Transparency International Sri Lanka (TISL), the local chapter of the global movement against corruption, salutes the proactive nature in which the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption (CIABOC) is currently operating, after years of suppression and political interference.
Based on an increasing number of complaints, the CIABOC has initiated several investigations and probes against allegations of large scale corruption running into billions of rupees by high ranking officials and politicians, some of whom have already been summoned for further inquiry and questioning.
Issuing a statement today the TISL said; “The Bribery or Corruption Commission is a fundamental tool required in an active democracy to ensure transparency in transactions, accountability of those who are in positions of authority and the good governance of a country.
“In the past decade TISL have expressed their concerns regarding the politicization of commissions such as the CIABOC, which were at one point made redundant by legislature such as the 18th Amendment, leading to a culture of impunity for corrupt perpetrators and apathy and mistrust among the general public about complaints made. Therefore it is most refreshing and timely to witness the CIABOC taking a strong stand against corruption and complaints made against leading politicians, their close associates and high ranking government officials. We are also happy to note that the police also have taken very strong stand against corruption and in fact investigating in to series of financial scandals.
“In this context it is particularly distressing to note the irresponsible stance and noncooperation of certain parties, including Parliamentarians, against the actions of the CIABOC undermining not only their authority but also the rule of law. As a signatory to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), Sri Lanka and its elected representatives are duty bound to uphold the standards and provisions outlined in the Convention and at a minimum allow for the impartial investigations of allegations and complaints without disruption or undue influence.
“TISL urges all parties to create a conducive environment in which facts can be investigated and truth can be revealed so that corruption can be reduced and ultimately eradicated by respecting the authority of the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption.
“Currently CIABOC is running full stream and staff is working restlessly to investigate large number of complaints running in to more than 1500. It was no secret this was due to timely action taken by hard working Director General of the CIABOC. While appreciating her work, TISL earnestly appeal to the government and opposition politicians to allow Director General and the CIABOC to work independently to see smooth running of the country’s highest anti corruption institution. We further urge all parties concern to assist CIABOC and Police in respect of investigations.”
gigurawa / April 24, 2015
Hard working woman bribery commissioner is a bosom fiend of Ranil and his wife Maithree.Ranil and defence Ssectrary
bo / April 24, 2015
whose friend are you?
Point of View / April 24, 2015
He has no friends, just a licker !
AM / April 25, 2015
Good question.See no answer.Perhaps a friend of Rajapaks’s friend of friend of friend.That was how they all earned money.Through the channel.
Bala / April 25, 2015
Good question!
Wanted to ask what is the source of funds for the Transparency International? We can’t get to know fully as the RTI bill of this government does not cover NGOs. And you work for someone who pays you, don’t you TI?
And the WB is the most prominent institutions which support corruption in governments just to make sure they buy their ‘structural amendments’ to their economies.
Ajith / April 24, 2015
There is nothing wrong being a good friend as long as she does her job properly unlike those who betrayed & robbed the people and Nation by corruption and violence.
punchinilame / April 24, 2015
In fact this one woman DG handling 1500 complaints is admirable. Why not make
it two – Ex CJ Shirani Banadanayake will be the best fit as Chairman of the BC. The Unit can work similar to CBI in India and a special Court will be advantages.
Large scale corruption will be wiped out in no time.
Lanka Watch / April 24, 2015
Punchi – You are wrong in your assessment. Ex.C.J. is a tainted
personality but the current DG is capable and has the guts to run the institution without fear or favour. What you said about CBI of India is correct. the film stars, industrialist, money laundering, business tycoons and corrupt politicians are ‘shit’ scared of this institution as on slightest doubt of wrong doing, they are dragged and locked until the case is framed, irrespective
of who they are and to whom they are connected. We also should have a system like CBI with more able and unbiased investigators put into the pool and a special court to deal with the corruption cases, as you suggested, as cases could be cleared fast and the judgements will get into the minds of the people who are up to plunder people’s money.
Lanka Watch / April 24, 2015
You said it right. Ajith. This lady has the guts to face the
tyrants of corruption, trying to do a good job of work to find the culprits and punish them when found guilty, and this is what the people want. She was of course let down by Ranil and the minister she works for,from stopping her from parading through the illegal demonstrators to see the Speaker,while the judiciary said that the Speaker had no right to call her to his chamber.
There is clear evidence that the current govt. does not want to
lock hones with the former ruling family and throw the officials
in lions pit. instead. Shame. She is a lady after all.
William Sacks / April 24, 2015
In Srilanka everyone is known to everyone and cannot find anybody who is unknown to anyone, especially if they are educated, who are holding high positions in the government as well as private sector. If we leave people out of positions because they are known to top people in the govt. then we would not be able find anyone to carry out any jobs.
What is important is not to carry out favors after receiving the job. Take for example, late Mr. Neville Samarakoon, then president’s good friend but he was independent once he was appointed as CJ. We need people of that calibre. I do not know whether many left in the country anymore.
Amarasiri / April 24, 2015
gigurawa , Mahinda Rajapaksa, Girawa, Parrot.
There is impending trouble for your boss and his cronies. Move on, away from the Liars, the Crooks, the Robbers, and the Criminals who have been keeping you fooled, like a Modaya, getting your IQ closer to an average of 65, and move on.
Find a better master and improve your IQ.
Richard Nixon Resigns before he was impeached.
Medamulana Mahinda Rajapaksa, did NOT Resign. He was Thrown out by the People with Common Sense who Voted for the Common sense Candidate.
Now the Liar, the Crook, the Robber, and the Criminal wants to become the Prime Minister. He should form a New Party Modaya Party along with Eimal Buruwansa and the other Modayas whom are left.
gramberg / April 25, 2015
Gigurawa, for god sake man, get out of your shackles and see for yourself how silly you can get.
Do you mean to say one cannot be a friend of somebody, to become the Bribery Commissioner?
And have you heard of the word “impartiality”? Ever seen it being practiced? You blokes aren’t used to it, that’s why.
This Bribery Commissioner is the only person currently in the administration who has a spine. The fact that she’s a woman makes men in administration look silly.
So without cheering her, why are you criticizing her for doing her job? There are plenty of people out there who haven’t come out in print but who admire and support her stand and her guts.
You are a slave, that’s what you are, as rightly identified by President Sirisena. You love to go back to slavery.
Leelagemalli / April 25, 2015
We dont mind if MR had the like personalities to work for him- What matters is not that the relationship to PM or Prez but the stand against high profile fraud. This lady has all powers as no the men have got to stand against Rajapakshe robbers.
Seelawathi / April 25, 2015
Girawo, if I may say so – you are just oneanother who keeps making every effort to protect your supper. You guys are a shame. Be exemplary let alone today, then future generations would learn it from you. I am so happy the way My3 and the current rulers seem taking hard actions with the time. After all most abusive man in Rajapakshe family to be put in Jail is the great news for us. I salute MY3 and RW for their administraton have balls to take such action while your beloved leader MR stood by Lanza et al at the time he was raided by police remember ?
Lapatiya / April 26, 2015
I fully agree with you. Actually they should have appointed friend of Mahinda Rajapaksha as DG of Bribery Commission. There are lot of qualified professionals like Mohan Peiris ex. CJ, Asoka Peiris ex. CJ to name few.
Citizen Perra / April 24, 2015
I think a good number of voters voted for a change for the good in January 8. But in implementing the change, it should not be a case of pot calling the kettle black. The website of Transparency International Sri Lanka (TISL) records who its chairman as at this point of commenting is and he is supposed to have spearheaded an inquiry into Sri Lankan Airlines. But there are concerns in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in paying his hotel bills at government expense incurred on account of his tour to New York, USA along with the Minister of Foreign Affairs. He should clear the air regarding that before he and his buddies praise or blame others.
It is also noted that there is a preponderance of Attorneys in the Board of TISL and its praise for the DG of CIABOC, who is another attorney amounts to praising one of its own kind irrespective of the fact that CIABOC is required to handle an unusually a large volume of work and of high level corruption. Still the DG of CIABOC is yet to clear the air regarding the receipt of consultancy fees from the Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (TRC) for the same legal work for which the Department of the Attorney General was representing the TRC. It is not just one time fee but a hefty amount paid every month. It therefore appears that the present DG of CIABOC was receiving a second salary to fast track TRC issues with the Department of Attorney General which usually takes a long time to process. In that respect the however praiseworthy work the CIABOC is doing under trying circumstances is marred by these blots.
It is also interesting to note that the instance where a former Director General of the TRC, (During his regime too the consultation fees were paid) who was arrested recently for defrauding regarding supply of coal worth Millions of Rupees was promptly released on bail and incidentally he is an Attorney by profession whereas lesser fry has been remanded before you could say Jack Robinson.
A regime of good governance branded as “Yahapalanaya” was initiated to ensure the equality of law. But with respect to Attorneys “SOME ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS”
Amarasiri / April 24, 2015
Dear Ms. Dilrukshi Dias Wickramasinghe
Director General for prevention of Bribery and Corruption,
We, the People Salute You. You make us all round to be in the Land of Native Veddah Aethho to rid the Land from the Liars, Crooks and Robbers.
“Based on an increasing number of complaints, the CIABOC has initiated several investigations and probes against allegations of large scale corruption running into billions of rupees by high ranking officials and politicians, some of whom have already been summoned for further inquiry and questioning’.
Madam, you have your work cut out for you going after these Liars, Crooks and Robbers.
“Currently CIABOC is running full stream and staff is working restlessly to investigate large number of complaints running in to more than 1500. “
Yes, keep agitating and exposing the corruptors.Spread the word, and expose.
Expose on Facebook, U tube, Internet blogs, wherever people get the information, including posters on the walls. Strike while the iron is hot.
We have Ali Mahinda Rajapaksa Baba and 1,500 thieves and counting.
The Story of ‘Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves
Jango / April 24, 2015
What a refreshing change from the farce that existed as the Bribery Commission under Rajapakse.
Snowden Edward Asange / April 24, 2015
Aren’t we all, the voters happy that the ball has started to roll? TG for the 6.2 mil who voted for MS, had MR been elected, we would of had no BC no stopping of corruption and Plundering… GOTA MUST be arrested ASAP.. and the POLICE MUST act properly.. they shouldn’t have let the moron make statements..he shouldn’t have been given time, he already had 2 months to prepare, now he is buying time to fabricate stories.. There is a sinister plan hatched by the Jarapassas to ignite racial riots using the BBS… hence Basil came down so that they can gang up and assault the elected govt and make SL a towering Inferno…… THROW HIM AND ALL JARAPASSAS IN JAIL 1ST THEN START QUESTIONING… int that the normal procedure adopted against anyone who is suspected of wrong doing? Why special treatment to this megalomaniac?
Matilda Ellepola / April 24, 2015
Hats off to Mrs. Wickremasinghe and her Team of professional to work on getting rid of the rogues from our system.
We need you to take on the bureaucrats as in the dept of customs for example as well as the corrupt to the core politicians and make this country a model democracy which it was known at the time of independence.
sun / April 25, 2015
We need more of MrS Wickramasinghe. Alone that would nt work. Now kenda has become Kanda – alone the alleged man to disagree with a meeting with Prez MY3 says everything. Rajapakshes are born thugs – they have proved it within the last 10 years. It was not his magical powers but the collectivity and collapase LTTE political Wing and several other factors worked Terror within the country to be eleminated.
Park / April 24, 2015
Every citizen of Sri Lanka, even a parliamentarian should bow down to the law of the country. Let it be the past President, minister, MP or a Secretary all are equal in front of the law. Law need not go to the accused, the accused has to come to the law. Why should Rajapakses’ get special concession? Are we living in a fools paradise?
Why Puss Pundit Dayan Jayatileke is not commenting on this.
mike / April 24, 2015
@ Park
Pundit Dayan Silva [Edited out]
Ebola da Silva / April 25, 2015
Hon Mr. Spark, “Why Puss Pundit Dayan Jayatileke is not commenting on this” because he may have made some money illegally when he was in the foreign service.I never took him to be intellectually honest.
Naga / April 24, 2015
Dilrukshi who heads the Bribery Commission should herself have clean hands before venturing to investigate others.
Will she answer this statement reported to have been made by former President Mahinda Rajapakse? According to Daily Mirror of today’s date this is what the former President said about Dilrukshi:
“There are numerous allegations against the Commissioner of the Bribery or Corruption. She had acquired a land in the Nuckles Reserve and made a road haphazardly and taken a CCTV camera through cheating. She had claimed two salaries and non-declaration of assets. It was my serious mistake not taking prompt action against her during my tenure,” he said. – See more at: http://www.dailymirror.lk/70157/serious-for-politician#sthash.XBrwE1wD.dpuf
She should immediately answer these allegations and if these are false let her file a defamation case against Mahinda Rajapakse who is now just an ordinary citizen of Sri Lanka and against Daily Mirror for this publication.
There is also an allegation that Dilrukshi has herself said that Prime Minister Ranil has promised her a place as judge of the Sri Lankan Supreme Court. Is she denying this?
Matilda Ellepola / April 24, 2015
Haha.. who cares for the robber king that is called MaRa? During this man’s tenure of 10 years the BC was just a name board institution and will never call a politician as the king of all rogues let loose for anyone to rob provided they get the lions share which they did.
Is this the man who boasted to sit on the Electric chair to protect the country is not piss on the pants to even face an inquiry with the BC.
What a bunch of jokers?
Citizen Perra / April 25, 2015
As per the Daily Mirror, DG of CIABOC has more issues to clear:
(1) Two Salaries
(2) Land in a Reserve
(3) Non-declaration of assets
Worst of all is MARA knew about it and did NOTHING. Serves MARA right for protecting thieves for now he admits heading a regime of Kleptocracy.
So Mrs. DDW is a budding Dr. (Mrs) SAB?
Plato. / April 24, 2015
Here at long last we have a fearless Advocate.
These are the true citizens that are an Adornment to the country!
Cheers to her.
Thumpane Gamaya / April 24, 2015
Madam Dilrukshi….We salute your courage! Public is behind you. Do not get distracted by Gota’s paid thug protest. Their days are over for ever.
gigurawa / April 24, 2015
Never in the past has a close friend of the prime minister been appointed as bribery commissioner . and only a prime minister who thinks he is above law and has scant respect for public service appointment procedures would do so. Will the public have faith in the constitutional reforms formulated by this prime minister.
Jayasingha / April 25, 2015
Not only justice must be done but also it must be seen to be done. Appointing close friends or acquaintances however good they may appear to be is not the correct way of doing things of this nature. There are more good people in this country who can be appointed without creating this type of unpleasantness and giving all concerned doubts that Justice is not only being done but also is seen to be done. Ranil Wicramasingha is knowingly precipitating conflict in this as well as in the Mahendran’s issue by appointing his friends for major inquiries.
Supun Jayawardhane / April 26, 2015
Your talks are familiar to us. More or less go close to Rajapakshes. What is the purpose of your arguments ? Where is the problem if the candidates have records to hold the position – who else cant do the job better than her ?
These are not appointments similar to those of Rajapakshe
a) Former Washington man – was a tea business man who needed companies to write his speeches – srilankens tax payers were the ones who paid the sums ranging to millions of us dollars
b) Former Army front men were appointed by MR (direct involvement)for diplomatic immunity – were there qualified at all to even be the pions of those offices ?
Sharlini Rodrigo (nee De Mel) / April 24, 2015
Dear Dilrukshi
I am so proud of you as a citizen of this country and personally as a friend. Keep up the good work. Don’t give a rat’s ass about what the idiots are saying.
Estate Labourer / April 24, 2015
Hey, don’t send comments under your own name. Gota’s goons may come and ‘bump you’ off! They have not been fully disbanded yet.
gigurawa / April 24, 2015
Dear Sharlini
You must be proud that this woman is a personal and family friend of Ranil. yYou must be proud that her appointment was made by Ranil personally. What was promised was to revive the Judicial service commission and public service commission to restore the impartiality of the Judiciary. What is happening now is the tyrant of UNP who destroyed democracy within the party is now asserting his autocratic power by appointing his lickspittles to every conceivable post, from governor central bank to cricket governing board,. It is no coincidence that he has announced that Attorney General is to be replaced soon.
The country ha already become a basal of USA. you may be proud , but your days are numbered because, [Edited out]
Supun Jayawardhane / April 28, 2015
she is a just a woman with balls. Most those who make bla bla seem to have no guts but this brave woman would do whatever she could wihtin her capacity to BC to be a real body.
At the time MR was in power, he appointed tea taster- cousin as SL ambassador to the US. All the educated community living in the US had to keep quiet because the man was hand picked by Mahinda Buruwa Rajapakshe. No matter the image would have been tarnished even beyond the levels of any other low level democracies, he took actions just going through his stupidities. He never ever allowed Dayan Raajapkshe or anyone to do their job properly. Why those 3 men who peopole thought are senior deplomats were recalled ?
Today, DJ is with them, for his own reasons, may be he is like a teenage boy does not know how to use his brains – anyways, this is the average mentality of the lankens. They dont care about anything but surface values. When masses would behave going through all idiots acts- onlookers join them wihtout seeing it beyond. This was proved very recently – those nationalists who held flags wihtout minority representations had been carried out by them, as that Gommanpila louded it afterwards is just he di dnot even thought of that… how can a man if he is educated to behave so ? Just doing but without thinking any impacts of anything.
Meeharakas are plety of the island nation … having watched all these I felt the last.
Nagananda / April 24, 2015
People, including MR, have made various allegations against DG Bribery Ms Dilrukshi Wickramasinghe. This is quite natural. I know she is extremely busy at work and I believe she would not pay any attention to these vulgar allegations.
Matilda Ellepola / April 24, 2015
It is not surprise if Mahinda R the Tsunami rogue did open his ugly mouth and utter these kind of nonsence as that is his upbrining from his parents.
The uneducated cheaters who pass from father to son and all these R brothers are only O LEvel qualified Police officer, army officer, library clerk, salesman if not they came into politics.
Even worse they got the political bias and intervention when they were doing ordinary jobs and even cheat on exams and fake qualifications.
Its natural for people like this to find fault wiht educated people like Mrs. Wickreamasinghe.
Colorado / April 24, 2015
Ms Wickramasinghe,
The previous regime will try to intimidate you don’t fall into that trap. You are a woman and you are much stronger than those paper tigers.
Keep up the good work.They will try to tarnish your character by saying that you are a friend of so and so. So,who cares do the job that you have to do. There are thousands of people out there who supports you. Give them hell Rukshi.
Aia / April 24, 2015
Ms Wickramasinge,
Well done, as long as you do your job without fear or favor you don’t need to be concerned about anything. A society caught in corruption and fraud is very similar to a patient suffering from cancer. For our beautiful island, therapies didn’t seem to be working, require a surgery. Save the patient even if it means some hard decisions are to be made as the country and its people are much much important than a few bogus heroes.
Mervyn Silva / April 24, 2015
Courage you have displayed in taking action against the corrupt power
ful people of the former regime is commendable.
Gap between the haves and haven’t widened tremendously during the MR regime, and only your impartial but firm action will prevent a another youth insurrection in our country. The king and his princes expected the youth of this country to blindly follow them.
Sudath / April 24, 2015
congratulations and proud of you dilrukshi.. Keep up the good work. Hope the rogues in Srilankan airlines will also be prosecuted Soon
Indirakah / April 24, 2015
Being friends or foe is not an issue of concern. If you are Human, and a good humane at that, you are bound to have many good friends
But, it is important to be forthright, impartial and independent. Dilrukshi is more than this. She is bold and beautiful. I have to stay that we women are proud of her, and in a sea of men, she is standing up to the expectations of the innocent trusting masses . If one doesn’t have skeletons in the cupboard, we could all be her friend, and not only of Ranil & Maithree.
madhavi / April 24, 2015
We can take this claim as serious if the BC show their strength to yahapalana cronies as well.
Paba / April 24, 2015
Well done Ms. Dilrukshi Dias Wickramasinghe.
Keep up the good work.
justice / April 24, 2015
This newly constituted Bribery Commission is bent on doing its duty to the nation irrespective of the status of individuals whom they investigate.
This is as it should be.
jay / April 24, 2015
Well done Mrs. Wickremasinghe keep up the good work!
thondamannar / April 25, 2015
Excellent start…….. Must be loaded with work.
Could we also look into thye former tour of duty of the Ex-Madam, CBK?
That too will be a worthy cause.
Transparency International seems to be bursting at its seams with the change of Govt.
Why don’t the Transpparency International, Sri Lanka SALUTE their Auditors E & Y who are also the Auditors for SriLankan Airlines??
Kalu Nangi / April 25, 2015
We are extremely proud of you Mrs. Dilrukshi Dias Wickramasinghe! Keep up the good work! People throw stones only at trees bearing fruits! So you should be elated when they slander you, since that shows how effective you are in your work…
kali / April 25, 2015
Transparency International Salutes Bribery Commission For Its Brave Stand Against High Ranking Perpetrators:
I wish I can share your optimism buy I cant. Actions speak louder than words.
So far we have not seen any concrete evidence to show that the current GOSL is determined to bring those who are guilty to books.
How are you going to achieve it when you appoint former cronies into positions of power when they have a vested interest in shredding the evidence.
MR is the number one looter because he is the 6th richest person in Sri Lanka. How did he accumulate so much wealth from his Presidential Salary and how did he manage to run a business ( with his full time job as a president operating the killing machine) to accumulate enormous wealth. Did he declare it the answer is no and was he allowed again the answer is NO.
The same with Gotha
Both are running free.
Gotha is wanted by the American authorities for money Laundering and he will be arrested as soon as he lands on American soil.Why has he not been charged
So I am afraid the Bribery Commission has a mountain to climb or shall I say it is the story of Jack & Jill.
Despite all the initial euphoria the Commission has declared there was no corruption in the Colombo Port City.
All the talk of the attempted coup after the election has been swept under the carpet.
The Attorney General has turned out to be a stooge of the crooks.
GOSL has turned out to be a laughing stock.
shani / April 26, 2015
6th richest person of Sri Lanka ???? Where did that audit spring from ?? We never heard of that !Pl clrify the source . We would also like to read it !!!!
Dr.Goebells / April 25, 2015
Is there any way you can prevent corrupt politicians and their accomplices seeking refuge in Hospital when they are remanded ? They make the law look a complete ass .
Ansar / April 25, 2015
William, You raised a valid good point with regard to connections, education and loyalty.
You also mentioned about JR and Neville Samarakon, who acted independently although a friend of JR.
I think you are trying to compare Apple with, I will not say even oranges, but a fruit of the lowest quality ie RAJAPAKSHES WITH JR.
These two are far different kettles of fish. One educated, decent, selfless and genuine personality the other UNEDUCATED,CORRUPT,SELFISH AND CRIMINAL MINDED PERSONALITY.
I am sure people connected to MY3 and Ranil will never be the breed of JARAPASSA QUALITY. Just look how they have demeaned the highest legislature of our country, the parliament. That sums up my point here.
I am sure there are a lot of cleansing to be done to make our country a decent place to live regardless of our faiths or beliefs. These Racists spearheaded by Jarapassas, will never allow that to happen.
Coconut Republic / April 25, 2015
Bravery against all Bribery!
Keep up the gutsy work and don’t succumb to intimidating tactics used by most of the rowdy politicians.
The citizens will stand by you.
Justicia / May 8, 2015
Dear Citizen Perra
If you believe that in CIABOC favours KKBs as you say “with respect to Attorneys “SOME ARE MORE EQUAL THAN OTHERS” then you should not worry about MR or Namal or Gommanpila. They too rightly or wrongly belong to the same fraternity.