20 February, 2025


Tyrant And Tradesman; Gota & Dayan 

By Sarath de Alwis

Sarath de Alwis

“I think Gota has changed considerably for the better since 2015, but even if he hasn’t, he is ten thousand times preferable to Ranil and his gang of traitors ….” ~ Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka

That is pure poppycock. Brazen bullshit. Deplorable drivel. These musings are about political sophistry. To qualify it further, it is about Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka.

Political pundits and hair dressers have much in common. One rearranges hair. The other splits them. Given Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka’s present assignment in coiffuring, we must concede that he is an exceptionally gifted friseur. Yet, he fails to groom or dress up Gotabaya Rajapaksa as an acceptable presidential candidate.

Both Gota and Dayan are experts in abuse. Gotabya abused his power. Dayan J is abusing language in pursuit of Gota’s return to power – an evil objective. 

The German Catholic philosopher Josef Pieper (1904-1997) also regarded as the ‘philosopher of virtue’ has explained what Dr. D.J is attempting to do.

“ ..  Abuse of political power is fundamentally connected with the sophistic abuse of the word in the fertile soil in which to hide and grow and get ready, so much so that the latent potential of the totalitarian poison can be ascertained, as it were, by observing the symptom of the public abuse of language. The degradation, too, of man through man, alarmingly evident in the acts of physical violence committed by all tyrannies (concentration camps, torture), has its beginning, certainly much less alarmingly, at that almost imperceptible moment when the word loses its dignity.” 

Now, that is what happened to us in the ten years that the Rajapaksas ruled our land. The word lost its dignity. [I am not suggesting that Sirisena and Ranil have restored its dignity. On the contrary they have made the ‘word’, the instrument of deceit. That is another subject for another day.]

In the digital age, there are lasting records of almost every word spoken or written. Chose the wrong words, and you not only share them publicly but rue the day when you are made to masticate them.

What did Dayan say?  There is something I want to reveal. A highly placed defence official has sent a SMS to me and asked me who I was to be criticising Israel. I said I was the Ambassador appointed by his brother.”

There can be no argument about who said what and about whom. The identity of the parties – the highly placed defence official, his brother and his brother’s choice of ambassador.

So, instead of fruitless fornicating with spiders let us agree that the reference is to Gotabaya Rajapaksa the then defence secretary and that he is a ‘cardboard’ Nethanyahu – committed to a Sinhala Buddhist version of ‘ Eretz Yisrael’- the ‘Singhe Le.’ Just as the Jewish nation, the Sinhalese are the chosen people and Lion land is the Promised Land.

Dr. D.J. points out in one of several rebuttals he has penned recently that the Colombo Telegraph report “proves that at a time when no one — including today’s Yahapalana heroes–had the guts to criticise Gotabaya who was at the zenith of his power, openly and on the record” he bearded the ‘lion’  in his den.” [Pun intended]

What does the Political Scientist DJ mean by the curious phrase ‘Gotabaya at the zenith of his power’? What happened when Gota was at the ‘zenith of power’?  Lasantha’s murder? Keith Noyahr’s beating? Ekneligoda’s disappearance?  Aluthgama pogrom? Rathupaswala carnage? The list runs long. Dayan knows what he is talking about Gota at his zenith.

Although Dayan has turned from political critic of Gota to his political marketer ‘Ranil represents Political Evil. Gota is the Exorcist.’

Ranil-CBK are administering political-ideological poison to the nation. Gota is the Antidote, Ranil-CBK-Mangala are committing sins and crimes against our nation. Gota is The Punisher. Dayan, the critic of Gota was indeed and in fact was shit scared. I don’t blame him. He knew his adversary, the exorcist, the antidote, the punisher very well. Dayan should be commended. At the zenith of his power, Gota was the antidote – the counteragent of democratic freedoms, the exorcist who rid Mahinda of  the demons that haunted his conscience, and the punisher of those who dared to challenge the power hegemony of the family.

Dayan says, “I have written proof of this, and my friends also have written proof of this in case something happens to me”. So when Gota was at his zenith, Dayan did seriously consider that something may happen to him.

When Gota was in power, we did indeed enjoy freedom of speech. What we did not have was freedom after speech. Worse, we were cautious before speech. We had second thoughts before exercising free speech. 

Dayan rightly points out that one cannot have the cake and also eat it. However, that is precisely what he did with Premadasa, Mahinda Rajapaksa and now with Gotabaya Rajspaksa. Premadasa was a populist tyrant. He had what was then called the Lawrence mafia which his successor D.B. Wijetunge dismantled immediately after he was sworn in. We are yet to discover the full extent of the grip of the Hendawitharana octopus that made even the brave Dayan consider the possibility of something nasty happening to him.

Dayan served two Presidents. Richard de Soysa died under the Premadasa presidency. Lasantha died, Keith and many more were beaten up under the Mahinda Rajapaksa presidency. So there are skeletons in Dayan’s cupboard. He insists that they are not skeletons but mannequins. But mannequins are only in shop windows. Marketing Gota is no easy task.

Gota thrived in authority. Authority allows limited space to the torturer and the tortured. W.H. Auden in Another time comes to mind.

There is no such thing as the State
And no one exists alone;
Hunger allows no choice
To the citizen or the police;
We must love one another or die.

Latest comments

  • 24

    What a slap to Dayan

    • 19

      Excellant piece of work!
      Dayan, whatever you say is lie. I don’t know it is for money or power or both. I advice you write whatver way to praise Gota & Rajapakse but please don’t bring in Lenin or Fedel Castro in your writings. You are not fit for that.

    • 22

      Abu Mukarram:
      A slap is hardly enough. The parents of the THREE HUNDRED in the mass grave in the Matale Hospital grounds when Gota commanded the army unit in that area during the second JVP insurrection will, I am sure, like to have a chance to deliver appropriate justice to him, not to mention the friends and family of Lasantha, Ekneligoda etc. etc.
      During WW 2, collaborators with the occupying Nazis were given appropriate justice by the countrymen they had betrayed. Perhaps, we need to look at what happened in France and Italy after WW 2 and deliver appropriate punishment, though I’d draw the line at suggesting that Gota and his buddy Dayan be treated as Mussolini was by his countrymen.

      • 7

        Hang on a minute. Don’t use the Sri Lankan situation to spread the Nazi myth as the worst problem the world has ever seen. Lies of persecution of Jews ignore the fact that they usurped the entire world at the time and Hitler’s objective was to save the world from British Jewish colonisers. Alas, the situation in the world today is worse than the Jewish plotting and deception before the WW2. Fifth Column helps.

        • 6

          Why doesn’t CT have a rule against blatant anti-Semitism garbed in alleged “historical analysis?” One doesn’t have to be Jewish to find this kind of thing abominable and CLEARLY IN CONTRAVENTION OF CT’S OWN POLICY FOR ACCEPTING SUBMISSIONS.

          • 1

            Mr Poorten,
            Forget anti-Semitism. Our people haven’t even heard of such a thing. To this day I had thought that you mainly involve youself in Sri Lankan affairs. Say something about virulent anti Sinhhalese and anti Buddhist agenda. No other majority of a country have to put up with this kind of insult. Time has come for the Sinhalese to say an emphatic NO. ——–Soma

            • 5

              Somass Ji———–“No other majority of a country have to put up with this kind of insult.”——————–Then you are free to leave, go back to your ancestral land, south India where you will be at ease with your long lost cousins. Bye Bye. —————————-“Say something about virulent anti Sinhhalese and anti Buddhist agenda. “——————————–There is no such attack on Sinhalese nor on Buddhists.———-You are mistaken, you are talking about verbal attack on Sinhala/Buddhists fascists, rightly so. We should demand more.

          • 5

            Sorry Mr. Poorten. Got to disagree with you on this one. DJ has many terrible short-comings. His stance on horrific Israeli crimes against helpless Palestianians is to be commended. That is not anti-semitism. In fact, you ought to support DJ on that issue, unless your sensitivity for Israeli war criminals is grounded in Christian fundamentalism. In which case, we understand where you are coming from. Cheers!

            • 2

              Ben , Please don’t go too far praising your idol , DJ had commended Israeli’s war crimes many a times to support our war effort . go through his earlier articles to see what i say.

              • 1

                Dear Srilal, DJ is far from being my Idol. I am disgusted by his uncritical support for that uneducated criminal clan from Hambantota. I only reacted to Emil Poorten’s fake anti-semitism alarm against anybody who dares to take on Israeli war crimes defenseless & impoverished Palestinians. Mr. Poorten is looking to shut down criticism of Zionist criminality with censorship. Calling it anti-semitism. Common tactic used by pro-Israel global media machinery. Cheers!

      • 5

        Yes, you will prefer an Ace Murderer in place of human beings.

        That only begs the question whether you are a human or a two legged an……?

        I rest my case.

        • 4

          Human beings do not suck the blood of other human beings. Get your measures right hymie.

      • 4

        well idiot, it is not three hundred to begin with.
        second army has to intervene and protect the state when any government instruct to do them

      • 4

        Emil van der Poorten ———“though I’d draw the line at suggesting that Gota and his buddy Dayan be treated as Mussolini was by his countrymen.” ————No need as long as both confess to their crimes, own up, apologize unreservedly, compensate and move on. ————I hope you aren’t reminiscing the last hours of Rohana Wijeweera, Nicolae Ceausescu, Muammar Gaddafi, Thiruvengadam Vellupillai Prabharan, ….. .

      • 0

        and for using the aluthgama issue and bringing in the suffering of the masses with fake news …what should you not take.. when you play too much you end up with a problem muhamed ali got when old take care the villans are vicious like the leader chandrika- all in janki like the video.Phew can’t let go the dynastic wealth with stretches to UK in the hundreds of billions.- not just surry.

        • 2

          I keep telling CT that they should have a policy against idiocy and TOTALLY incomprehensible gobbledegook that characters like you produce.

          • 2

            Most of them are like Emil.

            CT sometimes just let anyone get in That is against their CT guidelines.

          • 0

            Try translating it back into Chinese using Google Translator.

      • 0

        Emil V, Granted. Now let us subtract 300 from 50,000 and now bring RW into the equation. —–Soma

    • 3

      can u understand anything written here?

    • 5

      Sarath de Alwis ————When you addressed Dayan (the war monger and war crime denier) as Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka, did you have Doctor Strangelove (How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the used condom) in mind?

    • 1

      DJ, Go visit Poddala Jayantha. Look into that bloody massacre at Welikada prison in broad daylight. In the heart of our capital Colombo. Gota’s crimes are incredibly gruesome and too many to list. You know damn well what he has done. What a paranoid, brutal, psycopath. How can you sink to this level, where you promote Gota for SL’s presidency? Have you no conscience? Cheers!

  • 7

    One good verse of Auden deserves another…or three in this case. Written during the civil war in Spain, they would remind the reader of what it was like during thirty years of war in our country, facing and fighting a fascist terrorist militia with its suicide bombers.

    “To-day the deliberate increase in the chances of death,
    The conscious acceptance of guilt in the necessary murder;
    To-day the expending of powers
    On the flat ephemeral pamphlet and the boring meeting.

    To-day the makeshift consolations: the shared cigarette,
    The cards in the candlelit barn, and the scraping concert,
    The masculine jokes; to-day the
    Fumbled and unsatisfactory embrace before hurting.

    The stars are dead. The animals will not look.
    We are left alone with our day, and the time is short, and
    History to the defeated
    May say Alas but cannot help nor pardon.”

    (WH Auden, ‘Spain’)


    These verses of Auden are far more apposite in understanding the period that Mahinda and Gota were striving and risking their lives in, and the value judgements that we had necessarily to make.

    I chose Mahinda and Gota over the fascists like Prabhakaran and the appeasers like Ranil.

    I would do so again.

    And today and tomorrow, I still chose them over Ranil-CBK-Mangala.

    I stand with Auden’s ethical choice in a ” borderline” or “extreme situation”, an existential crisis.

    • 5

      Dayan Jayatilleka: H.W. Auden and almost all little English people even of today do not have a nice word for the Spanish- they are simply jealous. Catherina did not divorce so they had respect- no more because Elizabeth the First was Anglo-Saxon Mum dad. Neither of you have lived in Spain to understand the culture. Actually, the worst offenders when it comes to speaking Spanish are the Portuguese the treacherous people of Europe…1661- the marriage treaty of Charles II of England and Catherine of Braganza, daughter of King John IV of Portugal, …Bombay was given as part of Catherine’s dowry to Charles. Portuguese right wing fascist José Manuel Durão Barroso EU president created the PIGS and wanted to be President for like Rafuksa. Portuguese António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres, UN Sec.Gen conned Merkel to accept 200k Syrians under his command and sent in 2 million. Franco the Frog (origin of Galicia next to Portugal) that won the Civil war sent 100k to Hitler’s Army then lured Reagan to protect and set up an American base The reef of Gibralter. The two of you know nothing about wars except that there are no friends but interest because your relatives may have hidden in pits during WW2. Gota is like Franco the Frog he has no better pedigree and there is no sinhalaya, Demala or maraklaya that the island of settlers has spawned to match the intellect and nobleness of LKY and Choo who were also anti-communist like Franco to stop the pirate yankee. But only Singapore came out winners of the world (you can’t copy culture as LKY says) neither Portuguese Estado Nuevo or Franco.All want the present government to quit and fake news blog with humbug viper CBK want to repeat a Sobita stunt without being tolerant and understanding Ven. Galaboda Aththe Gnanasara Thero Revelation- the public are fu***ed by the orange and black burkas led by the `old rouge` and you too are part of the clique political scientist. Mugabe is not alone- it’s a clique, Zuma is a clique. The demalas are ever willing to distract attention to the revelation the Muslim’s are afraid of their own shadow in the trade deals and stealth of education, power etc. you should not impose another cannibal than address the problem- its geo-political and nothing to do with low caste Tamils of north holding sway. If you don’t want to better you run into exile.

    • 5

      Almost a 100 years have gone by but has anything really changed?

      “In every age it has been the tyrant, the oppressor and the exploiter who has wrapped himself in the cloak of patriotism, or religion, or both to deceive and overawe the People.

      EUGENE V. DEBS, speech in Canton, Ohio, June 16, 1918″

    • 2

      Come man Dayan Jayatileke, during the early stages of the war you also were responsible by being an EPRLF member when you too fought for Eelam. Whom are you trying to deceive? Please answer me. You are continuing to fool the people. You cannot fool the people all the time.

    • 2

      ” Mahinda and Gota were striving and risking their lives in, and the value judgements that we had necessarily to make. “
      Oh yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 We must all remember with gratitude that our great Redeemer was willing even to sacrifice his son’s life by enrolling him in the Navy to endure all that life-threatening training in the bars of Portsmouth. What heroism compared to Chandrika losing one eye in a suicide attack!

    • 0

      “These verses of Auden are far more apposite in understanding the period that Mahinda and Gota were striving and risking their lives in, and the value judgements that we had necessarily to make.”

      What a load of bull crap this self proclaimed political scientist uttering ? risking their lives ? my a… ! when the Mafia Boss and his goon brother ruling SL , they kept us under the jack boot , remember how the main roads been forced to close down even in the rush hours in the heart of colombo ? ,wasn’t it just to pass his mile long motor cade ? pedestrians were forced to stay in the drains till his Maha Raja passed by , what an irony ? Mafia king had had a security detail much more than the US president is entitled , what sort of lousy excuse this man uttering to Mr. sarath’s straight forward questions ?
      It is a fact that Mafia king was at the right time at the right place ( Sonia Gandhi , George W Bush and Gen Fonseka ) .Remember how Mafia king had a secret pact with the LTTE leader Prabakaran ? wasn’t it for prabakaran to run his own territory in return for him to win 2005 election ? , only Mavilaru anicut debacle opened the flood gates for him . Remember how he dispatched Nimal siripala desilva et al to Geneva for peace talks with Prabakaran ? what was the motive behind those talks ? wasn’t Rathana thereo behind the initial assault on LTTE ?
      This pseudo political scientist knows nothing , he just spins which ever he wants to please his targeted two legged buffaloes , remember how he misread the Geneva charge sheet and jumped the gun at an earlier occasion ?
      For him only R premadasa , Sajith , Mahinda and Gota matters , rest are anti patriotic Srilankans ! The third rated Sirasa is there for him to make a case for sajith . people just disregard these Mervin silva , Wimal booruwansa, Dayan style nincompoops, they are just trash !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • 9

    Abu Mukarram,
    It is not a slap. In racket sports it was Sarath de Alwis’s winner. Dayan thought he has played a non returnable winning shot and rejoicing in his mind. Sarath not only return but made DJ growl and could not reach the ball or shuttle cock.
    What a shot from Sarath.

  • 9

    You said it SARATH!! Bravo.
    Lets not take too serious of the spin Doctor DJ the phony political scientist!

  • 8

    Abu Mukarram,
    In cricket terms :
    UnothodoxLH Batsman Dr.DJ clean bowled by a doosra from Sarath de Alwis for a duck. I think it must be the 10 th match where Sarath de Alwis got him for a duck.
    Will DJ retire from Rajapakses team soon ?

  • 6

    WOW ! What a write up ?! Very honest and bold with no blah blah’s..Mr.Sarath de Alwis blasted the political punk & political prostitutes appropriately in his unbeatable style. Love his daring words and his guts.

    …” When Gota was in power, we did indeed enjoy freedom of speech. What we did not have was freedom after speech. Worse, we were cautious before speech. We had second thoughts before exercising free speech…”..

    Absolute truth, indeed and so many facts about MR-Gota combo’s style of dictatorial rule, which cannot be challenged by poor Dr.DJ, even with his ‘talent & trick ‘ filled English writing. Thanks a bunch Mr. De Alwis.

  • 6

    In the Rajapakse kingdom run by the ill-educated Dayan J is like the one-eyed ogre in a land of the blind. The civic-minded Sarath de Alwis shows him his place. Yes – Sri Lankan political landscape is a haven for desperate unprincipled hypocrites seeking upward mobility – never mind the pathbe green, blue, red or whatever. Even at this late stage this country has many principled Sri Lankans that cannot be seduced by all forms of filthy lucre. One such was that giant among journalists – the late Mervyn de Silva – whose name will always be remembered with honour and dignity. Even when the chips were down, he was never for sale.


  • 5

    Sarath de Alwis [Edited out]
    [I am not suggesting that Sirisena and Ranil have restored its dignity. On the contrary they have made the ‘word’, the instrument of deceit. That is another subject for another day.]………….
    The east had its philosophy before the west was civilized here is your Ranil. Paradoxically, Laotse’s (Buddha) most wicked philosophy of `the old rogue` has been responsible for Ranil’s wisdom in stupidity. Movement overcomes cold but staying overcomes heat. So he by his limpid calm puts everything right under heaven with both orders the orange burka and the black burka for the power and salli malla.
    “”In the digital age, there are lasting records of almost every word spoken or written. Chose the wrong words and you not only share them publicly but rue the day when you are made to masticate them.” Unfortunately for you 2 dimensional patchwork languages of Sinhala and English can be interpreted even in bigger cases like the Enron Sterling. This has happened several times at SL and it’s happening almost every day at the supreme courts of UK. Try to study ABCD of Google the language before Brahmi script- the future language of the world. Even for Unicode we use Mandarin because the western language has no parallel and 1.2 billion speak the language. Finally, `truth is the daughter of time not authority- F.B. The authority is the truth you can believe it or not but it’s the practice- in the UK The just Queen(London bridge is falling and he has retired too- who knows who will be?) and SL the authority is not the media or people but rustic ambude presidents like JR and SriMao the marakle’s wanted it and presently Bodhi Sira.

  • 7

    Sarath de Alwis: “Tyrant And Tradesman; Gota & Dayan”. Spot on!!

    Dayan is but a “bass-unne”. Gota diverted an Air Lankan flight and chose the pilot to bring home a Swiss puppy. Dayan at best will clean the cage.

  • 7

    Well written gives a small glimpse of what type of person DJ is. The caption should have read ” Tyrant And The Used Car Salesmen; Gota & Dayan “

    Then again can you blame DJ. Most of his life he lived in luxury thanks to the funds of the state and corrupt politicians. The time he stopped brown-nosing he fell off grace and lost his position and privileges.

    • 2

      I see three “Thumbs” down. Opps did I now offend used car sales men. That was not my intent.

  • 0

    “Marketing Gota is no easy task.” Not so when the market full of fake shodies. —–Soma

    • 2

      In another words, perpetuate Sinhala Buddhist hegemony/superiority at any cost! You will sell your sole for this purpose; how sad!

    • 3

      somass ji ———“Not so when the market full of fake shodies.—–Soma” ——————-The urban dictionary defines shody as crap or shit. ————Could you tell us what exactly did you mean.

      • 0

        Crap or shit. ——-

        • 1

          somass Ji———– You may be right given that the market includes MR, GR, BR, Wimal, Vasu, ……. Gnanasara, Dayan, Namal, ……………………. 21 Million. Once the politicians sold/ distributed free rice from the moon, now they can import plastic rice from China and sell it with some political profit.

  • 1

    This comment was removed by a moderator because it didn’t abide by our Comment policy.For more detail see our Comment policy https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/comments-policy-2/

  • 4

    A fair analysis of DJ’s motives and intent by this writer. If I were DJ I would be ashamed to make rebuttals or even use the space provided by CT for material that lacks sincerity and are wholly incredible given the historic realities of contemporary politics that almost everyone in Sri Lanka would be aware of. Alas, some do not seem to have that sense of shame.

    • 3

      “If I were DJ I would be ashamed to make rebuttals or even use the space provided by CT”

      This is because your not him and your looking at integrity and self-respect he is looking at future perks. He was there for a long time before he fell out and he knows how comfortable that was on the public dime.

      • 2

        Burt————–Why are we even discussing “integrity and self-respect” given that this is an article about Gota & Dayan?

        • 0

          “Why are we even discussing …”

          The crazy world we live in we sometimes forget that tortoises don’t have feathers.

  • 4

    Thank you Mr De Alwis. I was hoping and waiting for someone to respond to this ‘Katussa’ (DJ). Had my English been good enough, I would have tried. This Katussa always gets space in news papers and he poisons peoples mind. YOu can help this nation well if you please write more regularly and in Sinhal too. By the appreciate, if you also write about the pathetic state of this Govt that we all voted in/

  • 4

    Jolly good from someone whom DJ thought was in his camp! It was only a month or two ago that DJ, in the CT columns, praised Sarath Alwis. DJ must be kicking his heels. He is absurd and weird that he cannot have any honest defenders.
    Good piece Sarath! Would have been better if you did not unnecessarily drag Ranil and Sirisena into this. Ranil has totally ignored DJ’s extravagant abuse. He maintains the Buddha’s famous (Pottapatada Sutta) silence

    • 2

      Mr Shymon Jayasinghe@ you are spot on.
      Yes, I felt the same as I read this from him. I thought current writer would have been one another of the bunch HLD, DJ and few others belong to. Now he has proved to be other way around. That is nice. I truly believe, DJ does not know what he s been talking about. Had DJ been close to the govt, he could achieve all what he really wants – which is to get posted to somewhere and cheat the state funds again. My puzzle is a guy who has worked for a doctorate to fall to that level – which is comparable to that former street man Wimal weerawanse.:: Dont you tihnk so ?
      If you dont have adequate informationa bout what you are talking, there you dont need to stress right ? But DJ s mental abuse does allow that. I have not doubt the bugger is born moron.

      • 2

        Simon De Silva – “If you don’t have adequate information about what you are talking, there you don’t need to stress right? But DJ s mental abuse does allow that. I have no doubt the bugger is born moron.”

        It is my turn to say you are spot on!

        • 2

          Mike, we are so fed up of this Katusaa. I can throw a bucket of MOLOTOV cocktail.. on him the bugger would be arriving any EU destinations. I am ready to do that in public, since I hate the bugger. I am ashamed to be sinhalaya when becoming clear the kind of men such as DJ are so brutal by his unique fantasies.
          The kind of men should not be reborn in the lanken soil forever, is my wish. The kind of hatred, that we the sinahalyas to be offered the big potrtion is his singing. All along the bugger would go on saying that.

    • 0

      S.J. Don’t go over board. Wait for his piece on yahapalana shit. ——-

  • 1

    ” A highly placed defence official has sent a SMS to me and asked me who I was to be criticising Israel. I said I was the Ambassador appointed by his brother.”

    That explains why he was Removed in 2009 from continuing as “Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations in Geneva” after Only 2 years!

    But Dr. D. seems to Love the man who cut short his Permanent Career and made it so Temporary. Very Strange. Very Strange indeed.

    • 1

      Muhandiram; “”Very Strange. Very Strange indeed.”” nothing strange. he does not speak french and his only associates were eastern europeans of unesco that has lost funding because it in the forefront of PLO promotions worldwide.

  • 0


    I am NOT talking about his Removal being strange. I am referring to his Strong SUPPORT for the man who was Responsible for cutting short his Permanent Assignment.

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