9 February, 2025


Video: Defence Bureaucracy Disproportionately Influencing Domestic And Foreign Policy In Lanka: Dayan

Sri Lanka’s foreign policy in the post-war period parallels its domestic policy as well in the post war period, where a disproportionate amount of influence on policy by the defence bureaucracy, former Ambassador to France and Geneva Dr. Dayan Jayatillake told Boston News.

Secretary MOD Gotabaya Rajapaksa

Secretary MOD Gotabaya Rajapaksa

In the post war period, many public pronouncements on matters pertaining Sri Lanka’s external relations made by the top defence official in the country, he said.

Jayatillake said that the current Foreign Minister was not sufficiently autonomous to articulate Sri Lanka’s foreign policy in a manner that is not confined within the narrow confines of the defence bureaucracy.

“In almost no country do you find the Foreign Ministry being dictated to or functioning as a ventriloquist dummy of the Defence bureaucracy. But in Sri Lanka this has been the case in the post-war period. And this has led to a tremendous crisis,” he explained.

“Never did Lakshman Kadirgamar take his cue on matters of policy from the deputy defence minister, there was no role for the ministry of defence in the formulation of foreign policy or Sri Lanka’s conversations with the world,” he said.

Latest comments

  • 17

    Dayan has an axe to grind with Gota. It is on Gota’s instructions that Dayan was kicked out – twice.

    Dayan tried a fast one to get back at Gota leveraging Weliweraya – that back fired rather badly on many counts. Then he stayed calm hoping MR will give him some opportunity. That hope is vanishing rather rapidly. So, Dayan feels the need to re-open his accusations.

    Yes, certainly Gota and MR’s actions in the Forign Policy arena are indeed too big for their shoes – but it is Dayan who gave thenm that false courage and arrogance. So – weep now!

  • 4

    The turn of events after the GREAT victory of DJ at the UN was the
    Ch. 4 Documentary and not the so called Foreign Policy activities
    of the Regime is my belief.

    Just because it took 40 years to deal with South American and SE Asian
    crimes and that too locally, should the Tamil ethnic issue of over 60
    yrs. be taken up only as the current Regime wishes is a serious question.

  • 11

    In the interview Dayan provides all the justification Vigneswarn will need to call for the expulsion of the military bureaucracy from its current domination of civil administration in the North. Dayan quite rightly, and very expressly, confirms that the legitimate role and scope of defence bureaucracy should very, very narrow and limited.

    Vigneswaran owes a huge thanks to Dayan for confirming that the Defence bureaucracy is having far too wide and deep an incursion into policy that should be none of their business. If that is so in Colombo, and in all of Colombo’s offices all over the world, then it is no secret how much more domineering the Defence bureaucracy is in Northern Administration, where the whole province continues to remain under the military boot.

    Thank you Dayan – all Tamils join Vigneswaran in expressing our heartfelt appreciation in bringing this to global attention – and very well timed as well, given the upcoming knee-buckling “Geneva” !

  • 3

    What happened to Kadiragarmer?.

    It is a surprise to hear this sort of rubbish.

    Can’t you wait until the great majority of the inhabitants make at least quarter of the incomes that you lot make.to force them to follow your etiquette and Western ways?.

    Isn’t the LTTE still alive and well.

    Mr Rudrakumaran a card carrying member is the PM and is embedded with the US Govt.

    Reverend Emmanuel another card carrying member is the leader of the BTF, which guides Cameron’s Foreign Policy when it comes to Srilnaka.

    There is Ms Pillai working full time on Srilanka to please the Diaspora.

    Then we have the collaborators, UTFA, BASL,Fonseka, and last but not least the UNP Christian Faction,ready and willing to mobilize the poor, like in Venezuela.and Ukraine.

    If not for the Defence Sec and the loyal Armed Forces, our inhabitants , the great majority of them would have been rooted big time by now.

    • 4

      What about the biggest LTTE murderers KP, Pillayan, Karuna? Can you explain with whose blessings these war criminals are not only free but holding top political office with power and security????
      Answer the above question truthfully, without making false allegations against innocent Tamils and Christians to further divide this country.

    • 3

      @ Sumane

      “What happened to Kadiragarmer?.”

      You still don’t know?
      Well; Bogollogama squeezed his balls.

  • 11

    I never thought that this would happen. But DJ seem to have guts to go against country’s all unpredictable citizen. I am not a Dayan Fan, but finally he did it.. :)
    He is right saying that govt’s weakness in appointing all unskilled personnels have resulted in today ‘s situation.
    Decades ago, though MrS B was called as “Kitchen PM”. Nevertheless she was able to handle external affairs as no others did it since then.

    • 4

      “Kitchen PM”? Yes of course, she made nice Bathala with the peoples lives by starving them to bread queues and forcing them to cultivate bathala. That earned her the title Bathalawathy. But cant understand how she “was able to handle external affairs as no others did since then”.

      • 3

        I’ll tell you how.

        It was simply because of one reason. In managing foreign affairs (and given Mrs B’s lack of any experience or education whatsoever in the field), Mrs B was conscientious enough to solicit the advice of specialists on the subject. She appointed the best of properly trained career diplomats to key positions, and in the cabinet, surrounded herself with very well-educated, eminent folks. This made it easy for her to manage foreign affairs successfully. Also don’t forget, Mr B was incredibly lucky to benefit from the 56 generation (i.e. people who came of age/entered/finished university in the 1950s and early 1960s when the University of Ceylon was a high quality institution, and the medium of instruction in many of the prominent secondary schools was English. So all her diplomats could speak and write excellent English, and had very cosmopolitan and enlightened world views. Even the younger, junior diplomats under her rule were of the highly sophisticated calibre of Jayantha Dhanapala. It is through such people that she managed to manoeuvre the challenging field of foreign policy.

        In domestic politics, however, she played a cheap card of short-sighted policies, which had very negative consequences.

        • 1


          I agree with you.
          Some on this channel deliberatly attack MrsB and even are trying compare her talents with those of current idiots. Indians and Chinese still respect MrS B how she stood them by the indu chinese war related peace initiatives. Even today, Chinese respect MrsB and fruits of these relationship is plucked by Rajapakshes today, but partly Rajapskses are being bamboozeled by several banned chinese bank/cooperation. Latter proves the levels of cleverness of Raja admnistration. As I got some chinese bank loans the govt has entitled are not with lower 6% interests. So long they earn their commissions, they go on putting the burden on the poor folks making their unborn child to this day 0,3mio debted. These are the wisdom of Rajapakshe clans.

      • 4

        Mrs. B’s foreign relations were with equally rotten governing countries of that time. Remember in a house of 4 adults, only two pounds of bread was rationed and allowed; we drank tea with sugar, then red sugar, then jaggery, then sand mixed jaggery, and finally dates, all on ration; bale clothes, these were old torn worn clothes sent from various countries FOC and sold to the local poor for money via CWE – shame; dry fish meant only bombili. All this while she sent her children to the West for education, drank vine before her sumptious meals, owned more land than allowed while limiting ordinary citizens to 50 acres and many more. However her policies certainly was not racist like the present Rajapakse.

        • 4

          “””However her policies certainly was not racist…””” Correction: Mrs B remains part of a long chain of post-independence leaders who committed, by omission or commission, to the formation and rise of the LTTE.

      • 0

        Nari Sabry, the batala and mayyokka problem started with the Govt of Ceylon accepting the PL480 flour and making people addicted to wheat based foods. That started after the war.
        When USA decided to supply wheat to USSR, after their crop failed all the people who were addicted to wheat based products had to eat Batala and mayyokka. We were not the only people who suffered. One of the major loosers was Columbia.
        Mrs B’s policies were too strict, the problem was that without easing the restrictions JRJ destroyed all the infra structure that was there. Today we are paying for his dishonest deeds eg we are now paying for the closure of the Fertilizer factory, Rubber Tea and coconut industry where we were leading players in the world is now quietly dying.All parties since 1977 fragmented those lands and the country is paying. That is why we are now at the top of exporting women.Muslims are very protective towards their women folk, but visit Battaramulla on any working day and count the number of muslim women planning to go abroad as domestic slaves.

      • 1

        If Mrs B was that bad, what do you say about your muslim leaders of today – justice minister Hakeem ? The man who is the JUSTICE MINISTER but is only on JOY mode living on perks.

        Life of that that muslim girl -Rizana could have been saved if Justice minister paid whole hearted efforts.

        • 3

          Your Mrs B(Bathalawathy) was a darling. She took a whole nation of already deprived people down the socialist gardenpath and led them into the very bowels of misery and cultural oblivion while she and her family tasted the best wines of France and splurged themselves with the luxuries of the time. Heard of Marie Antoinette? Prince Andrew, where are you. We need another castle.

          • 2

            Truths on tsunami fund embesszlement is 10000000000000times real incidents that those purchases of castles by CBK. Believe or not those silent masses are well aware of the facts today that Rajapakshes are the born looters. They are trying to grab the power within the siblings. What qualifications has Basil got to lead the party above Maithipala sirisena today ? What qualifications have they got to allocate over 50% of the budget from 2014 ? So long idiotic ministers would nodd their heads, these marauraders go on ruining the nation.
            Believe me sooner or later, truth will succeed. That will be a reality.

          • 2

            VERY RECENTLY, Azwer was attacked being a katu kana ballah – bone licking dog of MR regime… is that true ? What are the reason him to support MR families rather than his own community ? This we many cant get it at all ? Can you please explain this to the CT readership ?

  • 3

    Dr. DJ is another among the intellects who do not have confidence in their intellect to stand on their own with clear principals and practices. They change their positions to ensure their own survival bargaining their intellect to political powerfuls and, in turn, the corrupt powerfuls use these intellects as when they want and throw them out when they are not needed. Another example is Dr. RW whose differing and contrdictory views are now rarely or not at all available to be read or heard. Fate is certaintly waiting to befall on the remaining intellects who dance to suit opportunistic political music.

    • 3

      Late Mr Kadirgamar war also intellect and knew how to achieve anything dip platforms – but his was not direct as DJ has been. DJ’slife is in danger if he would attack – cobra (GOTA) who may no mercy when it goes to revenge anyone. Just see the made destiny of SF today.. that proves everything.

      • 1

        Not only Kadirgamar, there were others too before him, diplomats like R. S. S. Gunawardena, Jayantha Dhanapala, etc. who knew their onions and stood on their grounds with self-confidence. Some of them just threw their positions when compelled to dance to the tunes of politicians. The country needs people of such calibre if our diplomatic process is to be shaped properly in the long term interest.

        • 2

          Yes, you are right.

          None of today´s leaders are near to any of late politicians and senior professionals. Mr Dhanapala is still there, but the bugger in power would have no agreement with Dhanapala´s experience. They are just idiots that see nothing beyond their maraud culture. This is a very sad situation for the future of the nation.

    • 0

      “””They change their positions to ensure their own survival””” – Careful Thambi, this sounds so much like ‘thambi’ge thoppiya bambuva vaage….’ and you are, of course, right.

      • 1

        One does not need to wear the ‘thambige thoppiya’ to change sides for survival. Have not seen that those who do not wear any ‘thoppiya’ too change sides too often for the same reason, but it is easly referred to ‘thambiyaas’ only forgtetting the others.

        • 1

          Lanka Muslim, UK

          Well said; This type of changing for their survival is often forgotten by the rest of them when THEY do it. However, it is called Sinhalayage Amudaya because it is like changing their Amude -the famous apparel associated with their breed and kind before they aped the indian lungi or sarong wearers. On another note, their Amude changing, even if done for their survival is done for the wrong reason, ignoring personal hygiene.

  • 2

    This is surprisingly candid and blunt from Dayan J.

    A few months back CT carried an article about Mahinda implying Dayan J was in the service of a foreign NGO, but for the most part Dayan has been supportive of GOSL so this is unusual.

  • 0

    A catholicity of views is what is needed when you have virtually the whole world ranged against you. But where Sri Lanka is concerned there is a bigger fight within our own team in Geneva than the common enemy.
    GLP and Mahinda S are at their throats. It is MR who brought this bout – in his own shrewd calculations to keep both against each other. They may not be even on speaking terms. There was no need for Mahinda S to be in the team even if a Minister is best to lead it. GLP is a senior Minister. Dayan J would have been useful in the team for more reasons than one.

    If we get a drubbing in Geneva that will be because of pettiness – not because we did not have the brains to meet the challenge. In the nature of things here DJ has now made a permanent enemy of the de facto
    leader of the armed forces and the country. Ancient Sinhala history is replete with internal squabbles within Royal families – of a serious nature.

    R. Varathan

    • 0

      “””A catholicity of views……” – Yes, I too couldn’t help being distracted by the sacrificial figure of Christ on the cross looking over Dr DJ as he delivered his words.

  • 0

    It is not the entire defence establishment but the actions of one man which is causing the problem. Even the Executive has no control over him.

  • 0

    All of you must understand that D J is a [Edited out]……. and that was one of the reasons for him to be side lined.

  • 3

    An excellent, well fussed and articulate analysis. He has fussed on the excessively intrusive role played by the defence ministry ( which is also coupled with the urban development ministry) in influencing government foreign policy, while only alluding to its all pervasive influence on internal policy decisions. The reference to Pakistanization of Sri Lankan defence affairs, is quite to the point. He has failed to emphasise that the President is also the defence minister and his brother is the defence secretary. In a democracy, the minister and in this instance the President, bears responsibility for the problems in the ministry he heads. How long can the seemingly ‘Teflon’ presidency of MR be ignored? Is he the puppet or the master puppeteer ?

    Dayan’s comments on the foeign ministry and the foreign minister are also quite accurate. He said what he had to, short of calling the present minister a spineless and unprincipled man, who will use his verbal and intellectual skills to defend even the most dastardly acts of his master. Such shenanigans obviously do not behoove someone whom Dayan refers to as the most educated person in the cabinet.

    What Dayan has failed to articulate are the failures of the government in not addressing the political concerns of the Tamils in the post- war period and even excercerbating the problems through ill-motivated and short sighted strategies. The impact of these failures on the external pressure this government faces today, has been as usual glossed over by Dayan.

    His knowledge of history and specific events is refreshing. However, he has failed to recognise in a world changing at an astronomical pace, the past has very little relevance to the present with reference to international relations and reactions. It is an entirely different game today, as very little can be hidden under of flurry of eloquence and subterfuge. The truth, which is facts, are available and accessible to anyone concerned to use as and when needed. Uncle Sam is omniscient and omnipotent, almost like the God we believe in! This is a big difference between the now and the past.

    Dayan, definitely is a brilliant man, who also has the capacity to call a spade a spade when he wants to.

    Dr. Rajasingham Narendran

    • 1

      Correction :

      —‘ well focused—-

      Dr, RN

    • 4


      Dayan is a [Edited out]. His reason for being against the resolution is that this was a civil war against a ruthless terrorist outfit and one which was conducted within the borders of SL. In fact, many countries had provided support to the SL regime to defeat the LTTE and the UNHRC resolution in 2009 even supported SL victory. What he conveniently bluffs is that the issue at hand is the way it decimated ruthlessly unarmed civilians after having herded them into its own designated no-fire-zones. Gotabaya is on record admitting the bombing of hospitals. Warring parties, in whatever form, have to observe international covenants. The SL regime stands accused of crimes and atrocities against unarmed civilians. In equal measure, the LTTE too had been taken to task for its atrocities. Almost all countries are happy that the LTTE has been done away with but the SL regime cannot use that as an excuse to decimate unarmed civilians in huge numbers.

      Dayan is a slime, nothing else, and his frustration is probably the gradual negation of his notorious win in UNHRC in 2009. He doesn’t talk of what the international outcry is all about. Incidentally, yoo too seem to conveniently forget why there is this outcry and condemnation?

      • 0


        Thanks. Let whatever process that is bound to evolve apportion blame and name the offenders. My position has been always that both protagonists have committed grave war crimes while fighting a brutal and no holds barred war.

        The LTTE had lost its moral high ground stupidly, in the course of its evolution and undermined grievously the Tamil cause in the process. Despite Dayan’s description that it was a civil war, I consider it a war between a ‘Dejure’ state and a ‘Defacto’ state. It was more than a civil war and had international dimensions. It was also a war precipitated by the LTTE, unmindful of the consequences to the people it wanted to liberate from the ‘ENEMY’. You may however disagree with me.

        My concerns have been more about the post-war situation and its implications for the future. Further, since I do not know Dayan personally, I will not draw conclusions on his character and motives. I comment only on his articles and oral presentations based on their content, especially regarding aspects that I consider relevant.

        Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

      • 0

        DJ refers and compares ours to other conflicts but fails to highlight that unlike those he quotes, the final years of the GOSL-LTTE ‘war’ was conducted under the glare of modern paraphernalia that told the story unlike any other. The GOSL hoped that the final phases of the ‘war’ would be without witnesses (especially foreign media) but they did not bargain for the power of the mobile phone – even within our own forces. Within minutes, evidence was available in most every town and city of Sri Lanka, and, to all interested, overseas. Another telling factor was the large influxes of Tamil refugees, since the eighties, not simply to neighbouring India, but in the capitals of the west. This internationalised the conflict and made these countries sit up and take notice, and start asking questions. DJ was lucky in 2009 that he had some credit with UN colleagues who gave him the benefit of any doubt in his representations. But the evidence began to pile up, and the defensive shutters went up as the unprepared regime went into denial.

    • 3

      An Excellent analysis? My foot!

      Narendran – can you tell us one thing you learned from the interview that you didn’t already know?

      You are so gullible to these “godayata magic’s,” not unlike when you swallowed bait, hook and sinker when they offered you “summa” royal-hospitality in turn for carrying their stories back to the Diaspora and you thought that MR was the best and most fair and effective leader for the country. I am glad you’ve seen some long-delayed light on that front.

      Do you really think that Dayan is newly enlightened about the defense establishment’s gross over-reach in administration? Why did Dayan not write about the over-reach not only in civil, administrative and legislative functions but even in commerce, health, education, interior, and what-have-you. Do you think Dayan’s “glossing over,” as you chose to characterize, was inadvertent?

      Dayan is just furious that his prospects of diplomatic employment were totally derailed by Gota – and so that is all Dayan is after.

      Yes, Dayan was focused – just focused on trying to get himself “some” job in the foreign ministry or diplomatic circle. Nothing more!
      His analysis is not even modestly intellectual, academic, objective or fair-minded – and you think it was “excellent”? How much more naïve can you get?

      • 1

        Read you comment above and the appreciation you express in an interpretation that suits your own objectives.


        • 2


          Your response is just another usual sly, wimpy withdrawal.

          Can you honestly answer even the simplest question that I repeat “can you tell us one thing you learned from the interview that you didn’t already know?.”

          If the article is even worthy of brushing against the most distant boundaries of what may be classified as “excellence”, you must surely have learned something new from it – right?

      • 1

        I wouldn’t be so harsh on Dr RN’s take. Dr DJ mimics a peacock in resplendent pose – but sadly, the one he hopes is watching, is not. I agree with you that DJ dearly wishes to be back in the centre of action. What some of us might know, and that which DJ doesn’t, is that he is still some way off getting back into that cherished inner circle that would lend credibility to his increasingly rambling musings on the way things were, and his glorious Geneva of 2009. It would be unwise to say ‘never’ in politics, by DJ’s chances of a comeback anytime soon are, as some would say, only over Gota’s dead body.

  • 0

    dayan earlier mildly praised the sajin – weeratunga mission to DC, hoping to join the bus to Geneva later. He seems bitter now, as he has not been included in our motley crew. SLG who has emerged again from the woodwork has a better chance.

    • 1

      Dayan now says that Sajin is not even a basic degree holder, but he praises Sajith premadasa should be the leader of UNP – as everyone is clear Sajith has no political maturity to lead to neck and neck Ranil wickramasinge. This is where I am compelled to feel that DJ´s points are though sometimes relevant but most of the time oxymoronic.
      May be as some other commentators to this thread make it clear, he dreamt of getting appointed to represent the country in Genevia this time, but that ended up sending him ignored by his beloved darling MR, whom DJ passes the words very cautiously most of the time, but against his regime.
      Incongruous views back and forth are becoming common in the few monoths whatever DJ came with. Anyway, I really dont know what this man intends .. this time.

  • 1

    GLP has become an Emeritus Puppet in the Cabinet. He prepared to give the lead Mahinda Samarasinghe, Sajin Wass G, Dayan J, or to any puppet like him. He is not only a puppet, but he is puppet cum parrot.

    • 1

      Why that man is made that low level being associated with rascals is the question many academics pose today ?

  • 4

    I agree with DJ on this one. But he is having a go at Gota and but not identifying the biggest failure of leadership, Mahinda.

    Perhaps DJ is expecting an appointment?

    There is consistent failure in leadership in Sri Lanka, period.

    Gota and Mahinda are pandering to tribalism, just like Prabakaran and Tamil fascism.

    DJ is criticising bad fruits, when the tree itself is rotten.

    • 3

      Of course he is looking for an appointment ! Maybe even aiming higher than the Geneva role and maybe even the ministry?

    • 0

      This is very right.

      DJ criticises GOTA.

      DJ makes it publicly that he sees nothing wrong in Mahinda.

      Who is who ?

      DJ repeatedly advocates MR is right….

      GLP is wrong, and he himself calling as a political analyst /senior diplomat, has been doing this back and forth. Why ?

      People are confused – who to trust here ?

      If MR appointed DJ again for Geneva, Newyork or any other desitnations, the colours of DJ´s analysis would be honey words towards Mahinda and not even a single word would be against on GOTA either.

      D-A-Y-A-N J-A-Y-A-T-H-I-L-A-K-E <— what kind of primate ?

      • 0

        the colours of DJ´s analysis would have been honey words towards Mahinda and not even a single word would be against on GOTA either

  • 0

    It is time Dayan J sees a psychiatrist. He did what
    he is quite good at – bumming away everyone in the
    government until he went to Geneva. He heaped paens
    of praise on Defence Secretary (or Minister) Gotabaya
    Rajapaksa. In the recent months like the camel he tried
    to put his head into the Geneva delegation. All has
    misfired. So Dayan has begun barking at Gota now. I am
    NO NO fan of Gota. But cheap buggers like Dayan once ate
    out of his hand. Now he is biting it. This is the saga of so called intellectuals in Sri Lanka. No wonder we are on the fast track to pariah nation status.

    • 0

      Self proclaimed guys of DJ sort would always leave only inco.
      Anyway, I am not against that he has been adding the truth this time.

      No doubts masses would agree with him the fact that EA of the country has not autonomous power to react the way as Late Kadirgamar had been.

      It is a shame that a scholar of GLP´s calibre to just neglect this level of Rajapkshe interfernece in crucial issues such as keeping the diplo ties intact, studying and considering today´s relevance.

  • 1

    Dayan invented an “external threat” to sri lanka,after the war ended,through the north – to justify the army occupation of,and the militarised regime in, the north.
    He knows/knew that if tamils were left alone to manage their affairs without interference from the military, controlled by the Governor,they will achieve some measure of prosperity.
    Now he says that military decides/influences foreign policy,but fails to realise that militarisation of the state began with the nothern occupation which the southerners accepted as necessary,until same was imposed in the south,but not as obviously as in the north.
    Now,the “police state” has come to stay – recent ‘white van’ style abduction of the Wanathamulla activist,shows.

  • 2

    UN Resolution is not about the armed forces killing the LTTE members, its about killing the civilians who were asked to come into the no fire zone. DJ is trying to twist the issue again. He is like a monkey jumping from one branch to another. He has no self respect.

  • 1

    Dayan Jayatilleke’s strategy in the past several months
    had only one single objective – the more he shouted at
    his lord and masters Mahinda R and Gothabaya R, he would
    be given a position. The reason? He believed that would
    been seen by Rajapaksas as silencing him. However, this
    time it has misfired.

    DJ got around some old fogeys – leftist Ministers like
    Vasudeva Nanayakkara, DEW Gunasekera, etc and India lovers
    like Navin Dissanayake and put the fright into them. He
    said there should be measures to ward off sanctions against
    Sri Lanka. Here again, the idea was to work up Rajapaksa
    and force him to appoint a team to counter sanctions. Hey
    presto, Dayan thought, he would be the automatic choice
    to handle issue. That has also misfired.

    He sent several emissaries to MR to have him accommodated
    in the Sri Lanka delegation to Geneva. “Okaya langatavath
    ganna epa,” was Rajapaksa’s reply.

    • 0

      His behaviour to that point of time Premadasa governd : helping premadasa regime. On this interview he did mention Tamarak to be one his friends. But how come TK was against Premadasa then while DJ was supportive to Prem? And to that time, Rajapakshe himself went to GENEVA to protest against HR violations against Premadasa´s regime. Until lately, both DJ and TK together defended MR´s HR violations. Even DJ lied all tones of lies in 2009 to beg another 5 years to improve HR in the country. All in all, many would see, how consistent DJ has been back and forth. His brain should be kept as a hard disc on lanken museum if he would be the next political assasination would be perpetrated by MR regime in the coming days.

    • 0

      Leaving him aside, why not the bugger MR seems to have no vision to appoint other seniors intending a better future for the nation ? Is that because leapord cant change their spots ? I truly believe MR is not a good leader for lanken future.

  • 0

    By the way, I happened to watch Gotabaya was sitting next to former President Premadasa wife in Ales´alms giving ceremony yestreday. How come that she made close ties with megalomaniac oligarchs. Premadasa junior is underway of changing positions ?

    • 2

      It only means one thing. Hema being jealous of the ever-young looking Rosy has found a new love for herself.

      • 0

        Those were the vomiting days of country´s history that Hema´s howling was broadcasted through lanken radio and people were forced to wake up by it then.
        Anyway, since I left the country, I only knew that Premadasa was exploded as nothing was remained for the identity of his face. Recalling the cruel days how they burnt down my batchmates then sending their fathers life long mad not seeing any justice for those inhuman acts.

        There is something common with Hema´s person and those of Rajapaskshe (Shirani or any other wives are not educated- cant be forward enough to represent the nation).

  • 0

    DJ says correct, analyzing the past No Quality in SL No Quality in President, PM, Ministries and cabinet, all gone to the DOG. SL is losing no wonders high diplomatic missions all representing Thugs and Drug dealers MR hoping to lead SL as a king. Sadu Sadu Saaa

  • 0

    DJ forgets facts. It is not always the work of slich foreign office men.

    One must remember the cyclonic change that took place in Mrs B’s government following ’71 JVP insurrection. In that situation Mrs B Felix R Dias sought assistance from US and that was the reason for warming of relationship with US. For example Indonesian slaughtered millions following the US engineered coup in the late 60s, but that did not incur the wrath of US as the poor Chinese folks of Indonesia did not have lobbies in the West like the LTTE have today.

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