15 September, 2024


Two Years After Formation Of SLPP, MR Finally Says He Will Take Up Party Leadership

Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, nearly two years after the formation of the Sri Lanka Podijana Party (SLPP), today said he was ready to accept the leadership of the party.

The SLPP, officially led by Prof. G.L. Peiris so far operated as a proxy party for Rajapaksa. Although the party won the last Local Government election, its de facto leader, Mahinda Rajapaksa, did not even obtain membership of the SLPP.

“I will take the party leadership now,” Rajapaksa said while speaking to a group of journalists at his official residence in Colombo.

However, Rajapaksa did not elaborate as to when exactly he will officially take over the party’s top post.

Meanwhile, Prof. Peiris, addressing a press conference in Colombo recently, said he would make an official request to Rajapaksa to take up the leadership of the party.

The transition, Colombo Telegraph learns, is expected to happen at the special convention of the party next month.

What stood in Rajapaksa’s way of becoming the leader of the SLPP was the concern that it would unseat him as a member of Parliament. Peiris recently said the party had obtained legal advice on the matter and Rajapaksa did not run the risk of losing his MP seat, if he became a member of the SLPP.

“The SLFP has now sunk to a voter-base of 4-5%. It is unlikely that the party will initiate action against Rajapaksa. The SLFP has limited bargaining power in the deal. If MR becomes the leader of the SLPP and if the SLFP still keeps him as a party leader, it will only be an embarrassment to President Sirisena, the Chairman of the SLFP,” an informed SLFP source told Colombo Telegraph.

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  • 28

    MR vouched earlier he will never go to another party other than SLFP. Liar.

    • 27

      Nature should take his life so that we can finally feel fine.
      This man is the root cause for the division of this society.

      He does not care about since his Satakaya is filled with all the power intoxications.
      What a man cant do, if he is that abused by grabing power.

      Hope the majority of people will get it by the time their franchise would be in demand during next session.

      • 7

        Yeah nature, right? You will be happy to feel fine finally under your own tomb, before him.
        If you are so fed up with your life, here, there is a rope and two heavy rocks, go to the sea and say good bye to the nature,

        • 18


          I know you woul dnot disagree with Rajakshe for your own causes.

          But as Katharina explains it, his being is becoming a painful to the majority in this coutnry.

          Alone this year, they the rulers say have to pay over 3000 US dollars and next year it will be increased up to 4000 US dollars.. all came into being the debts that ballige putha et al deliberately made by the time he was goo defeated by 6.2 millions of voter eligibles in this god punished nation.
          Most of these debts came into being due to his mis managements not second to that of Zimbabwian counterpart or others in Uganda and the like minded countries.
          I think if Rajakshe woudl have been cleared away by the very same manner Premadasa faced it in early 90ties, that would rather be a relief.
          However, bastard offsprings will be there to ruin the nation further, but as I got to know from others, they each have to be jailed in the days to come…

          • 7

            Well, well SLPP is the Rajapaksa family business, a massive corruption racket with a US citizen and war criminal at its core!

            TheJarapassa family business.

            Long live miracle of modayas!

        • 0

          Mahinda is a dog

      • 1

        I have seen rascals in my school days. Going back to 70ties. I have also noticed the kind of killers in 89 insurgency era. Today in retrospect, I see none of them are alive. That menas, nature will take them away automatically. Be believe or not.

        If anyone woudl promote rascal culture, THE way Rajapkashes do, he will have to end up by the crimes. Premadasa s fate proved it. But Rajakshes is still alive. For how many days – is not sure..
        Many know the bugger is an actor, no matter people would face all grievances with their lives. Just that his term FOUND elemination of Terror is still his topic to earn bonus. But we know collectivity succeeded it nothing else. MEDIA men work with him today, polishing MR image further. Not a single thoughts on good work done by current govt is in the air. Current men do lot more but nothing is caught by media these days. Be it with Extenral or other politics, they move forward but withotu media displays. There are also so much of short comings, but some good is also being there.

        We perfectly know Mahinda Rajapakshe is not a hearted person even to his own family. He is festated by his power intoxications rather than anything else.
        Just imagine, the bugger how he behaved himself during his recent visit paid to negioburing INDIA. He thought India has appreciated him and his politics, but the ground reality is, Indians intend to show the world, they would maintain good relationship with any leader. Modi loudly prasies, Mr Sirisena. But in the same time, is somewhat skeptish about the current govt as Chinese investments were not stopped but move forward under the current govt too. THat is a greater threat to future powers like INDIANs.

    • 2

      Drum Rrrrrrrrrroll.

    • 3

      S.S. – Liar, Liar just like Donald Trump and his team! Medamulana Meeharaka should opt out of politics.

    • 4

      I think MR is really under fear that Prof. GL Peris is going to contest the next presidential election. HE is an expert drama maker. He pretended as a human rights activist (the first person who asked UN interference against Srilankan military), pretended as a patriot of Srilanka (but all his family escaped country to get foregin citizenship), he robbed the nation to become the richest person, he divided the SLFP for power. What a Criminal?

    • 6

      Shantha Subasinghe

      “MR vouched earlier he will never go to another party other than SLFP. Liar.”

      MR never lied.
      Remember he is a politician, born into a political dynasty, lying is in his nature.

      The man who enticed/trapped many in the opposition to jump party has now decided to make use of another opportunity further his family fortunes.
      The family was proud of being instrumental in founding, naturing, winning elections and war has now become instrument of destruction.

      Will this make proliferation of many new parties more relevant, necessary, inevitable, possible ……….?

  • 8

    By the time Indrajit leaves this central bank he will finish the country. this is what Ravi K is saying,

    • 9

      Is the concern that IC will not give RK the chance to bankrupt the bank?

  • 17

    Now the few remaining with Sirisena will also go over to the SLPP. It’s the end of the road for both the SLFP and Sirisena. By not sticking to his job as the president, Aiyo Sirisena has ended up destroying the SLFP, his presidency, and his political future. Niyama Gonek.

    • 6

      No he wouldn’t. That will enable Chandrika to reorganize the party and join with Ranil. Then it can turn out to be a replay of 2015.

      • 2

        ROFL, Anibel can’t even win Attangalla. I’m sure it’ll be amusing to the two most overrated Sri Lankans ever try to win an election again.

  • 3

    My dear SJ
    You are wrong. Ravi was adjudged best fianance minister of the entire world by the Banker magazine. A fantastic fellow

    • 3

      Buru Singho

      The silliest thing ever happened on planet earth to adjudge a person as best finance minister.

      What on earth made that Banker mag. to do that crazy, unprofessional thing.

      Could you please name other FMs in the world who were adjudged previous years & to be adjudged in the coming years.

    • 2

      I think BANK SCAM is made for Rajakshes to survive.

      Why i am telling this is.. AMahnedran is prvoed to be a good bank expert if anyone would recherche on Mahendran.
      And Ravi Karu nakyaka too is a good man even if MEDIA stood against them both.

      I TRULY believe if THE INVESTIGATION was carried out from 2005 to 2017, much more could have come to light.
      Why the CB does not seem to come to it is my puzzle.

      • 1

        You may be right.

        Bank itslef seemt to be not supporting yet any kind of intern investgation FOR all the handlings in the high days of Rajapkashes.
        Predecessor to Mahendran Niward Kabral is free today yeven if there had been allgations against him too. to have taken higher loans on high interest and all the other frauds he deliberately may have been involved in.
        Current CBG should come forward and do an investigation releasing the data WHICH has not ye tbeen the case.



        • 3

          Quote. ” Lankans in general have no balls”. that’s because of the Incest, Intermarriages, and Interconnected families in many ways.
          The whole country is related to one another and loot the country together.
          Everyone jumps into each other’s beds!! What more do we need??
          More looters , thieves , murderers, money launderers, ppl smugglers , drug runners, are the results of mass production , That’s what we get ! For the curse of this country . What more do we need.
          From top to bottom looks after the CRIMINALS! What are we waiting for ?? For Crumbs??
          Friendships, Relationships all goes hand in hand to LOOT THE COUNTRY DRY . No one gets punished , the innocent gets punished.
          Awaiting at the airport to receive the money launderering siblings was the Ambassodor baggage carrier at the Middle East airport.??
          What was hidden in the Bags of the two thieves??
          Shameless Srilankan Ambassador acting as the Baggage carrier!
          Had permission been given by our President and PM for the shameful act at the airport for the conduct of the Diplomat who had disgraced our country and people??
          Criminals awaiting court cases had been treated as VIPs??
          What was in the bags?? Cash and jewellery ?? Etc??”Etc??

  • 4

    No doubt at all. MR is a master planner and opportunist.
    He used the 2915 election losses to get out of the UNHRC radar. Success?
    He told his new Wimal (GL P) to float SLPP. Basil stepped in with money and the language/religion-divide. It worked at the recent LG elections. The expected fall of MS did not happen (or not yet). The SLFP hostile take-over is yet to eventuate.
    MR has instructed his new Wimal (GL P) to invite MR to lead SLPP.
    This is ominous. Has MR conceded defeat in the take-over SLFP bid?
    Will there be civil unrests directed by unseen hands?
    A well fed cat was heard murmuring “Curioser Curioser Curioser”
    Watch this space.

  • 12

    What does it matter ? Whether UNP, SLFP, or SLPP they are all recycled garbage who are only interested in filling their pockets and bringing this country to its present pathetic state. The common man/woman is taken for a good ride.

  • 9

    No surprises. I predicted this when SLPP was formed by proxy GLP.. A month ago I even wrote in one of the CT columns that SLFP is done and the two party system will remain as UNP and SLPP. Knowing MR and is prowess in taking control of party, breaking party, horse trading, Trumpian moves, hypocrisy and buying support , anyone could have predicted this coming.Now before elections the next move will be to bribe a few from opposition or else try best causing divisions/ conflicts within opposition, turning GMOA/ Monks and similar groups against government, play the religion/race cards to maximum advantage, continue to disrupt and paralyze government, organize strikes and pump up pseudo nationalism, all with a sole purpose of causing maximum distress to public and there by turn their anger into votes.Am I missing some thing?????

  • 4

    I made mess last time. This I screw you all for the good. I still need few years because, my children need little more money and My sin has to be party chairman and future president if the executive presidency exists. All these four ywars I fought for that even though voting idiots can not understand….. Oh they are not in the picuture all are others who are loking for my leadership to get something donated for their families but not stealing, all legally given. So the sudden increase smy assets is not illegal. NEWS MEdia is right there behind because they also need money at the expense of everything. Western Journalism. Create contraversy . anxiety and live on that. In Asia, It was the pen was mightier than the sword.

  • 1

    Only MR can take us of the current chaos

    • 5

      Yes because he is responsible for the chaos.

    • 5


      Yes with the help of a few white vans.

  • 1


    • 0

      Dear Paragon,
      There is a rule on CT, that you shouldn’t use all upper case letters. Why?
      Think it out, please. I think that it is because it is more difficult to read, the way you have written.
      Thanks for the sentiments.

  • 7

    This fellow must leave SLFP to ensure the natural death for SLFP. On the other hand SLPP will also die sooner than what naive voters expect. Because SLPP is an amalgamation of bunch of thieves, crooks and murderers. This does not mean that UNP can expect to win any election either. UNP is not different from SLPP or remnants of SLFP. UNP is also equally corrupt and lead by Sex maniacs (old codgers) , sex deviants, murderers, thieves and crooks. So what is the alternative is the question? JVP hummh..Not in million years. Then what, we should not be surprised to see a new political force emerging in Sri Lanka lead by professional,religious and student leaders.The time is right to sweep the dirty rats occupying our parliament since 1953 under different pretexts into a deep garbage hole.

    • 4

      Dear Grandson,
      I agree. Now write that more constructive article to set the ball rolling for the new party.
      I despair of getting it done in time for the 2020 Elections. Yahapalanaya was our hope in 2015; day by day it is betraying us, and I fear the return of the thieves, crooks and murderers. The question is how do the “professional, religious and student leaders” get known? [Avoid religious!]
      Kumar Sangakkara is known, but Grusha Andrews was right about his unethical advertising. He doesn’t have to be written off – he is intelligent enough for him to make the right choice.
      Grusha was wrong to ridicule Nagananda Kodituwakku? But how do we get him known? FaceBook is not trusted by serious people – and by the vast numbers of villagers, who are our people. Grandson, get started on the project – in a realistic way.
      Idealism is fine; but don’t kid yourself. Can’t yet be a Tamil or Muslim. Their day will come. Think of Obama. Think of Ireland led by:
      Yes,ever so conservative Catholic Ireland. But that has to be much later.
      A woman can’t do it yet (Yes, I say that despite the two Widows). Caste is difficult to surmount -said despite Premadasa. But things are changing. It may be possible.
      Find someone grandson!

      • 2

        Dear Sinhala Man

        I share your sentiments and anguish. Nagananda or sangakkara are not the right guys to do the job. So many controversies and they are mired in personnel issues. Do not worry, you will be surprised to see another true Sri Lankan son emerging in 2020 to defeat the dark forces taking our nation to the laundry. Hopefully, you will be able to support him.

        • 2

          Thank you, BJP.
          Many of us are willing to clutch at straws. At least there is every sign that you have read what I have written, and the implications of my words are such as to imply certain parameters.
          However, I’m sure that you will appreciate that I can’t blindly accept the assurances of a person like you who hasn’t revealed your own identity (What do the initials BJP stand for?) and you haven’t told us anything about this person except that he is a “true Sri Lankan son”. So it is a male, not a female.
          I will have to be told who that person is early enough to evaluate him.
          Yes, I hope that such a person emerges.

  • 4

    Not a story of great significance for me – but it continues the sad story of Sri Lanka.
    I’m glad that Shantha Subasinghe and Hatharabirikatharina got the two comments in that sum it all up. The task before us is to find someone who will look after our interests after getting rid of these monstrous Rajapaksas. I agree with those who have expressed disappointment with My3.
    I hope that few see this comment. If you do come this far, STOP! Get on to articles that are more constructive.

    • 1

      Mr Sinhala_Man,

      thanks for refering my comment above. I dont know how you would feel, I really dont see, that Rajakshes would ever sense it right. Instead of enjoying his retirement, the man has been now become a caricature of a group of thungs by name JO. Rajakashe proved himself, he has not the least knowledge in Economics, in a discussion where some journos posed the question, how he would ever make a change in economy given that he would be reeelcted. There, his silly answer was, ” apta denna ethakota api pewannam”. None can heal the sluggish econmy right at the moment, since we perfectly know the loads of DEBTs the state has to pay off during 2018 and 2019.

      Rajakashe deliberate acts are the main reason DEBTs to be this much of huge. There are records, acceptable documents that previous REGIME had taken loans not just for accepable and affordable interest rates, but even for 10% of interest.
      The Chinese has twisten MR admistration for anything to be finalized. His authoritarian nature eased that towards CHINESE.
      May well be, the current govt is not the best, but they have made some adjustments that people could feel DEMOCATRIC. At the time, former goons were defeated, the world has pointed them out as not th ebasice rights were safeguarded by MR authorotarian govt.
      Today, people go on protests, they just add their thoughts freely but still, people s tendencies to support the goons obvously have not been reduced. May be people have no idea as to why they should agree with GOOD GOVERNANCE..

    • 1

      Until JVP or Mr Nagananda K would have been the leader, nothing will work to punish former monstrous Rajakshes.

      JVP is not given a mandate during last few elections, so Nagananda must be given – is my only hope.

      Professionals of various fields should come forward and join hand to teach these men a lession.
      Police is no powerful enough.

  • 0

    Recently he feared of any one of his young brother brats may mount on the Pohutuwa and ride. This is the strategy that will tame his brothers. But the open question is who is the EP.

    He is hoping to fly with wind of Dollar to popularity. But this rudderless flight will take him to America and he will have to check his account and sign the check for the left over debt.

    The Appa eating Patholaya is now subdued, because he voyaged into an uncharted water, because of his’ sons flying colors. He is now home back. He didn’t have the gut to fire even any minor SLPyer in Joint Comedy Club. If he was not secretly colluding with Old King on that issue, it was a surprise that he was the chairman of SLFP. He just killed the battered rabbit GLP. That’s all. GLP bark a lot. Faithful &.Obedient. King will keep him too, fed.

    Now, if Ranil has strategy UNP can be rebuilt. Lankawe is basically SLFP ( or Slap party) and UNP only. Votes get split only between those two. There will be no vote base for New King in SLFP, Slap Party or UNP. Ranil can work on the remaining 57%. Chandrika would give him a hand. I don’t how the SLFP leadership will work out. If New King resigns from SLFP before election, Chandrika and Ranil can give real challenge to Slap Party. If SLFP work out a deal and give it to Chandrika then that process can keep going even after the election. That can cause trouble to Ranil and Chandrika. Even if they manage the presidential election, they will have trouble in the parliament election.

    Before all that, we need to watch if the New King is reorganizing the given up Army Coup again. We have to see why he is changing Defense secretary, Law and Oder Minister, CJ, AG & IGP. His people are in Moscow, India and Washington. I am not sure in the case of China. But there only China side acts.

  • 2

    Like one of the Old Aussie PM’s said, even a Drovers Dog can lead the Pohottuwa to roll this Yahapalanaya.

    I spent two hours watching the UNP Whizz Kid in Economics trying to explain the “great deeds” in Development , Fiscal and Monetary Management of Dr Ranil’s Yahapalana , to make Lankawe a Singapore.

    I felt sorry for the KID, trying to cover up all the rorts, and mismanagement of the Development projects which the Previous Government had put in place.
    In fact at one stage the Kid begged the “Salakuna Panel” on Hiru to go easy on him, telling them that he is not even a proper Minister.
    And didn’t know much about what is going on in the Cabinet.

    After watching Gota’s address to the Professionals on “Viyath Maga “. the UNP Kid looked like an AL student who is struggling to make the grade.
    All the Kid had to show were only the Colourful Brochures which were probably produced at TT, and Dr Ranil has given him to sell Yahapalanaya…

    They are full of so much much Crap ,In fact the Chief of the Panel didn’t even want to look at them.

    In comparison, Gota’s address to the real Professionals on”Viyath Maga” was not only inspiring but shows the way clearly how this country can be developed to benefit all , not the moneyed UNP hacks in Colombo.

    I am sure these professionals who do do something good in the country for the good of the Nation understand the current pathetic plight this Yahapalanaya. has put them and the inhabitants into..
    And they will ensure there wona’t be any more of this carnage …

  • 0

    King without a Kingdom created another Kingdom to be the King again.

  • 2

    Sinhala_Man is unsatisfied until Chelva or Prabhakaran type figure takes over the country

    • 1

      Dear Namarathna of Wanatha,
      This is a message to you from a retired government English teacher, most of whose working life has been spent in Bandarawela MMV, Kinigama, Bandarawela. Near the school there is the small railway station of Kinigama, which was constructed – oh – let me see, let’s say, twenty years ago. First stop for trains proceeding from Bandarawela to Badulla. Somewhere below that station, in the bowels of the earth is the Uma Oya tunnel which the Iranians excavated owing to Rjapaksa folly. Virtually on top of the tunnel is the “binge-uda-kade”, which used to be owned by a guy called Heen Banda. These are facts that can be checked out by you, and I can’t be saying all of this, unless I knew the place intimately. I’m not a troll; I’m a flesh and blood Sinhalaya who has been teaching our village students, is that clear?
      You couple the saintly Ghandian Chelva and Prabhakaran. Now who is mad? You or me?
      I don’t mind a person of any ethnic background being our leader, but that will happen (given the rampant racism that is on display) only a hundred years after I’m dead and gone. In 2020, I know that the person elected must necessarily be a Sinhalese and a Buddhist. Caste issues could be overcome, but those considerations still matter to this foolish electorate of ours, where you consider yourself one of the more sensible voters on account of your knowing some English. I, myself, use English well, but I dn’t know any Tamil, but wish all growing children could somehow be taught English, Sinhala and Tamil.
      Now that you know me to be genuine (this time for the sake of future generations, let me give you my National Identity Card Number as well – 48 3111 444V). Will any of those ridiculing me identify themselves, as unambiguously as I have?
      I know that all this must sound hilarious!
      Panini Edirisinhe

  • 0

    The ultimate nail in the Coffin of the SLFP – the final episode of the power struggle
    between MR and CBK???? Shows how shallow Sinhala Nationalism is – despite the
    powerful influence of the Buddhist clergy and – since of late – sections of the Army/Police. This bogus patriotism could not even last seven decades. But it did create a new class of corrupt rich – the Rajapakses, Sirisenas, SBD’s, Siripala de S’s, Dimus and many more. Will we, at least now, produce truly good, honest men and women political leaders to build a new United Sri Lanka where all communities can live in true peace and justice – without violence and conflict. Rule characterised
    by law, order and independent Courts.

    R. Varathan

    • 1

      R. Varathan

      “The ultimate nail in the Coffin of the SLFP – the final episode of the power struggle
      between MR and CBK????”

      Lets wait and see how the SLFP hardcore reacts to the demolition of their party.
      Once again they will resort to lies, tried and failed racist policies (reversing Indo Lanka accord and deporting all non Sinhala Buddhists back to India, Mecca, Vatican, ….. Tamil Buddhists to Lumbini, …. ), sham promise to issue free rice from moon, self sufficiency drive by which depriving the people of scientific tools and knowledge and raw materials, know how, …………………….. emulating 1970-77 stagflation, imposing exit visas, banning foreign travel, ………. maintaining a large unemployable work force idle, ………………. pass Sinhala only language act once again, strengthen Sinhala/Buddhism in the constitution, ……… rebranding this island as Sinhala/Buddhist country, …………….

      I am confident Sirisena is capable of replicating all what the weeping widow and her husband’s party had done in the past.

  • 4

    I simply cannot understand why these Sri Lankan morons want to bring back MARA, for he has committed sins against mankind, more than any other living creature. In doing so he did lose his credibility a long tome ago. A man whose credibility is questionable has no moral right to be a leader. I can give thousands of instances. Do you know gentlemen that he is responsible for looting Tsunami funds to the tune of Rs. 82 million, thanks that to that vagabond and womanizer Sarath Nanda Silva, his Bestman. It needs reams and reams of paper to list MARA’s crimes Such a dirty SOB.

    • 1

      I agree, DPJ.
      Unfortunately, that is the way democracy works. Rome in the pre-Christian era was not a democracy, really. But after Julius Caesar was murdered, the question of who was to govern the fortunes of what was already a huge Empire centred upon Rome, depended on how effectively the Roman mob (they consisted of free citizens, of course) could be influenced by either the good and rational Brutus or by Marc Antony ( a sincere enough friend of Julius C., but a mob orator who knew that rationality didn’t matter a jot in a highly charged situation).
      Finally, of course, the guy who emerged victorious was the cold, calculating Octavius, who later became the Emperor Augustus, in whose time Jesus was born in some obscure part of the Empire.
      These facts are well known because a certain William Shakespeare, a man with less formal education than you or me, but a genius (which we are not) turned it all in to a play. Now Shakespeare is one of those strange guys who chose to die on his birthday – in 1616. I’m sure that there are some performances on the web. Either watch the entire play or sufficient of the excerpts to see the difference in approach of the noble Brutus, and of the Antony who “revels” long in the night.
      Most of our voters are morons; the question is, am I also one?
      Will add a little more in this vein if you want me to!

  • 2


    The cat is out of the bag

    If you are from Bandarawela you must have been born in a tea estate there. May be later in life especially after 1983 you changed your name to Panini Edirisinhe.

    • 2

      Namarathna of Wanatha,
      I couldn’t care less what an ass like you thinks, “Namarathna of
      Wanatha”. Does Wanatha men “Wanathamulla”? Can I have proof by way of all the details produced by me, please?
      My Birth Certificate is in Sinhala. [Isn’t this getting as bad as Trump on Obama’s “birther”?] The BC says that I was born in a school, my father having been a teacher who had been born by the Banks of the River Gin – in Baddegama.
      There may be comments by others that confirm what I’ve said; but why should any of this matter at all?
      You seem to hate me. You’ll be glad to hear that some who have commented hate me even more than you seem to. But none of them has come up with quite your theories.

  • 0

    Sinhala_Man (Panini)

    You are a bootlicker of Tamil separatists. Your activities will make this country disowned to Sinhalese very soon. Tamils are growing growing growing.

    Yes Wanatha means Wanathamulle

  • 0

    Namarathna of Wanatha,
    All that I am doing is aimed at ensuring that there will be no separatism. What are my activities? Please specify.
    The Sinhalese are overwhelming the majority in this country. Please study the Demographics of our country, as given here:
    If that is terribly inaccurate, then please point out inaccuracies. I confess that I’ve been lazy going to Wikipedia. Please provide me with something more accurate if you can find it.
    Given these statistics, what do you mean by saying: ” Tamils are growing growing growing.” ?
    Thanks for accurately giving your location.

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