3 May, 2024


‘Top UK Diplomat In Sri Lanka Intervenes In Drug Peddling Case’ The Hindu Exclusively Reports

The Hindu exclusively reports today that the Deputy High Commissioner at the British mission in Colombo had said a suspect arrested in connection with a high-profile case of drug trafficking was an informant to one of Britain’s officers in India.

Robbie Bulloch

Robbie Bulloch – Deputy High Commissioner

We publish below the Hindu story in full;

The interest shown by a British diplomat in Colombo, in what seems to be a high-profile case of drug trafficking involving suspects from at least three countries, has raised eyebrows here.

On April 3, the Deputy High Commissioner at the British mission in Colombo sought an appointment with the Inspector-General of Police N.K. Illangakoon to discuss a recent heroin seizure. The diplomat had said a suspect arrested in connection with the case was an informant to one of Britain’s officers in India.

When The Hindu asked the British High Commission for a response, officials there declined to comment.

Confirming that the British mission sought a meeting with him, Mr. Illangakoon said: “Since the investigation is not complete, I told them I would prefer to meet them once it is over.”

It all began on March 6 when Sri Lankan Customs officials confiscated 35 kg of heroin at the Colombo harbour. Soon after, they handed over the case to the narcotics wing for further investigation, Mr. Illangakoon said on Wednesday.

Less than two weeks into the probe, police arrested three persons in connection with the case — a Pakistani national visiting Sri Lanka, a Canadian citizen of Sri Lankan origin, and a Sri Lankan national.

On March 18, police arrested the Pakistani national, then in Kandy, on charges of drug peddling. The drug consignment seized, Mr. Illangakoon said, was in the suspect’s name.

The following day, the police arrested the Canadian citizen on charges of aiding the Pakistani national escape to Kandy. The two were frequent visitors to Sri Lanka, according to the senior police official. “We are looking for some more suspects, we have almost cracked the case,” Mr. Illangakoon said.

While links between the British mission here, one of the suspects – the one said to be the informant to an officer in India – and the prime suspect remain unclear, the Inspector General maintained they had “sufficient evidence” to question the suspect in connection with this case.

Courtesy Meera Sirinivasan/ The Hindu

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Latest comments

  • 1

    ‘Top UK Diplomat In Sri Lanka Intervenes……”

    So, what! What’s the problem?
    It’s news if UK does not intervene … They are there to intervene for the love of Sri Lanka and it’s people ….

    • 2

      Why are you sooo jelous when it is as simple.

      If I want to knock a story off the front page, I just change my hairstyle.

      Hillary Clinton

      Be a transBruno U ba natuvata.

  • 5

    A British diplomat intervenes on behalf of a drug dealer, who is of a Canadian Sri Lankan origin and also said to be an undercover operative working for Canadian intelligence services. Its a mouthful but there is something strange going on behind the scenes.

    If its a an Anglo Saxon conspiracy, why can’t they fund BBS and Ravana Balakaya to do funky things in SL too?

    USA covert attempts to unsettle Cuba using Social Networks as a backdoor have been revealed. Looks like the ‘Arab Spring’ will soon hit Cuba.

    • 3

      Whom is the US training the SL forces for?? India Russia!??

      Any new UN work for the pedophile forces in central africa??

      How is the weather down under?? watch your motte drooler ;)

      • 0

        [Edited out]

  • 1

    Big powers will continue to play big politics. The world has been divided into Spheres of Influence in which the West, Russia, China and India are all a part. Ants must realise they cannot fight elephants – lest they get trampled to smithereens.

    “Apey paduwe apey veday keragana yamung” (Let us continue to lead our peaceful life in our own little way) is old but wise Sinhala village saying.

    Frank N. Stein

  • 6

    Oh god the ambassoder from Britian where free speech democracy, transparency and good governance are hailed has a spy on India doing drug dealing in SL.

    • 3

      13 February 2014 ;)Katunayake Airport
      A Pakistan national was taken into custody along with Indian Rs. 1.5 million by the Custom Officials. The person arrested has arrived from Karachchi by UL 184 at 9.20pm last night at Katunayake Airport.
      The officials found three parcels concealed in his body. The detection was carried out by DDC on an information received to Central Intelligence Division.
      Customs spokesperson Leslie Gamini stated that the Airport Customs is conducting further investigations regarding the incident.13 February 2014

      ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌ ▌

      Indian currency buys Russian arms with no conversion necessary viable tenure – drugs & arms the Real Donkey Kong.

  • 3

    Spies, not only British but of all countries, have complicated underworld and other connections. Is this inevitable? I don’t know. But it’s a fact.

  • 2

    In this drug traffic case, it was one of the UK Intelligent/crime agency which helped srilankan authorities to catch the culprits. It could be that secret agent who was giving info to UK agencies and intern to Srilankan authorities. Our Modayas will not understand the whole story!

    • 3

      The story is in indian media ‘The Hindu’. It says an informant in india. brits would not waste their money for pakistani nationals to spy on drug peddlers in SL and ind. Preferably UK is using drug peddlers of pakistani origin to spy on indian issues.

      I hope SL allows india to interrogate this british drug peddler.

      • 5

        Secessionism, of the vagabonds!

        Acute Prozac Deficiency like North Korea`!

        / \

        Sinhala loku olu,tatte motte,

        Sinhala Ulu copy of Franco’s Spanish Missionary Tiles S type.

        • 1

          I warned you not to take those dodgy pills.

          • 1

            “I warned you not to”|

            Oi Peanut Butter Balls,

            Trash troll cycle, you sound Pissed as a fart

            the weather is getting hotter ..phew!

  • 2

    It looks like somebody from Canada leaked the news about this guy to Lanka. So they rushed to arrest the Canadian National, before their entire bulk being get caught somewhere in a western country. It is an open thing the Pakistan-Lanka dealing at the International level.

    Britain or Canada, when one of their national was caught, they used him/her for spying. That is the Western style. Lanka, in contrast, if sombody get caught, it make them as a new partner. Now, Lanka gonna send that person to GothaSmith workshop and get it out of him that all he had told to Canadian/ British official. So they are trying to get out that person as soon as possible. This may have already damaged Target the British government has been focusing with the help of this person. It seem there are double losses for them. But Appe Aanduwa(GOSL) wouldn’t mind as it does not have any this as respect to lose at international arena. GOSL will not easily let him go even if the British government ask for it. But, soon this guy will give an interview for all Lanka medias as the Western Countries has been using him to do this job. After that, he will be ling in luxury buildings, just like KP, Karuna, etc.

  • 4

    Opium Trading made England a wealthy nation. The Chinese were made addicts by English to keep money pouring in. This could be the re-start of Drug Business to kick start the failed English economy with England’s LTTE associates as partners in crime.

    • 1

      Lal the Hora Oro decedents.

      “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” – Albert Einstein- UK

      The Brits are eccentric and understanding.

      The same farsi/iranian in India that started the opium wars (because the chinese were in default balance of trade) have now taken the manufacture of Land Rover and Jaguar to Chery Automobile (Gordon Brown gave tata £3 billion tax free aid) of China.

      But that is not enough for china with 300 million unemployed so the Robot TT Robo of Germany (Shanghai) is assisting the auto ind of china.

      Want more China has just finished 5 series of negotiations for royal marine training from UK- the mother.

      • 0


        You write utter rubbish. Find youself an English tutor to help you with basic composition and grammar.
        The British brought the Tamils to Sri Lanka to exploit their labor, treated them worse than animals, raped the Tamil women in their tea plantations and dumped them to rot at independence. Good luck to you!

        • 0


          Javis English is fine and he writes beautifully; Cryptic but intellectual.Too complex for someone like you to understand.Its you who needs an English tutor.By the way its Bathalawathy who allowed the Tamil women to rot at independence. Not the British.Remember the Bathalawathy-Shastri pact of the 60s?

    • 0

      This may well be the valid reason Gosl to publicly, fearlessly, shamelessly engage with drug imports as reported by press lately. Even country´s first and second citizens, president and pm respectively to engage themselves publicly, irrespective of their manifestoes promising – mathata thitha (stop to the all forms of drugs/alchol).

      Rajapakshes are very intelligent – now I realize, why the investigations initiated regarding over 260kgs of Heroine found its usual place – under the carpet, today. ::::. thanks for this Lal; you too a happy new year btw.

  • 3

    Brithish sold drugs to China from Hong Kong. It was a lucrative business and forced the Chinese to print currency.
    Prior to that, China was rich and never dealt with currency notes, they did their trading with silver.

    Probably this stock of Heroin may have missed the delivery deadline to be dispatched via the British Diplomatic pouch.

    Wonder whether this consignment was intended for the consumption of the British Diplomats based in Sri Lanka sent by their boss David Cameron ? … testing 1..2…3……

    Nevertheless, Robie Bullock used his freedom of speech OR else how did we come to know the carrier was a british informant carrying drugsfor them or for whom ??? Thats shortly ? To mervyn from Lal ???
    OR to Sampanthan & the TNA from Harper and the Canadian Tamil Diaspora.

    Unfortunately, S.J.Emmanuel was unable to bless this consignment prior to dispatch………..

    ” Sariyana British Kolam “

    One for Cameron and two for the Queen……..go..go..go…

    • 0

      “” Sariyana British Kolam ””

      You dont even have north indian DNA; 2500 donkeys years – hora oru/kallathoni para deshi.

      In the very beginning while the virgin queen was discussing with the spanish directly because she was extrovert listner linguist while others dare not
      As a woman she was aware of the vicious Portuguese plans too.

      The Spanish Armada and the Portuguese were put to rest in a typhoon (your kolama idea) to make her the only world power and the Dutch negotiated so the law changed to English law from Roman Dutch –

      The Brits still rule like a typhoon Libya when the time is right as per Cameron to the British public.

      Without British, Lanka betta dande baha- you wont have air to breath for none payment of debts to China and banks-
      Where do exports from spice colony go but EU for that special price of colony set up by Europeans in 500 years still going strong but terrorist administrators and false kings- pedophiles!

  • 1

    It is no wonder the British High Commission in Colombo
    is now with the types of Bullock in their staff. The
    only ones we know are those tied to the cart.

    If by chance the British Border Protection officials
    arrest a Sri Lankan for trying to go past with three
    bottles of Black Label Whisky, and refuses to pay the
    fine, he is arrested.

    Can Sri Lankan officials claim his release on the basis
    that he is their informant on liquor smuggling to the UK?

    Jokers like John Rankin should know better than meddle in
    Sri Lankan affairs. We are no more a British colony.

  • 0

    The whole story that the Sri Lankan born Canadian is a British Operative is a fairy tale. No country worth its salt would ever reveal that so and so is one of its operatives, even it is very bad for the operative. The operatives are expected to manage crises and somehow survive.

    Brits know very well that Sri Lanka bends to pressures in implementing the law, say unlike Singapore where drug traffickers face th Death Penalty with no pardons. (In fact during its 49 years of existence since Independence in 1965, only six pardons were granted to the condemned.)

    Most likely the fellow is top financier of British politicians who does so at the expense of innocent children who are lured to take to drugs.

  • 0

    The whole story that the Sri Lankan born Canadian is a British Operative is a fairy tale. No country worth its salt would ever reveal that so and so is one of is operatives. Operatives are expected to survive a crisis, however difficult it may be.

    Brits know very well that Sri Lanka bends to pressures in implementing the law, say unlike Singapore where drug traffickers face th Death Penalty with no pardons. (In fact during its 49 years of existence since Independence in 1965, only six pardons were granted to the condemned.)

    Most likely the fellow is top financier of British politicians who does so at the expense of innocent children who are lured to take to drugs.

  • 0

    It might be useful for those in the Diaspora to know, understand and acknowledge that Sri Lankans are no longer Eurocentric Anglophiles having at long last seen through the various Anglo-Saxon-Celtic ploys to continue their domination and exploitation by other, indirect means. No longer are Sri Lankans willing to regard their erstwhile masters as ‘superior’ beings with a ‘higher’ civilization to which they should slavishly defer. Those ‘good old days’ are gone and good riddance!

    Sri Lanka is a very old country with a long history of civilization and a matured polity unlike some ‘Johnny-come-lately’ countries with hardly 500 years of history. The latter period of its history was marred by 443 years of European exploitation, each European power building on its predecessors to refine its instruments of exploitation. The British were the worst and the bloodiest when it came to merciless brutality as is evidenced by the manner in which it quelled the uprising of the Kandyans between 1818 and 1822. It committed genocide before that word was coined by slaughtering every man above the age of 18 years in the Uva region comprised of the present Badulla and Moneragala Districts in revenge for resistance against British imperialist occupation under Governor Robert Brownrigg. The Colonial Office 54 series of documents available at the Public Records Office in London holds all the General Orders issued by Lt. Gen. Sir Robert Brownrigg, governor and c-in-c, to Maj. General Hay McDowall and the correspondence with the Colonial Secretary, the Earl of Bathurst.

    In 1823 the British began selling Crown Land at two shillings an acre to British entrepreneurs—first, to cultivate cinchona [from which quinine is obtained], then coffee, then tea and rubber—from which they made huge profits for 149 years—and Mincing Lane and the members of the London Stock Exchange prospered beyond the dreams of avarice.

    They created a huge ethnic and social problem by transporting indentured labour from the Ramnad district of Madras Presidency (present day Tamil Nadu). These helpless people were auctioned off at Matale like the African slaves at Charleston, SC, and families were cruelly torn apart. They reached Matale walking over 100 miles from Talaimannar along a route that came to be known as the ‘Skeleton Road’ because of the numbers that had perished by the wayside from hunger, thirst, snakebite, attack by wild beasts, cholera, dysentery etc. Their tragedy has been carefully documented by Donovan Moldrich in his ‘Bitter Berry Bondage’—the story of the 19th century coffee workers in Sri Lanka . Author, Lorna Ruth Wright, OAM, wrote “Just another shade of Brown” which graphically details the sexual exploitation of the women plantation workers and the creation of the Eurasian Community (disowned by their very prim and proper British fathers!)

    Father Paul Caspersz, SJ, head of Satyodaya, Kandy, has been labouring amongst the Tamil plantation workers of Indian origin for decades and has written extensively about how these human beings have been mercilessly exploited. They have lived in sub-human conditions for over one hundred years and their emancipation has been a long and hard struggle to restore to them their intrinsic dignity as human beings.

    Even 22 years after the independence, in 1969 Government of Sri Lanka ordered the to take down the offending sign affixed to the gate of a British Club facing the Dutch Burgher Union headquarters which said: “Natives and dogs NOT allowed.”

    Britain was one of the most ‘successful’ imperial powers on earth and they created a worldwide empire (on which the sun never set because it was everywhere on the globe) and bled its colonies. London is such a magnificent city despite its foul weather because it has risen, literally, on the blood, sweat and tears of countless millions in Asia, Africa, Latin America, the Caribbean, and Australia. In their imperial schema of things Australia produced the wool, New Zealand the milk, Malaya the rubber, Ceylon the tea, Rhodesia the tobacco, South Africa the diamonds and gold, Mauritius the sugar, West Africa the cocoa and so on—to the great delight of those who sat in London and counted their pounds, shillings and pence. They didn’t mind exploiting their own in the textile mills of Lancashire and the coal mines of Scotland . The exported their poor Scots, Irish, and Welsh to all these colonies to supervise the black, brown and yellow natives and the ‘half-caste’ Eurasian offspring known as Burghers, and Anglos.

    Look at the Burghers. The British looked down on them with great disdain classifying them as ‘half-castes’ and included them amongst the indigenous population. In 1796 they issued the Burghers an ultimatum—learn English or leave. Many who had the means went to Batavia (modern Jakarta). The others stayed and learned the new tongue. Very soon, these Burghers knew better English than the British themselves and were therefore enlisted in that great corps of clerks that they employed. These Burghers also learned how to play cricket and challenged the British to a one-day on Galle Face Green. They were superciliously asked what the name of their ‘club’ was to which a Burgher sharply retorted: “Nondescripts Cricket Club, Sir!” The entire British establishment including the ‘shoppies’ turned out one fine Sunday morning to watch these half-caste upstarts being licked. The imperial governor himself came and occupied the clubhouse that now stands before the Taj Samudra Hotel. Well, to cut a long story short, the Burgher ‘nondescripts’ beat the British who were ‘hoist with their own petard!’ They were learning, ever so painfully, that other people were not only their equals but could also better them in many spheres and they learned this lesson on this Island.

    There is no land on the globe that the British touched that has not been left with a wholly untenable legacy of problems: India with Pakistan have Kashmir; the Holy land has Jewish Israel contending with Arab Palestine; the Cypriots are divided between the Greeks and the Turks; Africa is an indescribable mess. Glaring problems were created on the North American continent with the marginalization of the native Amerindian and Inuit peoples not to mention the stand-off between Blacks and Whites. In Australia the original inhabitants, the aborigines were decimated and then marginalized whilst their land was robbed from them by white colonists. It is a despicable record of man’s inhumanity to man carried forward on the specious premise that ‘White is Right’ and because they had a head-start in the practice of barbarism! What is even more despicable is that their so-called ‘Christianity’ condoned their barefaced discrimination and unfettered brutality.

    Today, these Anglo-Saxon-Celts pontificate to the whole world about human rights—yes, fundamental human rights which they denied millions from the 16th to the 20th centuries of the Common Era. They sanctimoniously presume to interfere in the internal affairs of countries that attempt to stand-up to their bullying (amply exposed by Wiki-Leaks). The ongoing bloodletting in Afghanistan and Iraq demonstrate their manifest hypocrisy.

    They left behind what were basically alien concepts, structures, systems, and constitutions that have confused and confuted the peoples they formerly ruled. They uprooted and deliberately destroyed indigenous systems that had endured for millennia and which the indigenous people were comfortable with. Today, the peoples of these lands are divided into innumerable factions and cliques contending bloodily for command and control in the name of the ‘democracy’ they left behind. They are happy with what they see because it is a continuation of their divide and rule’ policy. It is easy to manipulate and exploit those who are divided!

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