24 January, 2025


Transferring Weeratunga And Palpita To Hospital: Remove Prison Doctor – Activists Tell Government

A number of civil society activists has written to the Secretary of the Ministry of Health demanding the transfer of acting Chief Medical Officer of Welikada Prison Dr. Nirmalie Thenuwara considering her behaviour regarding former Secretary to the President, Lalith Weeratunga and former Director General of the Telecommunication Regulatory Commission, Anusha Palpita.

“Her actions regarding the two men, i.e. sending them to prison hospital immediately after they were sent to the prison, was against the procedures and highly problematic,” a letter signed by seven prison rights activists including Deputy Minister Ranjan Ramanayake, Executive Director of CHR, Rajith Keerthi Tennakoon, and human rights lawyer and former IUSF convener Udul Premaratne and Senaka Perera stated.

They state that when an individual, sentenced to rigorous imprisonment, arrives at the prison he or she is given a prisoner ID. Then the prisoner is sent to the medical center of the prison after his or her photograph is taken. However Thenuwara has met the two men before they were even issued a prisoner ID and transferred them to prison hospital.

“Such an incident has not taken place in Sri Lankan history. Because of the significant criticism levelled at this move the two men were not admitted to Prison Hospital but Thenuwara remained in prison hospital till 9 PM. However she reported for duty the following day before working hours and transferred prisoners V 18069 and V 18068 to the prison hospital. This is a gross violation of established procedure,” the letter read.

After the Minister of Prison Reforms issued a directive stating that at least three doctors need to certify the health of a person before they are transferred to the prison hospital, Dr. Thenuwara has teamed up with three other Drs. Tirani, Sujeewa and Waruna Jayathilake to manipulate this directive.

“Dr. Thenuwara has received transfer orders to the Colombo National Hospital this year however this order has not been implemented due to the influence of a trade union and the mediation of an official, who is connected to South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine (SAITM). Given her behaviour and her lack of qualifications to hold such a position, we ask you to transfer Dr. Thenuwara from the Prison Hospital,” the statement read.

Former Secretary of Nursing Officers’ Association of the Colombo Remand Prison, Mahinda Kodagoda, Secretary of the Committee for Protecting Rights of Prisoners, Attorney at Law, Senaka Perera, Attorney at Law Namal Rajapakshe and journalist Kasun Pussawela are the other signatories of the letter.


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  • 11

    Transfer Dr. Nirmali immediately as she can be replaced by any medical officer. Watch the strike dance of the GMOA and why SLMC should register her. MBBS without moral and ethical values are of no use in this money crazy lawless nation with parents of students in seenigama dance.

    • 11

      Not just single doctor but a committee of doctors to be appointed if decisions based on convicted criminals to take.

      Just one single man or woman to decide can be very subjective.
      This has been the case for all the previous remanded men to divert to prison wards.
      That highly abusive blood of Rajapakshe family, Basil could do anything and everything being freed, but during the few weeks held in Prison, he was sick. This has been made a joke by the man, and others have followed ballige putha again anda gain.
      Even today, with higher allegations, ballige putha louds about sil cloth issue, can you imagine ?

      • 6

        The Prison Doctor should be removed from all office, and charged with Contempt of Court and disregard for the Rule of Law and obstructing Justice as these two were clearly sentenced to RI.

    • 6

      Concerned citizen
      Padeniya kind of Quality Doctors. Parents are dancing in front of seenigama devalaya, Students dancing in Lipton circle, JVP and front liners are dancing in all corners in the Island in order to maintain this kind of quality probably.
      No more “Dealdasa” to drag the cases but Doctors Mafia still there to take care of Rajapaksha crooks by giving them “Sira Sapa”
      (ha) media such as Hiru, (Adada)Rena are giving more publicity for Rajapaksha stories such as “Sil Reddak bedana eka Waraddakda Ape Hamuduruwane”

    • 3

      KASmaalam K A Sumanasekere

      The Colombo High Court has today permitted Dr Mahinda’s bagman Tiran Alles to travel to Singapore. Do you know when prisoners Anusha Palpita (V18068) and Lalith Weeratunga (V18069) are planning to leave for Singapore?

      Dr Mahinda Rajapakse defended both prisoners at an impromptu press conference flanked by Dr Pieris and Learned scholar Wimal Sangili Karuppan Weerawansa. Where did he import ‘Sil Cloth’, maybe free of charge from far far away planet “SETH”?

    • 1

      The prison doctor should have consulted with the Elections Commissioner.

      Vine, news.

      Lalith was warned sternly by Elections Commissioner long before .
      When the court delivered the verdict and sentenced ex secretary of deposed people discarded president Mahinda Rajapakse to jail on grave charges of swindling colossal public funds which conferred illegal benefits on Machiavellian mendacious ex president and his presidential election campaign , the pro Rajapakse crooked groups without abiding by the laws and court verdict began distorting the actual picture and making false claims that those funds were spent on Sil cloth distribution , and this verdict of court was against Buddha dharma.

      It is well to recall even before the presidential election in September 2014 , the Elections Commissioner had issued a dire warning against distribution of Sil cloths during the Uva provincial council elections. Herein is evidence which bears out that Lalith Weeratunge despite being a most responsible State officer behaved most irresponsibly and reprehensibly by not abiding by those instructions.

      The secretary to the president being from the upper crust of the State administrative service is duty bound to obey those orders most strictly .Besides , it is to be noted the Elections Commissioner is not answerable to the president’s secretary under any circumstances. He had therefore during the Uva PC elections in September 2014 clearly and emphatically explained in writing that Sil cloth distribution to gain political advantage is unlawful.

      Hereunder is also a video footage giving thundering answers given to Bandula Gunawardena, tearing into shreds the stupid arguments advanced by the latter after visiting the convicts in prison. Bandula spoke in support of convicts Lalith and Anusha who are now enjoying the best of comforts and luxuries while in prison hospital even after swindling public funds on a monumental scale.


    • 2

      Well Dr. Nirmali or not whoever it may be the prison regulation states that a y prisoner being convicted will have to be screened for any disease and will also note the ongoing medications . And mind you it is mandatory. There are several prisoners being admitted every day. Now this case is being highlighted because of the high profile prisoners. And I do not think that all three doctors would have signed it if they do not have any justification. In case if the prisoners are not provided medical attention it becomes a case of violation of Human Rights and the doctors will be blamed for that too. Correct me if i am wrong the prison department could still trasnfer the patients from the prison hospital to anywhere they wish inspite of any doctors recommendations and the doctor concerned would not have recommended 5 star foods but only healthy foods that would be given to any prisoner . Bringing such food is not the doctors fault . It is the fault of prison officers who permit them. Blame the shooter not the arrow and mind you I am not a supporter of UFPA.

    • 0

      It s not just Nirmalee but most of her predecessors were doing the same thing.

      How come only Nirmalee is being targeted ? All medical officers who have served at the Prisons Hospital including Nirmalee should be charge sheeted immediately.

      If not private sector should be given land adjoining the Welikada prison to put up a private sector hospital to accommodate all the high profile thieves.

      Also one or two good restaurants around Borella which could deliver high quality cuisine to these inmates.

  • 9

    Jimmy the Dimwit

    When do you think these two prisoners V 18069 and V 18068 are leaving for medical treatment in Singapore, Down Under, Europe or Americas ?

    These two patriots who served the country cannot rely on our home grown medical practitioners.

  • 8

    The acting Chief Medical Officer of Welikada Prison Dr. Nirmalie Thenuwara’s action regarding former Secretary to the President, Lalith Weeratunga and former Director General of the Telecommunication Regulatory Commission, Anusha Palpita is unusual. This is so silly that one is tempted to speculate that she was manipulated. It will be in her interest to come out with the truth. Or else she may get entangled in a web.

    • 1

      “a letter signed by seven prison rights activists including Deputy Minister Ranjan Ramanayake, Executive Director of CHR, Rajith Keerthi Tennakoon, and human rights lawyer and former IUSF convener Udul Premaratne and Senaka Perera stated.
      Former Secretary of Nursing Officers’ Association of the Colombo Remand Prison, Mahinda Kodagoda, Secretary of the Committee for Protecting Rights of Prisoners, Attorney at Law, Senaka Perera, Attorney at Law Namal Rajapakshe and journalist Kasun Pussawela are the other signatories of the letter.”

      Probably you are one for the signatories above? Can you tell me which name is yours on the above signatories?

      Is that the argument of Old Son Prince that SAITM is running the prison hospital for Yahapalanaya?

  • 8

    is baluwara the type of doctor prof fonny approved at the slmc
    if so thank god for saitm
    miracle of asia no doubt if a convict with diabetes is sent to a hospital.
    if all who have it has to enter hospitals they will be choc a bloc with millions of patients

  • 8

    Mahinda the Mafia king still controls Sri lankan prisons , Media , Judiciary , Three forces and Police etc . just watch any private channel news , message is very clear , He still controls the country. what a sad state of affairs .

    • 6

      Mahinda the Mafia king still controls Sri lankan prisons , Media , Judiciary , Three forces and Police etc . just watch any private channel news , message is very clear , He still controls the country. what a sad state of affairs .

      MR still controls the Poor village people and apey hamuduruwane maha sangha including bbs members

      • 3

        Mudson Amarasinghe,

        It’s a well known fact the clergy in SL across the board are same , remember how the Ven Buddharakkitha thero and Bishop Malcom Ranjith supported during his tenure ? may be except TNL , all other private TV channels want MR back ;thus, they all do his dirty job. As for Sirasa , it’s personnel , Maharaja wants to take revenge from Ranil and parachute sajith for the helm.

    • 6

      Brother Srilal, his trick is now being played to paint it as being anti-buddhist to have put them behind the bars.

      We all know how pompous that WEERATUNGA had been in his high days.

      He never thought, that the days would be dawn, where, the passive listerners and theirthoughts would be addressed:

      Today, just sil cloth scandal is just the tip of the iceberg of all high profile frauds being carried out by Mafia King et al.
      Now some are even to dar ” the ticks problems should have been clear to WEERATUNGA, at the time, he sat with the dogs… ” can you imagine my brother…
      Please enlighten us all with your thoughts, we miss your comments.

      You are one among the few that predicted the fate of Ballige Puthas. Today they have been pushed to the edeges, even if punnakku eaters go after them even today.

      • 2

        Dear Sama ,

        Thank you Sama , things getting bit murky here though , reason being the Mafia king ! Sadly , since 2005 this criminal has been controlling both our country and our lives. there seem to be no end of it , in fact day by day his popularity is getting skyrocketed. i squarely put the blame on Ranil W , Sagala R and Wijedasa R troika , luckily Wijedasa R no more , yet Sagala is still in . Most of the ministers are dead scared of the future prospects of their own lives beyond 2020 , Ranil as usual is having his own theories about the fate of Rajapakses .MY3 pretends to be the innocent man though he is having his own agendas.
        sorry Sama , i’ve got to go , i shall write again.


    • 2

      Srilal – “He still controls the country, what a sad state affairs.” You should pose this question directly to MY3 and Ranilpaksha !

      • 1


        do you think just because they got elected from the people .. would just be able to change the attitudes of the masses that have been corrupted forever.
        Those corrupted folks would back Rajapakashe and the like men, no matter even if their lovely ONEs would have been raped on broad day light.
        That is the nature of lanken average sinhala genetics. I think it is high time, to bring law and order to the manner Germans, singapoorians, Japanaesse practise it. Merciless punishments to be imposed against anyone regardless of the size of the crime.
        They just take for granted today…. .. no matter young generations would become even worst, people in general would not see it today.
        People are so sick and made servile… they would not open their mouths easily. And wait always govt to do them lot more.
        I think lankens are the most abusive folks of this entire planet.

        I hate lanken nature.. I dont see the light at the end of tunnel in terms of beocming a progress nation. Saddest truth my dear. We live on the west for decades, we see it with much more contrast.. things should work better only if Leaders would not be stick to their parties.
        I think if other parties would make Prez Sirisena clear, they can get that done.
        But various folks should join together to support him.
        Not the party but the nation as a whole should be subjected to a paradigm shift in terms of attitudes.

        • 0

          Well Dr. Nirmali or not whoever it may be the prison regulation states that a y prisoner being convicted will have to be screened for any disease and will also note the ongoing medications . And mind you it is mandatory. There are several prisoners being admitted every day. Now this case is being highlighted because of the high profile prisoners. And I do not think that all three doctors would have signed it if they do not have any justification. In case if the prisoners are not provided medical attention it becomes a case of violation of Human Rights and the doctors will be blamed for that too. Correct me if i am wrong the prison department could still trasnfer the patients from the prison hospital to anywhere they wish inspite of any doctors recommendations and the doctor concerned would not have recommended 5 star foods but only healthy foods that would be given to any prisoner . Bringing such food is not the doctors fault . It is the fault of prison officers who permit them. Blame the shooter not the arrow and mind you I am not a supporter of UFPA.

      • 0

        Mike ,

        Well , let’s hope some one will convey the message for the duo.

  • 12

    The whole scenario is sickening and when can Yahapalanaya buggers going to learn a lesson.
    We all know how war hero Sarath Fonseka was treated dragged like a dog in the midst of a meeting.

  • 10

    This medical officer should be struck off the register. She should not even tranfer to any other place.

  • 4

    Why is the Prison Hospital so attractive to the Actg: Chief Medical Officer?
    When on transfer orders to the National Hospital, she pulls strings and stays put!
    Is there channeled consultation practice for her in the Prison Hospital. Weeratunga and the other plonker have channeled her no doubt; or is there some extra-curricular activity that keeps her going?

  • 5

    Time to strike-off the GMOA as a governing body and the state to take over this responsibility creating a board that includes doctors and other eminent persons with stipulated guidelines on ethics and professional conduct by which the profession would be governed.

    Free education has screwed everything in Sri Lanka its time to look at a model that the students will have to fay for education after A/L.

  • 2

    This may look like the instance where a particular controversial case to grant bail was heard on a Poya holiday about a decade and a half ago. Will problems end by transferring doctors? Will problems end with the requirement of having 3 doctors to certify? Those convicted may have been well prepared to go to prison on conviction. Fact or fiction anybody could be certified ill in Sri Lanka. It is so simple.

  • 2

    Look at the picture. Can any one quote a precedent where prison officials very kindly lead the prisoners? Leave alone the medical fraternity, it appears that even others in prison are very ‘sympathetic’.

  • 4

    transfer her to angoda.She is a out and out supporter of the rajapakshe’s obviously.Sirisena has to be very watchfull,the government service is infested with their supporters because they packed it with apey minissu during their 10 year tenure.There was nothing called merit at that time for employment,promotions etc.If you were a apey miniha that was enough.They were medamulama practical types who thought having their people would always be like a fifth column one day and very useful.When karu tried to bring in a merit system for gramasevekas he had to quit when at a function mahinda abused him in raw filth because hardly any of his apey minihas passed the exam.Sirisena has t do a good cleaning job otherwise the fifth column will be his downfall.many government departments there is still sabotage.Try contacting them by phone to get something done and see the runaround you will get.In the first place the phone will be always busy and even if you get somebody they will transfer you all over the place.It stinks of deliberate sabotage.These things have a heavy effect at the local government level where people are trying to get through their day to day affairs and at the LG elections a resounding defeat is in store especially for UNP.

  • 2

    “Attorney at Law Namal Rajapakshe and journalist Kasun Pussawela are the other signatories of the letter”

    something wrong here.Is there a another namal who is not the exam cheater lowyer namal?

    “Dr. Thenuwara has received transfer orders to the Colombo National Hospital this year however this order has not been implemented due to the influence of a trade union and the mediation of an official, who is connected to South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine (SAITM).”

    so rajitha is the culprit here?As long as his daughter in law is studying in SAITM we can say goodbye to good governance.He must be given another ministry and also dayasiri after our ignominious defeats against india and zimbabwe and poor performance against bangladesh.The problem with sirisena is nobody is scared of him unlike with mahinda or premedasa as he does not know or does not want to crack the whip.He has to show some unpredictability in order to inculcate a culture of discipline as his very predictable and cool and calm nature is being taken advantage of by his ministers who know that their jobs are safe unless things become intolerable.

  • 5

    Maybe these 2 prisoners should be checked by a team of ‘real’ doctors to confirm their health first, and if found healthy – they should be punished with added jail term!!! Next, the ‘doctors’ who certified them sick must be taken to task and severely punished too with prison terms, and would be wise to check their bank accounts too – we might all be in for a big surprise…. And let the ‘Clean-up’ of our Prisons System begin…..

  • 5

    It looks as a new illness call prisonitis, It effects only the corrupted people from Rajapaksa time. As soon as they get prison sentence , they catch this disease, and have to be admitted to hospital for convalescence.

  • 3

    We should examine the assets and bank accounts of the Prison doctors. They are well paid by the rich and the powerful that enter remand and regular prison. Lalith Kotalawala and Wife, Basil Rajapakse, Namal and Yoshitha, Duminda Silva, Jaliya Wickremesinghe, Wimal Weerawansa wife etc were all in good health when they came to court. After the convictions they all are certified sick by the Prison doctors.
    Even now- why the Minister in Charge ask three doctors to re-examine Lalith weeratunga and Anusha, to see if they are sick?

  • 2

    The quality of doctors coming out of medical schools is appalling. They don’t have no moral values, they go on strikes to punish the needy public but provide private practise, getting tax-free cars, do not pay proper share of taxes, wanted good schools for their children, etc.

    No wonder they fear competition from Private Medical School!

    BUILD MORE PRIVATE MEDICAL SCHOOLS to increase competition and improve the quality of doctors. We don’t want another Dr. Thenuwara is our midst who can provide bogus medical certificates to rich politicians.

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