8 September, 2024


Video Of Sinhala Police Officer Using Racially Motivated Language At An Elderly Jaffna Woman Goes Viral

A video showing a senior Sinhala police officer using racially motivated and disrespectful language at an elderly Jaffna Tamil woman is going viral on Facebook. 

Police JaffnaThe incident took place in Jaffna during the protest against the rape and murder of a schoolgirl.

The recording captures phrases like ‘You should make sure that your men behave’ (thamuselage pirimi hadāganna ōne thamusela). The police officer then threatened to the person who was recording to stop recording. 

The protest and hartal took a violent turn in Jaffna on 20th May, with crowds stoning the Jaffna courthouse and burning tyres. 130 suspects arrested on charges of unlawful assembly and the stoning the Jaffna Courts Complex were yesterday remanded by the Jaffna Magistrate.

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  • 44

    This video proves to MR and JHU where racial slur begins. This cop has no business to threaten somebody recording it. Further he has no business to address this old lady with racial overtones. He has to be investigated.

    Racial slur from either side of the divide must be dealt with severely.

    • 32

      ‘thamuselage pirimi hadāganna ōne thamusela’ WHAT IS THE RACIALLY MOTIVATED SLUR THERE?????? CAN ANYONE PLEASE HELP WITH MY SINHALA AS I AM SURE ITS NOT AS IT IS COMPARED TO ‘ Colombo telegraph’ BAd Policeing is not Racially motivated as CMB Telegraph is trying to twist and be creatvive with this news. We have seen BAd Police Using Filth around the nation. We have seen them do worse. Thats why the SL Police is hated around the nation. BUT to take this and use it out of Context is the usual tricks of the CMB Telegraph.

      • 39

        I listened to this video several times. There is no racial slur in the words used. The lady in question is also speaking in Snhala. What the police officer was saying was that the men should be brought up better. He is right. I would say the same a thousand times, witnessing their general attitude towards females as sex objects only. Further,some Sinnhalese take offence at the word ‘Thamuse’ now, although it was much in use in earlier times.

        “Much ado about nothing!”

        Dr.Rajasingham Narendran

        • 24

          You have to improve your Sinhalese before makings comment like this. Listen to it again, this foolish Gov police man loudly says it is not his responsibility to maintain law & order in Tamil areas. That fool think it is Tamil mothers responsibility. All the murders & rapes in Sinhala areas should be Sinhala mother’s responsibility????

          • 13


            “All the murders & rapes in Sinhala areas should be Sinhala mother’s responsibility????”

            Of course its their mothers’ responsibility. They should have fitted their male children with Chastity belts and kept the keys away from them.

            As you know irrespective of race, religion, region men’s willy works faster than their brain.

            • 4

              A comment in bad taste, however true, in a horrendous situation.

              Sengodan. M

            • 4

              This time I agree with you!

              • 3


                “This time I agree with you!”

                Please don’t.

                Have I said something wrong?

                • 2

                  99% of the time you make irrelevant and wrong comments.

          • 12

            the police officer does not say that. You appear not know any sinhala.

          • 4

            Thank you Alahakoon for explaining this simple message to this stupid man who couldn’t understand this clear ducking of responsibility by a racist police man.

            • 4


              Its very cleat to every one. People like u follow will listen to any gosip and follow rather than TRUST YOUR OWN EYES and BRAINS. IT IS VERY CLEAR THER IS NO RACIAL SLUR. To try and USE Very BAd ploice methods which is practiced around the nation and to Call it RACIAL is worse than than the police act. Colombo Telegraph which goest in some occasions to show if IP address cannot access its webiste,(cant find a sinhala person to translate) in most of its news items are creative. It Cherry Picks News from SL to show and then twist the Real Narrative. Only People who are Ignorant.

          • 20

            Aka hakim,
            You are wrong. What the police officer said was that it is not their responsibility to rear (hatbanda),your men (Pirimi). He was not talking about law and order.

            Let’s stop making mountains out of mole hills and interpreting words beyond what they mean. I know the police are capable of using obnoxious and insulting words. However, in this instance this officer was not. I can see he was trying very hard to restrain himself.


            • 9

              This Vet Doctor cannot understand Sinhala or since the bugger is living in Jaffna trying tom play smart.

              This police officer says “Your men”/in this context your men means “Tamil men” !

              That is racism.

              • 4

                Gunasekere DJ

                “That is racism.”

                Would you have been happy, if the Officer said, the Men? Your Men, Tamul Men, after All were brought up by their parents, and the police officer had no part in it.

                Both the Officer and the Old Lady knew it was Tamil men.

                So, the problem is with the Tamil Men and their parents who brought them up.

              • 2

                Dear Gunasekere DJ,

                You wrote “This Vet Doctor cannot understand Sinhala or since the bugger is living in Jaffna trying tom play smart. This police officer says “Your men”/in this context your men means “Tamil men” ! That is racism”

                It looks like you are the one ignorant of Sinhala not the Tamil gentleman, Dr Rajasingham Narendran. This makes me doubt your ethnicity though you are using a Sinhala name.

                The police officer says “your men must be brought up by you all not by the police” (from 10 sec to 13 sec)

                Where is the alleged Racism?

                It appears that this Old Tamil Lady was used as a Cat’s Paw by interested parties. Even the cameraperson has been hiding behind the woman wearing the checkered black and white saree.

                “Mr Gunasekere DJ” your true ethnicity is peeping ……?

                You have been rebutted in the following comment too.


                Kind Regards,

            • 3

              The above comment is addressed to Alahakoon. Sorry for error .


            • 2

              I just thought whether this police officer will have the courage to say this to the hordes of Prominent politician’s or their mothers, or spouses from the South who are running amok, misbehaving, involved in murder,rape and in every vice in this planet.

              Think dispassionately about this! How many of those culprits are roaming around committing more crimes.

            • 8

              Guys lets think logically here

              What is the old lady protesting about?
              She is protesting because a young girl has been murdered after being raped, right?
              Why does she have to demand justice from the police? If the police had done their job would the lady have to stand there? Ofcourse not.
              So the police didn’t do their job. Then what moral justification do the have to say that the crime was committed by a person of the same race? There is no relevance at all.
              A crime has been committed, police have to act, instead of standing there and talking to people insultingly.
              Mind you this is the second time. In a country where there is truth and justice this guys ass would be chewed raw by the law.
              Sadly even most people who are commenting are either used to the idea of being trampled by police or are clueless about ones rights as a citizen.

          • 2

            You are a moron. Why? the Cop did not say anything about law and order. What he said was ‘thamuselage pirimi hadāganna ōne thamusela’ meaning you are responsible for how you bring up your boys/men.
            What would you write here if these Cops try to discipline all Tamil males on law and order? Will it be Human rights violations, gov. terrorism against Tamils, tormenting Tamils or psychological genocide????

          • 2

            Dear Alahakoon,

            You don’t seem to understand Sinhala.
            Are you really a Sinhalese?

            You told Dr RN “You have to improve your Sinhalese before makings comment like this. Listen to it again, this foolish Gov police man loudly says it is not his responsibility to maintain law & order in Tamil areas. That fool think it is Tamil mothers responsibility. All the murders & rapes in Sinhala areas should be Sinhala mother’s responsibility????”

            I think you should take your own advice to heart and listen to the clip again and again. Better if you get the help of an obliging Sinhalese.

            You are Lying, the Policeman did not say what you claim he did.

            The comment at this link will give more details of your untruthfulness.


            Kind Regards,

        • 5

          And you hold the title of a doctor? CT is not where question should be answered. Why don’t you go back to school and learn about racism. Or you could speak to my gardener and he will explain you about racism.

          Stop kidding the people here. And mind you, if you continue to capitalise on the incident of gang rape and murder of an innocent young girl probably you will be demonized just like Dayan and will be discarded like a dirty piece of rag.

          • 9

            Gunasekera and japwatch,

            Koheda Yanne? Malley Pol.


          • 4


            please tell us about the Racist worlds USED on the clip???


            • 3


              Shall I give you the short explanation of just one word used on the clip? ‘ thamuselage’. In this context refers to your people. Who does the policeman refer to as your people? The lady’s relatives? No. This concept of your people and our people- who do they mean?

              The lady is responding to the policemen who is appointed to carry out his duty of protecting and safe guarding the people of this region. The policeman is just supposed to do his duty towards a citizen. No where in his employment contract says that he should distinguish between ‘ your people and our people’. Just mentioning the word your people, he has implicitly referred to our people.

              Note that the word thamuselage is rather derogatory word to use in his line of duty. If you replace that word with a refined word even, that is discriminatory.

              Should we discuss this in detail? Not necessary. A full explanation of the conversation is given by a number of people on this thread. Just refer to that please.

        • 16

          Dr. Narendran,

          As someone who is broadly in agreement with your comments on this forum generally, I was surprised at this response. There are multiple issues here that need unpacking which you have completely glossed over:

          1) The policeman is clearly blaming the Tamil community (implicitly Tamil `mothers’) for the alleged rapes rather than conceptualizing the crime as a legal issue that they — the police — need to resolve through proper investigation and litigation.

          “Mona pirimida?” the cop asks, making the woman respond “ape pirimi” (implicitly, our Tamil men) – but why should it matter whether the perpetrators were Sinhala or Tamil or anything else? The appropriate response by the cop should have been something along the lines of “we understand your frustration about this terrible crime. We will investigate the matter and charge whoever is responsible according the the law”).

          2) The police officer blames the Tamil people (implicitly Tamil women/mothers) for not properly raising their `men’. “thamuselage pirimi hadaaganna one thamusela – api nemei ne?”. The Othering that takes place here through the use of “us” vs “you” language thus evokes ethnicity while absolving the police of their task of investigating the crimes regardless. If this was in a `Sinhala’ context, the policman would not have used the phrase “thamuselage pirimi” when addressing a (Sinhala) woman. The most frightful thing implied here is that Tamil women cannot rely on the police for justice as it is presented NOT as a criminal matter but as an issue pertaining to Tamil men for which, apparently, Tamil women/mothers are to blame.

          3) The word `thamuse’ is crass and unacceptable. “Ogollo” or “Ogollang” should have been used – or better still, the honorifics “obathumiya” or “nona”.

          4) It is truly repulsive that a police officer to say “thamuselage lamayintath oka wenna puluwang ogollange pirimi ohoma vunoth” (tr: even your (Tamil) daughters could be raped if your (Tamil) men behave in this way). I will not even begin to explore here how deeply problematic this statement is in its utterance as a threat on one hand, and its evocation of ethnicity and patriarchal gender roles on the other.

          5) In asking the protestors to leave, the police officer is refusing their right to peaceful protest.

          6) In demanding that the video camera to be switched off, the police office is negating the fundamental right of that person to electronically capture an encounter that occured in a public space.

          7) The entire discourse is in Sinhala illustrating the hegemony of Sinhala (language) and Sinhalas (people) in positions of power and authority — even in areas where Tamils form a numerical majority.

          8) If such an exchange were to happen in my adopted country of Canada, the police officer would have been severely reprimanded.

          On days like today, I begin to wonder if what we have is sathvapaalanaya rather than yahapaalanaya.

          • 12


            The Tamil community has serious issues bedevilling it. Dr. days Somasunderam has highlighted this today in an interview with an Indian newspaper. Sexual perversity, alcoholism and drug addiction are rampant. Violence and uncivilised behaviour are at levels never seen before. Some call this post- war stress syndrome. If so, it is pathological,though war-related. The Police Officer was right in holding the Tamil community ( the Thamuselage- you all) responsible for correcting a very calamitous situation. The Tamil community must do some soul searching and find ways to reverse course on how it is shaping its younger generation. The police officer is absolutely right.

            Let us not try to hide a whole pumpkin in a plate of rice!l let us call a spade a spade, even if it is unpleasant to hear.


            • 8

              Dr RN,

              “The Tamil community has serious issues bedevilling it. Dr. days Somasunderam has highlighted this today in an interview with an Indian newspaper. Sexual perversity, alcoholism and drug addiction are rampant. Violence and uncivilised behaviour are at levels never seen before. Some call this post- war stress syndrome. If so, it is pathological,though war-related.”

              I agree with you and Dr Somasunderam. Do you have a link to the interview?

              “The Police Officer was right in holding the Tamil community ( the Thamuselage- you all) responsible for correcting a very calamitous situation. The Tamil community must do some soul searching and find ways to reverse course on how it is shaping its younger generation. The police officer is absolutely right.”

              We have to do more to help ourselves. A good start is to admit the problems we have instead of hiding them. In addition to self help the police also has to be developed. More police from the minorities, better language skills in Tamil and English and better education and discipline are needed.

            • 6

              Dr. RN,

              The vices you have mentioned–sexual perversity, alcoholism and drug addiction–are neither Tamil issues nor Sinhala issues. They bedevil all of humanity, although with different causes and consequences. Our political leaders (Sinhala and Tamil) are prone to these vices and I can assure you they will not be doing any soul searching to rectify their behaviour.

              So if one sees these issues as pathological – a consequence of PTSD – then deal with them through biomedicine and mental health improvement initiatives. If one sees these as traits emergent consequent to complex sociocultural, economic and political factors, then let us resolve them through education and culture change.

              Under no circumstances can Tamil mothers be held culpable–as this ethnocentric police officer did–for rape and murder.

              Dr. B

            • 3

              You play a racist here, you only think betterment of your Tamil community. This Tamil lady even though she doesn’t look like have done lot of schooling or call herself “Dr”, she talk like noble and wise women who seeks justice irrespective of ethnic identity of offenders. This foolish policeman doesn’t show any wiseness or even respect to the old lady who pay the salaries of the police. I want this police office be better “gentlemen and officer”, even wiser than average citizen like this matured lady. You seems to be don’t care, is this because this policeman is Sinhalese?

              Rajasingham, logically if you call yourself “Dr” in public forum, you have to call all others “Mahatha” or “Mahathmiya”.. or Mr/Ms.. Example “Hakim Mahatha”…. just my logic, I don’t care what you call yourself.

              • 4


                I am commenting on issues confronting the north and the people living there, who happen to be most;ly Tamils. I am also talking about where I live. I can also speak speak’ Sulu Sinhala’ fluently and can understand nuances. What has this got to do with a Ph.D? Why bring in unrelated, unwarranted and absolutely irrelevant isuues into this discussion.

                Please do not lose your objectivity or cool while discussing/debating public issues.

                I have to remind you of what Hillary Clinton said some time back, but not in the exact words, ‘ It takes a woman to make a village’. It is mothers who have to play a major role in shaping society. It is the Tamil mothers who have to reshape Tamil society. It will take the efforts of all mothers in Sri Lanka to make a more civilized Sri Lanka. It is the efforts of mothers and grand mothers in the north, that keeps hearths burning in a majority of homes. It is their sacrifice that is keeping the next generation alive and going to school. However, they lack the education and vision to take steps to reshape a war battered and cuturally debased society. A visionary political leadership has to guide and help to mobilize society towards the desired goals, using the ‘Mother force’ as the instrument. This is new war that has to be declared and won. Mob violence and vigilantism are not the solution.

                I am glad the lady concerned was fluent in Sinhala and bold to speak to the police officer. However, this is not the norm in Jaffna. She is an exception. Although what she said is true, a relevant question would be, how she happened to be in the crowd near the court house, which by all accouts was mobilized by some political elements. Further, how was the video camera where it was at that time?


          • 6

            The headline is cheap provocation. Not good journalism. So they should take the next step as their slogan suggests:
            In Journalism, Truth is a Process.

            (Will hey publish this?)

          • 4


            Spot on and well said. People who have commented here do not understand the subtle references which you have clearly pointed out in your comment.

            Just in case this situation had taken place in a Sinhala area would the cop have spoken to the lady like that? I think not. He comes out as polite but in actuality is making references which he would otherwise not have made if it was a Sinhalese. I say this as a Sinhalese because I have a low tolerance level for any community that tries to bring down another community big or small.

        • 5

          Mr. Rajasingam, I know u r quite old and losing ur brain power to think and analyse. What we could get his conversation.
          Police officer is telling we didn’t rape ur guys (Tamils) rape the girl, by telling that he showed his attitude and mentality about tamils and also he proves he represent Sinhala plice officer, not the officer for nation.
          And “navathapang” is a decent word Mr. Rajasingam???

        • 8

          Thamunnanse is better. But the Sinhala language now elevates itself to addressing one in some respect as obathuma. I don’t think the Police officer committed an offence or slight. Let us not make a mountain off a molehill.

          It is learnt the offending rapist could have been one of Devananda’s men – that one-time Minister who disgraced the Tamils by getting into the comfort-women business – merely for his political survival.


        • 3

          “What the police officer was saying was that the “men should be brought up better” “

          Is the police officer saying this in the context of the protest or in the context of the rape?

        • 3

          “Much ado about nothing!”

          No it’s not. ‘Thamuse’ is not a respectable Sinhala
          in the first place. To address someone respectfully
          by a public servant , there are respectable words
          and I hope you know them. And the old lady was, to
          her age, very diplomatic but was this cop ? All
          this cop had to do was, engaging in crisis management
          to calm down the situation with soothing words and
          not trying to pin point that the criminals were non
          other than your own men ! Was that the issue or
          remedy at the time ?

        • 2

          Your politeness is much appreciated Doc. How ever this kind of behaviour is not shown only by policemen but in every section of the society .I don’t know how to explain this further . Look at some of our doctors , teachers . Public servants and how they talk to their clients .I believe only the private sector from this . This is a reflection of breakdown of our values and not many are polite and considerate in our society any more.
          Few issues arise from this clip
          1) Why did this respected lady could not communicate in Tamil ( in her own area)
          Hasn’t that fuelled the frustration more.

          2) The ignorance of this policemen . He has a duty to fulfil .Of course he acted with responsibility and restraint and must bepraised for that .What he should have said was we are very sorry for this horrible event ( Amma preferably instead of thamuse). We understand your anger , We will do everything possible to bring the culprits in front of the justice and please ask your people to behave respecting law and order.If this was his daughter he would not have stopped blaming his community for the poor up bringing of their men .I doubt strongly so.

          3) If I go to a police station in South I woul like to communicate in my own language Sinhala ,Same rights should be given to these people as well and I am surprised why Tamil police officers are not to be seen diffusing situations like this.

          Some cause for concern for the new government Which shows more tolerant approach to minority issues. .

        • 1

          Dr! Rajasingham, the Policmen says.. you should punish your men (Tamil men) He is not one of us. (Get your own police, get your own state)

        • 0

          Freedom Of expression !!!


        • 3

          Dr.Rajasingham Narendran ,

          “How can “Thamusela ” a “You” in rather Respectful Sinhala be a Racial Slur?”

          Different people have different opinions.

          Some people think it is formal. Some people think it is the Language of these people who ply the cart trade. ( Was it formal in the old days?)


          “She writes about forms of address in our culture. The first time she used the term ‘Nangi’ to refer to her younger sister, in an English essay was when she was at school, when the rules prohibited the use of Sinhala words. Here she is musing about the use of the sinhala word ‘Umba’ when she herself felt insulted. She goes on to mention other Sinhala terms of address, ‘Tho’ and ‘Thee’, and ‘Thamuse’, which had been used among equals often, and also the terms of respectful address, ‘Thamunanase’, ‘Oba Vahanse’, and more recent ‘Oba Thuma’. Then she takes a dig at the elite or the nouveau riche, who expect to be addressed as ‘Hamu’ which could be a shortened form of Hamuduruwo, or to mean that they are perhaps of mixed blood! –

          See more at:

          Chief Minister – Cabinet Minister & “Thamuse”


      • 7

        [Edited out] Raja, you cannot understand Sinhala.

        This police officer says “Your men”/in this context your men means “Tamil men” !

        That is racism.

      • 3

        When you go through the recording, it is quite clear that the Policeman was arrogant rather than using racist language. The word “Thamuse ” is regarded by Sinhalese as not polite. 30 years ago I scolded a Sinhalese nurse as “Thamuse” and was reprimanded. Is it because I was a Tamil using it on a Sinhalese then, and a Sinhalese Police officer using it on a Tamil now. I am sure a Tamil Policeman cannot behave like this with a Sinhalese person in south Srilanka and get away with it Scot free.

        Now it is becoming clear that the incident of rape was engineered by a group of people working with the army. The police is guilty of trying to cover up, as evidenced by the main culprit who was apprehended by the people and handed over to the police, escaping and was later arrested in Wellawatte. As a person who worked with Police in medico-legal matters, I would state that there is institutional racism in the police force when it comes to dealing with conflicts between Tamils and Sinhalese.

    • 19

      I am ashamed to be named as sinhalaya..

      I hate my own stamm because they always feel that they are superior folks. sO LONG they dont come out of the wells, they can feel like that but we are just one another developing folks on this world.. that is the reality.

    • 11

      It is high time to train these police men – teaching them that we are all srilankens.

      I hate this kind of men are appointed to the nothern areas.

      In Germany, tehre are also polie men from their minority folks… In Birmingham police wears tourban since he is coming from India. So why cant we the small folks ( 22 mio) appoint tamil or muslim police men to control the areas.. i mean on a mixed basis.

      sO LONG everything would stay unmixed, nothing towards the reconcliation will be practical.
      Those turkish POlice men in Germany do the their job to the very same manner white Germans do.

      Wimal weerawanse and the like NATIONALIST should be kept in a prison, but we should work for the future of the nation.

    • 12

      Where are the racial overtones?

    • 6

      RE: Video Of Sinhala Police Officer Using Racially Motivated Language At An Elderly Jaffna Woman Goes Viral

      Facts Vs. Fiction. This Sounds like another Wilpattu disinformation.Question? Who is behind? Who is getting paid?

      Let’s Look at the evidence from the Video. I see that the police officer behaved quite professionally and respectfully. The Change I would recommend is to use Amma or Ammalage, out of respect for the old Lay, who could be a mother or grandmother.

      Older Tamil Lady (likely Mother or Grandmother) : Children destroyed and killed ( Maragena, Nasthi Karala)?

      Police Officer: What has happened? What Has Happened? :

      Older Tamil Lady: The Children have been abused, by males has it happened?

      It was the males ( Primi)

      Police Officer: It was the males ( Primi). What kind of Males? Your Males

      It is up to you to reform your males.

      Older Tamil Lady: What Males? Yes, Our Males

      Police Officer: These males need to be reformed by you.This can happen to your children as well( Thamuselage = Your)

      (Amarasiri would have used, given it was an old lady, out of respect, you mothers. ( Oya ammalage daruwo), You mothers children.)

      We will look after the Issues you have raised. We will look after those issues..

      Police Officer: Please ( Karuna Karala) , you can’t go beyond this point. Now we heard and knew the issue. Please stop the video.

      • 4


        Do you think this police officer would have blamed Sinhala mothers for the rape/murder of a Sinhala woman using similar discourse? (esp. thamuselage pirimi?)

        Will someone please write a Common Sense pamphlet and give Amare to read?

        • 2


          1. “Do you think this police officer would have blamed Sinhala mothers for the rape/murder of a Sinhala woman using similar discourse? (esp. thamuselage pirimi?)”

          Difficult to say. It will vary from Individual Officer to Individual Officer.

          “Police Officer: It was the males ( Primi). What kind of Males? Your Males It is up to you to reform your males.”

          2. Both the Police officer and the Lady knew it was a) males and b) Tamil Males, and both knew they were rapists.

          3. The Protest was, (unless organized by the Mahinda group) regarding lack of Law and order. The Lady was asking for Justice, and the Officer was talking about the due process of the Law. The Officer did not want the Lady to proceed further, and he was doing his duty.

          4. Since in this case, the rapists were Tamil Men,(They all had mothers and fathers, most were killed by LTTE or Sri Lankan Security forces) it is difficult at this stage to figure out who is behind, and the motive for the rape and killing.

          The Question of a Sinhala Older Lady Protesting the Raping and murder of a Sinhala school Girl in the South, and how a Sinhala Officer will respond, is difficult to say. Again it will depend on the individual officer. He will most likely NOT say that it is your men (Sinhala men), because most likely all are Sinhala men, but will probably say the culprits ( Padadayo) will be tried and punished, unless they are a Mahinda Rajapaksa Shill, Cronies or white-washer, or a Mahinda relative.

          A different officer may also that this is what happens when young men and men are not brought up properly by the parents, and may blame the Sinhala parents of the culprits.


          A Sri Lankan politician is one of a group of men sentenced to 20 years ‘rigorous imprisonment’ each for the death of a British tourist and the rape of a woman.

          Sampath Vidanapathirana and three others were each given the same jail term by the High Court in Colombo, western Sri Lanka.

          Briton Khuram Shaikh was stabbed and then shot to death and his Russian girlfriend raped at a southern tourist resort on Christmas Day 2011.

          Have you heard about Julampitiya Amaraya, Wale Suda and Gottabels Rajapaksa?
          Rugby player’s death was not accidental: Police Published on Feb 26, 2015
          An inquest into the mysterious death of former national rugby player Wasim Thajudeen has been initiated following the emergence of new information with respect to the case in the recent past, Police Spokesperson SSP Ajith Rohana said.


    • 1

      Pot shot – This govt. promised many good things as regards law & order in the country but never implemented anything yet in favour. They promised to bring in a legislation,on a priority basis, to frame charges against people who spread racial or religious slurs and punished under the law,if found guilty but many still continue to deliver racial speeches and in writing, almost on a daily basis. MR has stirred up the public by saying that Jaffna’s incident is an anti govt. protest comparing it to similar actions taken by ltte in the early days, whereas this was purely a protest turned violence on the inaction of the police to take immediate action on a rape & murder case. Totally agree that the right thinking people should not condone with such mob violence. The IGP should take a serious note of the officer who stopped, recording a statement by the press and this is curtailing press freedom and this is not good governance and
      surprisingly,the officer spoke to this 80 plus years old lady, who could be of his mother’s age,in an arrogant language and treated her as his equal. Policemen should follow a customer service course before deploying them in the field.

      In this context, what is the guarantee the Police can give the parents of the youngsters taken into custody and now in Anurathapura jail for questioning, will be safe. Are we heading for another ‘missing persons’
      inquiry. the police had also taken custody of a tourist from India and this is a clear proof that police has done a random collection of people and some of them may have been innocent protesters or by- standers. The problem is that the Govt. and the Police talk about good governance and their subordinates does exactly the opposite thing. There is proof that the army is still holding on fertile lands,released
      to the owners by the govt.

    • 1

      Another Hypothesis

      Question: What is the truth?

      Poonguditheevu school girl gang rape and subsequent public uproar is part of a plot hatched within police
      [Edited out]

    • 2

      This Cop should promoted for his tactful handling of the incident – I do not here any bad language being used by this officer – The donkey who reported that the officer used racial language must be sent to a mental hospital – The main issue here is who had given anybody to question the authorities about the legal action taken by Authorities – Everybody who broke the rule must be taken into custody and take legal action and punished severely for damaging Public Property – Also Gov. should start a inquiry to find out who is behind these riots

      • 1


        “The main issue here is who had given anybody to question the authorities about the legal action taken by Authorities – Everybody who broke the rule must be taken into custody and take legal action and punished severely for damaging Public Property – Also Gov. should start a inquiry to find out who is behind these riots “

        EPDF, and other Mahinda Rajapaksa and crobies, contracted through KP, and other Intermediaries? Who knows until found out.

  • 12

    His word is true. Before all of your demonstrations get some preparation on how to take part in public protest. Do your people have anger on rapist or on public servants ? Tamil political parties failed to rectify some uncultured happenings in this peoples unrest.

    • 33

      Suppose if your sister got raped and killed you will keep quite eh?

      If the Army bulldoze her burial ground and played foot ball on this you will be happy eh?

      Glad to see that this old lady is not scared for this racist police ……

      An the people who have lost everything will do anything against injustice….

      TAMILS are so smart now …specially younger generation in N-E


      • 21

        Man like Mihad would gladly sell his sisters and all the females in his family for money. No point in arguing with a silly bastard.

      • 4

        Source: Daily Mirror Shamila Daluwatte
        “Today Vithiya Sivaloganadan: Who’s next?

        First they raped Manamperi
        And buried her body alive
        I did not speak
        Because there was an insurrection

        Then they came for women in Kahawatte
        I did not speak
        Because I was not from Kahawatte

        Then they came for women in Nuriwatte
        I did not speak
        Because I did not live in Nuriwatta

        Then, they came for Women in the North
        I did not speak, because
        Krishanthi Kumaraswami, Koneshwari, Isaipriya
        They were not my sisters

        Then they came for women with a different skin colour
        Eight men gang-raped Victoria Alexandra
        I did not speak
        Because she was just a foreigner

        Then they gruesomely gang-raped Rita John
        Stabbed her body fifteen times
        Left her murdered body on the Modera Beach
        I did not speak
        Because she was an Indian
        She was asking for trouble
        By walking on the beach
        with her jewellery in the evening

        Then they gang raped a woman in Wijerama
        I did not speak
        Because she was just a prostitute

        Then they raped hundreds of virgins
        And celebrated with champagne
        in Akuressa and Monaragala
        I did not speak
        Because I was too scared of politicians

        Then they raped Logarani
        Threw her naked body into a sacred temple
        Then they gang raped Saranya Selvarasa
        I did not speak

        Finally they raped
        Vithiya Sivaloganadan
        I did not speak
        Because she is Tamil
        She lived on a small island in Kayts”
        By Shamila Daluwatte
        – See more at: http://www.dailymirror.lk/73401/recognising-factors-behind-the-jaffna-hartal#sthash.DQNDzM6S.dpuf

    • 4

      Hey Mihad,

      Why don’t you learn from this elderly lady a few lessons? She is confronting a bunch of cops, speaking in their language, asking for justice for another human being! So you are good at demonstrations, is that what you are trying to say here? What a waste!

  • 34

    This is nothing special, although some would like to make it so. These police thugs use the same language at the Sinhalese.

    You could even say its called equality.

    • 7

      To a drug addict, thug or a known criminal, police would use that. But never to an elderly lady.

  • 26

    But, why does the police officer talk to those people in Sinhala?

    • 9

      Rohan, I think that you have got at the crux of the problem. I myself understand no Tamil, quite apart from not being able to speak the language. Let’s hope future generations learn each other’s language. And there must be Tamil policemen.

      Actually, given the context, I would fault neither the policeman, nor the old woman (who I think is admirable – actually admitted the offenders were Tamils). The former, actually, for a Sri Lankan policeman, was reasonably polite. If this video went viral it must be with Tamils who understood little Sinhalese.

      What is worrying for me is that a very serious and responsible Jaffna Tamil told me (on the phone) that rape and murder have now become quite common in the North. The ethos of Jaffna was very conservative about matters relating to sexuality. So, this is another sad result of the terrible war.

      It may be that I, too, may end up with more red than green evaluations! However, let me assert that it is not the video that is shocking but the humiliation, brutalisation, and final murder of a poor girl who probably had great potential.

      However, let me hope that the strong protests and wide publicity put a brake on this sort of thing. But I do speak up for the policeman!

      • 3

        Sinhala_Man, seems to have understood the problem of the Tamils.

        How can a person in distress, go to a police man and complain or seek help when he does not know Tamil, the Tamil person does not know Sinhalese or English. In addition most policemen’s whether they are Sinhalese or Tamil has very poor knowledge of English. (thanks to SWRD Bandaranayake, and subsequent Prime Ministers and Presidents who does not have statesmanship or the courage to revert back to English) How do you expect a Sinhala only speaking policemen to record a complain from a Tamil only speaking citizen? (from the above comments, one can understand how the conversation was deciphered by different people)

        Furthermore after the war majority of the Tamil families are supported by single mothers, disabled fathers, orphaned children. On top of the economic problems, they have psychiatric problems due to aerial bombings, seeing their loved ones being blown up in front of their eyes! The Sinhalese Govt. does not flinch when they celebrate extravagantly the sadistic “war victory” spending millions of dollars. But when it comes to poor war affected people they don’t want to do anything. To add insult to injury lands and homes belonging to poor Tamils are being occupied while the rightful owners are living in shanties!!

        Why cannot they employ educated Tamil people according to their qualification for jobs instead of spending money on celebrations and building monuments in the name of “good for nothing politicians!

        One thing for sure Sri Lanka will never produce a Statesman!! Unfortunately every politician is only worried about the 2nd term and money and they will stoop to any level to attain this!!

      • 6


        “If this video went viral it must be with Tamils who understood little Sinhalese.”

        This seems to be the case. Somebody need to provide the Full transcript in English and Tamil.

      • 1

        People like senior POLICE and law enforcemnt authority must be multi lingual or even bi lingual so that they can perform a better service. These Officers MUST realize that their pay check comes NOT from their family business but Public Enterprise.Every citizen is equal and should be treated equal. I am awed as to why a senior officer who didnt know the language to communicate was sent to a place where heated arguments would arise.. Bad decision by the Police HIGHER UP.

        This officer was somewhat polite compared to most thuggish officers who think they can step on others just coz they wear a UNIFORM… Our law enforcement authorities MUST try to offer a bonus to officers who would learn another language so that the society is closely knit and difference of opinions would and should be talked over…

        Oppression and suppression is where a Spring comes up…
        On a side note..CT should not have used this headline… its inciting people against each other…

  • 21

    I’m never in favour of any kind of racism…but what is so racist about what he’s saying?

    That’s how Lankan police talk to anyone. It’s not right to talk to someone like that, sure, but that’s how they talk to any, Lankan regardless of race.

    Let’s not stir up s**t unnecessarily. Let sensationalism die.

  • 12

    Let us have some balance and perspective here. What the Police officer was trying to suggest is this is not a killing by non-Tamils to warrant such an anti-Police demonstration. He was reasonably polite and held his own during the confrontation with the Tamil lady, who spoke good Sinhala. He also had a right to ask the TV crew not to proceed in the interest of peace.

    I know of really bad cases where army and Police men in Tamil areas really acted as fascist brutes dealing with an occupied people.


  • 9

    just devolve the police powers.Then we won’t have unnecessary confrontations between sinhala police officers and old tamil women creating racial undertones.It will become confrontations between tamil police officers and old`tamil women,nothing racial there and everyone can sleep in peace that it is after all an internal family unrest.Less outsiders the better in these kind of situations that could easily blossom into racial problems with police officers talking the same way that they talk and act in the south without realising that there may be some cultural differences.Nothing wrong with the officers words,he was saying that cops are not the ones who created such vermin in society,

  • 4

    Lets see if the current goverment takes any action against this police ponnaya.

  • 9

    I forgot to mention that he should be taken to task for asking the cameraman to stop filming.That is none of his business.Cops who don’t respect free media should not be in the police force.No point in just transferring him to do the same somewhere else,just kick him out of the police force.Who the fuck does he think he is,who is paying his salary.

  • 15

    Police officer is of course a racist. He seems to say that as it is your people who raped so…. And the lady says it is men who raped and what she implies is that nationality or the ethnicity of the man is immaterial for her. She is making a good statement and the police officer who started on a racist note.

    • 8

      “Seems to say” is the right word.
      You can make a mountain out of a mole hill if you extrapolate what people say based on your current frame of mind.

      The fact of the matter is, he didn’t say anything racist. When he said “You should make sure that your men behave”, he could very well be referring to the men in that area. Police talk like this all the time, get over it.

      I hate racism but I hate it more when people create racism when none exists just so that they can stand on their little soap box and pump their righteous fists in their.

    • 1

      If I would be the authority to take action, I will sack this bugger Police man on the following day itself learning him a lession. That police man who became like a Hero in Wanduramba politce was exemplary. We need the kind of police to represent and proect this mmulti ethnic nation.
      Those perceptions that established in Sinhaala donkeys should be recovered into kind actions. Like them being exemplary. My3 please react, never give a chance to raise those idiots to their head up.

      We learn the history of Germany in our schools, but how can we point at any germans or hitler like men while we the sinahalya stay unchanged.
      Ballige putha Rajapakshe is joining to Wimal buruwanse to reanimate the nation saying that celebrating defeat of Terror is nothing like hurting minority folks. ANyways, Germans even today dont utter a word about war related issues. These very sensitive issues for them.
      wE NEED to take every actions to marginalize Rajapakshe like men that would only make every efforts to live up dividing the nation.

  • 3

    Police officer is of course a racist. He seems to say that as it is your people who raped so…. And the lady says it is men who raped and what she implies is that nationality or the ethnicity of the man is immaterial for her. She is making a good statement and the police officer who started on a racist note.

  • 1

    Police officer is of course a racist. He seems to say that as it is your people who raped so…. And the lady says it is men who raped and what she implies is that nationality or the ethnicity of the man is immaterial for her. She is making a good statement and the police officer who started on a racist note.

  • 13

    This officer is an idiot. Instead of being sympathetic and sensitive, he is blaming the people for what criminals do. There should be an intensive course teaching PR skills and sensitivity, for those who have to deal with citizens. They should also learn to treat the elderly with respect, not arrogance.

  • 12

    This incident between the Police officer and the old lady is a storm in a teacup compared to the main issue of Rape and Murder.
    Chances are that this very same police officer would have used the same Language
    down south of the country.The Police are not respected as a Law enforcement agency throughout the country for several reasons: This Senior Police officer should have been more tactful in handling this old poor Lady.
    I admire her Sinhala proficiency!

  • 2

    Protesters in Jaffna were pursued and assaulted by police on Wednesday after dispersing from a demonstration outside the Jaffna court complex.

    A video by IBC Tamil shows Sri Lankan police calling out an individual from a property and beating him on the street.


    • 0

      I saw the video, is sad to watch that, but to me it seems the guy is hiding itself and spot by the police. Anyway, does not matter is Sinhalese or Tamil. There is no reason to beat the guy.

  • 1

    Re training police is not possible. They are trained and refined by the offices of so called civilised Nations and also go for duty on behalf of UN. Sent all to jail and train new police locally.

  • 9

    This is a storm in a teacup.

    The protesting woman is most dignified and talented enough to engage the officer in HIS language. Full marks! We must also be fair and accept that given the circumstances, the officer has behaved with much restraint and calmly argued his point, however skewed it obviously is.If only all such confrontations were like this, then sooner rather later good sense will prevail and we will have law and order restored. That should allow our forces time to apprehend the criminals and bastards who are hell bent on bringing back disharmony and impunity.

    Rape, murder and all the other crimes that bedevil northern communities should be as unacceptable there as they are anywhere else on our blessed island.

    • 5

      I agree.

  • 7

    “‘thamuselage pirimi hadāganna ōne thamusela’ WHAT IS THE RACIALLY MOTIVATED SLUR THERE?????? CAN ANYONE PLEASE HELP WITH MY SINHALA AS I AM SURE ITS NOT AS IT IS COMPARED TO ‘ Colombo telegraph’ BAd Policeing is not Racially motivated as CMB Telegraph is trying to twist and be creatvive with this news. We have seen BAd Police Using Filth around the nation. We have seen them do worse. Thats why the SL Police is hated around the nation. BUT to take this and use it out of Context is the usual tricks of the CMB Telegraph. ”

    It says “you” ” your” and “we” We the oppressors and you the oppressed. We are not you. We are ruling you are ruled. It says we are here from the land, and nation of superiority and you are the inferior ones. What does his body language say. Watch the laughter of the other police officers. That does not suit the circumstance.

  • 6

    I agree with the police officer. If mothers do not know how to bring up their sons these things will happen and the women will suffer. Raping is something that happens in Jaffna as a matter of fact. When the Sinhalese police officer tells the old lady that she should make their men behave he is quite right. This is very funny. Even in Colombo go to tamil government officer to get a job done and see how racist they are. The sinhalese are so used to this that they ignore it. What amazes me is that all these sinhalese who write here are apologetic to the tamils – actually we down south have never ill treated the tamils. Now someone will talk about 1956,1976 etc. Even that please remember the problems were started in Jaffna. I dont know about 1956 but 1976 etc I know and what happened in Colombo was a retaliation to that. So please stop this nonsense. The Jaffna men rape only in Jaffna because they feel they have the right to do it here. They will never try it in Colombo because they know the Sinhalese are different. This is the reason they ask for a separate state so that they continue raping.

    • 3


      “The Jaffna men rape only in Jaffna because they feel they have the right to do it here. They will never try it in Colombo because they know the Sinhalese are different”

      Is this discrimination or racism?

      Or it it because they think they are likely to be caught, and it will start a new set communal riots?

  • 2

    Bravo Lady!

    Amazing how you confidently spoke in Sinhala. And that too surrounded by so many of the police guys. I wish I could meet you one day and personally congratulate you for asking justice!

  • 8

    I cannot see any racial slur in the policeman’s remarks. In fact the policeman behaved extremely politely, with wit and common sense to diffuse misdirected tempers. We need more policemen of this capability to control crowds instead of firing water canons at people.

    Here is the translation of the relevant parts of the dialogue for those who are not fluent in Sinahla. The policeman asked the approaching demonstrator what is going on. The elderly female demonstrator said, its about the abduction and rape of the girl (woman used the word spoiling the girl to refer to the rape). The policeman then said who did such things, and the woman said, they were the males (in general). Thus the policeman said, whose males were they (i.e. you referring to), and the woman said they are our own males, meaning their own kith and kin or neighbors. The policeman then said, so they are all yours, and not us (the policemen) so why are you demonstrating here; you go home and discipline yours and protect your own girls because they could be the next victims; we will deal with the law, but if you cross the (police) lines we will have to take action against you also. There is no racial slur in it at all. It is a fact that male criminals that are local inhabitants have been arrested as suspects, which the woman acknowledged. It is a fact and not a racial issue.

    The ones who are trying to make a political capital out of this encounter and recording are the ones who were twisting in a racial slur to the incident. If the activists that set up this demo (if they did) or publicized the video, did it to disparage policemen in general, then I think they have got egg on their faces now. The elderly woman clearly stated who the criminal rapists and murderers were.

    I hope CT would get clever enough to improve its journalism and to publish balanced stories instead of using their columns to incite racial hatred under the mantle of free expression.

    • 4

      Thanks, bo. What you have done is very important. Explained clearly for those who may not have understood.

      I agree with “Japwatch”: Bravo Lady!

      As for the policeman: his is a necessary job although I wouldn’t do it, or join the forces. But consider THIS policeman. We’ve been given a 39 second snippet. He must have been on duty at least six hours. How long has he been on duty in Jaffna? There he knows he’s an outsider, probably loathed by many. He has had his orders. “Prevent the demonstration getting out of hand.” {Has nobody considered the order that would have gone out a year ago?} The admirable old lady is breaking the letter of the law. I hope she’s seen this snippet. She’d be very happy she’s got her message across to so many – not just to Tamils, but to Sinhalese people.

      We must understand the need for demonstrations of this sort. What’s the point in my writing all this to be read by a few other rational, educated people? The message has to be got across to the thugs. To reform them. Anyone including the policeman in that category is being naive.

      Let me add: to get the message across to millions of decent people who just haven’t got the time/ resources/ sophistication to consider the issues. Something as arresting as this is invaluable for grabbing attention – and it has the special value of authenticity.

      Overarching it all, is the personal tragedy of innocent Vinthiya – and her family. It’s probably worse for them, having to live on, suffering the memory each day.

  • 5

    ok let’s relax. There is no racial overtones here. The Police Officer managed the situation as good as he could.

    If the officer used ” Para Themala ” or ” Thopi Themallu ” etc, then it would have been a different case.

    Pretty impressive, The Tamil Lady protesting spoke in perfect Sinhalese. I am sure the cop would have been surprised too and used the word ” Thamusey.. ” meaning ” You folks “.

    So, let’s all calm down.

    • 5

      This police officer says “Your men”/in this context your men means “Tamil men” !

      That is racism.

      • 0

        DJG, yes, it was said, then in context, he was indicating it was your men ( Tamil ) who killed the woman ( Tamil ) and on it went.

        • 1

          Did anyone in the crowd say to the police it was not
          our men and it was your men ? What was the motive of
          the officer to say “your men” or making the crowd say
          it was our men ? The entire episode was
          unprofessional and was politely rude.One top question
          should be , who are the masters here ? The public or
          the police ? Just filter the behaviour of the public
          servant cleanly and you get your result.It’s more
          than Tamil and Sinhala.

        • 0

          Reading the comments, I think people living in Srilanka can’t understand this. In West, Policemen never says “You Srilankan people”. All are equal.

          • 0

            This is very true.

          • 0

            In West, Policemen never says “You Srilankan people”. All are equal.

            I would not buy this argument. They are trained to be polite in their mannerism and the choice of words.

            Our good policemen needs that training. It would have been better, the police force know the sensitivities and languages of the locals.

            I also think the policeman’s language did not have racial undertones. However, It does not hurt the police officer’s ego to be polite.

          • 0

            In the west the police surely don’t call us “you Sri Lankan people” if they caught you out on their police lines. They will call you,’Zambo’, “mush”, ‘paki’, “wog” and all other derogatory names under the sun for colored people,and will make sure that you get enough “pepper spray” up your nostrils to make enough Sri Lankan curries for the next 20-years. Don’t be deceived by their color and painted smile on their faces.

            • 1


              I believe you are speaking out from your personal experience/bruise with the long arm of the foreign law.

              Tell us about you experience.

  • 6

    CT is scraping the bottom of the barrel in order to denigrate Sri Lanka. How pathetic.

  • 3

    There was a international reputation for POLICE in Ceylon when this department was under Burgher and Malay staff…..,,,

    Sinhala governments satrted to Sinhalaise this department by taking anyone without checking his background …….and Big Nose Emperor started to recruit women police staff …they do clerical work is another story…

    Today anyone with right connection can became a police …in this multi ethnic country without knowing a word in Tamil or English….

    This is the result ..

    Better solution is to have own Police for N-E …who know the people and language …and this Police should be trained by an international experts

    In many developed countries there is a Police but with different responsibility eg: Criminal Police..Economic Police..Civil Police..Riot Control Police …with excellent PR training ..

  • 4

    If this [Edited out] thinks its the responsibility of that old lady to police her own community the what the F is he doing in the North?

  • 0

    Real “Maaveerans” sent off to hell. Now some silly fake “Maaveerans” left to fool the innocent people.

  • 2

    First of all it’s wonderful to see an elderly JAFFNA woman
    speaking fluent Sinhala and at the same time it’s
    disgusting to watch the Sinhala officer didn’t feel even a
    hidden satisfaction about that.Clearly this man is not a
    duty conscious or fair minded about his job.This man could
    not even think of the woman’s age and so impatient with his
    visibly racist questions at the women who was asking for
    action for the crime.Even if it was a hidden tested tactics
    by an organized group , the policeman’s approach was very
    disgusting and unhelpful.I understand some policemen are
    already transferred . That’s not enough , these men should
    be lowered in rank.

    • 1

      Someone should first explain to this ranked officer what the police motto “To serve and protect” means and then explain why police is maintained as a department and not a force like Army, Navy or Air.

      Once that is done strip his ranks he does not deserve it.

  • 7

    To be honest Sinhal Language is not French language. It’s not a romantic language with sexy dialect like the French Language. The Sinhala language sounds very rough and rude duirng exchnage of confrontations like this one.

    I dont believe the police officer is a rude or being racist.
    Hats off to the Tamil achi speaking fluent Sinhala.

    Sinhala Baila songs are good for a party. Lets stop with that shaal we?

  • 4

    I too agree with Dr Narendran that its making a mountain out of a molehill,Sri Lankan Policemen all over the island are like this unless your a VIP they use rough language,thats bad Policing and not racism

    3 things from this video are

    i)Policing needs to be improved to be more customer oriented and need better soft skils

    ii)Hats off to the Jaffna Police for handling this whole situ very professionaly

    iii) 3 cheers to the Tamil grandmother for speaking very fluent Sinhalese!

  • 2

    What has the race or religion of a perpetrator of a crime got to do with the police. Their Job is to invistigate, find and charge the criminal according to the law.
    If all mothers are to be held responsible for the discipline of their children then we won’t need the police.
    If this police man spoke to an elderly Sinhalese lady using those words and with that attitude none of us would take it kindly.
    That doesn’t mean that Police don’t talk to Sinhalese people in the same way also, they do. And its wrong!
    Both our police and the public need to be educated on rights of citizens. We are a secular socialist democratic free country. Police should know their bounds, how can they uphold the law if they don’t know the law?????
    Our police acting in this way is one of the reasons for unrest in our country. This has to change.
    If they had carried out their duties this would not have happened.

1 2 3

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