20 February, 2025


Urgent Open Appeal To Principal & Teacher Trade Unions & The Government: Association Of Medical Specialists

We, the Association of Medical Specialists as a professional trade union respect and salute your long unattended and neglected demands your membership unitedly pressing the government to resolve.

No educated person will be able to put a price tag on your sacrifices to keep children’s hopes alive by engaging in online education with virtually no state patronage or incentives.

We as teachers involved in medical education, agree and endorse your right to engage in trade union activities unreservedly. We blame present and past political authorities for neglecting your very reasonable claims. We are sad to note the rigid approach of the present government which has led to current stale mate.

As a responsible, educated and mostly apolitical force of the society, we plead with respect to focus on surging Covid-19 infections with the deadly Delta variant claiming the major share. With ever surging numbers of Covid-19 cases, we all should be more considerate of ordinary citizens than politicians in a more pragmatic approach. If the pandemic reaches catastrophic levels (we think it is already) our crafty politicians may even frame teachers as solely responsible for generating “Delta clusters” and we sense that they have already started working on this.

Therefore, as a professional organization we urge and plead all organisations of teaching fraternity to temporarily suspend their protest campaign purely for the safety and health of our nation in the middle of this deadly pandemic.

Further, we request from the government to make sure that all the principals and teachers get both doses of COVID-19 vaccine and allow adequate time to develop their immunity before they resume their school activities.

Finally, we would like to request from HE the President and the government to kindly consider the reasonable demands of Principals and teachers in a favorable manner and initiate a dialogue at the highest level to resolve this crisis. We also hope that the government will take all possible measures to curtail all forms of ceremonies and other public gatherings and reimpose restrictions on public movements to ease the disastrous overcrowding of public and private hospitals and to bring down the escalating daily death rates.

Thank you.                                      

Dr LakKumar Fernando                                                                    Dr R Gnanasekeram
President-AMS                                                                                  General Secretary-AMS

Latest comments

  • 47

    Make sense but it is Rajapaksas who pushed trade unions to take such actions during a pandemic. When Namal and few others are having gala time in Tokyo Olympics at the cost of tax payers money, what to we expect from sincere work force who are struggling and under paid.

    • 18

      Country has gone to dogs today.
      Speaker is like KOPI KADE MUDALALI… he does not know what his responsiblitiy.
      We salute this Female MP.

      This speaker is not good enough to sell beetle in rural KIOSK.

      • 6

        Mlechcha Politics of RAJAPAKSEH Bitch sons let innocient people be caught by COVID devils.
        August 6 (GMT)
        2,794 new cases and 98 new deaths in Sri Lanka [source]
        August 5 (GMT)
        2,654 new cases and 94 new deaths in Sri Lanka [source]
        August 4 (GMT)
        2,556 new cases and 82 new deaths in Sri Lanka [source]
        August 3 (GMT)
        2,450 new cases and 74 new deaths in Sri Lanka [source]
        August 2 (GMT)
        2,420 new cases and 68 new deaths in Sri Lanka [source]
        August 1 (GMT)
        2,537 new cases and 67 new deaths in Sri Lanka [source]

    • 2


      Health Minister Pavithra Wanniarachchi says ” China behind SL’s vaccination programme success”


      Is the above statement true?
      If true what have they done to various supplies from World Bank, Hindia, Japan, USA, Russia, ………………………………….?

      • 2

        Native, I too had the same question?? .I guess just like Tsunami fund Rajapaksas diverted it for their own family, friends, relatives and supporters.

    • 2


      European leaders exposed what vaccines they were injected with.
      But mlechcha Rajapakashes kept it away from the VERY public. Nobody would raise it.

  • 24

    No educated person will be able to put a price tag for teachers for this 24 years all those who are working in health sector police and parliament one were thought by teachers. All the profession teachers educated and for 24 years they were silent now the teachers are using there own resources to go on line and to fulfill more requirement of the students they demanding to commit themselves for teaching now the movements relaxed from today means all understand for neglecting your very reasonable claims. and every one is sad to note the rigid approach of the present government which has led to current stale mate. Is this professional teaches s unable considerate of ordinary citizens and editor also is qualified due to teachers in case if temporarily suspend their protest campaign how many another years will take for there clam, teachers are the highest form of understander if there on shrike the concern must be to understand

  • 8

    Singapore has become the first country in the world to perform an autopsy (post-mortem) of a COVID-19 body. After a thorough investigation, it was discovered that Covid-19 does not exist as a virus, but rather as a bacteria that has been exposed to radiation and causes human death by clotting in the blood.
It was found that Covid-19 disease causes blood clots, which leads to blood clotting in humans, and causes blood to clot in the veins, making it difficult for a person to breathe; Because the brain, heart and lungs cannot receive oxygen, causing people to die quickly.
    To find the cause of the shortage of respiratory power, doctors in Singapore did not listen to WHO protocol and performed an autopsy on COVID-19. After doctors opened and carefully examined the arms, legs and other parts of the body, they noticed that the blood vessels were dilated and filled with blood clots, which impeded blood flow and also reduced the flow of oxygen. In the body causes the death of the patient. After learning about this research, Singapore’s Ministry of Health immediately changed the Covid-19 treatment protocol and gave aspirin to its positive patients. I started taking 100mg and Imromac.

    • 24

      Cugan, as you gave no source I searched for one. This is fake news.
      SINGAPORE – A message that has been circulating on messaging app WhatsApp claiming that Covid-19 treatment protocols here have changed following a coronavirus patient autopsy is untrue, said the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Monday (June 7).
      The message makes the false claim that following an autopsy, the authorities here discovered that Covid-19 is “a bacterium that has been exposed to radiation and causes human death by coagulation in the blood”.
      According to the message, MOH “immediately changed” the treatment protocol for Covid-19 patients here, giving them aspirin instead – another false claim.

      • 14

        We should also thank Cugan for reproducing the story here and giving you the chance to expose the lie.
        Such things spread as a whisper campaigns. Any public exposure of a lie is worth something.

      • 16

        I apologize

        • 3

          Cugan, last year Italy did postmortem on covid dead against WHO advice and found about blood clots causing respiratory problems and have revised their treatment protocol.

      • 3

        Paul, this is a virus, but is behaving like an intermediary organism (between bacteria and virus) similar to atypical organisms causing community based pneumonia and Legionaire’s disease both respiratory problems which if not treated with correct antibiotics is fatal. It does not cause clots in everyone infected with it, but in those whose immune system which is reacting in a different manner like those with rheumatoid conditions. This is called cytokine storm which produces substances called interleukin, and one member of this produced in Covid is making the blood to clot. Chloroquine has an effect on cytokine storm which property is used in rheumatoid conditions as disease modifying drug. Prednisolone and dexamethazone which are steroids will suppress antigen antibody reaction which will prevent cytokine storm. Drug to counteract interleukin producing blood clots in Covid is Toccilizumab given as single dose infusion, but is expensive. Treatment for low oxygenation due to blood clotting is hyperbarric oxygen using Henry’s law to saturate the liquid plasma in blood, which is not available in Sri Lanka.

    • 9

      Before spreading conspiracy theories, or medical information that can be harmful to others, learn to do some research. Conspiracy theories and scare tactics have prevented people around the world from social distancing, wearing masks, and stopping the spreading of this terrible disease. If there are great medical breakthroughs the entire world will know.

    • 4

      Clown is spreading nonsense

      • 4


        Where are those smart ass patriots Gamanpilla and Weerawansa? It appears they are in self isolation.

        Can the people request them to go on an extended period of Self Isolation, say until the end of next parliamentary elections?

    • 5

      As usual you are posting fake news.

    • 4

      If i remember correctly, it was actually Italy which performed the first autopsy, during early days of the first wave in 2020.

      • 3

        there are enough autopsy reports. No wonders, 6.9 mio voters believed other way around while all was then not overlooked. Now the consequences are before their eyes, but THEY BEHAVE as if they are fed with kirimati . මැටි වලින් පෝෂණය වූ කිඹුලන් මෙන් ඔවුන් අද වන තුරුත් එක අප්‍රසාද වචනයක්වත් ප්‍රකාශ නොකරයි.Like the crocodiles fed with clay, they utter not a single word of displeasure yet today. that is the nature of sinhala buddhist dominated srilanka society.

        As is the usual mode of operandi, our people spread lies.
        Lies are easily absorbed by srilanken audience for some hidden reasons. May well be they dont have the ability to cross question. Today having listened to a 360 PROGRAM of most abusive TV sender of the day, I got to know Mangala Samaraweera is one of the real good politicians that have helped educated people to open their eyes let alone today.

        I don tcare about his or others sexual orientation, so long the man or woman behaves respecting world norms.

        Mangala and the like would have less chance in a society, where BUFFALOE like men are made eternally weerayas. Look at RAJAPKSHES today… and compare it with while they were in the opposition….. not a single issue is being resolved by them better today.

    • 0

      Cugan: There sure is something very fishy about this whole Covid scare. The Indian BarAssociation complained to the WHO at the beginning of last month, there was a reshuffle in the Indian cabinet, the Health minister resigned and some vaccines are not recognized by some countries.https://www.globalresearch.ca/video-india-human-rights-security-council-files-covid-genocide-complaint-against-gates-foundation-others/5751657

  • 11

    We as teachers involved in medical education, agree and endorse your right to engage in trade union activities unreservedly
    What is the point? When you then promote this fake pandemic?

    • 11

      Nobody is promoting anything.
      There is a dominant narrative that most believe. If you want to get anywhere use arguments that appeal to commonsense.
      Propose a feasible option in the current scenario where:
      People are infected, some show seemingly serious symptoms, and some die.
      Perhaps, as the government admits now, the deaths are mostly with COVID-19 than by it. But people are worried. Nobody wants to die I guess.
      Say something to soothe fears and show a way out of the ‘panic’.
      People should listen to you in the first place.
      Screaming fake at the drop of a hat takes you nowhere.

      • 5

        Where oh where is the Princeton educated medical anthropologist who researches in Kanatta?
        Has she caught fake Covid ? Is she now being given fake oxygen provided by Soros and Melinda Gates?

        • 4

          old codger

          By the way Israeli technology firm NSO Group’s spyware Pegasus has been making lot of unwanted vibes through out the world, recently top Hindians are being implicated in sordid snooping judges, ministers, unis, top security officials, ….

          Don’t you think Gota should buy Manori Unambuwe this toy for her to monitor entire young members of Tamil diaspora (including Tamils from Malaysia, Singapore, Thamil Nadu, Europe, USA, ……) ?

          Here is something interesting https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12FxiiC0ZQE.

  • 13

    Let these medical specialists to contribute part of their loots to the poor who are struggling to survive.Also until things improve let them not charge their fee for private consultations and spend more time in hospital where they are expected to spend instead of in private hospital. Let them first set an example before advising. Sri lankans from top to bottom are big talkers only. How about importing luxury cars for thieves at the cost of four billion rupees.

  • 17

    This “Teachers Protest” was the result of “Uncrompamising” and “Arrogant” attitudes and actions of the “Idiots” who run the Governing functions of the country. The first “Shot” was fired by the Police, presumably with the knowledge of the Minister, Weerasekera who thinks no end of himself and a “Law Unto Himself”. That was when the Teachers’ Union leaders who were released on bail by the Courts were hauled up and taken to a “Quarantine” center. Why did the “Police” do that and on whose “Instructions”? That was very high-handed and a “Disgraceful” behavior on the part of the Law Enforcement.

    Next, the President, PM and the Ministers in charge (Cabinet & State Minister) of education are to be blamed. All of them should have opened up a very cordial dialogue and made an appeal to the respective Union Leaders to “Compromise” and “Cooperate” with the Government at this critical juncture and refrain from any trade union action. But, once again their “ARROGANCE” and “DICTATORIAL” attitudes prevented them from such a “Cordial” dialogue. Adding fuel to fire the “Government Media” machine, including the MPs of “Pohottuwa” started their “Usual” mudslinging campaign aiming at rousing the Public Opinion against the teachers. I call that “Stupid”, “Idiotic” and “Unscrupulous”.

  • 10

    I continue……
    Now the time has come for the entire “Teacher Force” to “RECHARTER” (e.g. NON-COOPERATION, REFRAIN & adopt a NONVIOLENCE campaign) their TU Action and place the “SAFETY” of the country and the people, in the face of the fast-spreading pandemic. They must make this approach PUBLIC and call off this TU action.
    Yesterday, I saw a video on social media going viral, in which a “Person” in “Civilian Clothes” entering a bus that carried University Teachers and Students searching for a person named “Mudalige”. “HE” as revealed now was the “OIC Crimes” attached to Mirihana Police. He tried to take a person to custody, thinking that person was, in his opinion “Mudalige”, but turned out to be the wrong person and was a University Lecturer. What a “JOKE” and a “MERCENARY FORCE” this Sri Lanka “Police” has turned out to be?
    Today, Minister Weerasekera in charge of the Police is reported to say: “Do not arrest anyone even if such person attacks the Police”. Any more to say that this Minister is an “IDIOT and a HALF”.
    In the midst of all these “BRUTALITIES” and “DISGRACEFUL” behavior of the “POWERS BE”, I doubt of any “Compromise” and an “Amicable” settlement to this TU Action of the Teachers.

    • 4

      Dear Simon BRO@

      I am speechless and have lot more to share you Dear… see, how thing turned out to be as of today… but your KADAMANDIYA people (prime example for srilanken averagae mind set) is dead silent. I never thought that our people are this much stupid.
      I think it is the SB racism made people this much indifferent.
      Please take care of you Brother !!!!

      • 2

        Dear LLM: Thank you for the link. It is encouraging to see there is “ONE” more Namal Rajapakse who speaks the TRUTH. I made this video clip for my “Kadamandiya” pals. As expected, they were speechless. But “Jamis Lokka” gave an earful and left the place. Nandasena “Iskole-Mahathaya” (Teacher) who already knew the background story, gave a sarcastic smile and said: “That EVA must be hanged by the “Balls”. But Gunadasa – the Three Wheel driver responded and said: “Eva hasn’t got “Ballas”. At times, I feel sorry to leave this crowd. Interesting developments are taking place. I will keep you informed of my next “move” and that depends on “Flights” availability. Have a nice day.

        • 2

          Dear SIMON,
          It is the genetics make someone unique to his or her behaviour.
          It is known fact, that anyone come from MEDAMULANA caves cant be normal. Now that Namal Baby though left for Japan, but bastard as the minister for sports had not taken steps to provide the olimpic participants with ” srilanken logo T SHIRTs”. That the levels of srilanken sports… this was highly criticised by many sofar….

          This I studied for the last 15 years. And I added my thoughts on them again and again. However, today, THattamamala are made silent. I really dont knnow why they behave like amazonian sloths, though all is clear that Rajapakshe ballige puthas let our innocient people be caught by COVID maraya.
          To me, if former govt treated them properly, nothing would have gone this far. If a poisonous reptiles are locked or taken away, like wise, Rajakshes should have been taken away from human association, however our SORYSENA s spinelessness, though all attacks are on Mr Wickramasinghe, did not allow it. That was the huge mistake.
          Their SORYSENA was the man with EXECUTIVE powers, but behaves like a dog that made effort to hide his tails behind the rear legs.

        • 2

          please keep safe. I will be travelling to SL either Sep or Oct.
          I would not travel anywhere but focus on a relaxing holiday. I will also be busy with some charity work for sure.
          Your Kadamandiya is the CROSS SECTION of SRILANKEN society. Yet today, those teachers who enjoyed pay hikes given to them by GG rule, stood against them. Now they are speechless as your SEELAWATHIEs and PIYADASAS in that area:

  • 4

    Where were this union when a principle have to knee down to a politician………

  • 8

    Here ia an example how pandemic in Lanka is managed 1) many hospital heads have warned of running out beds and supplies 2 ) government spokesman says they have not heard of such crisis as reported in media or circulated in social media. 3) But Mr
    Sircular has ordered officials to find a formula ??? so that there will be no congestion of patients 4 ) A well known Cancer research specialist from Rajarata Uni says Lanka will have to find ways to dispose 150 to 200 dead bodies daily 5 ) Rajapaksas have denied community infection even at this point where cases are reported from all corners including public and private work places 6) But Humble, Dinuk and Archeologist still call it a HOAX ( but they believe our democracy and govt are real) 7) lanka will be one of the few countries to rollout vaccine after community acquired pandemic. 8) Among two Chinese vaccine now being used one is less than 70 % and other less than 50 % effective in follow up studies. 9) only WP is covered with vaccine whereas others are still waiting . Meantime super spreaders keep transmitting through out country. 10) There was no need for lockdown initially other than being transparent, advising public and taking effective measures in controlling including early vaccination. Whereas Rajapaksas decided to do it in reverse order.

    • 2

      More with Rajapaksas reversed order pandemic management. Some of the facts were provided by community medicine Prof Agampodi 1) beds are running out in the main hospitals across the country and WP have no more beds 2) 2/3 patient are oxygen dependent and there is potential risk of deaths soon due to lack of oxygen supply. I hope, now that oxygen situation is better in rest of world Lanka may get some supply. 3) Delta variant to peak in 3 to 4 weeks time soon death count may go up to 200 and infected > 5,000 daily,currently 2500 people are needing hospitalization daily. 4) People who are not infected but has other chronic medical issues too will suffer due to lack of access.4) Lanka in total has 800,00 hospital beds and in that 33, 000 was allocated to Covid management. 5) When vaccines were at trial stage our govt did not place orders paying attention to unscientific methods which was grave mistake.6) Once vaccination drive began instead of giving to elderly and those vulnerable with comorbidities in preventing death govt decided to vaccinate active population from 30 to 60 . Only 15% of targeted population is covered up to now.

      • 2

        6) More than 80 dead bodies were piled up in Ragama teaching hospital 7) In Panadura hospital , foul odor was reported from decaying dead bodies. 8) One of the leading U.S university studies warned of CRISIS. Before end of this year they predict counts can go up to 2000 deaths and infected anywhere above 100,000 daily totaling more than 25,000 deaths. 8) more than 1/3 infected in Colombo are + for Delta variant. 9) At present 2 to 3 patients are sharing an ICU and ward bed, n addition thousands are occupying floor. 2500 new patients daily are needing hospitalization.

  • 8

    Cugan, the S’pore doing first autopsy in covid death is fake. Already S’pore health minnistry has denied that. In many countries autopsies have been performed before S’pore and scientific articles are published. It is indeed a virus. Also fake news about electromagnetic forces causing this. All fake.

    • 4

      I added him a link But some being brainwashed would not care little about the facts.
      They belong to that 6.9 mios of voters – or the like MERCY cows. .. not insulting the poor animals

  • 9

    Giving up on the dignity of the teaching profession in fear of COVID-19 is lame. Teachers should keep protesting publicly until this regime delivers or go home! No white flags please.

    • 1

      “Giving up on the dignity of the teaching profession in fear of COVID-19 is lame. “
      Fair enough.
      What do you recommend?

  • 2

    Mr.Sircular, attending coordination meeting for Covid control told members , intelligence/TID/CID told, people assembling in groups is the reason for spread. He seems to not have his own intelligence to understand this ??? How did he allow funeral procession and conduct election in the first place ??? Looks like Mr.Sircular may ban all protest and T.U under pretext of so called intelligence reports. What is he going to do with regular public ??? put people under house arrest so that they do not get together in groups ?? Talking about intelligence one Rajapaksa goon took pictures of Sampanthan being brought in and seated in house with assistance of parliamentary staff and posted in social media making derogatory remarks.

    • 2

      OMG, Not even a week has past since writing above comment Mr.Sircular has called lower court judges for a disciplinary meeting. Orders are to ban all protest/dissent and if needed put those who organize protest /T.U , under house arrest.

  • 3

    The teachers have been neglected by successive governments for a long time.

    Teachers should be treated witrh respect and dignity.

    However appreciate very much if the teachers come to some temporary arrangenent with the Government and come back to work so that the next generation of Sri Lanka will be guided and trained for a better future.

  • 3

    Urgent appeal should go to the government to stop taking unlawful, undemocratic and injustice practices using the pandemic as an excuse. Every one including Teachers understands the risk of Corona and prepared to obey the law if the Government is honest to the country and people.

  • 2

    I am not justifying the action of anyone. Those who agitate through mass protests know that this is a case of “now or never”. Further in this country “All are equal but some are more equal than others”. This was portrayed in the conduct of funerals and covid funerals of some whereas for lots others there was not even the observance of last rites. On the contrary though the Queen of the UK cannot be bound by any law she scrupulously observed the funeral rules limiting the number of attendees to 30 when it came to her late beloved husband. COVID or no COVID the opulence and even taking very controversial decisions gives the impression to many that COVID is being used as an excuse suppress the rights of many. Thus any appeal by a member of the Government to act with restraint in a time like this has no value owing to the loss of credibility. SAD!

  • 1

    Student professionals now medical provissional advising the teachers who thought and
    getting the most out of educational opportunities. Now the talented privssional thing that the teachers cannot understand the present covid situation. the teachers are teaching the restictions of covid in the classroom with no resorces the medical provissional can provide them laptops for Planning for Talent Development of students they will help the medical provission advising student of controll of covid.

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