16 January, 2025


UNP Is Sabotaging Efforts To Establish Good Governance: Resigned D. Minister Tissa K

Newly appointed Deputy Minister Tissa Karalliyadda has resigned from his portfolio today stating he cannot be part of a UNP government where all efforts taken to establish good governance in the country, are being sabotaged by the UNP.

Tissa Karaliyadda

Tissa Karaliyadda

Karaliyadda who was appointed the Deputy Minister of Buddha Shasana and Democratic Rule over a week ago, when a national unity government was established between the UNP and the SLFP accused the UNP of sabotaging efforts taken to establish good governance in the country and said therefore, establishing the goals promised by the President has turned tough.

“I will change my decision if the UNP Ministers prove they are committed to establishing good governance in this country,” he said.

The Minister added that it is impossible to expect any positive changes in the country under the present government and had added that he wishes to be a Minister of a cabinet headed by a Prime Minister representing the SLFP.

Latest comments

  • 8

    This kind of ones would not see it beyond even if the people of the country want them to. They just harbor to their agendas to the very same manner Gonibilla, electric chair and empirialism beloved Wimal Buruwanse and political Teenager Gembanpilla would do. All these men and women are parasites of all forms- the one resigning -his presence was not even seen in the previous regime. So were for many so called ministers. Now they have to work proving transparency and acountability – which is like hard to achieve for them. That should be the reasons for them not to disagree with common achievements.

  • 14

    What a load of baloney ? this man was after a state minister-ship but due to some reasons he was only offered a deputy minister-ship , now heart broken and thoroughly disappointed , he is another Rajiv Wijesinhha .

  • 15

    Does this person know what good governance is? Does he understand how difficult it is to re-establish it, after how it was marauded by the past regime, of which he was a part?

    Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

    • 5

      They do not understand this, As they were part of the ruthless regime which they’re used to it. I don’t think its possible for him to re-join govt again.

      UNP should consider dissolving the parliament and bring new MPs that are willing to work with the National Government along with other parties.

      • 2

        We are expecting good governance? ‘Good governance’ is just another trick in the Sri Lankan politicians’ bag of tricks. Remaining in power and making money is what matters.

        Somewhere along the line Sira realised that the term ‘good governance’ carries a lot of weight with the masses and could be used. A few less Presidential powers are worth losing to further his ends. You thought MR was a crook? Hah! He was heavy handed, blundering fool. Watch the master’s sleight of hand at work. Marvel as you weep.

    • 0

      Are you the one written the election promises to Ranil in the last election?
      Did he paid for you or was it another foot liking of yours? If you cannot write logical comments, nobody begging you to come and write. If they cannot do it, please, know from this day, they have to resign. Because if you are getting money, do not explain, the peoples who cannot do it has to sit on the power.

      Is that why Ranil said he will stop the port city as soon as he come to power and have, now, allowed China to continue. Did he ever bother to see the deed if the land is already owned by China and it can be revoked or not?

      Is that why, in North, he said to the Tamil principal, when he complained the status of his school, “You are bringing out the government’s corruptions, You are talking too much, You shut up and sit down”. Could you explain to me the difference between this behavior and the PC’ member who made an ordinary teacher to kneel down in from of him? Tell me for sure, what is going to happen to this principal when he return to his school and order something with expectation of others implement it? Are the lady teachers going to lift their sari to show him? You Ranil’s foot lick-er, be rational in your talk about Ranil Mahata, the UNP dictator of the centuries 20 and 21. Even father Emanuel, who supported the common candidate, has warned this man to the Tamil politicians as the most dangerous fox. So why are you concerned too much if others call a spade “a spade”? Is that because you think that you and Ranils are Vellalas and others are Pariahs?

      These rogues handed out only 400 acres of the Tamil lands that is forcefully occupied. Ranil has promised how he will allow the 200 acres Palace to the politician to enjoy by chaining it as 6 star hotel. That is very easy to bulldoze people’s schools and temples and build 6 star hotels for them. Without argument returning the land to Tamils is too difficult for you and Ranil.

      The place for Those who are taking money and people’s faith and explaining it is hard to establish good government, is the corner of the inglenook in their Manson homes.

  • 2

    Good that he went back to MR. This fellow is their type always looking for a portfolio to make money.

  • 4

    This man ruined the Min of Women’s affairs and he wanted victims to be married off to the rapists. There were many such statements.
    I am sure MS didnt give him a state minister for a very good reason.

  • 7

    He is not a honest person and is carrying out the agenda to disrupt the government. There is a underhand move organised by possibly by MR, & co to sabotage the 19th amendment being passed and the 100 day programme being successfully accomplished. There is no loss in this person resigning and this type of people will be thrown out in the next elections.

  • 4

    This kind of premeditated resignation drama is expected. The guy even didn’t say how exactly the UNP has been blocking the good governance. The same bloke didn’t see any problem when he was being part of a government and aiding and abutting all its plundering and criminal activities. He seems a real holy cow, and didn’t we live in Paradise a few months ago. There are a few to do this in days to come, this is the beginning only and they wont say anything about the President but UNP. MR’s side think people in SL are fools and buy this type of drama. Prove them wrong and you are better than MR’s stupid advisors.

  • 0

    Amity is essential for unity and unity is not a magic thing to happen overnight if he says he can’t work with UNPers if the next (say after 5 yrs) the common premier is an SLFPer any UNPer can say that- ‘can’t work with SLFPers. Lot of change would take place in the meantime new voters included they may not know the dirty past, only the rosy picture, triumphalism?

  • 2

    Good governance means that the bad will be punished.You don’t like that do you?

    • 0

      So why was he made state minister ?

  • 1

    How can UNP establish good governance when all the politicians in UNP have questionable characters. Either they them selves or their parents had done wronged to Sri lankan people. That includes Ranil wickramasinghe.

    Secondly, Ranil protected John amaratunghe. Harison was protected. Ranil allow new Central Bank governor’s case to let go.

    I don’t think any one of these politicians, Maithripala Sirisena included, will introduce good governance.

    There are enough acts to impeach them or make them resign.

  • 0

    This guy was earlier a Minister of Womens Affairs or something under MaRa.
    From womens affairs to Buddha Sasana the man has lost his way.Perhaps,he is now like a Fish out of water!

    His notion of Good Governance[GG] is rather Bizarre!

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