7 September, 2024


Unleashing A Period Of Terror Again


Mohan Pieris

With the law, the legal institutions and the courts diminishing in value secret agencies are surfacing quite openly once again. The presence of the military and the police the night before Mohan Peiris was sworn in as chief justice and also during the day itself and the ferocious manner in which the Chief Justice, Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake, was escorted out of her official residence are images that were designed to terrorise the lawyers and citizens who were anxious and bewildered by what is taking place.

However, yesterday another move was started. This was the sending of threatening letters by a group that identified themselves as a patriotic taskforce. They named lawyers who participated in the movement for the independence of the judiciary as traitors, bent on destroying what has been achieved with a great blood sacrifice. Any kind of protest is portrayed as a war against the great warrior who is now ruling Sri Lanka after gaining a victory at enormous sacrifice. Such was the message given to the lawyers. Not only were the lawyers named and identified as targets for their activities but also their spouses were also named. The wording of the letter states that this is the first warning. The warning of what exactly, they do not state. However, from past experience it is quite clear that these are warnings of assassination.

Dr. Shirani Bandaranayake herself left her official premises and despite the fact that there was a blatant attempt to refuse her the opportunity of making a statement to the assembled press, among the things she said was, “Please look after the three of us”. That is the kind of terror that is once again being unleashed and brought to the surface. When the law, the legal institutions and the courts diminish in value the vacuum has to be occupied by something else and that something else is terror! And the agency behind the terror is the Ministry of Defence. It has vast resources as well as trained personnel including the paramilitary forces which carry out the orders given by the Ministry which need not be justified in terms of any law or regulation. When the lawyers asked under what law the entrance to the Supreme Court was closed on the 15th there was no answer. When the media personnel were not allowed to enter the premises the lawyers protested to the police, who attended in force, stating that there was no law to prevent the journalists from entering the premises. However, the police simply ignored the question and continued to prevent the journalists from entering.

Then when the media asked the Chief Justice to make a statement as she was leaving their questions were shouted down by a senior police officer and many others who virtually chased the car carrying Dr. Bandaranayake in order to ensure that she had no opportunity to make a statement.

Now the lawyers and others who participated in these protests have to live in their houses in fear taking great precautions for their security. In one’s own country the alienation of individuals has come to a point where it is only with the provision of security for himself and his family that he can live. Naturally, individual lawyers and others are not able to provide such security for themselves against the overwhelming power of large numbers of police, military and paramilitary forces that the intelligence services.

Threats of assassination to lawyers and their spouses

Three lawyers from Mannar have received the threatening letters as have several other lawyers from Colombo. In Mannar a few months ago a magistrate was threatened by a government minister and Magistrate’s Court and High Court were attacked. There is a contempt of court action against Rishard Bathuidin and also criminal charges against him and several others. It is obvious that the threats against the Mannar lawyers are directed towards the withdrawal of these cases by way of threatening the lawyers and witnesses.

In Colombo a petition challenging the appointment of Mohan Peiris as the chief justice is pending. Although in terms of the tradition this case should have been fixed for argument immediately, no date has been fixed for lawyers to support this case. Obviously, threats against the lawyers in Colombo are directed towards intimidating the lawyers who would support this petition or file other actions.

There is also some contempt of court cases filed against some media personnel whose utterances or writings have contained statements alleged to constitute contempt of court. Obviously, one of the purposes of the intimidation campaign that is going on now is to force the withdrawal of these cases.

Above all it has been the position of the lawyers that the Court of Appeal order in issuing the Writ of Certiori on the basis of the Supreme Court’s interpretation of Article 107(3) of the Constitution invalidates all measures taken to remove Dr. Bandaranayake as the Chief Justice. On that basis they have stated that the appointment of Mohan Peiris lacks legitimacy. One of primary causes of the intimidation campaign is to stop lawyers raising objections on the basis of the absence of legitimacy against the actions of Mohan Peiris.

Periods of terror

There have been periods of terror over and over again in Sri Lanka. Such a period has begun again. Behind the increase of this terror is the fear of the government that their actions do not appear to be legitimate. There is no political myth by which the people’s loyalty might be guaranteed and the people are beginning to see some kind of rationale by which they can no longer justify the actions of the state in denying the elementary right to an honest and genuine enquiry into the charges made against the Chief Justice. Many others are not charged and others are punished without charges. The agencies that carry out the punishment are given secrecy to enable them to send threatening letters and of course the complaints about such threats are not investigated by anybody. There is no one to seek protection from and the courts are no longer places where the individuals can go to for protection. Instead at the top of the judiciary there now sits a person whose loyalty to his political master is so clear that no one will go into his presence in order to complain about the threats they are receiving.

All voices for restraint ignored

The voices of the Mahanayakes and other religious leaders have also lost any kind of value to the point that anything they say is completely ignored. They themselves complain that what they say does not matter at all. The media is suppressed and not allowed to carry these messages to the public through print or in other forms. Instead, every morning begins with a Sinhalese or Tamil programme through the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation, which without any visible standard of decency creates the message of violence and indulges in character assassinations naming people as traitors, robbers and thieves and even openly cursing people, saying they are a menace to society. The programmes go on to ask that lightning should fall on these people. Thus, every morning begins with a terrorising programme to create psychological conditions of fear in anyone that has a dissenting voice. Indeed, every dissenting voice is identified as a traitor who is trying to fight against the great warrior who has protected the people by winning a great war.

To be a reasonable thinking person in Sri Lanka is now an offense. It is a crime that could be punishable with death by secret agencies with enormous experiences in carrying out extrajudicial killings in large numbers. A tradition which goes back to 1971 remains where extrajudicial killings, enforced disappearances, abductions, torture, illegal treatment and every kind of terrorising is allowed.

Such is Sri Lanka in January 2013. This is beginning of a period of terror which may be worse than any similar period in the past because the law and the courts are no longer there to protect the citizens of Sri Lanka.

The voices of two women, one a prominent journalist who had to leave the country, Fredericka Jansz, stating that, “My children need a Mum and not a heroine” and the Chief Justice, Dr. Shirani Bandaranayaka, saying, “Please look after the three of us, are symbolic of the fear psychosis that prevails now.

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  • 0

    Together with beneficiaries and benefactors of NGOs and ali, koti and reds, Shirani B tried her best to set a ‘haultsdrop coup’ during the last several months.

    Now that she is found guilty for misbehaviour etc and fired she may be blown off with the wind or may join up with NGO sharks like Pakiasothy and et al to continue her campaign or may join the TNA with Neelakandans and Sumanthirans or may well start a new political party of her own for she has displayed all the qualities of a typical Sri Lanka politician. For one thing though, we agree that, that’s her right and we wish her luck. For another thing, RanilW will not have her even near Sirikotha.

    Neo-colonialists for their part won’t end their plots with this loss. They will trap another gullible and use him/her as their sacrificial lamb to achieve their ends. The more they try to topple MR more rural mass will rally round him. They will never let Sri Lanka be a Syria, Pakistan or even an Egypt is today.

    • 0

      No neo-colonialists are plotting against Sri Lanka! They do not have to do so. Our pseudo- nationalists together with the Rajapksa juggernaut will continue to do all the plotting against the majority of the decent men and women in our land. Our worst enemies are our politicians and their deaf and dumb followers. We do not matter to outsiders, whether they be neo-colonialists or whatever else.What is it that Sri Lanka has got, when we no longer even have self-respect, that others want to take from us?

      • 0

        Former government servant Leelo used to backhanders now turned Troll for meeharaka rajaporkistan was given an apartment at Water’s Edge Colombo with all the security trappings to follow the lead given by Professional Imposter Professor Rohan Gunaratne. 80% of Obama administration and 65% of Cameron administration are Jewish. If you read the book “The making of the Jewish People” you will understand that Israel is still run by the US/UK. Gota is the main man still visiting Tel Aviv. So Leelo’s talk of neo colonist is only a way of hoodwinking the public.

      • 0

        Very well said. It is time people realized that the tragedy of Lanka is created by our own follies.

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    • 0

      If Mohan Pieris has any dignity, he would pack up and leave today. He will not. Because the guy does not what dignity is.

    • 0

      If Mohan Pieris has any dignity, he would pack up and leave today. He will not. Because the guy does not know what dignity is.

    • 0

      Villager must be an employee of the Defense Ministry in Sri Lanka working under the guidance of the Chinese software engineers to fabricate and defend stories on behalf of the government of Sri Lanka. We all should ignore his comments.

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    “They will trap another gullible and use him/her as their sacrificial lamb to achieve their ends.”

    Exactly, there are 20 millions of them.

  • 0

    The word “again” is a poor choice of words at the heading. It has been going on for years, if not decades, with tamil question as a convenient excuse. It’s unfortunate that an agency committed to human rights make these kind of slip ups. It has now reached all pervasive scale.

    It is obvious that most of these people, including dr. SB CJ and her family members are sitting there mouths dry in naked fear. from hindsight we know that even a security minded person like gen. SF – knowing first hand the level of evil the true power holders – underestimated their capacity to unleash raw power at least on 2 occasions, on pres. election day and until he was abducted, on the perceived enemies.

    So, AHRC must do something more than stating the obvious, which we we all know.

    And, it must also be noted, like most our pre independence “heroes” never got a single threat from the imperial powers (some even got knghted!!!), unlike those in India, our parliamentary opposition is not getting any of these threats..how cool. perhaps, the regime will hound us for having a laugh at its ‘beloved’opposition !!! you could never say it could be a crime as per rajapakse democracy and good governance!!!

  • 0

    This type of intimidation by the govt has been going on for a long time. The killing of Sivaram, Pararajasingham and Raviraj were the begining of the use of paramilitary by the govt to carry out abductions and assasinations. Post 2009 these dark forces have been unleashed against the media and now against lawyers.

    Govt is now struggling with a financial deficit and credibility gap. Rural masses and the whole country is suffering. People are now coming onto the streets to protest regarding their daily problems. Govt is now resorting to underhand terror tactics to maintain its power.

    For the moment it is essential that those within the country take measures to ensure their own security as well as unite and support each other against this insidious terror. The problem is not going to be solved within days or months, but will playout over the next 1-2 years. So take care and conserve your resources.

  • 0

    For those under threat the following would be useful. The dark forces of the MOD are ruthless but predicatable.

    Change your location. Be watchful regarding strangers, strange vehicles etc. Vary your movements and timings etc. Change vehicles etc These goons operate on orders given and plans made. They dont have much grey matter.

  • 0

    We must get together and strengthen the President’s hands against the Muslims

    • 0

      Villager has shown his true colours : RACIST.

    • 0

      Who IS this guy? One cannot but weep for this poor country.

  • 0

    All the `good` work is carried out by MoD. All its employees live
    around you. Keep an eye on their movements and be-friend their
    families and keep your ears to the ground around them.
    The floating armoury is ready and its use has to start this time from
    home-ground down South. Be warned.

  • 0

    There is a possibility that extra-judicial killings will take place for the next three or four months in order to strengthen MR’s position. Judicial officers will stary receiving anonymous threating letters in various forms. The emergence of Islamic Terrorism in various forms could be seen and MR will maintain silence because of the support of the Muslim countries. Buddhist priests too will be harassed by unknown elements. Number of petitions against MR and his hooligans will be suppressed using the State machinery. Poverty and misery will rise on account of malignant economic policy. Sri Lankan women will be sold as housemaids by unscrupulous agents with the blessings of undesirable Ministers. Unnecessary frictions will be caused to Western democratic countries and India. So long as undesious elements like Wimal Weerawansa, S.B.Dissanayake, Dillon Perera, Rishard Badurdeen, etc are there, there will be tension and conflict. Brieflt the existence of the Rule of Law will be a question mark. Will Sri Lanka be driven to a situation that prevailed in France before the French Revolution?

    • 0

      Citizen gives some clues with respect to who could be behind all these.

      Everybody talks about Islamic -extremism. No one is talking what or who have promoted that for decades.

      There is a common factor for all these people and groups that talk about these problems.

  • 0

    NAH, nothing will happen as we witnessed in 1971 and 1988/89 that is poor who will pay the price, and we have kos and pol
    (jack and coconut)

  • 0

    It is sad that the Ex C J. has no commonsence. She should have made arrangements with His Excelency the President to move to her residence peasefully. At least she should have moved in the early morning to avoid the crowd. She has a right to ask His Excelency the President to make arrangement to leave the house peacefully. The President has a duty to protect her. I don’t think His Excelency would have refused such a request. With greatest respect I have to say that I do not agree with some of his policies, yet he is a man for all seasons like Sir Thomas More! If Mrs. B wanted to say something to the people of this country, street corner is not the proper place to make statements by a professional of her calibre. A country doctor would do that. May be Fonseka’s gimmicks in T.V. when he was in custody had entertained her. He uttered the “short talks” because he had no other alternative means of communication at that time. In the present instance it was the media persons, acting like terrorists who harassed the Ex C.J. at her saddest moment in her life.

    • 0

      what wisdom!!! so enlightening are they no need of lights. Yet, in sheer darkness of ignorance of the dangers around us. Just think of number of H E in the text, even Daily News doesn’t have this.. in high wisdom must be imagining MARA reads HIS comments….pathetic!! can’t help the legend Mahoshada comes to mind with the names behind the comments…..hilarious!!!

  • 0

    “A Petition is pending in Colombo Courts challenging the appointment of the new CJ by the President of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Srilanka.” says the AHRC.

    How could this be when the same AHRC and their powerful NGO agents both local and overseas categorically said that the Black Friday was the end of Democracy and Rajapaksa is going to be the number one Dictator in the Democratic world.

    Miracles do happen,or seem to be..

  • 0

    AHRC must be more worried about the LTTE offspring ,the GTF holding secret talks with the most notorious slanderer of everything Srilankan, Hon Mr Mangala Samaraweera , MP representing the UNP.

    This honorable MP has been relentlessly campaigning to organize protests against the Govt and roll Rajapaksas.

    GTF also and avowed advocate of violence as demonstrated by their threats to phyically harm the Prez if he ever set foot on their territory.and their finacial muscle with Mr Samaraweera’s connections with our poor rural inhabitants can be a lethal cocktail.

    Mass protests in the South and the North can can lead to hardships and even physical harm and violation of human rights.

  • 0

    Dear Anaperera, please read between the lines (if you know the meaning of the term).

  • 0

    “First look at the MOLE in your eye before looking at the SPEK in your neighbore’s eye”

    Mohan pieris is another thief who used his powers to loose 500 million CPC hedging deal …and Loosing 75 Million as taxes to Colombo Customs….and ONLY GOD WOULD KNOW ……MAN FROM HONEY MOON.

    Please see following web sites.


    All Mohan Peiris’s Local and Foreign Bank Accounts and Assets should be investigated as per his rulings given in favor of Fraudesters, loosing Billions to Government……and lying to both UN and Local courts.

    It’s time to dig Mohan Pieris’s DIRTY MONEY AND ASSETS.

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