By Sarath de Alwis –
‘Viyath Maga’- Professionals for a better future is the latest spectacle or circus in town. The Rajapakse brothers Mahinda, Gotabaya and Basil occupying the front row at the ‘Viyath Maga’ event explains the purpose of the well-choreographed spectacle. Also seen in the front row in rapt attention were, former CJ Sarath N Silva, former Central Bank boss Niward Cabraal and Professor G.L Peris, proven trapeze artists in disciplines of Law and Finance. That makes it a circus.
The former defense czar Gotabya Rajapaksa told the estimated two thousand plus purported ‘professionals’ that the country can be redeemed only by daringly decisive action. He described how land across the Galle face promenade was released for a massive hotel project. The move to transform a war weary ‘Serendib’ in to an overnight ‘Shangri-La’ was made with lightning speed said the macho mustachioed soldier son of D.A Rajapaksa who according to legend, followed the leader whose Russian made bronze statue now appears in sprint, hurrying away from the Rajapaksa Shangri-La.
Politics is a competitive game. In this game, immoral people who have no regard for truth command a decisive advantage over those who play by the rules. The professionals of the Viyathmaga are good at making their own rules. It has assembled a group of people with varied talents, proficiencies and interests. Its composition is a commentary on the exceptional abilities of Gotabaya Rajapaksa who is undoubtedly a man of decisive action. They are professionals and academics. They are also the left over remnants of the oligarchy that thrived under the previous regime. The bulk of that oligarchy has successfully ensconced themselves under the benign sanctuary of the more pragmatic business as usual faction of the UNP.
Gotabaya Rajapaksa has a critical approach to power dynamics of the land. He is a maestro in orchestrating interactions among influential stakeholders. They include businessmen, political elite, the military and the media. He also has the uncanny gift of locating and mobilizing potential talent who can serve the family project. He commands the abiding loyalty of a privileged few in the military who enjoyed his largesse when in office.
They are positioning themselves to reverse the gains of 8th January 2015. We ignore these signs at our own peril.
We live in dangerously tumultuous times. A vast segment of our populace do not know what democracy means. A small but a significant segment of the urban middleclass decided enough was enough under the Rajapakse monolith and opted for the common candidate. It was this segment of the middleclass that made the transition from an autocracy to a democracy. They were willing to risk short term democratic chaos instead of stability under coercive autocracy.
Today, these positive middleclass attitudes towards democratic institutions are beginning to falter. The goons of the GMOA were docile disciplined doctors under the Rajapakse regime. Some even doctored postmortem reports for the convenience of the regime. The Sinhala middleclass mostly monolingual is not convinced of the virtues of democracy as is the case in India where independence from the Raj did not undermine the achievements of Thomas Babington Macaulay. The mostly monolingual Sinhala middleclass is middleclass only in terms of affluence. Its ethical priorities are shaped by Buddhist priests such as Elle Gunawansa and Bengamuwe Nalaka seen at the Viyathmaga conclave carrying the authority of saffron robe and Talipot palm leaf fan.
We are yet to understand the meaning and vitality of life in a democracy. Democracy has to be lived and experienced. The millennial generation knows of only a shadowy democracy with periodic manipulated elections held under the pressures of a civil war. Our youth are largely monolingual and insular. While they are comfortable with the IPhone, they are absolutely uninformed of the trajectory of progress that moved humans from the dialing up telephone to broadband access. Our adolescents including my own grandchildren cocooned in limitless connectivity equate progress, development and democracy with shopping malls and access to global brand names.
This is fertile ground for matchless profundities. The Political Scientist, Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka tells the professionals gathered at the Viyathmaga, that we should appoint middle class educated professionals to cabinet office as in Ruwanda, Cuba, Singapore and Iran.
So, after two years of incompetent but largely non coercive democratic governance we are advised that we should bring back the revolutionary guards out as in Iran, install as in Cuba, our own Raul [sic] Gota as President, impose our own Hutsie Tutsie reconciliation as in Rwanda. Facilitating a branch of Mount Elisabeth hospital as in Singapore would be the concession from the Island state of Singapore that is familiar to the Rajapaksa clan.
The author of ‘Ranamaga Ossey Nandikadal’ who attributes his good fortune of witnessing his troops dropping Pirpaharans body at his feet to the constant Bodhipooja and prayers of his wife at the Bellanwila temple told the professionals that he notes the disturbing new developments with grave concern. He was ready to come forward to thwart any attempts to divide the country.
Former SEC boss Nalaka Godahewa warned that the professionals were ready to contribute their expertise to the next government. In a retrospective assessment of the shape of the economy in the last one and half years, he waded in to grounds that angels usually fear to tread. He cited the national debt as a percentage of GDP then and now.
This on a personal note. I have few friends. I look back on more years and look forward to less years. I do not wish to hurt my friends. The father in law of Nalaka Godahewa is a dear friend. It compels me to be gentle.
To most people, economics is a dismal science. But as the Economist and political theorist Murray Rothbard advised us “it is totally irresponsible to have loud and vociferous opinions on economic subjects while remaining in a state of ignorance.”
I presume Mr. Godahewa is unaware of the foreign borrowings by government owned undertakings under the previous regime. What the professionals, pretentious or genuine should know is that the Rajapaksas hocked this land to the hilt.
True. The two man show of Maithri and Ranil is a tragicomedy. As with all tragicomedies, the seriousness of the Prime Minister and the President causes laughter. Their pain very often give us pleasure as in the matter of Bonds.
We must remind the President that his election was possible only with the near total vote of the Tamils in the North. As President in his second year in office, he decides on the venue of a military camp in the North, to declare his determination to protect ‘Ranaviruwas’ of Military Intelligence from possible prosecution for alleged wrongdoings. Who can beat the dark and bitter truth and tone of this tragicomedy?
We owe this irrational moral conundrum of the President to the genius of Gotabaya Rajapaksa. As de- facto head of the Military, Gotabaya manipulated the Military and muted the media. He jailed the General who commanded the troops and sang the praise of the soldier ‘Apen Ekeki Me Minisa’.
The latest pronouncement of Athuraliye Rathna thero is nauseating humour or more simply a sick joke. Some of the Journalists who vanished or assaulted were traitors and spies he said accusing some unknown officials of harassing the valiant war heroes.
Lest we forget, the passage of the 18th Amendment and installation of Mohan Pieris as the highest arbiter of the law of the land removed all vestiges of democracy under the rule of the Rajapaksa regime.
The proceedings of the ‘Viyathmaga’ confab calls for a concerted response from all who cherish the democratic freedoms we have regained at the last Presidential election. We must again commit ourselves to fight as passionately as democracy’s enemies pursue their goal of subverting democracy under the guise of professionals indignant with present governance.
It is well established that the previous regime, exploited the secrecy provisions of the security and intelligence apparatus to conduct illegal and ethically wrong practices and deeds. The former defense secretary was a feared source of immense power. He subverted political parties, trade unions and civil society groups. What will happen if Gotabaya Rajapaksa becomes our next president or prime minister?
A farsighted political scientist is on record with an apocalyptic reading. The following passage given in parenthesis describes what we should expect in that unlikely event.
‘Given his well-known views on security, human rights and allied issues, he will adopt hawkish positions on the north and east and on dissent in the south. The North will get the Gaza treatment. In the South, the Weliweriya doctrine will be more in evidence than not. There will be two, three many Rathupaswelas. The hardline will include neo isolationism in foreign relations, a firmer positioning an Islamabad Beijing axis and greater reliance on Israel. The deep state will rise. Post war Sri Lanka will be transformed in to a garrison state. The role of the security establishment in society, economy and the state as well as its weight in the policy process will take a quantum leap on the model of the national security state in pre democratic Latin America , Turkey and South East Asia.’
This smart reading of possibilities under Gotabaya appeared in the Colombo Telegraph of 4th June 2014.
The ‘Viyathmaga’ was no conclave of professionals. It was an impressive tribal war dance. The famed Swiss psychologist Carl Jung has interviewed the two arch villains of the twentieth century Hitler and Musolini and written about the dictator state.
Dictators are tribal leaders. The tribe has its personal ruler. He surrounds himself with his own particular followers, who become an oligarchy. Then the ‘State’ takes his place. The State is a ghost, a mirror-reflex of the personal ruler. The Ghost state creates its own oligarchy. The state, like the church, demands enthusiasm, self-sacrifice and love, and if religion requires or presupposes the “fear of God,” then the dictator state takes good care to provide the necessary terror.’
Dr. Seetha Arambepola consultant ENT surgeon and professional who addressed the Viyathmaga summed up the exercise poignantly baring her tortured and wounded soul.
She quoted Kunkunawe Hamuduruwo who lamented that the Sinhala tribe had lost its king. Rajek Labunothin Perehera Karangnam Kavum Kiribath Uyannam. When we get a king we shall conduct pageants and make ‘Kawun’.
That is folklore of the Kandyan kingdom. I do not know who coined the other saying or when. Probably a learned Sinhala Professional of the caliber of G L Peiris or Sarath Silva would have coined the phrase Sinhalaya Modaya Kawun Kanta Yodaya. Imagine, an ENT surgeon stone deaf to demands of Democracy, crying out for the restoration of the dethroned tyrant King!
Even the current dispensation has its choir of Professionals dispensing wisdom on agenda driven TV channels hosted by anchors in love with their own affected Sauerkraut diction. But that is for another day.
Ajith / March 11, 2017
Mahinda & Co planned a military coup during the Presidential election but they failed in their attempt because of the precautious measures taken. The contnuous election blow and the braveness of the people saved the nation from falling this land into hands of brutal family dictatorship. Now Mahinda group is in the process of planning another coup which is the one used by JR Jeyawardena with Patha Yatra and raising the boiling temperature of Sinhala blood in turn sucking the blood of Tamils. Anti-Tamil slogans is the only hope these brutal blood lovers have now. Their motive is not about welfare of Sinhala people or Buddhism but it is about power and money. If people fall into the trap as in the past, the futrue is not going to be the same. Always there is a limit and it can destroy everything.
Jema / March 11, 2017
Crap, MR is the only President in history who left the office within 8 hours of loosing an election. Can you be more Democratic than than that?????All politicians are corrupt thieves in SL. However MR gave you the freedom to walk the street and come back home in one piece instead in a coffin. Yes, we understand the frustration of Ellamist, Traitors and backers of Terrorism.
Don Stanley / March 11, 2017
It seems that the deposed Jarapassa still rules Lanka via Ranil Wickramasinghe who is protecting them, while the CULTURE OF IMPUNITY for Financial Crimes by Politicians has magnified because of Ranil’s Protection Racket.
Million dollar question is: Why is Bond scam Ranil Wickramasinghe protecting the Medamulana thieves, including Nivad Cabral and war criminals?
Why has a single jarapassa financial criminal not been tried and locked up? Ranil and MR, Karu and Basil and Gota should all share the same Prison Cell, Shimon your hero Ranil is proving to be worse than this lot! Ranil has finished off their dirty work by looting the Central Bank and Sri Lankan airlines to find his dirty politicians. Ranil should be impeached as has been the Korean President Park,
banda / March 11, 2017
You’re an idiot. Neither Ranil nor Sira is protecting Rajapakses. They tried their best to fix them but simply could not muster evidence or proof against them. Way back in 2015, Mon-gal minister said US$18 billion stacked abroad by Mahinda had been found and will be brought back soon. Alas nothing of the sort has come true. Not just that; Rajitha said he has seen Mahinda’s US$3 billion account in a Dubai bank. Mahinda challenged: not billions, if one US dollar is found belong to his family in any bank account abroad, he will commit hara-kiri. There is however enough and one evidence in the open now about the billion or so dollar bond scam by Ranil, Ravi, Arjuna family and the gang. What say eh?
Amarasiri / March 11, 2017
Sarath de Alwis
(284 words)
RE: Viyath Maga – Reverting To The Dictator State
1. “Politics is a competitive game. In this game, immoral people who have no regard for truth command a decisive advantage over those who play by the rules.”
2. “They are professionals and academics. They are also the left over remnants of the oligarchy that thrived under the previous regime. “
3. “They are positioning themselves to reverse the gains of 8th January 2015. We ignore these signs at our own peril.”
4. “They were willing to risk short term democratic chaos instead of stability under coercive autocracy.”
5. “Today, these positive middleclass attitudes towards democratic institutions are beginning to falter. The goons of the GMOA were docile disciplined doctors under the Rajapakse regime. “
6. “We are yet to understand the meaning and vitality of life in a democracy. Democracy has to be lived and experienced. “
7. ” This is fertile ground for matchless profundities”.
8.” I presume Mr. Godahewa is unaware of the foreign borrowings by government owned undertakings under the previous regime. What the professionals, pretentious or genuine should know is that the Rajapaksas hocked this land to the hilt.”
Thanks for the Summary above.
9. “The proceedings of the ‘Viyathmaga’ confab calls for a concerted response from all who cherish the democratic freedoms we have regained at the last Presidential election. We must again commit ourselves to fight as passionately as democracy’s enemies pursue their goal of subverting democracy under the guise of professionals indignant with present governance.”
Yes, Expose, Expose and Expose the MaRa , GoTa and Crooks. However, This is limited when the National IQ is 79, because many may not comprehend real issues.
nimal fernando / March 11, 2017
Mr Sarath de Alwis,
Bravo, bravo! As a write, you are at your best when you make a go at friend and foe alike with a take-no-prisoners mind-set.
Good to see, you have recovered from the surgery well. Nice to have you back.
SL is not Rajapakses’ or Ranil/Sirisena’s country; it belongs to all the citizens.
We plebeians out here have no power like the pols. All what we can do is, tell it as it is.
At least that, we owe to ourselves.
jim softy / March 11, 2017
Sarath de Alwis:
You can complain. Every politicians is corrupt and they have done only for themselves. I think, you are journalists for decades. But, how many articles you have written showing how those were bungling up the country; they were getting disporportionately rich with respect to their income and how luxury lives they were living at the expense of the govt..
So, don’t you think, this is just one correct step in the right direction, not just the whole process ?
See what Ranil-Maithri-CBK- Mangala are doing.
Ranil spent some millions to get GSP by travellin in europe. Even after making Sri lanka a Gay paradise, destroying sri lankan culture and the youth, Earnings from GSP is only 0.1% of the sri lankan exports. Why Sri lanka is that pathetic so bend to the europe and get the but wounded for this 0.1% export.
vishvajith / March 11, 2017
Lest we forget the past at our own peril.
Just like President DBW did after the death of President Premadasa, President Sirisena and PM Wickremasinghe has calmed the nation post President Rajapaksa era.
Knowing what’s around the corner after this duo make me mourn for Mother Lanka in Advance.
Such is the nature of life, no ?
Douglas / March 11, 2017
Hm…. What a circus and a carnival is this? If this “Viath Maga” needs a slogan, my suggestion is:”Horu Ekathuwa Yamu Idiriyata. Nathinam Apata Puthe Magak Nathe”. That. to me is very appropriate when looking at the faces of those seated in the front row of seats. That ex Chief Justice Sarath N Silva among many other rouges (too many to name), who confessed that he gave so many wrong judgements sitting in the front seat tells the story and what is in stock for the future.
Ranjan / March 11, 2017
Isn ‘ t it better than the “pirimi nurse bus gemunu ” hawula that has become the darling of the present govt.
Hela / March 11, 2017
The harangue given by this pseudo intellectual amply demonstrates his ignorance (or cunningness?)
Can he describe what democracy does the masses enjoy in SL today (that the Secretary John Kerry praised so much)? Is it the one that Victoria Nuland established in Ukraine? The Egyptian “spring” under Obama “care” established in Egypt?
It is time to unmask these imperialist boot lickers trying to teach us democracy……..
Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka / March 11, 2017
Sarath de Alwis’ critique, even if skewed and less than accurate (to put it mildly), is an intellectually serious one, unlike that of the Ranil stooge and pathetic expat with a curiously veiled bio-data who has penned a parallel critique of Viyath Maga on this same website.
De Alwis’ critique is also markedly different from that of the internet trolls who parse every single word of Gotabhaya Rajapaksa or any Rajapaksa for that matter and whose discourse on the Rajapksas is definable as political ” hate speech” verging on the pathological.
That said, it is not my habit to avoid the issue posed by Sarath de Alwis’ smart resurrection of my 2014 critique of Gotabhaya. Indeed a more extensive version of my critique of these policy orientations is available in my full length book, “Long War, Cold Peace” (Vijitha Yapa, 2014 edition).
While I retract none of what I said, that critique was embedded in a concrete context and is rendered outdated and therefore largely irrelevant for three reasons:
1. In 2014, the dynamics that prevailed were regime dynamics. From 2015 to 2019/2020, the preponderant dynamics will be movement dynamics, in which the composition and ideology of the JO, a populist center-left formation, will be a crucial determinant. Thus a Gotabhaya Presidential candidacy will resemble 1956, 1970, 1988 (Premadasa) and 2005, much more than it will 2014.
2. As a former critic of Gotabhaya, I have seen at close range how he has changed positively; evolved for the better. His background as a decorated combat officer who has been educated in several military academies, and as a highly successful developmental bureaucrat of the sort that Premadasa and Sirisena Cooray would have prized, has made him a more thoughtful strategic Realist in all things. This is a man who has matured to the point of being able to rescue and uplift his country if he is elected leader. GR potentially, is our Deng Xiao Peng, Putin or Raul Castro.
3. Sarath de Alwis would recall Trotsky’s point about opting even for ” the devil’s grandmother” in certain circumstances. Even if everything critical I said about Gotabhaya in 2014 were as relevant now as they were then and were to come true under a GR presidency, I would unhesitatingly choose Gotabhaya over Ranil-Mangala-CBK and the treasonous disaster they are visiting upon this country, just as the Russian citizenry unhesitatingly referred Putin to the national disaster of the Yeltsin policies, the Filipinos preferred Duterte, the Turkish preferred Erdogan, and the Indians, Modi. I think that Mahinda as PM and Gota as President is the best possible leadership combination the country could have in the foreseeable future— though I must admit that I hope Kumara Gunaratnam can make it within my lifetime.
Ansar / March 11, 2017
Dayan the D….. sucking up to MR’s a..e as usual.
Go and get a life you discarded fool.
We the people never allow your MARA/GORA the murderous duo to kill and maim our country anymore. Enough is enough. Go to Medmulana and fly a kite with all your killers and murderers. Don’t forget all the other crooks like, Sarath N Silva, Modawansa, Gonawradane, Bandula the liar and all your 40 thieves.
Ali Baba, the Ace Thieve is waiting for you with his God Father Murderer GOTA.
You are a bloody disgrace to intelligence.
gamini / March 12, 2017
This Nugegoda Man stands naked. His nominee Gota will be a non starter. Just wait and see.
Hela / March 11, 2017
[Edited out] We are sorry, the comment language is English – CT
Native Vedda / March 11, 2017
“[Edited out] We are sorry, the comment language is English – CT “
Have you lost your mind again? This is not 1956 Sinhala Only Era. Wake up.
Hela / March 13, 2017
I know we have gone back to 1815-1948 era. CT owns this space. Whether one like it or not they decide what to publish. It is their politics…….I have no problem….I can live with it.
Hela / March 11, 2017
Today’s democracy……
“A vast segment of our populace do not know what democracy means”.
Therefore they should not be given any opportunity to vote and elect their local representatives. So no PS elections. We have an “independent” Election Commission to show the world how democratic we are. That’s enough for PM to be awarded with honorary doctorate like the Nobel “Peace (piece)” prize received by Obama.
Native Vedda / March 11, 2017
“That’s enough for PM to be awarded with honorary doctorate like the Nobel “Peace (piece)” prize received by Obama.”
Don’t you remember two war criminals were conferred honorable doctorate just after the conclusion of war by Colombo Uni for killing innocent people (thanks partly to Laksiri Fernando) which most probably would have brought immense pleasure to you as a bigot?
Don’t you also remember Percy Mahendra “Mahinda” tsunami Rajapaksa was conferred doctorates by Peoples’ Friendship University of the Russian Federation, an Honorary Doctorate by the Beijing University of Foreign Languages and the Visva Bharati University of Calcutta in India conferring on him the title Professor Emeritus?
How highly educated those brothers are.
LANKA NITIZEN / March 11, 2017
Goabaya is revered by every single Sinhalese Buddhist, Christian protestant and mainly Catholics equal to Buddha and Jesus.
While The north&east Tamils except a handful of kaurana,Amman and Douglas the rest will not rest until they have their vengeance against him.
While as Usual The Muslims are holding theirs caps in the hand- harane -harane pathe te hoiya , and People like Hamdiyas are desperately waiting for the return -the only Muslim clothes outlet that was personally protected by Basil and given a free hand is today struggling to stay alive, they always found o Limit a threat, the only Muslim Philithopoist in the island today.
They were Massaging the wrong balls ,had the soften the balls of the north and east tamils without following Karuna’s agenda and Hameediyas
Today yes they would have been respected leaders in the world and if not for karuna we won’t be having all these accusations on us -like abductions ,white Vans ,BBS,Ravaya, Ravana, Anti-halal.
Today Karuna is inside only to protect him and his group, I can say this north and eastern Tamils are people with gratitude if you had helped them they would worship you,but if you have betrayed them and harmed them they will never, ever forgive you.
The Present regime’s only past time job is protecting all the guilty which will ultimately see their exit in 2020 for good.
sarath de alwis / March 11, 2017
No politician who relies on Saffron robed political hirelings can heal this nation. I am surprised by your passive, deviant collusion with zealotry.
Trotsky also said this about leaders. If the leaders seek only to preserve themselves, that is what they become; preserves, dried preserves.! (revolution betrayed )
Hope to take up Smart Patriotism.
Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka / March 11, 2017
Sarath, if you watched the video of my speech on the occasion you’d hardly classify it as ” passive, deviant collusion with zealotry”. In fact it contained, nay, constituted, an antidote.
In the meanwhile let’s get to the crux of the matter: Presidential election 2019 and its RW vs Gota.
Who do you think will win?
Native Vedda / March 11, 2017
sarath de alwis
I am sorry to confirm the smart ass patriots will never get your point, particularly the shameless war monger and war crime denier Dayan.
Never mind, we are happy to see how they appear desperate to cover their back and front with fig-leaves, education.
Why are we reluctant to discuss lack of wisdom?
jim softy / March 11, 2017
Dumb Native Veddo:
The spiritual organization of LTTE war defeated by the War mongers.
Killing suicide bombers and black tigers pooping inside airport terminal is a war crime.
Go back to Tamilnadu.
Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka / March 11, 2017
You’ve written about the educated middle class that voted for regime change. If one wants to know what the educated urban middle classes think about RW, MR, GR etc. read this report by a credentialed researcher and scholar.
Non PhD / March 11, 2017
Hello Smart Patriot DJ ( son of Mervyn de Silva ),
Two complementary critiques by Sarath de Alwis and Shyamon Jeyasinghe has exposed your smart patriotism.
As a Cuba loving DJ can you give your views why GoRa & family love US and how they were saved by the US system ? Can you smart patriot DJ reveal the citizenships of GoRa & his family members ?
If at all GoRa becomes the President of SL who will be the first Lady and what nationality she will be ?
Why DJ you have stopped your cunning , mischievious praise of Sajith Premadasa with the intention of bringing back Rajapakses to power since Jan 15 ?
Why DJ you are still trying your level best to weaken the MS – Ranil government and bring back Rajahs ? Why are you adamant like Prabaharan ? He had his sympathy & support until certain point much better than that MaRa was revered and had the support and power till 8th Jan 2015.
Why these people and you DJ never organised a ” Viyathmaga ” during the period from 2010 to 2015 ? Is it because thesse Viyathmaga members were busy enriching themseves financially while Rajahs are in power than creating a better Sri Lanka after 2009 ?
Are you in the pay roll of any anti US countries or India ? Organising an event like Viyathmaga needs lot of resources ?
sarath de alwis / March 11, 2017
I will not dispute the middle class disappointment / disgust with the Maithri Ranil performance. People did note vote for Maithri to evict a tenant at Darley Road.
They or at least I expected the restoration of our civil liberties and the rule of law as I knew it under Dudley and Sirima. .Here is something your educated columnist will not speak of on morning walks.
Ravaya published the prison riots report under the caption – “The Report that Ranil refused to publish.” Now the Government will pay compensation to the victims. Who ordered the massacre? Ranil has a deal with MR. Thajudeen succumbed to a brain injury suffered in the Rugger Ground which he did not know of. . Lasantha either stabber or shot himself. Keith Nayahr banged his face against the bathroom mirror. The six school boys collected a nautical map from Karannagoda and scooted off to Australia. I can go on and on. You are a realist. I am a simple minded Spartan. I do not dislike Gotabaya or the other Rajapakses. They have been promoted beyond their worth. They are successful beyond their achievements. Dont tell me about the war victory. Prabhakaran lost the war. In death he succeeded. He screwed us all.
Why don’t you persuade MR to request a dissolution of parliament ? If the people truly desire a grand alliance, they will then say so. Dissolution is something they can all agree on. ,
Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka / March 11, 2017
As someone who was in the loop when these things happened and actually denounced Lasantha’s killing in print ( in The Island) while still serving as ambassador, most of us defending Sri Lanka in the international arena knew who was being covered up for and indeed urged that Gota, who was NOT responsible, shouldn’t carry the can for him. I remember telling President MR in Nov-Dec 2009 that Gota whitewashed this pathologically murderous and sadistic guy due to an old “brothers-in arms” mentality and now he’s left with the brush and the whitewash bucket while the guy has defected to the Americans.
Of course I had experienced the same thing when Richard de Zoysa was killed. All of us– Ranjan Wijeratne, Bradman Weerakoon, Neville Jayaweera, Susil Sirivardhana– knew it wasn’t Premadasa, knew how shocked he was. I for one urged that he should not carry the can for anyone. But he was persuaded to out of misplaced loyalty.
I also know, as did most people, that Vijaya was not killed by Premadasa, as CBK alleged, but by the JVP.
I further know that though the JVPers deserved to die for their crimes, many innocents were killed by the vigilante death squads– with which MR had nothing to do, but a present member of the Cabinet was the Godfather of.
The Rajapaksas were far more sinned against than sinning.
I find it bitterly ironic that all those responsible for these depredations were in one coalition, de facto if not de jure, in 2015, and three of the four are now in Cabinet.
Douglas / March 11, 2017
Please listen to “Gota’s” speech carefully. He says this organization called “Viyath MAGA” is a “Pressure Group” to a Government now and in the future. I replayed this speech to my neighbour bakery owner “Jemis Maama” and asked his opinion. This is what he told me. ” Oka Mahathayo, issara ape kale horu geval bindinna issella bithiya hil karala Muttiya dala balanawa wage vedak”. (In our olden days, the robbers carve out a hole in the wall and send in a clay pot to check the situation inside the house). Doesn’t that explain the whole TRUTH of this “VIYATH MAGA” composed of “DIRAPATH” (Decomposed) HORA NADE”?
sarath de alwis / March 11, 2017
Sorry Dayan,
A riddle is not an answer. If Premadasa covered up the murder of Richard de Soyza he is an accomplice to the murder. I knew Premadasa long before you came to know him. I was on night duty on the CDN news desk when the city edition carried the arrest of his sister for pilfering some tax file to help a businessman. Premadasa was alerted and he was not taken by surprise the next day in Parliament. Sirisena Cooray is still living and you can ask him about the story. He sided with his rogue son in law and flushed me down the drain when I served in London. Why did the cop Romnnie murder Richard ? Why did Premadasa cover up. Was Pasky a conduit to the LTTE? Ranjan Wijeratne was convinced that he was.
Does it not occur to you that all this cloak and dagger stuff permeated our politics under the executive presidency?
I note, that you evade responding to my assertion of a Ranil Maahinda deal. Who ordered the Welikada masacre.?
As Mervyn de Silva’s son don’t you have a responsibility to expose Lasanatha’s assassin ? If you are privy to the info.
Why should Trump shield the killer now , if indeed he defected to the Americans ?
Why should Gota carry the bucket and brush to whitewash murderers when he has entrepreneurs and professionals in the Viyathmaga ready with quick drying spray paint equipment? .
No Dayan . You are defending the indefensible.
Pay heed to Kafka. “Don’t bend; don’t water it down; don’t try to make it logical; don’t edit your own soul according to the fashion!
Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka / March 11, 2017
Don’t be silly Sarath: what has Trump got to do with it? The Yanks did what they do in most parts of the world. They turned the nastiest, blood-thirstiest guy in the old regime precisely because he was the one they had the most dope on, and they could therefore ‘turn’ him, which they did. WikiLeaks already has some of the material and Rajiva’s published writings have quoted from these cables when covering the defection. The strategy didn’t quite pay off at the 2010 elections. At that time even the Indians weren’t on the same page as the US on this one, and stayed with the Rajapaksas. It was the latters’ stupidity in the second term (Sajin etc) that brought the US and the Indians together.
And Premadasa may have been a rough diamond but if you do your journalism well, you’d know he had nothing to do with Richard’s killing. Ask Brad, Susil and Neville J. Then again, if you did your journalism well, you’d have a better sense of the Rajapaksas, especially Mahinda, and know that killing Lasantha just doesn’t fit the persona nor carries the motivation. A good investigative reporter would know what Lasantha’s killing was about and who was ultrasensitive both to criticism as well as to Lasantha’s “leaks” to MR.
As for Gota’s yelling and screaming at journos at that time, what he was doing was to desperately say ” look, if you continue to write stuff with the war going on, I bloody well won’t be able to protect you because there are some who consider themselves demi-gods and others who carry out their orders blindly. So please stop this!” Gota wasn’t threatening to murder anyone, nor did he.
Non PhD / March 11, 2017
Dr DJ,
As a VIP in the loop under different regimes and as a smart patriot defending Sri Lanka in the International arena , still not late for you to come clean. Now that Old JVP’s times and LTTE & Other rebels’ times are over you can come cleaner by going to one or more of these international organisations and confess : Interpol, UNHRC, SAARC, Amnesty International, and tell the truth you know so that the standing of Mother Lanka will be in the Ascendance.
Also to have inner peace go to Rome, Jerusalam, Buddha Gaya, Mt Kailash, Anuradhapura Sacred City, Dalada Maligawa, Adams Peak & Kataragama and pray. You will become cleaner spritually and mother lanka will be happy, forgive you and accept you as a filial son or as a real smart patriot.
sarath de alwis / March 12, 2017
I rest my case.
Allow me to quote Sarath de Alwis. ” Gotabaya Rajapaksa has a critical approach to power dynamics of the land. He is a maestro in orchestrating interactions among influential stakeholders. They include businessmen, political elite, the military and the media. He also has the uncanny gift of locating and mobilizing potential talent who can serve the family project.” He found you.
The ‘Hamu’ class can call each other ‘slimy crook’. They impress nobody. They are the sorry remains of a vanished world. Surely you are not that desperate to quote Rajiva Wijesinghe the slimy professor who told us if you remember , that 18th amendment was the best piece of legislation he had voted for!
Yes. Mahinda told Lasantha’s brother that Sarath Fonseka was responsible. Surely the man who could remove a chief justice is capable of indicting a murderer! This country has no future if the Raja[akses escape justice. It is equally so if the slimy cheats responsible for the bond scam escape retribution.
This takes us nowhere. Smart patriotism and banal nationalism is a better subject.
Native Vedda / March 12, 2017
sarath de alwis
Dayan Jayatilleka war monger and a war crime denier types:
“As for Gota’s yelling and screaming at journos at that time, what he was doing was to desperately say ” look, if you continue to write stuff with the war going on, I bloody well won’t be able to protect you because there are some who consider themselves demi-gods and others who carry out their orders blindly. So please stop this!” Gota wasn’t threatening to murder anyone, nor did he.”
Here is a brilliant performance by Gota the Intellectual in an interview with BBC:
Gotabaya Rajapaksa on Fonseka: ‘We will hang him’
Villager / March 12, 2017
Sarath De Alwis is writing like a ruble rouser! I liked his articles but when I read his comments to Dr. DJ, I think he is apparently lost within his own views and ideas; therefore he sounds more like loose cannon!
What we need at this juncture is to stop this rubble rousing! And to analyze SL’s burning issues quickly, gather data, facts, etc, formulate a comprehensive national plan with lasting solutions, and implement it asap with the support of intellectuals, business people, government employees, and the general public. I agree with Dr. DJ and the efforts being made through Viyathmaga; they started a good dialogue and we have a team of efficient and effective performers who delivered goods (not just article writers who live in Australia and political speakers who cannot do anything. PM RW and Prez MS could have become good Christian preachers because they all speak about a beast or devil, and an unforeseen heaven).
The current Y government has no economic plan for the future. They wasted the last two years and spent their valuable time to keep blaming the Rajapaksas and the general public got so fed up with their allegations that the Y-leaders have now become jokers! Central Bank Bond issue was their killer and nobody trusts them, not anymore! Please go and speak to any Sri Lankan in cities or villages; everybody is fed up and they want to take the revenge! If you hold elections (local or provincial or general) you’ll see how frustrated the average citizens are and how vengeful they could be!
Douglas / March 12, 2017
One good thing that came out of this article by Sarath de Alwis was to get Dr. DJ engaged through the comments column. I suppose Dr. DJ would have read all the comments and got well informed of what others think of him and how they assess him to be a patriot mingling with a set of publicly known rogues.Do you now know who you are in the eye of a majority in the society? As the Non PHD said, come out freely using the liberties now available and make a very honest confession and try to see the reality without engaging in a Marketing Assignment from the “Joint Opposition Peretha Thatuwa”.
sach / March 12, 2017
Do you now know who you are in the eye of a majority in the society?//
I think he has a very good standing in the eye of the majority of the patriotic Sri Lankans. Just by looking at this comment section infested by eelam supporters, anti Sri Lankans and Yahapalana fools you cannot gauge the mood of the majority of the people of the country.
sarath de alwis / March 12, 2017
I have a sinking feeling that you are one of the sorry remains of the vanishing world- the ‘hamu’ class. From the village of Getamanne in the Hambanthota district perhaps?
gamini / March 13, 2017
I believe the ‘Villager’ is a discarded Diplomat smarting, sulking, thinking they can return. Gota will be a non starter for those who think that he will be President. I enjoyed reading Sarath’s candid views expressed as against this dubious Dayan, who tries to hoodwink with his imaginary concoctions.
Villager / March 13, 2017
Mr. S. de Alwis!
I expected a sensible reply/comment from you but you want to attach labels and brand me a villager. Yes, it is the millions of villagers who support our socio-economic system with a lot of sacrifices. They don’t speak English but don’t think they are silent and have no feelings! They did their sacrifice in the past; they did it during the war against terror! They are doing it now and they will continue to do it in the future! I salute them and I’m proud if somebody brands me to be one of them!
I have noticed the ongoing frustration of the general public whenever and wherever I speak to them. It is a fact and this Y- government has no plan to resolve the mounting issues that are now being interwoven to an unmanageable level. This is being happening on a daily basis: It is like the so called ‘unwinnable’ war against Pirabhaharan that many gullible people in Sri Lanka were made to believe that it could not be defeated. Similarly, ‘Beautification of Colombo city’ was also an unwinnable challenge before it was done and completed. However, when something is/was done some Sri Lankans jump the gun and try to find fault with it. They never appreciate anything in life! Terrorism is over and now we ask why we bought MIGs and who wanted them? If this is what we expect from writers, journalists, and other communicators who display their debating abilities through WWW I, from my experience as a villager, could say that you people are non-starters and ruble rousers only. Wake up, look around, and try to understand the bitter truth and hard realities of the current world; we all have to work through difficult times but those who just preach and do nothing… ‘Viyathmaga’ will be a troubling ‘wake-up call’.
sarath de alwis / March 13, 2017
The brand villager is your own labeling. I merely inquired if you are from the village of Getamanne in the Hambanthota district.
Yes. Indeed. Viyathmada is a troubling wake up call for those who cherish human dignity and a society that respects the rule of law.
Villager / March 13, 2017
There are other troubling wake up calls too now coming from different directions:
This is what one of the prominent Yahapalana whip-crackers (Kasakarayas) confesses now: (quoted from Thirsaranee Gunesekera’s article on CT today):
“Three incidents which happened last week symbolise the failure of the government to live up to even a minimal level of expectations. The government moved two supplementary estimates in parliament; the first one of Rs, 494 million was to buy luxury vehicles for several cabinet and state ministers; the second one of 134.4 million was to fund a monthly allowance of Rs. 100,000 for parliamentarians, ostensibly to maintain an office. The week ended with yet another shameless deed – the conferring of an ambassadorship on ASP Liyanage by President Sirisena.
Bribing ministers, parliamentarians and sycophants with perks and privileges at the expense of the country is the way President Maithripala Sirisena and the Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe maintain their hold over their respective parties and win friends.”
Then I read this on DBS Jeyaraj’s Webpage:
“Last year, the Excise Dept gave approval to W.M.Mendis & Co Ltd (of which Arjun Aloysius is Chairman) to set up the alcohol manufactory on instructions from the Dept of Fiscal Policy, both of which fall under the purview of the Ministry of Finance headed by Ravi Karunanayake.”
When “those who cherish human dignity and a society that respects the rule of law” wake up they can have a Mendis shot as their bed tea!
bren sosa / March 14, 2017
Prior to the 2015 Presidential Election and the August General election one of the main slogans was “billions of US Dollars were stolen. I assume that all those who kept on harping on this should have known the location of these billions.
After the election and upto now all these Dollars have vanished into thin air.
Is the public intelectual or otherwise to believe such tripe in the future?
NAK / March 16, 2017
In plain language Sarath still prefers false 6% academics over Viyath maga professionals.
By the way the 6% pack are now fighting for their pay packet
which the ‘Jahapalana gov.hacks have pricked holes in it!
“Gotabaya Rajapaksa has a critical approach to power dynamics of the land. He is a maestro in orchestrating interactions among influential stakeholders. They include businessmen, political elite, the military and the media. He also has the uncanny gift of locating and mobilizing potential talent who can serve the family project. He commands the abiding loyalty of a privileged few in the military who enjoyed his largesse when in office”
These are your own words Sarath,what happened to the so called ‘Gota’bhaya
you guy’s never failed to refer to?