16 September, 2024


Transnational Government Of Tamil Eelam’s 4th Parliamentary Sitting Begins In The British Parliament

By Colombo Telegraph

Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam‘s (TGTE) fourth Parliamentary sitting begins in London on November 28th and will continue until December 1st.

Visuvanathan Rudrakumaran - Prime Minister TGTE

“The Sitting will begin with a conference at the British Parliament on November 28th, the day after Hero’s Day. Several Members of Parliament and other dignitaries are attending this event. General public is invited to attend the inaugural session of the Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam Parliament on November 29th (Thursday), at 6:00 pm. Location: Brent Town Hall, Forty Lane, Wembley, Middlesex, HA9 9HD. The TGTE Parliament will discuss different Resolutions and issues affecting Eelam Tamils and initiatives to advance Tamil Eelam cause.  The Parliamentary sitting will be broadcast live through web.” says TGTE

“Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam  is a democratically elected
government of the Tamil Diaspora of Sri Lanka. Its actions are
non-violent, democratic and diplomatic. It held internationally supervised elections in twelve countries to elect Members of Parliament (MPs). These MPs drafted and ratified a Constitution and elected a Prime Minister, a Cabinet and a Speaker.” TGTE further says.
For info contact: secretariat@tgte.org

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    Re. Navin’s Dec 01 (5/37pm) post, if the Rajapakse family understood – as you do – the potential ramifications of the PLO getting Observer Status in the UN; the possibility of HR War Crime trials against them; they (Rajapakses) will move faster and more objectively to make it up with the Lankan Tamils. Netanyahu’s knee-jerk reaction to audaciously build 1,000 further homes in the settlements will blow on his face soon and the Palestinian Arabs – for whom culturally revenge is second nature – will welcome this opportunity to create mayhem. The Lankan Army and GR must draw the right lessons from this example.

    The Tamil Nation is waiting to join hands with their Sinhala cousins if the intention and spirit is forthcoming.


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    Robert Knox was in the Kandyan kingdom and Woolf served largely in the
    Hambantota District in the Ruhuna in the context of my comments. The Kandyans, with their cultural inspirations more from the highly developed Andhra and Chera-Chola-Pandyan civilisations, was a different cup of tea.

    I made a mistake in stating earlier the natives “went about” That reference was to a corralled area where some natives shared the gated area with cows, dogs and so on whose waste did not seem to bother
    the natives, who Woolf maintained, were stained with the faeces.


  • 0


    “This was part of what was considered hospitality in the Kandyan culture.”

    Most of the aristocracy was from South India particularly from Madurai. Do you think that this form of hospitality was introduced to Kandyan Kingdom by the Tamils from South India?

    “Their breasts were rarely covered.”

    Those people who thought they were higher caste Tamils or Sinhalese did not allow the lower caste women to cover upper part of their body.

    • 0

      Coool. Bear it all and tell sexy two.

      simples! they did not have the money to buy silk.

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      Native Vedda,

      There was probably an Indian influence as in almost all aspects of life in Sri Lanka. The Kandyans also did not believe in erecting fences. The produce in anyone’s land was for everyone else to use. There was an element of communal sharing of resources in the Kandyan culture.

      At one time the high caste Jaffna Tamils were welcome in Kandyan homes, whereas the low country Sinhalese were not. It is likely the high caste Jaffna Tamils visited the Kandyan capital frequently to enjoy Kandyan hospitality, while keeping their own females under wrap! I am sure many children were born to Kandyan women and high caste Tamil men as a result. This closeness probably paved the way for accepting Nayakar dynasty as the rulers of the Kandyan kingdom. This probably also explains why Edirveerasinghe Netsinghe Mudaliyar took a convoy of bullock carts with food from Jaffna to Kandy, when that kingdom was under British siege! Blood was thicker than water!

      Further, on the question of breasts, the aspect relating to the lower castes was probably a subsequent development. The higher caste women started covering their breasts first and very likely prevented the lower castes from doing the same. An additional siymbol of caste separation!

      Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

      • 0

        Dr.Rajasingham,you say”Edirveerasinghe Netsinghe Mudaliyar took a convoy of bullock carts with food from Jaffna to Kandy”.
        Wasn’t he your ancestor.That may be the reason why your latter generation added an ‘m’ to Rajasingha.

        Your ancestors would have just used any excuse to visit kandy,don’t you think,giving food,karuthakollumban,aanamaalu etc so that they can enjoy that world famous kandyan hospitability of being offered even the wife of the host. I’am sure they would have givena wide berth to the one’s with the ugly ducklings,even with all the ‘hospitality’.

        • 0


          Congratulations on your power of recall. It is possible too that this supposed to be ancestor of mine enjoyed Kandyan hospitality to the fullest. Further, since we were largely Hindus as a family ( a few became Christians), there was no family name system. Goi g by the earliest name I know, I am Murugesu, Kathiravelu, Canagaratnam, Rajasingham Narendran ( male lineage). It is possible that at some point in history the suffix ‘ Singha/. Singhe’ became ‘ Singham’ among the Tamils.

          Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

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          Incidentally, I have not enjoyed the hospitality of the kind the Mudaliyar enjoyed or its modern equivalent. Of course many Sinhalese from all walks of life have been kind to us as a family from 1958 onwards, through the IPKF episode and later. I will ever remain grateful for their help and kindness, which have made me appreciate the Sinhala people, more than many Tamils do. This is why I stand for a united Sri Lanka, where all citizens will be equal in every way, both in good times and bad times.

          Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

        • 0

          shankar says:

          “so that they can enjoy that world famous kandyan hospitability of being offered even the wife of the host. “

          Naughty girl you have a dirty mind.

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    “How could settling sinhalese prevent Eelam.”

    Please let MR colonise the North with Sinhala Settlements so that there would be less pressure on my people.

    Navin the stupid cannot see beyond his nose.

    Through out the history language and race replacement have been a continuous process. The mechanics of these replacement is unique to each country.

    When Soviet Union collapsed Russia was forced to receive Russians from other parts of former Soviet Union. If and when Israel comes for a regional settlement it will be forced to withdraw its illegal colonisers from Palestinian land.

    When a regional settlement is worked for South Asia we will demand the Indian state to withdraw all their people from Sri Lanka, including Tamils and Sinhalese.

    Don’t you think I am reasonable?

    • 0

      Fact: Most Russians preferred to stay in the EU not go back to Russia.
      The rest about Israel and SA can only be a dream.

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        You might have been too young to know the events unfolding just after the collapse of former USSR.

        Those poor Russians were forced to return to Russia before the former federal parts joined the EU.

        Returning Russians didn’t have a home to go to nor did they have a job.

        • 0

          Native Veddha:
          The rich always “run”; the rich always win; the rich always have power; the rich always get the best; and, most of all, the rich always break their promises to the poor fools who voted for them. LOL
          How’s your bee keeping. Heard of Kopart they are the world leaders of genetically modified bumble bees. I am never too young or old not to know places I have travelled with an open mind. With the collapse those nations became even poorer because the EU is not the automatic cow to milk. The poorest went to Russia because they spoke only Russian while Russian Jews went to Israel. The oligarch’s came to the rich west with their money- most of Sloan Square London (most expensive in the world) is leased out by them because the duke does not need to sell. Chelsea owner is a Russian Jew. The others went to Monte Carlo, Genève etc. Monopoly holder of Silos in Latvia is a Russian he waited for the EU wealth to come and it never arrived so 5 years ago his daughter migrated to Australia to see what it’s like before the family sells and migrates. Why do you think Putin is back? To stop the wealth and culture eroding from a nation that has not been conquered by the west except Genghis Khan the neighbouring Mongolian. Now look at Putin’s face what do you see and how does he ride a horse? It was the Mongolians who ruled half the earth for 400 years that gave the war winning saddle to the west. 90% of Russia’s income comes from selling Gas to the EU. It’s easier to send it to China but China buys it cheaper elsewhere. Look at the poorest of the poor of Northern SL where are they in the rich west or elsewhere? Enjoy your honey bunny money.

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      “Don’t you think I am reasonable?”

      Nope you did not create the land of Lankatheepa. You may have only built something on top of it,that too in some parts only.The land belongs to that superior being who created it and that creator will decide who is to come to it and who is to go away from it to some other distant lands.

      People are like a card pack being constantly shuffled by this superior being who created the entire planets by exploding a star billions of years ago.people have been moved from place to place since the beginning of the human species.Don’t look at veddhas only look at what has happened everywhere.

      Since humans did not create the land,how can they stop others from coming and living on it as long as they don’t displace those who are already there.

      Don’t you think I’am being reasonable?If you created the land you can claim ownership.If you did not create it you are a tenant only and the owner is that superior being,the creator.

      • 0


        This superior being you mention in comment where is he?

        This superior being seems to be an absentee landlord or an absentee father.

        Please tell him if you happen to meet him that I am looking for him for the past few years. Not just me there few others too.

        “Since humans did not create the land,how can they stop others from coming and living on it as long as they don’t displace those who are already there”

        Since Sinhalese and Tamils had not created the land could I have it back. For that matter all your possession.

        I am bit puzzled by your double standard on the issue of land.

        You say:

        “Since humans did not create the land,how can they stop others from coming and living on it as long as they don’t displace those who are already there”

        If that is the case why does Sri Lanka need Immigration and Land laws. Could you not do away with these silly acts of barriers to entry.

        Why do all countries have this illiberal laws that prevent people moving about and occupying the empty land if the land belongs to the superior being, the absentee landlord?

        Please let me have his/her contact details.

        Where is/was he/she (superior) when fight break/broke out between the lessees who arrived in Kallathonies with the single motive of displacing the earlier long term lessees of the land?

        Like the Tamils and Sinhalese the superior being is biased towards the Indian illegal immigrants for almost 2500 years.

        When Sinhalese and Tamils find themselves in a corner, due to absence of rational behaviour they always blame the superior or Karma. I have no idea when Tamils and Sinhalese are going to take irresponsibility for their own stupidity.

        Now you have conveniently put the land ownership in the hands of unseen superior which I see as a ploy to deny my ancestral right to the ownership of land.

        • 0


          “This superior being you mention in comment where is he?”

          The superior being is the universe which includes the vast black hole too.

          “Please tell him if you happen to meet him that I am looking for him for the past few years.”

          No need to look far.You are within the superior being who is around you all the time.

          “If that is the case why does Sri Lanka need Immigration and Land laws”

          These are necessary man made tools of administration to avoid chaos,like traffic lights are invented to avoid collisions.It does not mean that everyone who uses that road owns it too,does it?Superior being gave us superior brains to devise such things to maintain order and conformity among us.It does not mean that the superior being has abdicated the ownership of everything.

          “Please let me have his/her contact details.”

          Don’t worry,the superior being will contact you when you sin.You are contacting the superior being when you breath air,drink water and put your feet on the ground.

          “Like the Tamils and Sinhalese the superior being is biased towards the Indian illegal immigrants for almost 2500 years.”

          Superior being sent the indians,I guess because you were not adding any value to the land.Must have got tired to see you running behind honey bees all day and would have thought bloody hell in another 2500 years this place will be still the same and completely recognisable.

          “I see as a ploy to deny my ancestral right”

          Nope,I reiterate that you can’t own something you did not create in the first place.However if someone has created something,you can purchase it by giving consideration and then claim the ownership.What is the consideration you have given to the superior being who created Lankadeepa? You were only a tenant and there were many vacant rooms and people were sent to occupy.

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    Dear Navin,

    Let this be my last comment between us on the subject of Land. I see little sense in repeating all what I have adequtely stated.

    Tamils are not asking for some favour of land from the Sinhala Govts but the right for the restoration of their ancient lands that was theirs before the arrival of the first colonizer when the country was ruled by 4 different kingdoms. You are sufficiently endowed to realize Tamils had no role in the 1972 Republican Constitution that deliberately violated the few entrenched clauses of the 1948 Constitution aimed at minority-protection. Tamils were a part of the 1947 Constitution (Jennings) Even JRJs 1978 Constitution was rushed through Parliament after illegally evicting elected Tamil NEP MPs from Parliament. The proposed arrangement we have in mind now will not be strictly excluvist and will have provisions for the Sinhalese and Muslims (or their legal descendants) who were there prior to an agreed date viz: 1948. No different to the reality in the South/Central Hills in respect of non-Sinhala communities.

    As to your comments “no wonder you failed” you must soon rid yourself of your visceral nature. The Legislative provisions of language parity, re-franchising of Lankans of recent Indian origin (1987) and the creation of consciousness in the international sphere of the gross and State-supported injustice to the Tamil Nation here some of the major successes of this struggle. Much more significant perhaps is the changing attitude of today’s Sinhalese – kept on a diet of anti-Tamil prejudice from the time of that Buddhist-demagogue turned Christian Anagarika Dharmapala. The baton was carried by frauds like AE Gunasinha to Champika Ranawake and the JHU today. They get their
    mental nourishment for prejudice from mischievous academics like
    Nalin de Silva, Gunadasa Amarasekera and the like. But the Tamil Nation is ready to accept, as in many cases in history, mistakes were made by the Sinhalese. If they are agreeable to an aobjective, sustaining reconciliation there will be little to found wanting from the Tamil side.


    • 0

      Tamils are not asking for some favour of land from the Sinhala Govts but the right for the restoration of their ancient lands that was theirs before the arrival of the first colonizer when the country was ruled by 4 different kingdoms. You are sufficiently endowed to realize Tamils had no role in the 1972 Republican Constitution that deliberately violated the few entrenched clauses of the 1948 Constitution aimed at minority-protection. Tamils were a part of the 1947 Constitution (Jennings) Even JRJs 1978 Constitution was rushed through Parliament after illegally evicting elected Tamil NEP MPs from Parliament. The proposed arrangement we have in mind now will not be strictly excluvist and will have provisions for the Sinhalese and Muslims (or their legal descendants) who were there prior to an agreed date viz: 1948. No different to the reality in the South/Central Hills in respect of non-Sinhala communities.

      ISS, This is nonsense, period.

      • 0

        Navin says:

        “This is nonsense, period”

        What is?

  • 0


    Thanks for your comments on Thimbu principles and breast analysis.

    I am looking into Thimbu debacle and would return to it later.

  • 0

    Things haven’t gone according to plan with the TGTE ‘Parliament of Fools’ in London…

    “The Transnational Government of Tamil Eelam (TGTE) suffered a big blow after the Brent Town Hall in Wembley in London withdrew permission to hold the controversial outfit’s fourth ‘parliamentary sitting’ scheduled for November 29. …after.. Brent Council was bombarded with protest emails and phone calls from the peace-loving Sri Lankan community in the UK and from diverse Sri Lankan organizations. The unexpected development saw desperate TGTE members running around looking for venues. They booked both Southall Community Centre and Rayners Lane Community Centre but due to the protest from Sri Lankans, they too cancelled the event.”


    Aney, pau, no? .. Ha ha ha ha.. .You’d have to have a heart of stone not to laugh at the sight of these geriatric Eelamish heroes running from one venue to another… a bit like the last days of the LTTE :) :)

    The question is who betrayed the TGTE’s bookings for other venues? I see traitors everywhere. No-one can be trusted. Ha ha.. Christmas has definitely arrived early this year.

  • 0

    Wait guys !!!!!!!

    They are going to print the New Bible containing lies and life of Velupillai Prabakaran./
    S.J.Emmanuel is going to be elected the First Head or Pope of the VP/LTTE Bible’s diasspora followers.

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    Mango – If what you inform is true and the Brent TH meeting was cancelled due to the work of the Rajapakse functionaries in ths ongoing
    Diaspora Vs the Rajapakses battle overses, the latter has cause for satisfaction. But Bell-Pottinger (or whoever) will send in a bill with their 50% added as Service Fee as this will include the “cuts” of the more than one in the channel. Filthy lucre makes the difference here and the much suffering Sri Lankan nation will be paying the bill – as usual. And if you think Rudy’s men will withdraw with licking their wounds you have more than one think on the way.


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      I have no doubt that Rudrakumaran and his ludicrous parliament will continue this merry dance, chasing SL (and MR & co) for the next 50-100 years. Their actions remind me of what Wilde said about fox hunting. “The unspeakable chasing the uneatable.”

      GoSL has to learn to ignore them and provide intelligent solutions for SL. So far, little sign of intelligence; only ill thought-out hasty, panicky reactions to foreseeable and avoidable crises. I’ve often accused GoSL of not being under adult supervision. Even the Boy Scouts have adult supervision.

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