19 September, 2024


Video: Anti-Muslim Assaults – Lump Of Flour Has Snowballed; Govt Balks At Full Disclosure On Situation

The Government should disclose fully what has taken place in Ampara, Teldeniya, Digana and other townships in the Kandy District, a former convener of the Free Media Movement told Colombo Telegraph.

‘This is essential in a climate where the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) has, upon the instructions of the President, blocked several social media platforms. This is naturally going to feed the rumor-mills and could make an already bad situation worse,’ he added.

Colombo Telegraph has received many reports of incidents where properties have been attacked and damaged as well as injuries to individuals, but is not in a position to verify the claims therein.

This situation is a result result of the Government not revealing the truth of that lump of flour in Ampara, i.e. the congealing of chickpea flour used to thicken the gravy. Even today Minister Rajitha Senaratne acted like a terrorist at the media conference to pertaining to Cabinet decisions without giving a direct answer. He should have said it is not a “Wnada pethth” (sterilising medicine), but a lump of flour, and until the report of the Government Analyst is issued nothing definite can be said. Why is there such a delay, though? He could have said something on this.

“The Police was there and received the lump of flour. It was after that that the shop was attacked. Then a mosque was attacked. Other places were attacked. At least the Prime Minister as the Minister of Law and Order spoke about the incident and acknowledged that the Police had not done its work properly in Ampara and therefore investigations had been handed over to the chief Police officer in Batticaloa. Senaratne didn’t mention even this. Even the other ministers present or even that Navy chief who assaulted a journalist and later was promoted as the Chief of Command have not said anything. Now it has snowballed. From the time the video about the lump of flour came into the hands of the Police no steps were taken to inform the public. Blocking Facebook and other social media is not the answer to this. This censorship should be condemned,” the former Convenor said.

Lump of flour -Police at Ampara Hotel Cassim: 

Cabinet press briefing:

Latest comments

  • 42

    GoTa, MaRa, and yellow robed Galaboda Gnanasiri criminal rapist should be immediately arrested for this sudden spate of violence against innocent Muslims. Three weeks ago, these three morons together with a few of their confidantes had secret meeting in Abayarama to plan and execute these attacks. Why Gon Sirisena and Ponna Ranil are still inactive and slow to arrest GoTa, Galabodaya, and Mara, and others to put an end to this inhumanity?

    • 23

      While we’re there, arrest Ranil and Maithri and Pujitha for being utterly incompetent and weak-spined cowards.

      This country should’ve elected Fonseka in 2010 to clean up all these racist scum and weak-willed sycophants. Too late now.

      • 7

        I totally agree with you. SF is the man to clean this up

      • 0

        So you want a SL Hitler to bring in peace to the country

    • 24

      Your idiocy shows.. in your desperation to blame people without proof!

      Let our people remember that the 1983 riots also happened under a UNP government and President who failed to act as miniorities were attacked..

      Seems like history is repeating itself again..

      • 0


        your idiocy shows because this time the president is a SLFP stalwart,not UNP.

    • 8

      India is behind these attacks on Muslims. Remember Gujarat 2001?

      How many sane people are left? It is ENOUGH now. Stop blaming Singhala people. Stop blaming Muslim people. All go to their houses and clam down. We don’t need this nonsense. It affects business and everyone.

      No one is going to kill, burn or poison anyone. Lets live as we lived until now.

      May Buddha, Allah (PBUH) and Jesus (PBUH) bless Srilanka and give their merciful grace to Srilankans to THINK.

      • 8

        Are you living in la la land, blame the racists instead of conveniently blaming India et al. What we are witnessing is pure jealousy and these buggers cannot do anything productively. Half of the country sold to China, they had to sell the remaining half to China if there is another civil war.

    • 5

      It is very obvious that Mahinda & Co are responsible for this crime. President Srisena should realise the truth and allow to take legal action against them

      • 2

        Very obvious??? How?? Pray- do tell?

        And also keep in mind that yahapalanaya has had 3 years to arrest the rogue monk who everyone puts responsibility on? What have they been doing thus far???

        Go on, we challenge your idiotic government to arrest the leaders of the BBS?? Are they scared??

        Responsibility for this situation lies SOLELY on the government on power. You may try to deny that to yourself, but that’s the absolute fact, and I think you know it too

        Get a life, or at least half a brain!

  • 12

    There is a strong belief that thugs from MR and Rambika groups are doing this all….

  • 5

    This Goverment Lab analysis of Amparai stuff should be stopped. The evidenced is not collected by police in proper order. Police did not vacate the mobs from the restaurant. Owner and the customer should participated in handing over the substance and a secure sealing procedure should have been followed. The evidences can be polluted and further it can be used against owner for devastate his restaurant licence. The purpose here is checking the matter if that is any kind medical or poisonous compound no approved for food.

  • 3

    kp : SF too falls into the same category………… Just go through the statements made by him when he was the Commander.

    Lankan 5: Your strong beliefs are mud slinging and tantamount to pure speculation.

    Scape goats “the police”…………. Could’nt we speak about viable solution?

  • 6

    Do not blame to Mr and gota for everything. This yapalana government well planed situvation . They want to stop polarity of Mr and gota. On the other hand no faith motion. Economic problems. Government want to divert attention to another direction. Mr never do this. He know this kind of incidents harmfull to them…..

  • 3

    Following Mahela Jeywardene’s twitter Kumar Sangakara also sends a message to all Sri Lankans.

    hope he tweeted in Sinhala also

  • 11

    I blame 03 groups for racism – politicians, Buddhist monks, and police. They feed off each other and would not blame each other. It’s time decent public should rise against them.

  • 8

    It s a good time for Sarath Fonseka to take control with an Army government to to clean the mess..

  • 2

    This is juist created crap. BS.

  • 1

    When there is suspicion that food is contaminated, surely there is a process to check, verify, inform the public. Public health inspectors can and should check restaurants and stores regularly. Why is this spillover with persons from outside coming into the community, threatening people, inciting riots? Surely the intelligence arms of the police are active and know about these persons, where they get their resources, who is supporting them. Political leaders know about these things because they dabble in them. OK close down social media, the government should provide a full public report of the effects of this closure – what were the purposes and what was achieved and what was not – unintended consequences for persons who have gotten used to communicate useful information, life and death information using social media – few but yet.. Review police, legal system, diligently prosecute all law breakers, from the BIG to the small in that order.

  • 3

    Incompetent politicians at the helm. It would have been better if MS resigned and handed over administration to somebody competent. All politicians are just talkers and stalkers.

  • 4

    The rumour that Lankan Muslims have in their possession a substance that can render a person infertile is a canard. This has caused considerable problems.
    The leaders may appear and jointly declare this. They will not!
    This is why we are permanently in square one.

  • 6

    So the Police had come on time to inquire about the substance. But, they were late when the mobs started attacks.
    Few educated Buddhists are simply jealousy of Muslims. Many social media comments prove it. I saw one news saying that the number of Vihara and mosque are almost same in Sri Lanka, although Muslims are a minority. Another one says in Puttalam Government hospital, 10 times higher number of Muslim children are born daily. They expect Muslims to stop building mosques, spend their money on liquor and drugs, stop reproduction and lead to a poor beggar’s life. I don’t think Muslims would accept that. So I think this attacks will continue until they burn out all Muslim properties. Both the President who is dreaming about second term with the help of MR, and the Prime Minister who is under pressure to protect bond scam friends, will not give their genuine thoughts to ending this once and for all. So Muslims, ensure your own safety. Move to Muslim majority villages or abroad. Or convert your mosques in to liquor-shops/spa cum brothels and lead to a Sri Lankan Buddhist style life.

  • 6

    Well let’s come clean. All this hatred we have in the country against our “sullu jaathikayo” (minorities) is because the minorities hands down work harder and control a larger stake of the economy in the country while the Arrakku and kassipu drinking, ganja smoking, heroin inhaling SINAHALAYA who y knows to sit on their butts and expect free sacks of wealth to drop at their feet is envious to see others or their own rising. Can the minorities be bribed to go attack innocent human beings for a free batth packet and bottle of Arrak?

  • 0

    Do not expect any solution from this boru yahapalana any more.
    These guys are just fake Sinhalese and fake Buddhists who never believed in real Buddhism.
    These guys are just playing racial bias game all the time as usual..
    That was why VP took up arms…and who knows who else will do the same and destroy any kind of peace..

    The Shit Lankan pakshayas will never ever accommodate Tamils or Muslims in anything except getting their votes to win the election.
    So just forget about reconciliation with Sinhala racist politicians and do something useful for your community.
    Majority of the Sinhala people are very friendly and understanding..but the racist selfish political perverts are spoiling everything for their own selfish interests.
    Do not irritate Muslims like the way all the governments did to Tamils…and create Prabakaran..
    You never know what will snow ball into…with this kind of continuous harassment of Muslims..

    The country is almost going bankrupt and begging other countries for funds ..selling lands to China…

    India is watching…be careful…

  • 0

    Today’s Daily Mirror.

    “The particles that were found in food at an eatery in Ampara, which was earlier rumoured to be sterilizing chemicals, were clumps of flour, the Government Analyst reported to Police.

    “They were contents of carbohydrates,” Government Analyst A. Weliangage said.

    Police sources said according to Government Analyst the particles could be considered as a made of carbohydrate.

    Earlier, a person who had ‘parata’ at the said eatery had circulated the incident in social media claiming that it was a sterilizing chemical, following which several violent incidents had taken place in the area. (Indika Ramanayake and Tharindu Jayawardena) “

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