9 September, 2024


Interrogating My Former Staff Only A Media Blitz – MR

Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa has said questioning some of his former staff members is nothing more than a media circus staged by the present government for their enjoyment.

Mahinda Matugama“It seems this government has nothing better to do than question my former staff. As you can see it’s only a media blitz. It’s a good thing for the media because they have run of news to publish. But it also seems like that’s what the government wants. They hold media circuses and enjoy them – some of the 60-70 year old civil servants who have been interrogated and intimidated come out in tears . . . this is not a good situation,” MR said speaking to media following a meeting he held last night with a group of lawyers in Abhayarama temple in Narahenpita.

He had also said the lawyers spoke to him and stressed on the importance of saving the country from the present rut it has fallen into. “It seems to me like they are expressing the views of the common man of this country . . . ,” he said.

Speaking further the former President said he has received several invitations to re-enter the political arena but added he has not accepted any of the offers. “For now I wish to observe the progress of the 100-day programme,” he added.

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  • 10

    Lalith Weerathunga is the man behind all these crimes , he should have been interrogated before any one else , why did they take so long ( up until April) to do is the mystery !

    • 7

      Srilal @
      Lalith Weerathunga is a dangerous man. The manner he only boasted on MR was beyond all bearing.

    • 8

      MR is shameless PERSON. How can he name them media exhibitions ? Rulers have to react here… MR has gone that far – to issue this kind of statements as if the charges levelles on them are lies ? RW or MY3 has to make public statments about the gravity of the frauds being carried out by MR regime deliberately. Else, people would feel that current rulers are the liars.

    • 11

      This man seems to have a big mouth today- thanks to MY3 they got UNHRC report extended upto September. Else these men would already have been called before Hague courts for war crime investigations. Big talks cant cover the truth anymore. People that lived like laboratory rats would wake up slowly in the today’s environment… you will learn it in the months to come how you would face it… That Mr Rajapakshe not Karma or anything – but all the crimes youdeliberately made – to investigate them. You not only harm the tamil community but also Sinhalese in large masses. Defeated is defeated… but you are shameless not to see it right yet.

  • 9

    Change [Edited out] Change!
    Whether your dead body is to be burnt or buried after you die that is the only statement we public need from you at the moment. Give such conclusion and just enjoy your retirement.

    • 3

      “Whether your dead body is to be burnt or buried after you die that is the only statement we public need from you at the moment.
      “Don’t give him the privilege of a choice. He is sure gonna say he wants a state funeral with a pappiri band, better than what Sarath Fonseka has now been promised by the My3 govt. Dont forget this megalomaniac still thinks he is a HERO.

  • 9

    MR is complaining only about his staff being
    questioned over wrong doings.

    What did he do? Did he not harass war heroes
    like Field Marshal Fonseka? He was stripped of
    his rank, his pension was withdrawn and they
    filed charges against him in court.

    What did MR’s brother, killer, murderer Gothabaya
    Rajapaksa do? He was directing murders NOT
    questioning people. That’s the difference.

  • 9

    We understand, you have to say something you shameless ……….

    Karma will catch up with you and family very soon. No amount of bodhi pujas will save you !

    There are signs you are already turning insane, can’t wait for that day !!!

  • 7

    Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa,

    Interrogating My Former Staff Only A Media Blitz – MR

    “Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa has said questioning some of his former staff members is nothing more than a media circus staged by the present government for their enjoyment.”


    Because you are so stupid and a liar that they cannot get common sense and intelligent answers from you.

    I am of opinion, based on circumstantial evidence, that it is the latter.

    Why? Because the answers you give Modayas, Fools, Mootaals do not cut it here.

  • 7

    Mr. expresident, these lawyers who seem to support you are clearly shameless stooges or your paid hacks. Clearly they have forgotten how the judicial; branch was treated under your tyrannical regime. You guys may be under some hallucinogens but half the country has not forgotten the way the supreme court justice was treated under you. You cannot fool all the people all the time. They certainly do not represent the common man’s views. The common man spoke in January. If you are clean, then it does not matter how much your aides get questioned. Or……are you s worried that some of them will spill the beans?

  • 10

    The search has started with the small fries but soon it will come to the big ones, which includes his brothers, in-laws,sons and kith and kin.

  • 6

    Here he says – all these are media events as if he ruled the nation without harming to anyone. Ruling authorities should have to open their eyes and react accordingly. I have no doubt all these gathered should have various kind of threats being unable to face their life today since police could anytime question them for their crimes commited.

  • 8

    Sir, It is not the public or this government who are endangering your people. Its is the difficulty you put them into during your tenure by getting them to rob, kill and destroy people, their businesses and communities. The people who organised all your nefarious activities and executed your plan can be over 60 yrs or civil servants but a murderer or rogue does not have to have an age or profession. A murderer is a murderer, a rogue is a rogue, a drug peddler is a drug peddler how ever you may want to look at it. These tears that they shed are not caused by this government but YOU!!!

    Take some bloody responsibility and don’t try to spin stories. Your stories are only believed by your people in your village. Stay there with them we don’t want you.

  • 4

    THese are just sabotage event since the current regime is planning to get AMDs passed in next days. People to divert from the focus is targeted by MR and thugs.

  • 4

    We have been watching Raja. His face looked different and his speeches were also rather timidly done. Gradually it appears that he is doing facial and talking like the bad old days. If you notice the photos- see the last one with the lawyers- He is becoming courageous etc. Does he think he is going to get his kingdom back

  • 6

    It is very evident that he knows what is coming up against him via inqueries, as the
    secrets held by the individuals questioned prompts him to guage what could be revealed
    by these” Public servants”. His days are numbered, as no electioneering will be undertaken by the UNP unless the Rajapakse Family is tied down to the horrible governance they practiced for a decade!

  • 7

    Prabakaran died in one day for their own people with a great dedication. You are killing all sinhalese daily by speaking some baila. Do you still believe, you have respect among people?

  • 3

    I continued my best service under your government. People asked me not to do good things since it is extremely difficult, I left the job since people insulted me for no reason. Today only one or two neighbors talk to me, Other than them no one communicate to me after my best effort.Whereever I go for a service I am descriminated for no reason, This is how senior executives were treated in your era, I write this since I cannot tolerate this injustice further,

    • 5

      Ms Mangalika@,

      you are exemplary… further stay silent cant bring anything. You need to expose. You are a great example to those who remain further in their silent mode – thinking that today s could also cause them intimidations. Former PreZ dares to speak loudly that all what is being investigated are just media events.. to get the media attractions.. that alone says everythign abou tthe full ignorance of a leader that led the country until the 8th Jan.

  • 5

    Mahinda, this is what Dayan means and says we need a strong leader. If you had won the last election you would have by now rounded up all those who worked against you including MS, Gunee, Patali, Ranjitha, etc. But the good governance under MS just leaving you at large to utter anything and every thing is something in Dayan’s language is manifestation of weak leadership. What you were trying to do in the wee hours of 9th January 2015 as the AG said is enough for MS to lock you up if he has got your mind set, your luck you were spared to share fresh air that SL populace breath, which was not possible under your regime even in South. Knowing the kind of person you are, I still wonder why you were fleeing from Temple tree as if your house was on fire (no body wants you to evacuate the Temple tree-is it a sign of strong leadership on what? ) and to call Ranil to provide you with security while all the four chief of forces were with you.

    So why not, go on with what you have been doing, just wait there expecting for other tsunami or LTTE emergence to make some…. not quite right…enough money. This is a best time to take stock all the money you have earned, maybe the 100 days are not enough for it?.

  • 7

    The man is desperate, much like a heroin addict who can’t find a ‘fix’, as the power he wielded was akin to a powerful drug. His panacea is what the stooges Booruwansa, Vesideva, Dinesh Kunuwardena, Da-yarn J, etc are doing to give him the false security that will last until his crimes are proved and he is (hopefully) put away with the rest of his felonious family. Until then he will continue with his futile attempts to hoodwink the gullible and display his pathetic character to the rest of us who are hip to his bullshit.

  • 0

    I strongly advise MR &co to do some repair work for their killings all over Srilanka during their rule. There are countless people around him who are affected by him, looking for opportunity. God decided their destiny already, it is a matter of time. Best advice to these idiots is to go quiet without agitating wounded snakes further. In the west if some one plan any bad thing, police will not arrest them immediately, they allow them to do more to catch the whole gang. The idiots do more and more bad things thinking police could not find them. One day police catch them and all associated people- I think MR &co think they are safe and dancing now for their destiny.

  • 2

    MAHINDA- If you are so innocent, why not come for a TV interview with the real leaders like Champaka, Anura Kumara etc and answer a few of the following :

    1 Yoshitha becoming a navy officer without the qualifications
    2 Missing 750 vehicles under your Secretariat
    3 Avante Garde- how were they given state contracts without bidding
    4 Sale of Army Colombo land ending in a account outside treasury (Just like helping Hambantota- helping Gota)

    I can go on

    When you were in power- daily flouting even election laws you were on TV. Last minute ” Janapathi Jana Hamuwa” a fixed TV interview that you recorded was blocked by the EC. The purpose of that interview was to show you are innocent of corruption allegations. Why not have that interview now- with some real journalists

  • 0

    Mr. Mahinda Rajapakse: Please talk to your “FRIEND IN NEED” Mr. Ranil Wickramasinghe – the present Prime Minister and get a copy of the “Walimune Report” on Sri Lankanair. You will realize how you, your family and officials have been responsible for the huge burden placed on the tax payers of the country. You are a shame on us.

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