16 January, 2025


Tortured Sri Lankan Muslim Child Marriage Victim Dies, Police Soft-Pedals Capture Of Murderous Husband

Sri Lankan Muslim Child marriage victim, Thameem Fatheema Sharmila has died last night after being tied to a chair, poured oil and set on fire by her abusive husband last Friday.

Activist had been calling the husband to be arrested so he can face justice in courts.

“The police is yet to arrest the husband who is accused of burning a 4 months pregnant teenager alive. It is actually a double homicide.” a spokeswoman of Women’s Action Network today told Colombo Telegraph.

Sharmila a young 18 year old Muslim girl was four months pregnant and lost her baby. She is also the young mother of a 7-month old baby.

She is also a victim of forced child marriage, which is legal for Sri Lankan Muslims. She was 16 years old when was taken to the Nallanthaluwa Kodi Palli Mosque in Munthal, Puttalam and forced to marry Mohamed Imran who was 22 years old. Marrying against her will, Sharmila did not know that Imran was already married twice before and she was his third wife. She never received a marriage certificate as the nikah was not registered by the men officiating the marriage ceremony.

Writing to Colombo Telegraph yesterday, Shreen Abdul Saroor, founder member of Mannar Women’s Development Federation and Women’s Action Network said: “She faced serious physical abuse and psychological trauma after the marriage and had reached out to a colleague a month ago asking for information in obtaining a divorce via the Quazi courts, but never came back again. Later it was learnt that she also went to the police who mediated and reconciled she and her husband and sent her back to him, despite grave danger of further abuse.

“After the attempted murder of his wife, Mohamed Imran took away their 7 month-old baby threatening her that if she reported the incident as being his fault that he would harm the baby as well. Sharmila in her moments of waking consciousness was concerned only about her baby. Fortunately the baby is now safe with other family members but Mohamed Imran is on the run from the police.”

“It is unbearable to see the young lives of Sri Lankan Muslim women being destroyed because of the lack of legal protection of their rights. Sharmila was both a victim of her husband but also a victim of the Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act (MMDA) and the Constitution, which does not (yet) protect her rights. What did this child do to deserve this fate? Was it her fault that she was born Muslim in Sri Lanka?” Shreen questioned.

“This happened because of the flawed and inadequate laws in the country specially Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act and Domestic Violence Act, growing religious fundamentalism and structures like mosques and Quazi courts playing with women’s rights and of course negligence of the police. Let’s see what the court will do?”, Shreen Abdul Saroor told Colombo Telegraph.

Her funeral will be held today morning in Thillaiyady, Puttalam.

Latest comments

  • 47

    To all Muslims, please look outside the frame. Most of you are brainwashed and don’t even know. It is not your fault if you believe in Sharia Law and other teachings in Quran. You have been brainwashed from infancy.

    • 28

      Please, you also think before you share.

      Just because someone has written a book misinterpreting what has been said in hadiths. will not be truth.

      Islam says not to hurt the wife and not to beat the wife. before you share something .study about it.

      Millions of people will not follow a religion if it spreads hatred or. violence. What you see in Media is not real Islam. Don’t take people as examples to understand about religion. Because these days no one is following as what the religion have said.

      • 50

        I have full knowledge. it is in the Quran….many islamists tell the truth, even though you are allowed to lie.. allah is running a brothel in hell.
        This is not a religion, not even a cult, that would be an insult to cults
        It is a theology, a devil worshiping, cherry picking, brain washing, idiotic at best book of hate led by a pedophile who was war hungry and insane.
        It should have been wiped off the face of the earth before it got such a foothold.
        Any islam who says they don’t believe that they support jihad and sharia, and fgm, and child brides etc. is either lieing or faking it without knowing.
        islam is foretold in Rev. in the Bible. If we don’t bow to your moon god, we will be tortured and killed after we run out of jizza to pay tax for not believing in allah, mohammad and islam. No one can be this stupid to believe this crap, unless indoctrinated, brainwashed and beaten.

        • 29

          Well said! Islam is a brothel in hell.

      • 18

        “Just because someone has written a book misinterpreting what has been said in hadiths, will not be truth”……. “before you share something study about it” I think you are trying to find an easy way out without accepting the reality. If you know your Quaran and the Hadith well enough you cannot argue as a dumb. You will find your arguments hollow when you know the truth. Don’t listen to your stupid imams and read the books which are available in English and don’t say they are fallacious. Study these texts well and you will not deny Sahih Bukhari, your so called prophets closest companion who has vouched for the truth of what he has written. Fault lies in Islam and not in the innocent Muslims who merely follow what this demonic religion teaches and entraps people. Truth Seeker

      • 9

        And….. not to beat your wife WITH A STICK LARGER AROUND THAN THE SIZE OF YOUR THUMB!! Some of us have actually read your Koran, apologist. Now FOAD!

    • 6

      How about a dose of reality, Any country that allows forced child marriage is full of barbarians?

  • 16

    So many likes for insult to Islam by people they have no full knowledge of Islam is very positive sign that humanity prevails, considering the story and the picture.

    • 25

      I am amazed you are more concerned about insults to Islam, ignoring the plights of an innocent young lady. If this barbarism has been sanctioned by doctrines of Islam, then surely Islam itself is wrong. But, I don’t believe that, just like the many Muslim friends I have. These Shariah Laws are a corrupt collation of laws composed by unscrupulous men to suit their own fetishes and has nothing to with the Quran or Islam. To the Muslims in Sri Lanka I beg you to campaign to scrap the MDDA and be subjected to Sri Lankan laws.

    • 3

      Ha..ha how many of you replied me, really understood those 2 lines of my comment fully?

    • 11

      So you are an another messenger like Nabi Mohomed???????.
      And you Have The full knowledge of Islam???????

      So please tell your Brethren in ARABIA to do not use our sri lankan MUSLIM Women as prostitutes and specially The lunatics wives who tells craisy Arab husbands to use housemaids as sex slave women and enjoy the sex shows .

      • 6


        While Mohamed might get back to reply on other things, you’re an interesting character it seems. How come you know some of the secrets of these extremist Arabs? Hope you’re not a victim of back door intrusion of an extremist Arab, and carry HIV :-)

        If you don’t want Arabs to use your women as prostitutes, follow India and stop sending them as maid. Easy to resolve the problem at your end, right? Why do you want to ask Arabs not to use SL Muslim women only as prostitutes, when larger numbers are non-Muslims? People like you are the best ones for funeral houses to kill some sleeps during night hours :)

    • 6

      What is your IQ? Just curious!

      • 5

        To be honest Amarasisi, never tested as I don’t care what my IQ is. It’s me that matters to me, not a numbered label that should define me. I wouldn’t either want to ask yours as that might make me feel bit out of date or uncivilized, no offense please.

      • 0

        Amarasiri, traditionally you don’t ask salary from a man and age from a woman. Do you ask edu qualifications publicly on the net? What you did is similar

      • 2

        Why are people so angry with Islam for this? Not just forced child marriage alone, forced marriage of any sort can meet this sort of sad ending. In SL even love marriages have seen this kind of endings with such a lot of culprits SL is capable of producing regardless of what religion he/she is from.

        This culprit is lucky enough to be a Muslim that the religion gets half the blames that should otherwise go to him. He should be given the worst punishment possible

    • 3

      FOAD, understand that? You defend the Koran even though it says….. not to beat your wife WITH A STICK LARGER AROUND THAN THE SIZE OF YOUR THUMB!! Some of us have actually read your Koran, apologist. Now FOAD!

  • 28

    Stinking 6th century bastard…..?

  • 26

    “This happened because of the flawed and inadequate laws in the country specially Muslim Marriage and Divorce Act and Domestic Violence Act, growing religious fundamentalism and structures like mosques and Quazi courts…”

    It is time to ban child marriage, polygamy (as noted in the article), and so-called Quazi courts. They are playing the same game in UK, abusing women and expecting the Sharia court to do nothing. One UK Sharia court even approved an honor killing. The Sri Lankan law works, the problem is that a Muslim woman’s first line of recourse is the Sharia court and the Sharia court relies on medieval rules. In any event, one cannot fault the women here, they have little education and are simply seeking recourse within their own community. It is up to the government to enforce harsh punishments, as it does for pedophile tourists.

    • 14

      Yes, it is right for the law to give him harsh punishment like beheading and also it the right of media to show the face of the girl and full particulars of husband for the Muslims to find whether he is drug addict or drug peddler.

  • 19

    How many times must we hear about the barbarity of this medieval filth?
    Why is fantasy allah not striking these dogs dead?

  • 13

    Tell us how you prove that this murder does not have ay religious influence ?

  • 13

    This marriage should have been declared invalid long ago. Forced marriage is never allowed in Islam. In fact, Islam goes to the extent of giving the right to a woman to contract her own marriage even sans the consent of her guardian. See:http://asiffhussein.com/2015/04/02/freedom-of-marital-choice-in-islam/

    • 1

      [Edited out] Comments should not exceed 300 words.Please read our Comments Policy for further details.

  • 7

    Dear editor / author

    Stop labeling the race for such incidents to get your article a mileage. You are being a cause of instability of peace for your ignorance. You know there are more such cases in Sri Lanka that is not done by muslims alone. If you cannot find one I can help you with it. Think about what you are causing by portraying a race as a whole. Be an ambassador of peace. Child marriage is done widely in India worst they are sent to do prostitution.

    • 12

      You lost your argument. Islam is not a race. Goodbye.

  • 10

    Oh my God..those who can speak up act. I weep for this precious child..what an evil is this. She reached out for help..but there was no one.. not one human being!?

  • 4

    An extremely cruel act has been perpetrated on this young pregnant mother. I am absolutely shocked and horrified. What’s appalling is people here jumping on their moral high horses and pointing the finger at a particular religion. As if this kind of barbarism doesn’t happen among Buddhist, Hindu or Christian communities.

  • 6

    I blame the parents of this girl who sold her.

  • 5

    Well…the real problem with these folks is the religion of the murderer …?…its obvious that if a Muslim person had something wrong surely the blame goes to the religion ignoring the person who did the wrong ?…specially these Sri Lankans label the muslim comunity as a disgrace to the society and a burden to the society…people do bad deeds..thats who people are!..i mean just point out the incident, not a comunity!

  • 6

    Do we seriously have 2 laws in this country? Why don’t we convert to fully Sharia law so that we can satisfy the Muslim voters. Where are our law enforcement?

  • 3

    Fools following man made CULTS..you are all foolish children and Father has no use for your CULTS!

  • 1

    Islam is a religion built on the fundamental of hatred, unlike Buddhism which is built on the principle of tolerance. Therefore, we should kill all Muslims

  • 3

    In past so many Sinhalese raped small children, but at that time it was not written Sinhala rapist. Why only now it is stated as muslim child victim. Dear editor don’t be racist.
    No matter it is victim or the culprit, don’t apply the racism to the news.

  • 5

    Parents of the girl should be hanged along with the husband.

  • 1

    Watch the Urdu movie BOL (Urdu: بول‎ meaning Speak (or “word/s”)). Its available on einthusan site with English subtitles. Also read https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bol_(film). It is surprising that it was VERY POPULAR in Pakistan and grossed millions.

  • 0


  • 1

    This type of cases happening very rarely. The main reason is poverty. The man should a real man. The father of victim & culprit are not real men. Islam always teaches to be a real man. Because of poverty this Girl became a victim of this incident. Also the culprit is a mentally hill person.
    The blame should go to the cardi the marriage registerer and the people surrounds. As Muslim my opinion is that the parents of victim shoul put behaind bars. Because forced marriage is not allowed in Islam

  • 1

    This murderous husband of the poor girl and their parents(on both sides) should be charged with 1st degree MURDER. I am no racist, there are good Muslim people, our govt, should never allow this kind of atrocities to go unpunished by law. Our Country should amend the law that there wont be under age marriages allowed, no matter what community, race or religion. Politicians/misguided religious leaders(BBS) please don’t use this incident to benefit your dirty political/racist agendas!!

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