18 September, 2024


Video: The Way Sri Lankan Military Treats Women Recruits

“18+ Wanting a Fun Activity That Pays ?” says the Sri Lankan Army recruitment advertisement. But the footage shot by Sri Lanka forces on a mobile phone shows the way Sri Lankan military treats its women recruits. 

SL Army

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  • 15

    Tamil female recruits.

  • 8

    Sinhala are lucky, they get to do this on Tamil

    • 13

      Thats what your dad will be saying to his neighbour, that they are lucky to have his wife around.

    • 6

      WTF??? Wow…you got 7 thumbs up for this?? There is no hope for anyone in this world with people like you around. Hopefully you grow up before you decide to procreate. The world can’t handle any more narrow minded people like yourself.

      • 5

        Seven lame Sinha-lame monkeys have given thumbs up. All seven of them are Uncivilised shameless sinha-arse monkeys. Its true what was written in Mahawansa, that these Sinhalame race began after a woman mated with a wild boar.

    • 9

      This has nothing to do with Tamil or sinhala. Army training is tuff in any country. You think LTTE carders were traind gently ?

  • 23

    Now all the sighalese are silent, why no comments are coming forward…?? If this can do this to their own side what would they do to enemy soldiers, Barbarians, criminals and worst than animals this is SL Army.

    • 8

      Hey Ravi

      How did the ltte trained their suicide bombers, child solders (only feeding milk)or other barbaric LTTE carders, grow up man, you are talking like you just wake up from long sleep

      • 4

        If passa wins again he will make it compulsory for your sister or daughter to undergo miltary training and may be sucide bombers.

        Very nice you are assisting vultures prey from over seas- suba nakatayak pol buuruvo!

        • 2

          javi, well said. the problem is Sri Lankan majority don’t understand this.
          they think mahinda is god and he decides what people of Sri Lanka should do.
          I left country ( while been a doctor in Sri Lanka) just because I noticed that the way mahinda militarize the country, will end up like in North Korea.
          Still these uneducated-hypocrite majority of Sri Lanka will vote Mahinda

      • 10


        “How did the ltte trained their suicide bombers, child solders (only feeding milk)or other barbaric LTTE carders,”

        Okay Krishna,

        lets assume that LTTE beat up the women cadres on their buttocks, tortured them to carry out suicide bombing, didn’t feed milk, and the LTTE cadres were barbaric.

        Do you want to shamelessly follow them in their training method? Do you think the LTTE was the best teacher you could find?

  • 18

    This is sadistic savagery. What kind of psychopathic maniacs are these savages to inflict this kind of unimaginable cruelty on ten vulnerable women recruits? Absolutely shocking. If these are the kind of soldiers the Sr Lankan military is composed of no one should have any doubts about the veracity of the war crimes shown in the Callum Macrae videos. It makes one hate the race these people belong to.

  • 3

    Here we go again, this is nothing but an isolate military initiation, such should not be accepted but worse things happen in other reputable military countries, better than terrorist Tigers killing off their own for simple mistakes and blowing up poeple. Get a life people

    • 1

      [Edited out]

  • 4

    mahattaya shot a teenage recruit for having a love affair with another new recruit.I read this in article that had an excerpt from a book written by a female recruit who went on to be a fighter and then emigrated to australia and wrote her experiences.She said this chap was in her batch of recruits.I was thinking is mahattaya human.This boy had left his studies,was prepared to sacrifice his life for a cause and mahattaya shoots him for something quite natural like falling in love.The srilankan army will not do that.What goes around comes around and mahattaya was tortured to death and prabha also got what he deserved.

    Karma is a bitch they say.The same will happen to those cruel to tamils.

    • 3

      yes your spot on Shankar mahathaya and praba got their just desserts

      i dont know if you know but remember that guy ‘kittu’ of the ltte ? when he was jaffna ltte commander in 1986 or 87 he displayed the severed legs of SL army soliders in Mavitapuram area (lot of people were aghast but didnt do anything knowing the ltte’s gun culture)

      and in a few weeks time ‘kittu’ also lost his leg in a bomb attack in jaffna town!

      • 2

        Peace Lover

        “and in a few weeks time ‘kittu’ also lost his leg in a bomb attack in jaffna town!”

        Did VP arrange the (grenade/bomb) attack on Kittu?

        • 0

          @Native Vedda

          quite possible as that story was also rumoured to be the case

  • 2

    So the Sihala Buddhist demanding the stoppage of cow slaughters and rioting.

    and the southern Sinhala Buddhist are driving bullock carts using their very women by command- pol buuruvo thirisanyo.

    Women are natural multitaskers and are being misunderstood.

  • 1

    “18+ Wanting a Fun Activity That Pays ?” says the Sri Lankan Army recruitment advertisement.”

    and the American woman ambassador Lanka says we will continue training the forces- to fight whom?? India ha ha or US for another Al-CIA-D operation??

  • 1

    Those who like female bum seem very upset!

    • 2

      ” Those who like female bum seem very upset! “

      You to be a male bum person. What ever that tickles your fancy man.

  • 10

    My fantasy is to subject the masochist columnists and commenters who seem to crowd CT to this kind of kinky sex, but I don’t want them to have vicarious pleasure by revealing their names.

    • 1

      First reveal yourself kutti the faggot. You know that you a brave man until your behind a PC screen talking all big. I swear that your mum will be receiving you through her letter box if I catch you.

  • 0

    I hope the Defence Minister has seen this.


    • 2

      The defence Secretary Goatbaiya Jarawapassa will proly have a [Edited out] watching this video.

  • 4

    People who commented negatively have never been in army training. First I too started off by thinking these women soldiers were being treated inhumanely. May be it was so with respect to weals on their buttocks, if they have got them. But there is another side to this story.

    First, the females were being trained for combat and not for a Sunday picnic. Building up their muscles to respond, to be supple and yet be strong and tough for combat duties, to jump through barbed wire holding on to their weapons, and learning to crawl through mine laden narrow strips of land while the enemy shoot at them are the objectives of these exercises.

    During training the DIs and combat instructor use improvised methods to create combat situations, or to scream at them and take the best performance out of recruits. When you are crawling to safety whilst the enemy is attacking from behind with machine gun fire, if you hang around, the bullets will not only hurt your back side but they also will come out through your heads. Dead!!! Stick on their botties, create some combat conditions and gives recruit an inspiration to train harder and faster. Whenever they face real combat they will remember and be thankful to these sticks on botties, that taught them to be swift and brisk, to move like a thalagoya faster, so that they could save their lives.

    So, look at the video objectively and not with a warped mind to suit your political objective of spreading misinformation.

    For your information, these Sri Lankan trainers are too soft. You have not seen half of what British or American military trainers do in combat training situations.

    • 4

      Piss off bo.

      • 6

        Somebody, take out this terrorist! He has the trade mark

        • 7

          He is unequivocally one another sick person on this platform.

        • 4

          Thrishu why don’t drop down on your knee, I’l paint your face white.

          • 4

            Thought it was your belated leader who dropped down on his knees with a hole in his head. Instead of hiding at distance, go see this soldier, you will get treatment for your brain disease.

            • 2

              Yea like Mahinda Jarawapassa begs from the entire world, and not give a single cent for the rest of his Sinha-lame people.

        • 1

          I would like to write you some facts about lanken research, but abuses. YOu may know it better if you listened to it. Is there any pvt e-mail ad so that I could write you directly.

    • 1

      You may be right to some extent,
      but what wonders me why the video does not contain any female senior offiers in the training programs of female aprentice.

      • 1

        The person who repeatedly beats the girls is a woman.Must me a lady corporal.Watch closely.

  • 0

    Oma Yang,
    The link given below says that SLA probe finds video is authentic. It also says the punishment meted out to the new recruits was nor in accordance with military training procedures.


    • 1

      They have to say that don’t they,srilankan,because they have been caught out by camera.IF severe disciplinary action is taken it might start to rain and the drought over.This must be the widely prevalent culture in the army and not a one off incident.Now with the mobile phone technology these are being viewed by millions and therefore army is pretending to be unaware that such things are happening.The army commander himself must be coming when he is horny and caning the bottoms and the recruitment officers also must have been given strict instructions not to recruit ugly women with crap bottoms even if they are capable of becoming doughty fighters.

      Interesting to know who took that video because the person must be having a good view and close quarters and can be seen by all videoing.

  • 3

    SriLanka is fast becoming the capital of human right violations.I see some of the ethnic Sinhalese are commenting on this army atrocity without any compassion.A day will come when an unruly army will take over the reign in SriLanka. Then the majority ethnic community will get a taste of their own medicine.

  • 2

    Irrespective of ethnicity or race this is barbaric treatment of people.Military training is tough but not barbaric. No one is allowed to hit another. This is demeaning and uncivilised. Sri Lankans have to learn a lot. University ragging is still rampant in SL. Military training in SL is archaic and the trainers have no education to differentiate between right and wrong. These pissing boys think they run the world when they are rapped in a dirty uniform. What a shame!.

  • 2

    So far,no sons or daughters of our politicians have been reported to have joined the army,though the great qualities and ‘sacrifices’ of the army are extolled,in defending the motherland against LTTE.
    This may well be because they are well aware of what really happens to new recruits.
    These videos portray nothing but sadism.

    • 3

      I think one of mahinda’s sons has joined the navy.As for the other politician sons they are not joining the armed forces because they want to be politicians and make quick money.They have seen their fathers making money doing nothing except to have a chat about their cut from the deals they make and they also want to join the gravy train and make easy money.Them not joining the army has nothing to do with the brutality on freshers because they anyway would be exempted from that treatment.

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