15 September, 2024


Rajapaksas Have Lost Their Glitter

By Kusal Perera –

Kusal Perara

Kusal Perara

“Let them win in Geneva. We will win here.” – President Rajapaksa, addressing a campaign rally

True there were not much progress in terms of votes received for the US sponsored Resolution adopted at the 25 Sessions of the UN Human Rights Council just 03 days ago. The most striking and surprising move was India backtracking on the Resolution this time. President Rajapaksa immediately thanked the Congress led government in New Delhi, by ordering the release of all South Indian fishermen, who were detained in Colombo for trespassing on Sri Lankan waters.

Prof G.L. Peiris, commenting on the adoption of the Resolution was quoted in the Daily News arguing the US in fact had lost at the UNHRC. “Prof. Peiris stressed that the US resolution was voted for with a majority of 25 last year and it has dropped to 23. The number of countries that do not support the resolution are greater than those supporting it”, he had argued. His formula is that those who did not vote and voted against it making a total of 24, are all who opposed the Resolution. Such was the satisfaction the regime had in its post UNHRC analysis.

They had to take that public stand, for it was the UNHRC Resolution the regime projected as their main campaign theme, spearheaded by President Rajapaksa himself, at the Western and Southern Provincial Council elections just concluded. They appealed to the people to cast their vote for the UPFA, to prove the people are against the “Geneva Resolution”. Protests and pickets against the US, against the “Geneva Resolution” were regular entertainment on Colombo streets, patronised by the regime. In the provinces, the regime organised public petitions against the “Geneva Resolution” as part of their election campaign at the Western and Southern Provincial Council elections. There were the Weerawansas and the JHU, talking big as usual, for a “patriotic vote”.

What “GL Formula” Says

Despite the presidential call for a patriotic vote, only 64.3 per cent in the South had polled in total, less 04 per cent this time from a total of 70.2 per cent at the previous PC elections. If there was any positive response for the “patriotic” call to vote in protest on the Geneva Resolution, the people should have voted more than the earlier 70.2 per cent. Opposite is the case.  And, this leaves as argued by G.L, 26 per cent voters who opposed the regime and would go with the “Geneva Resolution”. If the rejects that’s almost 04 per cent is also added, the total against the regime goes up to 30 per cent. All 41.2 per cent who actually voted against the regime and with the UNP, JVP and the DP in the whole of Southern Province when added, a percentage of 71.2 per cent is against the regime and would not oppose the Geneva Resolution, as called for by the President and the regime campaigners.

Opposition in Hambantota

That “GL Formula” apart, most unfortunately for the regime, this time round the people had not taken this “patriotic call” seriously. If they did, they would have heeded the “Rajapaksa call” at least in their own backyard like district, Hambantota. People of Hambantota did not go to vote as they did the previous time, even with massive constructions that stand conspicuously overwhelming like the Magampura sea port, the international airport in Mattala, the international cricket stadium in Sooriyaweva, the State of the art cinema production house at Ranminitenna and a network of modern highways given to them. This time the percentage dropped to 66.3 per cent votes polled from 71.6 per cent before. For the Rajapaksas, they could not even retain the total 192,961 polled the previous time, with 25,801 of their voters opting to keep away, reducing their total to 167,160 votes.

Sajith’s political Impotence & DP

On the flip side, what the Rajapaksas lost in Hambantota was not gained by Sajith Premadasa for the UNP. Having pitched tent in Hambantota during the entire campaign period and vowing he would sign against the Geneva Resolution even with blood, Sajith managed only 26.4 per cent, while the J.V.P and the D.P gained 12.9 and 3.1 per cent respectively. What they gained, actually should have gone to the UNP. Especially what went to DP should have remained with the UNP, if as argued by Sajith, he could make the party win. But he proved he is as impotent a leader as any other in the UNP.

The total vote the DP of Sarath Fonseka gained both in Southern and Western Provinces, is clearly a pro UNP vote. That layer of Sinhala Buddhist UNP vote the chauvinist Sinhala leaders in the UNP think they can retain by projecting a Sinhala face, is what went the DP way. Traditionally a semi urban, pro business UNP vote that isn’t willing to go with the J.V.P, they would not have left the UNP, had the UNP leadership proved they are a strong challenge to this regime. UNP leadership’s inability to prove they are serious and committed and their inability to challenge this government with a pragmatic “democratic and development programme”, has left the UNP a looser to the DP and the JVP. The dissenting UNP voters turning out as “protest voters”, both against them and the Rajapaksa regime as well.

Post-war 05 year ethnic polarising

This election also proves, politics of this Rajapaksa regime has in fact during the post war 05 years led to polarising of society along ethno religious lines. The usually “UNP voting” Colombo Tamil residents, have this time almost en bloc gone with Mano Ganesan and his DPF. At the previous elections in 2009, the DPF was within the UNP list. Battling it out alone this time and officially endorsed by the TNA, the DPF has galvanised an independent Tamil identity outside the two mainstream political parties, in the Colombo district. This time the DPF poll of 6.4 per cent with many large and traditionally Sinhala Buddhist electorates like Kaduwela, Kesbewa, Homagama and even Maharagama providing almost nothing to the DPF, proves the tendency now with the Tamil people is to project themselves as an independent entity that would talk politics for them and not politics of the two mainstream parties.

The SLMC’s not so effective results in Colombo electorates also show Rauf Hakeem theatrics can not keep them on the periphery of the Rajapaksa regime. Displaced from their hereditary homes in Salve Island area and the violent racist attacks they were subjected to by BBS and the like, created a binding psyche among the Muslim people that required political representation, outside the Rajapaksa regime. Its perhaps this disgruntled Muslim vote that would not want to have Fonseka’s DP and the Sinhala JVP as their alternative to the Rajapaksa regime, that brought the UNP some respect, winning Colombo North (28.03%), Colombo Central (45.9%), Borella (41.8%), Colombo East (32.7%), Colombo West (32.9%) and then collecting 34% in Dehiwala.

Both in Colombo district and in Gampaha too, the Rajapaksas have not fared too well. In fact they have lost on the votes they received previously. At the 2009 PC elections, the regime polled 69.1 per cent in Gampaha, now sliding down to 57.9, a loss of almost 12 per cent. So is it in Colombo, loosing almost 12 per cent again and sliding down to 45.3 per cent.

What this in fact says is, not only has the Rajapaksa regime lost its credibility among minorities and have helped polarise this post war society, it has in actual political life, lost the patriotic glitter and the Sinhala support it had, 05 years ago. A sure indication, the electoral slide had begun too. For the people, the unfortunate sign is, there is no sensible and proper Opposition to take over. To exploit that advantage. But, what Bertold Brecht said in Caucasian Chalk Circle, “A very long time is not, time eternal” may become true for this regime, despite the absence of that Opposition.

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Latest comments

  • 10

    Good one Kusal, except that if TNA’s Sumanthiran ran in Colombo in alliance with Ganeshans’ party Muslims would also vote with the Tamils. Mano Ganeshan does not have the stature to attract the liberal Sinhala and Tamil speaking Muslim vote, but someone like Wigneshwaran or Sumanthiran – Colombo Tamils could attract non-Tamil voters as well in a city like Colombo..

    Clearly the Southern and western PC polls have shown that the Sinhala voter is fed up with the CORRUPT and CRIMINAL POLITICAL CULTURE in the Miracle of Asia – by NOT bothering to engage in the elections circus which provides the FACADE of DEMOCRACY to Rajapassa’s quasi-military dictatorship.
    Voter apathy and low turn out like the ABSTENTIONS in Geneve is a sign that the tide is turning against the corrupt and criminal Mahinda Rajapaksa military dictatorship as much as the UNP dictator Ranil and and that the Sinhala voter is fed up with ALL POLITICIANS and the STAGE IS SET for a dramatic change..
    Madam Chandrika Kumaranatunge CBK will be a WINNER at the next Presidential election.

    • 6

      The low voter turn out is a sign of the general disgust of the people with the CORRUPT POLITICAL CULTURE in Sri Lanka today.

      If the OPPOSITION was stronger and provided leadership to the SINHALA PEOPLE who today lack decent and honest leaders it would have swept into power because the people have finally woken up to the Rajapakse dictatorship and see through the ELECTIONS CIRCUS.
      However, the opposition has been crippled under the SHAMELESS LOSER and DICTATOR Ranil Wickramasinghe whose leadership has been rejected by the Sinhala voter who he fears, despises and treats with CONTEMPT. This is the reason that shameless and cowardly Ranil Wickramasinghe has pledged “full support to the Jarapassa regime against the Geneva ResolutionZ”, rather than EDUCATING VOTERS that Geneva resolution is NOT against the PEOPLE of Lanka but only against the Rajapaksa regime!

      What is to be done about the lack of LEADERS among the Sinhalas? Sinhalas need VOTER EDUCATION, and anti-corruption movement and party, and a NEW GENERATION OF HONEST and ETHICAL LEADERS who will educate and lead them rather than treating them as if they were fools – as does Ranil Wickramasinghe and the Rajapaksa brothers.
      The Sinhala voter needs to know that the vote in Geneva is NOT against but FOR the people of Sri Lanka – to save democracy and labour rights and the RIGHT TO INFORMATION – from the Corrupt and criminal Mahinda Rajapaksa military dictatorship. The Geneva vote is ONLY against the corrupt and criminal Mahinda Rajapakse military dictatorship.
      But the so-called opposition UNP under Ranil and Sajith (who is an idiot in any case), have de-educated the people of Sri Lanka and kept the Sinhayala VOTERS as Moda yakkas in order that Ranil and the other corrupt politicians can act like lords and mandarins. Sinhala voters are POLITICALLY STUPID.
      This is why POLITICAL CULTURE is rotten to the core in Lanka which has a literate and educated population today. The Sinhala Populations is POLITICALLY STUPID and needs EDUCATION. The condescending attitude of CORRUPT POLITICIANS in the UNP and SLFP to SINHALA voters must STOP.

      Today thankfully the JVP’s Anura Kumara is doing an excellent job telling the truth about the regime and Sri Lanka’s rotten and corrupt POLITICAL CULTURE to the people. The JVP indeed is the only hope to EDUCATE THE SINHALA VOTER ON GOOD GOVERNANCE, its meaning and practice. There are no short cuts out of the mess in governance in Sri Lanka today. Voter education on good governance and an anti-corruption movement to the way to fight corruption and Gotabaya’s Sinhala Balu Sena’s RACISM..

      • 5

        Yes, Kusal, Don and Dinuk, true indeed!
        In the Northern Province elections, where voters wanted to show their support for their leaders there was 80-90 percent turn out..

    • 1


      • 3

        Kusal, what is the class base of the ethnic voting patterns you describe?
        Sinhala Buddhist Racism spread by Gota the Goon’s Balu Sena is paying DIMINISHING RETURNS to the corrupt Mahinda Rajapaksa dictatorship which tries to win elections by fanning Sinhala Buddhist majoritarian RACISM!
        What has happened to the RACIST CLOWN from JHU Udaya Gamanpialla?
        Seems like Sinhalayo Modayas are waking up to the corrupt, criminal and racist Jarapassa strategy of DIVIDE, DISTRACT and RULE the people of Lanka.
        POLITICAL EDUCATION and an EDUCATED VOTER is the best defense against Gota the goons’ and Balu Sena BBS’s extremism and Sinhala Buddhist racism. This is of course an old strategy used by MORALLY BANKRUPT politicians of both the UNP and SLFP. These two old p0olicial parties are corrupt, have since Independence for the last 50 year treated Sinhala electorate as fools.
        UNP and SLFP PLAYED THE RACIST ETHNIC MAJORITY card to distract the Sinhalaya Modayas from the crimes of the corrupt and criminal politicians. Time for a new generation of CLEAN POLITICAL PARTIES and ethical leadership. Educating the Sinhala Moda voter is very important’

      • 0

        The deal was between VP and Rajapaksa. In case you forgot LTTE did not tolerate much if any political opposition. LTTE had its own political wing, which was separate from TNA.

        • 0

          so u are saying TNA was not a political proxy of LTTE? really?

    • 2

      @ Dinuk: says above in the last para
      “….Sinhala voter is fed up with ALL POLITICIANS and the STAGE IS SET for a dramatic change.. Madam Chandrika Kumaranatunge CBK will be a WINNER at the next Presidential election.”

      Exactly, this is what everybody is mumbling themselves that the time is set for CBK to enter the scene for a BIG REVOLUTION once again.

      These information, the Govt. or the UPFA Frogs will have no chance of knowing. People are disgruntled and starting to talk boldly than ever before but silently not to be heard by UPFA froggies. So, they will hit the Kanaa Muttiya with the GL Formula saying they won in GENEVA as well as the local election.

    • 0


      For years, the tri-lingual Mano Ganesan enjoys thousands of votes from the Muslims and Jaffna/Eastern Province Tamils (from Colombo) as well. He also speaks for the large number of Tamils of recent Indian origin in the WP and will, in due course, replace the influence of the younger Thondaman, whose short-comings are now far too well known. Mano G has risked his life helping them in getting them out of Police Stations, Concentration Camps and even in unlawful detention by the other forces. It is because of his open and fearless support to the Tamils that the widely respected TNA offered him their support in this week’s PC Elections.

      R. Varathan

    • 2

      Rajapakses down fall has started, now it’s a matter of getting a good opposition leader , so the end of regime guaranteed

    • 1

      Results showed that people´s attitudal changes would take more time than one guess at them. But to see Gommanpila – the nation ´s radical representative in upasaka costume to have failed to be the top getting all manapa, makes me little happy. That man is the destruction of the nation, if one would closely study his speeches. Never has he accepted norms, but the talent in twisting words in favour of them have made once lawful country a mockery/impunity governing nation.These men should be vanished by nature if we ever need to bring the country to progress mode.

  • 0


  • 0

    Election Result Analysis

    [Edited out]

  • 0

    Kusal, Either you have wasted a lot of news paper space or CT is running out of news items/news contributors.

    Those who pass resolutions in Geneva have to take into serious consideration the repeated victories by the UPFA. UNP being unable to get even a 25 percent of the vote bank says the obvious. It matters a lot that five years after the end of the LTTE misery the people of Sri Lanka are less miserable. Soaring rise in cost of living, corruption, politicians taking advantage of the people are not anything new in Sri Lanka or in Asia for that matter.

    Gone are the days when UK forced what the British wanted down the throats of the people of Sri Lanka and in whatever country they colonized. There is a new world order. Britain’s opinion has become insignificant today. At present it has become a very obedient servant of the US policy. It has shown it’s spinelessness and is quick to jump whenever US cracks the whip. In a world order where there are new players and shakers.

    If the resolution was meant to show the displeasure of the west towards the present rulers of Sri Lanka by strong arm tactics, Sri Lanka’s voters in turn rejected the UNP. Could this be a pay back?

    The momentum to develop the infrastructure in Sri Lanka in general and the beautification of Colombo is quite obvious unless one is blind. I just returned from Sri Lanka after a months stay and visited Sri Lanka on three different occasions last year. As much as I hear of corruption, Chinese influence and such and I too experienced the increases in prices of much essential food items, there is nor shortage of expensive luxury goods in stores, new cars and new hotel projects. Sri Lankans seems to be in a mad rush to go for it.


    • 7

      When did the `Hora Oru` ever believe in Law and Order?? Just Apey Ratte, Apey Anduva”! vedi natuwata badde ledde!

      In their new found glory of deepan pu**a lokkata post and scholarships they stoop to lobby- the dead war 5 years on. It was the “Sri Lanka’s rulers enthusiastically proved the final degeneration of the judicial system barely a year down the line by their ugly witch-hunt impeachment of the 43rd Chief Justice. Through that single outrageous action, this Government cried havoc and let loose the processes of international inquiry.”- K Pinto Jayaw.

      A large group of Sri Lankan- American voters representing multiple states gathered at Capitol Hill to meet their Members of Congress in the U.S. Senate and House of Representatives on March 26. The purpose of the meeting was to express their serious concerns over the resolution against Sri Lanka sponsored by the United States at the UNHRC for the third consecutive time.

      The group conducted nearly 100 meetings with the Members of Congress and their staffers during the day .Also in a letter handed over to their representatives, they called the resolution a flagrant and an intrusive move that would put Sri Lankan people in harm’s way. They urged Members of Congress to inform the U.S. Administration to reconsider such resolutions as it would cause serious damage to the reconciliation process of a nation recovering from a three decade long terrorist conflict.

      “Gone are the days when UK forced what the British wanted down the throats of the people of Sri Lanka and in whatever country they colonized. There is a new world order.”

      and the new world order is the same as when Tony branded the LTTE as a terror outfit that the world went against not before.

      So the order will come again via Cameron to Catherine Ashton, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs She has a very subtle EU weapon `trade` which she uses very often to effect. The Spice Colony main trade is to the EU; so how will it pay back China?? China’s main trading partner is the EU; only last week Xi was pleading at the nuclear summit Netherlands for free trade with the EU to overcome the tariffs in place for dumping and Human rights.

      Lankians would degenerate into cannibals of south asia- new world order for asian monkey’s.

    • 5

      `|`In a world order where there are new players and shakers.
      Could this be a pay back?`|`

      “Road Map” – [injuries incurred by going through a car windshield face first.]`|

      ◕ Pencil D**k CID- Circling The Drain, Sick As Sh*t, Sleeping It Off

      ◕ Shit and Get – [say to yourself] “Oh Shit!”,

      ◕。 Pain in the ass `|◕


    • 2

      ” Gone are the days when UK forced what the British wanted down the throats of the people of Sri Lanka and in whatever country they colonized. “

      You mean like forcefully joining Tamil North and East to Sinhala South and center to create this nation called Ceylon/Sri Lanka.

  • 0

    Kusal, For you 64.3 per cent voter turnout in the South may look as not enough but this is rather high when compared to earlier PC election turnouts, I mean not the last one. Do not take 2009 turnouts or results for comparison because many people like me have voted at that election just to join the euphoria of ending the war. And that’s why its turnover was high at 70%.

    Let me give an example in another way: Despite the plea I, a Rajapakse supporter hadn’t bothered to vote this time around (in WP) for two reasons. One, I do not want to elect more rascals to rob and loot the state coffers and another, I see PCs are useless white elephants. Besides, this election is not a game changer.

    Talking about this WP elections, in my opinion, Rajapakse had done very well when compared to 2000 PC elections under Chandrika. At that election, UPFA lost both Colombo and Kalutara districts. They manage to hold on to power because of Gampaha. That’s not the kind of situation we have today, is it.

    It is not Rajapakse but and NGOs and the TNA and their masters, the neo-cons that is polarising the society today. Any fool knows what the bastards want: They want a regime change. What matters is not the glitter but the fact that the caravan is moving.

  • 1

    No analysis on JVP’s and SF’s party’s performance at the elections.Are they insignificant?

    • 0

      JVP reached the top most under the new leadership. And SF has made his gains from troubled waters in the UNP but his foul mouth and rancorous feature would cause to lose all that gain sooner than later.

  • 4

    “Prof. Peiris stressed that the number of countries that do not support the resolution are greater than those supporting it. As argued by G.L, 26 per cent voters who opposed the regime and would go with the “Geneva Resolution”.

    WRONG!!! .. if we apply the Geneva Resolution logic,
    UPFA = Votes supporting UPFA
    Not for UPFA = Votes opposing UPFA + Abstentions

    UPFA = 1364K
    Not for UPFA = 1192K + (4025-2556)K = 2661K

    UPFA = 699K
    Not for UPFA = 506K + (1873-1205)K = 1174K

    So, people refused to be intimidated and forced to vote for UPFA was absoluuuute majority!!!

  • 1

    Yes, the Rajapakasa’s have lost their glitter, but still look better than the available alternatives. The economic impact of this resolution will be felt by the end of 2014. At the time of the next Presidential election, the glitter will be completely tarnished. We can only hope the Opposition will field a winner at the next Presidential election.

  • 1

    In other words only 28.2% of the electorate has voted for the UPFA which is hardly a winning majority. People are actually quite fed up with all these lies and deceit fed by the Govt. The opposition too has failed to attract the voters who prefer to abstain.

    Debutant DP has made a significant showing. A lot depends of the General can broad base and democratise the leadership of this party. People dont want another Rajapakse by the name of Fonseka.

    JVP has made a poor showing. Seems to be an erosion of their support base amongst the youth and working classes.

  • 1

    As an aftermath, the General was a new broom during the April 2010 election. He lost it because he did not know how to play dirty Sri Lankan style politics. It may be too late for him to make that kind of impact now that his wings have been clipped.

    JP / USA

    • 5

      `|`General was a new broom;lost it because he did not know how to play dirty Sri Lankan style politics`|`

      ◕ He is FITH – ◕ F***ed in the head`|◕

      Why did the teacher marry the school cleaner??
      Because she swept him off his feet (^‿◕)

      ◕ He is CATS – Cut all to sh*t ◕

      . (^o^) . ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂

      Colaba Choppe


  • 3


    Releasing all the Indian fishermen held on judicial grounds merely on a single Presidential directive can work against the Rajapakse regime in India. There will be many in India there who might take the position President Rajapakse is playing politics with the lives of Indian fishermen. By no means am I suggesting there was no Case against the intruding fishermen from the other side. But the release should have been through due legal process – with the Courts playing the key role. Where is the system of Law and Order if one individual, irrespective of how high and influential, arrogates for himself the
    right that should safely rest with the Judicial process.


    • 3


      Thanks for your invaluable comment.

      Where you’ve been all these days?

      Can we have your observation on UNHRC resolution.

      • 8

        Hindians,`|Where you’ve been all these days?|”

        Hippias: Alu-Porata`¡

        Low marble count`| Lying Down Fit`。。。。O。o

        ◕。 Lights On But Nobody Home`¡‿。
        ☺/ Listening point, we are all wondering when the
        ☺/ 2 musketeers are going to commence a thread, picture,
        ‿。article and all that reason?? Alu-Porata `¡


      • 0

        don’t you know kallathoni vedda that tiger gattuvan was on his annual pilgrimage to check the well being of his tamilnation.

        • 4

          wathie is : Just Plain Stupid”|

          Husband Is Village Idiot

          • 1


            wathie typed “don’t you know kallathoni vedda that tiger gattuvan was on his annual pilgrimage to check the well being of his tamilnation.”

            Could you translate the above comment by wathie into English.

            • 0

              Vedda, I just typed a passing comment for you. So, take it the way you like it or understand it. That’s good enough for me. Buy.

              • 0



                What are you selling?

            • 0

              “Buy.” What are you selling?

              Stroppy Ignorant Girl ◕

              ◕ Needs, ass sold and shipped all across on camel back`|”


  • 2

    As it is, no one can change the direction of where the nation is heading. Adamant Rajapakses won’t change their attitude or their arrogance any time sooner and let Lanka drift into a total chaotic mess. We have a long suffering future which is still getting stretched further with no end in sight.
    UNHRC actions are no game changers, always very slow and not going to bring any drastic differences. With no demilitarization in UNHRC resolution, the North/East is getting more setting Army camps, pass system for fishing, time restrictions and more stringent measures inconveniencing the citizen again. More military is being poured all over North again, search and cordon operations, arbitrary detentions, tiger bogey arrests are back again with more vigor. NPC is made impotent and immovable. It’s only elections , and more elections, more roads while people are living in huts. Same old Mahinda ‘moda ‘chinthanaya
    Lanka has become the cursed nation in Asia today. What else to do other than lamenting about our aloofness, lazy attitude, hibernation mode and hopelessness. Majority of the people are not serious or lack of understanding of the things happening around them. One main factor, undoubtedly is the fear of state terror !

    • 1

      One thing is clear ot me now, lanken election results dont represent real likes or dislikes of the citizentry.
      I am so dissapointed seeing that the very same gaping nation have voted for them again. It is really a wonderland for modayas where stupidity seems to have no boundaries.

    • 2

      it is believed if we interpret election results in accordance with the same equation of GLP, the current regime has lost the election.

      it is because

      a) UNP voting 40%
      b) Voting turn out is less than 65%

      c) Opposition + abstain = 40% + 35% = 75%

      So 75% of the nation are against the ruling govt.

    • 0

      According to GL Peiris Theory on Voting at UN in Geneva Govt has Lost Elections here as 40%Voted Against and 35%Abstained from Voting-Kabir Hashim
      30 March 2014, 5:02 pm
      By Umesh Moramudali and Ruwan Laknath Jayakody

      Reeling from the recent United Nations Human Rights Council defeat, the United People’s Freedom Alliance achieved a lackluster victory in the Western and Southern Provincial Council elections, and while the United National Party managed to stick with its usual voter base, the leftist Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna under the new leadership, forged ahead.

      The main opposition, United National Party (UNP) yesterday said that the Western and Southern Provincial Council election results had indicated that the public are ready to make a regime change.

      Addressing the media, UNP Parliamentarian, Kabir Hashim said, the United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA) had got 250,000 votes less than in the previous PC election in 2009 which is an indication to imply that people want change.
      Continue reading ‘According to GL Peiris Theory on Voting at UN in Geneva Govt has Lost Elections here as 40%Voted Against and 35%Abstained from Voting-Kabir Hashim’ »

      Filed under Guest blogger.

      • 2

        Great Labrador Pe.,now wants `block vote- donkey vote`like Sharia background when the prevailing system is `monkey vote`FPTP

        In a UK-wide referendum in 2011 the British public were asked if they wanted to replace First Past the Post (FPTP) with the Alternative Voting system for electing members of parliament.

        The referendum produced a definitive no vote against AV[Ranked Choice Voting].

        FPTP is the second most widely used voting system in the world, after Party List-PR. Highly proportional systems with minimal thresholds can result in a fragmented parliament, and produce unstable, multi-party governments.

    • 0

      MR makes SL’s future problematic but not chaotic. He kept SL stable.

      What makes SL chaotic is the UN, american govern dancing to tiger diaspora, TNA which would widen ethnic disharmony and total instability.

      Either you are an idiot who like to pose as a liberal sinhala who thinks foreign intervention would do good to SL or a LTTE supporter who is happy that they can have some taste of a revenge

  • 1

    Dear Native Veddah,

    What greater wisdom can you gather on the outcome from Geneve other than that beautiful claim of victory by our Legal Lunumiris –
    whom his boss uncharitably refers to as “apey pananethi eka” Aney Pow! Have some consideration for the emaciated Don of Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard and Yale fame. Mark my words, if you invite Professori to any one or more of the many leading Think-tanks in Colombo to explain Geneve, he will give you a lecture, to some degree of convincing I suspect, on “how we achieved victory from the jaws of defeat”

    Do you recall the instance when a nearly 400-strong team of Indian sportsmen went to an Olympics and were returning home empty-handed and medal-less. The PM or someone high in the Govt had then told the Sports Minister – a clever lawyer – to receive them at the airport where the cacophonic Indian media were waiting to roast the athletes, officials and politicos for the dismal performance. The team arrived and the media plunged into them, sinking their teeth in. The smart politico then saved the day by saying “Ladies and Gentlemen of the Press, it is true we are coming home without medals. But think about this – Sports is a 2-Way thing. On the one hand you have the performers and on the other the fans. Both complement each other. India is good at providing a very large number of fans, without which Olympics cannot succeed” Obviously, the man may have been re-elected.


    • 2


      Good to hear from you.


      My Elders asked me to look at an opinion in Hindu. Please read the excerpts below and let us know what you make of it:

      “Perhaps, the most notable shift has come from within South Block itself, where recommendations of the External Affairs Ministry have been sidelined over the past few years. The unhappiness among diplomatic officials was evident last year over Dr. Singh’s decision not to travel to Colombo for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting (CHOGM) summit. In an interview, Union Minister of External Affairs Salman Khurshid had told CNN-IBN, “It would be very disappointing if the Prime Minister doesn’t go to Colombo,” later admitting that the decision was forced by “domestic politics”. Now, with India’s abstention vote, it would seem that South Block is wresting back control of its decision-making authority from that domestic sphere that has ridden roughshod over several foreign policy decisions including stopping the Teesta agreement with Bangladesh, dealing with China, or restarting talks at a technical level with Pakistan.”


      • 1

        Native Veddah

        The duty of the Brahmins of South Bloc is to provide expert advise. The political decisions are made at the higher level.
        Often minds at both levels find convergence. In some rare
        cases, they do not. In the post-1980s the influence of the State
        factor cannot be entirely overlooked since most Administrations
        are Coalitions and some extra-sensitivities of powerful regional partners cannot be overlooked.

        I believe in the coming months and years there can be a far more degree of cooperation between Delhi and Colombo. The men in the SL Navy, notorious for making mini-fortunes in stealing prawn-fish
        catches, offering soft drinks and cutlets-patties to intruding
        fishermen from Tamilnadu – instead of assaulting and shooting them as is the practise – are signs of things to come.

        Three Cheers to calmer nerves across the P/Straits.


        • 1



          “offering soft drinks and cutlets-patties to intruding fishermen from Tamilnadu”

          Probably Sri Lanka is following Gujral Doctrine.

          Does India have any friends in her neighbourhood? The foreign policy establishment seems formulating its policy as it goes along.

          Is there any hope that South Block ever going to review its own dismal record (which is mostly failure)and look carefully into Gujral Doctrine?

          India’s relation with USA is hanging by a thread while her relation with all weather friend Russia has been down graded.

          India’s aspiration to become a permanent member of security council has become a distant dream.

          Delhi watchers haven’t seen or heard any Indian foreign policy success in the past 40 years. The Chanakyas are too complacent, refuse to stretch outside their comfort zone, and do not give a damn about those weaker section of people sacrificing their life in their neighbourhood their blunders old and new.

          Don’t you think the entire foreign policy establishment ought to be sacked and South Block abolished?

          • 1

            (゜゜)~ Don’t you think the entire foreign policy establishment ought to be sacked and South Block abolished?(゜゜)~

            ▂▂▂ ▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂▂ ▂▂▂

            ‿◕ South Block Chappani Kattai Looks like Sh*t.

            ◕ GulabJam Hostages- ◕ FUBIL type Full Of Sh*t.

            Foreign policy has to be debated by all states not academics (foreign service and their elk) that is even EU’s endevour- numerous languages traditions ethnicity “|

            9/11 was Indias dream golden goose for foreign policy.
            Bush just brushed off the “unfair trading partner” status and went on offering civil nuclear energy technology.

            ‿◕South Block Chappani Kattai Looks like Sh*t.

            ▂▂▂Literally “Hole in One”| Gaddas Bewakoofs.`!”


    • 3

      government interference in the IOA’s election process and a suspended Indian Olympic Association

      “Macarena” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiOGjn1Ms4w

  • 0

    G.L.Peris calculation is to fool MR. who dont understand a word or figures in mathametics, G.L P will be kicked out sooner or later for the blunder he made at the Geneva convention, down with GLP.

  • 0

    Yes, Rajapaksa’s have lost their glitter.
    The people have lost their bread and butter!!

    Living costs are soaring
    The Government claims they are scoring

    Government leaders are filling their pockets
    Whilst the common man has no money to buy even a papadam packet

  • 2


    True there were not much progress in terms of votes received for the US sponsored Resolution adopted at the 25 Sessions of the UN Human Rights Council just 03 days ago.

    *** I beg to disagree with your above analysis. Of the 23 votes cast in favour some are new members but more importantly of the 12 abstained some voted for Sri Lanka last time. That surely is a defeat for Sri Lanka.
    India voting for Sri Lanka is understandable as they were partners in Crime but America is determined to punish Sri Lanka and if proof is needed just listen to Statement from the Whitehouse.
    King has lost at both venues Home and Abroad and he must be shitting in his pants.
    On Friday 2.6 Billion was taken out from the country as Investors have taken note of things to come.

    1) Freezing of Assets including MRs which runs into billions from the loot.
    2) Travel Ban
    3) Curb on dealing in Dollar and pound which leaves MR to deal in Roubles.
    When Sanctions begin to bite the King becomes a liability and he will be booted out and if SF has any influence in the next Government he will drag the brothers along the floor kicking and screaming.

    • 2


      Where is your Tamil army that you promised to bring before the end of this month.

      Today is the last day of March 2014.

      • 0


        Dont put words into my mouth. I never saud the TNA are coming end of March. Go back and check.
        I said that March is just the begining.

        This is the order of things to come.

        1) Resolution has been passed to begin War Crimes Inquiry
        2) MR lost 17 seats.
        3) If the UN team is refused entry
        a) There will be travel ban
        b) Freezing of Assets
        c) Curb on deakling in Dollar and Sterling.

        Even Russia is feeling the pinch with limited sanctions and has agreed to a partial withdrawl.
        America has decided on regime change and Kings days are numbered. I know you are disappointed. But you are not alone as you have got 20 Million Racists on your side.

        • 1


          You are certain the Tamil National Army (TNA) is definitely coming but you do not know the exact time or date. It could be tomorrow, next year, in 3014 or never.

          Is there any point in their arrival so late in the day? One would have appreciated them if they had come in time when they were most needed, before the war had ended. They could have prevented the killing and suffering of hundreds of thousands of people.

          Assuming they are definitely coming to this island, how soon you stupid people are planning to commence war against them, just as you did in 1987?

    • 1


      Where is your Tamil army that you promised to bring in to beat up the Sinhala/Buddhistsbefore the end of this month?

      Today is the last day of March 2014.

    • 0

      Dream on tiger boy, dream on.

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