Whats the point sir, you let him off the hook by giving a biased ruling then. Wasn’t that against the law? You and Mangala who sat on the same stage today created this monster with your wrong decisions. Today you are asking the people to help you get him out when you could have legally done it longtime ago for the people.
Native Vedda/November 12, 2014
This bugger is positioning himself to be the next common candidate, desperately wants the job, will cover up all past corruptions, bury old files, protect the clan, criminals both common and war will support his candidacy, its a revolving door, …………….. everything will be hunky dory.
Rajash/November 12, 2014
Hitting whom hard? The Regime?
They will hit back with STF and Water Cannons and Tear Gas and tell the Sinhala modayas that there is a foreign consipracy togehter with the LTTE diaspora to destabilise the country.
vishvajith/November 12, 2014
What’s the bloody point Sir. You are whining about the abuse of power by the President. Do you really think, abolishing the Presidential System will solve our nations ills ? Good luck with that. It is our glorious democracy that has led us to the socio-political mess we are in. For a start, the day we decide to treat our Tamil brothers and Sisters with respect and dignity, then we would have turned the corner. Until then, let’s enjoy the goodies of our mighty democracy.
On a side note, I wonder what our Tamil Brothers n Sisters are thinking. Vote for anybody and have nothing to gain or vote for nobody and nothing to gain.
Sun/November 12, 2014
fINALLY he delivered it.
It is a great speech. People of this country must chase MR away. Then only we can start even thinking about HUMAN RIGHTS of this island nation.
Former CJ makes very clear that the days given to decide for it is not even a half day since a weekend and a public holiday were in between. They dont care about anything else, but taking the law to his hand ballige putha feels that he could lead this nation. THis man MR is a THIEF and highly abusive person by the words of former CJ.
Peopel should feel as to why FORMER CJs come to that level to attack the current president to this manner.
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Punitham / November 12, 2014
Translation into English please.
Pot Shot / November 12, 2014
Whats the point sir, you let him off the hook by giving a biased ruling then. Wasn’t that against the law? You and Mangala who sat on the same stage today created this monster with your wrong decisions. Today you are asking the people to help you get him out when you could have legally done it longtime ago for the people.
Native Vedda / November 12, 2014
This bugger is positioning himself to be the next common candidate, desperately wants the job, will cover up all past corruptions, bury old files, protect the clan, criminals both common and war will support his candidacy, its a revolving door, …………….. everything will be hunky dory.
Rajash / November 12, 2014
Hitting whom hard? The Regime?
They will hit back with STF and Water Cannons and Tear Gas and tell the Sinhala modayas that there is a foreign consipracy togehter with the LTTE diaspora to destabilise the country.
vishvajith / November 12, 2014
What’s the bloody point Sir. You are whining about the abuse of power by the President. Do you really think, abolishing the Presidential System will solve our nations ills ? Good luck with that. It is our glorious democracy that has led us to the socio-political mess we are in. For a start, the day we decide to treat our Tamil brothers and Sisters with respect and dignity, then we would have turned the corner. Until then, let’s enjoy the goodies of our mighty democracy.
On a side note, I wonder what our Tamil Brothers n Sisters are thinking. Vote for anybody and have nothing to gain or vote for nobody and nothing to gain.
Sun / November 12, 2014
fINALLY he delivered it.
It is a great speech. People of this country must chase MR away. Then only we can start even thinking about HUMAN RIGHTS of this island nation.
Former CJ makes very clear that the days given to decide for it is not even a half day since a weekend and a public holiday were in between. They dont care about anything else, but taking the law to his hand ballige putha feels that he could lead this nation. THis man MR is a THIEF and highly abusive person by the words of former CJ.
Peopel should feel as to why FORMER CJs come to that level to attack the current president to this manner.