10 February, 2025


To Whitewash Regime’s Sins UGC Arbitrary Decides To Close Universities

“We are extremely displeased with the arbitrary decision of the UGC to announce a ‘vacation’ for universities during the CHOGM.  We are not at all convinced by the reasons provided by the UGC Chair for this sudden decision.” says the President of the FUTA, Dr. Nirmal Ranjith Dewasiri.

Dr. Nirmal Ranjith Dewasiri

Dr. Nirmal Ranjith Dewasiri

Issuing a statement he says; “There is no justification for disrupting the academic activities of several thousand students in this way.  In fact, we believe this arbitrary decision was taken due to the insecurity and fear of those in authority generated by their sustained failure to address the needs of university students in this country.  This is part of the general programme of deception that has been launched by this regime to use the CHOGM to whitewash its sins at considerable cost and inconvenience to its citizens.”

We publish below the statement in full;

FUTA Statement on closure of universities for CHOGM

In a move that definitively indicates that the regime has lost all sense of proportion, sense and logic in the whirlwind of CHOGM-mania, yesterday the University Grants Commission (UGC) announced a vacation for universities from the 9th to the 17th of November.  UGC Chair Prof Kshanika Hiriburegama was reported by the media as having explained the vacation being declared due to numerous requests from undergraduates participating in CHOGM activities who did not want their academic activities to be disrupted.  According to another media source, Prof Hiriburegama reportedly granted the vacation so that university students could ‘study’ about CHOGM.

Of course, the responsiveness of Prof Hiriburegama to student requests is commendable and we sincerely hope that this is an indication of a different approach to how the UGC responds to student requests in the future as well.  In the past, student requests, in our opinion for more urgent matters such as student rights, political interference in university governance and problems with student facilities have met with complete silence or outright aggression.  In fact, recently, the Minster for Higher Education, Mr S.B. Dissanayake’s response to university students who protested against the establishment of a British private university under controversial circumstances, was to call university students “buffaloes” and to go on to insult female university students in extremely vulgar and sexist terms.

We wonder how many other Commonwealth countries disrupted their educational establishments in order to host a Commonwealth meeting in this manner.  We also wonder how many other Commonwealth countries would tolerate such behaviour from their Ministers.  We are sure the Commonwealth has taken note of all these factors when they decided to hold the CHOGM in Sri Lanka and allow Sri Lanka to Chair the Commonwealth for the next two years.  The Commonwealth Secretariat has made several public statements recently on the importance of “collectively shared values and principles” and we wonder whether the actions of the Ministry of Higher Education in Sri Lanka and the UGC are part of those “collectively shared values and principles”.

We are extremely displeased with the arbitrary decision of the UGC to announce a ‘vacation’ for universities during the CHOGM.  We are not at all convinced by the reasons provided by the UGC Chair for this sudden decision.  There is no justification for disrupting the academic activities of several thousand students in this way.  In fact, we believe this arbitrary decision was taken due to the insecurity and fear of those in authority generated by their sustained failure to address the needs of university students in this country.  This is part of the general programme of deception that has been launched by this regime to use the CHOGM to whitewash its sins at considerable cost and inconvenience to its citizens.

Latest comments

  • 0

    Good to hear that FUTA has woken up even a bit late in the day!
    How about a FUTA and joint trade union protest to tell the world that Rajapassa is running a DEEP STATE dictatorship during the CHOGM show?

    What is that clown Bahu who was supposed to organize the CHOGM protests doing – following the big clown Ranil Wickramasinghe’s instructions not to protest while he is overseas?

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    Actually in my opinion we should close every thing that Commonwealth leaders can see while they are Visiting our Dharmadveepaya. We should try to prove them that we are a peaceful country and Developed Country according to Central Bank Governor, Ajith Niward Cabral.

    As our Saddarmadveepa Chakrawarthi is the Boss for Commonwealth countries for another 2 years we should celebrate at least another one or 2 months by cooking “Kiribath” on the closed Roads like we celebrated the outset of Dr. Srirani B. Also we should suggest that Govt. Should allocate at least 1 day in every month to Celebrate his presidency in Commonwealth countries as we are celebrating War Victory.

    Also, we the General Public should demand from the Govt. that our Chakrawarthi should request that Sri Lanka should host the next CHOGM as well to show other countries that we are very rich country.

    Amendment of Taxes of essential Items such as Milk Powder and other commodities such as Diesel, Petrol and etc. is ok to find Cash for this kind of events as it will increase our King’s Image and it is our duty to help the king by paying additional taxes or amended prices without making a noise.

    “Suba Anagathayak”

    • 0

      General Public? you mean his subjects?

  • 0

    Good News indeed! Thanks Nirmal – you are a brave soul!
    Glad that the Dons who seemed asleep on their job have finally blinked, but we need a PROTEST on the streets @ University closure for the CHOGM circus, and if not some critical analysis including a COST-BENEFIT analysis of the CHOGM circus on which Rajapassa has spent billions of borrowed funds from the Dons!

    The POST-COLONIALISM peddling University Dons of Lanka today seem a rather disgraceful lot! They do not do any cultural analysis or culture critique – just accept the SPIN and Hog Wash that the Rajapassa regime dishes out, rather than EDUCATING their students and the general public by providing contemporary political and cultural analysis..
    The British Commonwealth has NO geopolitical or economic or social purpose. CHOGM has NO substance, just cultural Pagaentry and Raj Nostalgia.. The lesser the substance the bigger the “CULTURAL” show and the larger the number of gyrating DANCING GIRLS.
    But there has not been a singe post-colonial critique of the Commonwealth of Nations or an analysis of its RELEVANCE from a University Don!
    Please ask your colleagues to say something about Mahinda Rajapassa’s embrace the WHITE MAN’S BURDEN! He is about to put on a crown of thorns as Head of the Commonwealth – he has walked into an international trap to celebrate British Colonialism having spent huge sums to entertain British royalty and the White Commonwealth including Racist Australia that pays Rajapass’s Navy to keep refugees away from white Australia!

  • 0

    This is freakin.. hilarious !!

    Isn’t this the same Dude who fired the first salvo to wreck Rajapaksa and bring the Regime down by going on strike,and making the Uni Dons join protests on the streets shouting slogans with their loser students?.

    Now he reckons this “Holiday” will disrupt the studies of thousands of students.

    Do our taxpayers deserve these miscreants as return on their investment?.

  • 0

    Hello Devasiri,
    Stop whining and take a luxury vacation using the $$$$ provided by “you know who”.

  • 0

    As I have posted somewhere else it’s not the just the Universities that have been given two weeks holiday. the following institutions are also on shut down running up to and during the CHOGAM.
    (c)White van
    (d)Army in the NE – sent to the barracks
    (e)Dr Mervyn
    They will all come out of their hiding and start their usual activities once the CHOGAM is over.

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      Classic, Rajas !

  • 0

    Dr. Nirmal Idiot, You shut down Universities for Three months. I am so surprised to hear your statement man

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      Nihal Idiot, thats our democratic right to protest against undemocratic government.

  • 0

    People like you become a university Dons. So shame to Sri Lankan Universities. Please go to Norway where you are getting funds for your Vacations

    • 0

      I raise the same Question that Mahesh raised.

      Why the govt allow this kind of Teachers to teach students.

      University teachers are supposed to support the country’s development. If the University teachers are sabotaging the country, manipulating the students and others what the country can gain from them ?

      Why Devasiri is so dishonest to not open and say to whom he is working for ?

      In Sinhala NEwspapers he is talking against Sinhala buddhists and talk about Tamil-homeland and Tamilness. In the english he talks some thing else. That also he changes the tune from time to time. Devasiri is the one who began a University Strike for 6%. Now he is screaming for the short vacation.

  • 0

    My FUTA! It is only five working days and two weeks ends. This is only adding maximum five more days to three months holiday, where they went berserk last year. Perhaps FUTA could re-organise for the second chapter in the 6% game during this week.

  • 0

    What about all the unnecessary and arbitrary closures orchestrated by the students, wilfully aided and abetted by FUTA, so they get paid for essentially doing their personal research or consultation work (sometimes paid). My batch lost over 3 years due to these closures. Now you suddenly don’t want closures.

    This is a good move by the government. Shut these free loaders up before they damage the country even more.

    • 0

      University Students should have SOME DISCIPLINE when they educated with the public money.

      These RATs – aka FUTA – are an indisciplined bunch and they just free loaders at the expense of the country.

      what is their contribution to the country except SABOTAGE, maniapulation, exploitation and making students more INDISCIPLINED.

      When these guy urinate standing students learn to urinate while they running.

  • 0

    Nimal Devasiri:

    If you don’t know the TEACHER DISCIPLINE, LEARN IT from the teachers as well as students in the DEVELOPED COUNTRIES in the WEST.

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      Tell me one developed country which closed universities during commonwealth meeting?

  • 0

    Nirmal is Right. He is someone not going behind the politicians or power. Only few people open their mouth against the arbitration decisions of leaders or chairman in the Government authorities. He is one of them.

    Actually Kshanika [Edited out] of Chamal Rajapaksha and of course an extreme Sinhala Nationalist.

    We all happy that she left from Colombo University.
    However her husband is better than her.

    Still so called Scholars like Nayani MALAgoda, defend that the decision of Kshanika is right, though she is an strong UNP supporter, due to get favour from the UGC chairman.

    what a Shame!

    Nirmal We Always With You!

  • 0

    Nimal Devasiri,
    Most university teachers in Sri Lanka lack professionalism. They are too greedy and lazy to say the least. They do not deserve to be teacher. At their last immoral act, Devasiri and his professori clique had forced all universities to close, yet they failed to win their main demand. So what right Devasiri has to criticize the government for closing them down whether it is for good or for bad.

    I am glad that I did my degrees under decent and honest professors elsewhere. If I were the minister in charge, I would have sacked all Devasiris in a lump.

    • 0

      Agree with you at least some extent that some lecturers can NOT be smart enough to hold their positions.

      But what bothers me here is – if you have obtained your degrees that decently, how come you haild whatever the action taken by idiotic low level ministers like SB ?

      Bottom line is be you belong to the governing bunch or the opposite, you should listen to your conscience – but from what you add to this platform, regardless of the issue being discussed, how come your thoughts and minds stay far behind of the average thinkers ?

      Leelo, you may deceive HORANA area villagers together with the bunch in corrupted cabinet of MR, but you would not easily do it with commentators, readership of CT.. Got it ?

  • 0

    Can you kindly check all the recruitment to family dept in the Colombo University arts faculty? Did you know this family Dept man’s son entered to Kalaniya University medical faculty without SL A/L with foreign a passport? First clean your home before putting finger to good Rajapaksha government.

    • 0

      please openly mention the name. Who is that? Are you scared?

      • 0

        Hi Check Economics Dept and its henchmen lecturers and grand father. Emeritus and his clan (Out door recruited) now run whole University. Even retired members are still in many positions. Good family business but poor foolish tax payers pays.

    • 0

      If it is the case, it should be a single matter.
      It is the responsibility of ruling govt to take due actions. So long these cases are addressed justifiably, nothing would change for good. It is like if pot holes of a road stay further, yo would not expect to use for proper driving.

      But I dont think, that it is limited to local Univerisities, because I know even very unqualified now being sent to Embassies these days. As DJ once pointed out when asked about the deficiencies of current day foreign offices, the lack of qualified ones to do the job properly being taken away through continuous appointments of the govt henchmen by Rajapakse administration.

      This reminded me the days of Premadasa senior. He provided teaching jobs for far lower qualified candidates in mid 80ties just to satisfy their support in election campaigns. Consequences were generation of lack of required knowledge among the teachers. That then almost destroyed passing the knowledge further to school children.

      Can anybody imagine a Plumber to give a lecture on Civil Engineering – say even in the early terms of the undergraduate courses ? This would not work …
      So, if general clerks without knowledge on IT and langauges are being posted to foreign offices, what can NOT be happened ?

    • 0

      If I could enter a university in the UK in the sixties with SL O/Ls and A/Ls, should a foreign passport holder have to have Sl A/Ls to pay and enter a Sri Lankan university under foreign student program?

      • 0


        the big bigot

        I told you to read a few research papers on Irrigation and I expect you to ignore them. If haven’t well you don’t have to hide your ignorance behind your wife’s temple charity.

        Read the following papers and educate yourself bit more so that we can discuss the matter in an informed manner:

        Intersocietal Transfer of Hydraulic Technoogy in Precolonial South Asia: Some Reflections Based on a Preliminary Investigation

        By R A L H Gunawardana

        Cistern Sluices and Piston Sluices
        Some observations on the Types of Sluices and Methods of Water Distribution in Precolonial Sri Lanka

        By R A L H Gunawardana

        Total Power or Shared Power?
        A study of the Hydraulic State and Its Transformations in SRi Lanka From Third Century to Ninth Century AD.

        By R A L H Gunawardana

        Social Function and Political Power
        A Case Study of State Formation in Irrigation Society

        By R A L H Gunawardana

        Hydraulic Engineering in Ancient Sri Lanka
        The Cistern Sluice

        By R A L H Gunawardana

        Irrigation and Hydraulic Society in Early Medieval Ceylon

        By R A L H Gunawardana

        In case if you are not familiar, Historian Prof R A L H Gunawardana was a world renowned medievalist.

        Read all those research papers only then we can talk about irrigation and sluices in an sensible manner.

        Also useful book:

        Ancient irrigation technology : sluice technology in Tamil Nadu
        By Professor Rajan, K. (Karai)
        Department of History
        School of Social Sciences & International Studies

        Publication info: 1st ed. ; Thanjavur : Heritage India Trust, 2008.

  • 0

    Kapila.To call Bahu a clown is most unfair.Bahu was the first to alert the nation of the dangers of the Executive Presidency way back in 1979.He lost his job as Snr.Lecturer@Peradeniya for exercising a democratic right.No one could doubt his Intellectual Honesty.

    • 0

      Today, there are so many people and parties that agitate against Rajapakse presidency and the government.

      But arch leftist, Bahu fellow chose to oppose it by join the very man who was a prime mover in parliament to bring about that dictatorial executive Presidency. Not just that, the man that Bahu joined to oppose the current ‘dictatorship’ is the nephew of the man they themselves have point the finger as the first dictatorial executive President. Not that only, it was the said dictator that molded him to be the leader of the UNP. Are we not being taken for a ride by a hypocrite?

  • 0

    The Rajapaksa Brigade is hot and heavy in here, all gathered in a group circle jerk.
    No doubt one of them will now come in with some retort that he thinks is a witty comeback.

  • 0

    Banda.In politics there are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies.Bahu joining RW OR for that matter anyone is only for a limited purpose.If,that is hypocrisy,then I Am afraid then he could not be an arch leftist as defined by your goodself.

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