19 February, 2025


The Strategy For An Anti-Sri Lankan Constitution 

By Dayan Jayatilleka

Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

Hon. Sampanthan’s 90 minute (written) speech during the recent adjournment debate (Feb 22) on the Constitution was ‘historicist’, in the sense that he invoked a great deal of political history. But his argument was a-historical and illogical.

The Tamil nationalists, including Mr. Sampanthan himself spurned the many offers made by successive Sri Lankan (OK, Southern or Sinhala) administrations from that of President Premadasa through President Kumaratunga to President Rajapaksa. Why does the TNA think that offers made and rejected in wartime, due to the compulsions of wartime and the sacrifices necessary for a negotiated settlement which would end the carnage, once rejected, would remain on or return to the table once the war was over and had been won by the State and the South at great cost?

Overall, the project for a new Constitution is nothing but an effort to weaken the Sri Lankan state along two lines. Firstly to decapitate it by removing the Executive Presidency, which will make it impossible for the country to have a strong stable leadership which can stabilize the state and act as an engine of development. Thus we shall not a have a successor of the strong leaders such as JR Jayewardene, Ranasinghe Premadasa and Mahinda Rajapaksa.

Secondly, the unitary character of the state will be abolished and the provinces will be given qualitatively more control, which will decompose us into eight or nine competing provinces without a strong center—the executive Presidency—to hold them together.

Thus the new Constitution is an effort to sabotage and destabilize the State, Sri Lanka as a country and the Sinhalese as a community. It is an attempt to neutralize the numerical strength that the Sinhalese have, which gives the community a leading role on the island. The project for a new Constitution is the project for an anti-Sinhala Constitution!

The Tamil nationalists know that the environmental conditions for a Tamil Exit are there within the country and outside. At a time when two high level delegations from China were in Colombo, the state-owned Daily News (Wed Feb 22 p 4) ran a full page story illustrated with photographs, attacking China, and written by a young American researcher based at Lake House, the state’s official publishing house.

This is a throwback to the situation that SWRD Bandaranaike inherited and overthrew in 1956, when he was incensed that Radio Ceylon’s world affairs commentary was by a Britisher, and threw him out, handing the job over to a part-time parliamentary reporter of Lake House in his mid-twenties, who had a radio program on English poetry, and was a law student (and I might add, had just become my father). Pre-1956 Ceylon was a penetrated state and under Ranil’s UNP it has become one again, which is conducive for the Tamil nationalist strategy.

The external environment which it hopes to manipulate is also propitious for the cause of Tamil Exit, especially since Trincomalee is now sought as a joint US-India-Japan strategic hub against China, and a Tamil statelet which is a counterpart for Tamil Nadu, would be a secure environment for such a hub.

Tamil nationalism has long sought to present itself as a reliable ally and proxy for the US and India. The bid to secure Trincomalee through greater autonomy for the North and East and a larger Indian footprint in the harbor/tank farm area, fits perfectly into the strategy of an Indo-US-Japan axis under the umbrella of Admiral Harris’ Pacific Command (PACOM), aimed at China, our friend, ally and partner.

At a recent seminar organized by SLInc, Mr. Sumanthiran and Dr. Wigneswaran made veiled threats respectively of unremitting Diaspora hostility, pressure and leverage and outright external (mainly Indian) intervention if a new Constitution going beyond 13A was not enacted. I responded by declaring that “we are a Ravana nation, though with a Vibheeshana Prime Minister and government”. I went on to remind that this island saw off 70,000 foreign troops under President Premadasa and prevailed over a Diaspora-supported, suicide bombing terrorist army under President Rajapaksa (both of whom I had the privilege of working with). I concluded with the aside that “we still have Gotabhaya”.

What Tamil nationalism now seeks is to sucker this Government into the holding of a referendum, and going by the UNP’s strident support during the parliamentary adjournment motion of Feb 22nd, the Tamil nationalists have already found their Sinhala suckers, to wit, Prime Minister Wickremesinghe’s loyalists within the UNP and Chandrika (“Marie Antoinette”) Bandaranaike Kumaratunga’s remaining serfs in the SLFP and civil society.

To paralyze this far-reaching Tamil nationalist plot, the SLFP, JO, JVP and patriotic UNPers must either abort the new Constitution project in Parliament or restrict it to reforms within the unitary state, i.e. the adjustment/re-set of the 13th amendment and no more, which can be enacted purely within Parliament.

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  • 0

    [Edited out]

    • 7

      It seems that the spinn doctor has nothing better to do these days.

      I wish he could better use his knowledge for the benefit of lankens, but so long the man is obsessed with his fantasies he will be cornered to his 4-walls.

  • 10

    What this Dayan does not relaize is that there are only two provinces North and East where Tamils are majority. By having a constitution which will give more powers to the provinces its the Sinhala majority provinces that are going to benefit most. This petty minded racist as usual does not realize this concept.

    • 9

      “The strategy for an Anti-Sri Lankan constitution”

      So says the Anti-minority Rajapakshe’s feet licking poodle.

      What this title really meant was “The strategy for an Anti-majority constitution” or “The strategy for an Anti-SinhalaBuddhist constitution”.

      Whipping up majority Sinhala-Buddhist Pseudo-Patriotism to win the majority votes for the Rajapakshes is a thing of the past, it will not work all the time. You cannot fool the people all the time.

      What the Rajapakshes should know is, this one is a leech that will not leave the skin until it is gorged with blood.

    • 0

      How about Muslims?

      Muslims also need the Eastern Province where we are the majority.

      Tamils cannot have 2 provinces and we none.

      Muslims never took up weapons so Muslims deserve more than others.

  • 14

    I (Dayan) responded by declaring that “we are a Ravana nation, though with a Vibheeshana Prime Minister and government”.
    Legend has it that Ravana was a Hindu in direct contact with Hindu Deities. He was a Tamil scholar, exponent in Carnatic Veena. He had weaknesses – he believed in astrology but so does the Dayan’s God MR.
    Dayan will soon start quoting Mahawamsa but not the fundamentals of Buddhism!

    Dayan again “……we still have Gotabhaya”.
    This is the barrel bottom. Dayan forgot to add Gnanasaaro.

    • 12

      It is time that we asked the government to stop enacting this Anti-Srilankan constitution and appoint eminent political scientists like Dayan Jayatilleke, Izeth Hussain and Prof. Laksiri Fernando to formulate a strategy for a Pro-Srilankan constitution to perpetuate Sinhala supremacist and chauvinist concepts.

  • 9

    Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

    RE: The Strategy For An Anti-Sri Lankan Constitution

    ” But his argument was a-historical and illogical.”

    Not only the argument put forward by Mr. Sampanthan illogical, all the arguments put together by the Para, Para-Sinhala, Para-Tamils, Para-Muslims and other Paras are illogical as well.

    What is logical is that they ALL are Paras in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho. Why not return back to your Para-homelands?

    Mitochondrial DNA history of Sri Lankan ethnic people:

    Journal of Human Genetics 59, 28-36 (January 2014) | doi:10.1038/jhg.2013.112

    Through a comparison with the mtDNA HVS-1 and part of HVS-2 of Indian database, both Tamils and Sinhalese clusters were affiliated with Indian subcontinent populations than Vedda people who are believed to be the native population of the island of Sri Lanka.


    The Vedda Tribe


    Tamil-speaking Veddas of Vaharai await war recovery support


  • 14

    J.R. Jayewardene Constitution of 1978, was censured by the left from the day it was promulgated.
    The 1978 constitution brought in misery and neo-liberalism and corruption was institutionalized.
    Scholarly articles appeared staring from Dr N.M.Perera in 1978 itself.

    The movement to abolish also commenced soon thereafter. The movement for abolition gathered momentum first from the left,then SLFP and finally UNP,

    President Chandrika Bandaranaike, Mahinda followed by Maithripla all of them promised that a new constitution will replace the 1978 Constitution.

    It was not UNP or Tamils or Muslims, but Sinhalease themselves.

    The prospects for a new constitution was bright in 2015 and early 2016.

    Suddenly SLFP and some renegade leftist including Dayan and some racist elements had joined to sabotage the new constitution showing Tamil nationalist bogey.

    They are adopting the traditional time tested reactionary, communal bogey being an easy way out

    The communal card is their last resort.

    A new constitution needs two third majorities and a referendum. Two third majorities are impossible without SLFP support and Referendum could not succeed without Sinhala support.

    Why fear to make changes? Why you don’T have confidence in your own parties and in your own people.

    Why the 1978 should not be thrown into the dustbin of HISTORY

    And have a brand new all inclusive constitution with the support of the all political parties and of all communities

    Dayan, Do you fear democracy or to face the people? Why you want to hide behind JRJ Constitution? Are you not ashamed?

    • 11

      True, the left censured JR’s 1978 constitution from the day it was first promulgated, but can you hark back to what the TULF did to support the Left and DR. N.M then?
      That should answer the question why the 1978 constitution get into the dustbin of history.
      Why cry over spilt milk now?
      Don’t you think it is better to learn from mistakes made in the past and opportunities lost to address current problems by taking suitable measures urgently to overcome past failures especially when people are now going about saying a new constitution is unnecessary let alone a referendum on it?

      • 8


        Read his last para where he advocates a Putsch (a coup) for the third time in last ten days.

        What does 1978 constitution say about treason, attempt of a coup, denying the people the right to excercise sovereignty.

        Sovereignty of the People is defined as follows:
        In the Republic of Sri Lanka sovereignty is in the People and is inalienable. Sovereignty includes the powers of government, fundamental rights and the franchise.

        People have the right to franchise. The war monger, war crime denier and the smart ass patriot wants to deny the people of Sri Lanka the right to franchise.

        I there any way the people of this island could exile this patriotic smart ass to North Korea?

        • 2

          Native Vedda,

          “Read his last para where he advocates a Putsch (a coup) for the third time in last ten days.”

          What kind of a Putsch does DJ write about? What kind of a Putsch is your favorite?

          Below you can find my favorite location for a Putsch. Unfortunately the Putsch attempt of Hitler in a beer hall caused deaths. The reason behind the deaths was not alcohol poisoning.

          “In the early 20th century, many of the larger cities of southern Germany had beer halls where hundreds or even thousands of people would socialize in the evenings, drink beer and participate in political and social debates. Such beer halls also became the host of occasional political rallies. One of Munich’s largest beer halls was the “Bürgerbräukeller.” This was the location of the famous Beer Hall Putsch.”


  • 12

    DJ has eloquently and liberally talks about Tamil Nationalism but he forgets that he is the embodiment of the Sinhala Nationalism; He is the cheer leader; he is the fire stoker. He basically wants a Sinhala Buddhist uprising against the state! To hell with his ostensible left ideology; to hell with liberating the long suffering Tamils; to hell with finding a lasting solution for the national burning question; to hell with the national endeavour to reconcile. He is stoking the fire!

  • 10

    Since Mahinda Rajapakse chased him away from his job he realised that he decided to go against a peaceful Srilanka and his intention is to create bloodbath in this soil. He understood very well that greedy Mahinda and brutal Gotapaya along with BBS is the easiest way to destroy Srilanka. He now talks against a new constitution but he was a supporter of Indo-Lanka accord a devolution of North East merged provincial council. Why did he took up a ministerial post in the merged North East provincial adminstration? He was greedy of power and now he is part of BBS He knew well that anti tamil and anti Muslim campagin by BBS will damage the Buddhism but he encouraged and advised Mahinda to take that path instead of building a peaceful Srilanka. Mahinda had the opportunity to simply accept the prposals derived by APC and get the supportof Tamils and Muslims. It is because of the cunning advise given by Dayan and the astrologer Weeramuny. Still it is not late for Mahinda to realise the truth and stop listening the advise of blood thirsty Dayan and other crooks. If Mahinda and Family wants to have abetter future he need to think about the Nation and people rather than those who really wants to damage the image of the Buddhism and Sinhalese.

  • 4

    Now you are Talking… Good on you mate.

    Will Sambandan and Abraham promise to give our Eagles Link Golf Course to the US, to put a THAAD Missile base to help Japan and South Korea attack North Koreans?.

    Of course after Dr Batalanda Ranil gives Sambandan the East as well..

    PM Rudra will be ecstatic.

    • 7

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

      “Will Sambandan and Abraham promise to give our Eagles Link Golf Course to the US, to put a THAAD Missile base to help Japan and South Korea attack North Koreans?.”

      The Distance between Japan and China 1,898 miles
      The Distance between South Korea and China 1,898 miles

      The Distance between Sri Lanka and China 2,429 miles

      Therefore the distance between your bump and your brain is about Zero miles

      • 3

        Dear native.

        Do you know the distance between our Planet and our Cousins Planet ,which you mates the great Americans found last week?.

        Wonder who did the computations ?. Is it you or your LTTE mates there?..

        • 6

          KASmaalam K A Sumanasekera

          “Wonder who did the computations ?. Is it you or your LTTE mates there?..”

          Is it Wimal Sangili Karuppan Weerawansa who is missing in the public for nearly two weeks, probably gone into retreat to compute the distance?

          Or is it MR’s court astrologer Sumanadasa Tilak Abeygunawardena?

          Or is it Champika Ranawake whose ancestor’s invented/discovered ZERO?

          Or is it you under awful lot of malt?

  • 3

    Sri Lanka is a failed State with respect to the Majority sinhala people.

    Every country’s majority has a country to say theirs’ country, their own language, culture, civilization, flag, national anthem and many more. Take all the countries descending from Britain, Take France, Germany, Japan, HIndusthan They all have the same.

    Onlysinhala people don’t have a country called Sinhale and that word is prohibitted and a racist worrd. There is an Indian Tamil who is trying to establish State Language in that country. Think about Tamils giving the foremost place to Sinhala language. Now, Sinhale – culture is a mixed christian, islamic – culture. Islam is foreign in sinhale. But, they have their culture established in Sinhale, and it is called Democracy. Tamil is the negibouring state language and the culture. Tamils are mixed Hindu, christian and Muslim. Now they want prominence in the Language Tamil.

    Who are doing this CBK, Ranil, Mangala and the team. Maithri is a decoy and he has become a buddhist preacher. If we ask what have you done to the country. He may say go and See polonnaruwa. Particularly, Ranil’s voters are muslums, Tamils. I can not understand Why Matara is voting Mangala.

    So, the constitution is to finish the Sinhala people.

    • 10

      jim softy dimwit

      “Onlysinhala people don’t have a country called Sinhale”

      Give us one good reason as to why sinhala people need a country called Sinhale when there is already exist a Hela province in Papua New Guinea?

    • 6

      There will be no country called SINHALE.. that will be dream even if you the like extremists go on crying on it.

      So please learn to sense it .. today is no too late.

      Even if you lick the balls of MR et al for your dream, he will rather be ended up in a prison in coming month. That will be a certainity .. wait and see. He is playing with fire this time.

  • 7


    Please note that Tamil Nationalism started after Singhala Nationalism was started by SWRD in 1956?

  • 6

    Dayan Jayatilleka prefers anti BUDDHISM constitution.

  • 6

    The last sentence in your article,

    “To paralyze this far-reaching Tamil nationalist plot, the SLFP, JO, JVP and patriotic UNPers must either abort the new Constitution project in Parliament or restrict it to reforms within the unitary state”,

    You appeal- an all inclusive appeal to SLFP,JO,JVP and patriotic UNPers implying that SLFP,JO abd JVPers are all intrinsically patriotic but UNP selectivey patriotic and label them.
    Then why you had selectively made an appeal leaving aside- even patriotic TNAers,SLMCersand the political parties of Upcountry Tamils.

    You bundle them in the unpatriotic basket thereby excluding an integral part of Sri Lankan citizens and thereby encourage separatism,

    Do n;you know it is a punishable offense
    Well all of us know that you are not an internationalist, but at least a little bit of patriotism.

    You have a political agenda even to divide the country for the sole purpose of power!.

    I appeal to all Sri Lankans unite to defeat the divisive and unpatriotic people and formulate an all inclusive constitution for all the people in the country

  • 1

    TNA, TULF and FP party led by SJV political roadmap base of Federalism of partition of Island for Tamil Rough regime back by Western agenda the policy of “divide and rule” against all Sri Lankan nationalities.

    SWRD of SLFP was Tamil-origin he unconditionally support for FP -SJV for Federal State in North-East by agreed Federalism with Federal Party 1957.

    TNA’s armed-wing is/was the LTTE, the cause is as same as the separatism, but the form of struggle is different path of Eealism by Ballots of TNA and GUN -point of LTTE and other Tamil terrorist.
    The proposed Constitution is illusion that crated for majority community by UNP-Ranil.w.. and CBK!

    TNA is lobbying by inside and outside with Parliamentary limitation by use of Tamil so-called mandate by using ballots as weapon for divided country.

    But LTTE is/was for Gun Point rules of terrorism by terrorizing democracy support by USA,UK and Indian hegemonies.

    Both political forces are venture politics of that same of Tamil Separatism or Eealm regime in North-Eastern province..They aim at gradually and step by step installed Tamil Eealm out-post in North.

    The UNP-Ranil W.. and CBK of Federalist both forces behind partition of Island for New Tamil Regime in North in first instant. The proposed NEW ” constitution” is FIRST STEP OF THAT.

    TNA and their “Constitutional changes” are means of achieve Goal of Tamil Eealm which that Nothing more than that.

    • 5

      Aiyo Gunasiri JINASOMA

      “TNA and their “Constitutional changes” are means of achieve Goal of Tamil Eealm which that Nothing more than that.”

      Please tell us the process by which the TNA would achieve its goal of Tamil Eelam using “Constitutional changes”? Are you ready and waiting to approve such changes (Tamil Eelam)if and when it is subjected to referendum?

      Are the Hindians ready and willing to grand recognition to another country at their back yard?

      It seems strange, you sound like Dayan. Are you Dayan’s alter ego?

      Have you heard of paranoia?

  • 5

    Aiyo Gunasiri JINASOMA

    “TNA and their “Constitutional changes” are means of achieve Goal of Tamil Eealm which that Nothing more than that.”

    Please tell us the process by which the TNA would achieve its goal of Tamil Eelam using “Constitutional changes”? Are you ready and waiting to approve such changes (Tamil Eelam)if and when it is subjected to referendum?

    Are the Hindians ready and willing to grand recognition to another country at their back yard?

    It seems strange, you sound like Dayan. Are you Dayan’s alter ego?

    Have you heard of paranoia?

  • 6

    DJ worked an Asian country on a contract for a year or two. He was able to work there because the working language is English.
    Did he learn any thing from that country’s constitution or from the Republic of South Africa’s new constitution ?

    What DJ wants is assimilation. He wants all the religious and racial minorities to assimilate and integratewith Sinhala Buddhist majority. As a condition they must also change their names.

  • 7


    Sad to know that you are not a smart rat after all.

    Your hero Premadasa gave plenty of ammunition and plenty of money to the LTTE. He was so scared of the LTTE and Prabhakaran that he knelt before him and begged to receive the bountiful arms/ammunition and the sacks of money (pun intended). Your worship of Premadasa is whole-heartedly justified.

    Your next hero Jayawardane invited Rajiv Gandhi and his army with open arms. He purportedly told Rajiv that he needed India’s protection out of fear of an anticipated coup. Again the bravery of your second hero is exemplary.

    At least the first two were smarter than your next hero. They did not make a fool of themselves by slapping themselves. After all, I don’t think so that even a “genius” like you would have believed when a thug wants anyone to believe of a “zero civilian casualties” war. He even boasted of his soldiers carrying the gun in one hand and the human charter in another. And the very brave hero of yours proved he was a chicken when he doubted himself and sought refuge in the “wisdom” of a roadside astrologer. And you know that joker sent your hero to hell. What we hear is he blames your next hero, Gotabaya, for his loss and is willing to prostrate at the feet of the Tamils and Muslims to seek their forgiveness for his earlier recalcitrant attitude and news are making the rounds that both communities are playing dumb and deaf. May be a begging bowl may do the trick.

    The fate of all your heroes are actually shining in the sky. No wonder yours too is shining brightly. Wish you all the best. I mean this sincerely.

  • 2

    To related to Native Vedda comment;

    It is quite impossible to Tamil Nadu that separated from Republic of India. By keep Tamil chauvinism in mind-outlook by that are venture oriented business is looking for large market economy in Indian vast land.

    I do not denied that fact . But created chaos and instability of Island of Sri Lankan which the so-called discrimination of Tamil minority will be pave way for an open new path for Tamil Eealm regime in
    Sri lanka.

    That during current regime which is politically weak order of undermined inside and out-side Sri lanak by TNA-Tamils-chauvinist . That is entry tactics of Tamil-Trotskyist politics of support for Tamil Eealm of TNA….

    This was path shown by USA-CIA and UK-M16 for Tamil Diaspora and TNA to their closed -comrade in arms of LTTE-terrorist out-fit want win war for Tamils has barging with Constitutional means with Pro Western Rules of UNP-Ranil W… and CBK that Tamil blood relationships of Federalism for North-Eastern province by merging .

    By advocating of USA-CIA and UK knows very well known facts revealed that center power of current Government under , MS, CBK and Ranil is weakest link is Neo=Liberal chain in Monsoon politics of south Asian countries.

    Western elements are pushing more hard bargaining with current regime in center of Colombo by TNA political lobbying for New Constitution proposed by so-called ex- LSSP political clowns of political jokers who are having no masses base in our soil.

    • 5

      Gunasiri Jinasoma

      Please write in any of the following languages:

      English, Sinhala, Tamil, …..

  • 2

    Dear Dr. Dayan

    US nationalists (that is, US, not US as in United States) have to live together without violence at least, and in peace as far as possible. The new constitution is neither necessary nor expedient to this end.

    We have to decide if we are going to support “Sinhala First”, “Tamil First” or “English First” or “India First” or even “America First” each in our own camp or come up with some sort of gentlemans agreement here.

    Both sides are engaged in an assymetric conflict, where the minority is allowed its nationalism but for the majority to mention it is racist. So be it. I am sure Dr. Dayan can adapt to assymetric warfare environment as much as anyone else, so a change in strategy would be good. Threats from the minority cannot be met with equal and opposite threats from the power holding majority as that plays into charges of oppression once again.

    Like all true nationalists neither the Sinhala not Tamil nationalists are willing to give up the struggle – but it must be a struggle for a vibrant nationalism within the existing state of affairs that does not offend the other party. The challenge is to reach a mutually beneficial arrangement where we could preserve our prejudices in an united, peaceful nation.

    Both parties have a lot of work to be done – and involving the constitution is an unecesary rabble – rousing exercise.

    The real issue is jobs and opportunities. Hence the oil tanks and so on.

  • 2

    We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.

    Martin Luther King, Jr.


    • 2


      “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”

      Congratulations for discovering Martin Luther King, Jr. albeit at this late stage of your life.

      All right, what did you actually learn from this quote?

      • 0

        So what say you, have we been living like fools in this land?

        • 0


          “So what say you, have we been living like fools in this land?”

          Have you heard of fool’s paradise?

          Please revisit Sri Lankan history from 1900 to date.

  • 1

    People are supreme in a democracy. What has been happening is that the Sinhala elitists hijack the democratic process once the election is won. Switzerland make major decisions by consulting the whole electorate in referendums. They have a true democratic system by allowing the ethnic minorities administer their own regions through cantons. That is the ideal system the late SJV Chelva wanted the stubborn leaders of Sri Lanka to adopt, but, it fell on deaf ears and the result is that we are the poorest country in the region except perhaps Pakistan.

    Though the presidential elections tantamount to referendums once a president wins the election he serves his/her family and friends at the expense of the impoverished masses. The elitists do not want to find a solution to the ethnic problem and the consequences are discord, destruction and wars. Executive presidential system has failed the country. Common man is poorer today than 10 years, 20 years or 60 years back. But the presidents, prime ministers, their families and friends get super rich. Look at how the ethnic minorities were treated. Their traitors were elevated to power against the wishes of the people. Buddhist monks were encouraged to destroy and kill the ethnic minorities.

    Referendum will allow the ethnic majority to decide on the type of constitution that they want. The TNA may miss the chance of setting up a united country if that is what the majority wants. What DJ and JO are scared is that they are worried that their scare mongering may not appeal to the masses.

  • 2

    Hey Dayan, you are one disgraceful fellow who has no shame. You act like a servant boy for the Parayapaksas.

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