The Tamil National Alliances welcomes the draft text of a resolution on Sri Lanka tabled by the co-sponsors of the resolution yesterday.
Issuing a statement the TNA said; “In particular, we welcome the draft resolution’s call on Sri Lanka to involve foreign and Commonwealth judges, lawyers, investigators and defenders in a judicial mechanism to be set up in Sri Lanka that would be mandated to try international crimes. This constitutes a significant victory for justice in Sri Lanka. The TNA is committed to help the government and international stakeholders evolve such a court, and will support its work. We also wish to note our appreciation of the government’s assent to this text and its willingness to co-sponsor it in the Human Rights Council. A court established on these lines would represent a dramatic break from the past and could herald the beginning of an end to impunity.
“Issuing a The draft resolution tabled today was the product of a difficult consensus. We are acutely aware that some of the language used in the interests of a consensus will not satisfy all victims of the conflict whom we represent and who have reposed their trust in the TNA. However, we are of the view that the draft provides a constructive starting point for what will inevitably be a long road to reconciliation.
“We thank the co-sponsors and all other government and non-government stakeholders who stayed true to their convictions, and recognize that the hard work of implementing the government’s commitments and winning back the trust of victims begins now. The TNA stands ready to support such efforts.”
Logan / September 25, 2015
Well the First Person on Trial should be this man for Supporting and helping The Criminals and according to the UN report human rights violators the LTTE R Sampanthan and other Top TNA leaders. How can their be a Leadership who openly supported the LTTE Mass human Rghts Viloators. The TNA surrendered to prabhakaran a petty criminal who hijacked Tamil Natinalism. If these Special courts does not bring people like R Sampanthan and other TNA leaders to account for their Involvement and supporting the LTTE when it broke Peace talks and choose war (Norway report of 2003 and 2006) then we all know this is a Kangroo Court to only punish a few.
Rajasingham Jayadevan / September 25, 2015
Do not make statements without evidence.
Mr Sampanthan too was a victim of the LTTE. He was not allowed to campaign freely and threatened by the LTTE to follow their dictates.
He was warned to behave himself or face the consequence by none other than Anton Balasingam in the British parliament. This meeting was arranged by me. I do not wish to state the exact words used by AB and I leave it to the readers to make their judgement.
Very survival of Mr Sampanthan was at stake because he refused to co-operate with the LTTE.
Making random comments without justifiable evidence is wrong.
Logan / September 25, 2015
‘Very survival of Mr Sampanthan was at stake because he refused to co-operate with the LTTE’
Yes fully saw with our own eyes and LTTE statements what happend to those who opposed the LTTE, They were all killed by them.
Mr Sampanthan mentor’s such as A Amirthalingam, A Thangathurai yet Mr Sampanthan was praising the very person and group who ordered those killings, He surrendered Tamil Nationalism to the Petty criminal and politically backed them. These are all historical proof. If Mr Sampanthan life was at steak he would like other Tamil Politicians of the former TULF who loved their people and stood up against the LTTE would have Fled the nation and told the Int Community the Truth about the LTTE, instead of openly backing them in int forums. And the LTTE never missed it’s tragets IF they had their sights on them
salam / September 25, 2015
“Fled the nation and told the Int Community the Truth about the LTTE, instead of openly backing them in int forums. “
The world listens to political authority- like leader of opp etc not just another hypocrite MP.
you stupid class is showing-
ever heard of a profession called `diplomat` or the word `driver` for PC’s
both are same and are able to communicate effectively they are the real survivors than go down to your shitty level of running away from murders.
Hear of Chennai boy CEO Google he is the best folk have seen and not your stupid tamil class.
Rajasingham Jayadevan / September 25, 2015
‘A Thangathurai yet Mr Sampanthan was praising the very person and group who ordered those killings’
Please do not make comments unheard of to confuse the readers. You seems have some sort of hatred towards Mr Sampanthan.
The Rogue Ayer / September 26, 2015
“He surrendered Tamil Nationalism to the Petty criminal and politically backed them.”
So did the others in the TNA did they not?
To what extent did they support different war and other crimes committed by the LTTE? I would like to see an investigation. Hopefully these guys will not be forgotten.
Kumar R. / September 26, 2015
You state “This meeting was arranged by me.”
Could you enlighten us on the circumstnces or as to in what capacity you accomplished that? Do you actually have any official capacity or is that again your imagination not unlike the (Tamil) proverbial case of the crow and the palmyrah fuit?!
Rajasingam Jayadevan / September 26, 2015
Kumar R.
[Edited out]
In what capacity do you ask me of my capacity to engage in something that you are incapable of doing. Don’t throw mud on to yourself by your relentless campaign of hate.
Kumar R. / September 26, 2015
What an idiotic response. If you still can’t figure out your idiocy, let me explain. You claim you had arranged a meeting between two senior Government officials. I make no claim anywhere even remotely close to that. Does that help you understand basic logic – or is that still too difficult to understand?Let me know – I will be happy to elaborate.
It is the fact that you throw in some self-congratulatory remarks out of the blues, and when asked for detail you become so illogically defensive (or hide under fictional lunacy)that undermines any credibility or sincerity in your statements.
Obviously you have no legitimate answer – [Edited out]
The Rogue Ayer / September 26, 2015
Kumar R,
“You claim you had arranged a meeting between two senior Government officials”
Senior Government officials? Who? Balasingham and Sambanthan? Please provide details of the government(s) they worked for at the time of the meeting.
Rajasingham Jayadevan / September 27, 2015
Kumar R.
[Edited out]!
Rajash / September 27, 2015
Kumar R
Look at RJ’s statement
“He was warned to behave himself or face the consequence by none other than Anton Balasingam in the British parliament.”
In the British Parliament?..was AB a British MP?
Does Brtisih parliament allow such threatning satements to be made.
Kumar R do nto waste time with this guy RJ….he is hallucinating
sam / September 27, 2015
its like British Tamils (Tory & Lab/Lib) going in to Parliament for a `Backchat` in the conference space meant for it.
He is aspiring for something by selling info.(vengeance)
He is a survivor let him be and leave the rest to the heavens.
What does he do? Sits like a fool whole day.
Yawn Yawn / September 25, 2015
Logan its comments like yours that hold this country back. This guys life was under threat and I would regard him as courageous. Get used to the Idea he’s leader of the opposition..its a great step forward. As long as races hate each other there is no hope so get with it :)
Mahinda and his lot are finally finished. Its a new age for Sri Lanka.
Logan / September 25, 2015
So what better than allowing a COURT OF LAW to Prove it. Thats all I dont understand why everyone is aganst that. A court of Law will emove all doubt if he is innocent or prove otherwise. Simple. A law is a Law when it is applied equally and without prejudice
salam / September 25, 2015
“”So what better than allowing a COURT OF LAW to Prove it. “”
logan means patriot – the last refuge for the scoundrel.
You just displayed your ignorance, arrogance and the beast in you- uncivilized.
You should be in a cage at the zoo or a prisoner of unjust war against own people (which happens only under communism)
Rajasingham Jayadevan / September 26, 2015
Civil litigation does not come to your door step on all the issues that you think of redressing. If you strongly feel any misdemeanour needing justice, you should approach the court yourself.
First and foremost, you must reveal your identity before making such serious comments. Then only people meaningfully engage.
D Desilva / September 26, 2015
Rajasingham Jayadevan,
Do you Think Mrs Balasingam, Anton Balasingam’s wife has a case to answer in these courts of justice
Rajasingham Jayadevan / September 27, 2015
D Desilva
Not under the heavily prejudiced legal system in Sri Lanka. They are answerable in a just court.
I make this comment knowing very well AB was also instrumental in my incarceration by the LTTE in Vanni.
Burt / September 26, 2015
There are some major problems in your argument in that the Govt of SL negotiated with the LTTE as equal partners more than ones and in and outside the country. The Govt is guilty of not protecting the civilian population and the democratically elected leaders right from the beginning. What do you expect a civilian population to do for survival against a armed rebel movement when its own govt did not provide the protection.
Kamal / September 25, 2015
Well, TNA joins hands with the world which is trying to place a concrete slab of the Tamils who sacrified their lives for an independent state. There is no more law in this destructive and selfish world. Only god will save Tamils on earth.
Usha S Sri-Skanda-Rajah / September 25, 2015
TNA and M.A Sumanthiran must ensure best outcome for Tamils – For informed participation as the official opposition,TNA must seek expert legal advice to be able to contribute substantively in the reform of the domestic law and in the implementation of para 6 and 7 of the HRC Resolution (now awaiting passage) TNA must seek Expert Advice/Competent Lawyers on Para 6&7 – “.. Para 7: Encourages the Government of Sri Lanka to reform its domestic law to ensure that it can effectively…implement in a manner consistent with its international obligations, the trial and punishment of those most responsible for the full range of crimes under the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations relevant to violations and abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law…” The full range of crimes should be drafted to allow for a finding of Genocide!
Off The Wall / September 25, 2015
TNA is the official opposition in the Sri Lankan Parliament and as such they are answerable to the citizens of Sri Lanka, especially to those who voted for them. They will be violating the Sri Lankan constitution if they try to carry out the hostile agenda of a powerful foreign government like yours, the TGTE. Don’t you know, as a government if you want to mess with other countries you cannot do it openly in today’s world; that you have to do it in a clandestine, cloak-and-dagger manner or you risk censure by the IC and sanctions by the UN. Did your government, the TGTE, make an official decision to engage in this sort of foreign intervention or are you acting on your own?
C’mon Usha Nona, stop being a joke.
Walt / September 25, 2015
slippery slitherer on the wall`
so when did the slave become master of master in this world after New World of 1493?
You have no understanding of `opinion sharing` in the democratic western world and what social media means to compare your terminal pungent mess with that of first world clean cities that you beg from survival.
aren’t you eve teasing an old woman? That is a crime on social media and the the west can get you either by fly past or drone.
Off The Wall / September 26, 2015
Asia Times reported on Sep 24, the Dalai Lama has shocked a BBC interviewer by declaring that a woman aspiring to be his successor would not be the suitable choice if she is ugly.
“That female must be attractive, otherwise it is not much use,” he is reported to have said.
Walt / September 26, 2015
you have no idea of chinese humour. they are not touchy like Indians, Pakistanis lankans SARC in general.
Lama and BBC Just having a good laugh without pointing fingers.
He was always a simple lama from birth and was appointed as their political figurehead.
He retired years ago and a layman has taken that place.
Westerners know he is an honest man and lives his life in that fashion.
Beauty and ugly are not what the `celebrity` papers have to say. They mean many things to the Chinese.
So don’t go into WTF holy poker mode. Ask the french or Swiss for they understand Tibetans better.
Off The Wall / September 26, 2015
Yeah….Okay, Native Vedda. Is Javi also lurking behind you?
Walt / September 26, 2015
slippery slitherer on the wall`,
The amusing part is the armed forces/Tamil terrorist ministers rapist murderers; looters are now trying to hide the loot. They know that when the west takes a decision action is swift like what happened to TRO.
I am sure it rings bells in your ears.
Off The Wall / September 26, 2015
Yeah Right!
The west will allow you to keep the wealth you extorted from Tamils both at home and in the diaspora on behalf of Prabakaran.
Dream on baby.
Walt / September 27, 2015
stupid, i have never had any contact with JT’s or SL’s for 1/2 centenary so you are getting hallucinations. I presume,You are a working class lad –
Don’t be too smart`The wisest man is often one who pretends to be a `damn fool`
Money is surreal so I neither beg nor borrow and can afford to show 2 fingers to any billionaire.
Equality of opportunity is utopia even in the west but we live as civilised `reasonable` people
thats the secret of the human not equality.
have … sunshine, wind, birds chirping, my own salad leaves and all the time in the world to do what I like doing plus satisfaction that no freaking millionaire usurer is able to enjoy life more than I do.
I am passing toronto in 2 weeks but I never go to tamil town. Its an old country before you JT’s came to be by creating it.
The first asian was singh from kings army to mounted police and you can never see the Asian ness of that stock anymore.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / September 26, 2015
Usha S. SriSkanda-Rajah,
In the final stages, the LTTE loaded a large number of injured cadres into a bus, fed then biscuits and soft drinks/tea,locked the bus and then shot at the fuel tank. They were incinerated while alive. This incident has not been reported in the UNHCR document. An internal inquiry will definitely find many eye witnesses to this despicable incident. What does this qualify as?
When the Elephant Pass was overrun the soldiers were given safe passage along a particular route by the LTTE. However, halfway through they open fire on escaping soldiers, killing several hundreds. Their grieving mothers, siblings and wives are yet looking for the ‘missing-in- action’. Is this not a war crime?
Both sides committed terrible war crimes, which were qualitatively the same, but may been quantitatively different.
Please stop being a distant and prejudiced advocate, however badly the Tamils were treated by Sri Lankan governments.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Kumar R. / September 27, 2015
You state ‘This incident has not been reported in the UNHCR document. An internal inquiry will definitely find many eye witnesses to this despicable incident. What does this qualify as? ”
If an internal inquiry as you state can ‘definitely find eye witnesses”, why did all of the several previous internal inquiries fail to do that? What will be different next time?
Given that you have now implicitly confirmed the internal inquiries have so far failed to unearth such grievous incidences, now we actually have an added justification for demanding an external inquiry.
The previous justification was based on ensuring credibility. Now you have added another crucial justification – you confirm that internal mechanism has proved inept, and so there is a need to look elsewhere for more discerning expertise – right?
Could you then explain why, despite all this, you remain opposed to external inquiry? How could that hurt?
Barathan / September 25, 2015
For once streaks of statesmanship have begun to appear on both ethnic entities. A few years of introspection, overt expression and a fair length of the balm of time have brought them about. At this moment, negative writing and nit picking will not take the communities anywhere.
With UN doing its mighty part, we have to move in tandem. Shortcomings can be made good as we go along.
Sellam / September 25, 2015
When the Government is going to establish an investigating body in consultation with the armed forces, will the TNA insist on including the LTTE or its supporters to be included in the panel.The reason is that the government is empowered to investigate their own crime as well as the crimes committed by the LTTE. Is it fair? Now Mr.Sambanthan is turning and twisting the issue. Words can come out from anybody’s mouth but the Tamil people want their freedom and self determination and they want the TNA cannot deliver. Mr.Sambanthan by supporting the Government, succeeded in getting Sampoor lands released. very Good. But what did he do about the lands occupied by the Armed forces in Vali North and Vanni.
I as a Tamil like many other Tamils do not accept the Draft Text Resolution . why cannot the world body accept and adopt the ONHCR resolution to the full.
Bandu de Silva / September 26, 2015
Hear! Hear! Listen to what Sambanthan says.He has really understood what the final D/R is but am agreement to a hybrid mechanism but in different wording.As I said elsewhere, a situation described in the old popular Calypso, “Your wife is my wife; My wife is your wife ” scenario.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / September 26, 2015
I welcome the sensible, wise and visionary path being taken by the top leadership of the TNA. I was long overdue. Better late than never. I also welcome CVW’s last statement supporting the developments at the UNHCR.
Let the dogs bark, but this caravan must move forward.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran