8 September, 2024


United Kingdom Calls On GoSL To Safeguard Chief Justice And Legal Profession

By Colombo Telegraph

United Kingdom calls on Sri Lankan government to respect democratic principles and safeguard Chief Justice and legal profession.

Commenting on the impeachment the Chief Justice, a Foreign Office spokesperson said:
“The British Government is deeply concerned by the impeachment proceedings against Sri Lanka’s Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake. We share the concerns already expressed by many people in Sri Lanka over both the process and related reports of the intimidation of members of the Sri Lankan Bar Association. The motion to impeach the Chief Justice runs contrary to the clear rulings of Sri Lanka’s highest courts and the proceedings appear to contravene basic principles of fairness, due process and respect for the independence of the judiciaryand the Commonwealth Latimer House Principles.
“Together with our international partners, we call on the Sri Lankan Government to respect democratic principles and the right to peaceful protest and to ensure the continued safety of Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake”
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  • 0

    I think Sri Lanka should be RULED by Sri Lankans but GOVERNED by accepted International Bodies especially all the local, Parliamentary and Presidential Elections. Also, I feel that we were better off during the Colonial periods than under the present rogue regime. If this is not the wish/view point of the majority Sri Lankans – my heartfelt apologies and I wish to withdraw what I have stated.

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      You are very correct even the young generation to whom I spoke carries the same view.We need action from the British government against this despotic family regime and not the empty words.

    • 0

      Yes, I agree with you with respect to ruling and governance which is mainly undertaken by politicians and directly under their supervision in Sri Lanka. However, I am so worried about the role of educated people (not all)who usually are the SLAS, Bankers, Engineers, Lawyers, Doctors, Academics, etc. in ruling and governance with high designations. I am of the view that they are so weak in their day today affairs which created the massive negative influence from politicians (usually less educated). On the other hand, developed countries usually well balanced in ruling and governance due to appropriate influence between politicians and educated professionals. Sri Lanka should follow a better path.

    • 0

      I fully agree to Ronny,

      Before Foreign Invaders came, Sri Lanka was ruled by Indian Kings and many of them ruled different parts of SL. Only British United SL as one country and we should be grateful to them.

      Also from late 1800 hundreds they shipped all the way fro England in steam boats and ships…..Tram cars, trolloy busses, Double decker Busses, lorries, cars, Machinery for Tea, rubber, coconut plantations, Colombo Harbour, dry docks, walkers, Brown&Co, Elephant House, Vitols, Glaxco,Oxygen Co,all banks, schools, Forces, police,hospitals, Parliament electricity, Gas Co, Pipe water, Hotels, ALL SPORTS etc…etc…..EVERYTHING WAS HANDED OVER TO US FREE WHEN THEY LEFT AFTER INDEPENDENCE.


      You know this happened when we had the best DRY DOCKS in South east Asia.

      Our Own Parliament crooks only robbed the country and it’s people ever since Independence ……and continue upto date. The biggest uneducated, uncultured, thugs,Murderers, rapists, drug dealers, Tsunami robbers, Bribe takers, Jewlry thieves, Harak Horas, womenizers, party jumpers….are all in the Perliament.
      Also now the corruption is so high, even to put up a two mile road….government is looking for foreign Loan and Foreign contracters……just to get 10% or more Commission…..while all the Corporations they administer run at Billions of Rupees Losses…..while charging highest rates from Sri Lankan Consumers out of whole South East Asia.

      How can a country develop when these type of crooks govern the Country.


  • 0

    Hello.. Temple Trees. Coming Colour No Good.

  • 0

    You are right Ronny,the set up now existant is that 225 most of whom are buffaloes thugs rapists and murderers and they live on the country.They do not just live they bleed as they live in clover,fellows who had nothing are billionaires.Take the dentist who was in the PSC he had invested 7.5 million at the Golden Key from where did he get this money. Has he declared his assets so are the others with MR 10% leading the lot.
    The Commonwealth must ask the uncrowned king who bought over corrupt rogues changed the constituition using their votes and plans to rule till he dies.The pole vaulters do not reflect the will of the people He must recall the CJ Dr Shirani B have and independent inquiry and if she was found guilty then remove her.The state media and thugs treated her shabbily something none in Sri Lanka experienced before and the nation is shattered as the Chief Justice was treated in that manner.AS women we are at a loss for words.
    He has planted a CHEAP justice as a stooge who will do his bidding.If he fails to honour world opinion then remove Sri Lanka from the Commomwealth and not dream of having the next CHOGM here as that will only boost this VAIN FOOLS EGO.

  • 0

    Sri Lanka’s history is replete with instances where we sought intervention by the Indians, Portuguese, Dutch and British to sort out internal problems as regards rulers or lack of rulers. We were not invaded by anyone most times. We invited them and then blamed them for being here. We yet consider Vijaya and his 700 brigands, the greatest gift to the nation and link his arrival with Lord Buddha. We needed the Indian government to protect a Prime Minister during the first JVP insurrection. The intervention of the IPKF spared us the resources to fight the second JVP insurrection. We needed the Indian, Chinese, Israeli and US help to fight the Eelam wars.

    What is congenitally and chronically wrong with us? We talk of our great civilisation , our great history and our economic success of the past, conveniently forgetting that we have always welcomed outside interference, help and intrigue, because we have consistently failed to mind our own business properly. We continue to say that we have China to help us, if the US refuses to do so. We are a basket case dependent on foreign aid and other international agency assistance to keep our economy and society afloat. We are also looking forward to foreign governments and international agencies to sort our political problems, we are singularly incapable of governing ourselves. What is the sovereignty that are our politicians caw about? We are a people who are ready to pawn the concept of sovereignty at every turn of our political and economic life as a nation. We need foreign assistance to help our victims of natural calamities, We need foreign help to assist our IDPs. we need foreign help to restore minority rights. We need foreign help to build our infra-structure. We now need foreign help to create conditions to effect a regime change. The government has a need to stage I ternational events here, to convince us that the enjoy international acclaim. Every positive opinion expressed by those outside is adored and accepted with much trumpeting. Every adverse international opinion is interference in our so-called sovereignty.

    We are indeed a nation of schizophrenics! We are historically and now a people who want foreign hands to euphemistically feed us, but are quick to bite them, when our objective is achieved. We indeed are a people without self respect and abiding values. We are hence also a nation ingrates and opportunists!

    It will be hard to locate a people like us in this world!

    Dr. Rajasingham Narendran

    • 0

      You promised a public fund to protect the life of the Ex CJ , has it been started or was that just empty words ?
      The ‘public’ are waiting for you to take the lead since it was you who mooted this idea in the first place !!

    • 0

      In 1844 Americans got by treaty a right to the free exercise of
      christian religion in the open ports of China.This right generally
      been stipulated by a state for its own nationals resident in a
      foreign land and it’s doubtful if it has ever before been for a
      country to insist on the right of preaching a religion to somebody
      else’s citizens.This was obviously an interference of the sovereign
      rights of China which was supposed to hate missionaries.It was
      pushed even further in 1860 by the French and English obtaining
      land and building rights for missionaries anywhere in China.
      Commerce and Military matters were also included on treaties.
      This is the China that our big guys are dreaming of turning to
      against the West?China had already tasted her first great lesson
      of humiliation at the hands of Western powers and was in no
      condition to resist the demands of the West.Today’s proud China
      learned from the West only after humiliation.Our guys,before they
      open their broadcasting,better read world history.

  • 0

    Maharaja and his lackeys may be thinking that they are the “proprietors”of this land!

  • 0

    Those who parade as Advisors to the regime are well advised to take
    this warning with the seriousness that it deserves. Hague spoke in similar language before Gadaffi’s and Mubarak’s fate. So to Syria’s Assad who sees nothing wrong in unleashing rocket-propelled grenades
    against hungry civilians just queueing for bread. All in the name of
    his God doubtless.


    • 0

      The difference was Syria, Libya, Egypt are bigger players in the pecking order.
      Sri Lanka is way down in that order not wishing to step on India’s toes.
      Sooner or later patience will run out and the Injuns will put the boot in whilst the Chinks sit on the wall.

    • 0

      “Hague spoke in similar language before Gadaffi’s and Mubarak’s fate”

      Senguttuvan ,You mean that embarrassing diplomatic blunder! Foreign Secretary William Hague and his department made a major blunder during the uprising in Libya. This is what William Hague announced during height of the war on a live CNN interview.
      “Muammar Gaddafi has fled Libya and is on his way to exile in Venezuela “

    • 0

      President Rajapakse lost his last defense strong holds after CJ Impeachment. Now he sails like a ship without a Rudder.

      After dismissing some of the top Commanders in all three forces who were loyal to Gen. Sarath Fonseka, now MR left with many inexperienced Party goon loyalists as commanders with no sufficient battle ground experience.

      That’s why Gota is pressing hard to send freshers to USA for training which USA refuses on many occassions due to past human rights violations.

      In political arena, President lost the cream of advisers and Law professors after CJ impeachment.

      Now MR is a Lame Duck both in Military Capability and in Legal front and now vulnerable Both to India and International Criticism.

      Knowing this very well India Played a very cool game on GLP’s last visit.

      What India had to struggle in the past to achieve 13+ with MR Govt………now GLP is offering them on a Platter.

      Very soon what Prabhakaran couldn’t achieve with war…..India is going to achieve just by looking what’s going inside Sri Lanka.

      MR is going to get cornered both Internationally and Locally and will loose all the war victories blaming nobody else but due to his own stupidy, and only to be blamed himself.

  • 0

    This is what I expected IC to be – they should put pressure on the lanken idiots as never been before if not these buggers would even act as once idiamin had been. They know nothing about being alert to international ethincs and norms but applying their rascal manner in governing the country. Nature should take action against the incumbent before long, else, there will be no peace among the right thinking ones in the country. Even after being violated the rule of the law, Mahinda Rajapaskshe is advocating that we need to respect laws and constitution etc..kAWUDA ME RAWATANNE ? Poor masses that hail his politics…. . see, the man is deaf not to people´s problems but to him as well. He should have been upside down to go with the decisions made by uneducated PSC members. But he did that.. meaning there is no difference between them.

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    UK foreign office has taken serious note of the illegitimate impeachment and appointment of an illegitimate CJ by the president. It would be quite incompatible to have the ring leader in the chair of CHOG for the next 2 years. MR can forget about CHOG in hambantota and plan a dictators conference instead with Ahmedinijad, Chavez, Assad, Mugabe et al.

    • 0

      Where do you suggest the comference be held?
      In Hambantota??

  • 0

    I have my serious reservations, with regard to these International Forces, who have been paying only lip service to the mockery of Democracy so far enacted by MR.

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    These fellows keep forgetting that it’s been more than sixty years since they cease to be our masters.

    • 0

      Obviously Masters will conduct themselves as Masters always, but not the coolies trying to be masters who are despots, Killers and Rogues. The Koodallas and the brainless villagers.

      • 0

        Are you stuck in a Sharia enforced no go area Salford or freezing in a your smelly damp cellar?

    • 0


      what have our people achieved since they left the country ?

      • 0

        It took us fifty seven years for we villagers to find a real national leader and four more years to unite and rid the white man’s burden and discard their agents. What more to say now than, already you can see coming-up of the wonder of Asia. Stay put and see the change in a few more years.

  • 0

    That’s a very interesting statement from the British FS, who recognises Dr SB is still the CJ of Sri Lanka. I wonder after this statement, what the hell is Mohan P(oo) doing….?

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      Peris is legitimate current CJ for the ruling bunch of thieves while CJ Dr. SBandaranake remains further as legitimate for ones who respect the rule of the law in the country. That is the big difference.

      If there had not been injustice, these westerners would not need to resound it any further. But this would not go easily to the skulls of our stupid leader and the bunch. No matter what it is – they have to get them passed through their SO CALLED 2/3 mandate, while not even thinking of abolishing Executive Presidency by using the very mandate- latter is not comprehensible to right thinking ones.

      And the country´s opposition stay further mum as if the injected mice sitting in cages. This is wonderful lanka that dreams of BECOMING – information hub in the Asia.

  • 0

    Suren Surinderen, probably gave Haig this script,during their animated conversation that was depicted in that write up by the ,last week.

    Abraham Sumanathiran most probably wrote it.

  • 0

    Real Peace, you are VERY CORRECT and it is not only interesting but also proves the disapproval by our “Honourable Masters who developed our country and left everything to us except some items of historical values” the illegal and illegitimate Chief Justice as there cannot be two Chief Justices in the Commonwealth or in any other country. UK too still consider Her Ladyship Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake as the Chief Justice of Sri Lanka. UK hasn’t stated “former” CJ or “the then” CJ. The statement is in English and not in a foreign language, so it wouldn’t have been a mistake. UK has very clearly stated in the last paragraph “safety of CHIEF JUSTICE SHIRANI BANDARANAYAKE”. For UK and also for us, She is still THE CHIEF JUSTICE and definitely not the illegal and illegitimate one. I think Mohan Peiris should go back to his former job if he has an iota of respect to Justice in Sri Lanka.

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    The British Foreign office spokesman has referred to Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake as the Chief Justice, not as former Chief Justice. CT readers, did you get at the significance? We also should treat her as the legally appointed Chief Justice of Sri Lanka.

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    To: The International Community.

    We Sri Lankans have lost our faith in both Governing Rajapakse Regime who are acting like a Tyranny and Dictatorship .


    1)International community should impose travel Ban to President and all the Govt. Ministers and MP’s who voted for CJ Impeachment. Also Isolate Sri Lanka from future conferences like CHOGM,CW,Asian and African Forums and from UN.

    2)Bring President Mahinda Rajapakse for war War Crimes and Tsunami Fraud stealing millions of Dollars of Foreign Donations given to poor homeless people who were effected by 2004 Tsunami.

    3)Terminate USA GSP status, trade and tourism. Let President have his own vacation in Hambantota harbour.

    4)Stop all Aid and Loans given to Sri Lanka by World Bank, IMF, Asian Bank and EU banks.

    5) Freeze all personal foreign bank accounts, personal assets of President’s family (like Basil’s USA 4.5 million dollar house and Gotabaya’s 950,000 dollar house) and other Govt. Ministers and Government officials etc.

    6) use both Internal and external methods and pressure to Change Rajapakse Dictatorial Regime.

    I request this on behalf of all Sri Lankans and you could find their views if you talk to them.


    • 0

      Jayantha, If the West is keen, it is no big deal to put things right in this Country, for the benifit of the Majority. If they do not do so, they stand exposed, conniving with the corrupt in contrast to the ideals preached. Therefore let us see their true commitment. We the majority are not asking too much from the West and besides it is not something irregular that we seek.

    • 0

      Jayantha,just make the seventh to get the opposition to have
      their spines checked.

  • 0

    The video below will show more about the reality that the legitimate CJ of the country faced – so what to talk about the justice for the general public under the current rulers in SL


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    Jayantha’s proposal is very meaningful to oust Hitler.Strike at the roots and not the branches if you want to chop This tree never to grow again.

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    The British Government should take up this matter with other Commonwealth countries to strike out Sri Lanka from the Commonwealth membership. The entire world knows that the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeal ruled that the impeachment of Dr.Shirani Bandaranayake was done through a flawed process. Hence it was unconstitutional. Sri Lanka being a member of the Commonwealth, has acknowledged the principles set out in the Latimer House Principles which states that judiciaries and parliaments should fulfill their respective critical roles in the promotion of the Rule of Law in a constructive manner. Sri Lanka has acknowledged the Commonwealth values that were set out in various declarations. The interaction between the judiciary and the executive should not compromise the judicial independence. Bearing this in mind, MR as the Executive of Sri Lanka has released convicted criminals to threaten the CJ and her supporters. Now MR is trying to reverse the verdict of the Supreme Court and the Appeal Court through an illegal appointed CJ to demonstrate that the earlier verdicts were nullified. In the circumstances, the deliberate behaviour of MR as Executive of the country, when a controversial Bill was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court and on ignoring the warnings of the ICJ, Commonwealth Lawyers Association, Commonwealth Judges & Magistrates Association, Commonwealth Secretary, other Lawyers Associations of democratic countries and of EU, is a challenge thrown to the Commonwealth countries. Even the UNHCR Navi Pillai has condemned the impeachment of the CJ which too amounted to abuse of human rights, in the best interests of the country and for the maintenance of the independence of the judiciary. Mention should be made that the PSC, comprising some of the members being found guilty by the Supreme Court, was deliberately orchestrated by MR as the Executive of the country. It will be utter disgrace to the Commonwealth if the Chair of the Commonwealth is offered to MR who has deliberately refused and failed to cherish the values of the Commonwealth. Unless MR demonstrates that democracy is preserved by re-instating Dr.Shirani Bandaranayake as the CJ again by withdrawing the impeachment process as well as cherishing the civil liberties of all citizens irrespective of any discrimination by curtain the activities of the Armed Security Forces and the Police, Sri Lanka should be struck off from the Commonwealth membership and have the venue in some other place.

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      The President admitted that the decision of the PSC was flawed and against his conscience and promised to appoint an Independent Committee to inquire. His level of intellect was that he was unaware that there was no provision to do so according to the Constitution. Further his utterance of appointing another Independent Committee irked the members of the PSC as it demeaned their stature, not that they have much to talk off. It was only then that MR once again decided to go ahead with the PSC findings, realising the folly he has made. Although some believe that MR has intelligence, the truth is otherwise, because if he had an ounce of brain he would not have ever mentioned the ‘Apey Miniha Shaping’ story to an audience of a Professional Body. How pathetic?

  • 0

    The British Foreign Office has wielded the rapier. Roughnecks understand only the bludgeon. In earlier times social ostracism was a restraint on the deviant. As an instrument of correction it has now frayed. A leper avoided social contact or society veered from him. Today in SL, social lepers rule the roost.

    Regrettably enough this failing has permeated international conduct. Do we see ostracism for genocidal behaviour? Has there been at least a show of revulsion against lying at international fora? Is the buffalow hide so sensitive as to respond to refined communication? Changing the venue of the Commonwealth Conference to a civilised country will send a message intelligible to the obtuse FOUR. Churchill has to rue that ‘the Destiny of the British People’ has bypassed Sri Lanka.

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    Towards the end of the war, neo-colonialists did their best to save terrorist LTTE for their own ends. They abhor Rajapakse for he ignored their monkey advice and finished the 30-year war with Chinese help. Only stupid disagrees that both citizens and visitors alike enjoy prevailing peace. However, colonialists do not like it for they cannot play monkey on us without war. So they kept plotting to overthrow Rajapakse ever since. Nevertheless, they failed miserably for Rajapakse is too popular among mass.

    When Rajapakse consolidated his leadership after winning the war, colonialists bought over his own commander and pitted him against Rajapakse just like their old days. When SF failed to beat Rajapakse by ballot, they tried to tackle him with GSP. When Rajapakse ignored GSP, they tried to oust him with various ‘springs’. When neither GSP nor ballet nor ‘springs’ could throw him out, all the beneficiaries and benefactors of dirty NGOs got together and exploited the plight of beleaguered Chief Justice. They got her to obstruct and harass Rajapakse government with (il)legal means. Fortunately mass realized the CJ is up to her nose with sleaze and corruption. Dirty NGOs couldn’t make the corrupt CJ family lily white on procedures. With CJ fired and a new chief justice duly appointed, that plot too deem to have failed miserably.

    And mass do not want the filthy colonialists do us what they do the world-over. Goodness gracious! White asses have no shame! They are now trying to hinge upon rumour-mongering by Man-gala to defeat Rajapakse. Amen

    • 0

      Could someone please clarify whether this is that LEE POTTER bugger who played out Sri Lankans in the ’80s on a Housing Project?

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