15 January, 2025


Thajudeen Killing: Medical Council Appoints Disciplinary Committee To Investigate Ex-JMO

Former Chief Judicial Medical Officer Ananda Samarasekera has being summoned to appear before a disciplinary committee appointed by the Sri Lanka Medical Council (SLMC), in June, to inquire into the first autopsy carried out by him, on the body of ruggerite Wasim Thajudeen.

Ananda Samarasekera

Ananda Samarasekera

The first autopsy carried out by a team led by Samarasekera ruled that Thajudeen’s death was a result of the accident. However, a subsequent autopsy revealed that the ruggerite was murdered.

Meanwhile, the CID today informed Colombo Additional Magistrate Nishantha Peiris that the CCTV footage on the accident involving Thajudeen has being sent for the review of foreign experts in UK and Canada.

The Additional Magistrate also ordered Mobitel to release all details pertaining to the phone conversations that reportedly took place between the victim and suspects.

The Colombo Additional Magistrate also further remanded the former Crime OIC of the Narahenpita Police Sumith Champika Perera, after he was found guilty of concealing evidence with regard to the murder of Thajudeen.

Latest comments

  • 38


    We are the Democratic Socialist Republic of Rotten Scumbags. In every nook and corner.


    • 18

      This fat man fit to be a RING MASTER IN A CLOWN CIRCUS??

    • 7

      Ben, please be kind.
      We are the miracle of Asia and the Land like no other, no ?

  • 32

    Is he a qualified medical practitioner or a Hora Dosthara who cannot perform an autopsy?

    • 19

      Thought I have seen characters like this in old Sinhala movies, playing the role of “Magul Kapuwa” (village match-maker)with the bundled up black umbrella in his arm pit. May be that was his profession though MR might have head-hunted him to be the Chief Judicial Medical Officer’s post. It is no different to appointing the former fake AG and fake CJ, all done with mirrors, and ventriloquists. Plug all important gaps with those that read Rajapaksha family-written scripts.

  • 13

    He is the current Dean of SAITM, Malambe

  • 25

    May be he was ordered to perform the biopsy after taking a Big Bribe from the MARA clan or was facing the Bullets of MARA ‘ s Security.

    How ever this GMO ‘s standard of Practise was far below the standard expected of a medical professional.
    Shame on him and he has let down the Profession .

    MS had to prove his words he promised at the Anti corruption summit in front of the world leaders that he and his government is committed.

    • 4

      Correction; Autopsy.

    • 2



      In this country you can only face the FCID. You are seldom charged and never convicted.

      • 4

        Job of the FCID so far has been interviewing people.Nothing happens.

  • 14

    Even if Thajudeen comes back and points out his killer, it looks like the inquiry will drag on for another 100 years.
    This is one of the norms of Decentralized power. A thug assumes power in the center. Then appoints his henchmen to various villages. The great king rules from center. Small kings play havoc in the villages. When a new kings take over, the small kings make life difficult for the new king. The new king has to appoint new small kings and please old small kings.
    This is double jeopardy. So Thajudeen, PLEASE DON’T COME.WHEREVER YOU ARE, YOU ARE SAFE AND HAPPY.

  • 18

    Somewhere along the road something very sinister is taking place with regard to the Thajudeen case, this govt and the former. Somebody with some persons is covering up somebody and some persons very carefully and meticulously. Civil justice will never be declared, but a warning to those involved and to the scumbags doing the bidding.

    ” The mill of God grinds very slowly but surely ” , and in the end God’s justice will follow and hound you out even to the smallest hole no matter where you may be.

  • 14

    Baby elephant medical officer under orders from helping hambantota filth?

  • 11

    I dont think that this guy Ananda Samarasekera has taken the Hippocratic oath.

    • 4

      The fat dumb veddha has taken the Hippocrits oath.

    • 2

      He took an oath alright – the Hypocratic Oath!

    • 3

      Forget the oath.
      He looks like a “Hippo” and a “hippocrit”.Agree?

  • 10

    Either the Corrupt Medics ,The Corrupt Police or The Corrupt Marapussa gang running around putting thumbs down here ?!
    Bravos!!! No Psychos !!

  • 4

    This is a matter for the Sri Lanka Medical Council too.
    The SLMC appears to be silent on the issue – it is a requirement that there needs to be a complaint against a medical practitioner, for a ‘show cause’ notice and inquiry.

    Earlier there was a report that the SLMC is concerned but, no follow up.

    • 3

      Dr AS is well connected in SLMC and GMOA too. Will the guardians of SLMC betray their own?

      AS was a big boss in GMOA during my medical student days. Look at him now. He was occupying the post chief JMO once manned by the likes Dr L B De Alwis whom I have cherished memories.

  • 5

    Like the Embilipitiya ASP was protected by their compatriots, so will
    the SLMC. Will he too turn a Crown Witness – easy way out?

  • 2

    In the country where culture of impunity exists it can be difficult to do your job. It is ‘Safety to your self first’. It is easy to be an arm chair gossiper in the safe an comfort of your armchair.

    Certainly the said JMO would have received indirect instructions from the top and certainly would not like to risk his life and consequences to his family to whom he is committed. So would have done what he was told to do. He is certainly not a willing accomplish to the murder. The situation prevailed forced him to do against his conscience. Further it may be difficult to distinguish even by autopsy, the violent trauma of that murder and an accident. Both can produce similar injuries.

    Even if it was clear to him in the autopsy, he would think of the consequences for him and to his family to give an autopsy report not in favour the former powerful Rajapakse Government. He would have sensed the imminent dangers such as what happened to the former Army Commander Sarath Fonseka and also former Chief Justice Shirani Bandaranayake. so he took the easy way out. He is certainly not going to give his life or livelihood for the sake of Thajudeen’s family.

    It is unfair for the Medical Council to disregard the situation of the culture of impunity that prevailed where many who did their job as dictated by their profession but not according to what the President wanted went missing or were harassed. This is the line of attack he should take at the inquiry by the Medical Council.

    In a similar tone I sympathize with the Police officer who was arrested in the same case. To do your job first their must be law and order. This law and order did not exist during the time of Rajapakse. Rajapakse was the law and what he said and did was the law. We all were in that state.

    Even look at the present Chief justice. He has ruled that according to his opinion, issues involved in the case of appointing defeated candidates as nominated MPs lacks any National Importance and refused to appoint a full bench to hear the case. Certainly he did because he did not want to go against the Government. This is the problem his job depends on the politicians and by the Judicial Council or similar professional bodies as what really should have happened. So naturally he is felt obliged and cannot act fully according to his conscience. We cannot really blame him for his actions and there are many hidden factors we are not aware that places threats on his carrier.

    First things first. We have to stop political interference and first let that happen and then the rest will naturally fall in line. Politicians can only pass laws. Leave it to the administrative body to implement. Certainly the officer are accountable to their superiors certainly not to politicians.

  • 3

    This is the difference between the Sri Lanka Medical Council and the one equivalent to the judiciary. Certainly the Medical council maintains its high standards unlike the one for the judges of courts of law.

    The disgraceful former chief justice Sarath N Silva who openly accepted his purposeful act of freeing Mahinda Rajapakse in his case of ‘Helping Hambantota’ scam where he clearly knew Rajapakse tried to steal the aid money amounting to millions meant for the victims of Tsunami of 2004.

    It is clear by his own admission that Mahinda Rajapakse should have served a long jail sentence and debarred contesting for Presidency.

    Sarath Silva by this act was an accomplish to the crime. But he is walking free and no action taken by his professional body even though he accepted of wrong doing. It goes to show the judges of Sri Lanka are corrupt and it is unfair for any one to be jailed by them. We need foreign judges to pass judgements. How can anyone have faith in the justice offered by Sri Lankan courts.

    At least now let the profession wake up and summon Sarath Silva for an inquiry and if found guilty punish him. It is a very serious matter bringing disrepute to the entire profession. I hope someone who is involved in the management of judicial standards of Sri Lanka read my comments.

  • 0

    An error cropped up when I wrote:

    “This is the problem his job depends on the politicians and by the Judicial Council or similar professional bodies as what really should have happened.”

    I omitted the word NOT and should have read:

    This is the problem his job depends on the politicians and NOT by the Judicial Council or similar professional bodies as what really should have happened.

  • 4

    If this guy is found engaged in malpractice his medical license should be revoked.

    • 0


      “If this guy is found engaged in malpractice his medical license should be revoked.”

      I hope you have read my independent comment. He acted on duress. First to do your job you must be guaranteed safety. He is certainly not going to give his life or livelihood for the sake of Thajudeen’s family. What will you do if someone keeps a gun on your head and demands you write whatever he wants?

      It is also unfair to have arrested the police officer for making Thajudeen’s death a case of an accident. He too did under duress.

      So first let people live without any fear of reprisals and so they could do their job with honesty.

      I personally do not think if the JMO (and the police officer) take this line of defense any court of law could find them guilty.

      • 3

        they could have said no and resigned from their posts but they did not!
        this is an act commission. Dr AS should no better than you on medico legal matters.
        I mentioned another chief JMO in my previous comment. He was an exemplary officer

  • 2

    “Appoints Disciplinary Committee To Investigate Ex-JMO”

    a five minute investigation is enough.You have to only investigate his face.

  • 5

    Strike him out. He also gave a hora medical certificate to shashi weerawansa so she could enter a nursing home instead of remand prison

  • 0

    In a charred body when brought to morgue by police who claim it to be an accident, and the relations are present, it is not wrong to give cause as accident initially for the burial but not cremation. AS had noted the injuries and kept samples since cases are taken up many years later. AS chasing CO poisoning is to determine whether he was still alive when he burnt. But report came year later. Never called to the site. My interest was due to the medico-legal postmortems I did for coroners in the UK where a police officer was always present. I read in media a second report “I have very clearly reported everything” by AS, unusual antemortem injuries of head and limbs which incapacitated Thajudeen and subsequent burns, no bullets. He confirms absence of political influence. In another media report by R.Jayakody “Former JMO speaks”, a very detailed account of injuries and limited opinion was given stating that it was not his business to say that somebody inflicted injuries and put him in a vehicle. He left that decision to the magistrate. It was unfortunate that frozen specimens could not be traced. Judging by the legal tension between JMOs and the need by many to highlight SAITM, wrong focus took place Murderers and weapons are needed for justice. There are dead bones in many doctors homes for educational purposes and they are not criminals.

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