists should not spill over into the Hatred of all Innocent Tamils.

        The Government should stop encouraging Extremists like the BBS etc. who go round spreading propaganda against Minorities.

        • 1


          “The War is over and the Hatred for the Terrorists should not spill over into the Hatred of all Innocent Tamils.”

          Stupid Sinhala/Buddhist must stop hating themselves and the stupid Tamils must also stop hating themselves, if they both want to get over mutually destructive thoughts.

          Its not easy but can be done.

          • 0

            As that CT writer made it clear lately – these so called sinhala buddhists are literate but stupid :(

    • 1

      If there are race discrimination it should end, period. But bring up specific instances rather than parrot propaganda of the tamil diaspora who are only interested in eelam and nothing else. This kind of mentality is what sustained the war for 30 years.

  • 4

    Liberal One

    Here is list for you

    President and Primeminister – why do they have to be Sinhala/Buddhists? If stupids are ruining the island does it matter if it has to be ruined by Sinhala/Buddhists?

    Armed forces – How many officers from the minority do you think serving in the armed forces?

    Central Bank Governor – Why does it have to be a Sinhalese?

    Defence Secretary – Was there anyone from minority community appointed to this post?

    When was the last time your Sinhala/Buddhist government appointed a person from minority as the Finance Minister?

    Why wasn’t Kathirkamar given the premiership?


    • 1

      If the Whites in the West, have given recognition and equal positions to the Blacks who were Slaves then, why can not the Sinhalese Buddhists give recognition and equal position to the Tamils in this country? I believe the world powers should come down hard on these Stupid Sinhalese and make this country for all it’s citizens. I think the time is rife for a new Constitution where no Religion or Race is placed above any and all to be treated equally. It is only then that this country can be called a Civilized Country.

      • 2


        I agree.

        However this island has too many vested interest to be dealt with. A complete overhaul of state and its institutions is urgently needed, a new constitution would be a cosmetic makeover with no fundamental restructuring.

    • 0

      Are you serious???

  • 1

    Tisaranee, I agree with this.

    “Restoring the practice of singing the national anthem in Tamil will promote national reconciliation and help the regime internationally. It can be done expeditiously via a simple cabinet decision.”

    The present GOSL is scared to allow this because they do not know what the Popular reaction will be.

    If they are really honest about reconciliation, it would be a good idea, to appoint Ranil as the Prime Minister, and let him make the decision. Ranil will do what he can to smooth the troubled waters.

    Then it will be out of the GOSL hands and moreover, they will have a scapegoat to accuse, if dissent arises.

  • 1

    “And for this refusal, motivated purely by power-hunger, familial-interests and sheer pique, Sri Lanka must pay the price, financially and otherwise.”

    You never heard of fascism? What is this “otherwise”? Fascism has never been defeated from within once it has seized power of a state and it will use that state to spread and we can see this in the book banning that has reared its head in neighboring India which will soon turn fascist as well thanks to Sri Lankan contagion unless ALL the fascists in Sri Lanka are rooted out and destroyed. Is there any “otherwise”?

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