2 May, 2024


Vengeful Politics And Rugby: Phone Calls To My Brothers

By Namal Rajapaksa

Namal Rajapaksa MP

Namal Rajapaksa MP

Those who know me and my two brothers know well how deeply we love the sport of rugby.

Having begun playing around the age of six, we played during school, during college, captained university teams and finally represented Sri Lanka internationally. In addition to enjoying the game, in recent years, we also tried to do whatever we could to elevate the sport in Sri Lanka for younger generations that will follow us in the years to come. In this effort, we brought down internationally-acclaimed rugby players to Sri Lanka and worked to get access for our players to obtain playing experience abroad.

In all honesty, we simply enjoyed playing the game. And as we began to reach the final stages of our sports careers, we felt like we should try to give back to a sport that had given us all so much. I think and hope that these efforts would have made at least a small contribution to the development of the game.

Today, we’re incredibly saddened to see that the bitter, vengeful politics that took over this country after elections earlier this month, have even made its way to the sports sector. Just a few days ago, my brothers – Rohitha and Yoshitha – were both informed, by telephone, not to attend rugby practice. No reasons were given. They were just asked not to come.

Mahinda and sons/ File photo

Not wanting to tarnish the sport through any potential conflict, we took a decision to simply respect the request and not question the decision regardless of how unjust it seems. Though deeply hurtful, we felt this would be the best decision we could make at this time.

For some, rugby was also a part of politics. But for the three of us, it was the sport we loved.

On behalf of both of my brothers and myself, I want express our deepest gratitude to all those who supported us during our rugby careers. I think you all know how sincerely we loved the game. And if given the opportunity, we will never hesitate for a moment to contribute to the development of the sport in any way that we can.

*Namal Rajapaksa MP is the eldest son of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa. His writings can be found at http://www.namalrajapaksablog.com

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Latest comments

  • 38

    I am really sorry for you and your brothers. First, blame your parents for they have done to your brothers !

    • 37

      What comes ot my mind when reading all these is – if anyone did harm to the others, that will come over to you. Buddhists say – that is the karma called -dittadammawedaneeya.

      • 0

        Yes Seelawathi, but we must not be like schadenfreude. Any right thinking ones knew that Rajapakshes and their activities were far from all ethics and norms. However I wonder why Victor Iwan stayed away from bringing his book against. Why was that ?

        Was that just because SRILANKA is still a man dominated world ?

      • 2

        Namal Baba,

        “What comes ot my mind when reading all these is – if anyone did harm to the others, that will come over to you.”

        In sinhala it says:

        “Kala Kala De, Pala Pala De”

        On English it says:

        what goes around comes around

        The status eventually returns to its original value after completing some sort of cycle.
        A person’s actions, whether good or bad, will often have consequences for that person.


    • 13

      Namal baby doi doi bye bye – ahead of you you will have go through all the torments _ all these your beloved father, Uncle Basil, Uncle Gota all could have thought if they really loved you. Even your mum could have thought it before going to get involved in that gold whole sale deal. We are really sorry to see all these they could have felt – before abusing the people. Not just few dozens but thousands of complaints are heaping up today – as things will never work for your betterment in forseeable times in the future. As some described it- simply the dittadammwedaniya has worked on you literally.

    • 18

      Car accident….! Is that the language you understand? That’s how you guys get rid of people, right????

    • 8

      We hope younger genration will not fallow your corrupt system.

    • 1

      Dear Namal Rajapaksa MP,

      RE: Vengeful Politics And Rugby: Phone Calls To My Brothers

      1. “Those who know me and my two brothers know well how deeply we love the sport of rugby.”

      “Having begun playing around the age of six, we played during school, during college, captained university teams and finally represented Sri Lanka internationally.”

      COMMENT: Namal Baba, I was under the impression, that you are an MP now, but still you think like a kid, Thotta Baba. You need to grow up, man.

      2. “Today, we’re incredibly saddened to see that the bitter, vengeful politics that took over this country after elections earlier this month, have even made its way to the sports sector. “

      COMMENT: Corrections: After elections in 2005 and 2010.

      3. “Just a few days ago, my brothers – Rohitha and Yoshitha – were both informed, by telephone, not to attend rugby practice. No reasons were given. They were just asked not to come.”

      COMMENT: It is for your own safety. I would suggest you form your own Medamulana maRa Rugby league, and take in only your former Shills and whitewashers as players to practice, as they are likely not to injure you. Remember, your uncle, Bappa, Gota, has lost all his white vans..

      Namal, may I suggest you take up Football (soccer) as a game, that is more egalitarian and more skill based than Rugby, played globally, and besides you are chasing a ball that is really a Ball, unlike the rugby ball, that is not really a ball, and looks more like a duck egg.

      This is called change, and embrace change.

      PS. How did you amass so much wealth? Just curious

    • 1

      Namal Rajapaksa –

      Are you one of the Rajapaksa boys?

      Crimes of Rajapaksa boys

  • 57

    Rajapakse boys came for Rugby practice in huge convoys of the poshest vehicles with about 30 body guards each. Other players came in army vans or buses for practice. No one dared to tackle a Ragapakse. So it may upset the spoilt brats but the the game of rugby and the spirit of sports is served if they stop playing.In sports therre should be a level playing field.
    Also remember this whole rugby thing was a fantasy in the mind of these immature boys . For all the millions we have spent on it for obvious reasons Sri Lanka can never be a rugby nation.The same if we try to produce heavy weight champions in boxing.But people like Asanga Seneviratne just pandered to the big egos of the Rajapakse brats by funding their rugby ambitions. But in return they got a lot more often in ways harmful to the country.That is the truth

    • 28

      That’s true; Sri Lankans do not have the genetics to provide the imposing physique and strength for Rugby. There is a reason Tongans, Samoans and other large bodied races like Northern Europeans dominate the Rugby world.

      Lanka is better off spending money to develop Soccer since small stature is not a barrier .

      • 14

        We are better off with Cricket as we have only one
        man hitting at a time and the rest is counting stars.
        And on the side of fielding,only three are busy,one
        bawling,one at the wicket and the last running after
        the ball.That fits into our culture superb.Go to any
        public office,how many are truly busy?Go to any
        popular school at opening and closing hours,most of
        the vehicular traffic is due to vehicles from public
        departments coming to collect their children.Daily
        travellers from outside Colombo,come late to work
        and leave early from almost all public work places.
        All this must change so we become fit for other
        changes,until then Cricket is the fittest that allow
        idle while the play is on.

        • 10

          whywhy – you’re hilarious!

        • 2

          Whywhy, Why have you hit the nail on the head?Too bad.

        • 1

          I like this. After many years, this blog brought me a smile. How true it is!

        • 2

          Good observation, hilarious and very true whywhy. You deserve a spot among satire in these columns in order to put an end to the drab and unamusing Pasquel chap’s dribble on “Kakirilanthaya”?

        • 1

          Luckily for SL cricket,these three brats in their grade 6 or after, can’t bat, can’t ball, can’t catch if they did, Sanka, Jayewardene, Angelo, Malinga, etc. would be playing second fiddle since 2005. And, we could have had the distinction and seen three brothers playing in a national team after Chapels. But, MR cricket team would be playing against Mugabe’s Zimbabian.

          • 0

            It would have been an eye opener for some if Rajapaksa offspring entered the cricket world and started pushing people around.

            They did manage to corrupt Cricket , by buying the rights to broadcast SL cricket for the measly sum of $1 million when it was worth far more than that.

        • 0

          While you do have a point in that Lankans tend to take this slow and easy, it’s just Island culture which is not unique to Lanka but found amongst even amongst other Island cultures.

          In some ways this is a negative due to lack of efficiency and the consternation one feels in getting things done . Yet at the same time our Island way of life differentiates us from Indians/Pakistanis in how easy going we are.

          • 0

            Dishonesty can not be called “slow and easy” and be
            absorbed into the culture to make it go unnoticed.
            Work discipline starts at attendance and closing on
            time.That’s agreement with the public as far as public
            service is concerned.Take tutorials for another
            example.Give me one example why school children go to
            tutorials for lessons taught in their classes?
            Parents have to spend a huge money for missing
            lessons.So many parents are at school gates morning
            and afternoon especially to accompany their girls to
            and from schools, just for their safety.Safety from
            what?You are happy calling it “slow and easy” and let
            it get down deep into your system? You are happy that
            India has it worst and Pakistan has it but we are
            better,we have it a different way?

    • 8

      I am sure the Rajapakse boys emerged as the best players in every match and their team won every game. It is more like Mao-Tse-Tung who turned out to be China’s best swimmer for his age. It was only after his death were we told that in all the competitions, he entered, all the others had been told to let Mao win because the consequence was too dire to contemplate. Sadly, these Rajapakse brats are convinced they were genuinely winners.

  • 24

    ‘Not wanting to tarnish the sport through any potential conflict’….?
    ….and you chose to make it a political issue??? We love your intentions….LOL

  • 44

    What are the odds that 2 brothers from the same family would Captain both the Army and Navy teams , and what a coincidence their father is the President and what a coincidence that their whole family and close associates were entrenched in positions of power.

    Your whole family and friends used the Presidency to enrich yourselves and ingratiate yourself into as much of SL life as possible.

  • 17

    We went from tackle rugby, to touch rugby to untouchables rugby.
    If the untouchables in India took to rugby , henna mess

  • 39


    Good to see you expressing your grievances on CT.

    Not sure whether you are aware that this web site was banned and blocked by your father for a long time.


  • 14

    May be the calls came from Asanga Seneviratne the SLFRU boss who is now keen on supporting MS

  • 26

    I am no fan of Rugby or the Namal Brothers. But a strange thing happened one day while I was switching channels while watching TV. In one of the channels there was a live Rugby Final and the scores were relatively high to the opposing team during lemons and I thought that the match result was a foregone conclusion. But strangely when I flipped again to the channel, I could not believe the score line and began to wonder what would have gone wrong, except for a miracle. The side with Namal Baba was representing which was the team trailing during lemons had pulled off a stunning victory, what’s more, the Papa was in attendance too.

    Lot of things could have happened during lemons isn’t it. Especially when Rajapakshe siblings are in the losing side.

    Can anyone also please enlighten me which University, Namal Brothers represented, I am perturbed and confused.

    • 20

      At a Clifford Cup final at the Royal Sports Complex, the Navy was being thrashed by Kandy SC up to half time.
      At half-time, the President (of Sri Lanka) who was a spectator disappeared from his seat next to the President of the SLRFU, another of his stooges.
      Half time was over and the players went back on the field and had to wait for the referee to appear. He ultimately did after about 5 or 10 minutes and shortly thereafter the President of SL returned to his seat. When play resumed the Navy began getting penalty after penalty and, on one occasion, the referee was in the act of according Kandy a penalty (which he couldn’t avoid) when Yoshitha Rajapaksa who was on the bench and not supposed to leave it, ran down the touchline and got one of the touch judges to convey his instructions to the referee who awarded a penalty. To the Navy. They scored off it. There is video to prove this!
      Unfortunately, the referee despite being a senior police officer couldn’t count and the record will show Kandy winning the match by one point!
      These thieves and .. certainly have a nerve playing innocent victims!

    • 20

      “Can anyone also please enlighten me which University, Namal Brothers represented, I am perturbed and confused.”
      All 3 represented the University of Rape Torture and Murder at Mankollagama in the Hambantota district. Does the untimely fate of ruggerite Thajudeen ring a bell?

      • 2


        “All 3 represented the University of Rape Torture and Murder at Mankollagama in the Hambantota district. Does the untimely fate of ruggerite Thajudeen ring a bell? “

        Yasara [Edited out]

      • 1


        Yes rings a bell.

        Police said yesterday that there was no suspicion in the death of ruggerite WasimThajudeen as the government analyst in his report stated that Thajudeen s car had caught fire when a spark from a metal piece in the chassis had grazed the road due to its excessive speed.

        According to police he had lost control as he was driving at a very high speed on the Park Road in Narahenpita early Thursday morning at around 1.00am and crashed into a wall.

        His funeral was held on the same day but his family members said his death was suspicious. Police said the government analyst had visited the scene on Thursday evening.

        The charred remains of the well-known 28-year-old ruggerite was found inside his Toyota Vitz car on Park Road, Narahenpita

  • 9

    Ermm…Captained Uni team,Played “Internationally” all when you hambantot baiyas ruled,intimidated,threatened even spectators…all have experienced this,refa too.

    New rich rugby mudalali’s such as Seneviratne should be investigated too,not just pat on wrist big house tax

  • 9

    Mmm… did the author of this article know CT was banned for a long time and we Sri Lankans missed so many eye opening articles like this during a certain presidency period? Sorry buddy, as a person forcibly deprived from free media I have no idea what you are talking about! You might need to fill in those gaps for me/us to understand what you were saying!

    • 3

      Actually I suspect someone else is writing this article with an assumed name. Real NB? Naaaaaah……he cannot read english let alone write!

  • 5

    Rajapakses including GR should be held accountable monetarily for the massive quantum expended on the purported rugby grounds constructed for their personal frolic and should be recouped by the State

  • 6

    At last the referee who was manhandled by one of these brats would be relieved knowing players would respect his words as the rules of the game.

    His tone of writing-we- still indicates, they are one level above the other players. Just because I enjoying playing a game, do I get the chance of captaining the national team?. The game is the winner.

  • 9

    Ihi ihi ihi I hear a crocodile crying like a bitch

    • 1

      I have not heard that one before. Samitha you’re original.

  • 13

    Son, this is not food or cloth. With the same decency, get out of the Parliament. Get a job and get on you life. Your meddling destroyed the entire Kilinochchi. Get of the the parliament first.

    Now tell the truth, what happened in the air conditioned room when you were writing the Law Exam? What happened to the boy who complained about your cheating in that exam. Where is Thushara now? For you Ruby is a game. That test was his life for Thushara.

    My name is Dassanayake Mudiyansalage Thushara Jayaratna. I am a final year student at Sri Lanka law College and my registration number is 17988.

    On 3rd December 2010, I made an official complaint about irregularities in the Law College examination system. I also registered a complaint at the Keselwaththa police station. Following my complaint which garnered a lot of attention within the college, in the media and by the Asian Human Rights Commission, I was summoned before college authorities on 11th January 2011 and asked to explain the exact nature of the irregularities. I then listed three main complaints as follows:

    1. The college allowed Mr. Namal Rajapakse to appear for his exam in an air conditioned room with internet facilities. This is in direct contravention of rule 60 of the college’s own exam code as well as article 12(1) of the constitution. Rule 60 of the exam code clearly states that candidates may not have any books or learning aids with them for the duration of the examination. It also does not allow mobile phones – even if they have been switched off. However Mr. Rajapakse was allowed an internet enabled computer on his table. I saw Mr. Rajapakse enter that hall and clearly stated as much at the time of registering my complaint.

    2. The question paper on the third day was leaked. I witnessed two candidates discussing the question paper before the exam began.

    Thushara Jayarathna has not only faced physical harm and intimidation for his trouble
    3. The college registrar used the Law College official phone line to make a threat to my life on 6th December 2010. I was thus unable to appear for the Accounts paper as a result of these threats. The head of the institution then informed me that he would make a copy of my statement available to me. However I have not received a copy to date.

    The honourable principal of the Law College then stated to both Lanka e news and the Sunday Leader that I had made the complaint against the institution because I was not fluent in English and went on to dismiss the complaints as mere hearsay. I immediately wrote a letter to the honourable chief justice on the 26th of January 2011, strongly condemning these statements. I am making arrangements to send you a copy of the letter as an attachment. In the letter I clearly stated that my complaints were not based on hearsay but on what I had personally seen and heard. I sent the letter by registered post.

    With regards to the death threat I received, I would like draw your attention to a statement by the former Chief justice to BBC Sandeshaya, where he said that if any candidate was allowed to appear for the exam in an air conditioned room it would be a clear and serious violation of the institute’s own exam code and would indeed call the entire examination system into question. The hon. Principal made a statement to the media saying that Namal Rajapakse was given an AC room in which to sit for the exam since there was no space in the other examination halls. In my letter sent to the chief justice I pointed out that this claim was an absolute falsehood, since there was plenty of space to accommodate candidates in my own examination hall. The hon. principal then made a statement to the media that a decision concerning me had been made on the 17th. However after sending my letter to the chief justice, and in a response to BBC Sandeshaya, the hon. chief justice said that a decision in this regard had not been taken as yet and that the matter was still under investigation.
    However after this you are aware that I was abducted, I was beaten up in my own home and made to forcibly sign documents. Today with absolutely no decision taken with regards to my complaints, Sri Lanka Law College has passed Mr. Namal Rajapakse, failed me and sought to end the matter there. The question that now arises however is the validity of rule 60 of the institute exam code going forward and whether it was not contravened. This would mean that future candidates of this examination would have the right to use the internet enabled computers while writing their papers, or given the limited number of computers within the institution, be allowed to bring portable internet devices. I filed fundamental right application assistant from local human right groups and Attorney At Law Lakshan J.S. Dias. 10/25/2011Deputy Solicitor General Shavendra Fernando and Nerinpulle objected to the taking up the case based on the time bar an the jurisdiction of the case. D.S. Wijesinghe PC appeared for Namala Rajapakse made the same objection and case was dismissed after they heard my submission on the above objections, I would request your help in presenting my case before the international human rights court in Geneva. I believe that what took place in the Law College examination is not only a sign of the intuition compromising its own examination code, but also sets a dangerous precedent. If this is allowed to continue, I believe that we may soon be faced with a situation where the children of prominent politicians will be allowed to appear for even the Law College entrance examination in unfair conditions
    D.M.Thushara Jayarathna

    Thanks for CT for the Tushara’ Statement.

    • 2

      OMG, I knew the a/c room provision, but not Tushara being made to fail the exam. Every place the family stepped on became a dog breakfast, no one who had been responsible for these institutions appeared to be doing the right thing but what was right for MR family. Where was the Law College Principal and others who supposed to implement exam procedures.

      And, this elder brother seeking justice and becomes a cry baby for his younger siblings.

  • 13

    oops. So you are “saddened to see that the bitter, vengeful politics that took over this country ” what a terrible turn of events.

    Please talk to Thathi.

  • 14

    Dear Namal,

    You speak of vengeful politics weren’t you aware of what your fathers administration was up to. The vengeance he unleashed on his opponents was untold. CBK, Mangala, Sarth Fonseka, the Tamil people, the muslim people, Lasantha, CJ Shirani B, a whole host of journalists and you have the audacity to even post and article on this site, which was banned by your all powerful uncle and only a secretary to ministry. With his brothers he unleashed terror and entertained rampant corruption. I always wondered what his children would learn from him. I always wondered what your family discussed at the breakfast table. Didn’t you mother at least question you’ll were doing the right thing.

    I in fact asked a senior rugby administrator if you and your brothers were truly national material. He said even at school level you and your brothers were considered average. That was the extent you politicised the sport. Yes you did a lot for the sport only because you were the Presidents son and that too with the money of tax payers. We know you called up directors of companies and asked them to sponsor the sport and they did so with fear and to find favour with your family. Namal stop crying because when less powerful people like you were attacked and their families destroyed nobody cried for them. Your father was voted because of the suffering he brought to innocent families and vengeful acts he committed.

    • 1

      Very well said. Can he or his family get it barred Chamal Raj, he seems a gentle man. But he was also winging at some stages, saying he was not given a ministerial position, had he given, could we able to see a lessor percentage or higher. Of course, Speaker position does only give 0%.

  • 7

    Don’t i remember a story of ur bro trashing a ref what happened afterwards
    “Not wanting to tarnish the sport through any potential conflict” yeah right

  • 14


    You and your brothers behaved like animals.
    What you and your brothers did to our community is now returned to you and your family.

    Because of your father’s unimaginable power your family became crazy and acted like animals.
    You did not respect elders, educated people, matured people and opposition.

    You thought automatically you will be the next king because of your father’s dictatorship but Srilankans are very fortunate and Our well mannered gentleman became a president in our country with the help of majority.

    People wisely decided to send your father home and eradicate Rajapaksa terrorism.

    We are proud to have Mr. Maithreepala as a President and Mr. Ranil Wickramasinghe as a Prime Minister rather your father and dead Jayaratne.

    Your father’s boot licker and ……ss licker Wimal Weerawansa( Balu Wansa) completely destroyed your father’s power and reputation.

    Your father is well and extremely corrupted man.
    Your whole Rajapaksa family horrendously destroyed our beautiful country.
    You and your brothers lived for nearly ten years like intoxicated dogs.

    You all must mentally and physically suffer for years and years till you all die.

    • 1

      Well said

  • 9

    when the appointment to captaincy is flawed removal will also be flawed. So just accept it and move on don’t be a cry baby ! you all had your time. Now the times have changed. No one wants your legacy to continue. Even during election campaign you were doing puss talk assuming you will never lose.

  • 10

    Namal, The three of you got to play rugby for SL only because your dad was the Prez. How come all 3 of you captained St Thomas College Rugby? Any fool knows that one of your brothers was not captain material leave alone qualified to play for your school?

    If your dad was elected for a third term, Rambukwella’s son would have played for SL? Just because of politics.

    Asanga messed Rugby! Now my dear Namal. Come for practise with your brothers to any club of your choice? Fight for a place like any common citizen. Let’s see if you guys make it on your own efforts! you may get a place on the bench!!

  • 7

    calm down Namal baby, this son of a xxxxx should know that the forces are not their personal property… How on earth that Yo-Shit-A and Rocket Rohitha became captains of Navy and Army teams?

    We all know Yo-Shit-A has left Navy on 9th Jan and Rocket Rohitha is never a Army man? How on earth if non service personal use the facilities of the forces and isnt that a security issue?

    Also morons like Asanga Seneviratne and Nishantha Ranatungs have to be investigated for all sorts of money laundering and kick backs.

  • 2

    Ooops !! I guess Namal baba chose the wrong site to air his grievances. I hope he and ‘his’ are reading all these comments.

  • 2

    Well for the more serious crimes you won’t get a call, they will just turn up at the door step….and you can’t escape under the cloak of political vengeance

    • 3

      They are out to buy by hook or by crook hoodwinking the public

      their dictatorship – they are mainaics who tasted blood money of all the people irrespective of ethnicity- butcher, thieves, murders and douchbags.

      Folk have to get together and bell them soon before the 100 day or all is lost- they army of paid staff are on the move within the peoples of the island.

      Right now belling them is more importnat to the sihala tamil muslim etc Now or never I believe.- they should not be given an opportunity to raise the question of race & war on this to regret for the future.

  • 4

    “Those who know me and my two brothers know well how deeply we love the sport of rugby”

    Aney Baba, don’t talk; We all know how well you and your brothers loved Rugby. The love was so great that poor Thajudeen the ruggerite had to be eliminated by any means. You still think the average SillyLankan would believe you.For your own sake stopmaking any more statements or writing any more articles because nobody would believe you and youll only be making a bigger mess for yourself. So stop hallucinating and go, play with your toy helicopter and forget that the glory that was once is now gone forever.

  • 2

    [Edited out]

  • 1

    I am a big fan of Kandy sports club. People in Kandy know how what their teams had to go through when they played games with teams manned by the brothers. Why did we changed the under 19th rule in school rugby?

  • 2

    remember this comment that appeared in the websites you banned, was it for the love of rugby

    Eyewitnesses at the Navy SC vs Police A match on 5 May said that after the defeat Rohitha Rajapaksa, the president’s youngest son, grabbed the referee, Dimitri Gunasekera, by the collar and assaulted him.

    WHAT happened to Thajudeen your brothers team mate

  • 3

    Aney Baba; You have already opened a BIG can of worms with your article. Did you not learn a lesson after the NDTV interview fiasco? Now,after this article everyone knows how your familys love of Rugby led to Thajudeens elimination from the field. You wanna open more cans of worms? Go on speak the “truth’.

  • 1

    Suffice to say, the Nation escaped from a coming Gadaffi era and the Rajapksas escaped from what happened to Gadaffi. As RW told Ranjan R., we don’t behave like the Libyan’s.

    • 1

      “As RW told Ranjan R., we don’t behave like the Libyan’s. “
      Straight out of the horses mouth. The Libyans are virile and mother Fs. Ranil and his band of merry men are eunuchs and sterile males. Some even openly gay (nothing against being gay btw).

1 2 3

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