10 February, 2025


Rajapaksa Princes’ Crimes To Be Exposed Including Rape Of Young Girls

Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) today said they will be revealing corruptive actions and crimes committed by the Rajapaksa princes within the coming months and added that necessary legal action will be taken against them.

Namal Yoshitha Rohitha

Rajapaksa princes – Pic via Namal Rajapaksa facebook

JHU National Organizer Nishantha Sri Warnasinghe speaking at a media briefing this morning had said that they have received detailed information on the crimes that were committed by the Rajapaksa princes – Namal, Yoshitha and Rohitha to which includes rape and sexual harassment of young girls.

“The eldest prince Namal’s Blue Brigade was operating as an alternative armed force in this country. Within the coming weeks we will be exposing the details of the illegal activities that were carried out by this Blue Brigade under Namal’s leadership,” he said.

Warnasinghe also said that they have also received information and proof of countless young girls who have been sexually abused and even raped by the Rajapaksa princes.

“Some of the girls who were victimized in this manner have been given various diplomatic postings to cover up their crimes. We will be revealing all these details and more and we also urge the public to inform us of any additional information they would possess on the crimes committed by the Rajapaksa princes,” he said.

Speaking further he said that a thorough investigation will be carried out on all the charges and added that none will be spared and that necessary legal action will be taken against all those found guilty. He also said that action will be taken to rehabilitate the youth involved with the Blue Brigade.

Note – video added – 02.39AM on January 12, 2015

Latest comments

  • 7

    Rajapaksh regime had officials from the top to the lowest position haressing local and foreign women for sex, visitors, diplomats, journalists and interpreters who came in contact with these men. They were threatened to keep quiet. These men must be investigated not just the three young men.

  • 6

    There is enough and more evidences of dastardly acts acommitted by these bastards. It’s an insult on the hallowed institution “St.Thomas College, Mt.Lavinia”.

    The murder of the up and coming rugby player by Yositha must also be investigated and these rascals deserve the hangmans noose in public.

  • 3

    They raped so many Air Lanka Air hostesses and had sexual favours for giving employment for no qualifications

  • 2

    They will be covered by the present government. End the girls will tell they enjoyed it and what your problem.

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