President Maithripala Sirisena on Thursday reiterated that his primary duty was to root out corruption in Sri Lanka. Speaking at the Anti-Corruption summit in London, Sirisena outlined several initiatives taken by him and the government to fight corruption in the country.
“Corruption is one of the factors that promote political violence and other forms of human rights abuses. Sri Lanka too went through such a phase during the previous regime, but the regime was overthrown democratically through an election,” he said.
Detailing the initiatives taken by him, Sirisena told the Summit that with the introduction of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, he has handed over all executive powers of the Presidency to the Parliament, except for those the Supreme Court deemed were non-transferable.
“it is my firm determination to root out corruption, and for this I have also established the anti-corruption secretariat, and appointed a commission to investigate allegations of bribery and corruption,” he said.
Sirisena also added that the Financial Crimes Investigations Division was established to expedite all investigations, and the division was given the necessary powers to carry out its probes without any hindrance.
Photo by Sudath Silva
The Full text of the speech by President Maithripala Sirisena at the Anti-Corruption Summit held in London on May 12
I thank Hon. Mr. David Cameron, Prime Minister for inviting me to attend this Anti-Corruption Summit in London. I consider this summit a significant step to combine our collective efforts to fight corruption that is wide spread all over the world.
Corruption is one of the factors that promote political violence and other forms of human rights abuses. Sri Lanka went through such a stage during the previous administration. The people reacted strongly against corruption by changing the corrupt administration by the power of the ballet in January 2015 at the Presidential election and again at the Parliamentary election in the August 2016.
The people acting democratically got rid of the corrupt leaders and their supporters. The current national unity government consists of the two major political parties in the parliament under my leadership and the other led by Prime Minister Hon. Ranil Wickermesinghe. We were elected to office on the policy platform of democracy, good governance and rule of law. Therefore, we consider our prime duty to root out of corruption from the country. We have already taken significant measures for this purpose. I am happy to inform this forum that with the introduction of the 19th amendment to the constitution I handed over most of the executive powers to the Parliament except those powers Supreme Court decided cannot be transferred. However, even under this limited situation as a demonstration of my commitment to transparency, accountability and the rule of law and my firm determination to route out corruption I established an anti-corruption secretariat, a special presidential commission to investigate. I also appointed a commission to investigate allegations of bribery and corruption. The Right to Information Act has been presented to the Parliament and the National Audit Act will be presented to the Parliament shortly. All these institutions are working satisfactorily. A special division within the police titled Financial Crimes Investigation Division (FCID) was established to expedite investigations on major financial crimes. They have been given all necessary facilities to carry out their duties. They have already commenced flings of several major financial charges. We note with appreciation the support and cooperation already extended to Sri Lanka by several countries including UK, USA, India and Switzerland as well as the World Bank to strengthen the investigative agencies regarding the stolen assets. We are in the process of seeking information and assistance to trace them . We are happy that summit proposes to establish an International Anti- Corruption Centre, all of us as leaders need to act collectively to strengthen our own law enforcement agencies to track the corrupt and recover the proceeds of corruption.
Sri Lanka is fully committed to such firm action.
Thank You.
RaviP / May 13, 2016
This man is the biggest fraud that has happen to Sri Lanka.How come we have
not so far prosecuted the current Fraudsters.I am refering to the Bond Scam horra.That is bigger than any combined fraud allegdly committed by Rajapakshe’
Clan.His brother is playing hell with Sri Lanka Telecom.His son and daughter
playing politics by using Presidents influence.He appointed all the crooks in
Mahinda government who are pretending that they were saints during Mahinda regime.Bond scam horra were exonerated by a committee of lawyers appointed by
Honourable Prime Minister.What a joke was that.Then we have Satosa Hora as our finance Minister.In the mean time economy of the country going backwards.We
all know Mahinda and his clan were crooks.But they did not pretend to be saints.At least with all the fraud allegation economy of the nation were not as bad as current situation.There were many projects happenning during Mahinda Rajapakse era that kept the economy moving forword.The current duo Maitri and
Ranil is much more dangerous than Mahinda as they pretending to be saints but
behaving as vultures.At least with Mahinda we sea what we get
Justice & Fairplay / May 13, 2016
Would you pause to consider whether or not you have over-reacted, and made statements which are unreasonable?
Kindly tell us how far has President Sirisena’s children gone to break the law.
Compare what they have done with the alleged misdeeds of the off spring of the previous man.
Calm down and think is what I say. One more thing: Don’t be swayed by everything that you read. Not all of it is true.
I don’t know this President from Adam and don’t wish to get to know either, but he is the first elected decent President in my view, to grace that exalted post in a decent, dignified way.
BSS / May 13, 2016
By decent do you mean spineless? A leader is supposed to lead his people. Not do whatever everyone else says. And a spineless leader cannot lead a country. Ranil is the one doing the leading (not a good job either). This is a national government only by name. In reality the UNP party does everything. He is just a puppet. He only knows what happens in the country after he reads it in the next days newspaper. Is that how a President should lead a country? Being a president is about being strong and decent and not being afraid to mouth someone off when they insult and give false allegations against our little country by the superpower bullies. We are only considered as a pure democracy if we bend over backwards to the western country requests. If not we are rogue dictators who only wants to cause violence and kill people.
Wadepiya / May 14, 2016
Justice & Fairplay, Well does not have to believe all what is said in news papers & websites (including CT), but if you have followed TV news broadcasted by different channels in SL since 8th Jan. 2015 regularly, then you can’t have missed the “special statements” of Sira and Ranil. Also the involvements of “Hitan Children” in politics. Talk to some on the field journalists (if you know any) to know what kind of pressure & methods are been used to keep out “Hitan Children” getting exposed through the so called “media freedom” in the yahapalanaya era.
of course the Yahapalanaya Gang are not saints, but the pople voted for them because Rajapakse gang was bad. Therefore these new gang should do better than the previous ones, not worse.
Native Vedda / May 14, 2016
Where is Daham Sirisena.
I couldn’t find him in Maithiri’s entourage.
Amarasiri / May 13, 2016
President Maithripala Sirisena
RE: Video: Sirisena’s London Presentation: Reiterates Rooting Out Corruption As His ‘Prime Duty’
“Corruption is one of the factors that promote political violence and other forms of human rights abuses. Sri Lanka too went through such a phase during the previous regime, but the regime was overthrown democratically through an election,” he said.
“Detailing the initiatives taken by him, Sirisena told the Summit that with the introduction of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution,…”
Given the level of Corruption and cronyism under Mahinda Rajapaksa, sri Lankans are better off today compared to earlier, despite the flaws of Yahapalanaya.
Thank you President Sirisena for putting your best foot forward, internationally.
We are still awaiting the real trial of the Crooks and criminals who were with Mahinda Rajapaksa. When will you be able to send Mahinda Rajapaksa fishing in the Indian Ocean?
Paddy / May 13, 2016
You cannot root out corruption if the corrupt are not punished. Dragging your feet over issues gives the corrupt time to hide all the evidence. Seems like this is what is happening here … and we, the uncorrupt public, are disappointed.
Max / May 13, 2016
What about stopping your corrupt brother?????? huh//huh
Seyed Ahamed / May 13, 2016
Why is the government NOT probing the corruption charges of two Muslim ministers who amazed wealth during the Mahinda Rajapaksa government before January 8th., 2015 and are now holding important ministerial posts in the Maithripala Sirisena – Ranil Wickremasinghe “Yahapalana” government. Corruption charges have also been reported against these Muslim ministers even in the present .”Yahapala” government. Is it true that one of these Muslim Ministers is on Maithripala camp in the “Yahapalana” government and the other is in the Ranil camp of the “Yahapalana” government? It is also rumoured that one of these ministers had very heavily funded the campaign in 2015 against Mahinda Rajapaksa and also vetted the JVP to sweep the land rackets under the carpet, that many Buddhist and environmental organizations has brought to light. HE. Maithripala Sirisena has to set in motion probes/inquiries against these Muslim ministers at the earliest. Deceptive Muslim politicians have disgraced the Muslim community in Sri Lanka enough and the Muslim community need to clear our name in the interest of our next generation as NOT being racketeers.Seyed Ahamed
Justice & Fairplay / May 13, 2016
I hope he can do what he says.
Easier said than done I believe, given the vast complicated structure of this government which has to depend on all shades for its very existence.
Let our good President show us that he means what he says by expediting investigations against some members of his own government who now roam free.
Many of us will eat our hats if that happens.
Justice & Fairplay / May 13, 2016
In other words Mr President, just walk the talk, that’s all we ask.
There is NO WAY, you could compromise with justice. If you do, you’ll be hounded out at some later time.
Do not shield any crooks and other vermin, within the protective shield of your white sarong. Quite apart from their soiling it, they will bite.
Adrian / May 13, 2016
Words Words Words.
okkomaekai / May 13, 2016
No need for words,Lanka needs deeds.Duty free permits for MP’s IS corruption !
ballah / May 13, 2016
hitan is seated
JJ / May 13, 2016
MS should be careful of what he says with regard to corruption and rooting it out, as foreign heads of state are usually well briefed on the actions of each other. So his actions concerning the appointment of his brother and other iffy appointments, like the Central Bank’s Mahendran, etc, will be well known and will NOT bode well for his image.
He also went on to say, ““it is my firm determination to root out corruption, and for this I have also established the anti-corruption secretariat, and appointed a commission to investigate allegations of bribery and corruption”. However, since there have been no convictions of any import, will they take him seriously?
Are WE still taking him seriously????
Pol hora / May 13, 2016
To root out corruption, I appointed my brother as the chairman of Telecom, son in law as Ministry of defence henchaiyya , daughter as attended of state functions and son as my companion on all state visits overseas. Unlike the previous regime, none of my family members were elected to these offices by the people at an election.
My other brothers continue to use my political power to further the business interests of my family, for example: rice mills to monopolise the staple diet of the country, hotels in my home area, sand mines and rock quarries to rob the people of their resources. Unlike the previous regime that abused power and authority to waste money on extravagant projects that benefit the people, I merely use my executive power to enrich my personal wealth.
Thanks to all the western powers that funnelled money into my election campaign through anti corruption and human rights NGOs Sri Lanka has a good government and good governance.
rupi / May 13, 2016
well said!
NAK / May 13, 2016
Loads of’nothing but’bullshit!
paul / May 13, 2016
He can start with his brother at SLT.
Nagananda / May 13, 2016
Sirisena promises the world community to be firm on the government’s anti-corruption initiative. This is truly Yahapalanaya at its best.
When I reported the abuse of tax free permits scheme by the MPs and Ministers (to sell luxury permits in the open market sharing the tax element with the vehicle importers that amounts to clear violation of objective of the duty waiver granted in the ‘public interest’ under Section 19A of the Customs Ordinance) the Corruption Commission informed me, by its letter No BC 2255/2014dated 04th March 2015, that “… any loss caused to the government due to the implementation of government policy will not fall within its permitted scope and therefore Commission will not take any action on the complaint…”
And when the Corruption Commission was charged in the Supreme Court (SC/Writs/02/2015) under section 4 of the Corruption law (Act No 19 of 1994) for refusing to carry out the statutory duty vested in the Commission, the Supreme Court too expressed the same view and refused to intervene.
Now the floodgates are open for any abuse. As the policy of the Yahapalana group of companies all 225 members have been granted tax exemption for luxury cars with a ‘privilege’ to sell permits in the open market immediately thereafter.
This is a day light robbery of public funds, probably half share or more of the tax element will be pocketed by the politico cheats. The Judiciary will not intervene as the policy of the Yahapalana government is to talk morality in public and to practice completely the opposite thereafter.
Well-done Sirisena-Wickramasinghe regime, squeeze the gullible poor, don’t leave a drop of blood in them. Already they stranded with no symbol of hope for justice.
KA Sumanasekera / May 13, 2016
My Elders tell me, PM Mr Cameron.s old daddy’s name also propped up when searching for Rajapaksas in the Panamanian docs.
Good that our Yahapalana President didn’t say anything about it.
I mean not Mr Camrton’s old man. But this Panama thing, which is causing havoc in Srilanka at the moment, because even Arpico boss has got a mention there.
My elders were asking me whether our CB boss and President’s brother were in the delegation as helpers and representatives of this history making non corrupt Yahapalana Govt partners , the UNP and the SLFP Chandrika faction.
Native Vedda / May 14, 2016
KASmaalam KA Sumanasekera
“My Elders tell me, PM Mr Cameron.s old daddy’s name also propped up when searching for Rajapaksas in the Panamanian docs.”
Your Elders tell me they had disowned you many moons ago. They don’t want to see you for the simple reason that you don’t know what you are typing about under the influence of malt and Mahinda.
Daham / May 13, 2016
How can President Maithripala Sirisena reiterate that his primary duty is to root out corruption in Sri Lanka when he leads the party which consists of highly corrupt politicians. His coalition government is in an utter mess. Ranil and Sirisena who looked after well, the affairs of Mahinda Rajapaksa for 10 long years are so inefficient in governing the country. The coalition government’s main aim was to bring in a new constitution, thereby, abolish the Executive Presidency within 2 years. However,the UNP ministers predict that the next executive president of Sri Lanka will be Ranil, the leader of their party. They have their own agendas and can not be trusted. This is the worst government Sri Lanka ever had. That does not mean that Rajapaksa should ever come back as leader of the country. He is history .
Gune / May 13, 2016
All good intentions but all on paper and no action. It will soon be 3 years as you suggest that the ballot defeated corruption.
srinath.gunaratne / May 13, 2016
Warnapala theory in action!
President does not know, appointing his family members to paid govt. positions is part of corruption too!
Our nut, Cameron suddenly has taken up the anti corruption drive!
(It is imprative the white man has to take the moral high ground on these matters!)
You can write a law thesis by reading the Cameron’s answers in the parliament for the questions raised against his family and him.
Slippery and slithery!
English is a beautiful language, You can assemble words in such a fashion and sell any bull shit as Cryptonite!
Mawahib / May 13, 2016
corruption, corruption, Raping the innocent children, kidnapping but no action for those goons
Lanka Watch / May 13, 2016
President had the guts to go in front of the International delegates
participating at the anti- corruption summit in London.UK and made an
assurance, to the dismay of several diplomats present at the meeting,
who are aware of large scale corruption taken place during the last regime and also currently happening, that he is there to root out corr
-uption, completely in Sri Lanka but he did not have the guts to put behind bars, who are indicted for mass corruption, stealing people’s money and stacked in shady overseas financial institutions, to prove
his presentation at the meeting.
A low level delegation should have attended the meeting or completely
avoided it as an austerity measure, while the country is reeling in debts. Corruption and nepotism cannot be eradicated from our society
and what is the point in attending such meetings.
R .Yamuna / May 13, 2016
You are part of previous regime.Sirisena
Dalit / May 13, 2016
We learned corruption from the British.
It is hard to get rid of corruption whenyou are poor.
Almost all the cases that is heard by the Presidents anti corruption commissionsare against Sinhalese. How come there is hardly any against the Tamils and other Indians in the ialand nation.
Jayampathy Ranaweera / May 13, 2016
HOW THE HELL CAN THIS ROUGHE ATTEND A CONFERANCE “Sirisena’s London Presentation: Reiterates Rooting Out Corruption As His ‘Prime Duty’”
Holidaying at public expense!
2016-05-03 00:00:05
This white collar high-up heading a key State establishment has a daughter domiciled abroad. She and her family members were here on a holiday recently and the indulgent father generously used the resources of the State-owned body he helms to provide all facilities necessary for them to enjoy their holiday here, they say.
The white collar bigwig placed a Merc and a van belonging to the establishment at the disposal of the holiday makers to go places in comfort. He also had made it a point to fix new tires to the Merc at a cost of Rs.195, 000 before releasing it for the use of the privileged holiday-makers.
What is more interesting is that the bigwig had purchased the tires from a private supplier at this exorbitant price, when he could have obtained them from the Supplies Division of the same establishment at a cost of Rs.95, 000!
– See more at: http://www.dailymirror.lk/108901/Holidaying-at-public-expense-#sthash.AttFmBj8.dpuf
Good pay for no work
2016-05-10 00:00:17
It has come to light that a daughter of a politico recruited as the Liaison officer (Foreign relations) of a statutory body handling civil aviation has drawn emoluments amounting to Rs.6,095,560 for a period of over one year despite not working a single day since the date of appointment.
It has also been revealed that she had been appointed to this special post without observing the stipulated recruitment procedure and besides, she knew next to nothing about the subject she was expected to handle.
This privileged person had been seconded to the Civil Aviation Ministry four days after her appointment. She also had been exempted from registering her arrival and departure using the clocking-in machine and she had marked her attendance in a diary provided by an additional Ministry secretary.
– See more at: http://www.dailymirror.lk/109251/Good-pay-for-no-work#sthash.nwFuNMj5.dpuf
Robin Hood / May 14, 2016
The man’s rooting days are over. He is now in male menopause so he has no stength to root anything other than from a piece of paper. His other buddy is same accept that he can root out his own kind.
It will be the corrupt who will be rooting out the honest people untill a bloody revolution roots out all, lock, stock and barrel.
Thank you mr Rootsena for all the hogwash you promised.
Your day too will come. Thats a promise.
Native Vedda / May 14, 2016
Jayampathy Ranaweera
Where do you live.
This is a thrice blessed island where this is normal.
If you unusually find a politician or government official who does not use these facilities then there must be something wrong with the person. Send him to have his reality checked.
punchinilame / May 14, 2016
[Edited out]
vas / May 14, 2016
[Edited out]
senthil / May 14, 2016
First of all, we must be thankful to Srisena for going forward to oust demean MR. He took lot of personal risk in doing that specially living inside elephant cave. WE (RaviP & others) should not pick on the president without forgetting where we were during MR time and Gotha with a open permit to hunt good people. It is not easy to do things because RW and others to agree thins as well. He is moving in the right direction and we all have to encourage and give our full support. See what happened for the test run, after removing MR’s Army protection- useless monks and other corrupted people are threatening the government – first and slowly remove all teeth from those venomous people. It will take time but the government have to give priority for the critical issues like Army and land to keep diaspora silent. The future generation of diaspora will not hold tiger flag at the airport like older generation, it will be very hard for anyone to identify.
senthil / May 14, 2016
A polite reminder to all the people love our beautiful tiny island, many bad comments may be from MR supporters to derail the government or stupids believe everything in news papers without filtering using brain if they have one. A story , in a public meeting a speaker cracked jokes and every one was clapping, after some time he told that all the audients are filtered idiots and for surprise most of them clapped loudly.
Dushy Ranetunge / May 14, 2016
Last night I had dinner with a gentleman who told me that he paid a 150,000 rupee bribe to Sirisena, when he was in a Mahaweli Ministry and Sirisena grinned and put the funds in his drawer.
shankar / May 14, 2016
what he meant was mega bribes.He is not interested in rooting out anything less than a 5 million rupee bribe.
also you should remember that to catch a thief you have to set a thief.If you have no experience in bribery how are you going to catch the bribe takers.First you have to get the hands on experience and then go after them.
Native Vedda / May 15, 2016
“also you should remember that to catch a thief you have to set a thief”
If both thieves decided to work together then what?
Send in your toyboy Black and Decker to deal with them.