19 January, 2025


Video: How Sri Lanka Has Now Become Part Of The ‘ Commercial Empire Of China’

How Sri Lanka has now become part of the ‘ Commercial Empire of China’  and India is encircled with Chinese ports which will be dominating the shipping routes  in the Indian Ocean.
Stratfor’s Chief Geopolitical Analyst Robert D. Kaplan discusses Chinese port expansion in the northern Indian Ocean, including the opening of a $1.5 billion port in Sri Lanka that was constructed and largely financed by the Chinese.

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  • 7

    Sri Lanka is broke and going for second bailout from the IMF in 3 years, despite the $5 Billion dollars of commercial loans they have taken in the last few years.

    Just a few days ago they borrowed via bonds a billion dollars to pay interests and maturing loans for 2012.


    Kaplan is wrong saying China giving aid to Sri Lanka. It is construction loans at 8%, and total $3 Billion in loans so far in the last 3-4 years mainly on lucrative contracts where there was no tender.

    They also sold 180 Railway engines last week, probably on generous loans at high interest and profits for the “rolling stock” manufacturer.

    Foreign navies have used our ports in Colombo and Trincomalee for the past 64 years, and the French Navy carrier was in Trinco just a few days ago. So does the Russians and India. Kaplan is a fear monger, and China has the right to expand in Asia because it is it’s own continent, and more importantly a growing world economic power. It lends huge amounts to the US itself at very low interest.

  • 1

    Ever Since you British got your butts kicked in their from the US you are smarting that your empire over which the sun never set , now it hardly rises.You are green with envy that other countries , former colonies are doing better than you parasites. time you got ride of the number one parasite living in that big white prison, what you toadies call the Buckingham palace & her public nude brat. you will be nothing but slaves.
    So just suck it up & accept the fact that you are no longer great, but puny.

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