By Colombo Telegraph
“I have been waiting and waiting until the Sri Lankan government would respond” said the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon . His remarks were made in an exclusive press meeting with Norwegian Foreign Media on 10 October in Oslo. Journalist Nadarajah Sethurupan has questioned the Secretary General when he attended the International Climate and Energy Summit that opens on Monday, hosted by the Norwegian Government.
The Secretary-General stated, “On Sri Lankan issues as you remember, I have established a Panel of Experts and they have reviewed all these situations and made many recommendations. These recommendations are something which needs to be implemented by the Sri Lankan people. I have been waiting and waiting until the Sri Lankan government would respond, positively, to the implementation of recommendation done by Panel of Experts.”
“Just a couple of weeks ago I decided to refer this report to the Human Rights Council and my High Commissioner for Human Rights and they are now reviewing this Panel of Experts Report.” he further said.
“I met the President Rajapaksa just two weeks ago on the occasion of the United Nations General Assembly and we discussed this matter. He assured me that he would do his best to ensure the human rights of all his Tamil People be protected and promoted and also would do all domestic measures to see that justice prevailed.” the Secretary General added.
Watch his remarks here;
Jaliya Silva / October 12, 2011
This man is playing too.
raj / October 12, 2011
The ministry of Human Rights role helped Sri Lanka to be ignored by international community on Human Rights violation in Sri Lanka. The same person who was Minister of Human Rights of Sri Lanka during war is leading the defending Sri Lanka against human rights.
hansan / October 12, 2011
Waiting and waiting for what? Untill Sri Lanka approch you. For What?
peter / October 12, 2011
report written by supporters of LTTE is not impartial. this fact and the connection of panel mambers with LTTE appeared in news papers. moon may be in pay list of LTTE.
Ruwan Kotuwelle / October 12, 2011
What are you waiting for Moon?. What makes you think that SL should answer you for eliminating terrorism. Politicians obviously play roles for money. What do you play for now in your second term.
Harbi / October 12, 2011
So wait few more years!
HAM / October 12, 2011
Typical spineless reply to an LTTE apologist in Norway. The Darusman Report has no legal mandate to make Sri Lanka do anything, and it was an unprecedented action counter to all protocol accepted by the UN to send this non-sanction report to anybody, let alone to the High Commissioner of Human Rights, an LTTE apologist herself.
Sunil Fernando / October 12, 2011
Moon,are you not happy without lttterrorists?
daggy / October 12, 2011
Wait untill the Cows jump over the Moon………..
You can wait banky………. GOSL is not there to dance to your follies.
You do it right. Then GOSL will reciprocate.
Something worst is taking place in Sirtet in Libya. Some Countries are air bombing & NTC rebels from the Ground.
The great ICRC has just gone in and only evacuated 08 injured. Scores dead. No water, food or medecine going in there. Worst, someone by the name of NATO has bombed Civillians and the Hospital as well.
Here is a clear cut case for Darusman to report. You are responsible MOON.
Can you send that entire bunch of NGOs shedding crocodile tears in Sri Lanka during Nandikadal to Sirte in Libya.
Those NGOs in SL were daredevils as they refused to withdraw from deep inside SL Wanni.
Ha…ha…. If this is good for the Goose, why not for the Gander……… Warn yourself
Pands / October 12, 2011
Please investigate human right violations done by USA and UK in Iraq and some other countries. Work with the back borne. Don’t biased to UN and other some countries. At least think about honor of the position.
Rufus / October 12, 2011
Sri Lanka delays the response means a lot to HRW . Lets do it right and file the response . We should have courage to face Black or White lets NOT show that we are cowards . If the world court wants us to testify why worry lets face and show our transparent replies. If we delay we are showing our weakness . If we are proud to defeat the terrorist then we should also face the world to know that we are not cowards.
Joe / October 12, 2011
Agree that Sri Lanka should respond but only when the UN acts in a proper manner according to the provisions of the UN Charter and not according to the whims and fancies of a back boneless UNSG who thinks that the panel of LTTE experts he has appointed can recommend a course of action for the sovereign state of Sri Lanka to follow.
Ben Hurling / October 12, 2011
Sri Lanka has no obligation to respond to Darusman report which is written by people well provedd to be prejudiced against Sri Lanka. Period.
Sri Lanka has nothing to hide or appologize for. Sri Lanka should take this report and tear apart the rubbish inside it one by one in international forums.
Sri Lanka,please make sure high standards of human rights are upheld in our country for our own sake. Not to satisfy Ban Ki or other LTTE appologists.
prabath de silva / October 12, 2011
Not only Moon the whole UN is a waste of time .Actually it is a good job to have Travel alot get paid a lot but just dont do anything worthwhile only need to suck to the big guys and smooth talk as a politician. I would like to apply for this job.
Mr Moon but keep your hands off sri lanka the only nation who were able to eradicate terrorism otherwise by Noon you will be sent to the Moon.
Sunil Fernando / October 12, 2011
Dear Moon, you can wait till Prabakaran comes to meet you.
Chula Rajapakse / October 12, 2011
The flaws are entirely with the Darusman commission. The first flaw was the way it was appointed, against the express wishes of security council members,without any reference to Sri Lanka about the acceptibility of the commissioners, choosing three who had made adverse comnts on Sri Lanka in the recent past.
Second flaw was the contents of the report.It was asked to report on the accountibility process in Sri Lanka not fact finding. However it concludes that “there were crdible allegations of human rights violations”. How can they conclude so , without oing “fact finding”. Even worse, they state that the source of their information to conclude so cannot be revealed for twenty years.So much for their transparency but want Sri Lanka to be transparent.
Thirdly, in Sept. UNSG sends the report to the UNHRC,without even informin Sri Lanka, hoping it would be discussed. That did not happen because the majority of the members of the UNHRC saw the flaws an objected to it’ being tabled.
Now the Tiger Diaspora is trying further trciks to resurrect it.
Kumar / October 12, 2011
What is wrong in having open indepentent inquiry. Let us all stand for human rights regardless of LTTE,Government, Sinhala or Tamil.
Hari / October 12, 2011
Many of GOSL ministers need to learn diplomacy or leave diplomatic positions without bringing shame to SL. They have created this Ban, Obama, Harper, etc. With their actions they are doing exactly what the LTTE dispora want them to do. Showing the world their stupidity.
Moon is a man without a back bone. He shows his arrogance only to smaller countries like Srilanka. His mouth is taped by the British and Americans. Shame on UN.
Punchinilame / October 12, 2011
The post of SG permits him to seek any Report on matters that he has to act on, as much as an elected
President assigns a Commission to produce a Report any matter he wishes to take a decision – as 14
such Commissions are known to have occurred in S.L. This UNSG Panel was turned down from visiting
S.Lanka – for reasons better known to all. The result was a Report based on whatever written evidence that
was submitted duly supported by available evidence called for in Public. The Tamil diaspora which was
directly effected did make submissions – and do the Sinhala masses (& commentators here) expect them to keep quiet? All evidence was both ant-LTTE and anti-state, whereby both parties stand accused, to be
dealt with the appropriate Office.
There was a reason for turning down the Extra Judicial Killings UN Special Rapporteurs visit^by the Govt.
as there was no such killing!!! The final result is that the SG had to keep moving forward even with SL Govt.
choosing not to..
Ram / October 12, 2011
Tell you what Moon, Ask your staff Vijai Nambiar and his brother Satish Nambiar (THe Sl Military consultant) to carriout a review of expert panel report and ask them to submit recomendations. Observe key points, do not rush them to give a report, this misht lead to wrong conclusions. Let them take their time. Secondly, ask them to comment whether their recomendations are to be made public. Finally make sure, their report is absolutly binding on all parties and there should not be any futher discussions on Sri Lanka after that.
Job Done in the right way.
mAHEN dINAKARAM / October 12, 2011
tamil diaspora is only interested in pursuing in Establishment of a elam state in srilanka, hence presurizing their host countries in various nefarious ways to drag srilanka to face war crimes TRIBUNALThe tamil Diaspora is not interested in any way to be part of the ongoing reconcilation efforts in side Srilanka.Therefore they are Traitors and no support should be given to them
csj / October 13, 2011
“The well-being of mankind,” Bahá’u’lláh writes, “its peace and security, are unattainable unless and until its unity is firmly established.”
GURU FROM INDIA / October 14, 2011