By NPC –
Less than five years after the end of the three decade long internal war, the Sri Lankan government has warned that the LTTE is regrouping and plotting to renew its violent campaign for a separate state again. This warning has come in the context of a shootout reported in the North that led to the killing of three LTTE members by the military who, according to the government, had shot and injured a policeman in the leg. The security forces conducted extensive cordon and search operations and arrested over 60 persons, including civic activists, prior to the final shootout. The slain persons are accused of having had connections with the Tamil Diaspora.
The National Peace Council notes that this violence, which is the first LTTE-related violence since the end of the war, occurred soon after the passage of the UNHRC resolution calling for an international investigation into the last phase of Sri Lanka’s war. The government has refused to cooperate with this investigation. It has also banned 16 Tamil Diaspora organizations and 424 individuals whom it has accused of promoting terrorism. Reports from the North indicate that the military role has grown and the space for civil society to function has shrunk due to permission for activities that has to be obtained and is either not forthcoming or is deemed to be impossible to obtain.
In the absence of a mutually acceptable political solution, the Tamil Diaspora will persist on highlighting the concerns of civilians living in the former LTTE held areas that continue to disrupt their lives in a variety of ways reminiscent of the ground realities that prevailed during the war. The strongly entrenched security apparatus in the country, particularly in the North, is likely to generate more anti-government rhetoric from among the Tamil Diaspora and the international community that is sympathetic to their cause. This situation can only be reversed with genuine reconciliation that will help deal with residual hatreds, fears and anxieties of a post-war militarized context.
The National Peace Council therefore urges the government and other political parties in the country to urgently set up institutions to enable the Tamil people to be given a measure of autonomy .The government held elections and established the Northern Provincial Council. But it is useless unless the Northern Provincial Council is allowed to function without undue interference from central authorities. It must also discuss with the TNA a more inclusive political solution. We also call on the government to come up with a national investigative mechanism that could cooperate with the UNHRC-appointed investigative body on the issues of truth-seeking and accountability. We refer to the East Timor example where the members of the national Commission were appointed by the UN and which was allowed to function without hindrance from the military.
The great American civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. differentiated between those who prefer a negative peace, which is the absence of tension to a positive peace, which is the presence of justice. An imposed peace that is bereft of genuine opportunities for peace is likely to be of little lasting value. We should make sincere efforts to redress historic or past grievances that precipitated the conflict in the first place. All parties should be honestly committed to develop and foster new, mutually beneficial relationships. The absence of dialogue between the different stakeholders weakens and leads to the destruction of relationships. We advocate a mechanism that will create opportunities for all stakeholders, including the Tamil Diaspora, to engage in a process of dialogue that will lead to reconciliation.
*Statement by the National Peace Council
Anpu / April 19, 2014
[Edited out]
Thiru / April 19, 2014
The Sinhala dominated ruling elite and the regimes all along want a solution to the national problem along the following line:
They want it the way the European colonizers in the Americas, Australia and New Zealand exterminated the natives and took over their lands.
They consider Tamils as defeated people to be treated as unwanted to be be driven away to foreign lands or tortured, raped and killed with impunity.
The nations who helped Sri Lanka in winning the war od liberation are guilty of the crimes against the Tamil humanity.
The international community for their own selfish reasons keeps an eye closed to the atrocities committed on Tamils.
What happened in the natives of Americas a few centuries ago is happening to the ancient Tamil people of Sri Lanka.
Billa / April 19, 2014
Killing of the three guys are all an “encounter” Indian style situation. Indians do it all the time in Kashmir and other eastern states. Those three guys worked for the SL Army as kitchen help and intelligence gathering operatives. They were now the scapegoats to justify many arrests and detention including that mother and the 13 year old daughter. This was all a drama enacted by Gota the manic Goon to cheat again the whole world and the locals. LTTE regrouping is just a decorated myth by paranoid and mentally retarded thugs and killers. All these thugs and goons will pay their day, who are bringing disrepute to Lanka and Buddhism.
Buddhism is surviving in rural areas but staggering to survive in the cities. No 1 worst Buddhist is Mahinda, No 2 is of course is Gotabaya, No 3 is Gangoda or Angoda atte Gnanasara the terrorist of Lanka who call himself a Buddhist !
Is it going to be the beginning of end of real Buddhism in Lanka ?
I hope not. All religions should prosper and thrive in our country and the people too. WE must educate these rascals or discard them altogether.
Peace in Lanka in pieces today…very sad state of affairs.
Ajith / April 19, 2014
If Sri Lanka to be saved and remain as a united one state, the urgent action needed from People of Sri Lanka (all opposition political parties, civil societies,religious leaders) to revolt against this regime and send them out of the power. The people should understand that this regime is not bothered about Nation or Buddhism. Their only interest is power and money. The people should know that this war against Tamils was illegal and what they told are lies. Once the regime is ousted from power proper investigation should take place and politicians should find out a political solution based on the principles agreed upon Tamils.
K.A.Sumanasekara / April 19, 2014
Can this Gehan tell the inhabitants why the Govt should accommodate the Diaspora when they are totally irrelevant to the current state of the country except their pathetic attempts to use the non Vellalas again to become terrorists?.
Ajith / April 19, 2014
If you can tell the relevant of the blood thirsty Sinhala racists like you, Gotapaya, and Basil in the state of country, Gehan will tell you the relevant of those inhabitants of this island who were forced to become Diaspora.
Clifford / April 19, 2014
MARA-CHARA-BARA-GORA-NARA family clique trying to insult the intelligence of the Lankan public.
Thondamannar / April 19, 2014
“So critical is the resurrection of Jesus to the Christian religion ! As the great scholar Professor JI Packer puts it, “it guarantees the believer’s present forgiveness and justification and is the basis of resurrection life in Christ for the believer here and now” – and indeed beyond the grave forever and ever throughout eternity !.
So critical to proclaim Prabakaran is alive by certain diasspora to keep the funds rolling in………to keep the Tiger Movement alive for thir well being.
S.J.Emmanuel did just that. Got brained washed Tamils to believe VP was God the Sun Goat….
It was important to the LTTE & Eelam so that suicide cardres gave their lives to become Martyrs for Diasspora & VP to fight the GOSL like Jesus Christ standing up for Jews against Roman Governance.
This is pararells The Tamil catholic Clergy drew up for VP & the Tigers……
Like Jesus Christ, VP lives and the money flows in for the movement and Diasspora has a good life.
The photograph appearing in this article is proof in itself.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran / April 19, 2014
I have been observing the situation at close quarters in the north since the end of the last war. What started off well in terms of the IDPs and their plight, was soured by the actions of the government to foist its political choices on the Tamils. The TNA politicised the IDP issues, without understanding the mundane needs of the IDPs should take precedence over the political issues at that point in time. While the TNA has now corrected course, the government has slid rapidly down the precipice. The President has failed to implement many propmises made to the Tamils and the world. The government refused to change course even after the NPC was elected. The NPC has been pushed into a corner and is hedged in by the government, the Governor and the provincial Public Servants. The international factors arrayed against the government, are making it react viciously and foolishly.
While security considerations are important, they should not be foremost in making policies on reconciliation. The war is over and the lTTE is dead and gone within the island. If anyone is trying to give a new life to the LTTE, they should be treated as criminals and apprehended as per normal olice procedures. A witch hunt should not be mounted using the military, every time a minor incident happens. This approach sets back even the minimal progress made in the reconciliation front. The government should not forget a vast majority of the Tamils do not want the LTTE or the likes of it back, blighting their lives.
I wonder whether the political climate can be corrected to what it should be at this late stage, short of a miraculous change in the government’s approach and attitude.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran
Desperateminds / April 19, 2014
“The President has failed to implement many propmises made to the Tamils and the world. “
People of all right thinking nature will agree with you here. Not only to the mentioned parties, but also to muslims and buddhsist (that are not violent – majority) he the president has failed to fulfil his promises.
Nevertheless, southerners and westerners of the island to support UPFA, as depicted in lately held elections, is my puzzle.
Either the peoples should have memory losses of rarity or they are completely fools to have reacted.
And to my comfort, I believe, PC elections results have no value.
If national level elecitons were held, that would have sent a clear message to UPFA – how bound the people have been with UPFA.
As anyone with sanity senses it – no people would repeated their failures again – by giving more mandate to thugs that are in ruining mode.
That is it. We the ones who have been waitin for change towards positive, are fully disappointed.
Andreasappuhamy / April 19, 2014
If one would ponder all these, many would feel president of present day srilanka should be a donkey though in national costume attached traditional shawl. He has completely failed his promises made to the folks as a whole. What happened to the number 1 promise – abolishing presidency ( today almost 9 years are gone since he took the office). Today his country wide trips opening here and there have become his day today actiivities, as no other state leaders would enjoy doing so, clearly not prioratizing his own presidential tasks. For what purpose, responsible ministers have been appointed with high amounts of people´s costs. Indian Premier would not have made trips across the country in the aims of opening laboratories or toilet units.
All these are just red herrings to be away from the key problems. Not only tamils, muslims, sinhalese, but almost every one as a srilanken is fed up of the current administration.
Sengodan. M / April 19, 2014
It is absurd to expect a change of attitude from the present government. The only change that would make reason prevail is a change of regime. But that is unlikely to happen too soon. So, the country will have to be prepared for things to become worse before any change for the better could occur.
Sengodan. M
Unreal / April 19, 2014
The displaced, both local and overseas, are conveniently characterized as economic refugees. They are not.
Tamils were not struggling to gain economic freedom, even though there were many obstacles placed on that path. The struggle was for self-respect and dignity, in a land of their own.
Those who left or fled the country have earned their self-respect and dignity back. You cannot say that all those who live abroad are economically well off. However, the internally displaced, and those who are not displaced, still struggle for self-respect and dignity.
The only solution to this persistent malaise is to recognise the real cause of Tamil frustration. Unless and until this root cause of the discontent of Tamils is accepted and addressed there will not be any peace in the country. After all, peace is a state of mind, and, not the absence of war.
Now, to address the shortcomings in the comment of Dr.Rajasingham Narendran.
I, for one, do not agree that in terms of the IDPs and their plight it started off well.
For security purposes, there was ‘reason’ to have enclosed them. But, apart from the young men and women, the rest should have been allowed to walk out, without any delay. There was no need to have kept the young and the elderly, imprisoned.
Had this been done, TNA would not have had a chance to ‘exploit’ the IDPs, as is being said. IDPs have been now released, – not helped to resettle.
No amount of security considerations is that urgent to maintain an atmosphere of ‘conquered citizenry’ on Tamils. This is the only reason Tamils resent the Government, today.
The North, particularly Jaffna, has been managed as a Police State, since 1956. No body speaks about it now, because today it is a harsher Military State.
LTTE was not Tamils’ baby. Tamils did not give birth to LTTE; the successive repressive governments did.
The international factors are not arrayed against the government as it was against LTTE. LTTE was defeated by international (f)actors.
The Government is reacting viciously and foolishly to take revenge on Tamils for having successfully drawn the attention of the international community, to their plight. But, the government ignores at it own peril that IC is carefully monitoring Government actions.
Dr.Rajasingham Narendran may have come to realise the errors of his judgement, but not the Government.
Paul / April 19, 2014
Its unreal alright. The LTTE was caused by the Govt! What a bunch of crap. ‘Tamil struggle for dignity in a land of their own’. Why the hell should you have a land of your own? Can the Sinhalese have a land of their own and drive out all non-Sinhalese? No of course not, and neither can you. Your mono ethnic racist state exists only in your addled brain.
Unreal / April 20, 2014
Calm down Paul. You earn no credit for your emotional outburst.
You cry out loud, ‘The LTTE was caused by the Govt! What a bunch of crap’.
Educate me. Let me know how else LTTE came about. Do you want to know how the Govt. brought about LTTE. Ask any moderate Sinhalese in your neighbourhood. I am sure that you have broad-minded people among them.
I am not claiming any land. I am only claiming for self-respect and dignity, in the land of ours. Don’t you have a land of your own? How is that you don’t think that we have our own, as well.
We welcome you to live among us. We never said that we will drive out non-Tamils. As long as you are ready to be peaceful, be my neighbour; be my guest.
Teach us Sinhala; we will learn. Should you wish to learn Tamil. We will teach you. We will not thrust Tamil down your throat.
There is no mono ethnic race in any Tamil mind. Can you without wincing you eye tell that of you?
This is the last time I discuss with you when you are hyper. You are welcome to speak to me when you have calmed down.
PS: Even though it looks like that my name might suit you better, I wish to cling on to mine.
Anpu / April 20, 2014
“‘The LTTE was caused by the Govt! What a bunch of crap’. “
You are writing CRAP.
“The LTTE did not come into being or grow into a world-class terror outfit in a vacuum. Without the Sinhala Only, the Tiger may have remained unborn. Without the Black July, the Tiger may not have grown exponentially. If the B-C Pact and the D-C Pact did not miscarry (thanks to the midwifery of Sinhala extremism), the LTTE, even if it was born, would have remained a fringe group.”
Anpu / April 20, 2014
My comment (Anpu April 20, 2014 at 12:19 pm) meant for Paul April 19, 2014 at 10:42 pm.
Bensen Burner / April 19, 2014
Is it to be construed that the views of the National Peace Council are opposed to those of Mr.Jehan Perera? Bensen
jay pathbey / April 19, 2014
For those who assume that GOSL is making up dream stories of LTTE re-emergence please read
Then f course there will be many among the tiger sympathizers who believe that DBSJ is a government agent. But the addresses and phone numbers found with the trio implicates most of the LTTE front organizations that were recently gazetted and banned by the GOSL.
jansee / April 19, 2014
Do you remember the Trinco five and the ACF seventeen cases? In the former, and according to available information, Basil Rajapakse had shared information on how the STF personnel had used firearms that could not be detected. The addresses and phone numbers found on those three summarily executed by the SL forces most probably could be planted. One may ask where did this Jeyaraj chap obtained such intimate and detailed information? You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to guess who would have fed this information to him. When there are such rascals, do Tamils need Sinhalese enemies?
Sengodan. M / April 20, 2014
The trio were none other than three captives who served in an army camp. Poor guys, they had to pay with their lives to complete the drama staged by Gota!
No man, not even one with a hare’s brain will think of starting an insurgency in the highly militarised atmosphere of the North!
Sengodan. M