By Tisaranee Gunasekara –
“Despots rely on elections not as a means of expression but as an act of acclamation. A dictator certainly does not go to the electorate for a mandate; he believes he already has one”. – The Guardian (7.12.2011)
Geneva: A Necessary Defeat
The Rajapaksas were defeated in Geneva, by the Rajapaksas.
The Geneva resolutions would not have happened if the Rajapaksas did not depart from democratic norms so blatantly and consistently, post-war. The call for an international investigation would not have gained traction if the Rajapaksas did not undermine, debase and subjugate every Lankan institution, from the judiciary and the elections commission to the military and the human rights commission.
After the impeachment travesty, can any objective observer believe in the possibility of an independent national inquiry into anything?
Less than 48 hours after the adoption of the US resolution on Sri Lanka, the UNHRC overwhelmingly approved five resolutions against Israel. And the US, the sole global hegemon, could not persuade a single UNHRC member to vote against the anti-Israeli resolutions, not even the UK. Of the 47 member-states, 46 voted for the resolutions, with only the US voting against[i]. So much for the lie that the UNHRC is an imperialist pawn or that it can be manipulated by the US or that Navi Pillay is an American agent!
The US resolution on Sri Lanka succeeded not because of American power but because of undeniable and continuing crimes by the Rajapaksas against their own people.
Of the third world countries which supported the resolution only one, Botswana, can be considered an American ally. Benin may have voted for the resolution because its president is an evangelical Protestant (Perhaps the BBS et al can take a bow?). Apart from Cuba, every South American member-state of the UNHRC voted for the resolution and none of them are American-stooges. On the contrary, all those countries are ‘Pink-tide nations’ with left or left-of-centre governments. They would have voted for the resolution because they saw certain similarities between their own autocratic pasts and Rajapaksa Sri Lanka. For many of those countries despotic populism was a lived-reality, a part of their own nightmarish histories. That sense of déjà vu would have been solidified by such quintessentially Rajapaksa deeds as the arrest of Ruki Fernando and Father Praveen (even as the council was debating Sri Lanka) and the continued detention of Jeyakumari Balendran, plus the sudden desperate attempt by the regime to resurrect the dead-Tiger in order to justify the latest wave of repression.
Colombo could have avoided the independent international investigation at least for one more year if the promised national inquiry into allegations of torture, post-war, materialised. In characteristic Rajapaksa style, the regime made the promise in time for the Commonwealth Summit and reneged on it, once the summit was over. As Navi Pillai pointed out in her report to the UNHRC, “In November 2013, the Government announced that the Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka would conduct a national inquiry into allegations of torture committed between 2009 and 2013, with the support of the Human Rights Division of the Commonwealth Secretariat. In early December 2013, the Commission announced that the inquiry had been postponed indefinitely.”
Blatant breaches of faith such as these would have done more to convince UNHRC member-states to support the resolution than anything the US could have said or done.
The UNHRC investigation is to cover the period from 2002 to 2009. Consequently, it would be an excellent opportunity to expose the anti-civilisational deeds of the LTTE, from child-conscription to the wanton murder of unarmed political opponents. But for the Rajapaksas this too would pose a problem because the senior-most Tiger leaders still alive have transformed their loyalties from the Sun God to the High King. After all, one of the counts on which Ms. Pillai faulted Colombo was its failure to indict “any LTTE suspect for alleged war crimes or other human rights abuses”!
The Geneva vote is a moral-political defeat for the Rajapaksas. It is a necessary and a welcome outcome not just from a Lankan but also from a Sinhala-Buddhist perspective. Left to their own devices, the Siblings will do to Sinhala-Buddhists what the Tigers did to the Tamils (the creation of the BBS constitutes an early warning). Given the nature of the UN system, the investigation cannot result in either a war-crimes trial at The Hague or UN sanctions on Sri Lanka. (Individual countries can impose travel and asset bans on Rajapaksas/officials but this can be done without any UNHRC investigation as the Magnitsky Act demonstrates[ii].) UN trials and sanctions require Security Council approval. Since the Rajapaksas can count on Chinese and Russian vetoes for a long time to come, they, like Israel, can escape with a moral drubbing.
The Absent Anti-Geneva Wave
Respectable electoral victories with simple majorities are not enough for the Rajapaksas. They want gigantic wins to bolster the conceit that they and, they alone, represent the ‘nation’, in perpetuity.
The PC polls were expedited for the same reason – because the Rajapaksas expected an anti-Geneva Sinhala-Buddhist wave and wanted to benefit from it electorally. The results indicate that this majoritarian/patriotic surge existed only in the imagination of the Ruling Siblings.
Comparing the PC polls results with the results of the 2011 Local government polls is the most effective way of understanding the changes in public mood[iii]. Despite a blatantly partisan electoral process, including a toothless Elections Commissioner (who was unable to protect even his own assistant commissioners from government thugs[iv]), a totally Rajapaksaised police, a subjugated bureaucracy and a cowed media, despite gross violation of state power and state resources, the regime failed to maintain its 2011 vote levels, let along improve it via the much-hyped (and ultimately non-existent) anti-Geneva wave.
Table I – UPFA Performance in the South
UPFA | Southern Province | Galle | Matara | Hambantota |
LG polls 2011 | 60.03% | 59.6% | 61.7% | 58.7% |
PC polls 2014 | 58.06% | 57.6% | 59.71% | 57.42% |
Difference | -1.97% | -2% | -1.99% | -1.28% |
Table II – UPFA performance in the West
UPFA | Western Province | Colombo | Gampaha | Kalutara |
LG polls 2011 | 56.1% | 53.1% | 59% | 56% |
PC polls 2014 | 50.3% | 45.33% | 57.98% | 61.23% |
Difference | -5.8% | -7.77% | -1.02% | +5.23% |
The UPFA average vote decreased between 2011 and 2014 in Galle, Matara and Hambantota districts. Provincially, the UPFA vote decreased by 2%, from 2011 to 2014.
The UPFA vote decreased in Colombo and Gampaha districts but increased in Kalutara district. Provincially, the UPFA vote decreased by a very substantial 5.8% between 2011 and 2014.
There is no patriotic-wave lifting the Rajapaksa boat. There is no anti-government wave either. The electorate is moving away from the government, but very slowly. If the Opposition is to amount a serious challenge to the Rajapaksas at national elections, it must become more active, more rooted, socio-economically and less fractious. The UNP remains the single largest opposition party (though with a much reduced vote-base); the JVP and DP are in a dead-heat for third place. What is necessary is the broadest possible opposition coalition, which includes the TNA and other minority parties, stands up for all victims of Rajapaksa misrule and opts to focus on political-social-economic distress rather than on patriotic chest-thumping.
According to Wikipedia, the UNHRC has passed 45 resolutions against Israel since its inception in 2006 till 2013.
[ii] When former UN Advisor on Sri Lanka, Yasmin Sook says that sanctions are possible, this is precisely what she talks about – sanctions by individual countries and not the UN proper. Similarly though no Lankan political or military leader can be taken to The Hague even if faulted in the UNHRC report, the US is perfectly within its rights to try Gotabhaya Rajapaksa in an American court so long as Mr. Rajapaksas clings to his US citizenship.
[iii] People vote differently at national and non-national elections and 2011 is closer than 2009.
Ajith / March 30, 2014
A very good analysis of the UNHRC results.
Rohan / March 30, 2014
Don’t run too fast mate. GL Peries will come up with a magic math to show how Mahinda’s numbers in 2014 are better than his numbers in 2011.
Rohan / March 30, 2014
But…. if they apply the Geneva Resolution logic:
UPFA = Votes supporting UPFA
Not for UPFA = Votes opposing UPFA + Abstentions
UPFA = 1364K
Not for UPFA = 1192K + (4025-2556)K = 2661K
UPFA = 699K
Not for UPFA = 506K + (1873-1205)K = 1174K
Thanks Professor GLP and Thanks Ambassador Thisara S.
Amarasiri / March 30, 2014
Tisaranee Gunasekara,
“The UPFA average vote decreased between 2011 and 2014 in Galle, Matara and Hambantota districts. Provincially, the UPFA vote decreased by 2%, from 2011 to 2014.
The UPFA vote decreased in Colombo and Gampaha districts but increased in Kalutara district. Provincially, the UPFA vote decreased by a very substantial 5.8% between 2011 and 2014.
There is no patriotic-wave lifting the Rajapaksa boat. There is no anti-government wave either. The electorate is moving away from the government, but very slowly.”
Why is that only about 65% of the registered voters voted. It used to be around 80%.
So if you project to 80% of the registered voters voting, how would your analysis come out?
Part of the issue is the weak opposition of the UNP. The lack of proper alternative, is to the advantage of UPFA.
What would you project for the Parliamentary and Presidential election?
Sandun Jayamanne / March 31, 2014
He becomes intoxicated before bo tree, then he does the opposite to own folks. This has been on and on all the few years. People are gullible and have no time to even think of the clarity of their leader. It is all it has become a struggle to survive their families in the country almost everything has sky rocketed but nothing like salary hike have been done accordingly. So, living is a struggle, people have to be busy with that rather than even thinking of Raja politics.People have been punished by all means, they many make future hope but it has now become tantalus tasks day to another.
Boom Boom / March 30, 2014
” The electorate is moving away from the government, but very slowly.”
Dream on Bemil.
You might next right as Arlene from all what we know.
But reminds of the fox behind the goat again! Sad sod.
Parker / March 30, 2014
Even Rajapakses’ and racist Sinhalese who refuse to accept their soldiers raped Tamil women and did extra judicial killing will refuse to accept this and come up with their new reasons (it must be called their inventions, not reasons) – they may even say Colombotelegraph lie.
len / March 30, 2014
Now according to Profes-sorry GL every one abstain to vote actually cast the absent vote for UPFA. And the calculation from GL & Cabral came to UPAF received %150 of the vote from %100 and incredibly increase their total votes by %350 from 2011 thus proving Geneva resolution was actually won by Sri Lanka by a landslide.
Dr.Rajasingham Nare dran / March 30, 2014
Thanks Tisaranee. This morning, our newspaper delivery was delayed by about two hours. When I asked the delivery man why, he said, ‘”Chande nisa’ ( because of the elections). I then asked what he thought of the current situation. He replied, ” Api epawela innay. Aeunath monahada keranda Kiyala thanne neha” ( we are disgusted, but do not know what to do). This opinion is fairy widely held and bodes ill for this government. The government has to lie less, promote the personality cult less, be less ostentatious and govern much much better. The government has to in essence drastically change its ways. The opposition on the other hand should get the message and understand that the people are desperately on the look out for an alternative that will continue what this government has done well,with less waste and corruption, but also do otherwise where it has miserably and quite damagingly failed.
The Geneva bogey however may have helped stem a greater decline in the votes cast.G.L. Pieris’s new mathematics, I am sure created much mirth. A welcome respite amongst the gloom.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Anpu / March 30, 2014
“The government has to lie less, promote the personality cult less, be less ostentatious and govern much much better.”
The govt should stop lying, stop promoting …..
Native Vedda / March 30, 2014
Dr.Rajasingham Naredran
“The government has to lie less, promote the personality cult less, be less ostentatious and govern much much better. The government has to in essence drastically change its ways.”
This is what you wrote in response to my comment in
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran says:
March 22, 2012 at 9:59 pm
On a positive note, the circumstances are different now. The war and its end has taught the Sinhala people a lesson. They now have a vision of what the ‘Sri Lankan nation’should be. I also think Mahinda Rajapakse has this vision, although he has failed to articulate it well. It is better for the Tamil leadership to swim with this current and achieve something meaningfull and lasting for the Tamils within the new “Sri Lankan nation’that is struggling to be born. There is a historical opportunity that should not be missedd by both the Sinhalese and Tamils.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Hope you have completely changed your opinion about the clan, its governance, where its heading.
Anpu / March 31, 2014
“Hope you have completely changed your opinion about the clan, its governance, where its heading.”
I feel the same.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / March 31, 2014
Native Veddah,
There is no doubt that I am utterly disappointed in the performance of this government in respect of political issues that concern the Tamils, governance issues affecting the whole country and the ostentatious , self aggrandising behaviour of its leaders. This disappointment no doubt followed the post-war hope and optimism generated by how the government started handling the IDP , resettlement and infrastructure rebuilding/ building issues post-war in the north-east and the utter devastation I had the opportunity to see directly, post-war. I continue to give credit to this government on this score. They were necessary preliminaries to evolving a political solution, contrary to what many were advocating. I was definitely swimming against the political tide being manufactured by many.
However, the disappointment has progressively increased since 2012- a water shed year. Things changed drastically thereafter. The 18th amendment that was promulgated a year earlier was a warning of sorts, which I commented about in an article in and compared the measure as belly dancing by a burqa clad. I have also been always critical of the attempt by the MR government to impose a leadership of their choice on the Tamils in the north and east.
My judgements and opinions are based on what I perceive and are not anchored on loyalties to any individual, political formation or dogma. On the issues of concern to the Tamils, my scoring of this government has been based on the time table-based road map I had formulated in 2009, soon after the war ended.
I have defined myself as a Tamil Sri Lankan and this arises from my conviction that I was born a Tamil in Sri Lanka. Both identities are important to me and are not exclusive of each other either. I have always viewed Tamil issues within the context of a Sri Lanka that is mine too as a Tamil and a Sri Lankan. This is an inclusive identity that has developed over a life time. Nothing that has happened to me personally or in this country has changed this identity consciousness.
I explain, because you have asked the question in a very civilised manner, unlike many who have called into question my character, because I thought and perceived issues differently from them.
Anpu- please note.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Anpu / March 31, 2014
Thanks Dr RN.
Native Vedda / March 31, 2014
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Thanks for your response.
Hope we can continue to exchange our views in a civilised manner.
Dr. Rajasingham Narendran / March 31, 2014
Native Veddah,
Here is the link to the article referred to above:
It was written in 2010 and appeared in I had used the words belly dancing instead of cabaret dancing in my above comment.
Further, this article was written highlighting the various problems in the country, while yet hoping that MR had something very positive, but unsaid, about his solutions to the Tamils-related issues.
Dr.Rajasinghan Narendran / March 31, 2014
Native Veddah,
I suggest the readers read the comment section in the link you have provided for the full comment your quote is a part and the exchange of views between us. I think this will lend a context to what you have quoted.
Native Vedda / March 31, 2014
Dr.Rajasinghan Narendran
Thanks for the link.
eusense / March 31, 2014
The newspaper delivery guy didn’t know what to do? You should have told him to vote for the opposition guy, this way you do some service to the country.
People having negative opinion on gov.s in power is universal and not unique to Sri Lanka. Obama has lied to people on Obamacre and lot of other things (you can Google for more info) people of the US are upset too. They are asking for change, get rid of lobbying, nepotism, bribery, discrimination, corruption, witch hunts etc. etc. So, I am not sure why everybody is expecting Sri Lanka to be squeaky Clean or to be like the Vatican? Sorry, The Vatican is a bad example too. Look at India’s corruption, Sri Lanka is haven when compared!
You seem to talk about G.L. Pieris’s new mathematics all the time! You appears to be much concerned about “change”. If there is a referendum whether the gov. should change, would you vote “yes” or will you abstain from voting?
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / March 31, 2014
Your comment is illogical . The delivery man spoke to me on Sunday, not on Saturday or before. Thus I could not have advised him to vote for the opposition. Further, what he implied was that he either abstained or voted for the UPFA, because he did not see any alternatives to the UPFA, with which he was not happy. This is the reality facing many Sri Lankans- a situation this government and the opposition should take note. A positive vote may not be a positive endorsement of the UPFA and an abstention may be in protest at the lack of alternatives. Both are signs of national frustration, in addition to the negative votes cast against the UPFA.
Seelawathi Jayasinghe / March 31, 2014
MR Eusense: You are shooting the messenger- not even making any efforts to get the point. Today, one needs just to let that go through your head only. Levels have reached all appalling levels.
As Dr.RN clearly pointed out, many in today´s society are fed up of the rule of current regime, although majority folks still seem to have no other option or they may give him few more years intending them to correct them. All many expect is not lanka to be squeaky clean, as you feel, but to have an atomosphere where justice and fairness are given the priority. Today corruption levels have become ramphant; injustice is governing. Had the people been given access to free media, do you ever think that UPFA could win the elections ? Please be honest to you.
Cmbo Gammanpila to Matara´s Yapa, almost everything has abused election laws in favour of them. Opposition failed to mobilise the public adequately. And it is also a fact that UNP´s unity was tremoured as people would worry in choosing their canddiates. All in all, the situation is worseneing in and out of the conuntry towards the most corrupted politics unique to Rajapakshe rule.
BBS Rep / March 31, 2014
Dr RN,
Don’t you think it is a bit too late to give advice to the Rajapaksa Clan. If they lie less how could they continue to hoodwink the gullible Sri Lankans. Personality is what brought the Rajapaksa Clan to power and has made him almost a king. The cult must be maintained to impress the gullible Sri Lankans. The Clan must be ostentatious, because that is the value system that the Sri Lankans most venerate.
Govern much better??? Heh heh you must be joking. The horse of good governance has already bolted. The gate is shut. And the Mafia rule is entrenched. Your advice has come too little too late.
Upasiri de Silva / March 30, 2014
Very balance article expressing the UN un-bias attitude even though GoSL shout that Commissioner Navie Pillay is an American stooge. What is wrong in SL is that every one who support Mahina and Gotabaya try to be stooges to get the best out for them. In the UN system non have to follow USA as long as they do a very honest job.
Rajapaksa due to his ignorance and failure to understand good governance failed the Armed Forces and with the Chief Justice No 43 impeachment failed to satisfy the UNCHRthat he can bat a straight ball as he is a crock.
The way Gotabya treat America, if he is not going to denounce his American citizenship very soon face criminal charges for all his action very soon.
Manel Fonseka / March 30, 2014
“Apart from Cuba, every South American member-state of the UNHRC voted for the resolution…”
Not quite, Tisaranee, Venezuela voted against the motion.
Ram / March 30, 2014
Native Vedda / March 31, 2014
Unlike Paranavitana we are not experts on interlinear inscriptions.
Please use Roman alphabets to type your message.
Mallaiyuran / March 30, 2014
After Weliweriya, after electricity charge 80% increase, after food and other essential’s price increase, after removing CJ, after …… after …. government is basically on its high ground with Sinhala voters. Minor downward movement usually caused certainly by government’s supports confidence of government victory. Certainly Jakkumari and Ruki Fernando arrests gave Sinhalese voters the needed confidence. They had sworn to the government that if you are ready to take on Tamils, whatever hardships you give us doesn’t matter, but we will be ready to vote for you.
From the day Sri Lanka received freedom, this path DS selected to run government by disenfranchising the Tamils and subsequent leaders understood that and following that too. Under this resolution there is a sentence the OHCRC’s inquiry has to reveal why the incidences took that direction. In an telex appearing in CT that was sent to US State Department by that time US ambassador Lunsted, with asking for reason to denying the visa to Sampanthar, a message also has been sent indicating that they need political experience of Sampanthar’s past defeated democratic activities against government to understand the LTTE’s denial to undertake a lesser solutions on the self-determination. Certainly America, which pushes away China from Sri Lanka with friendlier help to GOSL, did not heed to Lunstead’s advice and went ahead to destroyed LTTE. But, in this inquiry, the reason for LTTE’s not compromising will be brought to light. GOSLs attitude, when they were putting down the JVP’s and LTTE’s uprisal, will be brought to light. It will be clearly established that there was nothing from LTTE contributed GOSL to kill 300,000 Tamils, because it killed 120,000 Sinhalese to put down a much smaller JVP.s uprising too.
Its is not just Luis Arber, Navi Pillay, Darusman or any Human Right lawyer (other than Vijay Nambiar) taking the UNHRC office will Hard on Lanka. This will practically be taking back Lanka to early 1940, the time before Soulbury. The Sinhalese leaders are failing to understand this. There was no requirement for Sinhalese leaders to go London and submit their progress every six months in those days. Unlike the Colonial time, though the people are being respected by international community, the Sinhalese leaders have taken back to the pre-freedom days by their own actions. DR.DJ has been putting forward in many articles that the GOSL’s current situation after the war is because is not following his victory in Geneva in May 21st, 2009. If somebody likes to extrapolate this up to 1948, they will certainly grasp the Sri Lanka’s current situation only because they Sinhalese leaders did not follow the procedures to preserve he freedom form 1948.
A Tamils Siththar Sage is singing the man’s stupidity of not seeking Nirvana or Moksha and getting indulged in worldly enjoyments like this “ The Human soul begged for 10 months the God for a body to come to earth and destroyed it on the earth by sheer negligence of enjoying too much“ (Nanathavanaththil Or Aandhi Naalaarumaathamai Kuyavanai Veandhi…….).
@Maghribi / March 30, 2014
“It’s not who votes that count
It’s who counts the votes.”
Mallaiyuran / March 31, 2014
Cuba, Venezuela, Pakistan, Russia, China …..certainly a good count. Nobody can think of any better countries with excellent human right record to vote at UNHRC.
Muhammed Fazl / March 30, 2014
ONE UNITED OPPOSITION COALITION is the need of the hour…
eusense / March 30, 2014
“Thisaranee” got this wrong on both counts.
First, the UNHRC issue was initiated with the “end of war situation” and not on Rajapakse’s corruption.
Second, UNHRC voting turnout this time has nothing to do with MR’s behavior. Did “Thisaranee” at anytime during the sessions or before the voting think MR is going come out as the winner? I don’t think there was anyone including MR, GLP and Gov. honchos and for that matter I myself ever thought SL will win this vote! “Thisaranee” could have written this piece even before the UNHRC sessions!
The voting pattern has nothing to do with the content of the resolution or whether Sri Lanka is at fault or not. It is all politics. There is no victory for the Tamils nor to Sri Lanka! What it might do is make MR more popular and continue the regime longer.
Soon the world will lose interest on this resolution which comes up year after year. As long as the Tamil diaspora keep spending money on western politics, NGOs, Human rights Watchdogs etc. the west will keep this alive. Whatever the west (US, UK and the UE) brings up, Russia, China and Cuba opposes. South Korea currently depend on the US market for their trade, so, has to side with the US. India had a fallout with US for the diplomat debacle; they need to show their displeasure. Countries who don’t depend on the west voted ‘NO”. Countries which indirectly depend either voted “yes” or abstained depending on the level of involvement. Let us not kid our selves, except for the US and UK (who benefit from Tamil diaspora money) none of the other countries give a damn about the Tamils or SL!
One good point in “thisaranees” analysis (if it is real): MR popularity is in a downward trend. This means people of Sri Lanka is getting ready to manage their problems. And that means as a sovereign country we don’t need any foreign interference. This also shows that SL should not allow any UNHRC individuals to set foot in their country. Why? As seen during the sessions and before, the UNHRC has already found SL guilty. Listen to Navi Pillay’s speech before the voting. That means whether you allow them to investigate or not SL is guilty!
kali / March 31, 2014
You are talking nonsense and for your Information when Sison visited Sri Lanka Corruption was added to the Charge sheet.
She asked for an appointment with MR to serve notice but Mr ducked out of it.
Don’t worry when America freezes the assets of MR he will have only rupees not Dollar or Sterling and when travel ban is imposed he will be commuting between Hambathota and Colombo.
Man the best is yet to come.
eusense / March 31, 2014
Keep dreaming. Your halucination on ‘serving papers’ shows you need help. Keep in mind, my effort is not to protect MR but to make sure Sri lanka is a sovereign country. MR will be voted out in a few years but for the Tamils, they will need to learn to live like Sri lankans not Tamils.
kali / April 1, 2014
The problem with you lot and MR is that you will hang on untill you are kicked out. Just wait for another month and we will see who is dreaming.
Sri lankan / March 30, 2014
My taken this is simple. The total registered voters in both provinces amount to 5800000 , total polled 3921612, rejected 161000, UPFA 2063083, combined opposition 1697518, majority 365000.
The dictator must have this numbers and knows well that those who did not vote were those who felt that the UNP would lose and saw no purpose in voting and those who are disgruntled with the regime. UNP proved one point. And that is as a single party despite all the chips stacked against it the party can pull it off with a bit more vigour. As i see it the regime should be toppled in parliament by getting the SLMC who technically are in government by default by crossing over and the 30 plus SLFP members who are fed up with this family. Once the majority is secured the government falls and a caretaker government under an interim prime minister takes control. This is good enough to re introduce the 17th amendment and repeal the 18th amendment and go for a general election with independent election commissioner and police in control. The result is a fore gone conclusion and with it would end this curse of executive presidency and this dictator. This is the only way to get the voters back as nothing the UNP says is taken seriously unless something tangible is done to overthrow the regime even in parliament.
Jerry / March 31, 2014
MR has learnt how to hoodwing the Sinhalese people by falling on the ground straight from plane & kissing the ground, hugging the Bo-Tree and showing he is worshiping Buddah, MR & his family are Christians, he is cheeting the Sinhalese people , not for long.
kali / March 31, 2014
The rot has set in. The investors have taken note of things to come an that is why 2.6 billion was taken out of the Country and there is going to be a drain on the Economy. Riots will be the order of the day.
Things to come.
1) Freezing of Assets including the Kings from the Loot
2) Travel Ban
3) Curb on dealing in Dollar and Sterling and that will leave MR to deal in Roubles.
The decline in the popular for the King is a sign of things to come and when sanctions begin to bite it will be
King vs Subjects
What a mouth watering prospect
Bensen Burner / March 31, 2014
One of the best commentaries by Tissaranee. Bensen
PALI / April 3, 2014