17 September, 2024


To Believers In God, I may (Politely) Say: “God May Be There But He Is Clearly Indifferent; If Indifferent, He Is Irrelevant”

By Shyamon Jayasinghe

Shyamon Jayasinghe

“Shake off all the fears of servile prejudices, under which weak minds are servilely crouched. Fix reason firmly in her seat, and call on her tribunal for every fact, every opinion. Question with boldness even the existence of a God; because, if there be one, he must approve of the homage of reason than that of blindfolded fear” ~ Thomas Jefferson


To Believers in God, I may politely say “God may be there but He is clearly indifferent; if indifferent He is irrelevant.”

Every-time a large scale human catastrophe occurs religious leaders are silent. The Archbishop of Canterbury reportedly admitted he was “embarrassed,” when Tsunami took place  two decades ago.

The Covid Pandemic

Now, comes Covid-19 and what have religious leaders to say? One of the worst pandemics – if not the worst – the world has seen. They are dumbstruck; yet, they faintheartedly ask their flock to keep praying for relief. They know it doesn’t work but they keep feverishly muttering this ridiculous counsel.

All over the world, Covid-19 is devouring people:making them thoroughly sick, making them gulp for breath without oxygen and making them-kids and adults, the sick and the infirm – fall dead like fireflies who hit the light in the night. In my lifetime, I’ve never seen a catastrophe of this sort.

These days, India is on the spotlight but other countries aren’t any far from India. At 4.40pm yesterday India  reached the milestone passing 300,000 deaths the third country to reach that many fatalities behind the United States and Brazil. Health officials recorded another 222,315 new cases in the previous 24 hours.

No oxygen, no beds, a tired health staff and so on. It is a common scene in India to see someone in a scooter rushing to a hospital with an oxygen cylinder to save a family member from sure death. Crematoriums work night and day. Families having lost work for months find it hard to find the wherewithal to cremate their dead.

I mention India because it is on the spot today and it is closer home. However, every Covid case is close home nowadays.

“Oh MY GOD!”

“Oh my God!” is a proper way to express a gruelling cry because we have been told for generations of human civilisation that God has created us all and that God is omnipotent and that He is all compassionate.

On the other hand God, assuming he exists, is not competent and all powerful  for sure and not compassionate. If neither, then there isn’t such a heavenly being. That’s the logic.

The priests may now take to the argument that God created the world and all of us but washed his hands after that.

Both presuppositions of God nullify that very concept. The second one shows an indifferent God. Hence, of no use.

Why Pray?

Why pray then? Millions gather in churches and pray. Muslims pray five times a day as a community kissing the flow and pushing their backs upwards.

If there is a compassionate and all powerful God as these religionists and other lesser brands accept why on earth do we have to pray to Him to relieve us out of this mass tragedy? He should do it because he is said to be the “all powerful and all compassionate One.” Does he derive a vicarious pleasure to see his creation fall on their knees, cry and wail asking for mercy before He decides to help out? The point is there isn’t any sign of His helping out.

Time to Bring in Some Miracles

And, besides, where are the miracles that were created in His name in ancient times? Multiplying loaves of bread raising the dead to life? Even Buddhists – the plainly more rational of the whole lot of religionists – claim the power of ‘Iddi Balaya,’ or ability to overcome physics and fly in the air after the power of meditation. It is revealing that we have never seen such miracles being performed after that. There are various individual claims about having been “healed,” after prayer to God. But these are by nature unverifiable and unfalsifiable and so are best attributed to nature’s ways of which one is ignorant at the moment.


As a matter of fact religions have been obstructing science’s ways of bringing Covid-19 under control. We saw how recently during the Mehla festival thousands of Indians jumped to the Ganges for blessings. They all died of Covid-19 due to intensified physical contact etc. Corpses were drawn ashore by nets. Yet, give the Indians another life and they would not change.

This is the trouble about religion. It is faith – based which means a follower has to suspend reasoning and just believe. I went recently to a Christian school in Melbourne. As I entered there was the slogan: “BELIEVE!” Just believe what is there in the Holy Books (Bible or Quran) because its the truth. How is it the truth? Because it is the truth. A cyclical trap!

Finding Truth

Richard Dawkins has stated  that truth can only be arrived at after proper investigation. The name for “proper investigation“ is the scientific method of search where we test a claim or hypothesis by trying to verify it with evidence.” Karl Popper pointed out that one must have the possibility of at least falsifying such a claim  if it were to be regarded as a meaningful claim.

In his best seller, The God Delusion,” Dawkins points out that one can try to arrive at truths only by a scientific investigation. He says, Faith is not a source of truth; it is the very abnegation of truth. Hence, Dawkins says religion and its Holy Books cannot be any source of knowledge. The knowledge about the universe and life in it is the province of scientific investigation, Dawkins says; it isn’t a topic for religion.

In the days of yore, under an absence of scientific thinking religious priests and Mullahs claimed to have had the answers to all these questions which today constitute the jurisdiction of science. These claims were supposed to have been based on their specific Holy Book. The story of the concoction of such Holy Books is another question, which need not be dealt with here.

As a result just look at the ridiculous “truths” that were stated by these holy people. Take just one  and that is the age of the earth. According to the Bible this earth is only 6000 years old. Scientific fossil and other evidence now teaches us that the earth is over billions of years old. The same with the planets and galaxies.

With the birth of the Renaissance and science in the 14th to 17th centuries, gradually scientists uprooted priesthood authority when it came to factual statements about the universe and man.


After Charles Darwin over 200 years ago God should have gone into hiding. Yet, He lives and pretends. But His pretences of power and compassion are exposed by his total impotence and indifference against the kind of pandemic human suffering we witness today.

*The writer can be contacted at shyamonjayasinghe@gmail.com

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  • 12

    @Shyamon Jayasinghe

    It is better to be silent than start arguments on God and religion and show your stupidity. Please Please , we want peace in this country. Don’t start arguments in public forums; do argue with your friends while having a beer.

    Shyamon, you are a sick man ridiculing other faiths without following your own faith properly. What do you know about relgion?

    • 5

      I don’t think he is ridiculing. He speaking about what is taking place in the world in the name of god, it may be Siva, Jesus or Allah. I have not included Lord Buddha, He is not considered a god. He had a pragmatic out look of the world. But his followers continue to misinterpret his sayings not teachings. He never considered himself a teacher or a representative of the god like Jesus. If any one has the right to say there is a god(gods) others have a right to say that there is no god. Unfortunately, those who believe in god lose their temper when others who question the validity of their believes. As far as I am concerned I am an agnostic and have no objection to any body’s believes or disbelieves in God. I may quote from Yogaswamy of Columbuthurai, Jaffna who use to say ” We don’t know anything every thing was over long ago”. In Tamil “Nam ontrum ariyom, ellam eppawo mudintha kariayam”.

  • 3

    Janaka7, to my understanding this article has not caused hatred. We are sharing what we believe.
    As much as salvation, in the Bible is to be accepted individually, as a gift,
Ephesians 2
8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
    9 Not of works, lest any man should boast. ,
    protection also is offered to individuals who trust in God. Please read,
Psalm 91
1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.
    2 I will say of the Lord, He is my refuge and my fortress: my God; in him will I trust.
    3 Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence.
    4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
    5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
    6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
    7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.

  • 8

    Religion and religious priests who claim to liaise with god are clearly on the defensive. They are calling their flock to pray, perform yajnas, offer special poojas etc. Yesterday when I went for a walk, there was a road sign which read “Oh Lord Have Mercy! Destroy COVID 19 and Save your Flock.” To be honest, there is no record the various gods of many faiths ever answered prayers.
    Unlike humans, COVID 19 does not distinguish people on the basis of ethnicity, religion, language, culture, or status! The juggernaut is simply unstoppable. Currently, the death toll in India is 311K and active cases 27.2 M! This despite the fact there are 2 million Hindu Temples and 400,000 mosques in India! It is the same with Christian churches. Worldwide there are 37 million churches with 34,000 (Christian) denominations. But God seems to be oblivious to the feeble prayers of men of all faiths.
    Before the birth of science and medicine, people died like flies due to epidemics like cholera. Seven cholera pandemics occurred in the past 200 years with the first pandemic occurring in India. Deaths in India between 1817 and 1860, in the first three pandemics of the nineteenth century, are estimated to have exceeded 15 million people.

  • 5

    Dear Mr.Jayasinghe,
    Thanks for your well written article. You made it very clear to understand the existence of “Almighty Gods of Bible, Quran, Tora or whatever”. I like your para under “Oh MY GOD!” particularly.

    The readers of your article could do lots of free but unchangeable tests on the existence of such Gods by just visiting https://godisimaginary.com/.

    It says “It is easy to prove to yourself that God is imaginary. The evidence is all around you. Here are 50 simple proofs:” all are interesting: Actually more that 50 tests!

    So called believers of Gods try their best to protect their Gods doing counter arguments, but if somebody try to protect an Almighty God, he indeed declares and prove that his or her God is defenseless! because it is an imaginary God!

  • 3

    Shyamon Jayasinghe, I am amazed at the variety of beliefs. This is a true experiential story. Almighty God created heavens and earth, spiritual angels in heaven and later bodily humans with his DNA on earth. Archangel Lucifer rebelled as he wanted worship and was cast out with one third of deceived angels (fallen beings in second heaven) and even today, these false gods demand sacrifices of worship. Lucifer produced his kind in long bodied dinosaurs and God’s flood drowned them. This took a long time. Finally brought order to earth, made man in his image and 6000 years are recorded. Evil, fallen Luciferian satan deceived man too with sin. Later, sinless Jesus born on earth, was crucified carrying sins and freed all men from sin when he resurrected and ascended. But humans are still in a fallen world, some believing good God of love , mercy and forgiveness without violating man’s free will to choose him. Others believe evil satanic lies. The silk route from east reaches Iran and Megiddo for final battle of Armageddon, separating the two groups.

  • 8

    I’m reminded of the ancient fairy tale “Pied Piper of Hamelin” we follow an illusionary tune played by an imaginary piper, we follow with no sight we hear with no sound, we believe with no credence, sheep are actually more intelligent they follow an actual shepherd! There is no hereafter, no matter how man candles you light, how many incantations you sombrely chant. there is only deep dark silence with neither pearly gates nor boiling vats of sulphur and fire! Our life is temporary and when we depart, we neither ascend nor descend, actually the ascend part could be the smoke from the crematoriums! Well done Shyamon!

    • 5

      Inca, You say there is no hereafter. From where did you enter your mother’s womb. Bible says in Ps.139 that God knew you before your mother’s womb and wrote the days of your life in a book. There is an eternal part of you, though you say your life here is temporary. We need a power bigger than ourselves to create a life. So when this temporary life is over, the eternal soul or personality carries on accountable to the source of life. Some call it karma and try to live righteous and just lives. Good and evil are not the same. Please rethink and not miss.

  • 3

    Mr. Shyamon Jayasinghe,
    People have become skeptical, and the belief in God is no longer considered necessary or, in some cases, even foolishness. The prevailing philosophical argument is that science yields no compelling evidence to affirm the existence of God and it is just a religious experience and an emotional feeling. Is belief in God just an emotional experience alone?
    When we look at the creation, we can establish three basic possibilities for the reality that we encounter. The first is that the reality we encounter is self-created. The second possibility is that the reality we encounter is self-existent. And the third possibility is that the reality we experience is created ultimately by something else that is self-existent. Now, one of these three possibilities must be true. If one of them is true, the others must be false.

    • 4

      Dear Vijaya.
      ……..Now, one of these three possibilities MUST be true. …………
      Your assertion only. Why is that assertion true.
      You talk of “possibilities” and arrive at a conclusion.
      You must conclude only on “facts”. In most cases “possibilities” are endless.

  • 6

    Can any buddhist practicing or those pretending to be not practicing until the question of patriotism comes into question then they’re the most staunch buddhists,
    Since buddhism doesn’t really have a concept of God as a creator of all the worlds, but still acknowledges the existence of the soul and the many practices that benefit the soul. Can any of these buddhists give me an explanation for where this soul came from, what it is made from and where is it inside the body (testable theory to prove where it is physically) ??
    If you can answer these questions you’d win the noble prize for medical breakthrough. But there are a lot of big headed anti religion fools like the author who need to be put in their place. I’m always reminded about why these anti God/religion buddhists always make the loudest noise, but then I’m reminded ’empty vessels make the loudest noise’.

  • 6

    Dear sl-c
    In Buddhist philosophy, the term anattā (Pali) or anātman (Sanskrit) refers to the doctrine of “non-self” – that there is no unchanging, permanent self, soul, or essence in phenomena. It is one of the three marks of existence along with dukkha (suffering) and anicca (impermanence).
    Hence may be the following be re-examined :
    …Since buddhism doesn’t really have a concept of God as a creator of all the worlds, but still acknowledges the existence of the SOUL…….

    • 3

      MyView & sl_citizen,
      Buddhism is a bi-product of Hinduism. Buddhism is indebted to Hinduism. Both believes in meditation and wearing Rudraksha. God has not been defined by any religion excepting Hinduism which has given the nature of God i.e. God is Omnipotent, Omnipresent & Omnisience. It is Hinduism which says that Earth has life and of its age. This does not mean I am discouraging other faiths. Soul is something that emanates from the Supreme Soul which means the existence of God is accepted. The existence of the Universe is about some trillions of years which is in conformity with the BigBang theory. As such, there were beings since that period. It is a matter of considerable debate.

      • 4

        Dear AR.
        …………..Buddhism is a bi-product of Hinduism……….
        Buddhist Philosophy started as an antitheses to Hinduism, not a by-product. In SL, over time due conquest and settlements from India, it suffered and “gods” crept in, and became “Buddhism”.
        Meditation is a mental exercise similar to yoga as a physical exercise – both for one’s well being. Meditation and yoga have no religious bias.
        Rudraksha is a seed that is used as a prayer bead in Hinduism (especially in Shaivism), as well as other traditions like catholicism. It has nothing relative to Buddhist Philosophy but again due Hindu/Indian influence, our politicians especially wear these.
        …..Soul is something that emanates from the Supreme Soul which MEANS ?? the existence of God is accepted…..
        This is an only ASSERTION based on one’s belief., trying to prove something, after expressing and accepting one’s own belief initially, as true.
        As you say : This does not mean I am discouraging other faiths…(and beliefs). Agreed.
        Anything that provides solace and make people more humane, is best.

      • 0

        Dear AR,
        Now to science…..
        ……….. The existence of the Universe is about SOME TRILLIONS of years which is in conformity with the BigBang theory, as such, there were “BEINGS” since that period.……
        As I understand :
        According to Big Bang Theory, Earth formed about 4.5 billion years ago and primitive Life began at least 3.5 billion years ago, because that is the age of the oldest rocks with fossil evidence of life on earth. “Beings” as such, came much later.

  • 4

    if you have to justify contradictions to believe what you are said to believe then its most likely a lie. Isn’t it rather strange that all of Judaism Islam and Christianity originated next to each other have the same god? just with different prophets? what makes these medieval clowns more prone to a god complex than others

    • 1

      a14455, Judaism’s God is Jehovah of Israel which had scriptures according to which Jesus was born. Those who believed in the Christ (JC) were called christians which spread all over the world. Jesus was birthed sinless by God to pay the sacrifice for the sins of the whole of humanity on the cross, but was resurrected as he was sinless. Mohammed was born 500 years later and worshipped another god in Mecca called Allah. He is not Jehovah, His Spirit and Jesus. Hindus worshipped Brahma, 500 years before Jesus in India. Buddha was born hindu, and died and cremated as a hindu. His followers are Buddhists. Not all mid east.

      • 5

        Your knowledge of monotheism is poor. Allah and Jehovah are one and the same. Arab Christians use the word “Allah” in their prayers.
        Islam , Judaism, and Christianity have some of their prophets in common, like Abraham/ Ibrahim, Moses/Moosa, Joseph /Yusuf, etc . Judaism doesn’t recognize Mohammed or Christ as prophets. Christians don’t recognize Mohammed, but Muslims recognize Christ as a prophet. Did you know that there is a still-extant sect that claims John the Baptist as the Messiah? To Jews, the Messiah hasn’t arrived yet.
        You ought to look around a bit, outside of what you consider holy scripture.

        • 1

          old codger, No true christian, being a follower of Jesus Christ, would ever worship or pray to Allah, whatever that name means. Jesus said “I am the truth. No man comes to the Father but by me”. Father has the name of Jehovah. By looking around like Eve, easy deception of satanic worship occurs. Boundaries for protection should not be crossed.

          • 0

            “No true christian, being a follower of Jesus Christ, would ever worship or pray to Allah,”
            Ah, so there are fake Christians too? Like the Malaysian Roman Catholics who pray to Allah in Malay, with the full permission of the Pope?
            Allah is simply the word for God in Arabic and Malay. Just as the word in Sinhala is “Deviyanwahanse” .
            If you are a Jehovah’s Witness, that’s OK.

        • 1

          The concept “One and Only One Almighty God” originated in the Middle-East. Starting with Adam and Eve, the prophets of God continued up to Moses for the Jews (they did not accept Jesus and Mohammed). It further continued up to Jesus for the Christians (the Muslims called him a prophet but the Christians called him God/son of God). It continued even further up to Mohammed (the Muslims called him the last prophet). Elohim/Yehowa is the term used for the ‘Almighty God’ in the Jewish/Hebrew language. The same ‘Almighty God’ is called Jehovah in Latin and Allah in Arabic language. What the Arabs call as Allah, the Christians call as Jehovah and the Jews call as Elohim/Yehowa is the same one and only one Almighty God. Abraham is the common father (in the earth) of Jews, Christians and Muslims. The Almighty God is sometimes called the God of Abraham because the Jews, Christians and Muslims consider Abraham as their forefather after Adam. This is how the middle-eastern and western religions evolved.
          The eastern concept of God is completely different. They talk about millions of God/Devas and it has nothing to do with the Middle Eastern concept of ‘Almighty God’. Some people (Buddhists/Hindus) wrongly believe that the Almighty God (Jehovah/Allah) is just one of the Devas out of the many millions but the two concepts are entirely different.

  • 11

    They say God created man …… but it looks like man created God.

    In all likelihood to avoid a honest day’s work.

    • 4

      nimal fernando,
      You seem to be a contradiction!
      (An explanation would serve you nothing.)

    • 6

      Yes, some men appointed themselves as agents for God.

      • 6

        There is no point arguing whether God exists or not. The argument should be about what form he exists in. Is he Jehovah, Allah, Shiva, Baal, etc?
        Science believes in evidence. So, let’s look at the world’s oil producers, sitting on oceans of oil. Nigeria and Venezuela have oil but aren’t rich. Saudi Arabia, Brunei, UAE, are all rich.
        So we may scientifically deduce that Allah exists in at least some Muslim countries. But even he must be a local god like Kaliamma, because he doesn’t exist in Afghanistan, Somalia………..

        • 4

          Nathan, OC,

          “In the absence of God, man is CONDEMNED to be free.”

          Freedom compels us to take responsibility for each and every one of our actions.

          The last person, I thought would be afraid of freedom, is Nathan! …….. but then, everyone has a chink in their armour …………

          Native has still not taken responsibility for his raving misogyny ……… he is passing the responsibility on to Ramona: she made him do it! :))

          • 3


          • 0

            nimal fernando,
            “In the absence of God, man is CONDEMNED to be free.”
            It is not FREEDOM that I am afraid of; It is IGNORANCE!

  • 4

    You say the world had progressed to a point of sending probes to MARS. But at what cost? Will a man be living more than 100 years if he is going settle in MARS. Why can’t man pay his attention towards the poor people in alleviating poverty instead of wasting money like this. My view is God had created this planet Earth as the most suitable place for everyone to co-exist peacefully. There is something called God’s own calculation and that is what is happening in today’s context. It is a battle between Good & Evil. OM NAMASIVAYA & RUDRAKSHA give peace of mind & this is my experience being a vegetarian. Time & again I repeat that man is treating other beings cruelly which God cannot tolerate anymore.

    • 1

      “if he is going settle in MARS. Why can’t man pay his attention towards the poor people in alleviating poverty instead of wasting money like this.”
      I find that ironic when you are typing on a computer, the ancestors of which were on Apollo 11, using the internet which depends on thousands of satellites in space. Lots of poor people have been helped by the internet and mobile phones, or even mylar heat reflective packaging. Knowledge is something we don’t recognize until we get it. If all that money wasn’t “wasted”, CT wouldn’t exist, and you would be sending post-cards to the Daily News.

    • 0


      “Why can’t man pay his attention towards the poor people in alleviating poverty instead of wasting money like this.”

      You are introducing a subterfuge here; the crux of the argument is that going to Mars represents a scientific triumph in chipping away at what we don’t know about the universe, while religions, by clinging to scriptures and concepts produced in ignorance and fantasy thousand of years ago, remain static and unequal to the task of explaining the world.

      On your other question, you have to ask why the God you believe in designed the world this way, instilling greed into some, while letting plenty of others suffer, not just in terms of poverty, but also in terms of illnesses, disabilities, etc. Suffering is the only constant in life; religions and their believers only dance around the issue indulge in a cop-out.

      • 0

        ‘… religions, by clinging to scriptures and concepts produced in ignorance and fantasy thousand of years ago, remain static and unequal to the task of explaining the world’.
        Don’t assume that things that don’t see don’t exist.
        What one knows is only a handful, whereas the unknown is the size of the world.
        – .கற்றது கை மண் அளவு கல்லாதது உலகளவு – .

        • 0

          things that you don’t see don’t exist. (Kindly insert ‘you’ between that and don’t.)

  • 3

    Respect all humans for whom Jesus paid price to get out of karma in the soul added to by ancestral sins as well. That is called Theocracy or worship of the creator. Creator breathed his spirit to give life which goes back to him at death. But soul if not go with that good spirit at death, has to go with the evil spirit of satan after leaving body. Man created spirit, soul and body. Denial of God can still live here in freedom and self made free will choice of liberty. This is democracy of political government which soon looses morality seeing the abundance of nation which selfishness able to lay hands on. The public treasury is greedily robbed without any accountability to the owner God, and there is no other way of self defence except murder witnesses in a dictatorship, specially if in league with deceptive gifts of any dictator nation. This evil dictatorship without theocracy will eventually have to receive judgment of their beliefs and actions.

  • 2

    Mr. Shyamon Jayasinghe,
“God May Be There But He Is Clearly Indifferent; If Indifferent, He Is Irrelevant”.
Please read,
Matthew 8
19 And a certain scribe came, and said unto him,
    Master, I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest.
    20 And Jesus saith unto him,
    The foxes have holes,
    and the birds of the air have nests;
    but the Son of man hath not where to lay his head.
    This world is not my home.
    The Lord Jesus said,
    John 16
    These things I have spoken unto you,
    that in me ye might have peace.
    In the world ye shall have tribulation:
    but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
    John 14
    Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me.
    2 In my Father’s house are many mansions:
    if it were not so, I would have told you.
    I go to prepare a place for you.
    3 And if I go and prepare a place for you,
    I will come again, and receive you unto myself;
    that where I am, there ye may be also.
    6 Jesus saith unto him,
    I am the way,
    the truth,
    and the life:
    no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

    • 7

      Dear Vijaya,
      You only quote the Bible. That has been around for over two millenia.
      Say something you yourself has seen, felt, understood or experienced, to add to the sum total of new knowledge.

    • 4


      I see here you are typing a lot of things you don’t understand. Please tell us this, is/was Jesus a god?

      • 2

        God has only one child, a boy named Jesus.
        His sojourn to earth is well documented.
        He changed history like no other.
        He is expected to do a second tour.
        Wait for it. Be good in the meantime (give up worshiping Sun God ).


        • 0

          A lot of people use this platform to denounce God. You have made Him a man!

      • 2

        Jesus is God! He is also the Son of God. God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit are parts of the Holy Trinity. Each are separate beings. And each is also God supreme. You see, this is God, so human rules of physics do not exist, and God can do as He pleases. All kinds of stretching, compressing, morphing, and assuming occurs in this 12th dimension. We earthly beings belong only to the 3-D. How do we know this is true? It is ancient wisdom passed down through the ages, revealed through the prophets, and experienced in each generation. Wow! Awesome!

  • 4

    Author Shyamon, Simply because God has allowed men to do evil as he has given them a free will to choose, does not mean that he approves of what they do. Their actions of evil greedy robbing and murder has dire consequences. Must have a revelation of who God is, to know his immense love, mercy and forgiveness with patience and long suffering. But there will come a day when the cup of iniquity is so full and his righteousness and justice will render a final verdict and judgment on those who believe that they can get away with anything whether in Dubai, Singapore, USA, Russia or China. Apart from national governments, there is the creator’s government called the kingdom of God and its just rule and reign, over humans, nations, sun, moon and stars, cosmos and the whole created universe containing all the galaxies. At the center of all subatomic quantum particles is a vibrating string, the voice of God, to resonate with.

  • 1

    Your article highlights your views. It is always better not to argue about God and religion. It is you and your God. If you have one, it is fine and if you don’t have one, it is still fine.
    Spending one’s time to spread messages to avoid religious debates and all of the associated evils will undoubtedly help bring people of all Gods to live and let live.

  • 0

    Dear Native Vedda,

    You asked whether Jesus is God. The simple answer is YES. If interested , please read the confirmation from the Bible:
    The Lord Jesus Christ is Jehovah God, the Almighty based on the following verses of scripture:

    Revelation 22
    20 “The one who bears witness of these things says,
    ‘Yes, I am coming quickly.’”

    “Amen! Come, Lord Jesus.”

    Revelation 22
    .12 “‘Look! I am coming quickly,
    13 I am the Alʹpha and the O·meʹga,
    the first and the last,
    the beginning and the end.

    Revelation 1
    17 When I saw him, I fell as dead at his feet.
    And he laid his right hand on me and said:
    “Do not be afraid.
    I am the First and the Last,

    Revelation 1
    .8 “I am the Alʹpha and the O·meʹga,”
    says Jehovah God,
    “the One who is and who was and who is coming,
    the Almighty.”

  • 0

    Dear MyView,
    I quote the Word of God, because it is the sword of the Holy Spirit, ,which is sharper than a two edged sword. It is the Holy Spirit who convicts us of sin, of righteousness and judgement to come.

    Dear davidthegood, thank you for sharing the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.May many come to know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour.
    Romans 3
    23 For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.
    Romans 6:23
    The wages of sin is death but the GIFT of God is eternal life, through Jesus Christ our Lord.
    Acts 4:12
    For there is no salvation in any other. For there is none other name given among men , whereby they might be saved.

    That name is Jesus.

    Philippians 2
    10 That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth;11 And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

    Romans 10:13
    Whoever calls on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ shall be saved.

    John 1:
    12 As many as received Him (Jesus), who believed in His name, to them gave He gave the right to become the children of God-13 children born not of natural decent , nor of human decision or a husband’s will, but born of God.

    • 1

      Dear Vijaya.
      When you say : I quote the Word of God,
      You are just quoting (from) the Bible, not Word of God.
      Who has actually heard the Word of God ?

  • 0

    Dear All,
    After death there is no rebirth. I read in an article, assuming a person had 10 births, his 10th birth is due to the good thoughts and deeds of the previous 9 births. if you were to go back to your first birth,
    you could not have been born ,as there were no previous births to do or think , good or bad.

    How sad ,that due to the teaching of rebirth based on karma, there are today approximately 200 million
    so called low caste people in India. Even in Buddhism , the caste system prevails, even among clergy.

    If you visit the Sinhala /Tamil topics on Colombo Telegraph, you can read how badly some people refer to others as cooloies

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    Dear All,
    The Lord Jesus did not come in search of the truth.
    He said,
    John 14
    6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth and the Life, no one comes to the Father but by me.

    The Lord Jesus , who started His ministry at 30 years, died for the sins of each of us at the age of 33.
    His teachings include:
    Luke 6
    27 But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,

    28 Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.

    John 10
    11 I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his life for the sheep.
    17 Therefore doth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again.

    18 No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father.

    John 13
    34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.
    35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

    Matthew 11
    28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

    John 3
    16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
    17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
    18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

    • 1

      Dear Vijaya.
      Useless wasting time on your quotes and incorrigible fanatic faith in a Book which has seen so many versions and been given so many interpretations for it’s contents over 2 millenia. Just parroting the Bible (which is freely available in it’s so many VERSIONS) does not add an iota of value to the discussion.

  • 3

    To those who don’t believe in God and a Hereafter
    There are many humans who suffer in this life in various ways at the hands of petty Criminals and Mega
Criminals but the victims don’t get the justice they deserve for many reasons. Even when they get justice on rare occasions, it is on the basis of a system devised by man which, certainly is NOT Perfect. So, the victim, along with his/her dependants, suffer the injustice all their lives, for no fault of theirs. How fair is this?
    In the same way, a person who does good to help others, gets no reward except some recognition and respect at most. It may be a simple act as helping somebody to find his way some where or giving his seat in a Bus to an infirm or elderly person etc.
    In the 2 World Wars, the casualties were in excess of 100 millions. And the Nuclear attack on Hiroshima and Nagasaki took the lives of over 200,000 innocent civilians. Did whoever who was responsible for these wars get punished for the millions that got killed and many more that had to suffer in various ways during and after the Wars? And Wars have become part and parcel of Life and are getting more and more vicious with deadly weapons.

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    Dear MyView, thank you for your comments. Do not worry about the translations which are many.
The message is the same.
The message is that God became man to save us from the lake of fire.
If you believe on the Lord Jesus , you will go to heaven to be with Him forever and ever.
Revelation 21
1 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea. ..3 And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Look! God’s dwelling place is now among the people, and he will dwell with them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be their God. 4 ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”
No more Corona virus or poverty or suffering. No more Tamil or Sinhalese. We will be one.
We are in fact one, even now, among the very minority in Sri Lanka, who have accepted the gift of eternal life. There is our creator who made us all equal , no untouchables.

  • 1

    To: Colombo Telegraph

    I posted a comment last evening (30th May) around 06.15pm on the Topic

    “To Believers In God, I may (Politely) Say: “God May Be There But He Is Clearly Indifferent; If Indifferent, He Is Irrelevant”

    My comment was there when I last checked in the night around 10.30pm, but when I checked now, the comment is MISSING.

    May I request you to kindly check and restore my comment in its place.

    Thank you.

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