17 January, 2025


UNHRC President Justifies The Deferral On Sri Lanka War Report

UN Human Rights Council has stated their decision to grant the ‘one-time only’ deferral to the OISL (OHCHR investigation on Sri Lanka) is a ‘rational’ move made concerning a ‘relatively unique case’.



Speaking ahead of the 28th session, the President of the UNHRC Joachim Rücker has justified his decision stating the decision to postpone the tabling of the report to September was a ‘very rational’ decision.

Stating the deferral was carried out on a ‘relatively unique case’ he has also warned against drawing general conclusions about it.

The 28th session of the UNHRC is due to commence on March 2 and continue until the 27th. The OISL was initially due to be tabled on March 25 but was granted the one time only deferral following a request made by the new government’s Foreign Affairs Minister Mangala Samaraweera.

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    General Conclusion is the right end because it was the path in the past of the Lankave’s history. history stems from it’s undemocratic decision making style. For example, in 1971 and 1978 Constitutional committees purposefully denied participation for Tamils in that process and took the country to this end. Its the same pattern UNHRC has taken on making this decision and in the past.

    In a court, when a murder accused asks for baila nd if the judge refused listen to victims relatives and free him then everybody knows the criminal going to finish off the remaining witnesses and when he return to the case he will have the victory. UNHRC has refused the unanimous call of Tamils, who are effected party in this. They blamed LTTE using human shield after they left the country in an effort to the Old Royal team have full, witness-less access to north.

    If this is different UNHRC has not cared to explain it to Tamils why it is so.

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      The name says it all! Joachim Rücker is as Zionist (global controllers) as they come.

      The deferral only shows the overtly political nature of this “unique trial” they wanted to take revenge of MR for not handing over Pirapakaran to their fellow Zionists David Miliband and Bernard Kouchner.

      Their asses do not seem to be as scratchy after their conspiracy against MR succeeded. OurMangala will bend over happily to the dictates of these rogues who claim a monopoly on human rights based on a bogus “holocaust” they claimed happened in the 1940s.

      It is time for another one.

  • 3

    “Speaking ahead of the 28th session, the President of the UNHRC Joachim Rücker has justified his decision stating the decision to postpone the tabling of the report to September was a ‘very rational’ decision”. He fails to give the reason for differing the release of this report in March and calls it rational! If he can assure that the investigators would be allowed to see for themselves the victims and the war theatre, then we are happy to have this deferred one time only and give a full report in September. If his arm was twisted by USA then he should say so. The UN was formed to safeguard and prevent large scale atrocities and crime against humanity. It should not be a ‘elitist club’ and live off from Universal tax payers hard earned money from the 193 countries. Is UN unable to deliver Justice or trying to deny it? Where should the victims go to get justice?

  • 2

    When the President of the UNHRC defends the referral of the Report, he doesn’t care whether anyone would believe him or trust him. He knows many will not agree with him. With the referral of the UNHRC report and Sri Lankan investigation , which may take another year or more, and when that report comes out which would definitely contradict the report of the UNHRC then what happens. People will have to wait for the decision of the United States because they are the key player in the UN. There may not be any action on the reports.
    The previous government, in which Sirisena was part of it, destroyed all the evidences of the crimes committed by the Armed forces on the instructions of Gothabaya. Hence the report will not be a genuine one.

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    When the President of the UNHRC defends the deferral of the Report, he doesn’t care whether anyone would believe him or trust him. He knows many will not agree with him. With the deferral of the UNHRC report and Sri Lankan investigation , which may take another year or more, and when that report comes out which would definitely contradict the report of the UNHRC then what happens. People will have to wait for the decision of the United States because they are the key player in the UN. There may not be any action on the reports.
    The previous government, in which Sirisena was part of it, destroyed all the evidences of the crimes committed by the Armed forces on the instructions of Gothabaya. Hence the report will not be a genuine one.

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    Secretary John Kerry had said in the US Congress Sri Lanka intervention was a success to America.

    Ambassador Robert Blake visited Vanni(Kilinochchi) right after the war and gave out an statement that the group which was considered cannot be won has been won. It was pretty like the same statement Secretary Kerry made recently. Only difference was Ambassador Blake wanted the Tamil feel the weight and went to Vanni to make that statement, But Secretary was in Congress, may have had plain object only.

    Two years ago Ambassador Blake revoked his Kilinochchi statement in Congress and declared that America has been cheated by Lankave. Secretary Kerry, there is chance doing that soon.

    Lankave contends that Sectary Kerry’s appointment is its victory for its intervention in America. There was an expectation from the Old Royal for this type of change in American policy in the time to come. To facilitate that, they arranged with the New Royals and handed over the power to New Royals. That was an open secret the deal to protect the Old Royals from any investigation and keep the UPFA intact. There is no democratic change in Lankave as Kerry proclaimed in the Congress.

    UNHRC recognizes one side of this problem. Their exception is Old Regime can return and they want to provide a hedge against that by overly siding with the new government. It may work or if the Old Royals put this new arrangement on the limelight in the next election it may back fire against Mangala and Ranil. They two are too foxy to miss making their hanky panky deals backfiring on them. Even if they win, the defect on this underhand intervention of the UNHRC in Lankave election is, it is robbing the important lesson the voters has to take in the next Lankave election. At the last election, JVP was taking a position to boycott the election and educate the mass from that. UNHRC could have read the prepared statement in Geneva to let the Lankan knows before the election that not resolving the minority issue might grow up a gigantic problem. Now the voters has got the lesson that if they stick tightly to the racist policies then it can even deter UN from interfering Lankave’s racial problems.

    On the other side of the coin Mangala and Ranil was the problem the minority problem protracted out of Chandrika period. Ranil stalled Neelan-CBK constitution. Mangala undercut others to bring Old King to the Royal post forcing CBK to lose one year on her post. Further, New King is the one presided the climax of the war, including UN negotiated white flag killing. The UNHRC may prefer to keep the New Royals on the power, but even the Old Royal family is not reasonable removed from the government. This chief is only showing his knowledge in Lankave’ politics just like Blake did.

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